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For True or False (A for True, B for False)

Chapter 8 (Becoming a Prepared Citizen: A Personal Responsibility) (all she has for possible
questions for Chapter 8)
1. When faced with an emergency, unprepared individuals are likely to A. to
become anxious
2. Police and Firefighters are ultimately responsible for your personal safety:
3. Prepared citizens A. they help others even if it means risking their own personal
safety B. they know their limitations C. always wait for first responders before taking
any action D. emergency medical technicians
4. The illusion of invulnerability states that people believe A. it will never happen
to me B. i should never get involved C. I can help in any situation no matter the
circumstances D. that they are superhuman
5. Prepared citizens: A. prepared to respond appropriately to emergencies B.
6. Georgia has laws in place to protect responders from civil liabilities: A(true)
7. Who stated one of the hardest lessons learned from recent disaster (DIDN'T
8. Taking personal responsibility to learn preparedness A. make more desirable job
candidate in many jobs B. increases your self confidence C. creates a sense of
belonging D. all of the above
9. More than half of the burglaries in the U.S. take place without forced entry:
10. The GA department of transportation has an incident command fleet and its
called(HEROs) A. Highway Emergency Wrecker Operations B. Homeland Emergency
Resident Officers C. Highway Emergency Response Operators D. Homeland
Emergency Response Operators
11. Rape is A. a violent crime B. a crime of passion C. rarely occurs on college
campuses D. none of the above
12. A sex act is not rape if you: A. Agree to go on a date with a person; B. Failed to
clearly communicate your desires; C. Are in a steady relationship with the person; D. Are
intoxicated and they do not say no; E. None of the above
13. If your friend is intoxicated and passes out it is best to allow them to sleep it off:
14. Unconsciousness is one of the symptoms of alcohol poisoning. A(true)
15. Many internationally recognized emergency preparedness organizations offer the
following guidance for disasters in emergency preparedness A. field emergency kits B.
have a plan C. be informed D. all of the above
16. The American Red Cross suggests the following guidelines for storing food and
water for emergencies shelter and place supplies A. 2 days B. 3 days C. 2 weeks D. 3
17. I.C.E., it provides your identity and life saving information: A(true)
In 95% of all emergencies, bystanders or victims themselves are the first to
provide emergency assistance or to perform a rescue

You are an immediate responder, a good samaritan, and you must consider your
own safety first before first responders arrive which are police, fire, and emergency
medical technicians (EMTs) to render aid
It has been reported 25% of college students suffer academically due to the
consequences of their drinking, 20% of the population can be identified at high risk
drinkers, while 35% of low risk drinkers are at risk for negative outcomes

Chapter 9 (Discover Yourself...Discover Your Career)

1. Which of the following are the 3 components of the career discovery process A.
understand your personality, understanding job demands, and making decisions B.
understanding personal interests, understanding the educational requirements and
integration C. understanding yourself, understanding the work, and integration D.
understanding your values, understanding the skill requirements, decision making, and
2. The 3 parts of the decision making process A. determine decision to be made,
to find your desired outcome, to find your alternatives, evaluate which alternatives
allow you to achieve which outcome B. determine the decision to be made, determine
the results of the decision, ask trusted others their opinion, evaluate which alternative
allows you to achieve which outcome C. determine decision to be made, define your
problem with making the decision, develop a pro and con list, evaluate which alternative
allows you to achieve which outcome D. determine decision to be made, determine
alternatives, conduct informational interviews, evaluate which alternatives allow you to
achieve which outcomes
3. Which of the following is not one of the secrets the book mentions A. research
shows that students who dont know their major of choice or career are less likely to stay
in school B. people change their careers several times in their lives C. most college
students change their majors once or twice before graduating D. people keep the same
career for a long time since its important to make a good decision in college
4. Which of the following is a reason why the career discovery process can last a
lifetime A. peoples interest or experience change B. the job changes requiring different
skills C. people end up not enjoying the career D. all of the above
5. Which of the items listed below is least important to be taken into consideration
when choosing a career A. your interests B. what your parents want you to do C. your
personality D. what is important to you
6. In using the career discovery model understanding the work most likely relates to
A. becoming familiar with your job responsibilities B. ensure that your skills and
interests match job demands C. using critical thinking skills to determine whether the job
is a good fit for you D. understanding what your first career may not be your only career
7. When deciding a career for most people the toughest part is A. evaluating the
desired outcomes of the career B. to find(or defining) the decision in terms of
possible alternatives C. deciding when is the best time to change careers D. all of the

8. Which statement below is most likely true as it relates to your major? A. your
college major will often(sounds like she said alter) give you multiple career
options B. only your college major determines your career C. most students career
choices have nothing to do with their college major D. your college major will be the
biggest influence on your career choice
9. Which of the following programs are offered through KSU in order to assist you in
your career decision making process A. internships and co-ops B. career services center
C. job shadowing D. all of the above
10. Which of the following is not a place you would go to obtain information regarding
a particular career A. the dictionary of occupational titles B. occupational outlook orderly
C. encyclopedia of careers D. typhos(sounds like she said this, could be typhus)
focus institute
11. The step in the career decision making process in which you take what you know
about yourself and put it together with the reality of the real(rural?) world A. integration
step B. understanding the environment step C. understanding yourself step D. none of
the above
12. For the career decision making model which of the following is the great
procedure A. self-assessment, career research, and decision making B. career
research, self-assessment, and decision making C. self-assessment, decision making,
and career research D. career research, decision making, self-assessment
13. Joey is figuring out the career he is looking at is expected to grow at least 15%
by the year 2020 and that he needs a 4 year degree for that career he is likely in the
integration phase of career planning B(false)
14. If you want to learn about potential growth rates salary of a career, the dictionary
of occupational titles is a great resource B(false)(said she probably wont throw this
one in)
15. Something you could be doing now to help you get your dream career down the
road is networking (T or F??)
16. Something you could be doing now to help you get your dream career down the
road is volunteering A(true)
17. Most people these days choose a career and stick with it for a long time thats
why finding the right career while in college is so important F(false)
18. A salary of between 40,000 and 50,000 per year is an example of an alternative
in an decision making process (T or F??)
19. GCIC is a great resource for finding out salary ranges for careers in Georgia (T
or F??)
20. If I wanted to practice my interview skills to get feedback from a professional I
could visit the career services center (T or F??)
Chapter 10 (Managing Money Through Budgeting) (she feels that are only a few that she needs
to bother to ask us)
Acronyms for budget and spending
1. B on budget stands for what: Beware
2. U stands for: understand
3. D stands for: develop
4. G stands for: gain

5. E stands for: evaluate

6. T stands for: think
7. Budgeting is useful to everyone, true or false
8. Under the acronym for spending, S is for spend spend spend, true or false
S stands for: splurge
P stands for: prepare
E stands for: expect
N stands for: navigate
D stands for: decide
I stands for: investigate
N stands for: never
G stands for: give
9. For a budget to be efficient, do you need goals? True or false
10. G in spending stands for Give
11. Shopping with cash, lures your spending. On the flip side, consumers spend ___
% more when they use a credit card? A.25 B.29 C.33 D.45
12. The mathematical calculation allowing you to see how long it will take you to
double your money is called? The rule of 72
Chapter 11 (Successful Skills for Diversity: An Open Mind)
1. Many stereotypes are based on images that were created. True or False
2. The quilt and salad bowl metaphors to discuss diversity in the U.S. emphasize
unity through differences. True or False
3. Discrimination in housing, employment, college admissions occurs less
frequently in cases relating to primary dimensions than secondary dimensions. True or
4. Secondary dimensions of diversity are immutable(cant change them)
characteristics. True or False
5. Jane Elliots classroom experiment proved that racism is inherent. True or False
6. Cultural pluralism is best reflected in the melting pot metaphor. True or False
7. The increase in women in corporate, political, and social leadership roles reflect
the elimination of sexism in Americas society. True or False
8. All of the following factors have influenced the need for diversity skills except
A. Increases in immigration populations; B. Increases in educational opportunities; C.
Increases in aging population; D. Technological changes
9. Discrimination that has been reported in housing, employment, college
admission, and access to events in more often linked to: A. Race as social economic
status; B. Gender and ethnicity; C. Primary Dimensions; D. Secondary Dimensions
10. Which of the following would not be a primary dimension of diversity? A. Gender;
B. Education; C. Sexual Orientation; D. Ethnicity
11. Dr. Joe Cuseo suggests a metaphor to categorize more accurately American
multicultural society. A. Melting Pot; B. Salad; C. Mosaic; D. Quilt; E. Vegetable Stew
12. The social experiment conducted by Jane Elliot was primarily a lesson in A.
Prejudice; B. Racism; C. Discrimination; D. Scapegoating; E. Stereotyping

13. Passel and Colin project that by the year 2050 population groups that remain
stable or show an increase include all except: A. Age 65+ citizens; B. Whites; C.
Asians; D. Hispanics; E. Blacks
14. The top 3 nations from which US now applied citizen has recently come are: A.
Mexico, China, and India
15. Historical patterns, values, and ways of living that help define a culture include all
except: A. Fashion; B. Geographic Region; C. Music; D. Diet and Food
16. Diversity and cultural confidence recognize the importance of shaping all of the
following except: A. An individuals values; B. An individuals resources and
background; C. An individuals attitudes; D. An individuals beliefs (page 256 in

Chapter 12 (Leadership, Ethics, and Citizenship) (ethics is not discussed until after leadership
so the definition of leadership should not have ethics in it)
1. According to your text, what is the definition of leadership A. influencing others
for the common good B. volunteering for nonprofit organizations and causes C. making
ethical decisions to accomplish change D. actively engaging with others to
accomplish change
2. An example of student leadership is when a student takes the initiative to
brainstorm ideas with a class group, does that show leadership (T or F??)
3. Which one of the 5 leadership practices is associated with change and taking
risks A. model the way B. inspire shared vision C. challenge the process D. enable
others to act E. encourage the heart
4. Which of the 5 leadership practices is associated with enlisting others for a
common cause A. model the way B. inspire a shared vision C. challenge the process
D. enable others to act E. encourage the heart
5. Which of the 5 leadership practices is associated with clarifying values and
behaving in ways that are congruent (at one sounded like she said quon) with those
values? A. model the way B. inspire a shared vision C. challenge the process D. enable
others to act E. encourage the heart
6. An example of enabling others to act is delegation A(true)
7. According to your text, the cornerstone of leadership is A. collaboration B.
integrity C. service D. ethics
8. According to your text, all college students are potential leaders A(true)
9. Choosing whether or not to smoke marijuana is an example of the dilemma
involving ethics and law A(true)
10. Ethical decisions are about laws and religious beliefs B(false)
11. In the markkula center for applied ethics framework, examine the consequences
of the ethical decision is associated with which component? A. recognizing that the issue
is an unethical issue B. getting the facts C. evaluating the alternative action D. make a
decision and test it E. act and reflect on the outcome
12. Active citizenry includes what? A. registering to vote, volunteering, and social
justice B. civic engagement, service, and social justice C. volunteering, leadership, and
civic engagement D. volunteering, civic engagement, and social justice E.
registering to vote, volunteering, and civic engagement

13. A process pulled provide full and equal participation in the development of a
society where resources are equitably distributed refers to what? A. social justice B.
civic engagement C. service learning D. applied ethics (says equity, equity is the big
14. Individual and collective action is designed to identify and address the issues of
public concern (SKIPPED)
15. Civic engagement allows a student leader to make choices about donating time
and energy to specific causes or organizations (T or F??)
16. The difference between civic engagement and social justice is that the intent of
civic engagement is to provide opportunity and safety for all people (T or F??)
17. The organization on campus that helps students find volunteer opportunities is A.
18. A leaders genuine belief in their dream is a core component of which of the SLC
practices A. model the way B. inspire shared vision C. challenge the process D.
enable others to act E. encourage the heart
19. According to Chapter 12 in your text, the utilization of what helps students
develop leadership skills and create exceptional results A. the 5 leadership practices
B. the 5 leadership principles C. the leadership programs at KSU D. volunteering for
Kennesaw State University


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