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re ; “ eitce ae ee GON HUBBARD, also lchowa’ad £A States, alleges dnd avers; 1, ant the Hlaintst ow aanlent tt go Weiehita, Sedgwick County, Kansas; that the lant ot ‘Wichita, Sedgwick County Kansade 2, ‘That the Plaintiff and te D: Vath day of August, 1048, at Chesterts since said tire and now are By Jaw husband aud been born to the Plaintiff and the Defendant one oh this said marriage, to-wit, Alexis Valorie Hubbard, bs Gay of March, 1050, 3, That the Plaintiff end the Defeaitant have acquived during the period of this sald marriage a 1950 Lincoln Seden automobile, 4, Thabthe Plaintitt has performed each and every sity dlovalving vos her as the wife of cai Defeneant, but the Dotendant, «> Siseegarding bis duties and matringe vows, hasbeen gulityet setions witch constitute gross negiect of duly. and extnenie cruelty” foward thts Platt, whereby the Peace of dot ala destroyed and the Legitimate ends of mateiniony have been set atnaught, 5, That Plaintiff ts filing thie action for the care, custody. land control of said minor ehild, Alexis Valorie Hubbard, and for child support to be paid by the Defendant to this Plaintiff in the amount of §200,00 per month, same to be peld on the Jat ay of each month commencing the first day of duly, 181, for the support of said minor eiild, and further thet the Court - avard to her as her sole and separate property the sald 1950 Lincoln Sedan automobile, and furiigr that the Defemiant. nay. ~ Wb Pinus stochese, afoot ie a and Casyl Warner of Los Angeles, Callvornia, & fee of $1,000, 00 for representing the Plaintit in tte Separate Mtsinténshes ult, ond ferthor thatthe Defendant be directed by the Count pay the court costs of this action, ” WB REY ORs, Platnlitt pray’ for judeient agatha! the Betendant for Separate Matntonanica und thet the Court grant to the Plaintiff the ful custody, cere and control of sad miner chile, with Defendant to have the usual and customary rights of ‘iaitation, and farther that the Defendant be directed to pay to the Plaintiff she sun of §200, C0 per month for the support of seid rinor ehik, and further that the Plalatid have awarded to ner a hor sole ana separate property the parties’ 1650 ‘Linooln Sedan automobile, and that the Defendant se directed by ier on carne So ‘mobile, and further that the Defenda to pay the court costs of this actic | nee {foes for Plaiotift's aitorheys in the amount 0 v atFicatron STATE OF KANSAS ) ) $3 yaDGWICK COUNTY ) SAitA NORTHRUP HUBBARD, of lawful age, being first duly | sworn, deposes and states: ‘That she is the Plaintlét in the aboyesdatitled action; thal sho has read the above ana foregoing Petition and knows of her wn knowLedige that the contents thereof are just, true and ‘correct. ~SaRe Noitivap Thibsare SUPSCHIBED And swore to before me this De day of Sut, alt Rhee Vi dhntend SOMES’ WOW the Defendint; notion and ¢robs-petition fon hove entitled cause states! 1, “That the up set mart te ‘steth Savor cannge and injury eo ne tei an poes ot Sovere catoge : : Shtesy on euergency is feclared for erin 1 the Tiedete ceelane bie Defendant. fears tnt ye will aufeeo Garebus Saone bomn ont tapedeent 29 heel. ake ugteneratc without the neseasity of 2 Paling of said setton, 7” SATE OF KANSAS, —bOtIITY OF SEDOMICK, Le, RON KUBBARD, 9¢ legal age, being PLbst duly sworn) on onth, dopases and states: ‘Tapt he ta the Defendent in the evove.and ceuse of action and hes read the faragoine motion, {tion for on enpregency heart) hgtetes, hat thes eaten aye fd, ‘s ARP Mentone Ghersin dontetiws ene Snes SibeersRed and stata to Debord im’ this Mn agar Iya lg, =) See TE ne 10%, URERPORE, te nat portion Rareto serve aad covenant to snd with each other es Toll: a got RT IS EDS / SERIES ia ges eet ES CS Bowne sas eal | a thout-eny se oaacae eee ‘atatoneves oo-tbe pizt-sf the eter. oA Saas eee ewes ree x Sree Pan ‘at pluinttt? and defendant have entered Into « sata eR RE a ten ee OW, on this th day of Jui, 1056, the sate boing regular judicial day of the April 1B51"Teru ofthis Court, the shove eutitled matter comes on for hearing upon the Notion and Cross~ Petition of the Defendant for an emergency hearing and trial erwin ‘aid upon tie Cross-Petition for Divorce, this cause haviny been transferved by order of this Court from Division No, 3 of this Court, to whiet it bad been regularly assigned, to Divistot: Noy: t: fof this. Court by-reason of Division No. 8 belug on vacation: the Plaintite, Sara Norfurup Hubbard, appearing by aud tbrougtrier attorney, Horry Gilltg, Jr, and the Defendant, 1, Roo co also kaowa es Lafayette Ronalé Tubbard, appearing ie peFaOn by his attorney, Wrankdie Bluberty THEREUPON, the Court finds foom exaiminatian of the fe herelit that the Plainttt heb filed herein ‘aintewance. Chile Support, Chik Custody. Att Coste, and Diviston of the Property of the Partis,: Detendant has filed herein his Cross~Petition for ¢ divorce, + Court finds that it has jurisdiction of the parties, Plaintitf anc Defendant, ‘THEREUPON, Defendant introdieed hs testimony and the testimony of his corroborating witness, ichard Detdille, 1m ‘support of Defendant's Motion and Petiticn for an emergency heuriog herein, the substance af which evidence is that the Defendant ntende to. tmmediately leave ths State of Kaneas #04 40 to the State of Washington, and more yarticularly to the City of Rremerton, Washington, which cirourastuace the Court finds ereates an etcergency enfitling the Defersian: to immediate telat herein, end the Court further finds that Vie Plainiltf consents to ‘an imafedtate telal herein; snd, TPIS THAREPORY ORDERED that an emer inorein and that trial proceed forthwith ajon hone ‘Defendant without the wecessity of delaying sats Kearing and trial ‘intl 60 days afler the filing of this action, 4, hat the Piaintitt and the 0 2 married o the L0th day of August, 1946, -at Chestertown, lane; 4, ‘That the parties hereto have’ entered into « Stipulation Agreement, which Stipulation Agreement the Court finds to he fair aud proper and which should be approved in tis fentirety by the Court, except that the Court finés that the parties’ 1950 Livcoln Sedan automobile has-been disposed of by the parties ‘subsequent to the entering (nto of sald Agreement and prior t0 this Gate, ang that in len of the Plaintiff being awarded the xaid! automo ‘be, thatthe PieiRttt should have and recover judgment agetnst the efencant in the sum of 82, 000.60 49 te property ve judgment herein, and the Court finds such guts to be a just and ‘proper division o the Plaintitr of the jarties' property sequired uring Ge pertod of thetr roarriago, 5. ‘That the Plaintiff tiag been guilty of gross neglect of duly and oxtreme cruelty toward the Defendant, and that the ‘Befenant should have and recover on absolate Decree of Livoree: row: the Plaintiff, 6, That the Defendant should have set aside.to him as his cole mad sepavate prepurty, fee and clear of and trom any-aid all ‘elaine of the Platneiff, all rights to and interest to the namie ‘Gfenetios!", oF anp processes thereat, dnd any and all reyalties, { copy Fights, or sie ace Fee aceasta future, keeome # pact of or ineldent to the graresses of e ang tliat t he Defendant shall bavethe sole and exelusin HARRY GILLIG, oR, 4303 Keufwaie euhtding, Stiohita 2, arises Telephone:7-4360 name. “Hubbard” tn comestion with "Dianetics"; anddurther that ‘the Defendant be awarded all personal property now in his possen- ston. 2, That the Pisintiff should have et aside to-her, sole atid separate property, free dnd clear ot and from aby! aad alt. ‘laisse of the Defendant, ali of the furtitture nd household torwiai” ings which the Piaiatigf received from her mother, together with all other personal property dow in her possession, : 8, ‘That there has been one ahild born during this mann torwit: Aleils Valorie Hubbard, born on the 8th dey of March, 165i and that the Plaintiff should be granted the absolute eare, custody, ‘a ‘and control of said minor child with the-Defendant t» have tha ustab and customary rights of visitation to said minor ehild, and that the C Plaintiff may take the said minor chfid out of the State of Kanseste” —~ live with her in the event Plaintiff moves outside d the state of 4 Kansasy and further that the Defendant sill pay tothe ¥ la 4 ‘through the Clerk of this Court, the sunt of $200.80-per mc es support for said minor child, said paycienté to be wade am the fleet day of each month, commencing the first day of July, 191, a 9. ‘That the’ Plaintiff bave ond recover judg ae 2 the Defendat for the court costs of tais ection, Soe ey : sum of $1, 000, 00 for attorney teas te Plaintits's 4 Gilig, Jr., and Caryl Warmer, ‘ fa, Thet the Plaivtift ts not érititled fo joc aisenony, 1148 thempkone py vie couRT coNsibanaD, OxiNEo, APjUDU=T AND DECREED AS TORLOWS: 1, That the Defendant be aid He 1s hereby granted Arc ‘bsolile decree of divorce from the Plaintiff air! that the bende ae eet rnieoe eniRGh tote orig ten TR eM Sha held for soughts 2, That this Decree of Divorce shall not become sbsstute and take effect until the expiration of six (6) movths Irom this date. 3. ‘That the Plaintiff be aad she is hereby granted the sole, absolute nd exclusive custody, control, caro and supervision : of the parties‘ minor child, Alexis Valorie Hubtard; provided, however, that the Defendant shall have reasonat ie visiting privileges with said minor ehite, 4. "That the Defendant be and he is hereby ordered to pay to the Plaintiff, throught he Clerk of this Court, for the supoort ‘and maintenance of said minor child, Alexis Valorie Hubbard, the sum of $200, 00 por month child support, same to be paid on the lat day of each montii, commencing on the Ist day of July, 1951, BARRY GILLIG, 5 203 feautiman Building, ‘ Wiotite 2, Kansas ‘Tolephone; 7-4369, 5, ‘That the Plaintiff have and recover judgment in 2 the amount of $2, 000, 00 against the Defendant as a propurty settlement judgment, 6, ‘That the Plaintitt have set aside to her as her sole and separate property all of the furniture and household furnishings which the Plaintiff received {rom her mother, together with all other personal property now in her possession, J That the Defetiant have se? aside to his as bie Sole and separate property all rights to auc intéfest in the nome of "Dianetics" , orany processes thereof, und éuy end alh royalties, copyrights, and trade marks , whfcbiare now or might. ‘at any time in the future become. @ part of or fneideut to the processes of "Diauetics", together with the sole end exctitetve luge of the naine "Hubbard" in connection with "Dianetioe", together with all other personal property now Ia his possession, 3 6). That the Plaigtift have agaist the Detedant for the aout cos further that the B) the amount of Han Atlorney Cor Detsudatt. SATISFACTION OF ATTORNEY FEB JOnGMENT, RECEIPT is hereby acknowledged of the sum of One ‘Thousand ($1, 600, 00} Dollars cash from the Defendent, L, Ron Huboard, also known as Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, oa this 12th @ay of June, 1961, as full plait orden of $200.00 per ‘exenusive, ond the

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