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Departamento de Ciencias de la



Tnte. Luis Montenegro
Jonathan Pillajo
Erick Zambrano
Fecha: 27/10/2015


Ubicar una problemtica o temtica de inters.

Definir una cadena de bsqueda genrica, depurarla y formatearla

para al menos tres bases digitales.

De los resultados obtenidos, realizar una lectura comprensiva de al

menos dos resmenes de los artculos y comentar el aporte.

Generar un informe que relate todo el proceso, haciendo nfasis en
los resultados.

Falta de software educativo para para mejorar el proceso de lectoescritura en nios de 7 a 9 aos.
Cadena genrica:
("educational software" OR "educational system" OR "software for
learning" OR "system for learning") AND writing AND reading AND children
Cadena inicial: 3 resultados
Title:(("educational software" OR "educational system" OR "software for
learning" OR "system for learning") AND writing AND reading AND
children) OR Abstract:(("educational software" OR "educational system"
OR "software for learning" OR "system for learning") AND writing AND
reading AND children) OR Keywords:(("educational software" OR
"educational system" OR "software for learning" OR "system for learning")
AND writing AND reading AND children)
Cadena final: 9 resultados
Title:(("educational software" OR "educational system" OR "software for
learning" OR "system for learning") AND ((writing AND reading) OR (read
AND write) OR literacy) AND (children OR kids)) OR Abstract:(("educational
software" OR "educational system" OR "software for learning" OR "system
for learning") AND ((writing AND reading) OR (read AND write) OR literacy)
AND (children OR kids)) OR Keywords:(("educational software" OR
"educational system" OR "software for learning" OR "system for learning")
AND ((writing AND reading) OR (read AND write) OR literacy) AND
(children OR kids))

Cadena inicial: 0 resultados
(("Publication Title":"educational software" OR "educational system" OR
"software for learning" OR "system for learning") AND ("Publication
Title":writing) AND ("Publication Title":reading) AND ("Publication
Title":children)) OR (("Abstract":"educational software" OR "educational
system" OR "software for learning" OR "system for learning") AND
("Abstract":writing) AND ("Abstract":reading) AND ("Abstract":children))
OR (("Author Keywords":"educational software" OR "educational system"
OR "software for learning" OR "system for learning") AND ("Author
Keywords":writing) AND ("Author Keywords":reading) AND ("Author
Cadena final: 0 resultados
(("Publication Title":"educational software" OR "educational system" OR
"software for learning" OR "system for learning") AND (("Publication
Title":writing OR write) AND ("Publication Title":reading OR read) OR
("Publication Title":literacy)) AND ("Publication Title":children OR kids)) OR
(("Abstract":"educational software" OR "educational system" OR "software
for learning" OR "system for learning") AND (("Abstract":writing OR write)
AND ("Abstract":reading OR read) OR ("Abstract":literacy)) AND
("Abstract":children OR kids)) OR (("Author Keywords":"educational
software" OR "educational system" OR "software for learning" OR "system
for learning") AND (("Author Keywords":writing OR write) AND ("Author
Keywords":reading OR read) OR ("Author Keywords":literacy)) AND
("Author Keywords":children OR kids))
Cadena inicial: 9287 resultados
(("educational software" OR "educational system" OR "software for
learning" OR "system for learning") AND writing AND reading AND
Cadena final: 11329 resultados
(("educational software" OR "educational system" OR "software for
learning" OR "system for learning") AND ((writing AND reading) OR (read
AND write) OR literacy) AND (children OR kids))
Cadena inicial: 22235 resultados
(("educational software" OR "educational system" OR "software for
learning" OR "system for learning") AND writing AND reading AND

Cadena final: 36881 resultados

(("educational software" OR "educational system" OR "software for
learning" OR "system for learning") AND ((writing AND reading) OR (read
AND write) OR literacy) AND (children OR kids))
a. Tema: Tecnologas persuasivas en la educacin:
motivacin para leer y escribir para los nios.
b. Resumen (Abstract):



In this paper we present an example of how principles of

motivation can be designed into educational software to support
students in achieving their goals. The objective of our software was
to develop a reading habit in children between 8 and 11 years of
age by motivating them to improve their reading and writing skills.
By designing activities that integrate Gardner's Multiple Intelligence
theory to our software, we were able to motivate children to read
while acknowledging individual differences in their learning process.
The results on presenting this software to different groups of
children from the city and rural environments show how we were
able to motivate students to read through the software itself and the
activities it proposes, in a way that was credible and connected to
the real-world environment children lived in. Our results show the
importance of integrating principles from Persuasion such as
similarity, tailoring and credibility, together with theories such as
Gardner's in educational software to achieve motivation to read and
write in children. [1]
c. Anlisis:
Trata de un software educativo para motivarlos a mejorar sus
habilidades de lectura y escritura, transformndolos en un hbito en
los nios de entre 8 y 11 aos de edad por medio de actividades
aplicando la teora de Inteligencias Mltiples de Gardner. Con esto
se desea lograr que los nios lean y reconozcan diferencias entre
sus procesos de aprendizaje. Los resultados arrojan que los
principios de la persuasin como similitud, la adaptacin y la
credibilidad, junto con teoras como Gardner en software logran en
los nios motivacin para leer y escribir.


a. Tema: Un entorno de aprendizaje y de lectura y escritura de

b. Resumen (Abstract):
In this paper we describe the structure and behaviour of an
interactive learning environment for reading and writing exercises.
This environment lets the teachers configure and personalize the
exercises from a set of templates. It also lets them analyse the
pupils results and delivers reports, substantially improving tracking
the learning process. To develop this environment, the cognitive
processes that form part of reading and writing skills have been
taken into account, as well as other aspects such as easy user
interfaces, graphical presentation, and visual reinforcement. [2]
Key words
Interactive learning environment Computer Assisted Instruction
c. Anlisis:
Este trabajo impulsa el aprendizaje interactivo de la lectura y
escritura mediante ejercicios. Los profesores pueden modificar los
ejercicios usando plantillas y adems tienen la posibilidad de
analizar a sus alumnos. Existe una mejor comunicacin en la
entrega de documentos as como un eficaz proceso de aprendizaje.
Aspectos como diseo de interfaces amigables para los usuarios y
retroalimentacin visual.




Las cadenas de bsquedas reducen el tiempo de indagacin sobre

las palabras enlazadas utilizando adecuadamente los conectores.

Mediante la depuracin de las cadenas de bsqueda podemos

realizar un filtrado entre los resultados obtenidos.

Es importante conocer la sintaxis respectiva de cada repositorio
digital para obtener resultados eficientes.

[1]Andrs Lucero Eindhoven University of Technology, E. T. (2006). Persuasive
technologies in education: improving motivation to read and write for
[2]Laura Aranda, S. T. (s.f.). BabelWin: An environment for learning and
monitoring reading and writing skills. En Computers and Education in the
21st Century (pgs. PP 79-91).

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