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Ricardo Robleto

Mr. Helder Prez


The first life forms in our planet remained almost unchanged for 3.1 billion
years until the multicellular organisms appeared. Why? Which forces drove
that change? Why did it take so long for multicellular organisms to evolve?
Why did they evolve at all?
The origins of life has been a questions for thousands of years tried to be
explain through countless and even religions. The origin of life is in many ways a
puzzling, blank spot in the pages of history. Thanks to scientific research we have
general knowledge on what must have happed to bring up life. However we still
dont have a precise answer for the details. Such as we know the first life forms in
our planet remained almost unchanged for 3.1 billion years until multicellular
organisms appeared; but Why? Why did it take so long? Why did the organisms
evolved anyhow? All this can be explain through modern scientific theories and
scientific evidence.
The first life forms in our planet remained almost unchanged for 3.1 billion
years until the multicellular organisms appeared. The first life forms in our planet
that remained unchanged for 3. Billion years ago are called prokaryotes this single
celled organisms lived in earths oceans and ate chemicals from their surrounding
environment. The 3.1 billion years of life on earth with single celled life forms like
the prokaryotes remained unchanged thats roughly more than 55% of the time of

life on earth. Later on this prokaryotes would evolve to multicellular organisms like
the eukaryotes. So why did it remained unchanged for so long? For millions and
upon millions of years single celled organisms dwelled on the deep parts of the
where earths heat was warm and there was enough chemicals form them to eat.
Eventually some prokaryotes got to the top of the ocean and evolved to absorb
sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to make a new chemical process called
photosynthesis to sustain themselves. Photosynthesis makes as waste product
oxygen. Therefore with many prokaryotes using photosynthesis to survive they
made a lot of oxygen to the environment. This made a high amount of oxygen that
caused a mass extinction of organisms that couldnt handle the great amount of
oxygen; this mass extinction is sometimes called the Oxygen Holocaust. The many
species of single celled organisms each with the potential to evolve to more
complex organisms were wiped out. Leaving evolution for life on earth in a bottle
neck or stuck because of few species. A reason it took so long for multicellular
microorganisms to appear on earth.
When there was little hope for life on earth, since the mass extinction there
was eventually through millions of years there was some complex form of evolution

of the single celled organism which was, they evolved to eukaryotes. Eukaryotes
are complex multi cellular and single celled organisms that contained organelles
that each had special abilities and functions, in addition to evolving to form new
ways of reproduction like sexual reproduction. Many life forms descend from
eukaryotes like plants, fungi and animals like humans. But how did life on earth
did such great leapt forward after a mass extinction and little changes in single
For such a great leapt in evolution of lifeforms there must have been a
certain boost or force to make life forms in earth change. A possibility of the force
of the change in life on earth is the theory of Panspermia. Which is that the theory
that life on the earth originated from microorganisms or chemical precursors of life
present in outer space and able to initiate life on reaching a suitable environment.
For alien life forms to reach earth and initiate and further evolve life on the planet
they must have traveled through a meteor. In that time were single celled organism
lived in the planet there was a high amount of meteors crashing earth. It is possible
that a or maybe various meteors contained microorganism (most certainly
multicellular microorganisms) capable to survive space travel, able to survive
extreme environments, and most possibly able to lay dormant till the meteor
crashed on earth. Where it emerged on earth seen to the microorganism(s) as a
hospitable environment. Where they survived and reproduced and further on
evolved and developed to other multicellular organisms. They even must have
been top of the food chain on earth because of their very adaptable traits since it
survived in a meteor The descendants of the alien organism(s) might have had

some of its traits inherited and developed traits to be adaptable to earths

So the emergence of eukaryotes in earth must have been through the
appearance of an alien microorganism more adaptable to the environment than the
earth born organisms. The eukaryotes must be originally alien microorganism that
became the ruling class in the life forms on earth since there was little change in
earth born organisms. Furthermore there are prokaryotes of billions of years ago
that still remain unchanged to this day. Which is further evidence to believing more
complex life on earth must have come from a meteor of another planet. Alien
microorganism were the force to make life on earth continue evolving and
becoming even more complex.
So you may be asking
yourself is it even possible for an
organism to survive in a meteor
and later crash or collide to a
planet? Not surprisingly yes it is,
thanks to adaptation and
evolution. Its possible for some
organism to stay dormant in a meteor or release single celled organism spores.
There are organism which withstand extreme temperatures and even exposure to
vacuum and cosmic rays, even surviving deadly levels of UV radiation. There is
even a living example of an organism capable of all this that is a possible space
travel organism of earth; the tardigrade. The tardigrade also called the water bear

is Earths most tenacious creature can live in boiling water, solid ice, and the
intense radiation of space. It can survive a decade in a desert, without a drop of
water to drink, or in the deepest trenches of the sea. The tardigrade is an example
of a specie which could be sent to
a meteor, crash to an unknown
habitable planet and still survive
through the voyage and impact.

In conclusion, life on earth

developed very slowly it even
remained unchanged for 3.1 billion
years. Then suddenly life evolved to multicellular organisms in a very fast way.
Why? The answer for this is that life on earth received a push or force that made
life leap forward. Which was alien microorganisms appearing on earth through a
meteor collision with earth . This alien microorganism(s) became the further trigger
for more complex life on earth as we know it today.

"5 Reasons Why The Tardigrade Is Natures Toughest Animal." National
Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2015.
"PANSPERMIA THEORY Origin of Life on Earth Directed Panspermia
Lithopanspermia Meteorites - Panspermia Theory." PANSPERMIA THEORY Origin
of Life on Earth Directed Panspermia Lithopanspermia Meteorites - Panspermia
Theory. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2015.
"Origin Of Life: The Panspermia Theory." NorthWestern Education. N.p., n.d.
Web. 10 Dec. 2015.
"When Did Life First Appear on Earth?" When Did Life First Appear on
Earth? N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2015

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