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3 Day per Week

Strength Training Plan

Built to Endure
Training the Tactical Athlete
CAPT Mike Prevost, PhD, US Navy
and programs represented in this program or any of our training programs or other

CAPT CAPT Mike Prevost, PhD, US Navy


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Copyright Michael C. Prevost, 2015. All rights reserved. Duplication and redistribution
of unaltered copy is authorized. The content, in whole or in part is not to be offered for
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Disclaimer: The advice and information contained in this document may not be
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responsible for any injuries or health conditions that may result from advice, opinions, or
information provided. The information on this website and in the training program is the
opinion of the author and is not a replacement for medical advice. You should consult a
physician before starting any diet or exercise program. If you choose to follow the
program without consulting your physician, you are doing so at your own risk. We claim
no responsibility for any injuries you might sustain. The opinions and assertions
contained herein are the private opinions of the author and are not to be construed as
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3 Day / Week Simple Strength Training

The basic 3 day per week barbell training workout has been popular since the 60s for
good reason. It works! It is a time tested, simple (but not easy) way to get brutally
strong without spending hours in the gym each workout. There are many versions of
this workout, but all of them follow the same fundamental principles. Dont let the
simplicity of this workout fool you. Simple does not mean easy. If you are lifting heavy
and challenging yourself with these basic movements, it is plenty. Quite frankly, if you
find these workouts are not challenging enough, you are either not loading heavy
enough, or are not doing the exercises properly. This training plan is about quality, not
quantity. This is a higher frequency program, which precludes the use of high volume
and multiple sets to momentary muscular failure. It is the type of program favored by
those who work with athletes, especially strength athletes. Also remember that the
purpose of strength training workouts is not to make you tired, give you a great "pump,"
or to make you sore. The purpose is to make you stronger. You could do a lot more
volume, but it would be less effective. This simple plan has been delivering results for
more than 4 decades. Keep a log to monitor progress and judge for yourself.
This basic workout includes the 6 fundamental human movement patterns: upper body
vertical push, upper body horizontal push, upper body pull, squat, hip hinge, and an
additional movement that is not really a single movement, integration
work/core/conditioning. By focusing on the fundamental human movements, we ensure
that there are no weak links in the chain. Pick one exercise for each of the 6
movements and perform 3-5 sets of 3-5 repetitions for each exercise with 2-4 minutes
rest between sets. Beginners should start with 3 sets of 5 and eventually work their way
to 5 sets. Consider performing fewer sets and perhaps also using an easier loading
scheme on at least one day per week. This will be necessary when you get stronger
because bigger weights stress your recovery reserves. Workouts are done on any 3
nonconsecutive days. The pushing and pulling movements can be done as a superset
(i.e., bench press and pull ups, done back to back for the required sets). What about
exercise order? Do squats before hip hinge exercises so that your back does not
become a weak link during squats. I like to do the squats and hip hinge work first while
I am still fresh. The order of the other exercises does not matter. Save the
integration/core/conditioning work for last.
What about bicep curls and calves? This is not a bodybuilding workout. This is a
strength training workout. We are concerned with building strength in the basic
movements. If that results in bigger biceps, great. But that is not our concern. As you
get stronger, you will likely get bigger everywhere because these basic movement
patterns require all of the muscles in your body and stronger is bigger/bigger is stronger.
However, if you must, you can add a couple of sets of curls in there once per week.
Just don't overdo it.

There are 3 options for loading:

1. Ascending: Increase weight each set until you reach a max set of 5 (i.e., 135X5,
145X5, 155X5, 165X5). Try to get as close to failure as possible on the last set. It is
OK if you only get 4 reps on the last set. Move up in weight when you get 5 reps.
2. Sets across: Use the same weight for all work sets (i.e., 155X5X5). Once you can
complete 5 repetitions for all of the required sets, increase the weight.
exercises where even small weight increases would likely reduce the repetitions
performed below the target 5 repetitions, wait until you can complete 7 repetitions for
at least 3 of the 5 sets (and at least 5 for the remaining) before increasing weight.
2. Descending: Perform a max set of 5, then decrease weight each set (i.e., 165X5,
155X5, 145X5, 135X5)
Descending is the most difficult because each set is going to be performed at or near
failure. Reduce the load each set as much as you have to in order to get 5 repetitions.
This will take some trial and error. This loading scheme is not used as frequently for
strength training programs. It is more appropriate for pure hypertrophy training where
low volume, high intensity workouts are done at a lower frequency (i.e., HITT training).
Ascending is the easiest because only the last set is performed to failure. The safe bet
is to use sets across as your predominant mode of loading and use the others to
modulate intensity as needed. If you find that you are not recovering adequately, you
might switch one day to an ascending loading scheme to reduce fatigue. Novice lifters
are generally best served by using sets across. Intermediate lifters will need to de-load
a bit on one or two days per week because they are now strong enough to seriously tax
their recovery reserves. Two intermediate examples are shown below. The second is a
modification of the "Texas Method," a popular powerlifting program. Intermediate level
programming is enough for most athletes. Only athletes competing in strength sports
(i.e., weight lifting, powerlifting) need more advanced programming.
3X5 sets across

3X5 sets across

3X5 sets across

Intermediate (two different options)

5X5 sets across
3X5 ascending
5X5 sets across
5X5 sets across
3 X 5 across with 10% less 4 X 3 ascending
wt than Monday
When using this simple plan, you should increase load whenever you are able to
achieve the target repetitions. For example, if today's workout calls for 4 sets of 5
repetitions with 200 pounds, and we are able to complete all of the repetitions, we need
to increase the load for the next workout. This is called simple linear progression. The
key to linear progression is to keep your weight increases small so that progress can
continue for a long period of time. If you get too greedy, you will stall too soon. A

challenge with this type of progression scheme is that most gyms do not have weight
plates smaller than 5 pounds, therefore 10 pounds is the smallest weight increase that
you can apply. This is probably OK for squats and deadlifts, but almost certainly too
much for most other exercises. You can get around this by purchasing your own small
plates (2.5 pounds and 1 pound), or you can increase repetitions before increasing
weight. For example, if you were just able to complete 4 sets of 5 with 200 pounds, but
the last rep was very difficult, it is unlikely that you will be able to complete 5 reps, even
for 1 set with 210 pounds. In this case, if you do not have small weight plates available,
you can do 3 sets of 5 repetitions and a final set of 6 repetitions for the next workout. If
that goes well, you might aim for 1 set of 5 and 3 sets of 6 repetitions for the following
workout. Once you are able to complete 4 sets of 7 with 200 pounds, you are probably
ready to make the 10 pound jump to 210 pounds and go back to 4 sets of 5 repetitions.
Both methods work (small weight increase and repetition increase). The main point is
to always strive to increase.
Eventually you will stall and fail to make progress. One or two bad workouts are no
concern at all. If you stall for 2 weeks or more, it is probably time for a reset. To
perform a reset, back off on the weight and keep your repetitions the same. Then begin
progressing as before. This is a "one step back, two steps forward" type of approach. If
you find yourself stalling often, it is time to consider adjusting your loading scheme so
that 1-2 days per week are loaded less aggressively (i.e., ascending, or sets across with
10% less load than normal). By de-loading once or twice per week, you will allow more
recovery. As you get stronger and push heavier weights, you will need greater recovery
in order to continue to progress. Also, as you move from novice to intermediate, you
might consider making your loading more wavy. The Texas Method is one proven
method of using wavy loads. Wavy means using different relative loading (relative to
your one rep max) throughout the week. Most novices can stick with this simple plan for
a year or more, moving to the Texas Method after approximately 6 months of training.
Patience and consistency are the keys to success with this type of program. Most do
not have the patience to stick with this type of programming and will switch to something
more dynamic and exciting before they really have a chance to make significant
strength gains. This is one reason why significant strength gains in the gym are rare.
Stick with it. Be patient. It will pay off in time.
Although designed for 3 days per week, not much effectiveness is lost if you train only 2
days per week. If you choose a 2 day per week option, consider using descending sets
for one of the workouts. 2 times per week might be more appropriate for those who are
participating in a sport (especially in season) or those who are training seriously for
additional fitness components (i.e., endurance training).
Because few exercises are used, focusing on basic multi-joint exercises makes sense.
Unless you are a powerlifter, you may cycle through different exercises for your
workouts as long as you are performing the 6 basic movements. The exercise table
shows some of the more effective exercise choices. Powerlifters should stick with
bench press for upper body horizontal push, deadlifts for hip hinge, and back squats for

Integration/Core/Conditioning: This is included as a 5-10 minute conditioning finisher.

If you choose the exercises carefully, it provides more than just conditioning. It is a
good time to work on weaknesses or movements/patterns that are particular to your
sport, hobby, goals etc. For example, a football player might focus on sled/prowler work
or loaded carries. A combat athlete might focus on sledge hammer work or cable
column chops. A military athlete might focus on loaded carries. The purpose of the
finisher is to work on strength integration, the core and to provide some conditioning.
Movements in this category are whole body moves that involve transferring force from
upper body to lower body (or vice versa) through the core. These exercises are also
great for some metabolic conditioning work. You can do up to 10 minutes but for many
people, quality will suffer with longer sessions. 5 minutes is plenty for most. Focus on
good posture and graceful movement, and intensity.
Most Effective Exercises for Each Movement: This is a list of some very good
choices for each of the 6 fundamental movements. Exercises marked with an * are
generally accepted as the most important in each category. You should do them often.
Notice that there are no machine exercises. We want whole body strength with no
weak links in the chain so most exercises are done standing up with a barbell in our
Upper Body Vertical Press:
*Standing Barbell Military
Press (officially called the
Overhead dumbbell or
kettlebell press
Handstand pushup
Push press
Horizontal Press:
*Bench press
Dumbbell press
*Pushups (loaded if necessary)
one arm dumbbell bench press

Upper Body Pull:

Dumbbell or barbell rows
Body rows
Standing cable column rows
*Back squat
Front squat
Split squat
Box step up (loaded if
Overhead squat
Zercher squat
Goblet squat

Hip Hinge:
*Deadlift (sumo and regular)
Stiff legged deadlift
Romanian deadlift
Heavy kettlebell swing
Glute Ham
Good mornings
Power clean
*Loaded carries (i.e. Suitcase carry,
farmer's walk)
*Sled or prowler
Windmill (kettlebell or dumbbell)
Ab wheel roll out
Dead bug or hollow rock
Hanging leg raise
Sledgehammer work
Tire flips
Bear crawls

Sample Training Plan: This is just one sample plan that follows the basic principles.
There are many other possible combinations. In this example, Wednesday is a less
intense day with reduced volume and an easier loading scheme. Many people will find
that going a bit easier one day per week is helpful.


Front Squat 5 X 5
Romanian Deadlift 5
Bench Press 5 X 5
Pull Ups (weighted)
Overhead Press3- 5
Plank 2 x 2 min

Loading: sets across


Deadlift 3 X 5
Split Squat 3 X 5
Incline Press 3 X 5
D-bell Row 3 X 5
D-bell overhead
press 3 X 5
Bear crawl 4 X 1 min
with 20 sec rest

Loading: ascending

Kettlebell Swing 3-5

X 5 (heavy)
Walking Lunges 5 X
5 steps each leg
Dips 5 X 5
Pull Ups (different
grip from workout 1,
weighted) 5 X 5
Push Press 5 X 5
Suitcase carry 7 X 30

Loading: sets across

About the Author

Mike Prevost earned a PhD in exercise physiology from Louisiana State University in
1995. He specialized in muscle physiology and metabolism. Throughout his college
years (10 years total) he worked as a personal trainer and coach in various gyms and
fitness centers. He has trained athletes for many different sports including triathlon,
ultra-running, surfing, power lifting, bodybuilding, mixed martial arts, football, basketball
and more. After finishing his PhD, he took a commission in the U. S. Navy as an
Aerospace Physiologist in the Navy Medical Service Corps. While serving in the Navy
he developed human performance training material for the U. S. Special Operations
Command. He developed new fitness standards for Navy rescue swimmers. He
served as a consultant to the USMC in evaluating the safety of the USMC Combat
Fitness Test. He also served on a Navy committee tasked with proposing alternatives
to the Navy physical fitness test. He trained thousands of aviators and aircrew on
survival techniques, physiology, and human performance. He also served as the
Director of the Human Performance Laboratory at the U. S. Naval Academy, where he
performed physiological testing of athletes to improve performance, developed the
Principles of Strength and Conditioning Course for all Midshipmen, and served as the
director of remedial fitness training programs. He has over 25 years of experience in
working with athletes.

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