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Today's War against Christ in America

In previous articles we have developed for you the present global goal
of Atheistic Russia. Moving from the general to the particular we shall
now turn our gaze to the 'Communist War against Christ in America'.
Further, our enquiry will lead us to observe Soviet infiltration and
propaganda policy which has made such inroads into the very fabric of
American society that would move one to say that 'Only God can save
America now!'
This article is taken from
Issue No. 23 of Don Bell Reports

It would be difficult to name the precise time when a Republic becomes an

Empire. But in 27 B.C., Octavian, nephew of Julius Caesar, was honored by the
Roman Senate by having his name changed to Augustus, meaning The Revered.
Ethelbert Stauffer in Christ and the Caesars remarked that special coins (the
communications media of the times) were issued to celebrate the occasion and
holy incense was distributed to the people to be used for purification from sin.
"The symbolic meaning is clear," said the author. "A new day is dawning in the
world. The divine Savior-King, born in the historic hour ordained by the stars,
has come to power on land and sea, and inaugurates the cosmic era of
salvation. Salvation is to be found in none other than Augustus, and there is no
other name given to man in which they can be saved. This is the climax of the
Advent proclamation of the Roman empire."

The War between Christ and the Caesars

It was because Augustus was "deified by government" that Christians were
persecuted. Not because they were bad citizens, but because they refused to
worship Caesar as god and savior. Tertulian, an early Church leader, wrote to
the Emperor, pointing out that Christians were Rome's best citizens, its most
honored citizens, its best soldiers, its most law-abiding people, and its best taxpayers. But all this meant little to a Roman government whose state religion
demanded that its emperor be recognized as savior-king.
This made Christians criminals in the eyes of Roman law. So they were tortured,
fed to wild animals for the people's entertainment, burned, crucified, beheaded.
For the war between Christ and the Caesars was a religious warfare, "a struggle
between two claimants who represented rival religions and wanted to order
society in terms of their faith," wrote Reverend R.J. Rushdoony in Christianity
and the State. The Roman government was a religious institution; its laws and
morals were derived from its faith. Christianity presented an opposing set of
laws and morals that had been established, not by man, but by the Word of
God. This particular war did not subside until a truce was declared by Emperor

Constantine, who moved his capital from Rome to Byzantium, which he

renamed Constantinople, later to be renamed Istanbul.
Two millenniums later, in this century, there have been and are being two
repeat, but reversed, incidences involving the persecution of Christians; one in
the past, one in the present time. The original Russian Empire and the countries
behind the now totaled Iron Curtain and the Fallen Wall of Berlin had their own
national governments whose laws and morals were based upon their provincial
or national interpretation of the Word of God. Communism presented a
diametrically opposed kind of religion; a religion based on Marx's interpretation
of Hegel's pronouncement that "The State is God", and its prophets are Lenin,
Stalin, Gorbachev and those ruling briefly in between. When the International
Bankers financed the Communist conquest of Russia, millions of Christians were
murdered, not because they were bad citizens or slaves, but because they
worshipped a true God whose laws and moral code were in opposition to the
Communist creed. Recently, because the time is ripe for the Merging of Nations,
and because the enslaved Nations must present a better face to the world,
there has been the granting of certain freedoms to some of the people; to the
Poles, then the Hungarians, the East Germans, and soon the Czechoslovakians.
But weapons manufacture continues, supplies to Nicaragua continue, people still
need food and soap and the necessities of normal life. The persecution of
Christians in the Roman Empire was ended by Constantine. Somehow, we can't
see Gorbachev in the same light.

Persecuted Christians in the U.S.A.

With the persecution of Christians and anti-Communists having slackened in
Eastern Europe (for geopolitical purposes, geopolitics favorable to powers other
than the powers of the established governments involved), the persecution of
Christians has now shifted to the United States. There is a reason for this. It is a
part of the program of the New Age Movement, the New World Order, and
the One World Government goal. When the United States became a nation, its
laws, customs and morals were established on a Christian foundation. And any
country whose government is based on a Christian law foundation must be
changed to make the "Merger" possible." The state has progressively
disestablished Christianity as its law foundation and, while professing neutrality,
has in fact established humanism as the religion of the state," declared
Reverend Rushdoony. "When the religion of a people changes, its laws inevitably
reflect that change and conform themselves to the new faith and the new
Thus, for example, the murder of babies becomes legal, while anti-abortionist
activity becomes criminal activity. "There has been deception on the part of the
courts ... they have substituted one religion for another, humanism for
Christianity ... as a result in most countries today, and no less the United
States, humanism is the established religion of the state and is progressively

the source of legal revisionism. Humanism is also the established religion of

schools and most churches, and most of society." This is evidenced by the
recent conflict concerning abortion. Given the power to at least restrict public
payment for murder, four states have moved to permit, and even promote, the
murder of innocents, and at taxpayer expense. "Christian protestors against this
carnage," writes Don McAlvany, "can now be jailed and fined more severely than
drug dealers, murderers, rapists, extortionists, and burglars. That is our
American liberal/left legal system in action. Thousands of anti-abortion
protestors are being jailed and fined by liberal judges across America. Many are
receiving very rough and abusive treatment by local law enforcement officials."

This is Baby Choice, a precious four and

one half month old little girl, burned by
the saline solution used to abort her.
There are 4,000 babies aborted each day
in America, (one every 20 seconds).
Abortion is legal through the ninth
month of pregnancy. We have been led
to believe that having an abortion is
removing a mass of tissue. Look at this
little girl, she is more than mass of
tissue. She is a perfectly formed human
being! It is obvious that to be prochoice" is to approve of murder.

Humanism Replaces Christianity

And it's all quite legal, because a Christian law foundation has been replaced by
a humanist foundation built on a hill of sinking sand. One evidence of this was
the action of the American Bar Association in what amounted to a declaration of

war against Christianity. J. Shelby Sharpe practices law in Fort Worth, Texas. He
wrote an article which was published by the Plymouth Rock Foundation,
Marlborough, NH 03455. "Christianity in America is increasingly under attack by
civil government regulation and litigation," he wrote. "Recently, private litigants
have begun to bring suits against the Church and Christian ministries. All signs
point toward a rapid escalation of these attacks on both fronts and in the very
near future." He referred to a seminar conducted May 4 and 5, 1989, in San
Francisco, sponsored by the American Bar Association. "At the top of the ABA
brochure advertising the seminar was the very distressing statement that the
seminar was for 'Attorneys who want to be on the leading edge of an explosive
new area of law.' Christianity was placed on notice that there is a 'new area of
law' coming against it, and it is 'explosive'. The new weapon is the tort suit, and
it was described by several of the speakers as a nuclear weapon. Shockingly, it
is not the American Civil Liberties Union that is taking the lead in training the
trial lawyers of America to fire this new weapon at religious organizations and
individuals within those organizations -- it is the American Bar Association, the
most prestigious legal organization in the United States."
Mr. Sharpe (op. cit.) who attended this ABA seminar, wrote that "The opening
subject area was entitled 'Expanding Use of Tort Law against Religions'. This set
the tone for the entire seminar. The first speaker under this topic was a trial
lawyer who addressed 'Tort Law as Ideological Weapon'. He was followed by
another trial lawyer who spoke on 'Tort Law as Essential Restraint on Religious
Abuses'. The whole thrust of these presentations was how tort law was and
would be used against religious organizations and individuals. War has been
declared, and Christianity is in a fight to the death."
By definition, tort is "a wrongful act, injury, or damage (not involving a breach
of contract) for which a civil action can be brought." In this brief report, it is
impossible to explain how liberal, Communistic, atheistic and humanistic trial
lawyers will use this "nuclear weapon" the ABA has taught them.

Christian Conversion Branded As "Brainwashing"

Briefly, ABA's explanation of "Tort Liability for Brainwashing, Coercive Persuasion
or Mind Control" is the most dangerous and sinister threat to God's people,
because it goes to the heart of orthodox Christianity. Example: If a sinner
hears, even voluntarily, a sermon or is counseled by a Christian and is
converted, that can be treated as "brainwashing, coercive persuasion, or mind
control". In fact, the California Supreme Court in such a case declared that
"There is a compelling state interest in preventing its citizens from unknowingly
being subjected by religious organizations to coercive persuasion, brainwashing,
or mind control." The court defined what we might call soul-saving activity as "a
forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, society (sic)
or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas". In
short, a person could be sued for preaching to or counseling a person,

influencing that person to become a Christian. There's much more to this

dangerous "nuclear bomb" adaptation of Tort Law, but this alone should show
you why Mr. Sharpe says "War has been declared, and Christianity is in a fight
to the death."
"War has been declared, and Christianity is in a fight to the death."
But there's more to come. On October 10, 1989, the US Supreme Court ruled
that a federal anti-racketeering law (RICO - Racketeering Influenced and
Corrupt Practices Act), originally passed to help the government fight against
organized crime, can now be used against anti-abortion protestors. Twenty-six
Philadelphia anti-abortion protestors were arrested and convicted under RICO
and fined $108,000. "So now," comments Don McAlvany (op. cit.) "an unholy
alliance of abortion clinics and liberal judges have combined to label antiabortion demonstrators as criminal racketeers. Similar RICO lawsuits have been
filed against pro-life activists by abortionists in Pittsburgh, Chicago, and
Brookline, MA. Molly Yard of the National Organization for Women (NOW),
responding to the RICO rulings, said: Militant anti-abortion protestors are in
the same league with gangsters and racketeers, so 'we' shall treat them that
Shortly before ABA held its Tort Seminar, its officials had been meeting with
their "opposite numbers" in the Soviet, government-controlled lawyers
organization. Scanty reports indicate that they "agreed to study law together".
"Merging" of nations is the goal of the Insiders, and in many ways the United
States has been taking giant steps toward a Soviet-type legal system; one that
is designed to stifle all religious and political opposition. In America at present
tort law is supposed to be civil. But there is this trend (RICO) toward making
civil violations the same as criminal violations, subject to the same punishment.
So, the religious activities we still enjoy, and which we take for granted, could
become illegal and subject to severe criminal penalties (as has already occurred
in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago and Brookline). This could be the beginning
of even more severe punishment of Christians and of driving the True
Church underground, as in Rome when Christians worshipped in the Catacombs,
or as in the USSR and Red China where True Christians still must meet secretly
in private homes.
It should be noted that no new laws need be passed to implement this ABA
"nuclear bomb" that is to be used against Christian individuals and
organizations. There is an army of lawyers and judges waiting to go on the
attack against Christianity via litigation and the ABA sponsored interpretation
and rulings on laws that already exist. In other words, this War against
Christianity is not something in the future. It already exists.


Hosea wrote (4:6): "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." David
answered (Psalm 18:3): "I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised:
so shall I be saved from mine enemies."


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