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GREENSHIP adalah perangkat penilaian yang disusun oleh GBCI untuk menentukan apakah suatu bangunan dapat

dinyatakan layak bersertifikat Green Building atau belum. GREENSHIP bersifat khas Indonesia seperti halnya
perangkat penilaian di setiap negara yang selalu mengakomodasi kepentingan lokal setempat.
ENERGI merupakan sumberdaya penting bagi bangunan namun ketersediaannya yang semakin terbatas, memaksa
kita untuk melakukan penghematan atas alasan ekonomis, lingkungan maupun teknis. Bagaimana Greenship
mengakomodasi dan mengapresiasi Efisiensi Energi ini ? Sungguhkah, Efisiensi Energi sebagaimana dipandu oleh
Greenship dapat dilakukan sampai tingkat layak untuk diterapkan di Indonesia ?

GBCI luncurkan Greenship version 1.0 for

Existing Building
oleh: Devi F. Yuliwardhani

JAKARTA - Anda merasa gedung yang Anda tempati saat

ini sudah paling baik? Eits, tunggu dulu! Jangan gegabah
menilai, sebelum gedung yang Anda tempati mendapatkan
sertifikat dari GBCI (Green Bulding Council Indonesia ).

Ir. Rana Yusuf Nasir, Director of Rating & Technology GBCI mengungkapkan bahwa gedung,
baik yang baru maupun yang lama, mesti memiliki sertifikat ramah lingkungan dari GBCI. Di
Indonesia, katanya, pertumbuhan gedung relatif lambat. Saat ini hanya ada 2% gedung baru.
Sisanya, gedung-gedung yang sudah terlebih dahulu berdiri.
Masalanya, kata Rana, gedung yang sudah berdiri itu, walau memiliki prinsip "green " belum
tentu tetap green pada tahun berikutnya. Bisa jadi justru menjadi grey building .
Olehkarenanya, untuk dapat menyatakan diri tetap green, gedung-gedung itu harus selalu
memperbaiki sertifikat green yang telah diperolehnya, dalam hal ini dari GBCI.
Sertifikat green dari GBCI hanya berlaku 3 tahun. Setelah itu harus kembali diperbaharui. Ini
digunakan untuk terus memacu setiap gedung melakukan pemeliharan bangunan yang ramah
Soal sertifikat green, GBCI berhak mengeluarkan beberapa jenis. Di antara yang sudah
diluncurkan, ada Greenship n ew b uilding -sebuah penilaian ramah lingkungan untuk bangunan
baru. Selain itu, sejak (13/1) GBCI juga meluncurkan Greenship for existing building .
Greenship existing building adalah rating yang digunakan untuk menilai gedung yang sudah
terbangun. Beberapa aspek yang dilihat adalah tepat guna lahan; efisiensi energi dan konservasi;
konservasi air; sumber dan siklus material; kualitas udara dan kenyamanan ruang; serta
manajemen lingkungan bangunan. Penyusunan rating ini dibuat dengan melakukan analisa
terhadap rating green di seluruh dunia. Diantaranya dari Hongkong, Singapura dan Malaysia.
Selain itu tim GBCI juga memperhatikan keputusan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah, SNI (Standar
Nasional Indonesia) dan kondisi lokal Indonesia.
Nah, Anda tertarik untuk mengajukan gedung Anda untuk dinilai oleh GBCI. Perhatikan dulu
persyaratannya. Gedung yang bisa dikategorikan masuk penilaian existing building adalah yang
sudah terbangun minimal 1 tahun. Selain itu luas bangunannya minimal 2.500 m2. Anda juga
harus menandatangani surat persetujuan dengan GBCI untuk memperbolehkan seluruh data
gedung dipelajari dalam studi kasus yang diselenggarakan oleh GBCI. Jangan lupa juga Anda
harus memiliki laporan implementasi pengelolaan lingkungan hidup yang disahkan oleh Bapedal
dan memiliki Sertifikat Layak Fungsi (SLF).
Tunggu apa lagi? Ayo jadikan gedung Anda green !
Foto: iDEA/Devi F. Yuliwardhani

Indonesia to have green building rating tool

Sudibyo M. Wiradji, The Jakarta Post | Mon, 05/25/2009 2:39 PM | Supplement
Indonesia will soon have a green building rating tool, a voluntary environmental rating system that evaluates the
environmental design and construction of buildings, amid growing concern about urban environmental degradation.
The rating tool, which is called Greenship, is in the pipeline as a follow up to the establishment of the Green Building
Council of Indonesia (GBCI) last year.
Like green rating tools in other countries, such as the US's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED),
the UK's Breeam, Australia's Green Star and Singapore's Green Mark, Greenship is being set as a voluntary effort to
keep natural resources sustainable and to combat global warming.
The rating tool features several key elements - sustainable site, energy, water and waste management, material
resources, indoor quality, innovation, transportation and social economy that are divided into credits. Points are
awarded in each credit.
"The first draft of the Greenship rating tool has been completed. Our next step is to determine the points for each
category, without which the rating tool is not yet functional," said Rana Yusuf Nasir, core founding member of GBCI
and rating committee leader, on the sidelines of a three-day workshop on green buildings at the Jakarta Design
The workshop was attended by professionals from the property industry, developers, building consultants, interior
designers, architects and green product producers.
Rana went on to say that in determining credits and points, GBCI would not work alone but would involve various
stakeholders, including representatives from various industries, the government, non-governmental organizations,
property companies, interior designers, engineers, architects, professionals of various industries and industry
By involving various stakeholders, it is expected that the Greenship rating tool will really reflect Indonesia's situation
and the condition of property associated with environmental problems and maximum efforts to achieve the desired
green building.
The Greenship rating is targeted to be launched by the end of 2009.
As soon as particulars of the Greenship rating tool have been agreed upon by stakeholders, the tool can be used as
a reference for property developers or those engaged in building-related activities or businesses, said Tondy O.
Lubis, GBCI's core founding member and vice chairperson.
Rana added that the next phase following the completion of establishing the Greenship rating tool would be preparing
green building certification through which the green performance of a building could be evaluated.

"First priority (in terms of green building assessment) is given to new building construction and existing office
buildings," he said.
Putting green building initiatives into practice requires strong will and commitment not only from the property industry
but from all layers of society. "Green behavior, attitudes and a high sense of discipline is also required," he said.
Despite the growing popularity of green initiatives in Indonesia, many still translate green building initiatives into
efforts to green their building by, for instance, setting up potted gardens in the building interior. If buildings owners or
developers claim their buildings are categorized as green, then they implement green building projects based on their
own definition, which is usually aimed at improving their brand image.
The global green building movement started with a study that reported that buildings and communities are
responsible for over 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas is one of the contributors to climate
change. Global awareness of the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental
degradation is driving the need for the rapid formation of Green Building Councils around the world.
The World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) was formed in 2002 as a union of national councils whose mission is
to accelerate the transformation of built-up environments toward sustainability.
"This is a critical response strategy for cities and countries worldwide to their national and international commitments
to reduce carbon emissions and redress other environmental impacts," said WorldGBC on its website.
GBCI's core founding member and chairperson Naning S. Adiningsih Adiwoso said that WorldGBC was divided into
several regions, with the Green Building Council of Australia overseeing the Asia Pacific region. "Australia has the
responsibility of helping every country in the Asia Pacific region to set up its respective green building council with its
infrastructure," she said.
Naning said that Indonesia's Greenship adopted Australia's Green Star but with some adjustments to make it more
applicable to Indonesia and to get the desired results.
According to Naning, international demand for green building offices is high. "This means that the green building is an
important issue," she said.
Meanwhile, WorldGBC Asia Pacific regional manager Trudy-Ann King hailed the establishment of the Green Building
Council of Indonesia and the rating tool as a significant move for Indonesia given the predicted impact of climate
change on Asian people, including Indonesians.
Energy used in buildings emits carbon dioxide (CO2), resulting in the warming of the atmosphere and in turn creating
a rise in sea level. Aside from flooding, the small rise in the sea level as a result of climate change has also polluted
groundwater, making it salty.
"So, environmental issues are critical for Indonesia," she said, adding that green building practices could contribute to
minimizing global warming.

A green building is also associated to health and wellbeing. "A study has found that green school buildings, such as
one that lets in natural light, can prevent students from being prone to respiratory problems and headaches and can
lead them to perform well in exams," she said.
Despite green being easy to pronounce, green still seems to be hard to implement and each country has its own
difficulties and problems.
Robin Mellon, Green Star's executive director, said that with Jakarta being an urban sprawl, barriers to developing
green buildings were different from the rest of Indonesia.
Similarly, in Australia, there are different cities, with different population growth, proximity to material resources,
temperature and humidity. "Jakarta is like Darwin. You cannot rely on natural ventilation. It's too hot and too humid,
but Perth in Western Australia has extreme temperatures and it's difficult to bring natural resources or materials to
Perth to use for building," he said.
"So the rating tool that is used in Indonesia needs to be relevant to Jakarta or to each city to make sure that it can
handle the population sprawl and transport problems," he said.
The green building initiative is voluntary in nature but in the next 10 or 20 years when the urban environment in
Jakarta or in other big cities is predicted to be severely degraded, it may become a must and most probably a
building code.
Benefits of green buildings
In 1900, only 10 percent of the world's population lived in cities, but in 2009, it increased to 50 percent and is
predicted to rise to 75 percent by 2050. The green building initiative was designed to anticipate global urban sprawl.
Following is some benefits of the green building prepared by Robin Mellon, Executive Director of Australia's Green
- Lower operating costs
- Lower energy and water consumption
- Less waste
- Lower insurance
- Lower cost to reconfigure space
- Higher return on assets
- Increased property value
- Enhanced marketing ability - green is modern, dynamic and attractive
- Reduced liability from tenants becoming sick
- Reduced risks as buildings more likely to remain competitive
- Green productivity, staff retention, reduced tenant turnover and absenteeism
- Improved organizational culture, morale and well being.


Sistim rating adalah suatu alat berisi butir-butir dari aspek penilaian yang disebut rating dan setiap butir rating
mempunyai nilai (credit point/poin nilai) Apabila suatu bangunan berhasil melaksanakan butir rating, maka bangunan
itu akan mendapatkan poin nilai dari butir tersebut.Bila jumlah semua point nilai yang berhasil dikumpulkan mencapai
suatu jumlah yang ditentukan, maka bangunan tersebut dapat disertifikasi untuk tingkat sertifikasi tententu. Namun
sebelum mencapai tahap penilaian rating terlebih dahulu dilakukan pengkajian bangunan untuk pemenuhan
persyaratan awal penilaian (eligibilitas)
Sistim Rating GREENSHIP dipersiapkan dan disusun oleh Green Building Council yang ada di negara-negara
tertentu yang sudah mengikuti gerakan bangunan hijau. Setiap negara tersebut mempunyai Sistem rating masingmasing, sebagai contoh Amerika Serikat - LEED, Singapura - Green Mark, Australia - Green Star dsb.

Konsil Bangunan Hijau Indonesia saat ini dalam tahap penyusunan draft Sistem rating. Untuk itu telah dipilih nama
yang akan digunakan bagi Sistem Rating Indonesia yaitu GREENSHIP, sebuah perangkat penilaian yang disusun
oleh Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) untuk menentukan apakah suatu bangunan dapat dinyatakan layak
bersertifikat "bangunan hijau" atau belum. GREENSHIP bersifat khas Indonesia seperti halnya perangkat penilaian di
setiap negara yang selalu mengakomodasi kepentingan lokal setempat. Program sertifikasi GREENSHIP
diselenggarakan oleh Komisi Rating GBCI secara kredibel, akuntabel dan penuh integritas
Penyusunan GREENSHIP ini didukung oleh World Green Building Council, dan dilaksanakan oleh Komisi Rating dari
GBCI. Saat ini GREENSHIP berada dalam tahap penyusunan GREENSHIP untuk Bangunan Baru (New Building)










Greenship sebagai sebuah sistem rating terbagi atas enam aspek yang terdiri dari :

Tepat Guna Lahan (Appropriate Site Development/ASD)

Efisiensi Energi & Refrigeran (Energy Efficiency & Refrigerant/EER)

Konservasi Air (Water Conservation/WAC)

Sumber & Siklus Material (Material Resources & Cycle/MRC)

Kualitas Udara & Kenyamanan Udara (Indoor Air Health & Comfort/IHC)

Manajemen Lingkungan Bangunan (Building & Enviroment Management)

Masing-masing aspek terdiri atas beberapa Rating yang mengandung kredit yang masing-masing memiliki muatan
nilai tertentu dan akan diolah untuk menentukan penilaian. Poin Nilai memuat standar-standar baku dan rekomendasi

untuk pencapaian standar tersebut.

Rating system is a device containing the grains of which referred to aspects of the assessment rating and each grain
has the highest rating (credit point / points values) Where a building successfully implement rating point, the building
will get the points value of the grain WHEN the sum of all point values collected to achieve a specified amount, then
the building can be certified to the level of certification tententu. But before reaching the first stage of assessment









Rating System GREENSHIP prepared and compiled by the Green Building Council in particular countries that already
follow the green building movement. Every country has their own rating systems, for example the United States LEED,








Green Building Council of Indonesia is currently in draft stage rating system. For it has selected a name that will be
used for Indonesia, which GREENSHIP Rating System, an assessment tool developed by the Green Building Council
of Indonesia (GBCI) to determine whether a building can be declared eligible certified "green building" or not.
GREENSHIP Indonesia is unique as well as assessment tools in each country that always accommodate local
interests local. GREENSHIP certification program organized by the Commission GBCI Rating credible, accountable


The preparation of this GREENSHIP supported by the World Green Building Council, and implemented by the
Commission rating of GBCI. Currently in the process of preparing GREENSHIP GREENSHIP for New Building (New









Greenship as a rating system is divided into six aspects as follows:

Appropriate Land Use (Appropriate Site Development / ASD)

Energy Efficiency & refrigerants (Energy Efficiency & Refrigerant / EER)

Conservation of Water (Water Conservation / WAC)




Source & Cycle Materials (Materials & Cycle Resources / MRC)

Air Quality & Leisure Air (Water Indoor Health & Comfort / IHC)

Environmental Management Building (Building & Enviroment Management)

Each aspect consists of several credit rating that contains each of which has a charge of particular value and will be
processed to determine the assessment. Value Points contains raw standards and recommendations for achieving
these standards.

Konsep Bangunan hijau adalah bangunan dimana di dalam perencanaan, pembangunan, pengoperasian serta
dalam pemeliharaannya memperhatikan aspek aspek dalam melindungi, menghemat , mengurangi pengunaan
sumber daya alam, menjaga mutu baik bangunan maupun mutu dari kwalitas udara di dalam ruangan, dan
memperhatikan kesehatan penghuninya yang semuanya berdasarkan kaidah pembangunan berkelanjutan.
Suatu bangunan dapat disebut sudah menerapkan konsep bangunan hijau apabila berhasil melalui suatu proses
evaluasi untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi bangunan hijau. Di dalam evaluasi tersebut tolak ukur penilaian yang dipakai





Sistem Rating ( Rating System) adalah suatu alat yang berisi butir-butir dari aspek yang dinilai yang disebut rating
dan setiap butir rating mempunyai nilai (point). Apabila suatu bangunan berhasil melaksanakan butir rating tersebut,
maka mendapatkan nilai dari butir tersebut. Kalau jumlah semua nilai (point) yang berhasil dikumpulkan bangunan
tersebut dalam melaksanakan Sistem Rating (Rating System) tersebut mencapai suatu jumlah yang ditentukan,









Sistem Rating (Rating System) dipersiapkan dan disusun oleh Green Building Council yang ada di Negara-negara
tertentu yang sudah mengikuti gerakan bangunan hijau. Setiap Negara tersebut mempunyai Sistem Rating masingmasing. Sebagai contoh, USA mempunyai LEED Rating (Leadership Efficiency Enviroment Design), Singapore






Konsil Bangunan Hijau Indonesia saat ini dalam tahap penyusunan draft system rating dan untuk itu telah dipilih










Beberapa orang pendiri utama dari jumlah 50 orang dibagi dalam beberapa Gugus Tugas sesuai dengan katagori
pengelompokan rating dengan tugas menyusun konsep awal system rating. Dari awal, GBCI sudah menetapkan
akan menyusun suatu system rating yang sesuai dengan kondisi dan situasi local di Indonesia serta menetapkan

teknik-teknik yang dapat diimplentasikan di Indonesia. Beberapa prinsip yang dipergunakan menjadi dasar






















Keempat dasar tersebut bertujuan untuk mengajak para pelaku industry bangunan untuk berkeinginan
mengimplementasikan konsep bangunan hijau berdasarkan tidak sulitnya criteria system rating tersebut. Dengan
dimulainya gerakan ini , diharapkan semakin banyak lagi pihak yang menerapkan konsep ini sehingga diharapkan
pelaksanaan konsep bangunan hijau menjadi suatu hal yang akan menjadi sasaran umum dari setiap pengembang
The concept of green building is a building which in the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of
attention to aspects - aspects to protect, conserve, reduce usage of natural resources, maintaining the quality of both
the building and the quality of indoor air quality and health of all occupants based on the principles of sustainable
A building can be called green building concept has been implemented if successful through an evaluation process to
obtain green building certification. In the evaluation of the benchmark assessment is used Rating System (Rating
Rating System (Rating System) is a device that contains the items from the aspect which was considered so-called
rating and rating each item has a value (point). Where a building successfully implement these rating points, then get
the value of these items. If the sum of all values (points) that was compiled in carrying out building rating system
(rating system) reaches a specified amount, then the building can be certified at a certain level of certification.
Rating System (Rating System) is prepared and compiled by the Green Building Council in certain countries that
already follow the green building movement. Each State has their own rating systems. For example, the USA have a
LEED rating (Leadership Enviroment Efficiency Design), have Greenmark Singapore, and Australia has GreenStar.
Green Building Council of Indonesia is currently in draft stage and for that rating system has selected a name that will








Some people are the main founders of the total 50 people divided into several categories according to the Task Force
rating with the task of grouping the early draft rating system. From the beginning, GBCI already set will set up a rating
system in accordance with local conditions and situation in Indonesia and establish techniques that can be

































The four basic aims to bring the perpetrators to the building industry eager to implement green building concept
based on the rating system is not difficult these criteria. With the commencement of this movement, more and more
parties are expected to apply this concept so that the expected implementation of green building concepts into
something that will be the general goal of any developer building.

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