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By Melody Torcolacci, MA, BPHE, BA, Queens University Head Track and Field Coach

Strength training is more than weight training; its any resistance

While functional weight room work will produce significant performance gains you can do a lot of strength work
without ever lifting heavy weights or entering a weight room.

You get significantly better outcomes when you mix mediums (i.e. Barbell, Dumbbells, medballs, BOSU balls,
Swiss balls, resistance bands, body weight, etc)

Focus on:
Developing the core; its the power center if weak extremity work is ineffective, and the athletes ability
to run, jump or throw is compromised
Multi-joint predominately extension exercises
Exercises that dynamically challenge core and joint stabilization

Think about the sport movement and try and come up with movements that closely simulate it.
Always think MOVEMENT rather than muscle isolation
You are restricted only by your creativity

Some strength training ideas that could be done at the track are:


These can be done at the end of each workout even consecutive workouts (i.e. Monday and Tuesday) provided
the focus of the exercises is different (i.e. Mon: lower body; Tue: core and upper body)

You can start with one set and build to multiple sets

You can start with 10 reps and build to 20 reps

They can be timed with the object of getting through the circuit faster (faster = greater fitness) or done at the
athletes self-pace.

Basic concept is jog or stride or 70-80% sprint followed by a strength or plyometric exercise
Sample: stride = width of football/soccer field
5/leg body weight single leg squats + stride
10 push-ups + stride
10/leg lunge walk + stride
20m or half field width wheel-barrow (shoulder girdle stabilization + core stabilization) + stride
10 reverse crunches + stride
10 double leg squats + stride
10 medball chest passes with partner + stride
10 double leg squats with medball chest pass to partner + stride
10 incline pull-ups (if dont have bars then use partners) + stride
20m or half the width crab walking (hamstrings!!) + stride
10 twisting curl-ups + stride
20m mountain climber (walking on hands) + stride

Make a bunch of sandbags up that are at different weights

Other options are to use bicycle inner-tubes or tire inner tubes and fill them with sand.

Because the sand shifts in the bag there is constant dynamic core stabilization and accessory muscle recruitment
occurring to compete each exercise

You can start with one set and build to three for any given reps

Start with 10 reps in phase 1 move to 15 in phase 2 and then 20 in phase 3; phase 4 drop back to 10 reps and
use a heavier sandbag
10 Sandbag pick-ups + double leg squat + overhead press
10 Sandbag push-ups (hands on the bags) + one arm sandbag rows (from push-up position)
10 Sandbag lunge walks with arms holding sandbag extended overhead
10 Sandbag bent-over rows
10 Sandbag single leg Romanian deadlift (RDL)
10 Reverse curl-ups + sandbag floor chest press
20m backwards walking dragging a sandbag (hamstrings!!!)
10 Sandbag twisting curl-ups holding sand bag over chest with extended arms


Dumbbells are portable and very functional

The combination of dumbbells then plyos is a form of complex training [mixing heavy resistance with lighter
which results in greater power development than either method done alone]

Use multi-joint complex movements as much as possible

You can either do a circuit (always work from single leg to double leg exercises) or pick an exercise combo and do
multiple sets with it and do a different exercise combo each workout.
10 Dumbbell
10 Dumbbell
10 Dumbbell
10 Dumbbell
10 Dumbbell
10 Dumbbell

lunges + dumbbell drive-ups + body weight drive-ups

unilateral chest press + BOSU ball power overs
step-ups with knee drive + BOSU ball pop-ups
split squats with overhead press + stride or scissor jumps
double leg squats + 5 dumbbell jump squats + 5 BW jump squats
Swiss ball one-arm rows + 5 body weight incline pull-ups

RESISTANCE BANDS: theyre not the best as the ability to effectively overload is limited and resistance is always at the
end point rather than throughout the entire range of motion but they are portable, do provide some resistance and
creatively can be used to simulate any movement. You could use these in a Brazilian circuit, in similar manner as
sandbags or the dumbbell/plyo workout concept.
MEDBALLS: portable, come in different weights, creatively can be used to simulate a wide variety of movements, can
be used for ballistic training (i.e. heaves accelerate through end-point extension). Ballistic training is one of the most
effective means of developing power, especially track and field specific power.
You could do: medball squats + medball frog hops + heave the ball + sprint after it
HILLS AND STAIRS: these can easily be incorporated into any workout; moving body weight up against gravity is a
resistance! Pretty much anything goes, can mix training mediums, be creative!!
3x [10/leg single leg hops up stairs + 20m resisted A-march + 20m acceleration]
10 reverse step-ups (hamstrings!!!)
3x [10/leg double leg hops up stairs + 20m resisted A-run + 20m acceleration]
10 reverse step-ups (hamstrings!!!)
3x [20 speed bounds up stairs + 20m acceleration dragging a tire + 20m acceleration]
10 reverse step-ups (hamstrings!!!)


Strength: the ability to apply force (F = m x a), regardless of time frame.

You can get the same force a number of different ways: F = Ma, F = mA, F = ma
For track and field F = Ma will be important since max strength is highly correlated to power, speed and
endurance. F = mA is also important since speed of movement is paramount in all track and field events

It makes a difference which method of strength training is used, as different methods produce different training
outcomes as different neural, muscular and metabolic processes are involved.
The approaches are mutually exclusive accentuating the need for SPECIFICITY.
You cannot be fast without first being strong

Strength increases performance 8 to 12 times faster than practising skill alone.

Strength develops week to week; gains of 1 to 3% a week; Can be increased 300 to 500%


1. How much strength do you required?
Strength Reserve (SR): the difference between absolute strength and the strength required to perform an
activity. If strength capability exceeds demands and can be applied in a functional manner increasing efficiency
and decreasing the injury risk; you can never be strong enough!
Absolute Strength (AS) or Maximal Strength: represents the entire contractile potential of the muscle
regardless of BW
Max Eccentric Contraction: the highest force of contraction, 40-50% greater than concentric
Produces extreme muscle soreness; slow maximal eccentric work is not recommended without a
significant strength base (at least one year of training).

Contraction strength continuum: eccentric > isometric > concentric.

Eccentric work is necessary for elite training as if you only focus on concentric work the individual will not
be adequately prepared.

There are two types of eccentric strength and both must be addressed for complete development
Slow Eccentric Strength super heavy lifting 120+% of 1-RM
Fast Eccentric Strength Plyometrics
Croisier et al (2002): Athletes with recurring hamstring injuries should engage in a program to eccentrically
strengthen the muscle group.

2. How much time do you have? This will dictate how many days a week you choose to work out and the
type of program (i.e. full body or some sort of split routine).
One Day A Week: Strictly a maintenance protocol
Two Days A Week: Will produce modest to significant gains depending upon level of experience.
Option #1: same exercises each day; simple and effective but boring
Option #2: different exercises for same areas each day; a little more complicated, very effective

Different exercises means different motor unit (MU) recruitment pattern which means better overall development
of the muscle.

Presses allow work in different planes which work entire different muscles
Flat bench works pec major; Incline works pec minor; Overhead works deltoids
All presses regardless of plane work the triceps
Choose a different press exercise that is in the same plane as the first day exercise.
Three Days A Week:

Another day means more exercises can be selected so there is greater variety (i.e. different exercises = different
recruitment pattern = better overall development).

With 3-workouts you need to factor in the need to create a hard-easy-medium (H-E-M) routine
Changing exercises automatically changes intensity; you do not have to manipulate other variables
Option #1: same exercises all 3 days; you have to manipulate the other variables to create H-E-M
Manipulate Sets: you can never go less than the optimal number based on reps (3 sets when 10 or more reps;
4 sets when less than 10 reps). The hard day will have the most sets and the easy day the fewest possible.
(i.e.) assuming the workout is 3x10 @ 60%
Hard Day: 5x10 @ 60%

Easy Day: 3x10 @ 60%

Medium Day: 4x10 @ 60%

Manipulate Intensity: you can never have the intensity exceed the max associated with the reps.
The hard day will have the intensity associated with the assigned reps and the easy day 10% less than that.
(i.e.) assuming the workout is 3x10 @ 60%
Hard Day: 3x10 @ 60%

Easy Day: 3x10 @ 50%

Medium Day: 3x10 @ 55%

NOTE: Manipulating sets leads to a higher average volume and higher average intensity than manipulating intensity
thus is more challenging.
Option #2:

have different exercises on each of the days.

PROGRAMMING RULE #1: Each area must be worked at least twice a week
Option #3: Partial split routine. Upper body must be done in the middle because of recovery times (smaller muscles
recover quicker than bigger muscles; thus legs need more time).
i.e. Monday - Full body, Wednesday - Upper body, Friday - Lower body

You have H-E-M rotation as full body is hard, upper body is easy, and lower body is medium.

Four Days A Week: usually doing some sort of split routine (i.e. lower body, upper body).
NOTE: The lower body must precede the upper body in all split program variations since upper back work is the
antagonist of presses on the upper body day. The upper back is the support base for all squatting work. If fatigued the
day prior, you have compromised your squat workout the next day and put yourself at significant risk of injury.
Option #1: same exercises on each lower body and upper body days.
Option #2: different exercises on each lower body and each upper body day.
Option #3: mixed split and full body workouts; very advanced
Mon Full Body
Wed Lower Body
Thur Upper Body
Sat Full Body

No Joint Or Body Part Works In Isolation!

You Must Train Movements, Not Muscles. The motor cortex thinks movement. Single joint, single plane
movements are not functional and promote injury (strength imbalances and low proprioceptive demand).

Develop the bodys ability to stabilize and generate power from the core or trunk power center.

Challenge joint motions in a manner that closely copies what the body is required to do in the activity in which
you will participate. Analyze the activity and incorporate movement and balance challenges that mirror the
activity, but do not introduce unnecessary risk.

The ideal sequence in strength training is to move from body weight to intrinsic loading (i.e. weight vest) to
external loading (dumbbells and then barbells).
3. How do you pick your exercises and order them?

Prioritize, focus on exercises, which produce the biggest return and best develop functional strength.
Guidelines for Ordering Exercises:
1. Stabilization Midsection***
2. Dynamic Midsection***
*** The order for 1 & 2 can be flipped
3. Olympic Lifts if proper instruction and supervision
4. Squat
5. Press or Push***
*** The order for 5 & 6 can be flipped
6. Upper Back and Pull***
7. Supplementals (i.e. hamstrings)
8. Traditional Midsection [Lower Abs, Obliques, Upper Abs, Lower Back]
SQUATS: Pure single leg squats and partial single leg squats (split squats and lunges) are infinitely more functional and
transfer better than do double leg squats. Load has nothing to do with functionality.

A deep squat achieves greatest positive transfer (and glut recruitment); is NOT bad for your knees.
PRESSES: Overhead Lifting: Biomechanical studies have shown lower back stress is increased 10x when done in the
seated position. Safest and most functional done in the standing position with the knees flexed. A slight staggered
stance with feet shoulder width apart is the most effective.

Never bring weight down behind head; it significant increases risk of shoulder impingement
UPPER BACK: The easiest way to be sure to maintain agonist and antagonist balance is to select the exact opposite
movement of your press choice (i.e. in the same plane of movement). Having the exact opposite plane of movement
within a workout is not necessary but pushing (upper back) actions must at least balance pressing actions. It is okay to
double up on upper back work and neglect pressing; however, you can NEVER have the opposite (i.e. focus on presses
and neglect the upper back).
Why focus on upper back?
1. You need to maintain agonist-antagonist balance. The stronger the antagonist is, the stronger the agonist.
2. A weak upper back is a major limitation in squatting and pressing actions. The upper back is the support
platform for all squats; if weak, tend to round-up which could cause serious injury, thus ability to appropriately
overload the legs is limited.
Lower Back Area:
Back Extensions: there should be a straight line from shoulders through hips through heels

Do not hold a weight behind the head (strains the neck); hold it across the chest.

If you have a bad back starting with an incline (angle up) is less stress than being in the horizontal plane (as you
get stronger, slowly lower the angle until parallel to the floor).

Single Leg Stiff-Legged Deadlift: Because it doesnt allow use of excessive loads, any technical breakdowns are
likely not to be as detrimental as a normal stiff-legged deadlift which has high injury risk. If shoulders drop below the
hips the muscles are no longer doing the work which means significant stress on tendon and ligaments, especially the
posterior longitudinal; this means injury risk is extraordinarily high.
Lower Abs: For safety keep knees bent and use as short a lever as possible (i.e. extended straight legs place a lot of
stress on the lower back as activate more hip flexor in the movement).
Swiss Ball Mountain Climbers: for running this is an exceptional functional and specific exercise to do.
Reverse Curl-Up or Reverse Crunch: need good core stabilization strength to maintain a back neutral position can
consider moving the legs to a fully extended position (i.e. legs straight; long lever).
Obliques: Mike Boyle (2005): all single leg work is rotational work as you must counteract rotation.
Mid-Upper Abs: This movement is significantly over-emphasized while lower abs are under-emphasized by most people.

Combination exercises save time and because they are complex movements tend to be more functional than
isolated movement.

Cardinal Rules Of Abdominal Work:

NEVER hook toes: this works the hip flexors promoting the Psoas paradox. Hook heels to activate hamstrings.
Rep Range: More than 20-reps there is no strength development; its better to build volume with more sets and use a
resistance than just to keep adding reps. Less than 10-reps intensity gets high and given the potential severity should
injury occur. Perfect functional execution is important; if must start with less than 10-reps to maintain form, do so

Big muscle/loading to small. Pre-exhaustion (i.e. fatigue the triceps to make the pecs work harder in bench), a
body building concept that physiologically is totally worthless since MU recruitment is less.

You cannot do biceps before upper back (pulling exercises). Biceps indirectly worked in all pulling exercises.
Some biceps work without an antagonist triceps exercise during AA phases is justifiable, especially if doing
activities that involve rapid arm extension.

You cannot do triceps before presses or pushing exercises. Triceps are perfectly worked in all pushing exercises;
you never need to do extra triceps work in a program.
4. Programming (Periodization): Where to start sets x reps @ intensity and why?

Progress from high volume and low intensity to lower volume and higher intensity work.

As you progress through the various phases of periodization:

a. The number of exercises decreases [related to b (increase rest) and specificity of training.

The first exercises cut would be supplementals.

If you have a second press/pull in the workout this would be the next to be cut.

Shift to combination exercises, thus cutting out the need for individual exercises

The rest between sets progressively increases with increasing intensity.

With increasing intensity there is more CNS stress thus you need proportionally more rest (i.e. a
nerve cell takes 7x longer to recover than a muscle cell)


You do not immediately move from one phase of periodization into the next.
The sequence of anatomical adaptation [(AA); 10+ reps] before hypertrophy [(HYP); 9 to 5 reps; and
HYP before maximal strength [(MxS); 4 reps or less at least 80% intensity] is always constant.
Program goals, athletes level, and needs, there may be a greater emphasis on some of these phases
relative to others [i.e. a beginner with limited training experience is likely to have a program that
places a greater emphasis on AA and HYP, with NO focus on MxS


Progressive Approach: this approach is for BEGINNERS and intermediate level trainers.

Apply either a 5-rep change or a 10% change in intensity from one training phase to the next to create a new
Radical Approach: this approach is for INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED trainers only; need at least a 1-year training base.
This approach provides a greater over load thus greater gains.

Apply either a 5-rep change or at least a 15% change in intensity from one training phase to the next to create a
new stimulus.

Program Progression Rules:

When you have ten or more reps apply a 5-rep change (+/- 5 reps)

When you have ten or fewer reps apply a 10% (if progressive methodology; Beginner or intermediate) or 15% (if
radical methodology; intermediate / advanced) intensity change.
Repetitions (Reps): Reps determine the training effect so it is imperative you complete the prescribe number of reps
otherwise you get a completely different training outcome; generally:
High reps = endurance strength
(10-20; more than 20 = limited strength gain)
Moderate reps = hypertrophy
(9-5; some sources suggest 12-5)
Low reps = max strength or power
(4 or less reps @ high intensity)
The difference between max strength and power is speed intention
P = F x v (so if have power must always attempt to move the weight as fast as possible (AFAP).

Reps dictate intensity. It is more important to complete the number of reps prescribed than lift more weight
because it is primarily the reps that dictate the training effect.

Rhythm: Rhythm is recorded using a 3-digit sequence. 2-0-1 is the standard lifting rhythm

1st digit is the duration of the eccentric phase (muscle lengthening under tension); generally the lowering phase.
The eccentric duration is NEVER shorter than the concentric duration.

The 2nd number denotes whether there is a pause in the repetition between the eccentric and concentric phase
Pausing removes the stretch-reflex (you can no longer use the muscles elastic energy to help lift the weight
back up) making the lift much more difficult.
This forces you to generate a big force out of your weakest range of motion, so pause reps generally are used
to develop maximal strength.

The 3rd digit defines the duration of the concentric phase (muscle shortening under tension); generally the
lifting phase.

Changing the rhythm of the movement can have a profoundly different training effect.
Body building theory incorrectly advocates a muscle under tension longer induces more tissue breakdown and
greater HYP gain. However, the longer the muscle is under tension the lighter the weight will have to be.
A heavier weight produces greater protein synthesis than a lighter weight.

Given protein synthesis is greater when training heavier and the lack of any scientific evidence to support
greater HYP gains when the muscle is under prolonged tension indicates there is little support for slow
lifting when trying to develop HYP.

Beginners should stick with 2-0-1.

Intensity: Is dictated by number of reps

50% @ 20 reps
55% @ 15 reps
57.5% @ 12 reps
60% @ 10 reps

70% @ 8 reps
80% @ 6 reps
90% @ 4 reps
100% @ 1 rep

You never need to, nor should you, test for a 1-RM. Testing at the start of a program is useless; just learning and
the proper recruitment pattern has yet to be established. Its asking for an injury to occur and its meaningless.
You should NEVER test a 1-RM with squats and joint isolated exercises.

Rest Between Sets: Determined by nature of training, thus reps

High reps (10 20) done using short rest; how short depends on level and training purpose; research now
indicates not shorter than 1.5 minutes

Lower reps need longer rest. While you could handle low reps on shorter rest, NEVER forget, with low reps, it is
the CNS being stressed and it needs SEVEN TIMES the recovery time of muscle.

For any rep prescription, the longer rest you take the heavier the weight you can lift
Number of Sets: For optimal gains:

If doing 10 or more reps, use 3 sets. If doing less than 10 reps, use 4 sets. Doing more than 3 or 4 sets may
produce a small incremental strength gain, but its a matter of diminishing returns for the time and effort. You
can have more sets if you have fewer exercises. The more sets you have the longer the workout will be.

Poliquin (1997) recommends the absolute maximum number of sets in a workout should be 30-36.

If you have more exercises then there must be fewer sets per exercise

Training for structural or metabolic gains use fewer sets (i.e. high volume, many reps).

Doing anatomical adaptation work, so have a lot of exercises

Training for functional or neural gains use more sets (i.e. low volume training, few reps).

Training for HYP or MxS; decreased number of exercises so can afford to have more sets.

How Many Anatomical Adaptation Phases?
1. Beginners: 3-4 consecutive AA phases before entering into the first HYP phase
2. Intermediates: 2-3 consecutive AA phases before entering into the first HYP phase
3. Advanced: at least one AA phase before entering into the first HYP phase
Training Prescription: 3-6 sets x 20-10 reps @ 50-60% (1-RM); 30 sec to 3 min rest btw sets

Many exercises 8-15; but NOT necessarily in one workout

Beginners: training initially CNS focused as learning the recruitment pattern for the exercises.

Beginner training prescription: 3-4 sets x 15-10 reps @ 55-60% (1-RM); 1.5 to 3 min rest btw sets
Beginner Programming Rules:
a. Beginners can never have less than 1.5 min rest between sets

Short rest is too fatiguing and with fatigue comes increased injury risk

Short rest produces lactic acid


Beginners cant do 20 reps except for midsection and body weight oriented exercises such as single leg
squats, BW incline pull-ups, push-ups, etc.

More reps are fatiguing, more likely to breakdown technically leading to injuries.


Beginners cant do max strength work they have no base and are not physically ready for it.

AA Focuses on Developing:
Connective Tissues: Increase in size and strength means an increase in thickness of the tendons and ligaments.

Overemphasis on muscle strengthening at the expense of tendon and other connective tissue strengthening can
produce a muscle complex that is prone to injury.

Muscle tissue adapts to increased loading within several days.

Connective tissues or systems that contain a high proportion of connective tissue (bone and cartilage) adapt and
hypertrophy only after several weeks or months of progressive loading.

Training MUST take into account the different rates of adaptation of all the systems

This is one of the reasons some AA work regardless of a persons training level is important.

Even elite level athletes always do at least one phase of AA

Body Composition: positive body composition change produced; BF% decreases, LBM increases
Neural Adaptations: In the first 6-8 weeks of training a beginner could see as much as a 200% increase in strength.

Strength increases can range from 5% a week for unconditioned individuals to less than 0.25% a week for highly
trained individuals.

The first few workouts will be find your weight workouts. Start with the lightest weight possible and do the reps
prescribed (for beginners it will be either 10-reps or 15-reps) for a set.

Decide how difficult and challenging that first set was and whether you could comfortably with slight challenge do
two more sets; thus you either stay at that weight or increase it slightly.

If doing 3x10, your first set should be easy, your second set should challenge you a little for reps 8-9 and 10, and
your third set should be hard challenging you from 6-reps up and you might not be able to get reps 9 and 10;
effectively youve applied the last set rep-out rule described below.

Once the first phase of training completed then percentages associated with reps become meaningful
If you did 3x10 @ 100-lbs and are going to 15-reps for phase 2, this means you are moving from 60% to
55% of 1-RM. Keeping in mind you are now stronger and your 1-RM has increased, I have found almost
everyone can do 3x15 at the weigh they did in phase 1. So in this case start phase 2 with 3x15 @ 100-lbs
and add weight as it get too easy.
If you did 3x10 @ 100-lbs and are going to 8-reps for phase 2 the intensities indicate you are moving from
60% to 70%, so add 10% to 100-lbs. This means you start phase 2 lifting 4x8 @ 110-lbs and add weight as
it becomes too easy.

WHEN TO INCREASE WEIGHT? Normally weight is changed from phase to phase as the reps change.

The weight can change within a phase, as you adapt. Strength increases 5% a week for beginners, so if you are
appropriately overloading, weight may need to be adding within a phase.

To know when you are ready to increase the weight within a phase, apply the last set rep out or the 3consecutive workout rule.
Last Set Rep Out Rule: should always be within 2-3 reps of goal reps [i.e. goal is 10-reps, must do at least 7 reps
on the last set if the weight is correct.

If cant do at least 7 reps the weight is too heavy. NOTE: this assumes you took appropriate rest. If you take
insufficient rest you will not be able to complete your set. If can do 13 or more reps then the weight is too light.

Completed reps that fall any where between 7 and 13 reps mean the weight used was just right.
Three Consecutive Workout Rule: if you are able to do the same thing (all sets, all reps at the same intensity) for
3 consecutive workouts, you have adapted and need to re-stimulate by adding weight.

Three workouts take into account the good days, bad days, and average days.

Do not change reps within a phase of training. Reps dictate training outcome; changing reps means a different

Some work is necessary for all track and field athletes as this connects the high volume and low intensity AA
work to the low volume and high intensity max strength/power work needed in track and field
Jumpers need to limit this work since need to project their body mass
Endurance athletes need to limit this since they need to good capillization for oxygen transfer reasons
Sprinters provided they are getting sacromere HYP, should be a non-issue (one look at world class sprinters
and you know some HYP work has been done!)
For throwers (javelin perhaps excepted) there really is no limit on HYP work as bigger, stronger, faster with
good technique = more distance on throws. Javelin needs exceptional shoulder mobility so need to beware of
doing anything that might compromise it; developing size shouldnt be an issue if good flexibility maintained.

Moderate volume, moderate intensity, (working to failure?; an area of controversy); load is the critical factor!
Load determines the rate of protein synthesis; heavier provided there is sufficient volume (i.e. reps) produces
the best HYP gains.
If training to failure; fatigue dictates load would have to be lighter; lighter = less HYP; thus load trumps
training to failure!

Training Prescription: 4-6 sets x 9-5 reps @ 65-85% 1 RM; 30 sec to 4 min rest btw sets

2-3 min, works best when dealing with 8-10 reps; 3-4 min, when dealing with 5-8 reps

6-8 exercises; fewer than in AA as exercises have become more specific in focus

Based on majority of reference sources and my own experience, I believe 5-8 reps produces the best HYP gains.
6 and 5 reps produces greater HYP than 8 reps because of the higher intensity

Use different exercises to work the muscle in a different manner for optimal hypertrophy and development.
Change the exercise you change the recruitment pattern
More exercises (provided they are functional and specific) mean better overall development.


Rationale for Training to Failure: During a typical set as some MUs become fatigued and drop out, additional MUs
must be recruited if the activity is to continue. The recruitment of additional MUs as a result of fatigue may provide
added stimulus for hypertrophy and strength gain.
Rationale for NOT Training to Failure: If fatigue and exercise to failure were in fact the critical strengthening and
hypertrophic stimulus, then training to failure with a light resistance should provide marked strength and mass gains
which is not the case!
Potential Adverse Effects of Training to Failure:
Over Training: those that consistently train to failure post markedly inferior results on strength and power tests,
compared to those that do not train to failure. The goal of training is to improve not regress!!!

Those training to failure showed signs of over training by 6 wks (some studies have seen this in as little as 2 wks)
Musculoskeletal Injuries: overuse injuries result from repetitive microtrauma to the musculotendinous unit.

Repetitive use may lead to inflexibility, muscle weakness and imbalances in muscle strength.

A common factor linked to overuse injuries is fatigue.

Acute injuries may also increase when training to failure due to a breakdown in technique.
One to 3 wks of training a year can be to failure; use of training to failure as a regular practice should be avoided!

What is Hypertrophy (HYP): it is the increase in size of tissue components.

To train for hypertrophy you need to focus on both structural (HYP) and neural (MxS) components [i.e. alternate
HYP and MxS phases (if you have the training base to do MxS work)]
Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy: the volume of non-contractile protein and semi fluid plasma between the muscle fibers
increases, so the cross-sectional area of the muscle increases but the density of muscle fibers per unit area decreases
with no corresponding increase in muscle strength

F = m x a; If mass (m) increases without a proportional increase in force (F) production, speed (a) decreases.

The development of non-functional hypertrophy should be avoided as it means that the increase in muscle mass
outstrips the development of the vascular system resulting in:
1. Diminished nutrition and oxygenation of the muscle
2. A slowing down of metabolic processes in the muscle
3. Less efficient disposal of metabolic waste products
4. Slower adaptation in connective tissue

Repetitively training to failure and use of short rest periods produces sacroplasmic HYP which is not functional.

Sarcomere Hypertrophy: increase in size and number of the sarcomeres, thus myofibrils.

The area density of myofibrils increases and there is a significantly greater ability to exert strength.

Increase in muscle diameter is due to enlargement of individual muscle fibers by an increase in the number and
size of individual myofibrils and is accompanied by an increase in the amount of connective tissues.

Given F = m x a; If mass (m) increases with a proportional increase in force (F) production, speed (a) at least
stays the same or increases.

You get sarcomere hypertrophy if have appropriate rest periods and do not train to failure.
Training Prescription: Maximum Loading Method (MLM)

4-8 sets x 4-1 reps @ 80/90-175% 1-RM; 3+ (5-6) minutes between sets; full recovery
Want complete MU activation; thus intensity should never be less than 80% of 1-RM.
Loads over 100% indicate that you are training eccentrically.
Take as long a rest as possible while meeting the individuals needs; NEVER LESS THAN 3-min. 3-min
accounts for energy system (alactic - ATP-CP) recovery. Ideally factoring in CNS recovery would want to take
more time [energy system recovery x 2].

Typical methodology is pyramid training (i.e. 3 @ 80% + 3 @ 85% + 3 @ 90% + 3 @ 95%)

Rest-pause or cluster reps are one of the most effective means:

Rest-pause: do 1-rep @ 80-95% every 15-30-sec until failure allows you to do more reps than
could be done if you didnt take the short rest between reps.

Clusters: 4x10 @ 60% done 4x [2x (5 @ 60% with 15-30 sec btw)] will lift heavier and with better
quality than if did 4x10

Only large muscle, multi-joint exercises can employ maximum strength training.
All exercises not meeting this description continue to employ either a HYP or AA methodology.
Within a single workout some exercises could be MxS, some HYP, and some, AA oriented.

The most overlooked aspect of strength training is the development of the nervous system.
CNS fatigue whether it is of neurobiological or psychological origin reduces central drive and thus MU
recruitment. CNS fatigue has been linked to a host of neurochemical changes that may have time courses
longer than that of muscular metabolic fatigue, hence even if a muscle is metabolically recovered, the CNS
may not be capable of recruiting high-threshold fibers; thus high intensity training requires longer rest.

CONVERSION PHASE: Convert to power or muscular endurance based on needs of sport

POWER (P) = strength x speed; P = F x v

CNS focus Complete motor unit (MU) activation

Time check; reps must be timed, if you are not under time pressure you can slack off

Thinking move as fast as possible; MOVE WITH FAST INTENTIONS.

Research has indicated the thought process alone recruits more MUs.


Full recovery (3-6 minutes) between sets and workouts


3-6 sets x 2-6 reps @ 30-80%; 2-6 min btw sets

Or timed work less than 10 seconds in duration (i.e. 4x 6-sec @ 50%)

Intensity chosen is relative to resistance to be overcome (i.e. if light resistance use low intensity).

Can be used by beginners and advanced athletes


4 6 sets x 1 4 reps @ 80 100%; 5+ min btw

Difference between this and MLM is the focus on developing force as quickly as possible

Appropriate for advanced athletes only

Dynamic work is usually done at 30 40% of 1RM. Produces the greatest increase in force and power over the
entire concentric velocity range, thus produces the greatest increase in maximal mechanical power.
Intra-muscular co-ordination (recruitment, firing rate, synchronization of MU)

Developed by both light and heavy, but heavy is superior

Inter-muscular co-ordination can only be developed by using exercises specific to competition (speed and pattern)

Light weights are superior

Best results come from combining the two

Heavy squat increased SVJ by 3.3 cm
Plyometrics increased SVJ by 3.8 cm
Heavy squats + plyometrics increased SVJ by 10.7 cm
PLYOMETRICS: Combine speed and strength; Plyos will improve strength 8 10%

Maintain strength and power; refine technique

Detraining noticeable after 5 6 days of no training. Speed first component affected by detraining.

Cut this short, the result is burnout and decreased potential and performance

The purpose of this phase is to decrease stress (mental and physical) without detraining

Engage in totally different activities than those typically use to in training. Have FUN!

This phase should not be shorter than 3 weeks and not longer than 6 weeks in duration.

Transition falls immediately after the major peak of the season.

Before working the active limb, the passive segment should be exercised.

Prime movers are more efficient when stabilizers are stronger.

Weak stabilizers inhibit the contraction capacity of prime movers.

Weak stabilizers may be overloaded quickly and send inhibitory sensory signals, resulting in decreased neural
drive to the prime movers.
Work from core outward in initial development stages.

Put an emphasis on developing midsection and joint stabilizing strength.

Focus on the upper back in the initial development stages.

This is the key to posture, push-pull balance, and squatting strength.


The assumption for the program below is that we are dealing with a beginner

Need to start in AA and since dealing with a beginner need 3 4 consecutive AA phases

Reps dictate intensity: intensity associated with various reps

50% @ 20 reps (AA)
55% @ 15 reps (AA)
57.5% @ 12 reps (AA)

60% @ 10 reps (AA)

70% @ 8 reps (HYP)
80% @ 6 reps (HYP)

85% @ 5 reps (HYP)

90% @ 4 reps (MxS)
100% @ 1 rep (MxS)

PHASE 1: ANATOMICAL ADAPTATION #1 [2 weeks of work + 1 week of active recovery (AR)]

Body adapts to what it is exposed to after 2-weeks.

The training process is one where a new stimulus, something beyond what the body is normatively adapted to is
introduced (i.e. overload).

This stimulus/stress (reps) is kept constant for 2-weeks at which time the volume is then cut to allow for


regeneration (active recovery week).

Following regeneration a new challenging stimulus (overload) is introduced (i.e. reps changed).

STABILIZATION (i.e. plank, hip bridge, side hold, etc)

Progression Rules: Start at 10-20 sec; build by 10-20 sec per phase up to 1-min.

Once at 1-min either make the exercise harder [i.e. increase lever length, take a limb away (i.e. do unilaterally),
add weight, or do on a Swiss Ball] or change the exercise and begin again at 10-20-sec.

Do one exercise and only one set.

How to decide what time to begin with and how much to progress by?
If the individual is weak and has no training base choose shorter (i.e. starting at 10-seconds) and progress by
the minimum 10-seconds per phase.
If they are stronger and fitter then choose a longer time (i.e. 20-seconds) and progress by the maximum of
20-seconds per phase.

There are no changes made during the active recovery week since there is only one exercise and one set low,
thus neuromuscular fatigue produced.
i.e. 15-sec front bridge or plank during work weeks; for active recovery (AR): 15-sec

DYNAMIC MIDSECTION: multi-plane, typically standing, diagonal chopping movements, with medicine balls, weights,
or using cables.
Progression Rules: Start at 10-reps, progress by 5-reps per phase up to 20-reps. Once at 20-reps drop back down
to 10-reps and make the exercise harder (i.e. add weight) or change it.

There are no changes made during the active recovery week since there is only one exercise and one set low,
thus neuromuscular fatigue produced.
i.e. Cable Chops low to high 10-reps @ 10 pounds; AR: 10-reps @ 10-lbs
OLYMPIC LIFTS: never more than 6-reps; Snatches rarely more than 4 reps.

Mix and match reps and intensities so slowly build average intensity.

Perfect form at all times.

The idea is to move a heavy weight just as fast as you can a light weight.

Mix positions [i.e. hang (which is from the knees), power (from the floor), block (bar elevated so at knee height),
podium work (standing on an elevated surface so pull range increased), narrow grip, dumbbell, barbell, unilateral,
combinations (i.e. clean and jerk)] throughout week and phases.

Always do snatch work before clean work, if doing both lifts on same day.

For active recovery cut sets and reps in half and keep the intensity the same (except if in MxS then drop to 80%).
Hang Snatch: 4x4 @ 60%; AR: 2x2 @ 60%
Power Cleans: 4x6 @ 60%; AR: 2x3 @ 60%
Progression Rule: This can be done as a stand alone squat or before two legged squats.

This progression rule also applies to other body weight oriented exercises such as push-ups, chin-ups, incline BW
pull-ups, Swiss Ball hamstring curls, etc.

Start at 4-sets of 5-reps. Depending on the individuals initial strength progress by at least 3 and no more than
5-reps per phase up to 20-reps. Once at 20-reps, drop back down to 4x5 and make it harder [i.e. add weight or
tubing, change lever length, (for presses and pulls - make movement unilateral or add a Swiss Ball)].
NOTE: these types of exercises are an exception to the beginner rule of not being able to do 20-reps. The reason being
as predominately body weight oriented movements, loading potential is limited, thus injury potential is also minimal.

You would never do max strength work for these types of exercises.

For active recovery cut the sets in half and keep the reps and intensity the same.
i.e. 4x5 @ BW (Body Weight); AR: 2x5 @ BW
OTHER SQUATS (split, front, back, lunges, etc), PRESSES, UPPER BACK:
Progression Rules: apply the 5 rep rule when more than 10-reps; 10% (or 15% if have an appropriate training
base) rule when less than 10-reps.

You would not do max strength work for dumbbell pressing work, too high risk of injury.

For upper back work use good judgment as to whether max strength work appropriate.
My bias is to not do max strength for upper back except for advanced individuals and then only for exercises
such as lat pulldowns and seated rows.

Active recovery week for squats: cut sets and reps in half and the keep intensity the same (except in max
strength, where intensity would also be drop to 80%).
Back Squats: 3x10 @ 60%; AR: 1 or 2 x5 @ 60%


Active recovery week for barbell presses: cut sets and reps in half and the keep intensity the same (except in
max strength, where intensity would also be drop to 80%).
Barbell Bench Press: 3x10 @ 60%; AR: 1 or 2x5 @ 60%

Active recovery week for dumbbell presses: cut sets in half and keep reps and intensity the same.
Dumbbell Bench Press: 3x10 @ 60%; AR: 1 or 2x10 @ 60%

Active recovery week for upper back: cut sets in half and keep reps and intensity the same (if do max strength,
drop intensity to 80%).
Seated Rows: 3x10 @ 60%; AR: 1 or 2x10 @ 60%

SUPPLEMENTALS: anything that doesnt fit one of the other categories, usually muscle or joint isolated (i.e.
hamstrings, calves, biceps, etc).

The minimum reps appropriate for these exercises are 5, given that 5 corresponds to 85% intensity, high stress
on an isolated area increases injury risk.

For active recovery cut sets in half and keep reps and intensity the same.
i.e. Hamstring curls: 3x10 @ 60%; AR: 1 or 2x10 @ 60%
TRADITIONAL MIDSECTION: order is critical as you work from weakest and hardest to isolate [lower abs any
movement where knees are coming towards chest and hips lifted], followed by Obliques [any twist initiated from the
start, any side to side movement, to the strongest and easiest to do [upper abs any exercise where chest is moving
towards knees].

Beware of single plane rotations as they create stress on the lower back facet joints i.e. standing plate rotations

Lower back can come any where in the order and is critical to balancing off the front half (i.e. back extensions).

Start with 3x10-reps and add 5-reps per phase up to 3x20-reps.

Once at 20-reps drop back down to 10-reps and make the exercise harder (i.e. add weight) or change it.

For active recovery week cut sets in half and keep reps and intensity the same.
i.e. 3x10 @ BW; AR 1 or 2x10 @ BW
Stabilization: if decide to add 10-sec to phase 1 (15-sec), then would do 25-sec
Dynamic Midsection: 10 @ 10-lbs in phase 1 becomes 15-reps @ 10-lbs
Pure Single Leg Squat: add 3-reps; 4x5 @ BW in phase 1 becomes 4x8 @ BW
Squats, Presses, Upper Back: 3x10 @ 60% apply either the 5-rep or 10% rule
Options with +/- 5-reps:
3x15 @ 55% = AA the only choice
4x5 @ 85% = HYP
Options with +/- 10%:

3x20 @ 50% = AA
4x8 @ 70% = HYP

Rules state a beginner needs 3-4 AA phases before beginning HYP, thus 4x8 and 4x5 are not options as they are
HYP. 4x5 isnt an option no matter what as no person in their right mind is going to ask a beginner to jump 25%
in intensity, unless they want to get injured.
This leaves two AA options 3x15 and 3x20.
See beginner rules 20 reps except for midsection or body weight oriented exercises is not appropriate as
too fatiguing, when learning exercises fatigue means increased injury risk
So process of elimination leaves 3x15 @ 55% as the only option for phase 2.
Remember you are getting stronger so while 55% seems less weight than 60% it isnt.
Best advice is to tell the person to lift the weight they were doing in phase 1 and do it for 5 more reps (this
would be the minimum; most individuals would be able to do more weight than they did in phase 1).

Supplementals: use same process as squats, presses and upper back, thus 3x15 @ 55%
Traditional Midsection: add 5-reps to phase 1 (3x10 @ BW) so do 3x15 @ BW
Stabilization: add 10-sec; do 35-sec
Dynamic Midsection: add 5-reps; do 20-reps @ 10-lbs
Pure Single Leg Squat: add 3-reps; do 4x11 @ BW
Squats, Presses, Upper Back: 3x15 @ 55% needs the 5-rep applied
Options with 5-reps:
3x10 @ 60% = AA the only choice
3x20 @ 50% = AA (not a beginner option)


Heres where percentages become meaningful.

Before you just lifted the most weight you could for the sets x reps prescribed.
You can use the last set rep-out rule to know if the weight was appropriate.
Now you can use the percentages to gauge how much minimally to increase the weight by (again most will be
able to handle more). So add 5% to whatever weight you did in phase 2 and do it in phase 3.

Supplementals: use same process as squats, presses and upper back, thus 3x10 @ 60%
Traditional Midsection: add 5-reps; do 3x20 @ BW

Once you have met the minimum AA requirements (3-4 for a beginner; 2-3 for intermediate; at least 1 for
advanced) the only rule that now applies other than the normal progression rules is YOU CAN REPEAT A

PHASE 4: because of the pattern repetition rule, this cannot be an AA phase you have to go to your first hypertrophy
(HYP) phase. See explanation below
Stabilization: add 10-sec; do 45-sec
Dynamic Midsection: drop back to 10 reps make harder or change exercise; do 10-reps @ 15-lbs
Pure Single Leg Squat: add 3-reps; do 4x14 @ BW
Squats, Presses, Upper Back: you have the same choices as you did deciding where to go for phase 2.
Options with 5-reps:
3x15 @ 55% = AA the only choice
4x5 @ 85% = HYP
Options with 10%:

3x20 @ 50% = AA
4x8 @ 70% = HYP

4x5 and 3x20 eliminate for same reasons as they were in phase 2 leaving 3x15 and 4x8 as viable options.
Applying pattern rule if you go to 3x15, your only option for phase 5 is 3x10 so you have 10-15-10-15 repeat
same sequence 2x not a third, so you cant do 10 reps in phase 5 youve effectively painted yourself into a
So as with chess you have to plan one move ahead and break the 10-15-10 pattern at phase 4 by going to first
HYP phase 4x8 @ 70% so now have 10-15-10-8 as a pattern

Supplementals: use same process as squats, presses and upper back, thus 4x8 @ 70%
Traditional Midsection: drop back to 3x10 or 4x10 and make it more difficult or change exercise; 3x10 @ 10-lbs, etc
PHASE 5: From this stage on you will always have two viable choices, which you chose depends on goals of program
and the level of the individual (younger bias towards base preparatio so AA). Keep applying the rules and watching for
patterns and you cant go wrong
1. Anatomical Differences: Women have wider hips, thus a greater Q angle.

Women tend to rotate femur inward (knock-kneed) when squatting.

Shoulder girth and structure different in women so are at a mechanical disadvantage.

Women need more shoulder joint stabilization work.

2. Hormonal Differences: Women gain strength less quickly, especially upper body strength compared to men.

Women have been found to have less upper body strength relative to LBM or muscle cross-sectional area
compared to men.

Off-season training doing high volume work on shorter rest, especially in sports requiring upper-body strength,
may stimulate muscle development in female athletes. [Burger (2002, June), p. 56]

Programs need more individual variations (i.e. more frequent changes and shorter phases when working high

Women loose strength faster; need to offload women later when peaking.
Myth: Women Who Strength Train Will Get Big

Womens strength gains are not proportional to degree of hypertrophy

Many women avoid resistance training out of fear of it resulting in large, bulky muscles.
Most women do not increase (may even decrease) body circumference areas with training due to a decrease
in body fat accompanied by the increase in muscle mass.

20-week study with women involved in heavy lower body strength training showed the women had a
decrease in body fat, and an increase in muscle tissue, with no overall change in thigh circumference.


The average woman does not need to worry about increases in circumference area occurring, but can
gain substantial strength and power gains with proper training. [Burger (2002), p. 56]

Hypertrophy in women dependent upon:

1. Heredity (% FT vs ST fibers): More FT = greater hypertrophy potential
2. Body Type (meso, ecto, endomorph): mesomorph has greatest HYP potential
3. Type of Diet: During hypertrophy training need more protein
4. Level of Adrenal Secretion (Testosterone): higher levels = greater gains
5. BCP Use (increases natural testosterone): may provide a training/recovery advantage

Due to naturally higher percentage of body fat, lower LBM and lower levels of testosterone relative to men,
women can NEVER achieve the same degree of hypertrophy.
The choice of training reps, intensity, and rest between sets, ultimately determine if hypertrophy occurs.


In muscle, opposite adaptive responses to the two types of training occur in:
1. Myofibril protein content: Increased with strength training; Decreased with endurance training
2. Mitochondria volume density: Decreased with strength training; Increased with endurance training
3. Capillary density: No change/decrease with strength; Increased with endurance training
4. Enzymes reflecting aerobic energy production: No change/decrease with strength; Increased with endurance

The majority of the literature supports:

1. Strength on a different day than endurance produces better strength gains than if both are done on the same

VO2 max is NOT impaired with training strength and endurance together.
Strength training is critical as VO2 max does not change after 12-18 months of training
Strength training can significantly improved running economy.

Runners could cover the same distance faster

Simultaneous explosive strength and endurance training program results in improved endurance
performance via positive changes in run time, running economy, and muscle power without changes
in maximal aerobic capabilities.


Strength training first followed by endurance training produces better results, especially when high velocity
strength is a factor.

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