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Veganism, Bees and Humanity

Exploitation and Ethics

A Free Form Essay Addressing Why Vegans Should Abstain From Honey

*Gattsu Hill Disclaimer This essay is analogous to femtos rape of Casca in that it rapes formatting, grammar,
spelling and even font conventions for the sake of its own depraved enjoyment. *
As this essay if we can even sanely continue to refer to it as such is intended primarily, if not entirely for a Blood
Brother, direct references to said aforementioned Blood Brother may be made.

The Blood Brother In Reference.

[Soruce: Suspect Times Vol 3 The Sultry Selfies Edition]

Let us Begin our Journey By Defining Terms in order to ensure clarity.

Key Terms: Vegan &Veganism
Veganism: The term vegan was coined by Donald Watson in 1944 [Canon] his definition was as
follows: [[Veganism is a way of living which excludes all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, the
animal kingdom, and includes a reverence for life. It applies to the practice of living on the products of

the plant kingdom to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, honey, animal milk and its derivatives, and
encourages the use of alternatives for all commodities derived wholly or in part from animals]]
[Sauce/Source: http://www.vegparadise.com/24carrot610.html ,
Alternative Definitions: Veganism /vinzm/ is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal
products, particularly in diet, as well as following an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity
status of sentient animals. A follower of veganism is known as a vegan. [Wikipedia]
Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of
exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. [Via The Vegan Society]
Veganism is an advanced way of living in accordance with Reverence for Life, recognizing the rights of all
living creatures, and extending to them the compassion, kindness, and justice exemplified in the Golden
Rule. [Via American Vegan]

Upon reading the above it can be ascertained that Veganism is a philosophy extending beyond dietary restrictions
and intends for its proponents to abstain entirely from the Use of non-human animals.

Terms Defined we can now move onto the main feature of this written work [Bees and their

relation to Veganism]

Bees, Vegans & Honey

The (bad boy of) Controversy: Veganism itself is clear where it
stands on Honey. However Proponents of Pro-Honey believe
Vegans should purchase honey and honey products as it
supports the continued existence of the Honey Bee Race and
Humanity Owes it to the HBs to pay for its proverbial Sins.

Human Pollution,Infection Pesticides, Miscellaneous Depravity and Profiteering have

resulted in the decline of not only honey bees but all pollinators. As Such the Pro Honey
Proponents (Which will henceforth be referred to as the Pro Honey Pros or simply
ProHoPros/PHPS) Aka PHPS believe it is humanitys duty to right its wrongs and reestablish the declining honey bees.
Assessing the Arguments:
* Humanitys Obligatory Duty to The Bees
-Human Overreach, Arrogance and Misappropriation

*Bee Life in Captivity

-Bee Liberty
-Bee & Honey Related Morality Etc
1. Humanitys Obligatory Duty to the Bees
The Argument Follows that Humanity should: Pay 4 Its Sins/Make Amends/Right its Past Wrongs etc
in regards to its direct impact on the population of Honey Bees and other Pollinators.
There is no err in genuine desire to make amends but the controversy arrives when [] without a means
through which humanity and bee can effectively communicate [] Humans Implement without affirmation
of mutual desire their own blend of reparations. Especially so when the aforementioned reparations
involve unjust and immoral exploitation such as: Rape [via A.I.], Mutilation, Murder, Physical Abuse
(Extreme Heat and Cold mishandling during transport] Not to Mention superseding the sovereignty of the
Queen Bees for the purposes of Maximizing Honey Production for Profit.
In addition Commercial Bee Keepers are not required to recuperate the bee population, nor are their
practices they are primarily focused on Honey production in order to Maximize Profit at the cost of their
bee slaves.
In the words of Donald Watson: The Society soon widened its aim to include all animal exploitation, in
brief to work for a new relationship with the rest of sentient creation in a symbiotic relationship if
possible, to live and HELP live rather than to just live and let live.
Even setting aside mutual affirmation and desire of assistance basing our assistance on the assumption
that it is in fact desired- The Argument for helping Bees by Purchasing Honey or Honey Products is
invalidated when it is not only unnecessary to propagate their continued existence but also supports the
continues torture of Bees for profit.
This Argument thus can be seen to be invalid as it is not reparation but a disservice to bees to treat them
like tools even if the honey industry does increase the honey bee population. This Argument could also

be applied to cows: were their population to dwindle as a result of human action: We should make
amends by repopulating the cows> The Dairy Industry Breeds Many Cows Raising the
population>Supporting the Dairy Industry by purchasing Dairy Products Helps the Cows. This
Repopulation However, Comes at the cost of the freedom and quality of life of the cows. A Quality of life
so low it would not be a stretch to liken it to Hell. For the same reason that Vegans abstain from dairy
products they abstain from Honey as well. Re-Population through Demonic Acts for the sake of
profiteering/Taste/Convenience is not making amends [and is considered a blatant insult by the writer
of this work.]

2. Bee Life in Captivity [Trigger Warning]

I will simply explain in greater Depth the Points mentioned in Section 1: Humanitys Obligatory Duty to
the Bees.

Rape: While not the De facto Practice Honey Bee Queens are Artificially Inseminated
Some of the process (The extraction of drone semen can be seen here)

First, the head and thorax of the drone are crushed.

This causes the abdominal muscles to contract and turn part of the drone inside out (partial
eversion of the endophallus).

The rest of the body is then crushed to turn the endophallus fully inside out.
The semen from many drones is collected and combined.

A shows semen collection from a drone. B shows the insemination of a queen who is in the
holding tube of an instrument and anesthetized with carbon dioxide. C is a wider view of B.

Hooks are used.

The semen is injected. (A newer syringe is slightly thinner.)

However the show doesnt end here Folks

[Following is an excerpt from a Vegan Website, its sources were for the most part assayed and confirmed by yours
"Queens can live for as long as five years but most commercial beekeepers replace them every two
years" (Shimanuki & Sheppard, 181) (and often yearly). "Replace" is a euphemism for killing the old
queen. Backyard beekeepers also regularly kill their queens.
The Above excerpt needs no further explanation for why it is cruel and should not be supported.

The Show Still Continues

Another Excerpt for your Thoughts
[[Travel can be rough on the queens; according to Eric Mussen, a UC Davis Extension Apiculturist, "Once
at the post office or shipping depot, nearly anything can happen. Queens can be over heated, chilled,
left out in the sun for hours (desiccated), banged around in baggage compartments, and exposed to
insecticides. Often, the post office or shipping hub fails to contact the customer when the queens arrive
and they may sit in storage for days. It is surprising that the queens come through as well as they do"
(Mussen). Finally, colonies (hives) are routinely split in half according to what the keeper wants, not the
queen. ]]
Would you contend that these are amends? The Great Obligation of Humanity? A noble Effort?
Excerpt City:
[[During the fall and winter a mouse guard is often placed over the entrance to the hive. Usually, the
bees drag their dead out of the hive, but the mouse guard often prevents this from happening.]]
They are literally experiencing

the 5 TRIALS OF METEOS they cant even remove their

dead fam from their depraved SHED.

There is often a lack of regard for the bees' lives. In the US, 10 to 20 percent of colonies are lost over the
winter. It is partly by accident and partly on purpose. Some beekeepers kill off their hives before winter.
This practice can make economic sense. Unfortunately, it is not the small backyard beekeeper, but
rather the large, factory bee farmer, so a lot of bees are killed even if most beekeepers don't use the
practice. Also, in the process of checking up on the hive and taking the honey, some bees get squashed
by the frames or stepped on. Bees who sting the keeper in defense of their home necessarily die. If two
colonies are combined, the queen of the weaker colony is killed. So that the honey can be easily
removed from the comb, it is often warmed prior to removal. "Bees brought into the warming room
with the supers will fly to a window where they can be trapped to the outside by a wire cone or bee
escape. If there are no windows in the room other methods such as an electric grid can be used to
dispose of the stray bees"

Gold : On Taking Honey From Bees

They dont even really mind if we take the Honey 2015

Yes, sometimes they [The honey bees] make more [honey] than they can eat, but do the beekeepers
only take the extra? No, according to James E. Tew, an Extension Specialist in Apiculture at Ohio State
University in Wooster, "Commercial beekeepers frequently extract [steal] all fall-season honey and then
feed colonies either sugar syrup or corn syrup in quantities great enough to provide all the winter food
the bees would need"

SPSG: I Am not able to communicate with bees and am uninformed on cross species
communication but I somehow doubt that they dont mind, especially based on the various
readings and sources I hit up FAM. # 5 Trials
(Everyone steals most of the spring-season honey.) Theft of all of the fall-season honey is merely the
most blatant form of exploitation. Bees are also often fed in the fall in preparation for winter and in the
spring and early summer to ensure the hive gets off to a good start (Bonney, 131; Vivian, 101). That is, to
make the bees start working earlier than they would normally. The sugar that is fed in the fall is turned
into honey by the bees, so even if a beekeeper tells you their bees survive on honey over the winter,
much of that honey may have simply come from Ziplock bags full of sugar water.

SPSG: No being is a Humans Tool we all have a right to life and LIBERTY
SAYON LIBERTY. I would rather be free as an endangered species than live
my life or have any of my fellow humans have to live through a life like the
bees in question here are living bro. *Tell me how you feel about that using a
Rhyme if you dont mind. *
[[A typical hive in the UK uses at least 8 kg (17.6 lbs.) of sugar per year (Consumers in Europe Group, 21).
In the US, a typical figure can be 25 lbs. (So if by chance a vegan doesn't eat bone char processed cane
sugar, but does eat honey, they're not doing a lot of good in terms of reducing the demand for sugar.)]]
Figures and Fuckers are a lot alike they LOVE SEX.
[[A queen excluder is generally used to keep the queen from laying eggs in the area where the
beekeeper only wants honey stored.]]
Thats only mildly offensive to me but even still we should be able to lay our spawn anywhere within the
confines of our own hive lets be real out here.
Beekeepers will naturally deny that they are slave owners who steal the products of the bees' labor.
They will tell you that they are working with the bees to help them reach their full potential, which just
happens to be measured in honey output. (Hmm, remind anyone of recombinant bovine growth
hormone?) In addition to being horribly paternalistic, the beekeeper's perspective makes little sense.
Under natural conditions, if the hive were producing a surplus, they would divide into two colonies and

there would be none wasted. Nonetheless, it is important to regard beekeepers as potential allies. They
are often more aware of environmental concerns than other people and may truly care about their
bees. A few simple changes in their attitudes would likely make their behavior acceptable to vegans,
although making those changes is not a simple thing. They would need to stop regarding themselves as
beeKEEPERS. They would also need to recognize that their role is largely temporary, as a stop gap
measure until farmers get their act together and facilitate the growth of native pollinator populations.
They should immediately switch to top bar hives, discourage surplus honey production and stop stealing
honey. Otherwise, there is too much incentive to exploit the bees and the environment. Top bar hives
are less high tech than Langstroth hives, result in less surplus honey, and the users generally have a
different mindset (Satterfield; Caldeira). Keep these things in mind if you are thinking buying locally
grown honey from a small apiary--although they are better than large commercial apiaries, they still may
share many of the objectionable philosophies. (How much respect can you have for someone if you are
taking advantage of her?) Finally, beekeeping varies due to the different environments in which it
occurs. Beekeepers are an opinionated group (like vegans). Just because one beekeeper tells you that
one of the practices I've described is crazy and something he would never do, doesn't mean that
another beekeeper thinks he is crazy not to.
So how exactly is honey made? The bees swallow nectar into their crop, regurgitate it, add enzymes
(spit), chew, swallow and repeat many times

SPSG: Not unlike how my Cum is produced.


Bee venom is obtained when the bee stings someone or something. The bee dies if she stings
Bee pollen is pollen collected by bees in sacs on their legs. It also contains some nectar and bee
saliva. It is popular because humans cannot collect such a wide variety of pollen.
Royal jelly is the nutritious food (for bees) fed only to the queen. It literally makes workers into
Beeswax is secreted by bees to build their hives.
Propolis is plant resin collected by bees and mixed with enzymes. It is used around the hive as
glue and as an antiseptic.
Bee brood are bees that are not fully developed. Not even vegetarian.

Beekeepers wear protective gear because bees communicate loud and clear
through their stings that they object to what the beekeeper is doing.
SPSG: We cant Speak Bee but the Stings Speak for Themselves Except for when the bees
are fucked off of some fakher and resort to suicide stinging.
IN CLOSING : Honey does not support Bees or Make Amends it subjects them to
continued abuse and torture. Neither Honey Bees or other pollinators need the honey

industry for their continued existence and in fact support of the honey industry could
directly result in their torture and death. Thus Honey is not Vegan nor purely and
potentially even at all beneficial to the PHPS Cause.

More info to consider.

beekeepers routinely kill off their hives in the fall because it is cheaper than housing, feeding and
keeping the bees disease-free over the winter. There is zero value attached to the bees; it is only their
ability to produce honey that is important. Other beekeepers don't intentionally kill bees, but it is
obvious many will die at the hands of the beekeeper that wouldn't if the human never got involved

Commercial honey production and commercial pollination are not the same--the bees that produce
honey are not the ones doing commercial pollination. "Beekeepers may brag about the importance of
honeybees in the necessary transfer of pollen, but many are not involved in the practical aspects of the
service," according to Justin Schmidt and Stephen Buchmann, Research Entomologists at the USDA Carl
Hayden Bee Research Center (Schmidt & Buchmann 739). Schmidt and Buchmann continue, "Bees
cannot be expected to feed themselves, much less produce any surplus honey while engaged in
commercial pollination" (Schmidt & Buchmann 740). Furthermore, the beekeepers have overstated their
importance in crop production. Honeybees pollinate a small percentage of crops. Beekeepers may quote
a figure, courtesy of the USDA, that honeybees pollinate 80% of the US crops that require pollination.
First, this means that 20% of these crops are in danger because the animals that pollinate them are
understudied and are likely unprotected from human pressures. Second, the 80% figure is likely wrong.
Independent surveys suggest that honeybees are the dominant pollinators for only 15% of the world's
crops. (Buchmann & Nabham 194); (O'Toole 170). This can be explained by the fact that the USDA is
focused almost exclusively on promoting honeybees as pollinators and are unlikely to recognize the
value of native pollinators. Also, not all crops require insect pollination.

VISIT [] http://www.vegetus.org/honey/honey.htm []
*The Front of Bees* Website for More Information, A List of the previously
mentioned References and more.


SPSG: As A Final Note I believe both my Blood Brother and I were too
uninformed on the matter to accurately assay and establish a legitimate
argument. Upon Further Reading and Research I have come to the conclusion
1. Honey is without a doubt against the ideals of Veganism and Sayonism.
2. Honey product purchase does not help Bees
3. Honey Industry Support is Depravity Support, Arrogance Support and
Torture Support.

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