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Minnesota Republicans (and Democrats) resist Fiscal TAR

This article was originally published on Examiner.com on April 20, 2012. (see
original print graphic at end of article) This writers entire column on
Examiner.com was censored within 24-48 hours of this writer submitting a
credible petition on 11/06/2015 to the Minnesota Supreme Court to Remove
a Minnesota District Court Judge from the bench for conspiring to perpetrate
a fraud upon the Court. This writer leaves it to reader to deduce for
themselves who wanted these articles censored, and why the US
Government wants this writer silenced.
As if it were not bad enough that members
of this writers Republican Party voted for
NDAA, this past weekend rank and file
Republicans suffered another betrayal at
the hands of our party elite.
This Past Saturday, April 14, 2012, this
writer served as a delegate at Minnesota
CD6 Republican Convention at the Mounds
Views Community Center in Mounds View,
As this writers regular readers know, for
the past 3+ years this writer has
submitted articles regarding the failure
of various Government institutions to
provide citizens with financial
information which is supposed to be a
matter of public record:

1 MN Republican CD6 Chair David FitzSimmons

July 8,2009 Write a letter to your City and County: Where's the money?
August 2,2009 Wright County MN Massive Financial Cover Up Continues
August 11,2009 Wright County MN Massive Financial Cover up Continues 2

September 8, 2009 Apology to the Little Old Ladies of Wright County Minnesota

And for these past 4 years, Wright County has not provided, nor have any of my state elected
officials been able to force Wright County to give me all of the information this author has
requested. Not my State Senator or Representative, Not the State Auditor nor the State Attorney
Not even the MN IPAD http://www.ipad.state.mn.us The State IPAD agreed that this writer was
entitled to the information and said they would prepare a legal brief to that affect. However, this
writer would have to hire and attorney and sue the County for the information in Court.
We can thank all of our duplicitous elected State officials, Republican and Democrat alike, for
providing all municipal entities with a way to avoid giving citizens information which is
supposed to be a matter public record.
To defeat the duplicity of our elected officials, In 2010 this writer submitted approximately this
TAR (Transparency, Accountability and Reform) resolution to his local precinct. It passed but
somehow got lost in the process to be added to the Republican Platform.
Requiring all Minnesota Municipalities (Cities, Counties, Schools, etc) to post their budgets
and actual revenues and spending on the internet in laymans terms with no aggregates over one
hundred dollars.
Now, at this point, this writer asks the reader if they would think that any elected official working
in the best interests of rank and file Americans would have any problem enacting such
legislation; especially given that this financial information is supposed to be public record. Keep
that answer in mind while you read the rest of this article.
In pursuing adoption of this resolution and subsequent legislation, this writer had the 1st
Principles of the Founding Fathers in mind:
The fundamental understanding our US Founding Fathers had in drafting our constitution, is
People under Natural Law have free will, and are not virtuous by nature. Therefore, governments
must be constructed in anticipation of the nature of man. Acting on this knowledge, our
Founding Fathers built into our Government and Constitution, various checks and balances.
Amongst these checks and balances were transparency and accountability. All of our problems
today emanate from the slow, persistent rolling back of the checks and balances, transparency
and accountability our Founding Fathers built into our Government and Constitution.
Yet somehow, Amy Koch, then the Senate Majority leader and my State Senator would not even
try to author or pass this bill. Senator Koch just stopped returning this writers calls and emails

on this Fiscal TAR. (Nor on my proposals for Judicial TAR) 2 Republicans Legislators flat out
told me in confidence that no one in the Minnesota Legislature wants great transparency.
This year this writer again had substantially the same resolution passed at the precinct level, then
passed forward at the Wright County BPOU level. Finally this writer attended the MN CD6
Convention as a delegate to sheppard this Fiscal Tar resolution onto the next level.
This TAR Resolution passed my Minnesota Caucus http://exm.nr/zLjXzh
At the CD6 convention, about half way through the 4 page list of proposed resolutions, this
writer noticed that his proposed Fiscal TAR Resolution was not on the list. At this point, which
was about 30-45 minutes before the adjournment of the meeting, this writer passed a written
request to the person seated to the left of the Chair. As a courtesy, this writer was letting the chair
know that this matter needed to be addressed before this meeting ended.
At the beginning of this CD6 convention and several times during the convention, the chair had
indicated that all persons wishing to speak and be heard had to stand at the one and only 1
podium and microphone provided for the audience. This podium was directly in front of the chair
and about 20-30 feet from the Chair, One David FitzSimmons.
As the last resolution was about to be passed, I stepped to the Podium. When Mr. FitzSimmons
ignored my presence at the podium, I began request a point of personal privilege.
Instead Mr. FitzSimmons went to someone in the crowd who moved to adjourn.
Despite this writers protests, that is what happened.
Now, to vet my own perspective, I ask the reader these questions?
1) Didnt Mr. FitzSimmons as chair of CD6 have some responsibility in correcting this situation?
2) Didnt Mr. FitzSimmons owe this writer an explanation of how this writers Fiscal TAR
resolution was omitted?
3) Did not providing the written notification of the issue to Mr. FitzSimmons 30-45 minutes
before the meeting take priority over adjournment?
4) Didnt the Chair have a fiduciary or ethical responsibility to address the issue before the
meeting was adjourned?
5) In fact, was the written notice, a motion itself that should have been heard before the motion
to adjourn was entertained?
6) Shouldnt the Chair have offered both an apology and a suggestion as to how to address this

7) Can you think of any legitimate reason for the Minnesota Republicans to resist allowing
Minnesota Citizens see the actual financial data of their Cities, Counties and Schools?
This writer puts it to the reader; Are his expectations and perceptions erroneous or similar to
your own?
It is this writers allegation that Chairman FitzSimmons personally lost or caused the Fiscal
TAR resolution to be lost. And that Chairman FitzSimmons sealed the fate of the allegedly lost
Fiscal TAR resolution by taking the motion to adjourn without recognizing this writers written
motion nor this writer standing at the 1 and only podium for the audience.
Mr. FitzSimmons has not tried to follow up nor apologize. In fact, all of Mr. FitzSimmons
actions immediately following the adjournment of the convention convince me that my
assumptions and allegations are correct. While individual delegates told me they thought I should
be heard, Mr. FitzSimmons reacted to my overtures as a man with something to hide.
No other person from CD6 has called to explain how my resolution got lost.
The Republican Party is supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility. Yet, at the National
level they have been unable to pass a budget. In fact, Mr Boehner has blown off the TEA Partys
input on the Budget Process?
At the State Level, the Minnesota GOP is million dollars in debt and unable to pay its rent. This
writer finds it ironic that the Minnesota GOP might not be in dire fiscal stared if it had some kind
of financial transparency. Yet its those same old guard members, BPOU and Congressional
Disctrict Chairpersons and our elected officials who caused or failed to prevent the financial
collapse of the Minnesota Republican party have exerted great effort to prevent Financial TAR of
our Government.
The County has retaliated against this writer for asking for the information by disproportionately
raising this writers property taxes and engaging in other forms of black listing. As this writer
previously indicated, his elected officials wont carry Fiscal TAR bills nor return his calls. And
now this writers elected officials have party officials unethically and amorally losing his
Fiscal TAR resolutions.
My Fellow Citizens, you must ask yourselves, What must they all be hiding to fight and
retaliate vigorously for 3 years to prevent posting municipal financial data that is suppose to be
public record on the internet? (Dont let them tell you the data is already available, what is
available is equivalent to 10 million revenue 10 million expenses = 0, plenty of room to hide
stuff in big numbers)
Taxes go up, Budgets cant be passed and our elected officials wont let us see the complete
financial picture by posting all of this data in laymans terms with no aggregates over 100 dollars
on the internet. Mr. Boehner blew off the TEA Partys input on the Federal Budget. We are
printing worthless money to pay our bills. And we are up to our necks in debt with China.
Destroying our Bill of Righrts and out privacy with NDAA, SOPA, ACTA and CISPA. Refusing

to crack down on Government and Judicial Corruption. The $3.87 Trillion Dollar "Ghost Stock"
Law Suit Being Hidden from American People http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-484171.
Refusing to audit, End and/or Nationalize the Federal Reserve Bank.
Is it not obvious from the preponderance of the evidence, that even our own elected Republican
officials are involved in covering up some massive financial skullduggery, or at the very least,
extremely bad financial news?
Fellow Conservatives, When will you stop allowing yourselves to stop question the motives,
loyalties and actions of certain people just because they also call themselves Republicans?
For 20 years, this writer has often voted for Republican candidates because the Party said we had
to or the other party would win.
In 20 years, the incumbent ruling class elite have reduced us from the undisputed super power in
the world to the brink of collapse. Why do we continue to vote for them? http://GOOOH.com
And now, these trusted elected politicians and party officials, want we rank and file Republicans
to trust RINO Flipflop Romneycare Romney as the party nominee? They want us once again to
vote for their candidate because otherwise the other party will win.
Rank and File Conservatives, this writer can see no way we can continue to blindly accept that
our Republican Party is acting in the best interests of rank and file Americans in general nor in
the best interest of even we rank and file Republicans in particular.
The GOP Elite have so little respect for us rank and file constituents that it thinks it can treat us
unethically and we have no choice but to accept it.
This writer will no longer out of loyalty just vote for the GOPs Candidate to keep the other party
from winning. This writer will not allow himself to be bullied into voting for a candidate that he
believes was fraudulently machinated into the lead position.
My fellow rank and file Republicans, I put it to you that the continued indifference of the party
elite to the fiscal planks and principles of the party despite repeated warnings, require us to
strongly consider forming a third party before the 2016 election.
The Republican elite only had to allow us a non polarizing presidential candidate to guarantee
defeat of Obama. Instead they have given us almost the most polarizing candidate possible.
Our best hope for this election is a brokered convention, that allows us to install a champion of
rank and file Americans as the Republican Candidate instead a champion for the Ruling class
elite that requires no champion.
For those of you who have not yet had your caucus or primary yet, please vote NOT MITT.
Please allow us the opportunity of a brokered convention to select our own champion, or at the

very least, to force a tough nomination process that welds Romneys tongue and hands to his
And if we rank and file Republicans are not given a strong voice and respect of the GOP elite
and our elected officials to the Republican platform, we must form a 3rd political party before
the 2014 mid term elections.
UPDATE - MN GOP State Chair Shortridge was given an opportunity to read, comment and
correct errors in the rough draft of this article and failed to avail himself of that opportunity.
Those were my thoughts.
In Closing:
Thank you, my fellow citizens, for taking your valuable time to read and reflect upon what is
written here.
Please join with me in mutually pledging to each other and our fellow citizens our lives, our
fortunes and our sacred honor to our mutual endeavors of restoring liberty and economic
opportunity to WE THE PEOPLE as our Founding Fathers envisioned and intended. [Last
This article is written with the same intentions as Thomas Paine http://ushistory.org/paine. I seek
no leadership role. I seek only to help the American People find their own way using their own
Common Sense http://amzn.to/kbRuar
TellMyPolitician http://goo.gl/1FWfz
Keep Fighting the Good Fight!
In Liberty,
Don Mashak
The Cynical Patriot
Google Plus http://goo.gl/1AUrE
End the Fed(eral Reserve Bank System)
National http://bit.ly/ta3Rju Minneapolis http://bit.ly/tjZJKF
Lawless America

Justice in Minnesota #JIM

Bring Home the Politicians #BHTP
Get out of our House #GOOOH
Critical Thinking Notice - This author advises you as no politician would dare. Exercise Critical
Thinking (http://bit.ly/ubI6ve) in determining the truthfulness of anything you read or hear. Do
not passively accept nor believe anything anyone tells you, including this author... unless and
until you verify it yourself with sources you trust and could actively defend your perspective to
anyone who might debate you to the contrary of your perspective.

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