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By: Dr. B K Chandra Shekhar (sigfa Mind Master) on Aug 22, 2014 | 3937 Views | 102 Responses
Science of Spirituality

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Tags : Karma


Vinita Dawra Nangia, TNN | Aug 24, 2014, 06.56 PM IST

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What is the secret that allows certain people to be more in control of their emotions
than others and to keep their stress levels just right? Highly successful people are
known to have a high emotional quotient apart from other abilities. Here are eight
habits observed in most successful people and which we could all learn from!

1) Focus; don't get distracted.

People with high emotional quotient learn the art of focus - one issue at a time.
Keeping several windows open simultaneously is a great cause of stress. It is better to
park other issues in separate bays to be revisited later. So you remain in the present
and let the past and future take care of themselves - a great way to reduce stress!

Source: Getty Images

2) Don't look for trouble; stay positive!

While it is important to be aware of all that could go wrong and taking due precautions,
high performers do not usually remain focused on what could go wrong! This only raises
stress levels as we worry about all the pitfalls. It helps to keep up a positive flow of
energy by remaining focused on the goal in a meaningful, positive fashion.

Source: Getty Images

3) Fight back; don't give up!

There are times when everything seems to be working against us. You reach a point
when you almost give up. This is the point that clearly distinguishes the non-achiever
from the achiever. While the former will cave in and bury his head in the sand, the
latter uses this point as the spur he needs to fight back with his last reserves and
emerge the winner!

Source: Getty Images

4) Take another Look!

When surrounded by an issue, sometimes we allow it to assume unnaturally large
proportions. At that point it is important to distance yourself and shift perspectives.
Just as sleeping over a problem makes it look much smaller and easier next morning, so
shifting perspectives sometimes helps us place the issue in a certain context that may
unravel new dimensions.

Source: Getty Images

5) Be aware; Be prepared.
Knowledge is power; equip yourself with good reading, understanding and awareness.
Also, anyone looking for a stress-free life, needs to be prepared for stressful times as
well. Keep support systems in place. It is not humanly possible to do everything and be
everywhere yourself.

Source: Getty Images

6) Carve out happy times!

You need to set time aside to relax and be happy with your loved ones. Nothing
recharges you or inspires you more than a relaxed time spent with those you trust and
care for.

Source: Getty Images

7) Sleep. Exercise. Meditate

These commandments are directly from Travis Bradberry, author of Emotional
Intelligence 2.0. He stresses the importance of sleep in increasing your emotional
intelligence and managing stress levels by recharging the brain. "Your self-control,
attention, and memory are all reduced when you don't get enoughor the right kind
of sleep." Bradberry also offers the breathing technique as a stress buster. When things
get too much, close your door, sit back and focus on your breathing, he advises. It helps
calm you down and puts things in perspective.

Source: Getty Images

8) Stop beating yourself! It's alright!

You are the message you send out into the world. Stop thinking negative or less about
yourself. Give yourself positive self-strokes. Let your thoughts and positivity energize
you and allow your positive self-image to become the reality! If things still go wrong,
know there is always another time; it isn't the end of the world!

Source: Getty Images


In todays scenario people know so many things but they neither know SELF nor know GOD and the operations of
ones Karmic Accounts (Balance Sheet of all physical & mental actions performed in this world). That is why
people grope in the darkness of ignorance and keep searching supreme (GOD) in physical forms and keep praying to
GOD for material returns in their lives. People know that karmic accounts matter most in this life but unfortunately
they are neither aware of Laws of karma nor know how to manage our karmic accounts and keep our invisible
accounts (Balance Sheet of our all actions) in billions and become real billionaire (Richest in Virtues).
In previous blog I just explained a few Laws of karma ---http://www.speakingtree.in/public/spiritualblogs/masters /science-of-spirituality/the-laws-of-karma and continuing with the ways to manage our balance
sheet positively with PPTs of Laws of Karma http://www.speakingtree.in/public/spiritual-slideshow/master
s/science-of-spirituality/amazing-laws-of-karma before writing the third answer of my question from GOD
What is the Secret of Health & Happiness. You will find HIS answers in next blog.


ATM (Any Time meditation) on
Stress Management with Peaceful Psycho Neurobics
Just practice this meditation by seeing this video and feeling it just for two minutes and you will see that
stress will vanish immediately. This will also fill up your mind with Divine Spiritual Energy of Peace and
Solace Healing Current of GOD. It can be done any time. This is ATM (Any Time Meditation) to feel peace
within & get rid of stress & depression forever. This is just one of the sample of connecting mind to Divine
(GOD) and tap Healing Current. This exercise is one of the Psycho Neurobic Exercises.
Operations of Karmic Accounts are based on the Following mathematical formulae:
+ Additions in karmic accounts (balance sheet) are the result of physical and economic help rendered to the needy
Subtractions from karmic accounts are the results of causing physical and economic harms to others and nature.
X Multiplications in many folds in our karmic accounts are the results of mental and emotional support to all human
beings and nature in the form of good wishes, prayers & blessings etc.
Reductions in balance sheet by division are the results of ill will, negative & harmful actions on nature and human
being and continuously vibrating negativities from mind in the form of irritation, indignation, anger, lust, selfishness,
hatred, jealousy etc.
Be Your Own Guide in Dealing with Your Karmic Accounts
You are your own teacher and guide. Be realistic and reasonable while dealing with inner world and outer world
situations to maintain a good balance in your karmic ledger. There is nothing here, which we can call our own. We
have not brought anything with us when we came to this world. Everybody gets the daily quota for a living. We have
to be a light unto ourselves. We should not tread the path of life with the light of others lamp, because when
the lamps of others burnout we will be in darkness.
Our thoughts, feelings, emotions, imaginations and visions make up our real world. That world is within each
of us. Those who have mental power and clear focus in life can only become the light for others. An ideal is very
important in our life.

We must form an ideal, after sustained reasonable and realistic experience based thinking, which can only
guide and lead us in the right path.
Learn from the Situations of Life (The Law of Karma is always Reformative and not Punitive)
Nothing happens without a reason. What we see and observe in this world are consequences. Just because we do
not know the reason let us not brow beat. Let us prepare to accept and adapt.
Problems Come to Us not to Tumble Us but to Humble Us
Accept every situation and people. It is an opportunity for learning and growth. Prepare mentally well in advance for
such an attitude and approach to life and life situations.
Law of Karma and Self-Sovereignty: Law of cause and effect or law of karma states that every action has an
equivalent reaction. In other words, if your action gives happiness to others you get happiness in return. It is the
metaphysical equivalent of Newtons third law, which says every action has an equal, and opposite reaction.
In the metaphysical plane the reaction or result experienced is equivalent and not opposite. The saying goes,
As you sow, so shall you reap. The law of karma is absolute. It cannot be manipulated or side tracked. On the
physical level there is no gap between action and reaction or sowing and reaping. The seeds of some actions bring
instantaneous results; others can take years or even lifetimes to yield the fruit. What happens in our personal world
and the world at large are the direct result of our actions. The social injustice, inept governments, needless
bloodshed, physical pain are the consequences of thoughts, words or deeds of this or other lives on a personal or
collective level.
Settlement of Karmic Debts
Every human being is an actor on this stage of life; each one is playing his or her respective role. If a person is
behaving badly with us it is because we have to settle our previous karmic accounts with that soul.
There lies something beneficial in every scene of this drama; every scene is a teacher, a test paper that we need to
pass in order to move ahead in life. If we are facing tough situations, we are merely settling old karmic accounts and
these are lessening our burden. On a higher vista of consciousness, you begin to view the arrival of an unpleasant
occurrence in your life as the challenge that it was intended to be.
Challenges are designed, at a soul level, to give rise to change. Change then opens the door to the
opportunity for transformation, and transformation is our main purpose of life.
As You Sow, so Shall You Reap Here is the story (A true story from Associated Press, reported by Kurt Wester),
which proves how a karmic debt is settled by natural coincidence. It is the result of ones actions.
At the 1994 Annual Awards dinner given for Forensic Sciences in the USA, AAFS President Dr Don Harper Mills
astounded his audience with the legal complications of a bizarre death.
On 23 March 1994, the medical examiner viewed the body of Ronald Opus and concluded that he had died from a
shotgun wound in the head. Mr Opus had jumped from the top of a ten-storey building intending to commit suicide.
He had left a note to the effect, indicating his despondency. As he fell past the ninth floor his life was interrupted by a
shotgun blast passing through a window, which killed him instantly.
Neither the shooter nor the deceased was aware that a safety net had been installed just below the eighth floor level
to protect some building workers and that Ronald Opus would not have been able to complete his suicide the way he
had planned. Ordinarily, Dr Mills continued, a person who sets out to commit suicide and ultimately achieves he
intended, is still defined as committing suicide. That Mr Opus was shot on the way to certain death, but probably
would not have been successful because of the safety net, caused the medical examiner to feel that he had a
homicide on his hands.

An elderly man and his wife occupied the room on the ninth floor from where the shotgun blast emanated. They were
arguing vigorously and he was threatening her with a shotgun. The man was so upset that when he pulled the trigger
he completely missed his wife and the bullet went through the window, striking Mr Opus. When one intends to kill
subject A but kills subject B in the attempt, one is guilty of the murder of subject B. When confronted with the
murder charge, the old man and his wife were both adamant and both said that they thought the shotgun was
unloaded. The old man said it was a long-standing habit to threaten his wife with the unloaded shotgun. He had no
intention of murdering her. Therefore, the killing of Mr Opus appeared to be an accident; that is the gun had been
accidentally loaded. The continuing investigation turned up a witness who saw the old couples son loading the
shotgun about six weeks prior to the fatal accident. It transpired that the old lady had cut off her sons financial
support and the son, knowing the propensity of his father to use the shotgun threateningly, loaded the gun with the
expectation that his father would shoot his mother. Since the loader of the gun was aware of this, he was guilty of the
murder even though he didnt actually pull the trigger. The case now becomes one of murder on the part of the son
for the death of Ronald Opus.
Now comes the exquisite twist. Further investigation revealed that the son was in fact, Ronald Opus. He had become
increasingly despondent over the failure of his attempt to engineer his mothers murder. This led him to jump off the
tenth storey building on March 23rd, only to be killed by a shotgun blast passing through the ninth storey window. The
son had actually murdered himself, so the medical examiner closed the case as a suicide.
Coincidences are GODs Way of Remaining Anonoymous. (Doris Lessing)
In asking for miracles, we are not asking for something outside us to change, but for something inside us to
change. (Marianne Williamson)
Self Transformation is the Need of Hour
We souls think very much in terms of service to others, so our purpose in life is to transform, not only ourselves, but
also all of humanity to a higher level of consciousness. As a member of the group mind of humanity on the earth,
everything that you do is reflected within the whole. Many challenges are undertaken; more for the transformation that
they will bring to others, than for the change they will bring to you.
Transformation itself is the natural progress of the spirit, which can be effortless. But when a blockage to that
transformation exists, pain may be the price necessary to dissolve that blockage. People often take on pain in their
lives, not because their souls see that society needs to work through certain major issues but because they volunteer
to be a part of that transformation.
In some peoples lives, challenges come thick and fast. In others, they do not, at least for that lifetime. When a person
completes a particularly challenging lifetime, they may follow it up with a quiet, pleasant and restful incarnation, one
where nothing outstanding happens at all.
Without that tension in life, nothing moves and nothing progresses. Huge issues are worked through by millions of
people at a time. Take any issue equality of the sexes, equality of race, control issues, abuse, violence, equal access
for the
handicapped and there are millions of people working through each issue at any one time in history.
Sometimes people make obvious progress in helping to shift the paradigm. Sometimes they pass away before their
time, a seeming victim of the old reality, having made no apparent progress. However, whatever they do in their lives,
the experience of just being alive in their situation is added to the massive paradigm shift in consciousness, which is
occurring at that time. No effort is wasted. No one fails. Everyone contributes to the experiences, which follow each
Not all challenges in life are a part of massive society shifts. A challenge may just as easily be personal. Something is
perhaps chosen as a tool to break up a long-standing blockage within a persons psyche.
It is almost surreal to hear a cancer survivor reflect on his newfound health and say, Cancer was the best thing that
had ever happened to me. What he mean is that the challenge transformed him by releasing old blockages, which
were cheating him of a fuller life.

We may never know all of the reasons why bad events happen. What we do know is that, in a world, which habitually
contrasts light and dark, the events, which appear bad, can often be the greatest opportunities for transformation
within ourselves, for those around us and for humanity as a whole.

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