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MITRA AS Kronos with a lion head

"At the top of the divine hierarchy - says Franz Gumon - and the beginning of all
things Mithraic theology heir tservanistskih magicians (a modified form of
Zoroastrianism), becoming infinite time. Sometimes it was called Aiwn or
Saeculum; Kronoz or Saturnus but these names were contingent and random,
because it was thought ineffable, devoid of name, sex and passion. (See. The
Mysteries of Mithra.) The figures mean the inevitable victory of the infinite time
(Eternity) over any creation and existence. All beings reach completion in Time;
Time in all the wrong becomes right; in Time all guaranteed salvation. Lion's head
means that ruthless truth Time is despotic master animal - or irrational - creation.
The Power of Time surpasses all that it absorbs, surpasses all lower forces that
exist within it. Ring snake represent the movement of the celestial sphere
through the Zodiac, which is shown in the form of the human body. Golden Key
shows that time is the key to the mystery of existence. Sword - a tool that demon
creation of man Time defeated, and his body was cut into the past and future,
while the gods granted eternal reign over now. Double wings signify the flight
time over the lower worlds of the four elements, and eight stars - a sphere Held
Time. Dome Mithraic cave decorated with stars, signifying the universality of
divine worship, and shining the ball with figures standing on it is the universe.
Figure, resurrected from the darkness of the tomb, expresses infinite length
release from the narrow confines of the person comprehensible time. Three
kneeling figures are limited three-dimensional world - length, width and thickness
- which tend to unlimited Aeon.
Abraxas, the Gnostic DEITY
Name AVRAHAS invented and launched into circulation Bazilidom, Egyptian
Gnostic, a verbal construction of the seven letters that represent the seven
creative forces or planetary angels of ancient wisdom. Sampson Arnold Mackey
suggested the hypothesis that the name is composed of two ancient words words AVIR meaning of the bull and the words AHIS meaning pole, mast axis (the
axis of the earth). To confirm his hypothesis, he drew attention to the fact that
the change of slope (position) of the Earth's axis takes place during the equinox
in the constellation Taurus, the Bull of Heaven. Four white horses, chariot
entailing Abraxas, symbolize the four ether through which solar power, AVRAHAS
circulates to all parts of the universe. Name of seven letters AVRAHAS takes on a
symbolic value of the force of the seven rays. The fact that the modern world
even knows something about the symbolism of the ancient Gnostics, we must
greed of those who put their lives purpose of silencing any reasonable
presentation of Gnostic philosophy; the fact is that because of the commercial
value of the gems engraved with symbols of Gnostic these fanatics prefer to
store them, and not to destroy. The picture shown above, there is an enlarged
view of the Gnostic gem of a size slightly larger than one inch. Rings and other
jewelry with Gnostic gems, without a doubt, were used by members of the cult as
a distinguishing mark. Since the Order of the Gnostics was a secret society, the
stones were very small, so as not to arouse suspicion.
Initiation ceremony in the mysteries of Eleusis

Candidate and the initiator is shown standing on the edge of the chasm that
separates the world of the living and the world of the dead, in which the flowing
stream, carrying away the shadows of the dead. Away enthroned Hades, god of
the underworld, surrounded by emblems of death, and next to him Cerberus,
Three-headed dog, guardian of the gates of death. Over the gaping chasm soars
Ceres, holding two torches, whose light is paving her way in the darkness of the
lower world. She prays for the release of her daughter Persephone, that force has
withdrawn into their world and forced Hades to be his wife.
John Wise described the rituals elevsintsev "thunder, lightning flashes, there are
strange and terrible creatures, the earth shakes, on fire; the building slip hideous
ghosts groaned and sighs; heard a terrible noise and howling. Mysterious ghost
representing messengers infernal deities, Pain, Madness, hunger, disease and
death, flying around. The crowd beginners trembles midst of this terrible
representation, symbolizing the suffering of this life and the horrors of Tartarus.
And at that moment they hear the solemn voice of the priest, acting with the
symbol of the supreme deity, and suddenly the scene fills the bright light. All
representation allows initiated a few moments to experience the earthly misery,
suffering and happiness of Tartarus Elysium. "(See. "Obelisk in Freemasonry.")
It is difficult to obtain satisfactory information regarding the identity of Odin. If he
really founded the Scandinavian mysteries, he undoubtedly was devoted to the
Eastern teaching, perhaps Buddhism. The etymology of the word "One" indicates
its various forms, such as Woden, Woden, Wotan, and one Vuotan. All these words
have meaning "forest" or "wind (wood, wind). In this regard, a tireless
researcher Goddfri Higgins made several important discoveries. He wrote:
"Apparently, Woden, North God, is simply a method of pronouncing Tamil Buddha.
(Sir William Jones also believed that the Buddha is Woden.) This Woden came
from the north, not the south of India, in what there can be no doubt. "
Tamils are a branch of the Dravidian race. Now they are scattered throughout
South India and Ceylon. It is curious that the name Woden may also be linked to
an ancient source of Aryan culture in North India. Higgins further argues: "In
writing Syriac One pronounced as Adonis, but" O "in the language or Pashto
language (which, as we know, the same as the language of the Tamils) was the
definite article" The ". Then one would be Don. But do we have found means
knowledge or wisdom. Thus, we again come to the tree of knowledge, or
knowledge of the garden or a garden of Adonis ".
Since Woden now sounds like a "forest (wood), and "wisdom, (wisdom), does
not require much imagination to guess that this is the symbolic name of the ODon, The-Don Eden or allusion there the tree of knowledge, growing in the garden
of wisdom.
HERMES, tramples FOOT Typhon
Hermes, as the personification of Universal Wisdom, pictured here trampling foot
defeated Typhon, a dragon, symbolizing ignorance and perversity. Dedicated to

the Egyptian Typhon, the devourer of souls, marks the lower world, absorbing
spiritual nature of man, which because of its imperfections forced to descend
from the higher realms and be reborn in the physical universe. Absorption of
Typhon, therefore, refers to the process of spiritual rebirth, from which a person
can be free only to overcome a mortal enemy of his. In one hand holding Hermes
Caduceus, the winged wand entwined battling snakes; in his other hand - the
immortal Emerald, on which is engraved in all the wisdom of philosophy. At
Hermes wearing apron Masons of ancient Egypt, the form of which is open
Belzoni, a prominent Egyptologist. Two small circles contained shapes and
symbols, most closely associated with Hermes. In the upper circle shows ibis,
whose appearance is suggestive of medical art. At the dedication ceremony
Egyptian priests wore masks in the shape of the head of an ibis, representing
these attributes Tota, or Hermes. In the bottom circle shows the dog that always
accompanies Hermes, being smart and loyal. At the head of Hermes - the uraeus,
the secret symbol of the constellation Scorpius, which is a revival of the force
that in the form of a dragon helplessly lies at the feet of Hermes. Scarab over the
heart of Hermes means the presence of a spiritual revival in the light of his own
soul; circular shape of the collar is circular orbits of celestial bodies. Three arrows
on the tail of Typhon denote three destructive expressions of universal energy mental, moral and physical perversion. In general diagram means power through
the revival of the body, mind and education transmutation of emotions.
Imaginary picture of a temple Atlantean Mysteries
In the "Critias" Plato describes in detail the divine foundation of the Atlantean
Empire, originally known as Poseidonis. Golden Age has come down to us through
the myths and legends of the gods were close to the people was the zenith of the
Atlantean civilization. The Atlanteans were the demigods of the ancient world,
and it is in front of them all civilized nations are in debt. In the British Museum
there is a remarkable document - known as Troano manuscript - written about
3500 years ago with the Mayan Yucatan Peninsula. This document contains a
description of the true cataclysm in which Atlantis sank to the ocean floor. This
priceless document contains the following statement (according to the translation
of Le Plongeon): "In the 6th year of Kang, 11 Milan month Zack happened many
terrible earthquake, which lasted continuously until the 13th Chuen. Country
Mood hills, the land of Mu were victims of misfortune; heaving earth twice in one
night and disappeared, constantly shaken by volcanic explosions. Earth sinking
into the sea and emerging from the sea elsewhere. Finally, everything was
covered with water, and ten countries were torn and scattered; unable to resist
the terrible natural convulsions, they disappeared along with 64 million people. "
Before diving into the mysteries of Atlantis dedicated Atlantean took with them
the secret doctrine entrusted to them, moved to Egypt and other parts of the
world where they were safe. Thus, their secret doctrine - a priceless treasure for
future generations - has been saved. They established training centers and
spread the teachings, now in the language of symbolism, for those who are
worthy of it.
From the book Tomassini

"Collection of images of sculptures, sculptural groups of terms, source, vases and

other fine things"
Isis FROM Sais
"I, Isis, mistress of the world: my mentor Hermes, and we gave every people their
writing, so as not to have the same letter in different people. I gave people the
inviolable laws. I am the eldest of the daughters of Kronos. I am the wife and
sister of the king Osiris. I leaped over sky of stars in the constellation Dogs (...)
My name is female deity (...) The sky is separated from the ground by me. I
pointed the way the stars. I invented seafaring (...) I brought together men and
females (...) I ordered the children to love their parents. With my brother Osiris, I
put an end to cannibalism. I taught people to mysteries. I taught them how to
worship the statues of the gods. I erected a temple to worship the gods. I toppled
tyrants. I call a man's love for a woman. I do right is more precious than silver
and gold. I made a great truth. "(See. Erman, Handbook of Egyptian Religion)
Face and body were covered with scarlet Isis veil, symbol of ignorance and
emotion that always stand between man and Truth. Isis lifts her veil and reveals
himself to the Truth and the seeker, who selflessly, humbly and earnestly seek to
understand the mystery that surrounds the universe. Whom it was opened, must
keep the secret mysteries. Greatest Sage instruction is: "Know, be silent."
Plebeians and the profane, unbelieving and incurious, but she will not open her
face, because they are inaccessible secret processes invisible worlds.
HEAVENLY Immaculate with the sun god on his hands
Primitive people used to associate creative principle with the attributes of a male
or female. In those days, human survival depended on the muscles, not from the
brain. Male dominance was not disputed, and therefore masculine traits
attributed to God. Later, when the man reached the stage of comparative
security and turned to its ethical nature, he became more and more to appreciate
the subtle and spiritual feminine qualities. Their he suffered on his conception of
the Godhead. God states, thus becoming essentially masculine God Church essentially feminine. God philosophy - androgynous. These concepts modern
world has added a fourth - scientific - a concept in which the creative subject is
considered asexual. In terms of theology, Madonna gave birth to Children of Men,
symbolizes a priority aspect of the divine mother, and maternal creative function
is regarded as the highest expression of life. Vesica piscis (oval halo), inside
which is a figure that represents the glorification of creative power, manifested in
motherhood. Child Jesus always symbolized wisdom; Immaculate Mother - faith.
Thus, the figure shows that the wisdom born of faith, to redeem the world,
around which the coiled serpent of evil.
In the midst of the Cosmos should fire the altar of the Divine, the most familiar of
which is the analogue of living embryo in the egg. Three sacred power - triple
aspect of the One Central - are represented as adult men with torches in their
hands, who worship its source, existed before the creation of the world. Seven

revered leaders, each of whom holds a scepter surmounted by a symbol of his

power, stand in a circle drawn around the Golden Triangle. On the oval eggs sit
twelve kings, kingdoms which are constellations of the zodiac. These thrones are
hypothetical verge Universal Dodecahedron. Four fixed signs of the Zodiac Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius - represent four of the cross of St. Andrew. At this
annual cross crucified Solar Man, and death goes to the grave of creation, where
he can redeem the souls of those who fell into the shell of the egg of the world.
Signs of the zodiac are located in a mystical manner proposed by Jacob Boehme.
Fire altar raised on three stages, which means that the third world is the abode of
the First Cause. Three figures with torches on their heads can be likened to the
mother letters of the Hebrew alphabet, seven figures with batons - double letters
and twelve seated kings - a simple letter. Such is installed ancient concept
hierarchies that control the fate of the world egg and its contents in a variety of
shapes, personifying the universal forces of nature.
Questioning the Delphic oracle
Image shown tripod is different from the description of the subject by many
authors. However, there is an attempt to follow as closely as possible symbolism
hidden in the allegory of the oracle. Delphic oracle mysteries used as its main
character, and the oracle is a rather esoteric spiritual mystery than historical, and
therefore inconsequential aspect, from the point of view of the surface of
researchers symbolism. As the spirit dwelling in the vapors that rise continuously
from cracks, enters the body of a priestess, tripod periodically shaken. Heard a
metallic clang, whose sound echoes rolled through the cave. When the power of
the demon over the priestess becomes increasingly amplified roar, crackle and
noise until finally spirit takes possession of the Pythia. Three-legged tripod
symbolize the three periods of time, controlled by Apollo, namely, past, present
and future. Space delineated tripod legs, forming a sacred Pythagorean
tetrahedron, on top of which sits a priestess. Around the grounds - curled snake
symbolizing Python, whose decomposing body lying at the bottom of the Delphic
Pythagoras of Croton
Although Plato, Pythagoras was superior to the depth of the philosophical
constructs, transcendental element in his doctrine provoked ridicule from modern
materialistic science. The world too lightly passed achievements of the first
"philosophy" to which he owes so many fundamental theorems of mathematics,
music, astronomy. Studying in the XX century Greek philosophy usually leads to
the fact that the name of Pythagoras is associated with such empty things like
golden thigh or a ban on eating beans! Not in favor of Pythagoras was the fact
that he taught his students while behind the curtain, and expressing their
thoughts allegories and mysteries, as well as scientific knowledge is revealed
only to those dedicated to students who have spent many years practicing selfdiscipline. However, it Pseudoscientists critics failed to understand how
Pythagoras was able to master the innumerable treasures of abstract doctrine.
Mysteries of Greece, Egypt, Persia and India imposed on dedicated unbreakable
vow of silence. Pythagoras was a matter of honor to observe this vow. Iamblichus

lists 218 husband's and 17 women as the most famous Pythagorean philosophy.
Thus, it is clear that Pythagoras still opened its secrets large number of people perhaps those whom he considered worthy of that knowledge. Pythagorean
doctrine of mathematical philosophy is still considered one of the systems of
thought, which allow to solve the mystery of existence.
Redrawn with watercolors beginning of the XVIII century (artist unknown)
The figure shows the hand of a philosopher, stretching to those who initiated into
the mystery. When the student first touches the great art of the hand, it is
compressed and must figure out how to re-do it open, as if a hidden mystery in
front of him would have been available to him. In alchemy, the hand is a formula
preparation of tinctures fizikorum. Fish - is mercury, and burning the coast, which
is home to fish - is sulfur; on each finger is placed emblem of Divine Actor, which
operates in the time of great work. Unknown artist gave this assessment of the
entire image: "The wise man takes an oath that hand that will not teach art
without allegory." For Kabbalist figure denotes a single authority (crowned thumb)
in four worlds (the other fingers with the corresponding logos). In addition to the
alchemical and Kabbalistic values, the figure symbolizes the hand of the Master
Mason, which he "raises" the disciple of the Divine Builder of the House.
From a philosophical point of view, the key is the mystery of themselves, without
which man could not uncover a lot of hidden corners of his own being. Lantern - is
human knowledge, because a spark of the Universal Fire is contained in a vessel
made man. It is the light of those who inhabit the lower universe, and by which
they follow in the footsteps of Truth. The sun, which can be called "Light of the
World", is shining creation, through which a person can join the mysteries of all
creatures that can be expressed in the form and number. Star - is a versatile light
that opens up space and star of truth. Crown - it is absolutely light - unknown and
undetected - whose radiance eclipses weak radiation and lit an eternal
Effulgence. These fingers belong to the right hand, or an active principle, a deity
who keeps everything in his hands.
King Solomon and the Shedd
In the Talmud there is a story about a wonderful stone called Shamir, which King
Solomon reconcile stones for the Temple. Shamir was a magical gems, use Aaron
to cut stones on grudnike high priest. Solomon, who was to build a temple
without hammering could not hew stones in the usual way. However, Shamir,
being attached to the rock, separated immediately and silently stones of any
desired shape. In order to learn the secrets of Shamir, Solomon summoned
elementals, who told him that Ashmeday, great king Shedd, can give him the
required knowledge. Solomon sent his loyal warrior Benayhu capture Ashmedaya.
Warrior did it with a chain, the links on which was engraved the name of God.
From Ashmedaya Solomon learned that Sea King entrusted Shamir wild cock from
which Solomon received stone. Ashmeday a prisoner of Solomon to the
completion of the Temple, and then released him great elementals using tricks.

Solomon wanted to know about the nature of Ashmedaya his magical powers and
was constantly asking him about it. Shedd king replied that if Solomon took off
his chain, bearing the name of God, and would allow him to wear a signet ring, he
could show his supernatural powers. Solomon finally agreed to comply with these
requests, and Ashmeday grabbed King Solomon, threw it over hundreds of miles
distant country. Then, taking the guise of King Solomon, he became the ruler of
Israel. Wise and saddened Solomon returned to his throne after many
misadventures. Ashmeday, spread their wings, ascended to the throne in his own
world of elementals.

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