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Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering

Department of Electric Power Engineering

Power Systems Group

TET 4115: Power System Analysis, FALL 2015

Assignment 10
(Based on Lectures 3, 4 and 5 of the Protection System Part)
Released: 02 November 2015
Guidance: 09 November 2015
Submission deadline: 16 November 2015

Task 1. Over-current protection

Objective: Learn about over-current relay coordination
Given the 22 kV distribution system with two feeders shown in Fig. 1. The source
impedance, including the main transformer, is 0.5+j2 ohms referred to the 22 kV side.

Fig. 1 Configuration
a) Calculate the load impedance ZL2 and ZL3 assuming constant impedance load and the
given load flow data.
b) Calculate the load-current seen from relay R1

TET4115: Power System Analysis, 2015.


Using a simplified analysis assuming 1 pu voltage profile


Using the provided load flow data

Compare and comment the result. Is the load situation worst case?
c) Calculate the 3-phase fault current for faults on bus 1 to 4. Scale to 2-phase faults by
3 /2.
d) What should the time-coordination be between relays R0, R1 and R2? What is the
purpose of this time-coordination?
e) Define fixed time delays and starting currents for relay R0, R1 and R2.
f) Why do we also need instantaneous over-current relays? Suggest an instantaneous
starting-current for relay R1.

Task 2 Distance protection

Objective: Learn about RX-diagrams and plotting of fault currents and load
currents related to distance protection zones.
For simplicity given the same power system as in task 1, where we now want to study
distance protection.
a) Calculate the load impedance seen from the relay R1.
b) Calculate the 3-phase fault impedance for faults on Bus 2 and 4.

Plot an RX-diagram for the impedance seen for relay R1. In this diagram also plot
i) The line representing the impedance of the line Z1
ii) The load current found in Task 1. b ii)
iii) The 3-phase fault current for faults on Bus 2 and 4.

d) Suggest zone 1, 2 and 3 of protection for the distance relay R1.

TET4115: Power System Analysis, 2015.

Task 3 Ground fault protection

Objective: Learn about ground-fault currents and protection in isolate neutral
Assume that the transformer T1 has an isolated neutral on the 22 kV side. Now consider
a ground fault with fault resistance Rf=0.
a) Calculate the total capacitance to ground for the 22 kV system.
b) Calculate the ground fault current (does not depend deeply on fault location).
c) Calculate the zero-sequence voltage at Bus 1.
d) Assume that the fault is on Bus 2. Calculate the zero-sequence current seen by relays
R1 and R4.
e) Draw the zero-sequence currents in a diagram where the zero-sequence voltage at
bus 1 is assumed to be real. Suggest zones of protection for the ground fault.

TET4115: Power System Analysis, 2015.

Cross-check for some of the questions:

Task 1
a) 43.5
b) i) 262.4 A ii) 276.8 7.50 A
c) Three phase fault currents Bus 1: 6.16 kA; Bus 2: 2.95 kA; Bus 3: 0.148 kA; Bus
4: 1.95 kA
d) The coordination-time is typically 0.2-0.3 seconds
e) Hint: Rule of thumb for starting-current 1.5 I L max I S 0.8 I f min
f) One possibility for instantaneous starting current for R1: 4 kA.

Task 2
a) 44.5+j2
b) Bus 2: 1+j2 ; Bus 4: 2.06+j3.91 (including the load impedance)

Task 3

0.3 F
3.59 A
-12.7 kV
In faulty feeder: j1.2 A; In healthy feeder: -j1.2 A

TET4115: Power System Analysis, 2015.

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