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Sushumna, which runs along the spine is a kind of magnetic core

current passes from chakra to chakra Sahasrara Muladhary the

Sushumna channel, the flow of vital energy. Activation Sushumny
lets fire to the brain as a hot air stream which it is injected from the
bottom to the top.
Sushumna is activated when two different currents of energy: cold
and hot water flowing in the channels of Ida and Pigale (sympathetic
and parasympathetic) under the influence of appropriate conditions
enter the Sushumna channel. Since then we say that the body
awakens the Kundalini energy.
It has been known for millennia that the Kundalini energy rises
higher human consciousness. Kundalini although known since the
dawn of the world is still the biggest mystery and awakens in people
a lot of controversy. But it is no secret to those skilled in the
knowledge that the Kundalini energy is in the body of every human
being. At the time, wakes up and begins to grow from the bottom up
through the body Reforging and opening the chakras, moves like a
sinuous snake releasing stored and blocked energies. The move can
be very intense and extremely painful, leads to conditions that seem
to be out of this world.
Kundalini is fused to the primary force, similar to the energy of the
water. If the water is passed under high pressure through a small
hose, the hose will be waving. Like ripples in the body of Kundalini
energy intensive when rising up through the Sushumna channel and
the chakras.
A lot of people are afraid of Kundalini Kundalini is in fact a healing
force, but sometimes the consequences can be quite unpleasant.
These effects can last for minutes, days, months, or even years. The
triggers a stronger stream of Kundalini energy, the process is longer
and more painful, like a powerful volcano that throws up a strong jet
of fire by removing and destroying everything he suddenly gets in
the way.
Personally, I am an experienced Kundalini Energy for 12 years, far
from the 12 years I opened my awareness of this dimension of life. I
realize that before personally looked through the eyes of this energy
much longer before I dug in their channels. Even a few weeks ago,
my good friend who is in my life for several years, said that at an
early age I've had a strange illness and events which could not be
classified anywhere. Diseases came out of nowhere and disappear
just as, self-dissolve, required that in my life, a lot of suffering, I was
plagued by a fever over 40 degrees, which in no way could overtake
... and strange, after such a long debilitating periods (even
experienced 6 weeks when I could not get out of bed on his own)
suddenly got up in one hour, flourishing and strong, no problem

would return to their daily duties. It was a strange disease, tried to

cure her many doctors and none of them could make a specific
Many people claim that in order to awaken the Kundalini energy to
meditate every day long, practice yoga, go to all the divine path ... I
think that if a man is ready for the great revival is born in your own
way and do not really have to do anything. He wakes up naturally,
like every single flower in a meadow, a tree, when the time comes.
If a man is not ready, do not help any spiritual treatments,
techniques, initiations and even this may all cause an overload in
the body of a powerful energy, the energy of the system and blow
big problems.
"Do not expand rose bud when he had not yet mature,
I never see his true colors. "
These are the words of one of my poems and my life wisdom about
waking the Kundalini.
I find a lot of people who will argue with me, they will, and those
who do not believe in either one my word, because they do not
realize the human magnetic field, its enormous potential and impact
on our entire nervous system and the whole body .
They are not aware of our relationship with the Universe, the Holy
Breath comes to us like the wind - the sacred breath and initiates us
into a new life. He wakes up in us the Holy Tree of Life, which is in us
as the essence of everything ... untouched new wave of life begin to
wake up and seek their true roots.
Tree of Life from the beginning of time has a mystical relationship
with a man who finds the roots of the right discovers a whole.
Suffers tidal energy, which so far was barely perceptible. Strong flow
of energy will awaken all plexus, and the man will experience a
transformation that is hidden in the shadows.
There are many differences in the descriptions of the
electromagnetic field man, it all depends on your perspective and
perception abilities. Make energy depends on our state of
consciousness, if only one is able to see, understand and explain ...
so even the aura of the man himself will be very different in the
opinions of two people. Similarly, the experience of Kundalini, every
person can experience the energy otherwise but once experienced
will not return to the old plot of awareness, understand that there is
another reality, which is a completely different dimension.
And what about those who have never experienced?

The secret of great men is their faith. Do not lose the best of their
energy to the crowds that keep their minds in the collective
consciousness, the mind does not focus on what's on the outside ...
and before you say something, in addition wisely you stay a long
time in silence.
Silence is stronger than the spoken words. It is time that you should
not distract myself by saying, keep your own counsel and claim for
themselves ... This causes leakage of your power. In fact, these
people did not differ from those fools who proclaim their "wisdom"
on every street corner. The wise man does not proclaim his wisdom
wherever and whenever, close your drawer and open it only when it
sees fit. The wise man is silent when he says another, in addition to
older and more experienced than him. He who does not understand
the silence and calls for a word, you probably will not understand
the words and, even were the most wise.
When you feel that the other person is not wordy, do not say
anything, your silence will be more valuable. Silence often proves
wise to respect another man, who by his careless words do not
respect yourself.
In a large space communications network that is always available to
man, every step of the show is the characters. Learn to be explained
and properly interpreted, will be enlightening for you lantern. Learn
how to use the experience of others, and be not only ready for the
all-ruling .... that does not make you smarter but is forced to field a
negative consciousness that makes you less and worse, it was only
when the field reveal a true regain your own light volume, you will
begin to realize themselves in an appropriate manner.
Many times we have seen even on our side a lot of people that they
left behind a rich content like:
- I'm high spirited, full of love in which you can not live, I have great
knowledge, talk to the whole Universe, there are no secrets for me, I
do not need no longer science ... hmm, one sentence - do not come
just to learn something, learn something new, to exchange
experiences, only to be proud of - I'm perfect.
My dear, forgive me, but everyone who left behind such entries is
for me a "spiritually hollow company," and I dare say that they fall
apart faster than spiritual success bubble.
Save the similar expression, wherever you write, you say ... do not
let people to the concert for free, after all, here you can easily see
that your ability to interfere with your mind. It is better to keep quiet
and do not expect too fast great applause.

I also love the people that they agree with me and to meet the
spiritual carry volumes of books, and right from the first minute of
the meeting are pulling their useful spiritual tool and read it to me
for a few hours ... and did not even give me an opportunity to
speak ... phew.
At the time of the awakening of Kundalini energy is changing the
destiny of man, becomes a "light the way". It becomes a universal
mind, thus being able to see the entire cosmos. But no less before
that happens it will take a lot of time, there must be a number of
specific conditions must develop a chakra at multiple levels, such as
Sahasrara, which has eight main panels 100% awakens the brain,
which will have eight poles.
The seven chakras is associated with the seven planets in the
following order starting from Muladhary: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars,
Venus, Mercury, Moon and Sun. Each of these planets send us your
personal energy per person will be unusually successful, the other
not ... one awakens, it will give a fresh senses, the other the same
energy przymuli will have the impression that hang over the
precipice head down that jumped out of the orbit of life ... not least
all of these states we will need for their development. Each light,
which will help us to unite Heaven and Earth ... though sometimes
days, we do not see nothing but the great darkness. This means
your body is still a lot of links, you lack balance, and wanders
between two worlds, and you really are separated and the earth and
the heaven.
Anyway, so the old world and the new reach only by their own
design, so head to the middle (of the heart) and awake in the
unconditional love that will erode painting sale. It will help you delve
into the mystery of love and how to show true compassion to others.
When you change your point of view will change all the colors
around you do not have to be just black. Also changes your reality
and you open a new door of knowledge for new insights, feelings
and emotions.
The most difficult to resist his own shadow, he wants your
insulation, keeping you away from your real sources, but remember:
the sharp edges of yesterday, old patterns of thinking can bring to
you a lot of problems but tomorrow may be a big clue for you on
your further way of life. Here it is important to your courage, you
have a good look at their shadows that are trying to control you.
Remember that you are in your life decide everything and no one
has the right to hold you in my hand. Living in the shadow and
under his dictation, you become insecure and separated from what
actually gives meaning to your life. If you can not get rid of this
sector means you yourself are falsifying data and allow them to

control, manipulate, do not listen to the voice of your heart.

Be aware of who you really are, you're a wise and strong man, and
nothing should make you give up so easily get lost in the maze of
his own shadow.
Travel on its way, each of us has a personal pilgrimage through your
life, and remember that you are a manifestation of the one truth
that connects you with what is seemingly invisible and forgotten,
but is deeply inscribed in your heart.
All of the chakras from bottom to top are our light in the way, but
before you get to the rank of Master will flow from your eyes not a
tear, your ears will hear a plea of not one wrong, your voice
wykrzyczy not one pain hits you no one slander, lies, scorn, hatred,
your heart once bathe in their own blood. Make a mock of you and
your brother, and husband, and friend ... and you'll have to forgive
and yet calm your senses.
Before your Kundalini energy reaches the heart chakra, you have to
find it all a source of evil and erase them. Only a strong man can kill
the entire evil, weak must wait until properly grow and gather their
best fruit.
Every person who enters the path of power must break all the evil in
his heart, and it will bleed heavily, he must kill his own ambitions,
their own desires for life, prosperity, comfort, and at his poor respect
the life that wants to be happy and to live for happiness of others.
At the beginning of a new road is a dangerous ladder that leads to
the narrow path of life, a man torn by doubts. It will take some time
before you set foot on the first step of self-discovery, before you
start learning how to open your soul to a whole new life to
something eternal to finally say I want only what is in me, I just want
what is achievable ... then we become "light the way". If you're able
to see it in ourselves, it is useless to look elsewhere, in any church,
in any ashram ... because then you lose the up and falls out of the
way, and you can not achieve anything.
You can walk in the light, but never touch the flame, I mean you do
not yet have an ardent desire ... Your desire is your spiritual
possessions, you probably ask, what must be the desire to enter into
the flame?
Jump into the water and dive deep, stay there as long as you can do
it, and feel in themselves, as there is in deep water, you want a sip
of air, how much you desire ... how hard is that you need to live.
Only a pure soul possessed nothing can awaken in ourselves all the
internal wealth, above all peace of mind, in which the soul grows like

a sacred flower in the tranquil lagoons.

Find your way, looking for her retreat inside ... ! Take a step by step,
rung for rung on their ladder of life. Going up the ladder of his own
ladder you see how your light gets stronger as your new senses are
working, then you're thinking: I'm at the end of the road ... and I'll
tell you something completely different ... you are still dim star, and
still far from the end, I still go forward. Even as bloom, blossom once
your fighting the storm, the second time it strengthens the sun, the
wind whips before bloom and ripen quite reach him not one tropical
downpour also not be persecuted once your soul, not once getting
lost in the dark way, not once can be derived stranger astray, which
often comes as a messenger to save the flower of your soul and it
really just wants to destroy it.
On your way, it is possible that the silence will last only for a
moment, and the rest will be a raging storm ... can happen and
more sun, anyway it will be a battle that must be won. ... when you
reach the end of the road you will see the infinite light.
On the road marked by light're a student who is no longer
competent to hear, see, to achieve self-knowledge, to be able to
immerse yourself in the sound of silence and find a message
addressed to yourself.
I will come next step, you see as you leave the soul of a warrior, I do
not fight with anyone, you are standing on the side watching others
fight, you come to parts of their happy songs and sad lamentations,
because you're still a man, so listen, remember, feel pain and mercy
. Where life is never quiet, try to learn the meaning of this new
mystery that begins to surround you. As long as a man has a voice,
so this is what may be present, to determine what is ... But you
listen to the voice that is silent, ask what is another secret for you
what you can expect, what you have to understand. At this point,
you also need to know that if you want to free yourself from the
bondage of karma you need to transform your individuality of the
shadows in the glow. And no one for you to do so. You also need to
know that the person who opens the good karma will meet with
many misunderstandings, need to ask ourselves a lot of effort to
sow good and rich grain on the ground full of weeds. He must take
care of them and deceive them into the barn to make bread out of
it. He must know that it will sow good and not expensive grain for
their own wealth, his desire is to sow to feed the world.
You must know that you are a part of the world and giving him food
you feed yourself. The Way of the Enlightenment is unlimited and
when a man reaches the end of its road he sees on his tree of
knowledge, he chose the bitter fruit, but it gives him freedom, not
the sweet, full of desires, which makes him a slave to the world.

We also know that there is no cure for thirst, cures for love, the
longing, recipes for success, perhaps because much of our life
events is subject to the law of karma, and this is their right to
demand a lot of people's lives.
So in this way we have to understand the law of karma and try to
determine its position among all universal laws.
Note: Do not run in front of your karma, like in front of their errors,
you will not find on this earth for a place to hide, to those not caught
up with you because you're part of it.
When you loose and that secret you're prepared for the way
forward. This road leads to the whole of human experience, which is
quite beyond human perception and imagination. At every point in
our journey, at every level of the need to make sure that what we do
is good for us, so the truth will emerge and continue driving.
Great is the gap between a good man who has attained the
knowledge, wisdom, is one foot on the threshold of the divine and
the human is still walking in the dark.
When the first star of the soul shows its light man, this does not
even suspect that by this light will be able to see how great was the
darkness, he was able to leave.
Mind, heart, body everything is obscure and dark until the first great
battle won. Do not be terrified just to keep eyes on the small light,
which over time will grow and remove from our roads all the
shadows. But let him and the darkness will help us understand the
helplessness of those who still do not see any light, those people
who are in deep darkness.
Feed the world
Today, the most enlightened souls are helping the Earth and the
people who are stronger and who are able to stop the forces of
darkness in order to obtain the complete victory of humanity.
Gradually, they raise awareness of the strongest weaker evoke
God's love and the power of enlightenment. I wake you, and you
awaken others, and so together we serve everyone and everything.
It is impossible to help another human being, but to a little one who
has cemented heart! Who chooses evil refuses to look inside
yourself, closes ears to the pure melody of his heart, like the eyes to
the light of his own soul. He does it because he wants to live only
their desires, goes through the intellect and logic and instead
resonate on the new wave, followed by its loss of hope fades activity

and joy of life.

But in all manner of life is a strong current that can not be controlled
by any man, in fact, in the depths of us are in great waters, even
though today we do not hear the noise, however, at the time, each
of us will feel the power and snatch the world illusion, and the mind
will recognize the truth.
More than half of the estimated 100,000 genes in human DNA
seems to be dedicated to the construction and maintenance of the
nervous system.
The automatic nervous system controls body functions and adapt to
external stimuli. It consists of two mutually inhibitory sub-systems:
the sympathetic and parasympathetic. Both systems reflect two
main processes of life: the development and protection. These two
mechanisms do not operate optimally at the same time, as both
mechanisms operate in opposition to each other, for example
forcing the parasympathetic system to eat, whereas the
sympathetic escapes before eating. In this way we work in the dual
controls, both systems are working for one of the body, although in
a different way. On the one hand feeds the body to grow, on the
other hand has a protective effect, which in turn leads to a change
of energy.
Hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal (HPA) mobilize protective factors
against the threat, so chronic stress, which weakens and destroys.
When this center is often mobilized the body flourishes. So often we
see that children who grow up in stressful environments are devoid
of cellular energy, the cell growth is failing, thus affecting their
mental and emotional development. Adrenal hormones constrict
blood flow to the forebrain and stress hormones refrain prefrontal
cortex activity which distributes power and awareness for brain
survival only.
Hyperactivity of the HPA axis is one of the reasons Kundalini energy
activity that stupid man who is not ready to receive it due to
overproduction of opiates.
The boost is the source of our fight or flight response, as dominant
(analytical) mind is connected to the system and tries to stimulate
our left brain. This is called "egotropik system" because the energy
is released from the body. If a man is not ready to be awakened
Kundalini awakening will be pushed to the energy affects "egotropik
system", he or she will create a materialistic world. In general, the
form of a circuit in the brain give rise to the people working at any
price above the awakening of Kundalini, according to various
techniques and patterns. It is a ritual programmed specifically for
this scheme in order to obtain higher initiation and taking power,
and such a person is a common spirit of scammers who transform

their consciousness is not just to grow and support other people but
for their own selfish purposes, they want to control group. School
"gurus" are now very fashionable, so be careful, because ignorance
of potential teachers is focused on profit rather than on real science
and knowledge. So do not be surprised to learn how they can be
extremely harmful for you.
Everyone has their limits, integrity and autonomy and breaking the
power of their own fields of consciousness and power of the body
can be dangerous. Such teachers are attacking the Kundalini energy
in the body of another person or his, teasing her, forcing to perform
their orders, often aggressively prodding, which of course is very
likely that awakened in this way snake bite and will be strongly
negative in effect.
Kundalini awakened and directed by the will and strength of a man
is very dangerous and will require subjugation. Unfortunately, there
are powerful forces of the Kundalini, especially when it is not in
harmony, moreover, the body, so it can lead to devastation,
something like a liberated nuclear energy, which pulls out of control
and destroys everything around them. Kundalini is the energy of the
nuclear force in the interior man. Then, rather than build their own
church, give to the body and mind to special powers, Kundalini can
destroy the life of this person.
Sorry, I know that the people that took pride will not accept my
words and their attitude to me will be aggressive. Many spiritual
teachers, counselors are aware that these words of mine destroyed
their businesses. Already there once was attacked by the ignorant
for having warned and I frankly do not put your fingers in the flower
bud because it will never bloom or blossom mutilated. No guru can
not give you the full blessings of grace supreme soul can only
receive from God, it will be for the prize for the spiritual quest and
obedience trial contact with God - the mind and the unlimited faith
lies not in the power of another. For those who adore the Absolute
"face", worship and serve her well with all the purity of his heart,
God will send his grace always.
World participates in two schools of thought, the two schools shape
their own mind, body ... and it is all about the nature of the human
mind, at what level functions that field of consciousness is the most
developed. I will not jump out of a first-class student elementary
school one step to high school senior, runs a lot of water before his
mind and body are ready. Also, you can not only shape the mind
without the body, which is known, rises slowly and in our spiritual
development of both body and mind are essential for "the new". You
can not in this case, separate the body to increase mind as you can
not only shape the body without the mind. I like that there are
different types and operators, however, form a unity. Of course, all

those who think they can take possession of them only in the mind
without body wskraj nothing.
Such thinking often occurs in modern clinical medicine, which is
nakierunkowana only for treatment of the body, forget about the
other very important part of a man's soul. What are the final
settlement of this school, we know we suffer from more and more
different kinds of diseases, including mental health, even as
developed medicine and medical technology. Poorly advisors also
come from solving problems of the mind, when you ignore the body.
The fact is that the mind can still function without the body itself,
but it will be in the form of suspended, can not grow, while the body
without a mind is worth nothing, following his death. Therefore, the
soul is reborn in a new body to wzronicia.
Returning to the Kundalini energy - that is, the human nuclear
energy, which allows us to experience our oneness with God and all
His creatures. Every spiritual tradition has its name Kundalini:
Amina, Bodhicitta, Shekhinah, Grace, Holy Spirit, and to be
successful in this journey needed her blessing. Therefore, all who
are willing to accept that grace bow in the direction of the Great
Mother, the Great Love of the universe, only then raise in the power
of knowing God in his infinite. Then the Kundalini energy propels our
consciousness, snatch the limitations of this world, that all his
needs, gaps and deficiencies, fix our weaknesses and turn to unity
consciousness - the Source of the Infinite and overwhelming. Man
waiting for a great awakening, the most important event in his life,
which extends to a myriad of natural cycles of birth and death.
Awakening Kundalini means "descent of grace." It is an act of grace,
which releases the latent potential of the Absolute power residing
within us. It is God who blesses and makes himself known.
Proper awakening Kundalini awakens in the body of all: the latent
disease, disorder, emotional, mental, all the trauma of the present
and past lives, memories of past lives, so it is not surprising that the
body and mind will be in a deep depression, fall is a great physical
and emotional pain. The mind will feel fear, anxiety, restlessness,
poor attention.
The first experience will be extremely painful, will occur in waves of
varying intensity. The whole body is shaking vigorously, vibrates,
and the first period is not pretty. At a later stage it will be more
subtle, but never longer this process does not end, from now on
spine behaves like a jackhammer in their work. In the body feel the
energy flow at the beginning of the hot and cold water, then just
hot, which flows into the body waves. In the body, we hear a strange
energy like lightning and explosions in the plant. Appetite changes,
the value of life, goals, and even the physical body.

How do we make sure that the pain of body and mind is a

spontaneous Kundalini awakening?
From your eyes will flow tears of pain and happiness for no reason,
his body be spontaneous meditation posture, a great spiritual
awakening, a powerful hunger for God which never in my life have
not yet experienced, there will be an extraordinary waking dreams,
visions, the eyes will shine light, unusual colors, behind closed
eyelids at first appear and then the rainbow colors fluttering colorful
fractals and other beautiful images. You will hear unusual sounds,
angelic music that would not come over and gives a person an
extraordinary joy. We will travel to different kingdoms through astral
travel. Meet their caregivers because none of us is alone. Appear
suddenly in our unique talents, extraordinary wisdom, even in
people already seem to be less intelligent.
We're going to build the nervous system in the human body:
sympathetic system consists of the paravertebral sympathetic
trunks from the base of the skull to the tailbone. An important
center of a large coil in the neck, star-shaped ganglion in the upper
The starry cardiac plexus ganglion through supplies energy to the
heart and lungs. Here in the stomach area is the solar plexus, a very
important energy center, a distributor of energy in the human body.
The heartbeat stimulates the release of norepinephrine, increases
blood pressure, dilates the pupils, trachea, bronchus, stimulates the
metabolism of glycogen into glucose and many other body
Stimulation of the sympathetic branch of the automatic nervous
system prepares the body for fight or flight. Secretion of adrenaline
from the adrenal medulla into the blood ensures that all cells of the
body will be stimulated at the time of emergency.
Hormones produced by the outer regions of the adrenal cortex
regulate the body's metabolism, blood composition and even the
shape of the body.
High activity of the adrenal cortex is visible when the awakened
Kundalini, the body begins to shine more strongly, to illuminate. In
my case, the first physical changes of the body visible to the naked
eye were the changes in the shape of hands and feet, the hands
come new lines and characters, which is a sign of changes in the
The inner region of the adrenal gland produces hormones that are

the body's first line of defense against stress, whether physical or

emotional. This inner area called adrenal adrenomedullary and is
considered part of the sympathetic nervous system. Adrenaline and
noradrenaline act as neurotransmitters, they are released by the
neutrons, and as hormones when they are produced by the adrenal
The parasympathetic nervous system favors depending on your
needs: make good sleep, relaxation, saves energy. Includes
endocrine gland and hypothalamus of the hill and reaches the right
hemisphere of the brain, so it dominates.
After the dominance of the activity of the sympathetic nervous
system, the parasympathetic reverses changes in the danger which
has passed and restores the body to normal.
Stimulation of the parasympathetic system slows down the heart
rate, lowers blood pressure, constricts the pupils, increases blood
flow through the skin and intestines, stimulates the glands to
secrete saliva and mucus, helps bowel movements and much more.
The solar plexus nerves and made of coils that have an impact on
the internal organs, especially the control of blood flow, and hence,
the provision of oxygen and nutrients. Location of the solar plexus is
connected with the system of chakras.
Located above the cervical plexus contains a combination of the
skin and muscles of the head and neck but also supplies located
below the diaphragm, has a direct effect on the heart and lungs.
Ganglion throat - throat chakra is very important but the largest
center of energy in the human body is the solar plexus. It is involved
in flight or activates the flight diverting blood from the digestive
organs to the brain and muscles. The solar plexus raising adrenaline
stimulates and activates the kidneys.
Below is the solar plexus and sacral plexus lumbar spine, eliminating
concerns and sexuality.
As you raise the Kundalini energy can be felt in this weaves many
different conditions: heat, tingling, moving energy, but we must also
remember, as long as the Kundalini energy can not beat the heart
chakra and will not flow to the upper part of the body may still be
returned to his cave and the long sleep. Maybe not once wake up for
a short time and go for a walk with his hiding place up to the third
chakra, but only pierce the heart chakra and beyond the membrane
triggers the power completely. Only then will we talk about
awakening the Kundalini Energy and elevation.

Knowing a bit of the mechanism of our nervous system can easily

notice on the dangers we are exposed, especially what changes will
be in our long-term stress that because of this, we develop trauma.
Hardest experience this at an early age (0-4 years), which often will
have an influence on us throughout life, of course, will destroy our
love, happiness, progress, including the spiritual.
Child after the first year of life presents its first circuit cerebral
depending on the own existence. Although parents often are not
aware of, their child is all about your instinctive consciousness. Will I
feel safe or not depends only on parents, guardians. During this
period has already formed its direction life. When your baby is
crying mother comforts him, feeds, scrolls, because it is itself not to
live these things are controlled. It is known that the child well cared
for, blessed love will awaken in ourselves more and more love,
which is still going to grow, other than living in fear, loneliness, then
will reach a different brain circuit.
Children instinctively already at that time to survive, unable to
control (manipulate) their moms to get what they want to feel safe.
Not hard to see that the child behaves differently when caring
strangers, and otherwise under the guidance of his mother, then
ignores further carers and runs under the wing of the mother. You
can see how her view is strongly overjoyed, he feels safe and
liberated. Children require food, cuddles, interests, provide the
feeling to open the second circuit of the brain. Otherwise, the child
will reach bold, or shy, inhibited by their parents, guardians.
Otherwise, the child will amount to live without stress in a small
stress, or in a large, in constant frustration. Thus, a child living in
great fear and frustration takes the fear and frustration of the first to
the second circuit of the brain, forming an even more bold or timid,
at this level builds up our ego.
If we take care of the child's psyche right is important not to go too
far to respond to the needs of its children and it is advisable not to
satisfy their every whim. Also, you should know that this is what the
child will show us their aggressive behavior, will require the slightest
why ... if they can not do this in a timely manner will remain so for
many years or even a lifetime. We see this often among our youth of
today, let alone in its opposition to such a one there, let's just things
do not go his way ... Then it shows the mental field at its best
splendor, throwing other people's own anger and mud. Many of
these people just get more attention and love but, unfortunately,
parents, guardians mistake made along the way that strongly
aroused in them the ego.
Parents, guardians should develop a harmonious educational
methods, nor does it make the child vulnerable to fear, not too sure.

Both of these attitudes can cause a lot of damage to the child later
in life. The good news is that everyone can be reprogrammed,
although in many cases this requires a very long time, and effort. It
is easier for the children, the young are very much shaped circuits
easily modeled. Important as the parents from the very beginning
will set the direction of the child's life, whether it be free flight or
fight? What kind of life will be implemented in the mind of a young
man, notice how his innate abilities, how they will pay attention and
allow them to develop or extinguish them. If a young person
develops properly to live a full life, even in old age, and these will
include spiritual values, and it will not matter what toys to get a life,
no matter what amount of money you will have, his life will be full of
harmony and a peaceful flight not a battlefield.
In the first phase of a child's life is important to accept to accept it
the way it is, it's not the same now its starting to demand, require to
be frustrated with imperfections child. If a parent at all costs wants
to turn it into a perfect model, it can create for yourself and your
child a big problem, a trap. Often an early age puts her own child in
the walls of his own ambitions, desires, shaping the body of a young
Superman, and it really builds a house for a psychopath. He feeds
her child's own obsessions.
Parents, be honest and take a good look at your educational effects
as have committed errors, Analyse, why did this happen? Find the
way to fix them heal. Accept the potential of their own children.
Look at modern society, the art of war, pushing your elbows to be
superman. Look at the walls and emotional attacks today's youth,
which affects even strangers.
How in the world is mentally defective people, ready to unnecessary
fight, they will do everything to overwhelm the others to come out
on top. There are people who already want to start life osign
great success, a great goal without building, reinforcing its building
brick by brick ... you need to know - to achieve the goal, success,
wprzdy must complete all the small goals that move in the desired
direction. Today, many young people feel discouraged, resigned
because of their lives there is another problem. It happens that, and
those who consider themselves to be quite mature (we mean older
people) escape from problems, mostly leaving them to solve other
people. Quickly give up, give up. But I love to give others advice,
even much older than themselves, impose them their reasons, they
want to model their lives even though they can not cope with her.
Take on your way less steps, but do it better, do not rush, certainly
work, use the time wisely. Sometimes you even go back, accept this
fact, take a look at who you really are and that all the things you are
trying to push through in their lives are really for you? Get rid of the
pain and judgment, because the pain and frustration at the lives of

other people creating quite you only bring harm than good. While
you are young you have time to pick up, remodel your life, you need
to apologize, and remember that the best in life is that it is difficult.
It teaches us the most difficult, the most developed, and creates
your conscious brain circuits. Only peace, patience, you will see how
to heal your damaged subconscious and how to bring to maturity
unconscious brain circuits and brain integrate them anyway. Do not
neglect yourself, try to heal what needs healing. Only when we
improve your nervous system, your body and mind will understand
the whole apparatus of his own body. As long as you do not do your
energy will keep you in suspense and your personality will be lonely
and suffering.
Even small differences in life can make a big surprise. Small
changes in the brain can be released in large sizes.
The structure of our brain and hormones contribute to our behavior.
We maintain a number of factors, including biology, evolution and
development of our environment and the choices we make. We can
change our brain wiring through behavior, but wprzdy practice we
need to understand a few important things.
Differently will react men and women these differences emerge
quite early.
Estrogen and testosterone have different effects on the brain and
our behavior. Differences between the sexes begins even before
birth. Female brain is washed by the uterus by hormone estrogen,
and a man by testosterone. The same will be the elderly, the two
hormones shape the other girls, or boys. And it's not just about
sexual structure as a survival mechanism. Man tends to be more
aggressive, the woman resists all attacks to protect their own
children. Women's brains are designed to maintain social harmony.
The amygdala of the brain under the influence of hormones
processes fear, aggression triggers, stimulates competition and
other activities. He warns us of the danger. The amygdala in the
brains of men is higher than women. In addition, the amygdala men
have testosterone receptors, which enhances the reaction, so their
reactions to each other are more aggressive than women.
Men and women react differently to fear signals originating from the
amygdala, women can reduce stress and restore a sense of security.
Men react to the fight or flight.
Bark podczoowa implementing decisions, oversees the emotional
information and emphasizes the amygdala. The prefrontal cortex is
higher in women and mature faster than men.
This difference coupled with the fact that women have less

testosterone and more estrogen allows women to seek solutions to

the conflict even at the expense of themselves. That women tend to
seek compromise and satisfy the needs of others, even at their own
expense. Men tend pressure, and the desire to exploitation of
others. But research suggests that women accompanied by four
times stronger anxiety than men, so they are more cautious in
deciding what is now bad manners in today's business world, when
you press the women to take the greater risk. In a word, they are
forced to personality changes, loss of a woman's role. Women who
are going in this direction incline your brain circuits in the ego.
The brain has a lot of skills, the ability to process information in an
orderly, logical, visualizes, have abstract thinking and emotional
responses. The amygdala, a part of the brain that connects the two
hemispheres. In women, it is thicker which allows them to use both
the right and left sides of the brain in a more connected. In contrast,
in men. Women use both sides of the brain to process visual and
verbal to respond to the emotional experience. So it is hardly
surprising that men and women have different ways of thinking,
organization of work and otherwise perform certain tasks.
The hippocampus, part of the limbic system primarily responsible for
memory and is a center of learning, memory and emotion, is larger
and more active in the female brain. It also allows estrogen as a
relay station for processing information. Women have 11% more
neurons in the center of the brain than men so they can more
strongly express emotions, remember the details of the event. Their
language is more effective than a man.
Why does this matter?
To better understand the differences in the brain, so that we can get
to know your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing the pros and
"cons" of biology to better understand us, who we are. We need to
be aware of what we can do and on what does not, what we are
weak and on what should work. This knowledge is power in
understanding not only of biology but contributes to our spiritual
development, to create his new image. Chemical substances affect
brain function and interaction of the brain affects our behavior.
The human brain is the most complex tool in which the person has
been appointed. It can store 100,000 of the facts at the time and a
million billion facts of life. The brain is not only our bodies but
biology and spirituality center, which is located in the right temporal
lobe of the brain. This piece is connected to the frontal cortex, in
which the center of attention and cognition center responsible for
logical thinking. People who wiezr in God have the brain capacity of
faith in God. Brain circuits have their antennas and they tune us to
the divine. So when we live in harmony, in accordance with the laws

of nature in the wake all the secret forces of the body.

Many people have a deep understanding of the knowledge that faith
can change their lives, and when we live according to the laws of
nature are in harmony, spiritual practices activate the right temporal
lobe, which is why the people of God will not go away. When the
human brain starts to live God man can develop further, it may
evolve into a "new brain", which significantly differs from the
When the right temporal lobe is surgically excised, the lobectomy is
synonymous with God-ektomy, man becomes an agnostic and does
not know anything about God.
However, there is a very real difference between the brain, body
and soul, according to which man has the body. Three-dimensional
faces in time and space, it registers fear, anger, sometimes
physical, selfish.
The higher mind develops upper body. Our senses are the causal
body, which is completely different and higher than the ones located
in the third dimension.
The body is higher and more intense flashes like fire, sending waves
of high vibration, with varying colors, which are sometimes
indescribable. But it's a high step associated with selfless emotion
comes from the Ninth Circuit developed brain.
The third dimension is a third circuit connected to the brain.
In the course of their evolution, man has not changed once their
own color.
Here are some of them:
Yellow represents high intellectual power,
blue - devotion,
green - sympathy
color bright blue-violet - spirituality
The most powerful is the color of gold - success, achievement and
It is associated with enlightenment, I mean the man is at the highest
level attained to understanding ourselves and soul wisdom.
Gold enlightenment occurs together with violet.
The fact is that a person can reach enlightenment or to build a
strong structure of the ego and from the point of view of ego
develop bad qualities. An egocentric can also wear something of
high intellect, piety, perfection and love, but his selfish personality
shapes his life and it's all about himself.

Our behavior is a different mental plane, thus developing lower or

higher mental body, thick, dim and strong colors show selfishness.
The brightness and color purity are the features of the causal body.
Many people pray and remains in prayer, but do you really
communicate with God?
Remember, man has a dualistic mind, a different intensity of
feelings, love and joy. Each of our emotion is acting or our
neurotransmitters stimulate or inhibit them which of course produce
its biological and spiritual effects.
It happens that a man has no advantage from their prayers,
because he exposes God to the test by putting him constant
demand, and such an attitude no good will come of it.
In contrast to the spiritual practices of prayer and women's brains
function, or a man. Women involved in a wider range of spiritual
practices that actually leads to greater spiritual experience. People
praying to their individual power of the brain that causes an
individual spiritual growth.

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