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Payers & Providers HEALTHCARE REFORM Page 2

Top Placement...
Bottomless Potential
Quotes From Around The Country
A Variety of People Speak Up About Reform
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 “Not since the passage of Medicare and “Reform will help get our economy back
Medicaid has this nation witnessed the on track by lowering skyrocketing health
enactment of such broad health care costs, saving jobs and relieving
In Brief legislation that protects so many in our
cities and communities.” – Tom Cochran,
working families and businesses from
the crushing medical bills that are causing
CEO, U.S. Conference of Mayors bankruptcy and heartache.” – Leo W.
Gerard, President, United Steelworkers
Though impactful to the lives of many, it
California Health Care
is Cigna's strong belief that this law does With the signing of health reform
Foundation Projects 5 not adequately improve quality and legislation today, millions of Americans
Million In State Will address the dramatic cost increases of our can look forward to gaining access to
Obtain Coverage healthcare delivery system...we must health insurance, a significant milestone
change from pay per service (or quantity) for this country. The challenge unmet by
The California HealthCare to pay for outcomes and efficiency.” – this bill...is how to effectively deal with
Foundation estimates that as many Cigna, Inc. the critical issue of affordability.” –
as 5 million Californians will obtain Ronald A. Williams, CEO, Aetna.
either public coverage or private "I stand with the seven out of ten
insurance as a result of national
Americans who do not support the use of “This bill includes the ingredients needed
healthcare reform, but that
insurance premiums will remain their tax money to end human to ensure we get the returns that
unaffordable for many residents. life. I stand with the vast majority of prevention offers, including a focused
“Many childless adults will Americans who did not want the national prevention strategy, a reliable
now be eligible for Medi-Cal. government to take over their healthcare.
People could not be denied private
public health funding stream, and
coverage based on their health And I will be standing with them in the evidence-based programs that will be held
status or pre-existing conditions, fall when those members of Congress accountable for improving health
nor will they remain tied to jobs who voted for this mess are called to outcomes." –!Jeffrey Levi, Executive
solely to keep their health account for their colossal mistake.” – Director, Trust for America’s Health.
insurance,” said Foundation
Gary Bauer, Chairman, Campaign for
President and Chief Executive
Officer Mark D. Smith, M.D. Working Families Americans have said clearly they don't
Smith predicted that as many want the versions of healthcare bills
as 2 million Californians will "In historic fashion, our nation decided to Congress is offering. How much closer to
eventually be enrolled in Medi-Cal put families first and to change the lives
and other public insurance
November will we be before vulnerable
programs. Another 3 million are of our youngest to our most eldest lawmakers wake up and realize this poor
expected to obtain private citizens. However, this spirited debate on piece of legislation is not worth betting
coverage. health care and other pressing issues is their careers on any longer? –!Pete Sepp,
If the projection is accurate, far from over.” – Albert E. Dotson, Jr., Vice President, National Taxpayers Union
that would reduce the ranks of
chairman, 100 Black Men of America,
California’s uninsured by more than
60%. A study released by the UCLA Inc. “We’ve long been advocates of expanding
Center for Health Policy Research access to the uninsured and are extremely
earlier this month concluded that "The legislation will burden small pleased to see that more Americans will
8.2 million Californians were business owners with crushing taxes and
uninsured as of 2009.
now have access to coverage.!!Our
However, Smith noted that the costs. It will not lower the cost of health priority remains meeting the healthcare
ranks of uninsured are likely to coverage. It will kill jobs. – Karen security needs of our 34 million members,
grow until the portions of reform Kerrigan, CEO, Small Business & and ensuring they have access to
intended to expand coverage go Entrepreneurship Council affordable, high-quality care.” – Anthem
into effect in 2014. And those who
will have access to insurance may Blue Cross!
not be able to afford it. We believe that access to healthcare for
“The cost of health insurance all is a fundamental right, especially for "The healthcare reform bill will give
will still remain out of reach for children. The action taken shows an consumers more choices about where and
many consumers," Smith says. unprecedented effort to make real and
"Younger and middle-income
how they receive long-term care and
Californians who are not insured by positive change for the health and services, and every long-term care
an employer may find mandated well-being of all children in this country.” setting--from one's nursing home to one's
– Irwin Redlener, M.D., President, own home--will be safer when it is
Children’s Health Fund implemented." – Sarah F. Wells, executive
Continued on Page 3
director, National Citizens' Coalition for
Nursing Home Reform

Payers & Providers OPINION Page 3

Longer ALOS!* How This Battle Was Very Different

Advertise Reform’s Leaders Speak of America’s Changes
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2
Something remarkable occurred in the House seemed to conate. Just days after the former
*For our ads, not your hospital
of Representatives on Sunday, and it was not was enacted, the South Los Angeles
just the passage of healthcare reform. neighborhood where I was raised exploded.

In Brief
In the debate leading up to the vote, Its residents no longer wanted to be pieces of
Republican House members lined up to offer furniture.
ominous proclamations. As expected, they Time – and to some degree, Johnson’s
were cut short by the majority Democrats better angels – are among the reasons Obama
wielding parliamentary rules. now occupies the Oval Ofce. In tone and
coverage unaffordable. And the But the wielders were striking: Rep. temperament, he is Johnson’s polar opposite,
undocumented will receive no
Louise Slaughter, D-NY, deected repetitive yet is no less dogged. Like Johnson, he took
direct help,” he said.
questions. Rep. Jesse legislation presumed dead and
Jackson Jr., D-IL, banged the made it law.
gavel. Johnson had patrons who
Reported Tuberculosis “This is what change shared in his success, among
Cases in California looks like,” President Barack them Georgia Senator Richard
Plunge Obama declared after the B. Russell – a segregationist for
bill was passed. And he’s most of his career – and
right: this is the rst time in longtime House Speaker Sam
America landmark Rayburn. Obama’s biggest
The California Department of
Public Health reported an 8.6% legislation was crafted, help came from current House
drop in reported tuberculosis cases shepherded and enacted by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. One
in 2009, pushing the rate of the leaders who were not white can only imagine what words
respiratory disease to the lowest in males. It is not just these political legends might
the state’s history.
historical, but epochal. have had for a woman who
According to state officials,
2,472 cases of active TB were When Medicare – the presumed to attain such
reported last year, down from last major healthcare reform power.
2,695 cases in 2008. The rate of passed by Congress – went Sadly, the backlash to this
infection in 2009 was just 6.4 into effect in 1965, the bill – and its champions – have
cases per 100,000 residents.
The drop in cases is welcome handful of African- By been all but inevitable. The
news, given the resurgence of the Americans and women who served legendary Rep. John Lewis, D-GA and
disease in the past decade, and the in that body were kept on the Jim Lott two other African-American members
development of mutations that are sidelines by party leaders, virtually of Congress were subjected to racial
resistant to antibiotics.
all of whom were white Southern Democrats. epithets and spitting as they walked to the
“We have come a long way in
our struggle to eliminate TB and we The uber Southern Democrat was House chamber over the weekend. Someone
can be proud of our aggressive President Lyndon B. Johnson. His relentless smashed a window at Slaughter’s district
efforts to control the disease,” said buttonholing and strong-arming has long been ofces.
Mark Horton, M.D., director of the credited with getting both Medicare and Such conduct is disgusting, although far
CDPH. “We need to continue to be
vigilant so that we don't see a historic civil rights legislation passed. milder than the murders and institutionally-
resurgence in our state.” But Johnson’s remarkable biographer, endorsed mayhem that were hallmarks of the
The number of cases among Robert A. Caro, has portrayed the 36th civil rights era.
foreign-born Californians in the president as a man of his times: whip-quick to This bill and its backers are a legacy of
U.S. for less than a year dropped to
ridicule African-Americans, Latinos and that struggle. It will help cover the tens of
176 cases in 2009, down from 279
cases in 2008. Horton attributed Asians. He once told his longtime driver, millions of African-Americans and Latinos
the drop to improved TB screenings Robert Parker, to let the racial epithets roll off who lack insurance in far larger proportions
of immigrants. his back. “Just pretend you’re a (expletive) than any other portion of the populace. In that
However, there were piece of furniture,” Johnson snarled. way and many others, it is far closer to
significant disparities in infection
rates among ethnic groups. Among Parker, who later became maitre d’ of the government by the people and for the people
Caucasians, the rate of infection Senate Dining Room, wrote after the than even Lincoln could have envisioned.
was 1.3 per 100,000, but 6.5 per president’s death that he was torn between the
100,000 among Latinos, 7.8 per Lyndon Johnson who pushed civil rights as
100,000 among African-Americans; Jim Lott is Executive Vice President of the
hard as he did Medicare – and the Lyndon Hospital Association of Southern California.
and 22 per 100,000 among
Asians. Johnson who mercilessly humiliated him. He is a member of the Payers & Providers
At other times, Medicare and civil rights Editorial Board.

Payers & Providers OPINION Page 4

9-21:)!"6!;++1)!$" The Work Of Reform Is Just Beginning

Now That Legislation’s Been Passed, Costs Are Next
'(&)*+!,!'*-./0)*+!'1%2/+3/456! It’s been a long three years in California. ! It’s not going to be easy, but if we want to
778>!?4!(441(2!/40/./01(2! We spent two full years embroiled in state ensure that everyone has access to quality,
+1%+@*/<A/-4!/+!BCC!(!&)(*! healthcare reform efforts.! After that failed, affordable health care, all health care sectors
DB$EC!/4!%12FG>!;A!/+!0)2/.)*)0! we spent another year debating reform – health plans included – must be willing to
%&!)H:(/2!(+!(!'IJ! nationally. play a part in controlling
(AA(@3:)4A6!-*!(+!(4!)2)@A*-4/@! After this weekend’s costs.!
4)K+2)AA)*> passage of health reform Health plans have work
legislation, I’m sure underway.! !
?22!!(0.)*A/+/456!+1%+@*/%)*!(40! many people are ready Many doctors’ offices are
)0/A-*/(2!/4L1/*/)+M to move on to new frustrated with the timely
issues…or just to take a process of using different
DNOOG!"ENH"PQ# long rest. But there’s no processes and computer
/4R-S<(&)*+(40<*-./0)*+2>@-: rest for the weary.! Now systems to submit claims
it’s time to seriously to the different health
tackle skyrocketing plans.! They say this time
N$N!U>!V-22&K--0!W(&6!X1/A)!Y medical costs. takes away from the
Y1*%(4F6!8?!C$Z#Z While Congress and important work of caring
the President have made for patients. !
W)%+/A) some progress in There is work in
KKK><(&)*+(40<*-./0)*+>@-: covering the uninsured, California to develop
J(@)%--F the health reform one-stop shopping for
KKK>R(@)%--F>@-:[<(&)*+<*-./0)*+ legislation falls short of claims submissions,
=K/AA)* controlling costs for the regardless of health plan.!
KKK>AK/AA)*>@-:[<(&)*+<*-./0)*+ most expensive part of When it is complete, it
insurance – doctors, hospitals, By should save doctors considerable time
medicines, and medical equipment.! Patrick and money.!
\0/A-*/(2!Y-(*0 Over the past decade medical costs, We are also heavily engaged in moving
which consume 87 cents of each Johnston health records online. While the upfront
=3)!8(:0)4!]*-1< premium dollar, have increased two- expense is considerable, over the long
to-three times faster than the rate of term the improved efficiency achieved by
^-++!]-20%)*56!83(/*:(4!-R!A3)! inflation.! sharing information among different doctors
Y-(*06!7-+!^-%2)+!V-+</A(2!,! In February, federal government data for each patient will be worth the investment.!!
T)0/@(2!8)4A)* confirmed that rising healthcare costs are The most important reason for electronic
driven by increased spending on hospital health records is that clear, accurate medical
_/:!7-AA6!\`)@1A/.)!9/@)!'*)+/0)4A6! care, doctors and prescription drugs.! ! records that are portable between different
V-+</A(2!?++-@/(A/-4!-R!X-1A3)*4! A recent Health Affairs report revealed health care providers will improve the quality
8(2/R-*4/( to all that hospitals and physicians have of care patients receive and reduce medical
considerable leverage to demand double- errors and repeat procedures. A benefit to the
T)0/@(2!aRR/@)*6!7>?>!8(*)!V)(2A3! digit rate increases due to consolidation.! patient and a cost savings to the system.
'2(4! The weakened economy has changed the These projects represent a sample of the
individual market.! With more young type of innovation, collaboration and hard
b)/A3!^/@3:(46!T>I>6!\`)@1A/.)! healthy people dropping coverage, the work it will take to begin controlling costs in
9/@)!'*)+/0)4A6!7(F)+/0)! market is more dominated by people with our healthcare system.!
8-::14/A&!V)(2A3@(*) higher health care costs, making premiums With the leadership of state and federal
more expensive. policymakers we could, and must, do more.!
V)4*&!7-1%)A6!83/)R!XA*(A)5&! Unemployment has also lead to greater
aRR/@)*6!b))4(4!,!?++-@/(A)+ enrollment in government-funded health
programs or, worse, more people who are Patrick Johnston, who represented the San
'1%2/+3)*[\0/A-*H/4H83/)R uninsured.! This strains our health care Joaquin Valley as a state Senator and
^-4!X3/4F:(4 system because hospitals and doctors have Assemblyman from 1981 to 2000, is President
to shift their losses for care that is of the California Associaton of Health Plans.
unfunded or underfunded by the
government to the insured.!

Payers & Providers OPINION Page 5

Reform Is Both A Tonic And Strain For Hospitals

Some Will Face Medicare and Medi-Cal Cuts; Some Will Reap Gains
California’s hospitals have long supported the goal of California hospitals to hospitals in so-called low-cost/high
meaningful health care reform.! That goal is closer to reality value states.!
than ever before, now that President Obama has signed H.R. A two-year deal was struck that allocates $400 million
3590. from the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund in federal FY 2011
Although the bill is not perfect, the passage and 2012 for payments to hospitals that are located
of this legislation is a significant step forward in counties that rank among the lowest in the
in the history of our nation.! For the first time, nation in Medicare spending, based on age, sex
a significant percentage of our population will and race.! Hospitals located in counties ranked in
have access to comprehensive health care the lowest quartile will be eligible for an add-on to
coverage.! And, the reforms to the health their Medicare payments for this two-year period.
insurance marketplace will benefit us all.! This hard-fought battle resulted in a great victory
It’s important to understand, however, that for California’s hospitals and the patients they
the legislation does present some significant serve.!
challenges for health care providers.! Among With many of the positive components of
the chief concerns are the scheduled cuts in H.R. 3590 now in place and the opportunity to
Medicare payments to hospitals.! Beginning amend some of the more detrimental provisions
April 1, 2010 and stretching through next year, that become effective in 2013 and 2014,
the Medicare hospital payment update will California’s hospitals supported the legislation.!
be reduced by 0.25 percentage points.! No major health reform bill will be perfect or
Larger reductions in the update factor will By satisfy every segment of our society.! But the two
occur later in the decade. ! bills passed by the House create a strong
Most of the other direct payment cuts C. Duane Dauner foundation to expand coverage and open the door
that affect hospitals will begin in FY 2013 or for future improvements and additional reforms.
FY 2014, varying from reductions in During the next few years, CHA will strive to
Medicare and Medicaid DSH, to penalties for hospital ensure that the necessary changes to the financial aspects of
readmissions and hospital-acquired infections, the the legislation are enacted.! !
implementation of value-based purchasing, bundling of The adoption of this legislation means that major steps
payments, IT “meaningful use” adjustments and geographic have been taken towards achieving CHA’s vision of an
variation to rural hospital providers.! “optimally healthy society” and the Association’s goal that
While most of the public debate this past weekend was “every Californian should have equitable access to
focused on insurance market reforms and expanded coverage, affordable, safe, high-quality, medically necessary health
the California Hospital Association was focused on the top care.”! CHA is looking forward to building on this foundation
priority of California hospitals – geographic variation.! Facing and creating a brighter future for California hospitals and
a $3 billion cut in Medicare payments to California hospitals their patients.
during the next decade, CHA worked long and hard with the
California congressional delegation to negotiate an 11th hour C. Duane Dauner is President and CEO of the California
compromise that did not transfer Medicare payments from Hospital Association.


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Payers & Providers OPINION Page 6

Reform Puts Doctor-Patient Relationship Under Knife

To Preserve It, Americans Should Consider Cutting Ties With Insurers

Now that the Senate version of reform is moments from care, and its new version, pay-for-performance.!! Price
becoming the law of the land, we need strategies to safeguard controls on physicians drove volume increases that resulted
the doctor-patient relationship from government intrusion. in overall spending escalation.! Higher volume inevitably
The most effective approach is for both patients and impacts quality of care.!! No “quality improvement” measures
physicians to opt out of the third party payment system. can adequately compensate for this.!!!
From the patients’ perspective, opting out makes sense.! Widespread opting out of the third party payment system
Insurance companies will not be allowed to deny care for will lead to lower utilization with huge cost savings.!! There is
pre-existing conditions.! Thus, even if the individual mandate no more efficient model than direct pay since it eliminates
is not thrown out on constitutional grounds, it will be smarter the middleman for the majority of charges.!! Office costs are
to pay the penalty, not buy insurance, and put dramatically reduced when third party
as much money as possible into a health billing is abandoned.! By setting their own
savings account.!Prompt excellent medical rates, doctors will be in control of their
care can readily be found in the burgeoning time and patient volume would decrease.!
free market.!Prices should be transparent to Quality of care would improve, again
facilitate comparison shopping. saving money.! The doctor-patient
Physicians have an ethical obligation to relationship, arguably the essential
use their skills and training for the betterment ingredient to cure and comfort, would be
of our patients, and to pass this art to the next strengthened.!
generation.! For those who choose to remain The immediate objection to opting out is
in practice, opting out of third party payment that not everyone can afford to pay at time
will be an increasingly attractive option. of service.! The same argument could be
Accepting payment directly from the made for dental and legal care (Note the
insurer is a relatively recent aberration in the absence of crises in the delivery of
long history of the profession.!There was cosmetic surgery, dental, veterinary, and
never a crisis in access to doctors’ services in legal care---all outside third party systems).!!
the pre-Medicare/Medicaid era.!! Physician We have simply become accustomed to
fees were usual, customary, and reasonable.! having “someone else” pay.
Doctors charged well-heeled patients a bit Another frequent objection is that some
more and those less well off a bit less.!! Pro By patients will not go for needed care if they
bono care was a part of every practice.! Richard Amerling, M.D. must lay out money.!! This is easy to assert
There was, and still is, competition between and impossible to disprove, but should
physicians for patients, and this restrained bureaucrats make these decisions?! This,
charges.! Patients valued the doctors’ time and vice verse. ! plus unsustainable overuse of the system, are the inevitable
Doctors worked exclusively for the patient and were their alternatives.
strong advocates. There was a high degree of trust and It is now left to individual physicians and patients to act
medical care was used selectively.! Direct third party in their own interests, and to defend the medical profession
physician payment changed all of this for the worse. and doctor-patient relationship from government intrusion,
Initially, doctors “accepted assignment” as a courtesy.! and ultimately, destruction.!!
Medicare eventually required participating physicians to It is time to opt out.
agree to this.!Over the years, it became the norm.! This was,
in some ways, convenient to patient and physician. But by
insulating both from the true costs of care, it led to over- Richard Amerling is an associate professor at Albert Einstein
utilization and massive increases in healthcare spending.! College of Medicine in New York, and the director of
Payers responded with price controls and attempts to outpatient dialysis at the Beth Israel Medical Center.
micromanage medical decision-making such as managed

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Payers & Providers OPINION Page 7

Healthcare Reform As A Runaway Production

Now That It’s Been Greenlighted, The “Studio” Will Likely Regret it

Reformers tend to delude themselves that they control not November as it declines to cut Physician reimbursement
only the story, but the script, the art direction, the under Medicare by 20%.! !
distribution, and all the actors.! Congress, Speaker Pelosi, and One great fear about centralizing the health system’s
the President all manifest this delusion. They also believe that oversight process is that the 110 new agencies in Washington
the viewing public has gone along with this that are supposed to implement this law are
new film in a willing “suspension of disbelief.”! geared toward regulation as a device for making
Two things are wrong with this belief:! the many enterprises toe the line at once.! They use
public has not suspended disbelief—it has bad math, and disdain looking for causes.!
been learning just how controlling and costly The public is now a movie-goer who goes to
this film will be. ! a theatre with many other people, pays a portion
The “Studio” behind the film seems of his paycheck to see a film he doesn’t think is
unaware that their grand plans will begin to credible. It is made by a production company
unravel the instant the film is released. seen as corrupt, unable to be candid or factual
Hackers will do it on-line in real time.! about the content of the film, which proposes to
The population of the US being 307 make him act in a certain way, no matter their
million people, and the health-care system private preferences. The producers are genuinely
being 17% of it, universal belief is not to be astonished that the audience survey showed
expected. Now that Obama signed the Senate considerable rage.!
bill as passed by the House, every type of A counter film begins to be created by
movie-goer is eager for their own version of innumerable independent film directors.! It
the film.! ! shows how people really are impacted by the
So far, 11 state attorneys general have filed first film’s “solutions.”! The original benevolent
suit to contest the bill.! The CBO estimated that By screenplay is now seen as a futuristic special effects!
the IRS would need $10 billion to hire enough
agents to enforce the mandatory provisions of the
Wanda Jones exercise monster.!
showing every character turning into a

Reform Act.! Now that the Democratic “Studio” has launched

In six months, insurers will have no ability to this self-created adventure, all effects, all
cap lifetime benefits, even though they will not backlashes, all costs, all moronic regulations and all
have had time to re-price their policies and sell them.! ! lawsuits are theirs.! The Republican and Independent Studios
Many of the public will believe that their care will now should produce a modern and realistic film showing the
be free, so they will demand services that are open-ended.! transition of old forms and models to modern healthcare
Physicians over 55 will see the ugly end to their practices, so delivery and payment. The producers, cast and director
will leave early.!Taxpayer associations will add up all the sub- should demonstrate leadership at a level of integrity higher
rosa fees and taxes that conceal the actual impact on all than this.
citizens, then will publicize just how much more people are
being taxed than the reform plan revealed.! Wanda Jones is President of New Century Healthcare
Congress will tear up the production budget before Institute in San Francisco

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