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Peace be Still and Know That I am God

What does this mean? Lets explain it.

Everything is Light. That is all there is. Everything that exists is a manifestation of Light. All
appearances of form are just different frequencies of the same Light. Everything is measured in
hertz. A hertz is how many times Light makes a complete cycle of spiraling in and spiraling back
out in a second.
The color red ranges from 620750 nm which is 400484 THz. THz is terahertz which is an
extremely high frequency, 1 THz =1012 Hz that means one terahertz is 1,000,000,000,000 Hz.
That is a trillion hertz. Therefore the color red is 400-484 trillion hertz. That is how many times
Light spirals per second. Orange is 590620 nm in length which would be 484508 THz. The
color violet is the shortest wave length that the human eye can see and it is 380450 nm which is
668789 THz. This is the highest frequency humans can see. A typical human eye will respond
to wavelengths from about 390 to 700 nm. The shorter the electromagnetic wave, the faster the
frequency. Just like inside a piano, the shortest piano wire gives off the highest frequency which
is the highest note on the keyboard.
Any frequency higher than 789 THz or any frequency lower than 400 THz cannot be detected by
the human eye.
Our ears can pick up the frequency between 20 to 20,000 Hz. Our organs are program to only
pick up certain frequencies very much like a radio and walkie talkie. All is Light; it is the
frequency that causes each of our organs to perceive it as something else. The frequency of Light
that occupies what we perceive as empty space is just light in a frequency that none of our senses
can detect. It is the so called empty space that defines the appearance of form that we perceive as
Empty space is no emptier than the forms we perceive as objects. The reason our hands dont
pass through an object is because the magnetic field from an object has a similar magnetic field
as our body. Like a magnet, if two magnets have the same pole, they repel each other. The
magnetic field from our hand and the object repel each other preventing us from actually
touching the molecules of the object. Molecules are made of atoms and atoms are made of Light.
Therefore we never touch that which makes the object, we touch the magnetic field and it is that
magnetic field that our nerves perceive as different textures of the sense of touch.
On the element chart there is a list of atoms ranging from element atomic number1 which is
hydrogen to element atomic number118 which is Ununoctium. All of these elements are just
different frequency of the same one Light. What they failed to put on the chart is element atomic
number zero.

Element atomic number 0 is Light in its state of stillness. In the state of stillness it is the Source
and encompasses all that exist.
Even though light is constantly spiraling, there is a period of rest where Light is completely still.
This stillness is the Source of all. It is Universal Consciousness which is God. The stillness is the
pause in between each spiral, each hertz. It is the pause between each heart beat and breath. That
pause between each breath is when we are not breathing. It is stillness.
To commune with this stillness, we must quiet our minds. Our minds are the quietest in the delta
wave brain frequency state. This is the normal state of deep dreamless sleep. Tibetan monks who
have been meditating for decades can reach this in an alert, wakened phase, but most of us reach
this final state during deep, dreamless sleep.
While these monks are awake their mind is still. There are no automatic thoughts bombarding
their minds. When our minds are still that is when we are in constant communion with God. This
is the state of knowing that you are God. This is also praying without ceasing.
This stillness is the eternal present. When youre in the present moment, your mind is calm.
Meditation allows one to be in the eternal present. It quells those automatic thoughts of future
fear and past judgements. A person in this state knows that anything that he desires is his
He is person who is aware that he has the cosmos embodied within himself, he is infinite
possibilities and anything can happen; and he knows that there are billions of different parallel
realities he could shift to within a macro-second!

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