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Directions: Correct the following sentences (if necessary).

1. Will any member who has not done so please cast their votes now?

2. Such rules do not apply to you and I.

3. Whom did you say he was?

4. Joel complained to the governors, whom he suspected were misusing the school funds.

5. I can well afford to disregard him who is capable of making such statements.

6. Let you and I see to it that we do not make such mistakes.

7. I would like to meet Mr. Smith, whom I take is the man you mean.

8. Who were you talking to just now?

9. He is doing his best to propitiate his master, whom he fears may be seriously offended by what has happened.

10. Between you and I, I must confess the whole arrangement worries me.

11. By order of the Student Council, the wearing of mini-skirts by we girls in school has been permitted.

12. Please bear in mind that the argument is between the vicar and myself, and concerns nobody else.

13. We have heard that the principal has decided whom the prize winners will be and will announce the names in the
assembly today.

14. Everyone but Sally and she is waiting on tables.

15. He designed kennels for dogs which were very hygienic.

16. The new committee arranged everything as it was before, except the weekly meetings were discontinued.

17. I shall now use an example which I hope you will know what it means.

18. Owing to the dollar’s tendency to rise in value when interest rates soar, it was weakened by last week’s
unexpected drop in the prime rate.

19. He told his staff that each of them should be able to carry out the task by themselves.

20. The city of Dresden, that was virtually burnt to the ground during the war, now flourishes again.

21. He said that, if he were me, he would certainty undertake it.

22. In this year the monsoon failed, which caused a terrible famine throughout the provinces.

23. He advised each of them to look after their own interests in this matter.

24. Charles Burchfield, isolated as he was for most of his life, was not the most cosmopolitan of the American
watercolourists, which flourished in the twenties and thirties.

25. If anyone cares to join me in the campaign, either now or in the near future, they will be welcomed gratefully.

26. The committee had intended both you and I to speak at the assembly; however, only one of us will be able to.

27. I wonder whether you are sure that scheme of your’s will work.

28. He interviewed people whom he thought had valuable information to present.

29. The exhibition does not include many of the characteristics that we consider as painterly or sculptural in the
traditional sense, but it certainly proves that the artist is ingenious.

30. From this committee’s point of view, the venture capitalist has not proved as public-spirited as their public
relations campaign suggests.

31. Nobody offered to give up their seat to her.

32. The house looked it’s age, despite our efforts to beautify it.

33. We have constantly tried to win his good will by entertaining him and providing him with luxuries, which gives
us an edge.

34. Consumers do not always view rising prices as a deterrent to purchasing luxury items; sometimes they stimulate
consumers to buy before there is yet another increase.

35. The preacher emphasized that duty laid on all Christians to love each other.

36. It is not me who is to blame for the many inconveniences you have suffered.

37. The major difficulty confronting the authorities was the reluctance of the people to talk; they had been warned
not to say anything to the police.

38. Each one of you who considers this report will make up their mind as I did.

39. The crime wave will have to be put down with more severity than just imprisonment if it wants to succeed.

40. One learns to respect himself in the army.

41. It may be difficult to find an acceptable definition of style; every critic has their own.

42. Everyone must do what they think best.

43. Who did you see coming in?

44. Can you think of anything which has to be finished before the weekend?

45. As soon as the sun rose over the mountains, it became unbearably hot and stifling in the valley.

46. It was the dog who died, not the man.

47. What we saw at the exhibition was the most versatile computer which has ever been produced in a British

48. However seldom you dream, you should write them down.

49. Accidents, unforeseen weather conditions, and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits than they had anticipated.

50. At last he succeeded, which completely altered his outlook on life.


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