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Dec.07-2014: .

Research inside: Innovative information
treatment, and innovation technology.
Heading for: Formula #1.

Its about, applying true identitys, to: Information fragments. Any

fragments identity, are unique for its information type. This, will
become a software, with an input; and: Output field.
If we feed, both the input, and output field; with enough, correct
questions and answers: We should see the log network, of question to answer identification, and its different trials of logical calculation techniques.
There will be attempts, to stabilize the variable values, in both: Information identity, and different methods, for identity calculation.
We may set up a powerful machine, to: "Bruteforce-meditate", until we can scan through the log, for: Correct, and new innovation
We may, then: Attempt to find a highly logical, and systematical:
Terminology, for identity and calculation. This, might be the key,
to: Omniscience.
I do, already have a suggestion, for the formula terminology. This formula, is named:
.VPTx8. It, is still: Slightly unspecific, in its output. The user, will have to trust himself,
and: Interpret, with its outputs. However, the interpretation aint completely independent, from the users side. The answer is there, however its somewhat encrypted. The
formula, is not complete, yet.
I believe, that the .VPTx8, may calculate forth, to any: Encrypted answer. However, the
input question. I, also believe, that: As long as there are limits, to the scales, of: Informative identity, and fragments: There will also, be a limit; to the bruteforce procedures.
The encryption problem, may come by: The way, the .VPTx8; is constructed, now: As
the formula, will only generate: Outputs, with limited amounts of letters. This, could
be solved with self-generating, general perspectives: Additive calculation structures,
through the identification mathematics. I know, that there is always possible, to gather
different information, into: General, ultimate symbols/perspectives.

.VPTx8 - Addition
This formula, is built up from both, the: .VPTx4, and .VPTx7.
To understand .VPTx8, you should read, here:
The following, are an example of .VPTx8's: Stepwise, innovative
calculation, of the words: "Det myke underlaget, kongen sitter p".
I thought the answer, simply would be: "Trone". However, I got a
positive suprise; becouse: The formula, are describing the input
theme. This, could mean that .VPTx8; is suited for innovation.
Det myke underlaget = Basic starting point
4-5-20 - 13-25-11-5 - 21-14-4-5-18-12-1-7-5-20
Kongen sitter = The targets context
11-15-14-7-5-14 - 19-9-20-20-5-18
P = Ask angulation
[X] det mcfzffhfehgagcbciffg
det Mc.Fzffh-Feh, ga gcbc iffg
Det, Mc.Fzffhfeh, ga bort, til gcbc; i flge noe.
Det, Mc.Fennez-Feh, ga bort, til Great Britain: Complete, before Christ. I flge en
Hva, Christian Frederik, ga fra seg, i flge Kieltraktaten: Den store staten, fiendligstillt
av England, fr Kristus.
The answer, didnt just become: Trone. However the formula, is examplifying inside numerous interesting subcategories. Its working with the meaning, of the word:
Trone. However I might have a bit of work left, before I can make Velopt: Give answers, which doesnt need interpretation.
[X] = Equivalent, to one of my abstract artworks. The calculation result, is only an
abstract pattern. And needs therefore: To be interpreted. Either by the user, or by the
computer. Which means, I should work with a unit for interpretation. All I can assume,
of this, is: That it might be processed, with calculations: Working with a crossword

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