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Maverrick B.

UST:CoN Core Values
Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you
have both firmly under your belt, that's real power.
-Clint Eastwood
As a student of UST for almost 6 years the core values of every college always
goes round to respect. I chose respect as a core value that is very significant to me
because not only in the saying that respect begets respect but also respect uphold the
true values of a true Christian and as a follower of Christ. Each of the core values is as
much as important as respect because it brings the best in us or should I say the
Christian within us but respect is the most significant value that should not be neglected
as a nurse and as a human being. For 4 centuries the University of Santo Tomas hold
its values as a Christian Catholic school and to abide to the Catholic teachings so
respect would be the utmost value that anyone should have. Respect revolves around
us every day, one of which is that in USTJHS (formerly USTHS) practice its respect in
day to day basis. Although its traditional Bowing to the professors every time we greet
them a good morning or just saying hi. That simple bowing is a representation of
humility and respect for our teachers but not saying that we are under them but to say
that we are their students and as a student we should be humble to our teachers for
they are the ones who are molding us to be like them someday and someday our
children or students will do the same for us. Its like that tradition is embarked on every
student of USTHS when on the corridor you can clearly distinguish how a USTHS
graduate greets his/her professor and its very clear how.
Respect should be one of the priorities of a Thomasian nurse because we are
bringing the Catholic Value which is the teachings of Christ so as a nurse you should
not be picky when it comes to your patients whether he or she is a Christian, Muslim,
Atheist, Rich, Poor, Educated, Illiterate, or a simple person we should treat everyone
with the utmost respect because we are all humans and its the Catholic way. As a
person as well we are bringing respect in our life not only to others but also to
ourselves. How can we respect others if we cant even respect ourselves? Respect
starts with oneself and goes on to another and another person until the whole world. For
18 years of me living in this world, since I learn how to read and write my parents
always teach me the value of respect like saying po and opo, kissing the hands of
the elderly, speaking in a low tone in talking with the elderly, obeying rules and
regulation etc. I think Respect is the value that can really change the Philippines in its
state. I may be going out of the nursing and myself but Im going to say that the problem
in the Filipino people is respect with each other. Why is there traffic? Disobeying traffic
rules, cutting to another driver we all want to benefit ourselves and disrespecting others.
Why is there corruption? Its because our leaders do not respect us, they dont respect

how we work hard for the taxes, they dont respect the trust weve given them by voting
them into position but instead they used our trust for their common and self-interest.
That is why Respect is a value that we must VALUE the most because it is slowly
depleting and is causing so much trouble in humanity. Going back to the Thomasian
Nursing Values I chose Respect because I will be bringing it for eternity because it is
something that will mark you as a person.
Every Nurse in the world should possess this kind of trait because we are facing
everyday different kinds of people all from different traditions, cultures and religions so
we dont know each and everyone but if are armed with the value of respect not only
can we establish rapport and trust to the patient but also we are spreading the word of
the Lord because we are respecting them and it could be a way of God communication
with the people to promote peace in each and every one of us. Even in our NCM
subject there is this certain topic about patient communication or as we call it
Therapeutic Communication to the patient. Here we are taught how and what
approach should we do to certain patients without causing harm and offense to the
patient. Further in third year college we are to be taught about the subject bio ethics
where-in we are taught the right ethics and etiquette of a nurse on duty and every day. It
is certain that respect is one of the values that will be forever written within us and will
define us who we really are as a person. In every aspect of my life not only in the
academe or in the medical field in the near future but also with my family that I should
be with respect. Respect every decisions of every family member, respect each others
privacy, respect each other during times of study etc.

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