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Hola profesor

Yo voy a describir todo acerca del Ecuador

El ecuador es un pas pequeo en cuanto a su extensin geogrfica pero grande
porque cuenta con una riqueza en su cultural, gastronmia, es multitnica,
biodiversa y no menos importante su herencia ancestral.
Por eso es fcil encontrar diversidad de bebidas elaboradas con granos o hierbas,
carnes, pescados y mariscos y platos que se sirven en determinadas pocas del
De regin a regin hay diferentes preparaciones, tcnicas de coccin e
ingredientes que convierten la visita a cada lugar en una experiencia

Carnes Coloradas imababura

En la Provincia de los Lagos, la carne de res frita es un emblema
gastronmico. Se la alia y seca al sol y su nombre se debe al color que
adquiere con el achiote. Se sirve con remolacha, tomate, aguacate,
lechuga, tortilla de papa y arroz blanco.

Encebollado guayas
Es una sopa caliente y refrescante que se prepara con albacora (un tipo
de pescado), yuca, cebolla y especies que le da un sabor concentrado.
En Ecuador este platillo se puede comer a cualquier hora del da, pero es
comn consumirlo en el desayuno.

Ceviche volquetero pastaza

Este plato mezcla ingredientes de tres zonas de Ecuador, entre los
principales: atn de la Costa, tostado de la Sierra y chifle de la variedad
de pltano yurimagua de la Amazona. Surgi de la necesidad de brindar
un alimento alternativo para los choferes de volquetas que viajaban para
trabajar en la construccin de carreteras en la dcada del 80, por lo que
adopt ese nombre.

With the Cucuruchos arrival, the Holy Week penitents, it also arrives the
exquisite fanesca, a typical dish made from a variety of grains. The fanesca is a
tradition of all the country, specially in the andean region: it says that fish is a
representation on Jesus and the twelve different grains are the disciples.

One of the delights of this place is the encocado. Those who prepare it are
friendly and smile a lot. Lots of people can teach you how to prepare this dish.
Atacames is the biggest natural beach of Ecuador and has a gastronomic
variety, but the encocado is the traditional dish. Theres nothing better than
enjoying this delicious dish after a day in the beach. Come to Atacames and
enjoy the flavors of Esmeraldas.

Galapagos isla tpruga

Amazonia parquet yasuni


The extraordinary flora and fauna, its geological features and the great amount of unique
species have made this park a very important center for scientific research and nature
tourism all around the world
It extends over a120.000 km2 area and has a lush vegetation, which is normal in tropical
rain-forests. It is characterized by its climate, lush vegetation, as well as by its fauna,
several indigenous communities, traditions, and customs that vary from one another.


This fascinating miracle of nature allows us to know the real natural wealth of the
Amazonia. It has a wide animal and vegetable diversity. Yasuni is one of the zones of the
earth most biodiverse, the studies talk about 150 amphibian species, 121 reptiles, 598 bird
species, between 169 and 204 mammals and in flora it have been identified 2113 species
and its estimated that it will exist around 3100. Yasuni is a paradise, Ecuador is a paradise.

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