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Game RPG biasanya selalu identik dengan petualangan tempat kamu

harus bertarung dengan para monster seram-seram. Tapi Harvest
Moon, yang bertema kehidupan sehari-hari, nggak ada yang namanya
jurus combo mematikan. Adanya cuma penyiram air, pacul, atau
kapak buat nebang pohon, tapi...... eh malah sukses! HotGame yang
pertama kali memuat strateginya beberapa bulan lalu, masih sering
disuratin penggemar yang tanya ini itu. Maklum game ini memang
awet. Makin lama, rahasia dan data yang kita punya juga makin
banyak. Nah, biar lebih seru, simak strategi lengkapnya. (irma)

Tanggal Ultah dan Hadiah Kesukaan


Louis: Spring 2 Madu, Jam.

Saibara: Spring 11 - Bijih besi.
Elli: Spring 16 - Bunga. Pekerja keras, diam-diam ia disukai oleh dokter. Bila ultahmu
Summer 16, ultah Elli akan jadi Summer 20.
kecuali Rabu 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM - Clinic
Rabu: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Rumahnya
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Supermarket
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Rumahnya
Barley: Spring 17- Bunga.
Lillia: Spring 19 - Bunga, Madu, Jam.
Greg: Spring 26 - Ikan besar, Ikan sedang, Makanan Ikan.
Sasha: Spring 30 - Bunga, Flour, Madu.

Popuri: Summer 3 - Bunga, Madu. Dia suka semua yang imut-imut. Tinggal bersama
Rick kakaknya dan ibunya Lilia di Poultry Farm. Bila hari ultahmu Summer 3, ultahnya
jadi Summer 10. Biarpun sainganmu, Kai hanya muncul pada musim panas, kamu tetap
harus berusaha menyenangkan Popuri.
Bila cuaca baik:Kecuali Minggu
7:30 AM - 10:00 AM - Hot Springs
10:30 AM - 6:00 PM - Rumahnya
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM - Church (musim panas saja)
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Church
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM - Rose Square
Bila cuaca buruk: kecuali Minggu
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM - Rumahnya
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM - Church
Harris: Summer 4 - Bunga, Onigiri.
Cliff: Summer 6 - Onigiri, Spa-Boiled Egg. Tinggal di Inn. Kalau kamu mengajaknya
bekerja di Vineyard, dia akan menjadi temanmu.
Basil: Summer 11-Bunga.
Ann: Summer 17-Spa Boiled Egg. Gadis tomboi sehingga ayahnya (Doug) takut Ann
tidak bisa menikah. Ann pandai masak dan ramah. Cliff adalah sainganmu untuk
mendapatkan Ann. Ann akan mengundangmu ke acara ultahnya bila parameter
perasaannya sudah ungu atau lebih. Jangan lupa datang dengan membawa hadiah. Bila
ultahmu Summer 17, ultah Ann akan jadi Summer 22.
Bila cuaca baik: 7:30 AM - 10:00 AM- HotSpring, 10:30 AM to 10:00 PM - Inn
Bila cuaca buruk: 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM- Inn
Kai: Summer 22 - Flour, Oil. Hanya muncul pada musim panas (menetap bila menikah
dengan Popuri). Orangnya ceria dan berterus terang.
Zach: Summer 29 - Onigiri.


Gotz: Fall 2 - Bahan-bahan.

Stu: Fall 5 - Madu, Juice, Jam.
Hoggy: Fall 10. Sprite berbaju kuning, hobinya tidur.
Manna: Fall 11 - Madu, Bunga.
Karen: Fall 15 - Wine. Cantik, pemilih, suka minum untuk melupakan masalahnya.

Satu-satunya karak-ter wanita yang dapat ditemukan di Inn pada malam hari. Bila
ulathmu Fall 15, ultahnya jadi Fall 23. Rick menyukainya dan selalu cemburu pada Kai.
Bila cuaca baik: Kecuali Minggu dan Selasa
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM - di luar Clinic/Supermarket
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - House
1:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Supermarket
7:30 PM - 10:00 PM - Mineral Beach
Minggu, Selasa
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM - di luar Clinic/Supermarket
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - House
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Hot Springs
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM - Inn
Bila cuaca jelek:Kecuali Minggu, Selasa
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM - Supermarket
Minggu, Selasa
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Rumah Gotz
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM - Inn
Doctor: Fall 17 - Poisonous Mushroom. Orangnya sangat sibuk tapi ia ramah.
Anna: Fall 23-Madu, Flour.
Rick: Fall 27 - Makanan Ayam. Orangnya baik,tapi ia tidak suka pada Kai. Tinggal di
Poultry Farm.

Kano: Winter 2 - Bunga, Jamur.
Gray: Winter 6 - Bijih Besi. Tinggal bersama dan bekerja untuk kakeknya Saibara. Ia
pemalu dan merasa kurang dihargai oleh kakeknya. Kalau bukan bekerja biasanya ia
ada di perpustakaan.
Doug: Winter 11 - Flour, Kare Flour, Oil.
Ellen: Winter 13 - Onigiri, Bread, Egg, Spa-Boiled Egg.
Duke: Winter 15 -Bread, Onigiri, Spa-Boiled Egg.
Won: Winter 19
Mary: Winter 25 - Bamboo Shoots (rebung). Gadis yang manis, suka bicara tentang


Karakter-karakter lain
Pastor Carter
Sprite: Peri-peri yang tinggal di pohon belakang gereja. Sprites suka aksesoris, apple pie, bodigizer, bread,
butter, cake, cookies, fruit juices, green grass, honey, hot milk, jam, omelets, relaxation tea, strawberry
milk, sweet potatoes, mix juices, pizza, wild grapes, wine and yarn. (Jangan lupa membungkus hadiah itu di
toko.) Mereka tidak suka binatang yang besar.
Bold (baju ungu): Spring 4
Staid (baju biru tua): Spring 15.
Aqua (baju biru muda): Spring 26.
Timid (baju hijau): Summer 16
Hoggy (baju kuning): Fall 10.
Chef (baju merah): Fall 14.
Nappy (baju oranye):Winter 22
Cat: Kalau minta tolong, gunakan saja 3-4 sprite, jangan memanggil semuanya karena nanti saat kamu
benar-benar butuh lagi mereka terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaan mereka sendiri. Kecuali kalau kamu ingin
menggarap ladangmu besar-besaran, sekitar 10-20 baris, barulah kamu butuh 7 orang sekaligus.
Gourmet : Seorang pesolek yang muncul untuk menilai makanan setiap orang yang mengikuti festival

Heart Key
Parameter perasaan cewek padamu. Ingat yang bisa kamu nikahi adalah Ann, Elli, Karen, Mary, atau Popuri.
(Untuk HM for Girl yaitu cliff, Kai, Rick, Doctor, atau Gray)
Hitam: Tidak ada perasaan apapun
Ungu: Sopan padamu
Biru: Sebagai teman
Hijau: Menyukaimu
Kuning: Jinak-jinak merpati
Orange: Terpikat
Merah: Mencintaimu

The Village
1. Tanah pertanianmu
2. Blacksmith (Pandai Besi)
10AM-4PM. Tutup pada setiap hari Kamis.

3. AJA Winery
9AM-12PM. Tutup pada setiap
hari Sabtu.
4. Mary's House
5. Library
10AM-4PM. Tutup pada setiap hari Senin.
6. Ellen's House
Tempat tinggal Ellen, Stu, dan Eli.
7. Mayor's House
Ketika Mayor keluar, temannya Kano biasanya berada di sini.
8. Supermarket
9AM-5PM. Tutup pada setiap hari Selasa dan Minggu
Rumah Karen nyambung dengan Supermarket.
9. Inn
Doug dan Ann tinggal di sini. Kai, Cliff, dan Gray tinggal di ruangan atas. Dan pada malam hari setelah 8PM,
banyak penduduk desa dapat ditemukan duduk-duduk sambil minum. Won, penjual biji-biji yang aneh, juga
dapat ditemukan di sini.
10. Clinic
9 AM-4 PM. Tutup pada setiap hari Rabu.
Doktor dan Eli bekerja di sini.
11. Church
Pastor selalu berada di sini. Banyak kakater lain dapat ditemukan di sini dari waktu ke waktu, seperti Cliff,
Popuri, Stu dan May.
12. Sprites' Home
Lokasinya terletak di dalam pohon di belakang gereja.
13. Rose Square
Tempat kebanyakan festival. Ada sebuah tong sampah yang terletak di area ini.
14. Mineral Beach
Zach, bertugas mengirim paket, dan Greg tinggal di sini. Pantai adalah rumah untuk satu atau dua perayaan
yang merupakan lokasi tepat untuk memancing.
15. Yodel Farm
9AM-3PM. Tutup pada setiap hari Senin.
Barley dan May tinggal di sini. Kamu dapat membeli dan menjual binatang seperti Domba dan Sapi Ada
beberapa festival diadakan di sini. Bila kamu memutuskan agar anjingmu dipelihara Hana, Yodel Farm Dog,
kamu harus mampir setiap hari supaya anjingmu tetap bergembira.
16. Poultry Farm
12PM-4PM. Tutup pada setiap hari Minggu.
Tempat tinggal Popuri, Lillia, dan Rick. Selain itu Poultry Farm juga tempat kamu dapat membeli atau
menjual ayam-ayam dan mendapatkan ayam-berhubungan supplier pertanian.
17. Carpenter's House
Kalau kamu mencari sesuatu untuk mengupgrade tanah pertanianmu, ini merupakan tempat yang harus
kamu tuju. Gotz, si tukang kayu, tidak memiliki waktu yang tetap, dan dia seringkali ditemukan berkeluyuran
di sekitar pegunungan sedang mencari makanan dan kayu. Louis juga tinggal di sini. Sekitar rumah Gotz
terdapat banyak kayu untuk kamu tebang.
18. Hot Spring
Spa yang berada di lingkungan luar. Ketika karaktermu mulai lelah, habiskan satu jam dalam spa untuk
mengembalikan energimu.
19. Lake Kappa
Ada Winter Mine yang hanya bisa kamu gali pada musim dingin.
20. Puncak Mother's Hill
Puncak tertinggi pegunungan.
21. Mother's Hill
Di pegunungan ini terdapat banyak benda. Tergantung musim, kamu dapat pergi ke sana ke mari di area ini
untuk mendapatkan buah-buahan dan berry. Kamu juga bisa mendapatkan kayu, bunga, dan banyak lagi.

The Cave
Tempat ini berada di belakang air terjun dekat Hot Spring. Gunakan cangkulmu untuk menemukan biji-biji
guna mengupgrade peralatanmu. Nilainya sama baiknya dengan benda-benda lainnya, misalnya uang.
Ketika menggali, kamu kadang-kadang menjumpai tangga-tangga yang membawamu ke area-area lebih
rendah. Area yang lebih rendah itu merupakan tambangmu, di sini kamu dapat menemukan benda-benda
lebih baik
Nomor 43
Kamis 28 Juni 2001

Mailing List
Ketik email kamu di


Ketik email kamu di


1: New Years Festival: Rose Square. Minum dengan orang dewasa di Inn (awas jangan
kebanyakan minum). Untuk menari dengan wanita, pergi ke Square.
8: Spring Goddes Festival: Rose Square
14: Thangksgiving Festival: Bagi-bagikan cookies buatanmu kepada gadis-gadis.
18: Horse Race: Walaupun kamu datang telat, kamu bisa mengikuti semua lomba (ada
22: Cooking Festival: Periksa makanan yang dikeluarkan oleh peserta lomba lain,
mungkin kamu akan menemukan sesuatu.
Untuk menang harus menggunakan bahan makanan yang banyak, berkualitas, dan alat
yang tepat. Resep yang rumit juga memperbesar kemungkinan menang. Bumbu-bumbu
lebih-kurang sedikit tidak berpengaruh. Bahan-bahan seperti telur dan susu yang
mempunyai hitungan angka tidak ada hubungannya pada keahlian pembuatan. Untuk
kue, bila kebanyakan telur atau susu, bakalan gagal. Tapi bagi yang kualitasnya bisa
dijumlah, misalnya dalam 1 resep pakai 2 telur, tidak ada masalah. Coba dulu resep yang
akan dilombakan karena ada bahan yang cocok dengan masakan tertentu ada yang tidak.

1: Sea Opening: Power Berry hanya bisa didapatkan dengan menang lomba pertama.
Saat lomba, selang-selingi antara bernapas dan berenang (tombol O dan Kotak).
Beberapa saat menjelang finih lakukan last spurt, berenang sekuat tenaga. Kalau sempat,
sebelumnya cari dan baca buku tentang festival dan berenang di perpustakaan.
7: Chicken Festival: Selain jumlah heart ayam yang maksimal (10), pada saat ayammu
berhadapan dengan sesamanya, tekan tombol O untuk bersorak memberi semangat. Bila
lawan mengejek, langsung balas dengan sorak semangat.

12: Tomato Festival: Perang

20: Cow Festival: Yodel Ranch. Menang-kalah tergantung
jumlah hati sapimu..
24: Fire Works Display: Bisa janjian sebelumnya dengan
pasangan nonton.

3: Music Festival: Gereja, 6 PM.
9: Harvest Festival: Rose Square, 10 AM. Tanggapan penduduk tergantung makanan yang
kamu bawa untuk dimasukkan ke Village Pot.
13: Moon Viewing Festival: Di puncak gunung mungkin kamu akan bertemu gadis yang
paling kamu sukai.
24: Sheep Festival: Yodel Ranch. Anak domba, domba hamil, dan domba yang sudah
dicukur tidak bisa dilombakan.
25: Fall Horse Race

10: Dog Race: Rose Square, 10 AM. Tergantung jumlah heart dan kecekatan anjing. Bila
kecekatan anjing rendah, lari ambil jarak sedikit dari anjing (jangan berlebih). Untuk
meningkatkan heart, jangan mengeluarkannya dari rumah saat cuaca buruk dan peluklah
ia sekali sehari. Latihan dengan Dog Ball meningkatkan kecekatan.
14: Winter Thanksgiving Festival: Gadis yang hatinya berwarna akan memberimu
chocolate, yang hatinya hijau memberimu chocolate cake. Popuri datang jam 6, Ann jam
8, Elli jam 10, Karen jam 1, dan Maria jam 3. (jika kamu menyimpan coklat yang mereka
berikan untuk beberapa hari, kamu bisa memberikan coklat kembali kepada mereka
sebagai hadiah dan mereka kelihatan tidak terlalu memperhatikan bahwa kamu
mengembalikan hadiah mereka)
24: Star Night Festival: Wanita yang mempunyai hati ungu akan mengundangmu pesta di
rumahnya. Acara dimulai pukul 6 PM.
30: New Years : Mother's Hill. Di puncak bukit ini, kamu dapat menemukan snow flower
yang jarang ada, yang ingin dilihat Nenek Eli sebelum dia meninggal.

Animal Medicine
Harga- 1000G
Untuk mengobati penyakit hewan peliharaan. Bisa dibeli di Yodel Ranch atau Poultry Farm.

Harga- 500G
Untuk memanggil ternak keluar atau ke dalam kandang. Lebih mudah kan daripada mendorong-dorong
mereka ke sana sini. Beli dari Blacksmith (si Saibara).
Blue Feather
Harga - 1000G
Untuk melamar gadis yang parameter perasaannya (gambar heart) merah. Beli di Supermarket.
Blue Vase
Harga - 5000G
Won akan menjualnya padamu bila rumahmu sudah diupgrade sepenuhnya. Taruh bunga di dalamnya,
berfungsi untuk mengurangi kelelahan.
Cow Potion
Harga - 3000G
Membuat sapi hamil. Beli di Yodel Ranch.
Dog Ball
Harga - 100G
Sangat berguna untuk melatih anjingmu, supaya bisa menang Dog Race dan membantu menggembala
ternak. Won akan menawarkannya pada musim gugur (Fall).
Fishing Rod
Harga - 0G
Tangkai pancing. Bicara dengan Greg di Spring tahun pertama dan dia akan memberikannya.
Fishing Pole
Harga - 0G
Tangkai pancing, lebih banyak hasilnya dari pada Fishing Rod. akan diberikan Greg bila ikan di kolammu
berjumlah 50 atau lebih. Untuk itu kamu harus rajin memancing dan memberi makan ikanmu (secara merata
dari pinggir kolam).
Medium Rucksack
Beli di Supermarket. Bisa membawa 4 tool dan 4 item.
Large Rucksack
Bisa membawa 8 tool dan 8 alat. Bisa dibeli di Supermarket 10 hari setelah kamu membeli Medium
Sheep Potion
Cost - 3000G
Description - Membuat domba dewasa hamil. Beli di Yodel Ranch.
Cost - 1800G
Description - Untuk menggunting bulu domba. Hasilnya bisa dijual dan dombamu makin cinta.
Home Shopping Network.
Setiap Sabtu pagi, televisimu akan menyiarkan penawaran item dapur dari saluran Home Shopping Network.
Kamu akan membutuhkan item-item ini untuk mempraktekkan resep makanan. Untuk memesan, kamu
harus menelpon dari Tavern (seharga 10G per panggilan). Biasanya waktu pengiriman item ialah 3 hari.
Setelah semua barang dari Shopping Channel di pesan, acara televisi akan berganti.
Knife: 3.000 G
Frying Pan: 2.500 G
Pot: 2.000 G
Mixer: 2.500 G
Whisk (pengocok): 1.000 G
Rolling Pin (untuk membuat mie): 1.500 G
Oven (untuk membuat kue, pie, dan cookie): 5.000 G
Seasoning Set (bumbu, terdiri dari garam, gula, cuka, saus tiram, pasta miso): 5.000G
Power Fruit (tingkatkan energi 10): 5.000G

Tool Upgrade

Nama Alat


Upgrade Tool

5,000G(tergantung level)

Lama (Hari)







Mayonnaise Machine

20,000G, Bijih Adamantite 5

Butter Machine

20,000G, Bijih Adamantite 5

Yarn Machine

20,000G, Bijih Adamantite 5


1,000G, Bijih Orichalc

Gunakan terus alat sampai di bagian
bawah layar data Tool ada tanda blue
Stone. Tidak usah melakukan coppergold upgrade. Langsung pakai mystril
saja (yaitu setelah 400% pemakaian
alat). Lebih hemat.

Untuk menyikat peliharaanmu. Merek

bakal makin cinta deh. Lakukan segera
setelah punya 20.000-40.000 G. Kamu
akan mendapat uang lagi setelahnya.

Untuk menyusui sapi. Sapimu akan

semakin menyukaimu. Lakukan segera
se-telah sapimu punya anak, jika punya

Lakukan segera setelah punya domba

Lakukan segera setelah punya ayam.

Lakukan segera setelah punya
biayanya, rumput, dan sapi.

Alias Cotton Machine. Sangat berguna

tapi kamu toh jarang punya wol.
Lakukan sehari sebelum kamu
mendapat wol saja.

Simpan sampai kamu punya 5 dan

berikan sekaligus pada seorang gadis.
Parameter perasaannya padamu bakal

Upgrade palu dan kapak dalam musim panas atau musim gugur. Kamu bakal sibuk dengan panenmu
sehingga memerlukan peralatan ini buat menghancurkan batu-batu besar atau mengumpulkan kayu.
Upgrade sabit dan penyiram air dalam musim dingin. Kamu tidak perlu menggunakan peralatan ini dalam
musim dingin sebab tidak ada panen yang tumbuh pada musim tersebut. Jadi kamu tidak mungkin
kehilangan panenmu.
Upgrade cangkul dalam musim semi, musim panas atau gugur, segera setelah ladangmu dikerjakan. Kamu
memerlukan peralatan ini dalam semua musim untuk bercocok tanam atau bertambang. Dalam musim
dingin tidak banyak yang harus dilakukan hanya beberapa hal seperti pertambangan dan mengumpulkan
kayu. Jadi cara terbaik untuk mengupgrade adalah, saat kamu sedang bersibuk ria dengan memanen

Daur hidup panen

Pertumbuhan dari tanaman yang kamu tanam akan mengalami siklus pertumbuhannya. Waktu pertumbuhan
ini akan sangat tergantung dari cara penangananmu. Jika kamu terus menggunakan tanah yang sama secara
terus menerus, tumbuh-tumbuhan akan tumbuh lebih lambat pada suatu periode waktu tertentu.
Jika kamu ingin meneruskan menggunakan area yang sama dari tanah yang dipakai untuk bercocok tanam
dan menuai panen, sekali panen yang tergantung dari musim berakhir, gunakan palu untuk menggemburkan
tanah kembali agar menjadi normal. Kemudian cangkul kembali. Kamu mungkin menginginkan terjadi panen

dalam area yang berbeda untuk menjaga agar tanah tetap subur.
Juga, jika kamu lupa menyirami panen, ini akan menyebabkan waktu pertumbuhan menjadi tidak tetap.
Note: Sekali benih sudah menjadi tumbuhan, kamu tidak perlu memberi air. Rumput akan tersisa dalam
perputaran tahun (meskipun akan tertutup oleh salju pada musim dingin) jadi kamu tidak perlu menanam
rumput baru setiap musim.
Rekomendasi: Jika kamu merencanakan untuk menanam beberapa benih-benih yang sama, tanam dalam
hari-hari yang berbeda. Hal ini akan menyebabkan mereka tidak tumbuh dalam waktu yang sama dan kamu
tidak perlu menghabiskan seluruh hari hanya untuk bercocok tanam, sehingga kamu tidak perlu kehilangan
kesempatan emas untuk merayu wanita-wanita.

Spring (Musim Semi)

Cabbage (Kubis)
Harga Biji : 500G
Di mana belinya : Won
Dijual seharga : setiap 250
Waktu tumbuh : 15 hari
Panen : sekali
Cucumbers (mentimun)
Harga benih: 200G
Di mana belinya : Supermarket
Dijual seharga : setiap 100G
Waktu tumbuh : 10 hari
Panen : setiap lima hari
(Dapat ditanam dalam musim panas dan musim gugur)
Harga benih: 500G
Di mana belinya : Supermarket
Dijual seharga : tidak untuk dijual karena diperlukan untuk memberi makan binatang
Waktu tumbuh : 30 hari
Panen : setiap 10 hari
Moon Drop Flowers
Harga benih: 500G
Di mana belinya : Supermarket
Dijual seharga : tidak untuk dijual
Waktu tumbuh : 6 hari
Panen : satu kali
Harga benih: 150G
Di mana belinya : Supermarket
Dijual seharga : setiap 80G
Waktu tumbuh : 8 hari
Panen : satu kali
Harga benih: 150G
Di mana belinya : Won
Dijual seharga : setiap 30G
Waktu tumbuh : 9 hari
Panen : setiap 2 hari
Turnips (lobak)
Harga benih: 120G
Di mana belinya : Supermarket
Dijual seharga : setiap 60G
Waktu tumbuh : 5 hari
Panen : satu kali
Benih kubis
Harga benih: 500 G.
Di mana belinya: Won, siang hari di Inn
Dijual seharga: 250 G per kubis
Toy Flowers
Harga benih: 400G
Di mana belinya : Won, siang hari Inn
Dijual seharga : tidak untuk dijual
Waktu tumbuh : 13 hari
Panen : satu kali

Summer (musim panas)

Corn (jagung)
Harga benih: 300G
Di mana belinya : Supermarket
Dijual seharga : setiap 100G
Waktu tumbuh : 15 hari
Panen : setiap tiga hari
Onion (bawang)
Harga benih: 150G
Di mana belinya : Supermarket
Dijual seharga : setiap 80G
Waktu tumbuh : 8 hari
Panen : satu kali
Pineapple (nanas)
Harga benih: 1000G
Di mana belinya : Supermarket
Dijual seharga : setiap 100G
Waktu tumbuh : 18 hari
Panen : setiap lima hari
Harga benih: 200G
Di mana belinya : Supermarket
Dijual seharga : setiap 60G
Waktu tumbuh : 8 hari
Panen : setiap 3 hari
Pumpkin (labu kuning)
Harga benih: 500G
Di mana belinya : Won
Dijual seharga : setiap 250G
Waktu tumbuh : 15 hari
Panen : sekali
Pink Cat Flowers
Harga benih: 200G
Di mana belinya : Won, siang hari di Inn
Dijual seharga : Tidak untuk dijual
Waktu tumbuh : 6 hari
Panen : sekali
Biji Nanas
Harga benih: 1.000 G.
Di mana belinya: Won, siang, di Inn
Dijual seharaga: 500G per nanas

Fall (musim gugur)

Carrot (wortel)
Harga benih: 300G
Di mana belinya : Supermarket
Dijual seharga : setiap 120G
Waktu tumbuh : 8 hari
Panen : sekali
Dijual seharga : setiap 80G
Waktu tumbuh : 10 hari
Panen : setiap 3 hari
Green Pepper (cabe hijau besar)
Harga benih: 150G
Di mana belinya : Won
Dijual seharga : setiap 40G
Waktu tumbuh : 8 hari
Panen : setiap 2 hari
Spinach (bayam)
Harga benih: 200G
Di mana belinya : Supermarket
Dijual seharga : setiap 120G
Waktu tumbuh : 6 hari
Panen : sekali
Sweet Potato

Harga benih: 300G

Di mana belinya : Supermarket
Dijual seharga : setiap 120G
Waktu tumbuh : 6 hari
Panen : setiap 3 hari
Magic Red : 600 G
Harga benih: 10 G
Di mana belinya: Won, siang hari di Inn
Dijual seharga: 200 G (hanya yang merah bisa dijual)

Winter (musim dingin)

Tidak ada panen yang dapat dihasilkan selama musim dingin. Bagaimanapun, jika kamu memiliki rumah
kaca (tempat untuk menanam tanaman yang tidak tahan pada musim dingin), kamu bisa menanam benih
apapun pada setiap waktu, selama setahun. Supermarket juga hanya menawarkan barang tergantung
musim., jadi siapkan persediaan benih-benih selama setahun.
Orange Cup :
Ini hanya dapat tumbuh dalam rumah kaca, pada musim apapun.
Harga benih: 1000G
Di mana belinya : Won, siang hari di Inn.
Dijual seharga: 60 G
Waktu tumbuh : 9 hari
Panen : sekali

Farm Upgrades


House Upgrade Pertama- Tambah dapur, kulkas (untuk menyimpan item

makanan), dan lemari (untuk penyimpanan item lain). Setelah ini kamu bisa

House Upgrade Kedua- Dapur lebih besar, tambah ruang duduk, kamar tidur kedua, dan perapian. Kamu
harus punya melakukan ini supaya bisa menikah.
Kayu -750
Barn Extention- Supaya bisa memelihara sampai 20 ternak dan menambah tempat pengembangbiakan.
Chicken Coop Extention- Supaya bisa memelihara sampai 10 ayam.
Kayu -420
Greenhouse-Rumah Kaca ini letaknya tepat di samping rumah. Kecil ukurannya sekitar 7 x 7. Sangat
berguna untuk menanam di musim dingin dan menyemaikan benih, tapi mudah hancur oleh

Agar hubungan dengan istrimu baik dan dia tidak meninggalkanmu, kamu harus bersikap baik padanya.
Bicara dengannya setiap hari, usahakan pulang ke rumah sebelum dia tidur (10 PM) dan berikan hadiah
setiap hari supaya parameter perasaannya (bisa dicek dengan tombol Start atau lihat waktu dia bicara)
berwarna merah. Setelah 1 atau 2 musim keadaan baik-baik terus, istrimu akan hamil! Oya, kalau parameter
hatinya sedang turun, lebih banyaklah bicara dengannya, kalau perlu beri 2 hadiah sehari.
Kalau pingin istrimu pergi, ya bersikap sebaliknya saja. Berikan padanya weeds dan barang-barang lain yang
tidak disukainya terus menerus sampai parameter perasaannya jadi hitam, maka pada suatu pagi ketika
kamu bangun ia sudah pergi. Apakah kamu masih bisa memperoleh istri, tergantung usahamu setelah itu.

Perkembangan Anak
Bayi- Ketika bayimu baru dilahirkan, kamu belum bisa menggendongnya, cuma istrimu yang bisa. Bayimu
juga akan mempunyai parameter perasaan dan tentu saja kamu akan berusaha membuatnya senang,
bukan? Sayang pada tahap ini kamu belum bisa melakukannya karena belum bisa berinteraksi dengan
Merangkak- Setelah sekitar setahun, bayimu mulai merangkak. Sekarang kamu bisa menggendong-nya,
mengajaknya bicara, dan memberinya hadiah, misalnya hot milk. Oya, di game ini cuma ada 1 jenis kelamin
untuk bayimu (mungkin biar gampang bikin programnya). Putramu akan memakai kostum biru.

Berjalan dan Bicara- Tiga musim setelah bayimu mulai merangkak, ia akan mulai berjalan dan bicara.
Kata-katanya ngaco semua, lucu deh. Kamu bisa lebih banyak bicara dengannya dan memberinya hadiah
barang-barang yang lebih besar. Setelah ini anakmu masih bisa terus tumbuh dan berkembang. Lihat sendiri

Ketika seseorang menawarkan resep pastikan kamu mencatatnya. Kemudian saat karaktermu berada di
rumah, buat makanan. Jika kamu melakukannya dengan benar, kamu akan memiliki sebuah hidangan yang
ditambah pada daftar resep.
Jadi nantinya kamu bisa memasak hidangan itu dengan lebih cepat dan mudah daripada yang kamu ingat.
Cara mendapatkan resep:
Ice cream : beri sebuah telur pada Yodel
Potato Pancakes : berikan bamboo shot pada Gotz
Fries : dalam sebuah botol saat kamu memancing di dermaga
Mixed Juice : berikan Doctor blue medicine plant
"Ohitashi" Greens: berikan Mana sebuah Pink Cat flower
Popcorn: berikan sebuah ear of corn kepada Kai
Pickled Turnips : berikan sebuah ear of corn kepada Saibara
Fruit Latte : berikan sebuah tomat pada Basil
Cheese Fondue : berikan sebuah tomat pada Doug
Pastor's Afternoon Snack : berikan sebuah telur pada Pastor

Power Berry
Untuk mendapatkannya tidak harus berurut.
Power Berry 1: Menangkan 1001 mdeali dari lomba berkuda, cari Mayor dan tukar medali itu denga Power
Berry 1.
Power Berry 2: Memancing di laut, di dermaga sana. (tapi lama)
Power Berry 3: Dalam tambang di dekat Hot Springs. Gali dengan Hoe.
Power Berry 4: Di luar tambang musim dingin, di pojok. (Tekan X.)
Power Berry 5: Di dalam tambang musim dingin.
Power Berry 6: Beli di TV Shopping Network, harganya 5000G.
Power Berry 7: Menangkan Swimming Festival.
Power Berry 8: Coba tebang pohon cedar di Mother's Hill. Pohon itu akan bicara memintamu untuk tidak
memotongnya. Kalau kamu turuti ia akan memberimu power Berry.
Power Berry 9: tanam lebih daripada 90 bunga . Waktu Anna datang katakan padanya ia boleh memetik
sebanyak ia mau.
Power Berry 10: Berikan Goddess hasil panen (crops) selama 5 hari berturut-turut dengan cara
melemparkannya ke air terjun
Special Berry
Lemparkan 3 cucumber (timun) ke danau di Mother's Hill sambil berdiri di depan 2 pohon di sebelah kiri
danau. Kappa akan memberimu sebuah berry. Berry ini membuat konsumsi energi jadi separuh.

Ikan legendaris
Sea Bream. Dapatkan pada musim semi, panas, atau gugur. Setelah menjual lebih dari 200 ikan, kamu
dapat mengangkap ikan ini di laut.
Squid (cumi): Lempar ikan kecil dari kolammu ke laut sebagai umpan lalu lemparkan fishing pole. Satu
umpan berlaku untuk satu hari mancing.
Char: Gunakan tongkat pancing di sungai atau air terjun setelah kamu mendapat resep Sashimi, Grilled Fish
dan Sushi. Musim apa saja.
Angler:Saat musim dingin pergilah ke laut dari jam 8-11 malam lalu lemparkan fishing polemu.
Catfish (Ikan Lele): Memancing di kolam bawah tanah (lihat "Watering Can yang selalu penuh") pada
musim dingin. Pakai alat pancing apapun oke.
Carp (Ikan Koi): Saat musim semi atau musim gugur, setelah mendapat 5 ikan legendaris lainnya. Bisa
ditangkap di Mother's Lake (danau dekat jembatan).

Tips & Trik:

Mengontrol cuaca.
Setelah save, periksa cuaca untuk keesokan hari. Kalau ramalan cuma mengatakan stormy (=berbadai atau
hujan lebat), bersalju, atau badai salju, ambil diary dan reload game kamu. Periksa cuaca lagi, dan biasanya
ramalan cuaca kali ini akan berbeda. Lakukan terus sampai mendapat cuaca yang kamu inginkan.
Cara ini terutama berguna pada saat kamu ingin menghindari badai salju, memindahkan ternak ke dalam
atau mengupgrade water can.

Kamu tidak perlu selalu membawa keranjang dalam tasmu, kamu bisa memuatnya dengan melempar isinya
dari jarak tertentu (sekitar 3 petak).
Relaxation Tea Leaves (Daun Teh untuk Relaksasi)
Antara jam 2.00 PM-4.00 PM di musim semi kunjungi rumah harvest sprite, berikan hadiah pada semuanya.
Sprites akan mengundangmu ke acara minum teh dan kamu akan mendapat daun teh yang berharga itu.
Item ini bisa kamu gunakan untuk memenangkan lomba masak.
Dog Ball
Harganya murah dan Won akan menjualnya lagi kalau kamu kehilangan bolamu. Tapi biar lebih hemat jangan
main di dalam rumah karena pasti bolamu akan hilang. Dog ball juga akan hilang bila ditaruh di luar rumah
beberapa hari. Paling baik simpan dalam lemari.
Kamu tidak perlu tidur sebanyak waktu normal. Kamu bisa tetap bekerja dan pulang paling telat 5.50 AM dan
bangun 6.00 AM.
Spa-Boiled Egg
Kamu bisa merebus telur di Spa. Caranya letakkan di tempat batu-batu yang seperti masuk ke air. Harga
telur-telur ini 30 kali lebih mahal dari pada telur biasa, tapi menurunkan harga Golden Egg.
Watering Can yang selalu penuh
Pada musim dingin, gali tambang di pulau yang ada di tengah danau. Gali sampai ketemu gua di dinding
Utara, masuk dan isi watering can dengan air dari kolam di dalam. Setelah itu, watering can kamu akan
mempunyai air yang tak terbatas.
Tool Upgrade yang cepat
Guanakan tool sampai 400%, tambang Blue Stone dan bawa Blue Stone itu, uang 5000G dan tool yang ingin
di-upgrade ke tukang besi. Dia akan bisa mengupgrade alatmu dengan cepat.
Mendapat lebih banyak bijih tambang
Untuk ini kamu memerlukan Harvest Basket dan Final Rucksack. Bawa Harvest Basker ke tambang, letakkan
dan mulai menanmbang. Kamu bisa menyimpan bijih galianmu ke Harvest Basket. Bila sudah penuh,
hadapkan ke sebuah bin (tempat penyimpanan) dan tekan Kotak. Kalau capek, kamu tinggal menyegarkan
diri di Hot Spring Pool (sekitar 1 jam). Ini juga bisa kamu lakukan pada musim dingin.
Mendapatkan kuda lain
Barley akan meminta kembali kudanya. Tapi asalkan kamu punya padang rumput yang bagus (tanam sekitar
30 Grass), kamu akan mendapatkan kuda baru. Kamu TIDAK bisa mempunyai 2 kuda sekaligus.
Perfume/love potion
Kunjungi pantai beberapa kali semalam musim panas. Pada suatu hari kamu akan menemukan botol berisi
surat. Kai akan menanyakan apakah kamu ingin menetap di desa. Jawab Yes, dan ia akan mengganti botol
itu dengan parfum
Mining for Dollars
Ketika menggali dalam gua, karaktermu akan secara otomatis mengisi benda-benda ke dalam ranselnya
Pada musim gugur, buah apel akan berjatuhan dari pohon. Kamu bisa menghasilkan sesuatu dari apapun
yang kamu temukan di tanah dan menjualnya, memakannya, menghadiahkannya atau menyimpan dalam
kulkas untuk digunakan nanti.
Ellen's Pie
Suatu saat, Mayor akan memintamu untuk membawakan Neneknya Elli sebuah pie dari Inn. Penuhi
perminataannya. Nenek akan menawarkan tip, tapi tolak penawarannya. Elli kemudian akan muncul dan
memberikan sepotong pie (yang dapat kamu berikan ke wanita yang kamu suka). Pada hari berikutnya,
Mayor akan muncul di ladangmu dan memberikan sebuah kue yang dapat kamu makan.
Cliff Pingsan
Suatu hari, kamu mungkin menemukan Cilff pingsan di tengah salju di Rose Square. Dia memiliki sebuah
gambar dalam tangannya. Setelah kamu menolongnya, kamu kembalikan gambar itu padanya. Kalau tidak
kamu harus menyimpannya terus padahal tidak jelas gunanya.
Ketika memancing, lemparkan sampah yang kamu dapatkan ke dalam tempat sampah yang terdapat dalam
town square. Kalau buang sampah sembarangan, kamu bisa dimarahi orang.
Bila pernah buang sampah sembarangan atau melakukan kesalahan lain (misalnya iri pada rumah orang
lain), kamu bisa melakukan pengakuan dosa di gereja. Tapi efeknya pada permainan tidak jelas.
Bee Knees
Jika kamu menanam bunga, lebah-lebah akan muncul dan membangun sarang di pohon apelmu. Ambil madu

dan berikan pada Louis. Dia akan mengonfirmasikan bahwa lebah ini adalah lebah spesial yang dia cari. Ini
akan menambah harga yang kamu dapatkan dari penjualan madu.
Orange Cup
Bunga ini hanya bisa ditanam di dalam Green House/Rumah Kaca. Bila ditanam di luar, bunga ini tidak
terlihat tapi bisa tumbuh. Sirami setiap hari dan bila sudah cukup besar, kamu tidak akan bisa melangkahi
tempat itu biarpun bunganya tak terlihat. Kamu tinggal memetiknya, dan bunga itu akan terlihat di
Kotak Musik
Ada kotak musik tua yang terkubur kira-kira segaris dengan kandang anjing dan pohon. Gali keluar dengan
hoe dan sering-sering bicara dengan Rick. Beberapa hari kemudian ia akan membetulkan kotak musik tua itu
dengan gratis. Kamu bisa memberikannya kepada gadis yang kamu sukai.
Produk Kualitas Emas
Ternak yang menang dalam lomba akan menghasilkan Gold Milk, Gold Fur, dll tapi setiap tahun dari setiap
jenis ternak hanya satu ekor yang bisa menang, bukan? Cara mengakalinya: Buat 2 memory car. Save sehari
sebelum festival kemudian pindahkan semua hewan dari jenis yang akan dilombakan, misalnya kuda- kecuali
satu ekor yang ingin dilombakan - ke game lain. Setelah menang, tukarkan hewan yang menang ke game
yang tidak digunakan dan kembali ke sehari sebelum festival lagi. Ulangi langkah tadi sampai semua hewan
menang dan kamu tinggal memindahkan kembali hewan-hewan yang menghasilkan produk kualitas Gold ke
permainanmu semula.
Jembatan Rusak
Pada tahun ke-10, ada event amburknya jembatan . Kalau kamu berdiri di tengah jembatan sampai lama
sekalli (sampai tiduran), kamu akan mengalaminya. Setelah sadarkan diri, Harris, istri dan anakmu ada
disampingmu, mencemaskanmu. Beberapa hari kemudian Gotz memintamu membantu memperbaiki
jembatan dengan upah 1000G per hari (5 hari) plus kayu sekitar 200 potong.
Susu Coklat
(Belum dikonfirmasi) Menikah dengan Karen sebelum tahun ketiga dan punya anak sbelum tahun ke-4.
Kemudian ambil coklat yang kamu peroleh saat Thanksgiving dan campurkan dalam makanan sapi. Sapi-sapi
akan menghasilkan susu coklat yang laku dijual seharga 2000G.
Memancing Terus
Kadang ada festival di dekat perairan, misalnya kembang api, lomba renang, dooking pot, dll. Setelah festival
usai dan sudah malam, jangan pulang tapi pergilah memancing. Waktu tidak akan berjalan sehingga kamu
bisa memancing sepuas-puasnya.
Batu Kecil
Ingat batu kecil yang kamu hancur-hancurkan di awal game Harvest Moon? Kalau kamu ingin main dari awal
lagi, coba gunakan batu itu untuk membuat pagar. Bakalan awet


Chrisy from Singapore says (29/Nov/2006): I like Popuri . I get her on the red heart
but she didnt accept me . Popuri need a vacation house to get her marry to me is it?
Please someone tell me can any 1 tell me every recipes of harvest moon? please
please . Oh ya that time i went fishinq i fished a mermaid it juz said "............" and it is
gone really. if anyone know what is that please tell me thanks . if you like to tell me
all the recipes of harvest moon , email me
aries_852318< remove me > at yahoo.com.sg thanks oh and i be giving u all some
Ingredients: milk (big)
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: none
-------------Hot milk:
Ingredients: milk
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: sugar

Strawberry milk:
Ingredients: milk, strawberries
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: none
-------------Fruit juice:
Ingredients: grapes, apples - no matter
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: none
-------------Tomato juice:
Ingredients: tomato
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: salt
-------------Vegetable juice:
Ingredients: cucumber, carrot
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: none
-------------Apple jam:
Ingredients: apple
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: sugar
-------------Grape jam:
Ingredients: wild grape
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: sugar
-------------Strawberry jam:
Ingredients: strawberry
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: sugarStrawberry Jam
-------------Vegetable and fruit juice:
Ingredients: pineapple, strawberry, wild grape, carrot, cucumber, cabbage, apple
Utensils: knife, mixer
Seasoning: sugar, salt
-------------Fruit latte:
Ingredients: pineapple, apple, wild grape, milk
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: sugar
-------------Happy eggplant:
Ingredients: eggplant
Utensils: frying pan
Seasoning: salt

Ingredients: spinach
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: soy sauce
-------------Scrambled eggs:
Ingredients: oil, golden eggs
Utensils: frying pan
Seasoning: none
-------------Jam bun:
Ingredients: bread, jam
Utensils: none
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: boiled egg, bread, butter, cucumber, tomato
Utensils: knife
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: oil, potato
Utensils: knife, frying pan
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: curry powder, riceball, large fish
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: flour
Utensils: rolling pin, pot
Seasoning: none
------------Fried noodles:
Ingredients: oil, eggs, vegetables, noodles
Utensils: frying pan
Seasoning: none
------------Veggie pancake:
Ingredients: egg, flour ,cabbage, oil
Utensils: frying pan, knife
Seasoning: none
------------Truffle rice (I win Cooking Festival with this):
Ingredients: truffle, rice ball
Utensils: none
Seasoning: salt, soy sauce

Mushroom rice:
Ingredients: mushroom, rice ball
Utensils: none
Seasoning: salt, soy sauce
-----------Grilled fish:
Ingredients: medium fish
Utensils: frying pan
Seasoning: none
-----------Rice omelet:
Ingredients: milk, egg, rice ball, oil, corn, potato
Utensils: frying pan
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: milk, egg, oil, corn, potato
Utensils: frying pan
Seasoning: none
----------Miso soup:
Ingredients: egg
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: miso paste
---------Vegetable salad:
Ingredients: carrot, corn, green pepper, cucumber, cabbage, tomato
Utensils: knife
Seasoning: none
--------Cheese fondue:
Ingredients: bread, wine, cheese
Utensils: knife, pot
Seasoning: salt
-------Chocolate cookies:
Ingredients: flour, butter, egg, chocolate
Utensils: rolling pin, oven
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: flour, butter, egg
Utensils: rolling pin, oven
Seasoning: none
-------Pickled turnips:
Ingredients: turnip
Utensils: knife
Seasoning: vinegar, sugar, salt, soy sauce

Ice - cream:
Ingredients: milk, egg
Utensils: pot, whisk
Seasoning: sugar
Ingredients: tomato, onion
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: sugar, salt, vinegar
-------Do you want Popuri? She loves Pink Cat flowers and eggs. When she has a blue heart
she will give you an egg. Put it in incubator. When you got a chick from this egg,
Popuri comes to you and tell you she's happy. A tip about Karen? She likes wine,
truffles and Moondrop flowers. When you have Karen with blue heart she will come
to your farm and give you Moondrop flowers seeds. When they're blooming she
comes to you again and tell you she's happy. Give flowers to her later and her love
meter go up by one point. About Mary? She's easy to marry. She likes mushrooms,
poison mushrooms, all grasses, flowers... When you have Mary with blue heart she
will comes to your farm and give you a book. Read it and go to library. Then she's tell
you some informations about it. Answer "I like woodcutter". Some information about
Ann? OK. She likes milk, eggs, spa-boiled eggs and another food. If you have Ann
with blue heart she will comes to you farm. She wants 3 fresh eggs every day. Say
"yes". Now it's time for my favourite Elli! She loves flowers. When you have Elli
with blue heart she will comes to you farm at noon with a sandwich. It's not very good
so she's unhappy. Next day she comes too. Her sandwich is better, but... Next she
comes with an excellent sandwich!!! She's very happy about this and she likes you

Was this review helpful to you?

Hiya, I have a lot of recipes for all fans!!!
Olivia from Bydgoszcz, Poland says (29/May/2004): HI! My name's Olivia. I live in
Poland. Harvest Moon: Back to nature is my favourite game. It's not strange - all fans
will agree with me. My favourite girl is Elli - sweet and pretty.
Popuri is cute, Karen is beautiful, Mary is nice, Ann is a tomboy. What's your
favourite girl? I like cooking various food, too. I have some recipes for you:
Ingredients: milk (big)
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: none
-------------Hot milk:

Ingredients: milk
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: sugar
-------------Strawberry milk:
Ingredients: milk, strawberries
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: none
-------------Fruit juice:
Ingredients: grapes, apples - no matter
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: none
-------------Tomato juice:
Ingredients: tomato
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: salt
-------------Vegetable juice:
Ingredients: cucumber, carrot
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: none
-------------Apple jam:
Ingredients: apple
Utensild: pot
Seasoning: sugar
-------------Grape jam:
Ingredients: wild grape
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: sugar
-------------Strawberry jam:
Ingredients: strawberry
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: sugar
-------------Vegetable and fruit juice:
Ingredients: pineapple, strawberry, wild grape, carrot, cucumber, cabbage, apple
Utensils: knife, mixer
Seasoning: sugar, salt
-------------Fruit latte:
Ingredients: pineapple, apple, wild grape, milk
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: sugar
-------------Happy eggplant:

Ingredients: eggplant
Utensils: frying pan
Seasoning: salt
Ingredients: spinach
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: soy sauce
-------------Scrambled eggs:
Ingredients: oil, golden eggs
Utensils: frying pan
Seasoning: none
-------------Jam bun:
Ingredients: bread, jam
Utensils: none
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: boiled egg, bread, butter, cucumber, tomato
Utensils: knife
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: oil, potato
Utensils: knife, frying pan
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: curry powder, riceball, large fish
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: flour
Utensils: rolling pin, pot
Seasoning: none
------------Fried noodles:
Ingredients: oil, eggs, vegetables
Utensils: frying pan
Sasoning: none
------------Veggie pencake:
Ingredients: egg, flour ,cabbage, oil
Utensils: frying pan, knife
Seasoning: none
------------Truffle rice (I win Cooking Festival with this):

Ingredients: truffle, rice ball

Utensils: none
Seasoning: salt, soy sauce
-----------Mushroom rice:
Ingredients: mushroom, rice ball
Utensils: none
Seasoning: salt, soy sauce
-----------Grilled fish:
Ingredients: medium fish
Utensils:frying pan
Seasoning: none
-----------Rice omelet:
Ingredients: milk, egg, rice ball, oil, corn, potato
Utensils: frying pan
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: milk, egg, oil, corn, potato
Utensils: frying pan
Seasoning: none
----------Miso soup:
Ingredients: egg
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: miso paste
---------Vegetable salad:
Ingredients: carrot, corn, green pepper, cucumber, cabbage, tomato
Utensils: knife
Seasoning: none
--------Cheese fondue:
Ingredients: bread, wine, cheese
Utensils: knife, pot
Seasoning: salt
-------Chockolate cookies:
Ingredients: flour, butter, egg, chockolate
Utensils: rolling pin, oven
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: flour, butter, egg
Utensils: rolling pin, oven
Seasoning: none
-------Pickled turnips:

Ingredients: turnip
Utensils: knife
Seasoning: winegear, sugar, salt, soy sauce
-------Ice - cream:
Ingredients: milk, egg
Utensils: pot, whisk
Seasoning: sugar
Ingredients: tomato, onion
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: sugar, salt, winegear
-------That's all. When you have qestions or sugestions- tell me about this, please. I'm a
master of this game. I know all secrets. And I know many tips about girls. Do you
want Popuri? She loves Pink Cat flowers and eggs. Whan she has a blue heart she will
give you an egg. Put it in incubator. When you got a chick from this egg, Popuri
comes to you and tell you she's happy. A tip about Karen? She likes wine, truffles and
Moondrop flowers. When you have Karen with blue heart she will come to your farm
and give you Moondrop flowers seeds. When they're blooming she comes to you
again and tell you she's happy. Give flowers to her later and her love meter go up by
one point. About Mary? She's easy to marry. She likes mushrooms, poison
mushrooms, all grasses, flowers... When you have Mary with blue heart she will
comes to your farm and give you a book. Read it and go to library. Then she's tell you
some informations about it. Answer "I like woodcutter". Some informations about
Ann? OK. She likes milk, eggs, spa-boiled eggs and another food. If you have Ann
with blue heart she will comes to you farm. She wants 3 fresh eggs every day. Say
"yes". Now it's time for my favourite Elli! She loves flowers. When you have Elli
with blue heart she will comes to you farm at noon with a sandwich. It's not very good
so she's unhappy. Next day she comes too. Her sandwich is better, but... Next she
comes with an exelent sandwich!!! She's very happy about this and she likes you
better. Phew, that's NOT all. If you have a problem - ask. I know a lot. Hey, the show
is over! Bye all fans!!! Greetings!!!

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52 of 61 people

The first game that I got addicted to....^_~

Sae from USA says (18/Dec/2004): Introduction:
As a child you visited your Grandfather's ranch when vaction plans fell through.
Return to the farm that holds fond childhood memories and rejuvenate it's long
neglected fields. Tend to your livestock and interact with over 50 characters. As you
struggle to make the farm something your grandfather would be proud of, one

nagging question remains: What ever happend to the little girl that you knew a decade
Non-linear, real-time game play allows for a wide assortment of events!
Compete with villagers in challenging festivals, such as Chicken Sumo and an annual
Town Tomato Fight!
Collect and Cook different recipes. Create your own dishes to "woo" the women in
Befriend the Harvest Sprites to help out around the Ranch!
Deadly Tools In 48 Hours
You can get very proficient with your tools and have them ready to be upgraded
quickly in two days by doing the following. On the very first day of the game (before
leaving the house) grab any tool out of the toolbox as soon as you can.
Use it over and over until it hits 400%; your guy will fall down automatically once he
is exhausted (he will fall down and get back up after a little while). Now when you
leave the house on the first day, go to the Hot Springs before using the tool and stay in
there for two hours. While there, fill up the watering can.
On the second day, before leaving the house, use the watering can until it too goes to
400%. Again, go to the springs immediately after. Your tools will all be ready to
upgrade to Mystrile, and the game has barely started!
Hint: Keep Hothouse from Being Damaged
Whenever there is a hurricane, there is a high chance of your hothouse getting
damaged. A way to prevent this is to put your dog in the hothouse.
Use the following trick for an easy way to get Karen to like you. Get the biggest
rucksack, and get the winery lady to sell you as many wines as you can hold. Then,
give them all to Karen. If you are fast, you can make two trips a day.
This trick requires the largest house and icebox (refrigerator) and the largest rucksack.
Go to the wine maker's house and buy nine bottles of wine. Bring it home and put it in
your icebox. Continue this until they are closed for the day. When they are closed,
take nine bottles out and give them to Karen. This works very well. I can get about 63
bottles a day because of this.
Buy the last rucksack and buy as much wine as you can carry. Go to Karen and she
will blush. Her love meter will go up with every nine bottles or so. After that is done,
go to the place where the cedar tree is located. Collect as many flowers as you can
hold and bring them to her. Also at the hot spring once at the start of the game, she
will appear and say that you are looking sad. She will ask what is wrong. Answer
"Love life" and her love meter will turn purple. She will console you every time you
have a problem. Try to find where the winter flower is located and her love meter will
go up. At the Cooking Festival, talk to her only and she will win and like you more.
If you have Karen on a blue heart she will give you Moon Drop Seeds at some point.
Note: You must not be married to anyone.

If you like Karen, give her wine as much as you can at Fall 15 to better your
Take your dog to her every day, and, while holding the dog, talk to her. Her heart level
will go up for every time you talk to her with your dog!
Recommended Recipes
Roasted Potatoes
Sweet potatoes
Flavor: Sugar, Salt
Tomato, Onion
Flavor: Sugar, Salt, Vinegar
Ice Cream
Milk, Eggs, Sugar
Curry Powder, Rice-Balls
Miso Soup
Any Vegetable, Fish
Flour, Miso Paste, cut up Vegetables
Hot milk
Flavor: Sugar
Flour, Fish, any other Vegetables
Rolling Pin, Pot, Knife
Boiled egg
Flavor: Salt
Egg, Milk, Oil
Frying Pan, Whisk
Flavor: Potatoes or Corn
Flour, Butter, Egg
Rolling Pin, Oven
Flavor: Honey, Sugar
Rice Omelette
Egg, Milk, Oil, Riceballs
Frying Pan, Whisk
Getting Recipes:

Ice Cream: Give egg to Yodel.

Potato Pancakes: Give bamboo shoot to Gotz.
Fries: Caught in a bottle when fishing off a pier.
Mixed Juice: Give a blue medicine plant to the Doctor.
"Ohitashi" Greens: Give a Pink cat flower to Manna.
Sandwiches: Give Pink cat flower to Ellen.
Chocolate Cookies: Give Pink cat flower to Sasha.
Popcorn: Give an ear of corn to Kai.
Pickled Turnips: Give an ear of corn to Saibara.
Fruit Latte: Give a Tomato to Basil.
Cheese Fondue: Give a Tomato to Doug.
Pastor's afternoon snack: Give an egg to the Pastor.
Ketchup: In winter, go to the mine that you have to cross over on ice. Dig for a while
to find the recipe, which resembles an old newspaper.

That's all for today....^_~...If you have some questions just

e-mail me...

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3 of 4 people found

The Game of the Year!

Alex Moerman from NSW Australia says (23/Jan/2001): Cluck......Moo..... No, not
your average sounds for a Playstation game. But, then again, this isn't an average
game, this is a brilliant game, this is Harvest Moon: Back to Nature.
In a way, this game is like human flesh, it is an aquired taste. If you are fortunate
enough to have this taste, you are in for a graphical, sonical and enjoyable treat. The
story goes that as a young boy, instead of your usual vacation, you visited your
grandfather's farm because of your father's job. Although very different from your
home life, it was a pleasant change and you found something new and exciting to do
everyday. You met a girl, and made wonderful friends with her, you remember singing
merry songs high upon the summit of a mountain near the farm. When it was time to
leave, you promised her you would meet again.
That was ten years ago. Now, your grandfather has passed away, and you volunteer to
rebuild his broken down farm with a dead line of three years. You never know, maybe,
just maybe, you'll meet that girl again....
But, in-between now and 3 years time, you have to rebuild the farm to the great lively

ranch it once was. Not as easy as it seems, clearing your ranch, planting crops and
looking after animals are but a few of the many chores you must consistently do. No,
this game isn't really boring or hard work, Natsume have somehow made work fun!!
There are plenty of things to do in your spare time, like woo one of 5 single women in
the town, forage in the mountain and mine, fish, find and cook recipies and participate
in carnivals like the Horse Race and the Tomato Fight!! The game certainly begins
slowly, but quickly picks up speed as you place your jobs and activites into a daily
ruitine. You will soon you find yourself interacting with dozens of characters as the
story gets deeper and more involved pulling you into this colossal game.
The game's graphics are suitably cartoony but not so much as to detract from the more
mature aspects of the game. When interacting with the people in the town, a text box
pops up with a cute anime inspired character face depicting their mood, it's little
things like this that make Harvest Moon: Back to Nature so special.
Sound wise, you're in for a treat, although quite repetitive, you'll find yourself
humming along with the catchy tunes in no time. The sound effects are great, with the
mandatorie clucking, mooing and woofing, but there is also things like waves
crashing, wind blowing and seagulls squawking when you visit the beach.
Natsume have hit the nail right on the head when it comes to lengthiness, this game
will allow you to continue playing after the 3 years have finished!! You can woo your
women with presents and watch their heart rating soar until the time is right for you to
propose, you can have a child once married and if you play after the 3 years, you will
find that other couples in the village may get married!! After you've completed the
required 3 years and have played well enough to go on, as you continue to play, you
will continue to find intriuging twists in the 'story'.
I would thourghoully recommend any gamer, young and old, to purchase Harvest
Moon: Back to Nature, I'm sure with it's remarkable character and clever originality,
this game will touch hearts all around the world, like it has touched mine.

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2 of 5 people found

an addicted game ............................................

raphael from philippines says (29/Jul/2006): the harvest moon is the greatest game in
my life. it teach me how to farm. and i learn to cook when i started playing that.here
some recipes that i invented....
Ingredients: Bread, Apple Jam/Grape Jam/Strawberry
Seasonings: none
Utensils: none
Ingredients: Milk, Mixed Juice
Seasonings: none

Utensils: none
Ingredients: Turnip
Seasonings: Vinegar
Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Cucumber
Seasonings: Vinegar
Utensils: none
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Apple*
Seasonings: sugar
Utensils: Knife, Oven, Rolling Pin, Pot
Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Rice Ball
Seasonings: none
Utensils: none
Ingredients: Cheese, Milk, Egg
Seasonings: Sugar
Utensils: Oven, Pot, Whisk
Ingredients: Cheese, Bread
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Rice Balls, Scrambled Eggs, Sashimi
Seasonings: Vinegar
Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate
Seasonings: Sugar
Utensils: Oven, Whisk
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate
Seasonings: Sugar
Utensils: Rolling Pin, Oven
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Noodles
Seasonings: none

Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Bread, Butter Seasonings: none Utensils: none
Ingredients: Oil, Rice Balls, Egg
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Milk, Fruit Juice
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Spinach
Seasonings: Soy Sauce
Utensils: Pot
Sashimi Fish Knife None
Strawberry Milk
Main Ingredients
Main Utensils
Optional Ingredients
Optional Seasonings
Main Ingredients
Main Seasonings
Main Utensils
Tempura Tempura, Pot None
Noodle Noodle
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Apple*
Seasonings: sugar
Utensils: Knife, Oven, Rolling Pin, Pot

Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Rice Ball
Seasonings: none
Utensils: none
Ingredients: Cheese, Milk, Egg
Seasonings: Sugar
Utensils: Oven, Pot, Whisk

Ingredients: Cheese, Bread
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Rice Balls, Scrambled Eggs, Sashimi
Seasonings: Vinegar Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate
Seasonings: Sugar
Utensils: Oven, Whisk
Ingredients: Milk, Mixed Juice
Seasonings: none
Utensils: none
Ingredients: Pumpkin, Milk, Egg
Seasonings: sugar
Utensils: Oven, Pot
Ingredients: Cheese, Flour, Ketchup
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Rolling Pin, Oven
Ingredients: Bread, Cucumber, Tomato, Boiled Egg
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Knife

Ingredients: Milk, Strawberry
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Rice Ball, Sashimi
Seasonings: Vinegar
Utensils: none
Ingredients: Milk, Cabbage, Carrot
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Mixer
Veggie Pancake
Ingredients: Flour, Egg, Cabbage, Oil
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife

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totally awesome
mikey from philippines says (9/Apr/2005): i've been playing this for like 2 or 3 times
and i never get bored!!! it's got like so much cool stuff like marrying someone, getting
your own animals, joining festivals, and lots more... i consider karen as the best girl to
marry, i've married her 2 out of 3 times!!! but i think it'd be funner if you would marry
others also... i married popori right now, and she's not so bad... i've got some
gameshark codes i like to share with all of you guyz... works all the time!!!
# Description Code
1 Max Lumber 80070D38 03E7
2 Max Fodder 80070D3A 03E7
3 Max Fish Food 80070D3E 03E7
4 Max Chicken Feed 80070D40 03E7
5 Have Maxed Power Fruit 800712BC 000A
6 Max RuckSack Storage 80071A1E 0002
7 Max Level Sickle 80071A40 FFFF
8 Max Level Hoe 80071A42 FFFF
9 Max Level Ax 80071A44 FFFF

10 Max Level Hammer 80071A46 FFFF

11 Max Level Watering Can 80071A48 FFFF
12 Infinite Money 80071A5C FFFF
13 Max Money 80071A5C 967F
80071A5E 0098
14 Infinite Medals 80071A60 FFFF
15 Max Medals 80071A60 967F
80071A62 0098
16 Max Earnings 800711FC 967F
800711FE 0098
17 Zero Reduction Expenses 80071200 0000
18 Max Amount Shipped (GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed! 50001502 0000
800711C4 03E7
19 Max Amount Shipped All (Caetla Only) B0150002 00000000
800711C4 03E7
191 All Item Shipped 800711C4 03E7
800711C6 03E7
800711C8 03E7
800711CA 03E7
800711CC 03E7
800711CE 03E7
800711D0 03E7
800711D2 03E7
800711D4 03E7
800711D6 03E7
800711D8 03E7
800711DA 03E7
800711DC 03E7
800711DE 03E7
800711E0 03E7
800711E2 03E7
800711E4 03E7
800711E6 03E7
800711E8 03E7
800711EA 03E7
800711EC 03E7
192 Max Hearts Chicken 1 30074302 00FF
193 Max Hearts Chicken 2 300743B6 00FF
194 Max Hearts Chicken 3 3007446A 00FF
195 Max Hearts Chicken 4 3007451E 00FF
196 Max Hearts Barn Animal 1 30074A0A 00FF
197 Max Hearts Barn Animal 2 30074AC2 00FF
198 Max Hearts Dog 300759FA 00FF
199 Max Hearts Horse 30075AEA 00FF
200 Maximum Harvest Sprite's Affection 8007A64E 010E
8007A746 010E
8007A83E 010E
8007A936 010E
8007AA2E 010E
8007AB26 010E

8007AC1E 010E
201 Max Affection Cow 1 80074A0A 010E
202 Max Affection Cow 2 80074AC2 010E
203 Max Affection Cow 3 80074B7A 010E
204 Max Affection Cow 4 80074C32 010E
205 Max Affection Cow 5 80074CEA 010E
206 Max Affection Cow 6 80074DA2 010E
207 Max Affection Cow 7 80074E5A 010E
208 Max Affection Cow 8 80074F12 010E
209 Max Affection Cow 9 80074FCA 010E
210 Max Affection Cow 10 80075082 010E
211 Max Affection Cow 11 8007513A 010E
212 Max Affection Cow 12 800751F2 010E
213 Max Affection Cow 13 800752AA 010E
214 Max Affection Cow 14 80075362 010E
215 Max Affection Cow 15 8007541A 010E
216 Max Affection Cow 16 800754D2 010E
217 Max Affection Cow 17 8007558A 010E
218 Max Affection Cow 18 80075642 010E
219 Max Affection Cow 19 800756FA 010E
220 Max Affection Cow 20 800757B2 010E

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my dog is sammy,my farm is narrow farm.
lee bing from malaysia says (9/Dec/2006):
I have some recipe for your guy
Strawberry jam:
Ingredients: strawberry
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: sugar
Ingredients: spinach
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: soy sauce
Strawberry milk:
Ingredients: milk, strawberries
Utensils: mixer
Seasoning: none

Strawberry jam:
Ingredients: strawberry
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: sugar
Ingredients: spinach
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: soy sauce
Scrambled eggs:
Ingredients: oil, golden eggs
Utensils: frying pan
Seasoning: none
-------------Jam bun:
Ingredients: bread, jam
Utensils: none
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: boiled egg, bread, butter, cucumber, tomato
Utensils: knife
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: oil, potato
Utensils: knife, frying pan
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: curry powder, riceball, large fish
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: flour
Utensils: rolling pin, pot
Seasoning: none
------------Fried noodles:
Ingredients: oil, eggs, vegetables
Utensils: frying pan
Sasoning: none
------------Veggie pencake:
Ingredients: egg, flour ,cabbage, oil
Utensils: frying pan, knife
Seasoning: none
-------Truffle rice (I win Cooking Festival with this):

Ingredients: truffle, rice ball

Utensils: none
Seasoning: salt, soy sauce
-----------Mushroom rice:
Ingredients: mushroom, rice ball
Utensils: none
Seasoning: salt, soy sauce
-----------Grilled fish:
Ingredients: medium fish
Utensils:frying pan
Seasoning: none
-----------Rice omelet:
Ingredients: milk, egg, rice ball, oil, corn, potato
Utensils: frying pan
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: milk, egg, oil, corn, potato
Utensils: frying pan
Seasoning: none
----------Miso soup:
Ingredients: egg
Utensils: pot
Seasoning: miso paste
---------Vegetable salad:
Ingredients: carrot, corn, green pepper, cucumber, cabbage, tomato
Utensils: knife
Seasoning: none
--------Cheese fondue:
Ingredients: bread, wine, cheese
Utensils: knife, pot
Seasoning: salt
-------Chockolate cookies:
Ingredients: flour, butter, egg, chockolate
Utensils: rolling pin, oven
Seasoning: none
Ingredients: flour, butter, egg
Utensils: rolling pin, oven
Seasoning: none
-------Pickled turnips:

Ingredients: turnip
Utensils: knife
Seasoning: winegear, sugar, salt, soy sauce
-------Ice - cream:
Ingredients: milk, egg
Utensils: pot, whisk
Seasoning: sugar
Ingredients: tomato, onion
Utensils: mixer
SRoasted Potatoes
Sweet potatoes
Flavor: Sugar, Salt
Tomato, Onion
Flavor: Sugar, Salt, Vinegar
Can your required me the chocolate recipe

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Coolest gamee everrr
Suwai aka Sheryll Ann Villanueva from Dee Cee, California aka bay areaaa/ fog
townn says (6/Jun/2007): heyyyyy guyssssss.i like harvest moon cuz its the only
game i can beat my brother in (besides pokemon ruby) just because right im only in
my first year of summer dont thinki dont have enough experience to right this
summary. i've restarted like 3 timees. woahhh. the first i accidently rewrite it and and
second time my cuzin accidently rewrite.grr my first one was like the best cuz i was in
my 3rd year of winter and i had everything upgrade, tools, house, barn, hothouse, i
had everythingg. a wife tooo.it was ann =]]. but even though i marry ann, i got every
girls to red. made friends with the townspeople. to marry (i will answer a person's
question they had when they did this review(about marrying popuri or something))
you do not have to geta vacation house cuz i dont even think you can get one. u just
probably didnt get a second upgrade to your house, so like you and your future wife
has a bed for eachself (howd we get the baby ritee??) please dont believe the bs that
some people write in the cheats or guides, some of them are wrong. like theres noooo
way youre baby is a girl it will be a boy and no twins too. the mine in the winter,
someone wrote that if you go to the very bottom and fill your watering can with it, its
wont every get empty, thats not true either. it might seem like it if you try it in the
winter cuz the number of water in the can will say the same unless u water in the

towed dirt(like you have to make the ground sowed to grow the plants, its those kinds)
trust me i tried the watering can thingy and it didnt work. how to get hte 5 girls
without having to spend much money or less money. ann: spa-bolied eggs, (give her
the free apple pie you got ffrom elli). karen: popcorn.heyy, but if youre rich enough to
do soo, give her hecka wine and truffles. popuri: pink cat flowes that grow in the
summer. give every pink cat flowers u have or gather on her birthday
especially...works better. heeyyy, u didnt even have to spend anything to get her. elli:
flowers, any flowers. heyy, theyre free too! mary: give her herbs, mushrooms. she
even takes the poisonous ones that no body takeess. heyy how great is that by doing
these things to get the 5 girls, youd save hecka money and spend it on something else
like a a girl present. if u marry a girl, make sure youre nice to the rival and be sure to
be great friends or just friends with the 4 other "ex" rivals, (there's 5: gray, kai, rick,
cliff, doctor) so u could be invite to their weddings, too bad it was that you had to be
firends with their wife instead huh? goshness, i love harvest moon back to nature! it is
soooooooooooooooo fun, even though wen you first play it, its soo boring cuz u gotta
work work work first(boringest part of it) the events were very unexpecting
sometimes because it changes yannoe!?

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Samantha from Bandar Baru Selayang, Selangor, Malaysia says (5/Mar/2005): This
game is soo cool! I play it almost every day.
Here's some tips:
Get The Largest Rucksack And A Lot Of Money. Buy Flour And Get It To One
Spirite. With Three Trips, Their Heart Should Go Up By Three. (each Time You Give
Them 9 Flour, Their Heart Goes Up)
On The Second Day Of The Second Year, (this Only Works 9:00 To 11:00 Pm) Walk
Up To Mother Hill, (oh Yeah, You Gotta Be Married) And Go To The Highest Point
Of The Hill. Drop One Of Your Items, Perferably An Egg, And Run Back To Your
House. Make Sure You Get Back Within A Minute. Talk To Your Wife, And Give Her
A Present, (one Of Her Favorite Items) And Go Outside. You Can Do Whatever You
Want For A Minute, Then Go Back Inside And Go To Bed. When You Wake Up In
The Morning, Walk Right Past Your Wife (try To Run!) And Go Back To Mother Hill.
When You Get There, There Will Be A Note. Bring It To Your Wife Within A Minute.
She Will Say, "woah"! And Leave The House. The Next Day, Your Wife Will Have A
Baby In Her Arms And It Will Have A Crest Of The Moon On It's Head, Arm, Or Leg.
If You Put Your Dog In Your Hot House It Cant Be Destroyed! It's Really Awesome
Hope You Like It!

Get Married:
First Of All, You?ve Got To Get The Girl Up To Red Or Orange Heart (it Goes Black,
Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red). The Blue Feather Will Go On Sale At The
Supermarket For 1000g. (won Will Try To Sell It To You For 30 Thousand G: Don?t
Buy It.) In The Last Game, You Couldn?t Get Married Unless You Had A Kitchen. In
This Game You Can?t Get Married Until You Have The Third House Upgrade (fist
House Has A Bed, Tv, And A Tool Box; Second House Has Everything Plus A
Kitchen, Cabinet, And Refrigerator, The Third House Has Everything And A Second
Bed For Your Unborn Kid It). Even If You Have The Girl On Red Heart, She Won?t
Say Yes. The Upgrade Costs 10 Thousand G And 750 Lumber. You Need The Other
House Upgrade, The Barn Upgrade, And The Chicken Coop Upgrade To Get It.
To Get Your Horse Back If Barley Takes It Away From You, All You Have To Do Is
Plant About 40 Patches Of Grass. Barley Will Then Come To Your Ranch The Next
Day And Say, "what A Splendid Pasture. This Will Work Out Great", Or Something
Like That. He Will Then Give You Another Horse.
Ok This Cool Cheat Is Easy All You Have To Do Is Get Married To Karen Before The
Third Year. That's Not It Though There Is More You Also Need To Get A Baby Before
The Fourth Year Then Feed Your Cows The Chocolate You've Earned At The
Thanksgiving Party In The Fodder. And Then They Will Start To Produce Chocolate
Milk Which Will Cost ($2000). This Cheat Really Does Work I've Done It Myself it's
Awsome !!
Can someone tell me how and where to get utensils please. coz without it I can't

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a great rpg game ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
raphael from philippines says (2/Aug/2006): IT WAS A GREAT GAME EVER IT
Ingredients: Bread, Apple Jam/Grape Jam/Strawberry
Seasonings: none
Utensils: none
Ingredients: Milk, Mixed Juice

Seasonings: none
Utensils: none
Ingredients: Turnip
Seasonings: Vinegar
Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Cucumber
Seasonings: Vinegar
Utensils: none
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Apple*
Seasonings: sugar
Utensils: Knife, Oven, Rolling Pin, Pot
Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Rice Ball
Seasonings: none
Utensils: none
Ingredients: Cheese, Milk, Egg
Seasonings: Sugar
Utensils: Oven, Pot, Whisk
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate
Seasonings: Sugar
Utensils: Rolling Pin, Oven
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Noodles
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Bread, Butter Seasonings: none Utensils: none
Ingredients: Oil, Rice Balls, Egg
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Milk, Fruit Juice
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Mixer

Ingredients: Spinach
Seasonings: Soy Sauce
Utensils: Pot
Sashimi Fish Knife None
Main Ingredients
Main Seasonings
Main Utensils
Tempura Tempura, Pot None
Noodle Noodle

Ingredients: Cheese, Bread
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Rice Balls, Scrambled Eggs, Sashimi
Seasonings: Vinegar Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate
Seasonings: Sugar
Utensils: Oven, Whisk
Ingredients: Milk, Mixed Juice
Seasonings: none
Utensils: none
Ingredients: Pumpkin, Milk, Egg
Seasonings: sugar
Utensils: Oven, Pot
Ingredients: Cheese, Flour, Ketchup
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Rolling Pin, Oven

Ingredients: Bread, Cucumber, Tomato, Boiled Egg
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Milk, Strawberry
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Rice Ball, Sashimi
Seasonings: Vinegar
Utensils: none
Ingredients: Milk, Cabbage, Carrot
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Mixer
Veggie Pancake
Ingredients: Flour, Egg, Cabbage, Oil
Seasonings: none
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife

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Beeesssttt game ever!
Lydia Tan Mei Peng from Malaysia says (20/Oct/2005): Hi!i been playing this game
a few years ago.It was very fun and exiciting.To people who don't like Harvest
Moon:I know why you don't like Harvest Moon!Because you didn't play long
enough.You must give gifts to the villagers to make them like u.You also can marry
the girls who is suitable for u.You must give her gifts everyday,especially on their
Birthday:3rd summer
likes:Accessories,Apple Jam,Boiled egg,cake,Cookies,Honey,Ice cream,Fruit
juice,Hot milk,Omelets,Pink cat flowers,Relaxation Tea,Spa-boiled eggs,Strawberry

jam,Strawberry Milk,Toy flowers.

Popuri schedule
7:30-10a.m. Hot spring(expect on rainy days)
10a.m.-6p.m. Her house
Sundays 9:30-1p.m. Church
(except in summer)
Sundays 8:30-10:a.m.(in summer) Beach(execpt on rainy days)
Sundays 1:30-4p.m. Rose square (on rainy days,at the church)
Birthday:15th day of fall
Likes:French Fries,Moon drop flowers,Pizza,Popcorn,Sashimi,Truffles,Wine
Karen's schedule
8-10a.m. In front of the Supermarket
(on rainy days,inside the Supermarket)
10a.m.-1p.m. Her house
1-6p.m. Supermarket
7:30-10p.m. Beach(expect on rainy days)
8-10p.m.(Sundays and Tuesdays) Inn
1:30-4p.m.(Tuesdays,if not raining) Hot Spring
1:30-4p.m.(Tuesday,if it's raining)
Mary Birthday:20thday of winter
Likes:Bamboo Shoots,Bodigizers,Cheese fondue,Grape jam,Grass(red,blue,and
green),Mushroom,Poisonous Mushroom,Mushroom Rice,Rasin Bread,Relax Tea
leaves,Tomato juice,Truffle Rice,Turbojolt,Veggie latte
Mary's schedule
10a.m.-6p.m. Library
7:30-10a.m.Mondays Mother Hill(except on rainy days)
1-4p.m.(When lbrary is closed) Supermarket
Birthday:16th day of spring
Likes:Accessories,Flowers,Orange Cup fruit,Stone tablet,Strawberries
Elli's Schedule
9a.m.-7p.m. Clinic
(When clinic is closed or during Special Events) Her house
1:30-4p.m.(When clinic is closed) Supermarket
Birthday:17th day of summer
Likes:Bamboo shoots,Rice,Cheesecake,Chocalate,Curry,Grilled fish,Mushroom
rice,Omelets,Pumkin Pudding,Salad,Sandwiches,Spa-boiled eggs,Stew,Stir fry
Strawberry Milk,Sushi,Tempura noodles,Truffle Rice,Veggie Pancakes,Ice
Ann's schedule
7-10a.m. Hot Spring(Expect on rainy days)
10a.m.-1p.m. Inn,2nd Floor
1-7p.m. Inn,1st floor7-10p.m. Inn,2nd Floor
That's all!But wait!Wait till i got time,i give you all even better and special ones.Iam
not a boy,i am a girl!Anyone who don't read this review,he will find his/herself dead
at the next day!Bye!

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I think this is one of the best games out there!
A gamer from Omaha, USA says (26/Mar/2004): In times before electric lights(and
even now in some places), farmers worked from dawn to dark. The last harvest in
Autumn was a big event; it was held on the day of the full moon so they could work
later with the moon's natural radiance to see by thus it was called the harvest moon.
Harvest Moon allows us to experience a simpler time; only keeping the basics of
technology (a refrigerator, a phone, a 4-stationed television set, etc). Though the 3-d
graphics in-game could be a little better, the manga-style graphics that pop up when
you talk with a villager are very well done. I like the way the "chat" graphics of the
people you talk to change according to their moods. The music fits well with each
season; Spring sounds soft and refreshing, Summer sounds up-beat and lively (the
instrument seems to be a steel drum--very Caribbean sounding), I forget what Autumn
sounds like but Winter sounds quiet with a bittersweet air. The gameplay is near
perfect, unless you're in a hurry; sometimes jamming the control stick and holding
down the "run" button can cause you to slip sideways which in turn can make you
lose something valuable if you were trying to throw it in the shipping bin or give it to
someone. Otherwise gameplay is quite fun and extremely addicting! Don't get this if
you have too many responsibilities outside of the game or you will find yourself
neglecting your r/l chores, friends, family, mate, pet, etc. I have not yet won the game
(you get to keep th farm if you do a good enough job after 3 years--most people say
you'd have to try hard ~not~ to do well to lose) so I
don't know if it ever has an end (you get to play ~indefinitely~ after you win--but I
don't know if there's a cap to how long you can play). As some have said, it is sim-like
but kind of rpg as well. It also has some action in the forms of competitions, fishing,
and just trying to beat the clock to get everything you want done before the day ends.
I have never seen another series out there that came near this series of games. If I
could afford it, I'd get every system it runs on
and every rendition of Harvest Moon. Back to Nature is extremely valuable to me; I
had to get it at a used store and was quite upset that at least two of our electronics
stores said they wouldn't be carrying it anymore because there wasn't enough demand
for it (even though they had sold out and ~I~ ~was~ demanding it! Grr!).

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The best game i have ever played!

10 of 14 people

Danni from Kent, England says (29/Aug/2003): Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is the
best game i have ever play. I am currently at the end of spring in the 4th year, I'm
married to Popeuri and i have a son called Scot. I've found out some really awesome
stuff as well! For example: If Barley takes away your horse you need to plant 40
patches of grass (50 if 40 doesn't work) and then Barley will come to your farm and
give you a new pony! Also i found out a really cool cheat but i havn't tried it out yet.
You can have two dogs! All you gotta do is buy some potatoe seeds and plant them,
then you need to place you dog in the middle of the seeds and then run into your
house and go to sleep. Then when you wake up you will have two dogs. You can sell
one or keep it.(This cheat will only work as long as your dog is still a puppy and it
can't move from the potatoe patch!) Also my friend got onto the tenth year and she
told me that if you go to your bridge at the end of your farm and leave your guy there
until he lies down the bridge breaks and then Gotz comes to fix it for free and if you
talk to him he askes for your help and he pays you to help him fix he bridge! I got
reccommened this game by my friend and at first it sounded really really bad but then
i started playing it i just got so addicted! I've played it for 5 days solid with no sleep
and no interuptions until now. I've finally eaten slept and i only just managed to pull
my self away to write this review! If you know any good cheats or you just wanna
chat to me about anything then you can email me : mcbigmacblingbling< remove me
> at hotmail.com! I hope you get as much a thrill as playing this game as i do and for
anyone who has been puzzled about this for a long time making butter is sooooo easy!
All you need is some milk from your cow and a blender then go to your kitchen and
cook it. Dead simple. The last cheat i'm going to tell you is that to win the cooking
festival don't talk to anyone apart from the major and only tell him your entering.
Don't talk to anyone else! If you want anymore cheats or a ny recipes (i have them
all!) please email me for anything. Cya L8r! Happy playing!

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15 of 15 people

wow... Wow...WOW!!
Jes from Chippewa Falls, WI USA says (14/Mar/2002): Why can't I stop playing this
game?? My husband is starting to get upset and my baby just threw his cereal across
the room, yet it is so hard to hit the pause button for just a few minutes (Sorry, honey,
I'll clean that up in a minute!!) I'm on Spring of the third year and it's like my favorite
soap opera. I'm married to Ann and she's pregnant. The Doctor and Elli just got
hitched and Harris keeps thanking me for Aja writing to him. I have a huge picture of
my horse and I after winning the horse race, Two sheep with golden wool, and one
cow with golden milk.6 months ago my brother(who's 5 years younger than me)
started playing the game. I watched for a minute and said "Man, that looks pretty
stupid" little did I know that I would become just another Harvest Moon addict. Okay,
so the music can slowly start to kill your brain cells and delve you into everlasting
madness. Even more reason to mute the tube and crank some tunes. And winter can
get a little monotonous, unless you really love mining. I don't really like mining so my

days seem longer in the winter...I spent a good portion of time sleeping and taking
care of my thirty animals. Otherwise, I love the graphics and all the work there is to
do. During the Spring, Summer, and Fall months there seems not to be enough time in
the day. Between watering, harvesting, and planting fields and taking care of a barnful
of cows and sheep, and a henhouse full of chickens, plus petting your dog and riding
your horse, I don't know how I get it all done. Thank the Goddess for the Harvest
Sprites and Power Berries. Without them you wouldn't even be able to keep up with
the animals. It's nice to get done with a full day of work, slip into the house and see
Ann asleep in her bed. Then waking up and listen to her exuberate over her growing
belly. 100% fun for the entire family. I plan to teach my son the wonders of Harvest
Moon:Back to Nature as soon as he's old enough to hold the controller without putting
it into his mouth!

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1 of 1 people found

samantha from scotland,fife and uk says (3/Apr/2006): i like harvest moon because
you get to marry people if you like ann this is what you need to do give her as many
flowers you could get in your rucksack but leave two spaces in your rucksack then get
wine go to the supermarcket and wrap it up in some paper then get some bread from
the supermarket and then wrap that up as well then her heart level should go up atleast
by one when you go to get the flowers in mothers hill get the white flowers first
because she likes them the best.Also at the start of the game in spring on the 2nd or
the 3rd go to the inn and a tune will go on and anns father will ask you a question this
is what he says "what do you think of my daghter?" this is what it will come up with
she seems cheerful and also at the bottom it will say shes cute answer this shes cute
and her father will be pleased with you and im sure ann will as well.And in the 2nd
year in spring on the 7th go up to ann and she will say" its the goddes festivel
tomorow" it will come up and say ask to escort her and then dont ask press ask to
escort her then the next day she will be waiting for you out side your house and she
will say get your work done first but dont worry she wouldnt go away until you said
to her its time to go and then you will go with her to the goddes festivel and then after
she has danced knowone else would be there except you and ann after that she will
ask you to go to the water fall with her answer yes.Also at the cooking festivel on the
2nd year take in a dish and dont talk to any one or they will win and at the end if youv
won anns heart level will increase by one (you must not be married to do these things
and you cant ree marry anyone if you fell out with your wife.i hope this information
was good enogh for you all.(OH YEH AND GOOD LUCK WITH ANN)!!!!!

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This Game is Different From other games
Brooke from Bellingham, U.S.A says (16/Jul/2003): I like this game bacuse you can
buy animals, grow crops, extend your house, give presents to people in the village,
and date your sweetheart, and best of all YOU CAN GET MARRIED, this game
rocks. I play it from morning, to night, but i have to eat dinner, or lunch, I skip
breakfast, and when i have school, I do my homework then play this game, till I'm
tired. This game sucks you in. Once you play this you'll never leave this game. It's so
addictive, or like a deases, once you play, you can never stop. I think this the best
game so far I have, sure I may have grand theft auto vice city, but it gets boring, i
have other games too, mostly PS2 but I like this one the best! It's fun. My top 3 girls,
would have to be.........#1 Ann, Ann is hott, she's a tomboy, but she's hotter then
Karen. #2 Elli, elli may look ugly but, she's cool, she's friendly and nice, her cooking
is okay, but at least she tries her best. And last #3 Popuri, Popuri is pretty and nice, but
she's hard to marry with, especially Ann, but that's what makes this game fun. Alot of
people are thinking about how Natsume should make a a player that you can choose
to be a guy or girl. We'll if you go to Japan, they have that game Harvest Moon, but
you don't choose if you want to be a boy or a girl, you have to by the girl version if
you want to be her or the boy version if you want to be him, they are sold sepretly, but
if you play a girl you only stay for 3 years if you don't get married, if you do get
married you beat the game, that's the bad part, and for boys, I'm not sure, proberly the
same for Harvest Moon: Back To Nature. But this is only in Japan, sorry.
Natsume, plase make more Harvest Moon games for PS2. I don't really like the new
one, Harvest moon: Save The Homeland.....sorry

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0 of 1 people found

this game is soooo spiffeh!!!

Lexine from paranaque, Philippines says (27/Nov/2005): i got this game from my
friend, who told his brother and his other friends, i was the last to know of course, i
thought when i first got this game, ughhhh, wow, a game about farming,
whoopdeedoo, i doubt it 'll be any fun, but, what the heck!? ok, when i got on my PS
one night, i played the game, and then i heard the sounds, and i felt excited, suddenly
giving it more appreciation. and i said, awwww, what a cute little doggie, and look at
all those flowers! oh goodness, this actually might be fun! and it was, the following

day, i played harvest moon for 6 hours straight! coz it rocked too much! wow! this
game rocks hard!!! and then after i played it for months straight, i got bored and
stopped playing (wahhhh!) and i got bored again so we reunited (hoorayyy!) i worked
on a new farm, and i made it very very successful, not to brag, i mean, my farm is
currently 53% i have 3 sheep, 1 cow, 10 chickens, a horse, a kewl doggie, and a wife
that loves me. it is now fall 2nd year, my wife and i married on spring 26 second year,
she is now pregnant! my wife is mary, coz she is one of the easiest ones to get, coz by
fall 1st year, her heart was already red, she is also very nice to me, and doesent like
the typical things you should hate, like weeds, sticks, etc. nobody really likes mary,
but i think she rox. well i've written quite long now havent i? hehehe, i think i'll name
my baby dave, after me of course! ( hehe, my names david! )
ok, so if you have any questions, email me please, and also about my site, email me
for that too, but the server is down so, anyway, i have to go and play the best rpg in
the world now!!! harvest moon btn! thanks to the spiff people from natsume for
creating the seiries!!!! bye!

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Great game, could be the best Harvest Moon game yet!
Derek Robinson from Swift Current, Canada says (22/Jan/2001): I'm not a big fan of
RPG games, but this game is nothing close to a normal RPG. Harvest Moon has a
style that no other game in the world has. It is clever with tons of mini games and
very addicting gameplay. If you liked any other Harvest Moon game you would love
this one. I knew it would be good, because after playing HM 64 I knew I had to get
the PSX version. I sold my N64 for almost nothing and got a playstation the same day
and bought the game. As I expected it was another great game by Natsume. The
gameplay is something that no other game has and the simulation part of it is
incredibale. There is not much 3D overload on this game, but you don't care because
the gameplay is so creative. I have no idea how they come up with all the things that
the characters say in the game and the festivals are a blast, much better than HM64.
The Down Side
The sound on this game is very cheap, everytime you walk it sound like you steping
on a mouse. The music is cute, but it will get on your nerves as time goes on. Also,
the sound of when you pick up things or put pick an item from your backpack makes
me want to vomit. Since sound is no important on the game, mute the TV and jam to
some of your favorite tunes. The only other bad thing is the loading time, it was much
better than I ever thought it would be, but everytime you go somewhere you will have
to wait 3-6 secs and it kinda gets annoying. If you want to solve that problem, have
some food or a drink handy and take a bit or a sip during loading time.
Overall it is game that is fun for the whole family with all of the great new features.
So jump into your favorite chair and get ready to be sitting in that chair for hours on


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0 of 2 people found

Great RPG with hours of fun! ^_^

game_gurl101 from Katy, USA says (6/Jul/2004): Im not sure if anyones gonna read
my review, I mean, theres already so many of them, but oh well! Basically, Harvest
Moon is where you play the role of a guy (or a girl, as it is one version of the game)
and live on a farm. You always have to raise this farm in some way by buying
livestock (cows, sheep, chickens, etc.), planting, growing, and selling your crops,
upgrading your house, getting married, and having kids (or, in this case, one kid). The
only one I know where it isnt like this is Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland, but were
not talking about that game.
What makes this game so exciting you ask? Well, not only do you get to think about
20 different names for yours cows and sheep, you can also attend festivals, cook, fish,
and make your guy pass out several times ^_^ Its hard at first (seeing as how you have
little money, no animals, and a yard full of weeds, rocks, and twigs) but it gets very
addicting once you gain a lot of money. Heres a hint to help you gain money: in
Spring, buy only potatoes ^_~
And what could be more thrilling than competing with another guy for your girl?
Okay, so you dont get to punch his lights out, but you do get to woo the girl away
from him. And, best of all, you can keep playing after the appointed 3 years.......that
is, if you feel like it o.O
The only problem I see with this game is that, your baby will stay the same infant he
is for about only.......FOREVER!
T_T Good thing you dont buy diapers for that kid.
Anywho, I hoped this has helped explain this game a little bit to you. And remember
to be nice to those villagers, you could get a reward in return. ^_^

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16 of 19 people

Outsmarts Pokemon
MisakiS from California says (19/Oct/2003): Better than Pokemon. That's for sure.
something more enjoying than the same old phrases Pokemon uses. Unlike Pokemon,
Harvest Moon people react to your chsracter, depending on how you treat them. They
ask favors which leads you to rewards. Harvest Moon has more than one goal. Its to
have as many friends, a wife, the caring of your pets, and the success of expanding
your farms land and money. Depending how much you spend time or feed your
animals on time, they will love you more. Well, Pokemon doesn't have that option
either. Harvest Moon raises their farm animals as their appearances become bigger as
they grow. Pokemon doesn't.The games lasts about almost 3 years in the game (not in
real life). There are plenty of events. You can participate in them like cooking, playing
an intrument, flirting with firls, showing off in competition like swimming, cooking
contests, horse bets and racing, dog bets and races, and plenty of exciting tools in your
kitchen. There are cut scenes with other character relationships. You can upgrade your
tools for a better effect on resources, expand you house, and expand you barns or your
own planting houses. There are secret caves throughout the seasons and unepected
visitors from you farm. You can get married with girls with different personalities.
Stop criticism!! Its yiur fault you chose her in the first place. You can't expect to have
a quick relationship, compared to real life. This game has a more choice of girls with
different personalalities and what they would expect from boys. This game takes a lot
of hard work that the SNES version.

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Ice Cream: Give egg to Yodel.
Potato Pancakes: Give bamboo shoot to Gotz.
Fries: Caught in a bottle when fishing off a pier.
Mixed Juice: Give a blue medicine plant to the Doctor.
"Ohitashi" Greens: Give a Pink cat flower to Manna.
Sandwiches: Give Pink cat flower to Ellen.
Chocolate Cookies: Give Pink cat flower to Sasha.
Popcorn: Give an ear of corn to Kai.
Pickled Turnips: Give an ear of corn to Saibara.
Fruit Latte: Give a Tomato to Basil.
Cheese Fondue: Give a Tomato to Doug.
Pastor's afternoon snack: Give an egg to the Pastor.
Ketchup: In winter, go to the mine that you have to cross over on ice. Dig for a while
to find the recipe, which resembles an old newspaper

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