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Exiso GUI By Swizzy Version 1.

Requirements - What you need to do have in order for this to work!
- Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later
- EXISO (version 2.7.0 is included with this release, you can change
it as long as there is no change in the extract command arguments)
- EXISO 2.7.0 is also embedded and extracted if there is no external
exiso.exe to use...
- An Xbox 360 ISO image to extract or a folder with a extracted
Xbox 360 game ;)
Overview - What it does
- Provides an easy to use Graphical User Interface with 4 buttons
2 text boxes and a checkbox, it will allow you to extract any Xbox 360
ISO that EXISO can handle and it aslong as EXISO supports skipping the
$SystemUpdate folder the app can do that aswell :)
Changelog - New features and bug fixes
* Version 1.4b *
-Fixed: Forgot to make sure it adds .iso if you drag 'n' drop a folder
my bad! :(
* Version 1.4.0 *
-Added: Checks towards input, if you select an iso as input you cannot
use build! same goes the other way around for extract, you cannot extract
something into an iso ;)
-Fixed: Bug where i forgot to make sure it actually checked if you selected
extract or build! :| my bad! this caused the app to be useless :D works now tho
-Added: If you drag 'n' drop something to the window it'll check if it's
an iso, if so it'll select extract, otherwise it'll select build for you ;)
-Added: Exiso is now also embedded, if no external exiso is found; use embedded
file current version: 2.7.0
**** NOTE: When you drag 'n' drop something, ONLY the currently "held" object
will be used, meaning if you have multipile iso's selected only the one you
"drag" is used! ****
* Version 1.3.0 *
-Changed: The app no longer adds output, but instead the name of the iso
excluding the extension... this occurs even if you have a path set...
changes this because some ppl asked me what was wrong when they had extracted
ALL games to the same folder... overwriting everything...
-Added: Drag 'n' drop of ISO/Folder into GUI will select it as input :)
-Added: Option to Extract an ISO or build an ISO
-Changed: Function of Open/Save differs between Extract/Build according to

what you have selected ;)

* Version 1.2.0 *
-Added: The app will now automaticly set the output directory to the directory
of which the iso is loaded from with \output, you can then change the folder if
you like... *NOTE: if you set output directory first it will stay the same*
-Added: Button to clear out the form (a.k.a. restore it to default)
-Changed: Reverted the gui back to the first version with a few changes as exiso
outputs data way to quickly for the gui to be able to handle it, causing freezin
and eventually total crash of the app...
-Added: Link to where you can find the latest releases from me :)
* Version 1.1.0 *
-Fixed: Version string in top of the window is now displayed correctly.
-Fixed: You can now edit the input/output strings using your keyboard
rather then forcing you to click the buttons ;)
-Changed: I've changed the appearence of the gui a bit for comming update
to redirect exiso output straight to the gui rather then putting it in a
console window which will automaticly close when done, this means that
you will get a log of the output ;)
* Version 1.0.0 *
- Intial release, probably won't be any newer versions, unless there
are more things that EXISO needs to be able to do :)
Credits - Thanks to:
- in (in@fishtank.com) for making the intial app ;)
- Aiyyo & somski for modifing it to make it better ;)
- Anyone else that feels that they belong here that i might have missed ;)
Contacting me:
I can be found on random channels on IRC mainly on EFNet and/or Quakenet
My nick on there is: Swizzy
My secondary nick is: VampSwizzy
You can also send me an e-mail at: admin@swizzy.se

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