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EDUC 2220 Educational Technology Lesson Plan Assignment

Fun With Graphs


Common Core Standards:


Understand that a function from one set (called the domain) to another set (called the range)
assigns to each element of the domain exactly one element of the range. If f is a function
and x is an element of its domain, then f(x)denotes the output of f corresponding to the input x.
The graph of f is the graph of the equation y = f(x).


Use function notation, evaluate functions for inputs in their domains, and interpret statements
that use function notation in terms of a context.

Lesson Summary:
In this lesson, the students will learn various techniques to graph linear equations. The techniques that will be
covered will be using a function create a graph, using a data table to create a graph, and to look at a graph and
give the corresponding function. The students will learn this through various assignments and in class
instruction. The purpose of this lesson is to install the skills and knowledge of graphing that will later be
applied in other math classes and careers.
Estimated Duration:
I plan on spending at least 150 minutes on this lesson. The lesson will be split up into 3 days. The first two
days will last for 55 minutes for instruction over the material. The last day will last for 55 minutes and be for
review and a quiz over the covered material.
Commentary: For this lesson I plan on spending the first day teaching the students how to graph using a table
and using a function. The second day will be focused on how to read a graph and come up with the
corresponding function. The most challenging thing will be to get the students to understand how a function of
a graph makes the graph look like. This can be a challenging topic and will take time for it to truly sink in. In
order to get my students hooked on the assignment, I will provide fun examples and work that will help to
make the content seem more fun.

Instructional Procedures:

Day 1:
First 10 minutes: Go over yesterdays homework. Students will come with questions about the homework and
we will go over them in class on the Smart board.
10 minutes: The students will be doing a pretest of the lesson to see what they know. This will be conducted on
Google Forums.
30 minutes: I will go begin the lecture over the lesson. This will primarily be over the beginning concepts, such
as vocab words, and getting familiar with the material. This will be done using a Google Slides presentation.
The students will be listening and filling out a lecture packet with parts of the lecture blank. This will either be
filled out through Google Slides, due to the fact that it will be shared amongst the students or filled in on paper
that I provide them.
Last 5 minutes will be to review the concepts in class go over what they are supposed to do for their
homework, which would be problem out of the textbook.
Day 2:
First 10 minutes: Go over yesterdays homework. Students will come with questions about the homework and
we will go over them in class on the Smart board.
30 minutes: Finish the lecture. I will be going over the applications of the material covered and how to solve
the more difficult questions that would be asked. This will be done using a Google Slides presentation. The
students will be listening and filling out a lecture packet with parts of the lecture blank. This will either be
filled out through Google Slides, due to the fact that it will be shared amongst the students or filled in on paper
that I provide them.
Last 15 minutes: The students will be working on an activity that involves them matching up graphs with the
correct functions. They will scan QR codes to bring up the graphs on their phones and then match those graphs
to the corresponding functions on a separate sheet of paper. What is not completed is homework.
Day 3:
First 10 minutes: Go over the homework from last night and review concepts about the lesson.
45 minutes: During this time I will be conducting a post-test to see what they have learned. It will be taken on
Google Forums and will cover everything that they should have learned throughout the lesson. If everyone
finishes early, then I will give them a sneak peak at what they will be learning the next day, so they know a
little bit of what is next.

For the pre assessment, the students will be taking a pre test over the material. For the quiz, there will be 10
multiple-choice questions. The questions will all be vocabulary and conceptual questions that the students may
have learned in previous math classes. There will be no questions over application of the material. Those will
be covered on the posttest. This test will be taken on Google Forums.

Scoring Guidelines:
The pre test will be graded based on completion, since the students may not be familiar with the
material or they forgot the material.
Throughout the lesson, I will be asking various questions pertaining to the topics we are discussing in
class. They will not be graded, not effect their grade. It will merely be used to refresh the topics
discussed previously or to make sure the students are all on the same page.
There will also be an activity after the lecture is over to apply what they learned. They will be using QR
Codes to scan graphs and matching them to the right functions. This will be a graded assignment, due
to the fact that they will have had all the information needed to succeed in this activity at this point.
The post assessment will be a quiz over the lesson. Students will have half the day to work on it, as it is only
one section of the chapter. There will be 10 questions worth 20 points. The questions will be half multiple
choice and half computational. One half will be more towards base concepts, such as vocabulary words and
simple recognition type questions. The computational questions will be more application oriented. The students
will have to create graphs or equations from the data that I give them. These questions will require shown work
to prove understanding and will be graded for correctness. The post assessment will be taken place on Google
Forums (See blog for supplemental materials)
Scoring Guidelines:
As previously stated, the quiz will be graded or correctness. I will use the Google Forums software to
grade and see students answers; however, I will also be grading the separate sheet of paper that the
students will use to show their work.

Differentiated Instructional Support

Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated
students: For the accelerated students, I will have them try to come up with a graph and a function by giving
them a set of parameters. This will require a higher level of understanding and comprehension of the material,
which makes it perfect for an extra challenge.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
material: For those students who are not grasping the material as well as others or are have other issues that
require more time. I will give them simpler questions to help solidify the concepts and offer extra practice to
those who need it. I will also make myself available after class for those students to come see me with their
questions to give them more guidance.


Khan Academy is a free website that offers videos and practice for many subjects, especially math. This link in
particular works with graphing linear equations using various methods I will have talked about in the lesson.
The students can use this website for extra practice outside the practice I give them and can also be used t
answer questions or clarify a topic when at home.

Homework Options and Home Connections

The homework that the students will be receiving will be homework given to them in their textbook. When
they turn it in, they will use the turn it in feature on Google forums for a completion grade. These will mainly
be practice problems to help emphasize the topics discussed in class. We will then go over any questions on the
homework the next day to iron out any issues.

Interdisciplinary Connections
These concepts not only are applicable in the world of mathematics, but they are also applicable in the worlds
of science and business. In science, in order to show your findings, you need to represent them through a
graph. You also need to provide the function for that graph in order for other scientists to see how you reached
your conclusion. In the business world, financial data and displays them in a format that shows trends and how
successful the company is during that time. Also, in order for the graphs to be taken seriously, they need to
have the function that goes with it to truly show its accuracy.
Materials and Resources:

For teachers

Smart Board
Graphing Calculator
Access to the Internet
Access to Google Drive
Access to a QR Code Maker

For students

Access to the Internet
Graphing Calculator
Access to Google Drive
QR Code Reader

Key Vocabulary
Function A relationship or expression between one or more variables.
Y-axis The vertical axis on a system of coordinates
X-axis The horizontal axis on a system of coordinates
Coordinate points A set of values that show an exact position.
Additional Notes

Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-eighth-grade-math/cc-8th-linear-equationsfunctions/8th-solutions-to-two-var-linear-equations/v/graphs-of-linear-equations

QR Code Generator: http://www.qrstuff.com/
Ohio Common Core Standards: http://www.ohiorc.org/
Google Drive: https://www.google.com/

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