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Gentle Introduction to MathML

by Robert Miner and Jeff Schaeffer (revised 9/2000)

MathML is about encoding the structure of mathematical expressions so that they can be displayed,
manipulated and shared over the World Wide Web. A carefully encoded MathML expression can be evaluated
in a computer algebra system, rendered in a Web browser, edited in your word processor, and printed on your
laser printer. Mathematical software vendors are adding MathML support at a rapid pace, and MathML is fast
becoming the lingua franca of scientific publication on the Web.

MathML Tutorial
The MathML 1.01 Specification is quite long, complex and technical. To make it easier to get started with
MathML, the following tutorial emphasizes the main ideas with graphics and lots of examples.

• The Big Picture

• Elements and Attributes
• Boxes, Boxes and More Boxes
• Containers and Operators

MathML Language Reference

The WebEQ MathML Language Reference describes the WebEQ implementation of MathML. MathML is the
native input languages for the WebEQ Math Viewer. While MathML has many advantages for encoding
equations for the Web, authors who want to write equation markup by hand will probably find it easier to use
WebTeX. WebTeX can also be used as an input language for the Math Viewer, and it can be translated to
MathML by the Page Wizard.

A description of each MathML element is given below. This description contains both general information
about the role of each element in MathML, and specific information about how each element and its attributes
are implemented in the WebEQ rendering engine.

WebEQ implements MathML 1.01, based on the specification developed by the World Wide Web Consortium.
There a few features of MathML that WebEQ does not implement, and a few extra features that WebEQ adds.
However, at the time of this writing, WebEQ provides the most complete and compliant implementation of
MathML available.

The element descriptions are grouped according to their MathML function:

• Presentation Elements
• Content Elements
• Differences Between MathML 1.01 and WebEQ MathML

The Big Picture

Presentation and Content
Think about trying to help a student with a math problem over the phone. Your first challenge is to make sure you
are both talking about the same thing, and there are two natural approaches. You can say things like "use the chain
rule to write down the derivative of f composed with g", or, if the student is really at sea, you can say "write f
prime, open paren, g of x, close paren, g prime of x". The first method tries to communicate the sense or meaning,
and leaves the notation up to the student. The second method tries to convey the notation, so that by looking at it,
the student can grasp the sense.

In MathML, these two styles of encoding are called content encodings and presentation encodings. Which kind of
encoding is most appropriate for a given task will depend on the situation. MathML allows an author to use either
kind of encoding, or mix them in a hybrid.

There are 28 MathML presentation elements, with about 50 attributes. These elements are for encoding
mathematical notation. Most elements represent templates or patterns for laying out subexpressions. For example,
there is an mfrac element, which as you would expect, is used for forming a fraction from two expressions by
putting one over the other with a line in between. Using presentation elements, you can precisely control how an
expression will look when displayed in a browser, or printed on paper. Unfortunately, as with any layout-based
mark-up language, it is all too easy to get it to look right, without taking care to get the underlying structure right.
In some cases this won't matter, but it is less likely a badly encoded expression could be spoken properly by a
voice synthesizer, evaluated in a computer algebra system, or used by other applications which need to know
something of the sense of an expression, rather than just its appearance.

For content markup, there are around 75 elements, with about a dozen attributes. Many of these elements come in
families, and represent mathematical operations and functions, such as plus and sin. Others represent
mathematical objects like set and vector. Content markup is intended for facilitating applications other than
display, like computer algebra, and speech synthesis. As a consequence, when using content mark-up, it is harder
to directly control how an expression will be displayed.

The WebEQ editor is presently set up to generate presentation markup. It is possible to using it to edit content
encodings as well, but that is not what it is currently designed to do.

Expression Trees
If you look at a lot of math notation, you will soon notice that although there are a lot of math symbols, there are
only a few ways of arranging them -- a row, subscript and superscripts, fractions, matrices and a few others. Of
course, these notational patterns or schemata often appear nested inside one another, such as a square root of a
fraction, and they generally have a number of parameters which depend on the context, such as the amount to shift
a superscript for inline math vs. displayed math. The important point is that even complicated, nested expressions
are built-up from a handful of simple schemata.

MathML presentation elements encode the way an expression is built-up from of the nested layout schemata. The
best way to understand how this works is to look at an example:

(a + b)2
This expression naturally breaks into a "base," the (a + b), and a "script," which is the single character '2' in this
case. The base decomposes further into a sequence of two characters and three symbols. Of course, the
decomposition process terminates with indivisible expressions such as digits, letters, or other symbol characters.
The MathML presentation encoding of this expression is:

The top-level structure is an expression with a superscript. This is encoded by the fact that the outermost tags in
the MathML mark-up are the <msup> and </msup> tags. The mark-up in between the start tag and the end tag
defines the base and the superscript.

The first subexpression is an mfenced element, which displays its contents surrounded by parentheses. The second
expression is the character 2, enclosed in <mn> tags, which tell a renderer to display it like a number. Similarly, the
subexpressions contained in the mfenced element are all individual characters, wrapped in tags to indiciate that
they should be displayed as identifiers (<mi>) and operators (<mo>) respectively.

Though we won't go into this until later, the content markup for the same exmple might be:

As you see, content mark-up uses the same kind of syntax as presentation markup. Each layout schemata or
content construction corresponds to a pair of start and end tags (except for so-called empty elements like <plus/>,
which we will encounter later). The the mark-up for subexpressions is enclosed between the start and end tags, and
the order they appear in determines what roles they play, e.g. the first child is the base and the second shild is the
superscript in an msup schema.

As the indentation of the MathML examples suggests, it is natural to think about MathML expressions as tree
structures. Each node in the tree corresponds to a particular layout schema, and its "branches" or child nodes
correspond to its subexpressions.

This abstract expression tree is a handy thing to have in the back of your mind. It also describes how the MathML
tags should be nested to encode the expression, and how typesetting "boxes" should be nested on the screen to
display the notation.
Next Steps
Before we go on, and start getting into the details, let's review the main points from this section:

• Presentation mark-up is for describing math notation, and content mark-up is for describing mathematical
objects and functions.
• In presentation mark-up, expressions are built-up using layout schemata, which tell how to arrange their
subexpressions, e.g. as a fraction or a superscript.
• The way the MathML layout schemata are nested together is naturally described by an expression tree,
where each node represents a particular schema, and its branches represent its subexpressions.

Now that we have a have an idea of the big picture, it is time to get more specific. The next section, Elements and
Attributes, describes the syntax of MathML mark-up in more detail.

Elements and Attributes

HTML, XML, and MathML
Many people are somewhat familiar with HTML-style syntax. In HTML, one mixes keywords in angle brackets
with the text to indicate logical sections like paragraphs and titles. Different kinds of logical blocks display in
different styles. Often, one can specify variants on a theme by adding attributes in the start tags of a particular
block. For example, in HTML, the start and end tags <table> and </table> mark a table section, and you can
specify variations by adding attributes like <table width="85%">.

MathML uses a very similar style of mark-up. In MathML, because of the nature of the subject matter, the ratio
of tags to text is much higher than in HTML, but the start tag/end tag syntax and the use of attributes is the same.

There are a few small differences, which we will go over below. These stem from the fact that the HTML syntax
follows the rules of SGML while MathML follows the rules of XML. Both SGML and XML are systems for
defining mark-up languages like HTML and MathML. SGML has been around a long time, especially in
industry and the government, and SGML applications are very good for data that must remain accessible as
software and hardware change. However, it is quite complicated, so a simplified version tailored to Web
applications called XML has recently been formulated.

There are many good reasons why MathML is an application of XML. Among them is that XML is fast
becoming the browser extension mechanism of choice. By casting MathML as an XML application, it should
soon be possible to view MathML natively in browsers. Until then, plug-ins and applets like WebEQ can display
MathML in browsers today. Another reason for using XML is that it is quite easy to write software to process
XML, and there will be more and more of it in the future.

The downside of XML-style syntax is that it is tedious and error-prone to enter it by hand, just like complicated
HTML. However, with tools like WebEQ Editor, or the WebEQ Wizard utility for converting from WebTeX to
MathML, it is generally not necessary to directly edit much MathML by hand.

A MathML Syntax Primer

In MathML there are two kinds of elements. Most elements have start and end tags of the form:
<element_name> ... </element_name>
These elements can have other data in between the start and end tag, such as text, extended characters, or other
elements. The remaining MathML elements are empty elements of the form:
These elements have just one tag, which looks like a hybrid between a start and an end tag.

All MathML elements accept a few attributes, and some accept a dozen or more. Attributes generally specify
additional information about the element. Each attribute has a name and a value. When used with an element that
has both start and end tags, the attributes go in the start tag between the element name and the final '>'. In empty
elements, attributes go in between the element name and the final '/>'.

Attribute values must always be enclosed in quotes. In XML, either double or single quotes are permitted. For
technical reasons involving how browsers work today, WebEQ requires that single quotes be used. A couple of
templates illustrate the general format for attributes:

<element_name attrib_name1='val1' attrib_name2='val2' ... >

<element_name attrib_name='value'/>

Most MathML attribute values are required to be in a particular format, such as a positive integer, or one of a
short list of keywords like "true" and "false". The proper format for a given attribute is listed in the presentation
reference section. The WebEQ Editor will also automatically generate the proper attribute format in many cases.

The final thing you need to know about MathML syntax is how the actual text and symbol characters needed for
mathematical formulas are encoded. First of all, characters and symbols can only appear inside a handful of
special MathML elements called token elements. Consider an example:

Most MathML elements, like the outer mrow element, expect to only find other MathML elements in their
content. By contrast, the mi and mo elements are tokens, and their content consists of characters and symbols.
Within token elements, one can have plain text characters, which display as themselves, or special entity
refereneces. Entity references are just keywords in a special format, which represent extended characters.
Examples of character references are &alpha; and &cap; which stand for a lower case Greek alpha, and the
intersection sign, respectively. MathML renderers like WebEQ, with access to symbol fonts, will display the
actual extended character glyph in the place of the entity reference.

The format for an entity reference is a keyword preceded by an ampersand (&) and followed by a semicolon (;).
That is, a generic entity reference looks like: &entity_name;.

Most of the MathML entities names are nearly identical to LaTeX symbol names: To write a LaTeX symbol such
as \alpha in a form used by MathML, remove the initial backslash and add an ampersand to the beginning and a
semi-colon to the end of the word. Thus, \alpha becomes &alpha;

The complete list of MathML entity references is very long and comprehensive with more than 1800 symbols.
The subset of entities that WebEQ can render is also quite long, and therefore is not included here. The list of
entity references recognized by WebEQ is given in the entity reference section.

Next Steps
Since syntax without any substance is hard to focus on, here are the main points in review:

• MathML elements either have start and end tags which enclose their content, or use a single empty tag.
• Attributes may be specified in a start or empty tag. Attribute values must be enclosed in quotes.
• All character data must be enclosed in token elements. Extended characters are encoded as entity

Now that we understand MathML syntax well enough to read it, in the next section, Boxes, Boxes and More
Boxes we turn our attention to the presentation elements, what they mean, and how they are used.

Boxes, Boxes, and More Boxes

Layout Boxes
MathML presentation mark-up is based around the idea of a layout box. You can think of a layout box as a sort
of abstract bounding box for a particular kind of mathematical notation. Layout boxes naturally fall into
categories based on their contents. Simple layout boxes just contain individual characters, and their dimensions
depend only on the font being used. More complicated layout boxes arrange their "child boxes" according to
some algorithm. For example, a fraction box arranges two child boxes to be vertically stacked with a line
between, and centered horizontally.

For these cases, the actual dimensions of a layout box depend recursively on the sizes of the child boxes.
If you think about trying to typeset a mathematical expression by hand, it is clear why layout boxes are a good
idea. The first time you typeset a fraction, you have to work out the algorithm for computing the horizontal and
vertical positions for the numerator and denominator expressions. Once that is done, you can teach it to your
assistant, and he or she can do all the calculation without knowing anything but the dimensions of the
subexpressions. Or more likely, these days you create a digital assistant, like WebEQ, to do it.

MathML presentation elements represent abstract typesetting layout boxes. Roughly speaking, presentation
elements correspond to the media-independent aspects of a typesetting layout box. This abstraction is what we
were calling layout schemata in The Big Picture.

Each element corresponds to a layout schemata that describes how its children schemata are logically related to
each other. A renderer like WebEQ then turns these logical relations into specific algorithms for physically
laying out equations on the screen. The attributes of an element essentially specify parameters to the layout

As an example, again consider the mfrac element. The mfrac element represents a fraction layout schema,
which expect two children schemata for the numerator and denominator. There is only one mfrac attribute
"linethickness" which specifies the thickness of the fraction line. The actual fraction algorithm a render like
WebEQ may be substantially more complicated, depending on how hard it tries to optimize the appearance of a
fraction in unusual situations. But from the point of view of a MathML author, all of this complexity is hidden
by a layer of logical abstraction. Provided the author has taken care to get the logical structure correct, he or she
should be able to leave the rest to the renderer.

Tokens and Basic Layout Schemata

The most common MathML presentation elements are the toekn elements mi, mn and mo. Recall that token
elements are the only elements which directly contain character data, so each individaul identifier, operator, and
number that appears in an expression must be wrapped in a token element.

<mi> ... </mi>

mi elements indicate that their contents should be displayed as identifiers. This means that single
character identifiers like 'x' and 'h' should appear in italics, while multi-character identifiers like 'sin' and
'log' should be in an upright font.

Attributes include font properties like fontweight, fontfamily and fontstyle as well as general properties
like color.

<mn> ... </mn>

mn elements indicate that their contents should be rendered as numbers, which generally means in an
upright font.

Attributes are like those for mi.

<mo> ... </mo>

mo elements are the most complex token schema. The indicate that their contents should be displayed as
operators, but how operators are displayed is often quite complicated. For example, the spacing around
operators varies depending on the operator. Other operators like sums and products have special
conventions for displaying limits as scripts. Still other operators like vertical rules stretch to match the
size of the expression which they enclose.

In MathML, renderering software is expected to contain an "operator dictionary" which contains

information about how different operators are conventionally rendered. However, everything about how
an operator should be displayed can be controlled directly by using attributes. Attributes include
properties like lspace, rspace, stretchy, and movablelimits.

The mo element is also used to mark-up other symbols which are only operators in a very general sense,
but whose layout properties are like those of an operator. Thus, mo elements are used to mark-up
delimiter characters like parentheses (which stretch), punctuation (which has uneven spacing around it)
and accents (which also stretch). One can use attributes to indicate that the contents of an mo should be
treated as one of these related types.

Now that we are acquainted with a few token elements for marking up individual characters and symbols, we
need some layout schemata for arranging tokens into expressions. The most common and important general
purpose layout schema is the mrow element. The following list describes mrow and some other common
elements in more detail:
<mrow> child1 ... </mrow>
The mrow element can contain any number of child elements, which it displays aligned along the
baseline in a horizontal row. However, in addition to positioning schemata in a row, the mrow is very
handy for grouping together terms into a single unit. One might do this in order to make a collection of
expressions into a single subscript, or one might nest some terms in an mrow to limit how much a
stretchy operator grows, and so on.
<mfrac> numerator denominator </mfrac>
The mfrac element expects exactly two children, the first of which will be positioned as the numerator
of a fraction, and the second will be the denominator. By setting the linethickness attribute to 0, the
mfrac element can also be used for binomial coefficients.
<msqrt> child1 ... </msqrt>
The msqrt element accepts any number of children, and displays them under a radical sign.
<mroot> base index</mroot>
The mroot element is nearly identical to the msqrt element, except it expects a second child, which is
displayed above the radical in the location of the n in an nth root.
<mfenced> child ... </mfenced>
The mfenced element is like an mrow, except that it displays enclosed in parentheses. Using attributes,
one can set the beginning and ending delimiter character, as well as internal separator characters like
<mstyle> child ... </mstyle>
The mstyle element is also like an mrow except that it handles attributes differently. The mrow element
has almost no attributes of its own, while the mstyle elements can be used to set any MathML attribute.
Just exactly how this works is described in the next section on inheritance.


Attributes make MathML very flexible, but to use them effectively, you need to understand how attributes are
inherited. Attribute values are basically set in three ways: they can be explicitly set in a tag, they can be looked
up in the operator dictionary, or they can be inherited from the environment.

Behind the scenes, each element has an environment that specifies default values for all MathML attributes.
Ideally, the environment is initiallized by a browser with sensible values for attributes like color, background,
displaystyle and the font related attributes. Each child element "inherits" its parent's environment. If an attribute
value is not looked up or otherwise computed, or set directly on the tag, the attribute value is inherited from the

An important point for understanding inheritance is that ordinarily values directly set in a tag do not change the
default value in the environment. They only affect the element on which they are set. To change the environment
for an element, and hence for all children of that element, one must use the mstyle element.

Any presentation attribute can be set using the mstyle element. Values which are set in this way are inherited by
all of the mstyle's children elements. In other words, attributes set with mstyle are in effect for all elements
within the scope of the mstyle.

Now that we have met some of the key players, it is time to see what we can do. Here are some examples and
comments which illustrate the use of the basic layout and token elements. Consider the expression x2 + 4x + 4 =
0. A basic MathML presentation encoding for this would be:

This encoding will display as you would expect. However, if we were interested in reusing this expression in
unknown situations, we would likely want to spend a little more effort analyzing and encoding the logical
expression structure.

For starters, our example is more than just one long horizontal row of symbols. The row naturally breaks up into
groups corresponding the the mathematical terms in the expression, like x2 and the 4x. Grouping symbols into
terms typically won't affect much about the display, except perhaps linebreaking, but it makes a bigger
difference to a computer algebra system trying to heuristically figure out what the notation means. Thus a more
thorough encoding might look like this:


This example shows the use of the mfenced element to encode the expression f(x + y):


By adding an mstyle element, we can set the color of the function argument, so that the expression f(x + y) will
appear in red:

<mstyle color='#ff0000'>

Here is a sample encoding showing the use of the mroot and mfrac elements to encode


Finally, lets look at a more substantial example, like the quadratic formula:

A very careful encoding might look like this:



Notice that the plus/minus sign is given by a special named entity &PlusMinus;. Also, notice that another named
entity &InvisibleTimes; has also been inserted. This entity doesn't display in print, but here we have added it to
facilitate voice synthesis and heuristic evaluation by computer algebra systems. Whether or not you want to go
to the trouble of adding extra grouping and invisible characters will depend on the purpose of your document,
and what audience you want to reach.

Script Schemata
Superscripts and subscripts are ubiquitous in mathematical notation, and MathML contains seven layout
elements for different kinds and combinations of scripts. Here are brief descriptions:

<msub> base script </msub>

<msup> base script </msup>
The msub and msup elements expect two children, which are displayed as a base, and a sub- or
<msubsup> base subscript superscript </msubsup>
This element puts both a subscript and a superscript on the same base. This is usually preferable to first
attaching one and then the other with the msub and msup elements individually, since then the scripts
are not vertically aligned.
<munder> base script </munder>
<mover> base script </mover>
The munder and mover elements expect two children, which are displayed as a base, and a under- or
overscript. A common use of these schemata are to attach accents like bars and tildes to a base. However,
since accents are typeset closer to the base than other expressions, it is necessary to set the accent or
accentunder attributes to "true" in this case.
<munderover> base underscript overscript </munderover>
This element attaches both an under- and and overscript on a base. This is particularly useful for
positioning limits around a summation sign or similar large operator. The operator dictionary typically
sets the movablelimits attribute to "true" on mo elements which contain these large operators. Renderers
like WebEQ use this attribute to determine whether munderover should display the limits as under- and
overscripts or normal sub- and superscripts. By default, limits are displayed above and below when an
expression is displayed by itself, and in the sub/super script positions when the expression is in a line of
<mmultiscripts> base sub1 sup1 ... [<mprescripts/> psub1 psup1 ...] </mmultiscripts>
This element is used to place tensor indicies around a base expression. If you don't already know what
tensor indicies are, the basic idea is that the mmultiscripts element can be used to put multiple columns
of scripts on a base. It can even attach columns of "prescripts" to a base.

We begin with a somewhat artificial example which shows the difference between nested msub and msup
elements and a single msubsup:

Our second example shows how one can control movable limits on large operators, using an mstyle

<mstyle displaystyle='true'>
<mstyle displaystyle='false'>
A final example illustrates the use of the accent attribute:

<mover accent='true'>
<mover accent='false'>

MathML tables are a lot like HTML tables, except they have substantially more attributes for controlling math-
specific layout behaviors. Although the attributes can get complicated, the basic usage is simple; a mtable
element contains any number of mtr table row elements, and mtr elements contain any number of mtd table
data cells.

<mtable> row1 ... </mtable>

The mtable element accepts a number of attributes for controling how that table is laid out. The
rowalign and columnalign attributes can be used to determine how the entries in rows and columns
should be aligned, e.g. "center", "left", "top", etc. The rowlines, columnlines and frame attributes can
be used to draw separator lines. rowspacing, columnspacing, equalrows, and equalcolumns determine
the spacing between rows and columns.
<mtr> cell1 ... </mtr>
The attributes of the mtr element are basically the same as the row related attributes of mtable, but they
only apply to that specific row and not the whole table.
<mtd> child1 ... </mtd>
The mtd element accepts a number of the table attributes, just like the mtr element, which can be used
to over-ride values for one cell. It also has two special attributes, rowspan and columnspan, which can
be used to make one cell span several rows or columns. This is very useful for table headings.

Here is the markup for a simple matrix:

<mfenced open='['; close=']'>

Next Steps
This section contains a lot of information to absorb. Remember the highlights:

• Presentation elements can be thought of as abstractions of typesetting layout boxes. Each element
represents a sort of "smart template" for laying out subexpressions in a certain way, such as a fraction or
a row.
• All character data (including entity references) must be wrapped in a token element, such as mi, mn, and
mo, which determines how it will display.
• In addition to a number of general layout elements like mrow and msqrt, there are families of elements
for handling scripts and tables.
• The are many attributes which can be used with presentation elements. Default values are inherited from
parent element to child element. Attributes set directly in an element's begin tag override inherited
values. The defaults can be modified by using the mstyle element.

Now that you are acquainted with presentation mark-up, in the final section, Containers and Operators, we
examine MathML content mark-up.
Containers and Operators
Prefix Notation
Computer languages typically employ either prefix, infix, or postfix notation to capture the idea of
applying an operator to arguments. For example, Postscript and Hewlett-Packard calculators use postfix
notation. Most programing languages and computer algebra systems use the infix notation we are
accustomed to seeing in print. However, the computer language LISP uses prefix notation, which also
corresponds more closely to many natural language constructions like "f of x" and "subtract 5 from 8".
For this and other reasons, MathML content mark-up also uses prefix notation.

A pleasant consequence of using prefix notation is that parentheses are no longer necessary. Using infix
notation, we must use parentheses to distinguish (x - y) / 2 from x - (y / 2). However, in MathML, the
order of operations is clear from the prefix notation, so parentheses aren't necessary.

<apply> <apply>
<divide/> <minus/>
<apply> <ci>x</ci>
<minus/> <apply>
<ci>x</ci> vs. <divide/>
<ci>y</ci> <ci>y</ci>
</apply> <cn>2</cn>
<cn>2</cn> </apply>
</apply> </apply>

This example also introduces the fundamental apply element. The huge majority of content elements
represent either operators or mathematical data types, and it is the apply element's job to group
operators with arguments. The apply element expects an operator schema as it first child, and interprets
the remaining children as the arguments of that operator.

Most MathML operators and functions are represented by empty elements like <cos/> and
<intersect>. However, one can use the fn element to explicitly declare an object to be a function, for
example <fn><ci>f</ci></fn>.

The examples also illustrate the use of content mark-up's only token elements, ci and cn. These elements
represent identifiers and numbers, respectively. Since functions and operators are represented by
elements, no "co" element is needed.

In MathML, an identifier is any kind of name or label. In content mark-up, this usually means things
such as variables and function names. A type attribute on the ci element can be used to specify the type
of object which an identifier represents.

The cn element is primarily designed to mark-up integers, rational, real or complex numbers. However,
any kind of character data is permitted in the cn tag, so it is possible to mark-up expressions like
<cn>xii</cn>. The type attribute specifies what kind of number the element encodes. Similarly, the
base attribute can be used to specify that the encoding is to a base other than 10, such as octal or
Token elements represent identifiers and numbers. Of course, an identifier can refer to any kind of
mathematical object, but in the case of common objects like vectors and sets, it would be nice to directly
encode the structure of the object as well as its name. For this, new elements are needed to represent
other kinds of mathematical objects and data types.

MathML uses container elements to represent basic mathematical objects and data types. In general,
container elements represent things like sets which are constructed out of other data. The main examples
are sets, intervals, vectors, and matrices.

<set> [<elt1> <elt2> ... | <condition>] </set>

The set element constructs a mathematical set whose elements are specified by the set element's
children. This can be done in two ways. The children can either be a list of tokens and containers
which represent the individual elements of the set, or the set elements can be specified by a
single condition child element. The condition element is dicussed below, and encodes
expressions like "all x such that x < 2".
<interval> <pt1> <pt2> </interval>
Intervals in the real line can be specified with the interval element. It expects exactly two
children elements, which encode the end points. The closure attribute determines which of the
end points lie in the interval, and can have the values "open", "closed", "open-closed" and
"closed-open". The default is closed.
<vector> <elt1> <elt2> ... </vector>
A vector element constructs a vector whose components are given in order by its children. By
convention, in MathML vectors are column vectors for matrix multiplication.
<matrix> <row1> <row2> ... </matrix>
Matrices actually require two elements, matrix and matrixrow. Although matrix rows are a little
odd to single out from a mathematical viewpoint, they are necessary crutch for encoding
matrices. A matrix element expects any number of children, but they have to all be matrixrow
elements. The children of the matrixrow elements represent the individual entries in the matrix.
All matrix rows should have the same number of elements.




<reln> <eq/>
<bvar> <ci>x</ci> </bvar>
<reln> <geq/><ci>x</ci><cn>0</cn> </reln>

<interval closure='closed-open'>



<reln> <eq/>
<vector> <cn>1 </cn> <cn>2 </cn>

<matrixrow> <cn>0 </cn> <cn>1 </cn> </matrixrow>
<matrixrow> <cn>1 </cn> <cn>0 </cn> </matrixrow>

<apply> <transpose/>
<vector> <cn>2 </cn> <cn>1 </cn>

Operators, Functions and Relations

There are around 50 empty operator elements in content markup, which represent commonly used
functions and operators. The only other operator element is fn, which is used to create user-defined
functions. Recall that on account of MathML's prefix notation, there is basically no difference between
functions and operators; in common usage, we tend to call operators which are traditionally written with
prefix notation "functions", like sin x. But from the point of view of MathML, they are both operators
which may be applied to arguments.




Note that the parentheses around the x do not explicitly appear in the MathML mark-up; a renderer like
WebEQ would typically use some kind of heuristic for deciding when parentheses are visually
appropriate, but they are superfluous from the point of view of capturing the meaning of the expression.

Operators' elements are usually applied to arguments with the apply construct. However, they can also
be manipulated by themselves:




The fn element is used to declare that its child element should be regarded as an operator element. In
this case, a computer algebra system would probably recognize the sine and cosine functions, and treat
the result of adding them together as a function again. However, explicitly marking functions is
important for user defined functions.




MathML does single out relations from other functions and operators, even though they could be viewed
a functions which return truth values. Examples of relations are eq, leq, and subset. They are applied to
arguments using the e element in a way analogous to the way operators are applied to arguments using
the apply element.



<reln> <eq/>

The predefined MathML operators and relation fall into roughly eight groups. They are listed here:

Arithmetic, Algebra and Logic

<quotient/> <exp/> <factorial/> <divide/>
<max/> <min/> <minus/> <plus/>
<power/> <rem/> <times/> <root/>
<gcd/> <and/> <or/> <xor/>
<not/> <implies/> <forall/> <exists/>
<abs/> <conjugate/>
<eq/> <neq/> <gt/> <lt/>
<geq/> <leq/>
<ln/> <log/> <int/> <diff/>
<partialdiff/> <lowlimit> <uplimit> <bvar>
<degree> <logbase>
Theory of Sets
<set> <list> <union/> <intersect/>
<in/> <notin/> <subset/> <prsubset/>
<notsubset/> <notprsubset/> <setdiff/>
Sequences and Series
<sum/> <product/> <limit/> <tendsto/>
<sin/> <cos/> <tan/> <sec/>
<csc/> <cot/> <sinh/> <cosh/>
<tanh/> <sech/> <csch/> <coth/>
<arcsin/> <arccos/> <arctan/>
<mean/> <sdev/> <var/> <median/>
<mode/> <moment/>
Linear Algebra

<vector> <matrix> <matrixrow> <determinant/>

<transpose/> <select/> A
handful of of operator elements are meant to be used in conjunction with qualifier elements. For
example, qualifier elements are used to specify the limits for the integral operator. These specialized
idioms are discussed in more detail in the next section.

The most obvious group of qualifier elements are those used with the int, sum, and prod elements. All
three of these operators have a notion of a lower limit, an upper limit, and a bound variable. In MathML,
qualifiers are used to specify these additional parameters, as is illustrated in this example:



<bvar> <ci>n</ci> </bvar>
<lowlimit> <cn>0</cn> </lowlimit>
<uplimit> <ci>&infty;</ci> </uplimit>

Another important idiom involving qualifiers comes up with the differential operators diff and
partialdiff. The order of a derivate can be specified using the degree element together with a bvar:



<degree> <cn>3</cn> </degree>
<apply><fn> f </fn>
<ci> x </ci>

Qualifier elements are examples of MathML idioms. Math is full of examples of specialized and
exceptional notation. Here and there, MathML has had to adopt a few specialized constructions, like
qualifiers, to deal with them.

One such idiom is the use of the condition element to specify the elements of a set:


<bvar> <ci>x</ci> </bvar>
<bvar> <ci>y</ci> </bvar>
<apply> <and/>
<reln> <lt/> <ci>0</ci> <ci>x</ci> <ci>1</ci> </reln>
<reln> <leq/><ci>3</ci> <ci>y</ci> <ci>10</ci> </e>

Some other less common idioms involve using lambda expressions in function declarations, and using
quantifiers with log and limit.

The semantics element

The last important thing we need to look at is the semantics element. Content mark-up has two
drawbacks: it doesn't include everything you might need, and it doesn't always display the way you
would like. The semantics element addresses both of these problems.

When you use content markup, you have to trust a renderer like WebEQ to put your expression on the
screen in a reasonable way. Inevitably, this causes problems -- you want to use prime notation for
derivatives, like f'(x), while WebEQ renders this as df/dx, and so on.

To remedy this, you can use the semantics element to specify both the presentation mark-up and content
mark-up for an expression separately.




<msup> <mi>f</mi> <mi>′</mi> </msup>
<mi>(</mi> <mi>x</mi> <mi>)</mi>

<apply> <diff/>

It is also possible to use the semantics tag to extend MathML. The special annotation element can serve
as a wrapper for any kind of semantic information, such as computer algebra input or links to other
references. By binding an annotation together with a MathML expression, one can send additional
information along for the ride, and specialized renderers that understand it can take advantage of it.



<bvar> <ci>x</ci> </bvar>
<bvar> <ci>y</ci> </bvar>
<bvar> <ci>z</ci> </bvar>
<reln> <eq/>
<apply> <plus/>
<apply> <power/> <ci>x</ci> <ci>2</ci> </apply>
<apply> <power/> <ci>y</ci> <ci>2</ci> </apply>
<apply> <power/> <ci>z</ci> <ci>2</ci> </apply>

<annotation encoding='oogl'>
0 0 0


The "oogl" annotation in the example above allows an application that uses the Object Oriented
Graphics Library to draw a three-dimensional representation of the surface described by the equation, a
sphere with radius one centered at the origin.

Next Steps
Here are the main points from this section:

• MathML content markup uses a prefix notation style. Operators are applied to arguments using
the apply element. There are many predefined operator elements like sin, and you can create
user-defined operators and functions with the fn element.
• Mathematical objects and data types are represented by token elements ci and cn, or by
container elements like set.
• There are a number of MathML idioms to handle special cases, like the use of qualifier schema
such as lowlimit with the int operator,
• You can use the semantics element to specify both presentation mark-up for display, and content
mark-up for evaluation.

Congratulations! You have now covered the MathML fundamentals, and it is time to put your
knowledge to work. A good way to get started is to is to download a copy of WebEQ from
www.mathtype.com and start putting math on the Web.

Presentation Element Reference

Covers the WebEQ 2.5 implementation of the MathML 1.01 Specification.

Token Elements:

<mi> identifier
<mn> number
<mo> operator, fence, or separator
<mtext> text
<mspace/> space
<ms> string literal

General Layout:
<mrow> group any number of subexpressions horizontally
<mfrac> form a fraction from two subexpressions
<msqrt> form a square root sign (radical without an index)
<mroot> form a radical with specified index
<mstyle> style change
<merror> enclose a syntax error message from a preprocessor
<mpadded> adjust space around content
<mphantom> make content invisible but preserve its size
<mfenced> surround content with a pair of fences Scripts and Limits:

<msub> attach a subscript to a base

<msup> attach a superscript to a base
<msubsup> attach a subscript-superscript pair to a base
<munder> attach an underscript to a base
<mover> attach an overscript to a base
<munderover> attach an underscript-overscript pair to a base
<mmultiscripts> attach prescripts and tensor indices to a base Tables:

<mtable> table or matrix

<mtr> row in a table or matrix
<mtd> one entry in a table or matrix
<maligngroup/> alignment group marker
<malignmark/> alignment point marker Actions:
<maction> bind actions to a subexpression

Content Element Reference

Covers the WebEQ 2.5 implementation of the MathML 1.01 Specification.

Token Elements:

<cn> Content Number

<ci> Content Identifier

Basic Content Elements:

<apply> explicit application of a function to its argument
<reln> equation or relation
<fn> user-defined function
<interval> interval constructor
<inverse/> generic inverse
<sep/> separator in numeric values
<condition> domain constructor
<declare> declaration
<lambda> function construction from an expression
<compose/> compose two or more functions
<ident/> identity function Arithmetic, Algebra
and Logic:

<quotient/> division modulo base

<exp/> exponentiation
<factorial/> factorial
<divide/> division
<max/> maximum
<min/> minimum
<minus/> subtraction
<plus/> addition
<power/> to the power of
<rem/> remainder modulo base
<times/> multiplication
<root/> nth root
<gcd/> greatset common denominator
<and/> boolean and
<or/> boolean or
<xor/> boolean exclusive or
<not/> boolean not
<implies/> boolean implies
<forall/> universal quantifier
<exists/> existential quantifier
<abs/> absolute value
<conjugate/> complex conjugate


<eq/> equal
<neq/> not equal
<gt/> greater than
<lt/> less than
<geq/> greater than or equal
<leq/> less than or equal Calculus:

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