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Vaughn Lawrence

Naturopath & Herbalist

Liver/Gallbladder Protocol updated 12/9/2012
Having now worked in the area of natural health for a number of years now and having experienced
working with hundreds of clients, I strongly feel that the cleansing of sludge or stones in the
liver/gallbladder/pancreas region and its system of ducts and tubes is one of the most critical procedures
one can perform in restoring lost health and for prevention related to obtaining optimal health. Blockages
(constipation, stones, sludge, bile back-up) in the body lead to poor blood flow, auto-toxicity, lymphatic
stagnation and lack of oxygen to vital tissues leading to chronic illness and disease.

Standard American Diet

The overconsumption of junk foods, processed dairy products, refined carbohydrates, white flour, sugar
and excessive protein and food additives leads to the formation of cholesterol deposits that overtime
crystallize to form gallstones (stones).
The liver and gallbladder have accumulated residues of years worth of waste in the form of fatty
cholesterol deposits and precipitated toxic gallstones. That is because 75% of all detoxification in the
body takes place in the liver and the remainder is done in the GI tract. It is in the liver that gallstones
begin to form.

Silent gallstones
Just because one is not exhibiting the typical gallbladder symptoms and gallbladder pain typically
associated with a gallbladder attack, does not exempt one from having them. Gallstones and fatty deposits
in the liver may be present, without one exhibiting outward signs of liver problems or the gallbladder
symptoms normally related to liver and gallbladder congestion.
There are two types of gallstones, calcified gallstones and cholesterol gallstones. The first (calcified) are
easily detected via ultrasound because they are high in calcium, a mineral used by the body to chelate,
isolate and precipitate harmful toxins within the body. Then there is the cholesterol deposits which can be
in a more fluid state (coagulated balls of fat); these account for 80% of all gallstones and are virtually
undetected by conventional ultrasound tests because they resemble surrounding fluid (bile) in
composition. Only when there is an extensive buildup of these deposits, will they show up as a fatty liver.

9341 W 75th St

Overland Park, KS 66204



Gall bladder symptoms associated with gallstone formation

It is only when the liver is suffering from extensive gallstones obstruction that the body begins to
manifest outward signs of trouble. That is when gall bladder symptoms and other ailments begin to occur
or appear. Very rarely is the liver function taken into consideration when seemingly far removed
conditions such as acne or fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue and countless others, are encountered. The
presence of silent gallstones and liver congestion are frequently overlooked and rarely seen as the culprits
in the formation of disease except when gall bladder symptoms such as intestinal discomfort or a
gallbladder attack accompany it, and then seldom is a solution or viable treatment offered beyond
prescriptions or the recommendation to have gallbladder surgery as a means to cease the attack.

Infections and gallstones

One of the most overlooked issues with gallstone formation is secondary infections. Gallstones harbor
infectious organisms such as bacteria, fungus, parasites, etc. The backup of toxicity in the body
(constipation, bile backup, gallstone formations, lymphatic congestion) creates an environment suitable
for infections to thrive.
We strongly believe you were perfectly created by God. We also believe every part given to you by our
Creator was given to you for a reason. What the doctors have often told us is not necessary (tonsils,
appendix, gallbladder, etc.) we are discovering more and more how critical these organs actually are to
good health. God did not make mistakes in His design. If you still have your gallbladder, we urge you to
consider doing everything possible to keep it healthy. If you have already had your gallbladder removed,
it is important to understand there are still stones and sludge blocking your liver, pancreas and the related
tubes/ducts. Removing the gallbladder does not remove the problem.

So how do you know if you have gallstones?

Dark color under the eyes
Hair loss
Dizziness and fainting spells
Chronic Fatigue

Signs To Look For If

You Have Gallstones

Digestive Related Markers:

Top Indicators:

Low appetite
Food cravings
Clay-colored stool
Nausea and vomiting
Intolerance to greasy or spicy foods

Dull pain on the right side

Diarrhea/Constipation or alternating
Digestive disorders
Headaches and migraines
Cuts or wounds that keep bleeding and
refuse to heal
Acid Reflux
Excessive weight gain
Excessive wasting
Yellowness of eyes & skin
9341 W 75th St

Overland Park, KS 66204



Physical Markers:

Other Indicators:

Loss of muscle tone

Hot and cold flushes
Morbid complexion
Puffy eyes
Excessive heat and perspiration in the upper
part of the body
Tongue that is glossy or coated in white or
Skin disorder (rashes, eczema, psoriasis)
Very greasy hair
Problems with vision
Tooth and gum problems
Liver spots, especially those on the back of
hands and facial area
Itching all over body

Difficulty breathing
Most infections
Urinary problems
Hormonal imbalances
Sexual problems
Menstrual and menopausal disorders
These lifestyle factors increase risk of
gallstone formation:
Eating too much food in one meal
Eating too much food too frequently
Eating too heavy meals late in the evenings
Not drinking enough water
Overconsumption of animal protein
Excessive fasting or rapid weight loss diets
Environmental toxins such as: fluoride,
chlorine, monosodium-glutamate, aspartame
Overconsumption of processed dairy
Hydrogenated oils and the processed foods
that contain them (vegetable oils, margarine,
packaged foods, etc.)
Refined carbohydrates: such as sweeteners
(sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc), beverages
(sodas, highly sweetened fruit juices), Junk
foods and other non foods, white flour and
other processed grains (cereals, pizza, pasta,
baked goods, crackers, etc.)
Sugars: table sugar, sugar alcohols, artificial
sweeteners: Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal,
Spoonful, and Equal-Measure) Nearly
everything processed is laden with sugar or its
substitutes. Learn the facts about them and avoid
them. Minimizing or eliminating the above will
help diminish or prevent gallstone formation and
gall bladder symptoms because they cause
excessive formation of fatty deposits and toxins
in the liver.

Muscular/Joint Related Markers:

Stiffness of joints and muscles
Strong shoulder and back pain
Pain at the top of a shoulder blade
Pain between the shoulder blades
Frozen shoulder
Stiff neck/shoulders
Cold extremities
Sciatica or Scoliosis
Numbness and paralysis of legs
Joint diseases
Knee problems

Emotional/Sleep Related Markers:

A bilious or angry personality
Difficulty sleeping, insomnia

9341 W 75th St

Overland Park, KS 66204



This is an image of a gallbladder full of sludge and stones after being surgically removed

Nutrition for Liver/Gallbladder Health

Good nutrition is critical if you have liver/gallbladder concerns. We want to list some key principles,
specifics related to each food category and then some recipe ideas to help you along.

Key principles:
Read above for lifestyle factors that increase risk of gallstones and gallbladder attacks
In addition:
- Focus on warm, cooked foods mostly, 80% or more. This would include bone broth soups (not the
animal meat), blended vegetable soups, steamed vegetables, stir-fry, etc.
- Also drink warm/hot liquids throughout the day (drink liver/gallbladder healing herbs such as milk
thistle, dandelion, burdock root, Chaga or Reishi mushroom, gold coin grass, Chanca Piedra, nettle, etc.)
- Vegetable juices are fine as well. Try to drink room temperature
- Drink apple cider vinegar and lemon all day with warm water
- Keep the burden on the liver/gallbladder light. Consume easy to digest foods, eat light meals, and never
over-eat, especially late at night.

Recommended foods to eat (if not on the list, assume it should be avoided):

All vegetables (lots of leafy greens, carrots, beets, garlic, ginger, radishes)
All fruits (grapes and apples especially good)
Healthy fats (very minimal, some avocado and olive oil ok)
Beans and legumes (soaked and cooked)
All ancient seeds grains (millet, amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa)
Wild rice, brown rice
Oats (whole form only, like steel cut oats)
All herbs and spices
Honey, stevia and maple syrup for sweeteners (minimal)
Fermented foods (Braggs ACV, kombucha, fermented veggies)

9341 W 75th St

Overland Park, KS 66204



Recommended foods to avoid:

- Caffeine, gluten containing grains (except oats if tolerated), all processed dairy, nuts and nut butters, all
bad fats (fried foods, margarine and fake butters, vegetable cooking oils, hydrogenated fats and oils),
processed corn (sweet corn and organic popcorn ok), processed and packaged foods (crackers, chips,
etc.), processed grains/starches (pasta, baked goods, pizza, crackers, breads, pretzels, etc.) alcohol,
processed sugar (candy, soda, baked goods, condiments, fruit juices.

Here are recipes for gallbladder pain and to stop gallbladder attacks if needed. The beet recipe is great to
consume on a daily basis for prevention and to heal the gallbladder.

Treatment for Gallbladder Pain
1 large organic beet or beetroot (raw) washed (not peeled unless not organic) and finely grated
juice of 1/2 lemon
2 Tbsps flax oil
(Flax oil is by far the superior choice here as it is an omega-3 essential fatty acid, but if you only have extra-virgin
cold-pressed olive oil in the house, you can substitute it temporarily.)
Take one teaspoon of mixture every hour throughout the day.
On day two and three make a fresh batch using of a large beet.
Take one teaspoon of mixture 3 to 4 times a day or more.
Make this mixture to add to your salads frequently or eat alone as above 2 or 3 times a week. This will keep the
bile thin and moving. Note: If you cannot get organic beets, be sure to peel them. Otherwise, use the peel as well.
Beets in any form are an excellent food for both the liver and the gallbladder.
Eat your regular meals throughout this period, striving to eat lots of fresh vegetables, good fats and to avoid
refined sugars and processed foods.
Green Soup Recipe for Relief of Gallbladder Pain
One bunch parsley
3 medium zucchini
lb. Green beans
5 stalks celery
Steam together for 8-10 minutes.
Or partially steam and boil in cup water.
If you have a steamer, you retain more nutrients and flavor with that method.
Pur in a blender.
NOTE: THIS SOUP IS NOT FOR A GALLBLADDER ATTACK! Use the Flax Seed Tea. Liquids are best during an attack.
You could try the Beet Recipe. Many find it helps, but others do better with just liquids. It is wonderful for relief
from all sorts of gastric disturbances such as stomach pain, gas, and indigestion. I do not add any fat or salt to this
recipe. It can be used anytime but is particularly useful as a three day fast with nothing else but water. It is both
nourishing and easy to digest. You can alter the amounts to taste. More beans add more sweetness.
Flax Seed Tea Recipe
Useful during a gallbladder attack.
Boil 1 Tbsp of organic flax seeds in 2 1/2 cups of water for 5 minutes. Steep 10 minutes. Strain and sip slowly.

9341 W 75th St

Overland Park, KS 66204



Recipes from website:

Please utilize www.spiritofhealthkc.com and www.bodyecology.com for some great recipes. Remember
to eat warm, cooked foods as much as possible.

Daily Vegetables Juice Combinations (drink 32oz or more of fresh juice daily)
2 apples and beet Incredible liver cleanser to be consumed daily
3 Carrots, 1 apple, 2 stalks celery, small piece of ginger
3 carrots, 1 apple, one bunch parsley
Other combinations can include cucumbers, celery, kale, chard, mustard greens, garlic, apple, carrots,
turmeric, beets, parsley, watercress, etc. Recipes on Spirit of Health website
Please consume bitter greens DAILY raw or in juice drinks

Electrolyte Drink for Liver Cleansing and excellent Hydration

One quart of water
Juice of 1-2 lemons or limes
Tablespoon or more (more is better) Braggs Raw Apple Cider Vinegar Liver cleanser
1-2 droppers of Stevia to make taste sweet like lemonade/limeade
Cayenne pepper is a bonus if you can tolerate, if not, dont worry

Liver/Gallbladder Healing Protocol

There are three basic levels here to the cleanse because everyone is on their own health journey and some
are willing to do more than others. For beginners, just the basic flush will be more than enough to see
amazing results. For more experienced cleansers and/or those with serious liver/gallbladder issues or
chronic illnesses may want to consider a more involved approach. Please pray about which level you
want to experience and remember, it is always best to start slowly

Level 1 Basic Liver/Gallbladder FLush

Olive Gold O3
Gallbladder Liver Flush
Substituting Cold Pressed Virgin Olive Oil With Olive Gold O3
Information on how to perform a liver gallbladder flush using Olive Gold 03. Special thanks to Andreas
Moritz and Philip Seifer for their contributions...learn more from the book, "The Amazing Liver
Gallbladder Flush" by Andreas Moritz.

9341 W 75th St

Overland Park, KS 66204



Items to purchase:
Two 4 oz. bottles of unscented Olive Gold 03 (or 1 bottle of OG03 and a bottle of high quality cold
pressed extra virgin olive oil if you choose not to take OG03 internally)
One gallon of organic apple juice, or juice yourself ideally or 4 teaspoons of malic acid powder
Enough organic grapefruit, lemons or limes to prepare your choice of 12 oz. of squeezed citrus juice total.
(1 oz juice for each of the first 3 days, and 6-8 oz. juice on day 4).
1 - small bottle of vitamin c powder (whole food only, not ascorbic acid)
1 - small amount of Epsom salts (enough for 4 tablespoons) or magnesium citrate as substitute CALM
product by Natural Vitality works well. Any flavor is fine.
1 Bottle superphosphozyme liquid
DAY 1 OF 5
** IDEAL SCENARIO** - To get the absolute most out of your flush, do the following. The final 3 days
leading up to your flush, consume ONLY apples and the apple juice with phosphoric acid added. This is
called a 3 day mono-diet. This will have your system clear as possible to flush out the maximum number
of stones. Eat as many apples as you need to eat, there is no limit.
**NEXT BEST SCENARIO** - Eat ONLY fruits and vegetables and nothing else for the 4 days. This
would be like a modified Daniels Fast (Daniels Fast is only veggies). Still consume apples and the
apple juice.
For the next four days avoid all meat, processed dairy, processed grains, alcohol, caffeine, fatty foods,
processed foods and processed sugar. Remember to eat warm, cooked foods. Eating mainly steamed
veggies, stir-fry, soups, broths, hot teas, etc. works best. Eat raw fruits and veggies also, vegetable juices,
etc. Omit any unnecessary medications or nutritional supplements that may tax the liver.
Pour 2oz bottle of Super Phosphozyme liquid in one gallon of apple juice. Drink the one gallon over the
next 4 days, approx. one quart daily. Also eat apples. Can rinse mouth with water or swish with baking
soda after drinking apple juice with phosphoric acid to keep acid from damaging teeth.
Apply OG03 topically around the mid to lower torso TWICE DAILY, AM AND PM covering the
areas of the kidneys, liver, pancreas and spleen.
Mix 1 Tablespoon of fresh squeezed organic citrus juice with 1 Tablespoon of OG03 and drink TWICE
DAILY 15 to 20 min. following topical application.
DAY 2 OF 5
Repeat above routine.
DAY 3 OF 5
Repeat above routine.
DAY 4 of 5
9341 W 75th St

Overland Park, KS 66204



Do not eat after 2pm. Consume last of apple juice before 2pm. Drink only warm/hot water rest of
Each magnesium drink beverage:
8 oz. of purified water
1 - Tablespoon of Epsom salts or magnesium citrate (Epsom salts are stronger. If use magnesium citrate,
may need to increase the dosage as it is not as potent).
1/4 Teaspoon vitamin C powder
1 Tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice
Consume first glass of magnesium drink
Consume second glass of magnesium drink. (Epsom salts and magnesium citrate help dilate the
gallbladder and the biliary ducts in the liver to help flush out the pellets).
Prepare: 8 oz. fresh squeezed citrus juice and MIX with an entire 4 oz. bottle of OG03 unscented oil.
(Olive Gold 03 is not currently approved for sale for internal use; however it is safe to consume and
SUPERCHARGES the liver gallbladder flush. When the large amount of ozone reaches the liver, it will
help kill parasites, viruses, fungus and neutralize large amounts of toxins residing in the liver and
Consume the mixture of OG03 and citrus juice prior to bed. Immediately lie down. Some who lie on their
right side report feeling the movement of pellets out of the liver.
6AM - Upon awakening, consume a third glass of the magnesium drink.
8AM Consume final magnesium drink
Stay near the bathroom because the bowel expels watery stools that include dozens of pellets that float on
the surface. The vast majority of stones are actually soft globules of cholesterol. The first pellets appear
like green peas but pellets of different colors usually follow in subsequent flushes. Most folks have
thousands of pellets!
Try repeating the flush two weeks apart to allow the remaining liver pellets to move into position for
release. One flush per month is popular and manageable for many people, but it is ok to do more often.
Eat light foods this day after the flush! Try not to eat until 10am or so, stick to soups, broths, vegetable
juices, salads, etc. Do not eat heavy foods this day at all until elimination of all stones is complete. This
can take up to 24-48 hours!
Level 2 Liver/Gallbladder Flush
The above basic flush plus:
9341 W 75th St

Overland Park, KS 66204



Enemas or Colonics
Lemon Essential Oil (Young Living Only)
Exercise 30 minutes minimum of rebounding or jumping jacks. Walking outside for 30 minutes is
also strongly encouraged.
Enemas/Colonics: These are very important to assist the cleansing process. Anyone who has a history
of chronic constipation is highly encouraged to participate. Enemas can be performed 1-2x daily during
the cleanse. You may choose to simply do one the day of the flush and another the day after the flush.
You may choose to do enemas at home or utilize a professional with a colonic. Enemas can be done in
the following manner.
1. Highly recommended Coffee
Basic coffee enema recipe:
One quart of purified water brought to a boil
Add 3 tablespoons of organic, whole coffee beans (grind yourself)
Reduce heat to rolling boil and boil 5 minutes, then cover and boil another 5-10 minutes
Remove from heat, strain and allow to cool to room temperature
Insert using basic enema kit or (implant-o-rama) and hold 15 minutes if possible, then release
Coffee enemas are not recommended during pregnancy or nursing, those with severe hemorrhoids or
rectal bleeding and those extremely sensitive to caffeine.
2. Lemon
Use juice of to 1 fresh organic lemon to one quart of water
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Use 1 Tablespoon, upwards of 4 ounces of Braggs Raw Apple Cider Vinegar to 1 quart of water. Start
slowly and work up.
Lemon Essential Oil: Fill a standard empty O capsule with 10-12 drops lemon essential oil and
swallow. Do this 2x daily, morning and evening. Can also rub lemon essential oil on liver/gallbladder
region of bottom of right foot and/or directly on liver/gallbladder.
Exercise: Rebounding or standard jumping jacks. Work up to 30 minutes daily. This should be started a
couple weeks before your flush for best results and continued after. Can do short 5 minute sessions, than
work up to 10 minute sessions, etc. Remember to walk outside also.
Level 3 Liver/Gallbladder Flush
Above Level 2 flush plus:
Castor Oil Packs
Total Body Purge and Total Daily Purge
Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil and Ozonated Olive Oil
9341 W 75th St

Overland Park, KS 66204



Castor Oil Packs: Absolute miracle healer. Castor oil packs can help dislodge stubborn stones/sludge
and larger stones as well. Castor oil also kills infections, opens up the lymphatic system, boosts the
immune system and heals the thymus gland. You want to use the pack 1-2x daily and apply over
liver/gallbladder, pancreas, abdomen and chest. Apply 20 minutes upwards of more than an hour. Get a
heating pad that gets nice and hot. You may need to shift the pack to get each part of the body desired.
Here are general instructions for castor oil packs:
Castor Oil Packs
One of the most useful and least utilized methods of using castor oil is to employ packs. Packs are an
economical and efficient method of absorbing the ricinoleic acid and other healing components of castor
oil directly into body tissues. (The following basic procedure was outlined in several of the readings of
Edgar Cayce.)
To make a castor oil pack you will need the following items: cold pressed castor oil, a standard heating
pad, a plastic garbage bag, two or three one-foot square pieces of wool or cotton flannel and one large
bath towel.
1. Start by placing the heating pad on a flat surface and turn the setting to high.
2. On top of the pad lay the plastic garbage bag. Next, soak the flannel pieces with castor oil generally
about 1/2 cup) and lay them on top of the garbage bag and heating pad.
3. The entire pack can now be placed against the body with the oil-soaked flannel on the skin. For
general conditions the pack should be placed on the abdomen. (For treating lower back problems, the
pack can be placed there.) To help hold the pack in place and to keep oil from getting on bedding, etc.,
the body can be wrapped in a large bath towel.
4. The pack should remain in place for at least one hour and the temperature of the heating pad should be
kept at the highest temperature tolerable to the patient.
5. When you remove the pack, the remaining oil can be massaged into the skin or cleaned off using a
little soda water made from 1 quart of warm water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda.
6. The flannel can be reused if stored properly after removing the pack. Put the flannel in either a plastic
bag or zip-loc container and place it in the refrigerator. Before using it next time let it warm up and
always add another 1 or 2 tablespoons of fresh cold pressed castor oil. (After a month of use I would
recommend using new flannel.)
Total Body Purge/Total Daily Purge: Take 2 Tablespoons (one ounce) of Total Body Purge daily for
12 days with breakfast. Start this one week before the flush, and do this every day except for the actual
day of your flush. Take 4 capsules 2x daily of Total Daily Purge with water for 12 days as well, except
for day of flush.
Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil and Ozonated Olive Oil
As interesting as this seems, this may be one of the most important aspects to the healing protocol. Some
of the nastiest and most disease causing organisms harbor in the mouth, and with an epidemic of cavities,
root canals and other mouth related infections it may not come as any big surprise. What you want to do
is the following:
Take 1-2 teaspoons of organic cold-pressed coconut oil. 2-3 pumps/squirts of ozonated olive oil. Swish
this in your mouth for 10 minutes give or take. Spit out. Do this twice daily. This will heal not only
9341 W 75th St

Overland Park, KS 66204



everything in your mouth saving you from thousands on dentist bills, but will also heal deeper parts inside
your body as well that are tied to the miles of nerves connected to each tooth!

9341 W 75th St

Overland Park, KS 66204



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