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on Greg Hunter
USA Watchdog
Economic Crisis starting 2007/8
Political Crisis starting 2015/6/8+
War starting 2025 or Sooner

Proven Track Record

At the time of the analysis, the conclusions were considered outrageous.
this guy is full of it
it is..disinfo
It doesn't look that way to me but he said "without a doubt" like he was very confident of it.

Call on; High Frequency Trading 1998,

Need to purchase Gold 2001,
Stock Trading to go all Electronic 2003,
Iran will be the Winner of the US-Iraq War 2003,
Mortgage Backed Securities to Cause Crisis, and QE Response 2003,
Government Spying Using the Internet 2004,
Corporate Totalitarianism 2004,
Labor Value to Decline 2005,
Variety of Jobs, Goods, & Options to Narrow 2007,
China to Exit Long Dated Securities 2010,
Bank Holiday Bail In Imminent 2012,
Global Oil Glut 2012,
Consumerism vs Islam 2013,
China to be The Major Combatant in the Next World War 2014,
Political Crisis in the US!

Crisis in Politics and Law

Late October, 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
Who is in charge of the Soviet Union
March 30, 1981:
Ronald Reagan shooting; Crisis in Politics
2007 - : Crisis in Law
2015/2018+ - : Crisis in both Politics and Law
A US political crisis occurring within the context of uncertainty, connectivity, and parallel complexity

US to Face a Prolonged
Crisis in Politics
Inside the government - there are struggles for
power, control, conflicts of personality, and
uncertainty. There are conflicting reactions to events
and total confusion becomes magnified. Conflicting
decisions are made and resultant orders given.
Outside the government - citizens and external
powers see the confusion. Window for outside
governments to take action.

The Road to WWIII

Background Realignments
Political Crisis US
China Series of Short Strategic Battles
US, Indecision, who is in charge?
What should we do?

Manifest Destiny Revisited

Manifest Destiny is a term for the attitude prevalent during the 19th century period of American expansion that the
United States not only could, but was destined to, stretch from coast to coast. This attitude helped fuel western
settlement, Native American removal and war with Mexico.

What is Chinese Manifest Destiny?

Remember Manchuria

America is the global tiger and Japan is Asia's wolf,

and both are now madly biting China. Colonel Liu Mingfu warning Australia

False US News rhetoric:

timed speech/writing intended to control and influence people
Areas of Potential Skirmish, not of Immediate War Value
Spratly Islands, near Philippines
Senaku, near Taiwan
North Korea, not Autonomous
Role as a Buffer Zone to China and US/Japan/South Korea
Quasi Client State
Tiny population, can use artillery first 2-3 days, but weak
Any/if WMD are non-deployable
South Korea
Hard Liners and Military Would Resist China
Large Money Might Find Synergy with China

CHINA - Victorious warriors win first and then go to war,

US - defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win
China versus JAPAN & US
First to Korea, Winning the war against the US in the first battle
Dominating the land to dominate the sea

The skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their
cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy
operations in the field.


Take South Korea, everything follows

Bomb Japan - Only
Take Taiwan by Sea
Expand on Land
Expand to Vietnam



Precursor Realignments
US and Japan
India and US
Russia and US
Pakistan and China
Chinese Strategy: Win the war, without Fighting
the US, pause, fight the US.

US: What should we do? What can we do


Nagasaki of Abomb fame

Intact, Korea - The Chaebol Prize

Chinese Manifest Destiny on Land - Revenge for Manchuria

Eventually a Global Land and Sea Power

Notice Korea
South Korea is not a part of the historic Chinese Land Empire
It is however the path to becoming a global power of land and sea, and the
key to defeating the US Empire

US is Leaderless now,
in political crisis totally leaderless and unresponsive
population will be in a panic as they realize this fact
over days, weeks, months, and years
China is a land power, deep with people;
North Korean Provocation orchestrated by China
South Korea Responds
China Land Invasion of South Korea
Follow on Bombing of Nagasaki
The capture/destruction of most of the World's Shipbuilding capacity
Devastation to the high tech integrated supply chain
First Avoid Confrontation with US Naval Power, Later Fight
US - Spread thin, but ability to focus immense power briefly
Huge Dependence on Expensive and Finite Depletable Tech
No civilian leadership, or internal coherence
The US military is equipped for the wrong war

Background Realignments
Hobbled by Internal
Italy N/S Split

Quasi Neutral Block

Germany - Arms
Nordic Anti-Islamisation

US will be Leaderless
Russia - Islamic Issues

Israel - Arms

Australia - Material Supplier

Canada - Material Supplier

Saudi Arabia
Singapore - Logistics
Brazil - Material Supplier
Chile - Material Supplier
Non-Equatorial Africa

After Land go to Sea, China Wages a

Cheap/Modern Falklands War
Using a Soviet idea that was ahead of its time

Many Cheap Sea Based Missiles, combined with Ground to Sea Intercontinental Capability
vs Few Expensive US Sea Based Systems, and emerging US Hypersonic Assets

US Now Adding into Weapon Systems that Play to US Strength

China is Now Adding to Weapons Systems that Play to US Weakness
What good is a weapon system if you cannot use it!
US Strategic Systems are Obsolete or Unusable!
Usability test = the tolerance for the opposing side to absorb collateral damage.
How far can you go before going MAD!
US Land Forces, Korea Hobbled by Rumsfeld Doctrine
High Technology
Reliance on Air
Small Nimble Ground Forces

Who understood the bomb?

Japanese Immediately post Hiroshima? - NO, fight on!
Truman? - NO, let Russia get a bomb!
Oppenheimer - YES, the destroyer of worlds
MacArthur - ?
Stalin - YES, Lets get a bomb!
LeMay? - NO, We need lots of em!, Use the bomb during the CMC
Robert MCNamara?, YES, the world might end!
Khrushchev? YES!
Soviets, under Khrushchev, in Political Crisis? YES
Who will understand it now & next? US in political crisis? China? Islam?

Corrections to the talk with G. Hunter

Lending Club - Allows direct investment in unsecured consumer debt; The system is so over-pregnant with debt (and so short of
investable options that provide a good return for risk) the placement of debt has now become even more absurd!

South Korea and Japan are seen as US Dogs as opposed to North Korea as stated.

Finland was invaded by the Soviet Union in 1939, with a loss of some territory in a peace treaty of 1940; Some suggest that, the
failure of the Soviet Union to take Finland was due to the politically motivated decimation of the officer corp under Stalin which
started in 1937. the main point was to suggest that US history does not speak honestly in respect to its own role or that of the
Soviet Union. It is possible that the Soviets were positioning as an aggressor in WWII, but were unable to do so for a variety of




Q: How can a 20 year old lose 20 or more years of life expectancy?

In crisis, people lose the ability to source life support such as food and medicine. During the Soviet
collapse a visible decline in life expectancy resulted, especially among men. The loss of life
expectancy can already be observed in the United States!
In war many people will lose their lives especially among the youngsters who are asked to fight the
Q: Why not by sea?
The Strait of Malacca is choke point; the Spratly island have oil and gas.
The Senkaku islands are near Taiwan,. The Germans could not muster
enough strength to invade England, alternately the Normandy invasion
was a total effort.

The Battle of Inchon was a major endeavor.

The first battles will be fought on land, not sea.

fallen.io <-Must see!

Please check the statistics of death in WWII,
take note of China and Japan!
Good Read

Nearby to China and Korea Vladivostok

Britannia, or the US, rules the waves NOT!

First Sino Japanese War


Boxer Rebellion

The Allies!
2.1 Austria-Hungary
2.2 British Empire
2.2.1 Australian colonies
2.2.2 India
2.3 Germany
2.4 France
2.5 Italy
2.6 Japan
2.7 Russia
2.8 United States

Boxer Rebellion vs Now-Next-Future!

The Allies!
2.1 Austria-Hungary
2.2 British Empire
2.2.1 Australian colonies
2.2.2 India
2.3 Germany
2.4 France
2.5 Italy
2.6 Japan
2.7 Russia
2.8 United States

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