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The Changes by Russia Mean Perversion Not Conversion

By John Cotter

Author of various books, including "A study in Syncretism"

Due to lack of space we have abridged Mr. Cotter's report. No one, after
reading his article, should have any doubt about the real nature and the
real motives for the changes behind the Iron Curtain.
"America's Fatima Priest" as Father Robert J. Fox termed himself in an
advertisement in Our Sunday Visitor magazine (September 30, 1990) claims
that the collegial consecration of Russia to Mary's Immaculate Heart was done
on March 25, 1984. Father Nicholas Gruner of The Fatima Crusader, a Canadian,
claims it has not been done in the way Our Lady asked - i.e. the specific and
collegial consecration of Russia. We must admit the consecration of the whole
world to Mary's Immaculate Heart on March 25, 1984, would include Russia as
also Liberia, Ireland, Denmark, etc. and - hopefully - Canada! Father Robert Fox
claims the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe is the "first instalment" of
Mary's promise ("Finally My Immaculate Heart will triumph") Who is right Father Robert Fox of the USA or Father Gruner of Canada? Let us apply Our
Divine Lord's test, "By their fruits ye shall know them."
Before detailing the changes, we note that the former Communist leader of East
Germany Erich Honecke claimed he was overthrown in 1989 by "a vast plot
whose ringleaders are still in the shadows." (Toronto Globe and Mail, December
17, 1990) and that Germany was "now ... on the way to the Fourth Reich, a
Reich in which ... capital is the real ruler sitting at the levers of power."
Professor Krzysztof Palecki, director of the Institute of Political Science at the
Jagiellonian University in Poland, writes that:
"A third very curious theory is that the whole development is the result of a
clever conspiracy. Even such a respected Polish sociologist as Jadwiga Staniszkis
advances the view that there was a plot by Communist officials, military
officers, KGB operatives, political strategists and so on who used their positions
to effect the changes." (The Globe and Mail, May 31, 1990)
In an article in the Toronto Sun, February 11, 1990, Foreign Affairs expert Eric
Margolis of the changes in Russia wrote:
'After Stalin died, subsequent Soviet oligarchs ensured that no leader would
have the late tyrant's total powers. But Gorbachev has managed to quietly and
patiently reassemble much of Stalin's control system ... note that the powerful

KGB boss, a close ally of Gorbachev, warned that "non-socialist" or "extremist"

parties would not be allowed in the new multi-party system ... It will be a
younger generation of hi-tech communists - dapper, suave and "progressive" led by that consummate politician, showman and chameleon, Mikhail

"The Motive for the Changes"

Before considering the countries of Eastern Europe one by one, we may well ask
what might be the motive for the "changes."
In his book the shadows of power - the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and
the American decline (Western Islands Publishers, Appleton, Wisconsin, 1988)
page 205, in the Chapter ominously entitled on the threshold of a New World
Order? James Perloff writes:
"In the fall of 1953, Norman Dodd, Director of Research for the Reece
Committee, was invited to the headquarters of the Ford Foundation by its
president, H. Rowan Gaither (CFR). According to Dodd, Gaither told him: "Mr.
Dodd, all of us here at the policy-making level have had experience, either in
O.S.S. or the European Economic Administration, with directives from the White
House. We operate under those directives here. Would you like to know what
those directives are?" Dodd replied that he would. Gaither said: "The substance
of them is that we shall use our grant-making power so to alter our life in the
United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union."
President Bush has frequently said that his war against Iraq is to usher in The
New World Order, meaning UN World Government. Incidentally - but we fear
not accidentally - Iraq is Israel's most powerful opponent, not only in the
Middle East but perhaps in the whole world. We recall that late Israeli Prime
Minister David Ben-Gurion was quoted in Look Magazine January 16, 1962, "In
Jerusalem, the United Nations, a truly United Nations will build a Shrine of the
Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents ..." Now let us examine
the "changes" country by country.

East Germany
We read the following in a UPI despatch in the Toronto Sun, November 14,
1989. 'East Germany's new premier says he doesn't want the Berlin Wall torn
down because he fears an influx of drugs and AIDS. Hans Modrow, 61, who was
elected yesterday, said he rejects destruction of the wall because "our nation
knows only minimal crime, hardly any AIDS, and drugs are as good as
unknown. If all those things were shoved across to us over an open border, my
policies as premier wouldn't stand a chance ".'
In the Globe and Mail, January 31, 1990, we read, "East Germans have been
snapping up erotic books ..."

An article by John Gray of the European Bureau of the Globe and Mail, October
1, 1990, stated that, "A startling measure of the changes in East Germany in
recent months was an advertisement that appeared the other day in Neues
Deutschland. The ad was looking for anyone who wanted to take part in a
pornographic film.

We read in a Reuter News Agency despatch from Warsaw [the daily Barrie
Examiner (Ontario) August 28, 1990] that, 'For Poland's police, the equation is
harsh but simple: democracy means more crime. One year after Solidarity
toppled the Communists from power, crime has soared nearly 70 per cent and
police are struggling to stem the rising tide ... "We are going through systemic
changes in Poland - from a totalitarian police state to parliamentary democracy,
from tightly closed borders to full openness," police commander-in-chief Leszek
Lamparski said. "We no longer control citizens' behavior. And if people are
changing, they're changing for the worse". Poland's rate of 1,005 crimes per
100,000 people is still four or five times lower than that of Western Europe, but
it is quickly catching up.'
In the Globe and Mail, November 26, 1990, we read in a Jeffery Simpson
article: 'With the free market and the end of censorship have come the byproduct of pornography. Now, pornographic magazines, some in Polish, are
frequently displayed in newspaper kiosks. Sex shops, too, have arrived. And not
all Poles like this new vestige of the free market. At a rally in Lublin, a
questioner demanded to know if Lech Walesa as President of Poland would close
the shops. Walesa replied, quite seriously, "I don't agree with sex shops. But
this is a democracy, so what can I do?"' (Jeffery Simpson is the Globe and
Mail's national affairs columnist).

A Reuter's despatch Toronto Sun, May 25, 1990, noted that in Hungary hardcore pornographic magazines are readily available. The Warsaw Pact's first sex
shop opened in Budapest last November.

A Reuter's Report in the Sun, December 27, 1990, said, "Many of Bulgaria's
maternity wards, once filled with the cries of new-born babies, now lie quiet.
Doctors said there are several reasons for the fall in the number of births. One
is many pregnant women are opting for abortions, which were made freely
available for the first time last February.


A UPI despatch in the Sun, October 28, 1990, said, 'The Communist Party
escalated its war of words yesterday labelling smut a subversive capitalist plot
and hinting at a new round of purges to "freshen the air of socialist China".

Soviet Russia
Dmitri N. Shalin, visiting scholar at Harvard University's Russian Research
Center, in a New York Times Service article reprinted in the Toronto Globe and
Mail, January 26, 1990, wrote, "Surely, sex in the Soviet Union predates
perestroika. But the eroticization of popular culture now afoot has glasnost
written all over it. New portents are everywhere ... (In the original article,
several news quotes are given here which disgustingly prove how perverted
Russia is becoming.)

In an article in the Sun, December 1, 1990, Lubor J. Zink, a noted Czech emigre
and an expert on Communism in an article on the new "Democratic" President
Vaclav Havel, referred to '... a misguided and promptly exploited tolerance of
the communist apparat which was left virtually intact after the Velvet
Revolution. 'Zink records a Czech political analyst as summing up the Velvet
Revolution in the following words: 'Havel closed his eyes to the four decades of
Bolshevik crimes and left the communist infrastructure virtually intact on the
assumption that so-called reform communists would be eager to atone for their
sins. Leaving aside the reform communist absurdity that exists only as
contradiction in terms, it was a philosophically but politically naive and
devastating gesture. Even more naive and devastating than Havel's mass
release of criminals which resulted in an epidemic of murders, robberies and

Most illustrative of the design behind the "changes" is to be found in the case of
Romania. In an article entitled did Gorby engineer Romanian revolt? Eric
Margolis, the foreign affairs expert for the Toronto Sun, January 28, 1990,
wrote: '... the make-up of the Salvation Front is almost wholly former
Communist party bureaucrats and big-wigs. President Ion Iliescu is an old party
warhorse who - now watch this interesting coincidence - was a friend of a
certain Mikhail Gorbachev when the two studied at Moscow University ... There
is also strong suspicion that the Soviets had long planned to overthrow
Ceausescu. Gorbachev detested him and may well have said, "will no one rid me
of this irksome Romanian?" Last summer, Gorby went to East Germany and told
its Stalinist ruler to change or face ouster. Soon after, revolt erupted there and
the Honnecker regime was overturned ... Sources in Moscow report that the
KGB was very active in Romania before the rebellion and may have played a key
role in organizing the putsch against Ceausescu.'

Nicolae Ceausescu (whom the Western media painted as a sort of modern-day

Dracula) was shot with his wife on Christmas Day 1989. Their request for a
priest was denied them by their Communist assassins. Immediately after the
killings, abortion and birth control were legalized, and the death penalty for
murder abolished. Of capital punishment God Himself said, "Whosoever shall
shed man's blood, his blood by man shall be shed". (Genesis 9:6). Pornography
and homosexuality outlawed by Ceausescu were immediately legalized. 215,000
babies were killed by abortion in the first three months of "democracy." Abortion
was "now available for 30 lei, the price of a cigarette pack." (Jonathan
Luxmoore, Eastern European Correspondent for the National Catholic
Register USA, issue dated February 11, 1990) 30 lei = $1.50 (US). Under
Ceausescu, doctors could get imprisonment, even death, for performing
abortions. International Planned Parenthood of London announced that 40,000
contraceptive devices had been sent immediately to Romania (Globe and Mail,
January 6, 1990).
Prostitution had been permitted under Ceausescu but only as an arm of his
Secret Police to spy on foreigners. Now it is widespread. Feb. 6, 1990. Paul
Stanway, European Bureau Chief of the Toronto Sun, reported that: "Freedom
has brought squads of hookers ... Prostitution isn't new here, but in the old days
the only hookers who dared ply their trade in public in places like this worked
for the secret police - the Securitate.
Ceausescu had paid off the national debt completely. Remember usury (moneylending at interest) is condemned in 3 places in the Bible. But 6-1/2 months
after his killing, the new Communist Government started hollering for more
than $1 billion (US) to repair the "damage done by dictator Ceausescu" and the
International Monetary Fund, only too willing to oblige, was down in Bucharest
like a flash. (Reuter's, 7/2/90).

The Real Motive

British Roman Catholic Lord Acton (1834-1902) in his Essays on the French
Revolution wrote, "The appalling thing in the French Revolution is not the tumult
but the design. Through all the fire and smoke we perceive the evidence of
calculating organization. The managers remain studiously concealed and
masked; but there is no doubt about their presence from the first."
The Ontario Film Review Board Chairman, Robert Payne, a black immigrant, has
recently approved of explicit sex in movies shown in Ontario. It just brings
Ontario into line with other jurisdictions in not only Canada but the U.S., U.K.,
and Australia," he said. (Toronto Sun, Feb.18, 1991)
If, as we would have to think, the changes in Eastern Europe are to bring it
"into line with the U.S., U.K., and Australia" then why not Bush's New World
Order, i.e. World government? We would all be the same! As Lenin himself

said (Time magazine, April 24, 1964), "I don't care what becomes of Russia. To
hell with it. All this is only the road to a World Revolution."
We will have to conclude, therefore, that Father Nicholas Gruner is right. The
changes in Communist Eastern Europe are not the "first installment" much less
the "final triumph" of Adorable MARY'S Most Immaculate Heart.


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