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Section 2.

5 • Zeros of Polynomial Functions 45

Section 2.5 Zeros of Polynomial Functions

Objective: In this lesson you learned how to determine the number of

rational and real zeros of polynomial functions, and find the

Important Vocabulary Define each term or concept.

Conjugates A pair of complex numbers of the form a + bi and a – bi are complex

conjugates of each other.
Irreducible over the reals A quadratic factor with no real zeros; also known as
Variation in sign Two consecutive coefficients have opposite signs.

Upper bound A real number b is an upper bound for the real zeros of f if no real
zeros of f are greater than b.
Lower bound A real number b is a lower bound for the real zeros of f if no real zeros
of f are less than b.

I. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (Page 169) What you should learn
How to use the
The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra guarantees that, in the Fundamental Theorem of
complex number system, every nth-degree polynomial function Algebra to determine the
number of zeros of
has precisely n zeros. polynomial functions

Example 1: How many zeros does the polynomial function

f ( x) = 5 − 2 x 2 + x 3 − 12 x 5 have?

The Linear Factorization Theorem states that . . . if f(x) is a

polynomial of degree n, where n > 0, then f has precisely n linear
factors f(x) = an(x – c1)( x – c2) . . . (x – cn) where c1, c2, . . . , cn
are complex numbers.

II. The Rational Zero Test (Pages 170−172) What you should learn
How to find rational
Describe the purpose of the Rational Zero Test. zeros of polynomial
The Rational Zero Test relates the possible rational zeros of a functions
polynomial (having integer coefficients) to the leading
coefficient and to the constant term of the polynomial.

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46 Chapter 2 • Polynomial and Rational Functions

State the Rational Zero Test.

If the polynomial f(x) = anxn + an – 1xn – 1 + . . . + a2x2 + a1x + a0
has integer coefficients, every rational zero of f has the form:
rational zero = p/q, where p and q have no common factors other
than 1, and p = a factor of the constant term a0, and q = a factor
of the leading coefficient an.

To use the Rational Zero Test, . . . first list all rational

numbers whose numerators are factors of the constant term and
whose denominators are factors of the leading coefficient. Then
use trial and error to determine which of these possible rational
zeros, if any, are actual zeros of the polynomial.

Example 2: List the possible rational zeros of the polynomial

function f ( x) = 3 x 5 + x 4 + 4 x 3 − 2 x 2 + 8 x − 5 .
± 1, ± 5, ± 1/3, ± 5/3

Some strategies that can be used to shorten the search for actual
zeros among a list of possible rational zeros include . . .
(1) a programmable calculator can be used to speed up the
calculations; (2) a graph, drawn either by hand or with a
graphing utility, can give a good estimate of the locations of the
zeros; (3) the Intermediate Value Theorem along with a table
generated by a graphing utility can give approximations of zeros;
and (4) synthetic division can be used to test possible rational

III. Conjugate Pairs (Page 173) What you should learn

How to find conjugate
Let f(x) be a polynomial function that has real coefficients. If pairs of complex zeros
a + bi (where b ≠ 0) is a zero of the function, then we know that
a − bi is also a zero of the function.

Example 3: Give the complex conjugate of 3 − 7i.

3 + 7i

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Section 2.5 • Zeros of Polynomial Functions 47
IV. Factoring a Polynomial (Pages 173−175) What you should learn
How to find zeros of
To write a polynomial of degree n > 0 with real coefficients as a polynomials by factoring
product without complex factors, write the polynomial as . . .
the product of linear and/or quadratic factors with real
coefficients, where the quadratic factors have no real zeros.

Example 4: Write the polynomial function

f ( x) = x 4 + 5 x 2 − 36 as the product of linear
factors, and list all of its zeros.
f(x) = (x + 2)(x − 2)(x + 3i)(x − 3i)
Zeros: − 2, 2, − 3i, 3i

Explain why a graph cannot be used to locate complex zeros.

Real zeros are the only zeros that appear as x-intercepts on a

graph. A polynomial function’s complex zeros must be found

V. Other Tests for Zeros of Polynomials (Pages 176−178) What you should learn
How to use Descartes’s
Descartes’s Rule of Signs sheds more light on the number of Rule of Signs and the
real zeros a polynomial function can have. Upper and Lower Bound
Rules to find zeros of
State Descartes’s Rule of Signs.
Let f(x) = anxn + an – 1xn – 1 + . . . + a2x2 + a1x + a0 be a polynomial
with real coefficients and a0 ≠ 0.
1. The number of positive real zeros of f is either equal to the
number of variations in sign of f(x) or less than that number
by an even integer.
2. The number of negative real zeros of f is either equal to the
number of variations in sign of f(– x) or less than that
number by an even integer.

When using Descartes’s Rule of Signs, a zero of multiplicity k

should be counted as k zeros.

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48 Chapter 2 • Polynomial and Rational Functions

Example 5: Find the number of variations in sign in

f ( x) = 2 x 6 + 3x 5 − x 4 − 9 x 3 + x 2 + 5 x − 7 , as
well as the number of variations of sign in f(− x).
Then discuss the possible numbers of positive real
zeros and the possible number of negative real
zeros of this function.
3 changes in sign for f(x);
3 changes in sign for f(− x)
f(x) has either 3 or 1 positive real zeros, and either
3 or 1 negative real zeros.

State the Upper and Lower Bound Rules.

Let f(x) be a polynomial with real coefficients and a positive
leading coefficient. Suppose f(x) is divided by x − c, using
synthetic division.
1. If c > 0 and each number in the last row is either positive
or zero, c is an upper bound for the real zeros of f.
2. If c < 0 and the numbers in the last row are alternately
positive and negative (zero entries count as positive or
negative), c is a lower bound for the real zeros of f.

Explain how the Upper and Lower Bound Rules can be useful in
the search for the real zeros of a polynomial function.

Explanations will vary. For instance, suppose you are checking a

list of possible rational zeros. When checking the possible
rational zero 2 with synthetic division, each number in the last
row is positive or zero. Then you need not check any of the other
possible rational zeros that are greater than 2 and can concentrate
on checking only values less than 2.

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