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Noodles with calabacitas

400 g of moodles or any pasta it talks
4 calabacitas
2 onions
1 branch of rosemay
6 branchetes of thyme
4 cdas. Of olive oli go out and pepper
4 leves of basil
60 g. of la mancha grated cheese

Cooks the noondles according to the intructiones of the package, until they
are cooked well. He washes the calabacitas and cuts lengthways in thin
sileces. He peles the onions and cut them thiyme, it shakes the wter excess
and puctures the leaves finely . it warms the oli in a big fryng pan and cooks
the onions until they are soft. He adds the calabacitas and the grasses,
ingredients. It ripens with salt and pepper .the noodles and reserves 3
spoonfuls of the wter of boliong. It incorporantes the noodles and the wter
reserved to the calabacitas
It punctures finely the leaves of basil and dust them on the noodles . if
youwant to add of la mancha cheese. You can acompany this saucer on a

It grazes with watercress and olives

300 g of pasta
2 pores boys
150g of watercress
50 g of pistaches,without rind
100 g of olives, you refil of pepper
4 cdas of olive oli
3 garlic cloves finely punctured
30 g of fresh bad parsley
They grated of a lemon
60 g of la mancha grated cheese

It filis a pan with wter and stops to boli. It adds waternand indicates to boli.
It adds the pasta and kichen of agreement the intructions of the packege,
until is cooked well. It cuts the pores in thick slices, and these in quaters. It
puncture the watercress and the pistaches. It divides the olives to the half
To half a boling of the pasta it warms the oli in a frying pan to high. It adds
the garlic and the pores reduces the phlegm to averange-low. Lid an kitchen
during 5 minutes, returns occasionally until .
It starins the and spends it rapidly to the frying pan warms. It adds the
watercress, the pistaches , the olives , the parsley and divides in four plates.
If you wish it it dust cheese and serves

Chinse noodles with meat of beast

500 g of cabbage
500 g of bisteces of beast
30 g of fresh ginger
2 garlic cloves
4cdas of vegetable oli
Go out and
500 ml of broth of vegetables or of chicken
5-6 cdas of sauce of soy bean
1 cda of oli of sesame
300 g of chinese noodles
1-2 cdas of played of lemon

it cuts the cabbage and the bisteces in thin strips. It punctures fineley the
ginger and the garlic.
It warms 2 spoonfuls of oli in a wok or a big frying pan and fries the meat to
high fire during 5 minute place it in one a plate and season it with salt and
Set to warm the remaing oli and add the cabbage, the ginger the garlic.
Kintchen returning the ingredients during during two minutes.
It spills the broth on the vegetables, together with the sauce of soy vean and
the oli of sesame. He adds the noodles and, without stopping moving, cook
them to low fire during 3 minutes or until the liquid it incorporates the strips
of beast and cook a few moments more. To serve, it adds the juice of lemon

Fresh sald with past

250 g of pasta screw
500 g of brcoli
300 g of filet of loing of beast in bisteces
500 g of tomatoes, in quarters a purple onion,in tracks
Seasoning 11/4 cups (310g) of natural low yogurt in oily
of cup (60g) of low mayonnaise in fat
1 cda of vinegar
of cup (25g) of basil

He cooks the pasta in a bing pan with wter hirviendo following the
intructions of the package it. Adds the branches of broccoli in the last 2
minutes of boling 4 minutes of every sode , and cut it in thin strips. Fort the
seasoning. There places the yogurt, the mayonnaise, the vinegar the Basil in
a food precessor or in the licuadora. The seasoning goes on to a bowl big.
He places the filet in plate and baet it with the seasoning. It adds the pasta ,
the broccoli, the tomatoes , and the onion raises . he adds more seasoning if
this way you wishit

Mexican salad of chiken sauce

2 breasts of chicken , boned and without skin
1 cda of olive oli
4 tortillas of maize
1 big lettuce
410 g of bean in tin, rinsed and drained
1 big avocado, coffees with a dash of mil in buckets
2 cdas of chiles jala peos in vinegar, puncturedb
3 cdas of bad coriander
2 big, bad tomatoes and without seed
1 puple small onion, finely bad
1 red small chili, finely bad
of cup (60ml) of olive oli
2 cdas of it played of lemon
1 diente of garlic, finely punctured

Warms a frying pan to high fire . it varnishes the breasts of chicken with the
half olive oli , and kitchen during 5 minutes of every side or until they are
cooked. Slice them in thin strps. It varnishes the tortillas with the remaining
oli and later cut them ; it fries in uno minute of every side or until they are
gilded and crreakingly reservation
For the sau ce. It mixes the tomatoes , the chiles and the coriander in a
container small. It adds the olive oli, it played of lemon and the garlic; it
returns very well. The sauce goes on to a pan and stops to boli. It adds the
chicken and mixes well.

It cuts the lettuce and serve it closet o the beans, the jalapeos and the
sauce. Placed chicken raises and accompanies with the tortillas

Salad of meat wiith mustard

350 g of filet of beats withou oly
of grasses of smell
250 g of corncobs coffees with a
dash of milk
250 g of corncobs 250 g of beans
500 f of dads cambray cooked
250 g of tomamto, in halves
cup (70g) of black and Green
boned olives
2 cdas of cebollin puntured
3 leaves of parsley

2 g of olive
1 cda of mustard
2 cdas de wter
salt and pepper
12 leaves of spanish
4 cups (160g) of lettuce

He places the filet in the plate and flavors both sides with the grasses of
smell and pepper . reservation cooks the ejotes and the beans and kitchen
until the vegetables are tender. It slips weell ; then rinse and reserve them
until they cool down. It mixes the vegetables boiled with it them eats, the
tomatoes, the olives, the chive and the parsley in a big container.
For the seasoning
It mixes the olive oil, or vinegar, the mustard and the wter in a flask with lid.
Condimenta to the taste with and pepper, and waves until the ingredients
join well
It warms a fying pan to average high fire and cooks the filet during 3 minutes
of every side . it go on to a plate and stop to rest 5 minutes to serve, cut the
filet in thin strips and pleace i ton a bed of spinach an lettuce . it adds

Glazead ham
1 pinche matureley
2 tomatoes, fineley puntured
1 cebolloita cambray, puctured
1 cda of ginger
2 cda of lemon
2 cdas of honey of maple
4 slinces of ham (200g each one ) boned and without
1 bunch of watercress smokes

Peel the handle And It Bone felling in buckets the pulpa and mesclala With
the jitomares and the cebollita cambray It incorporates the punctured
ingredients the ginger and the half of the juice of lemon re-returning to mix
well the sauce It preheats a frying pan to everage temperature. Mix the juice
of remaining lemon in the honey of macle and despues adds a bit on her s
slices of ham. He places the slices of ham in the frying pan and during 3 or 4
minutes he cooks of every side

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