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1. Give the negative of the following sentences:
1. He must have been very happy when he saw you.
2. He may receive the money tomorrow.
3. You must turn off the lights, it is very bright in here.
4. That should be the postman at the door.
2. Give past reference to the sentences below:
1. He may be in trouble.
2. He can fix any car in this world.
3. This cant be true.
4. Tim will always go out in the rain, without his coat on.
5. You should help him!
6. He needed to visit a doctor.
3. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:
1. Why did you strike your brother, were you out of your mind?/ If only...
2. She regrets not speaking to him when she had the chance./ She wishes...
3. I think it would have been better for you to dig a hole in order to hide the jewels./ You
4. Upon my return, I will tell you what has really happened. /When...
5. Tom and Susan have been married for more than ten years./ It....
6. The police managed to catch him almost immediately after he had set foot in the
country. / Hardly...
7. I have been a teacher for eight years, come the end of this month./ By the end of this
8. It was only when he rewound the tape that I realised he had been framed for the
murder./ Not until...
9. Everybody thought the entire collection had been destroyed. / The collection...
10. They allowed him to become a member of the congregation only because he swore to
obey the rules./ If...
11. My father keeps pleading with me not to seek the hidden treasure./ My father would
12. He would not rise from that chair, because he is terribly afraid that he might tear his
silk jacket on a nail./ If...
13. Fancy you and I meeting in the very same coffee shop twenty years later!/Its odd...
4. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below, keeping in mind that each sentence
might include more than one mistake:
1. Dan raised early each morning in order to proofread the four hundred pages novel that
his friend had written.
2. The doctor assured her he will return tomorrow and asked her when will she marry
3. I had no idea that I had met the girl which had been the former wife of my manager
and which has been no longer married to him.

4. I stroked the fur of my cat and binded a ribbon around her neck, while my wife was
sowing a new pillow on whom the other kittens will rest.
5. The man told me that there was three kilometres to the next village and that neither
the coach or the train did not arrive yet.
1. Identify the instances of subjunctive mood and state their type:
1. May he suffer as I suffered before him. 2. Had I done what you had asked me, I would have
been in grievous danger. 3. Youd better listen to your elders. 4. Suffice it to say that I found
myself in a pretty desperate situation. 5. It is essential that you should be with your own family. 6.
He bought me a horse so that I might learn how to ride. 6. If only you werent so mean! 7. They
were talking to him as if he were their underbutler. 8. Id rather you didnt turn on the lights. 9.
They insisted I clean the house again. 10. I am watching the building lest a burglar should break
in. 10. It is advisable you should talk to him. 11. May they live happily forever! 13. They closed
the door so that nobody might hear them. 14. I wish you would stop looking at me like that! 15. If
I were a rich man, I would buy this whole town.
2. Translate the following sentences into English:
S te ajute Cel- de- Sus! S te ierte Dumnezeu! Da- r- ar ciuma-n el! S- l ia naiba! La naiba cu
gramatica! Vie mpria ta, fac- se voia ta! S fie fericit n viaa pe care i-a ales-o. Blestemat s
fie cel care te-a adus n starea asta! Oh, de- ar fi aici s te vad victorios! Triasc regele! De-ar fi
vrut Dumnezeu s izbndeasc. Numai de-ar fi tiut. E de ajuns s menionez c omul e
nevionovat. Cnd te gndeti c eram milionar pe timpuri. Departe de mine gandul s le stric
petrecerea. S ctige cel mai bun dintre noi. S trieti mult i s de bucuri de ea. S se tie c de
azi nainte nu vom mai tolera o asemenea comportare. Nu vorbii toi odat. S se duc cineva smi aduc o lumnare. De n- ar fi aa ncpnat. S vorbeasc Maria acum. Noi s uitm
trecutul. Ascult, biete, ce-ar fi s terminm lucrarea asta nainte de a pierde clientul, ce zici?
3. Finish the following sentences without changing the meaning of the sentence printed
before them:
1. He regrets not seeing that movie. / He wishes...
2. Why did you answer so rudely? / Id rather you...
3. I would like you to go there and apologize. / I wish
4. How could you tell such a thing to your boss? / Id rather you...
5. Why did you strike that man, were you out of your mind? / I wish...
6. I wish I hadnt laid the table before they arrived. / Id rather...
7. She complained that she had to work so hard. / I wish....
8. Why did she have to lie there and say nothing in her defense? / If only...
9. You shouldnt have made that mistake! / Id rather....
10. I am so embarrassed at the thought of meeting him again! / Suppose...
11. Why did you have to insult him? / Youd better...
12. He wont like it if you lie to him! / Hed rather...
13. It would have been better not to meet her at all. / Id better...
14. Why did you beat him? / Id rather you...
15. I wish you told them the truth. / Theyd better...
16. Why didnt you inform me earlier? / Id rather...
17. Please, be on time. / You had....
18. I thought you would flee when he attacked you! / I wish you...

19. What a pity she didnt wear her new dress at the party! / Shed rather...
20. You should not have informed them about it. / Theyd rather not...
4. Translate into English, mentioning whether you have used the synthetic or the
analytic subjunctive:
1. Dac nu te ntorci la timp, vei avea mari probleme din partea administraiei.
2. Dac mi-a fi dat seama mai devreme de ce avea s se ntmple, a fi fost mult mai fericit acum.
3. S-a hotrt s angajeze o gard de corp, de team s nu o urmreasc fostul ei client care tocmai
ieise din nchisoare.
4. Este de mult timpul s uitai trecutul i s v concentrai asupra altor probleme.
5. S presupunem c am pleca mai devreme dect de obicei de la serviciu, crezi c eful s-ar supra?
6. Am ncuiat bine toate uile, ca s nu intre vreun ho i s-mi fure toate lucrurile.
7. Ar fi de dorit ca ei s se mpace cu toi prietenii cu care s-au certat nainte de-a pleca.
8. Dac a fi tiut, a fi gsit eu o cale de rezolvare. Este foarte probabil ca banca s ne vnd casa la
licitaie pentru c nu am pltit ipoteca.
9. Chiar dac ai fi milionar, tot nu cred c fata asta ar dori s ias cu tine.
10. Numai de s-ar hotr odat s-mi plteasc banii pe care mi-i datoreaz! A fi foarte
recunosctoare dac s-ar rezolva situaia asta!
11. Mi-a sugerat s cumpr acea proprietate de pe malul lacului ca s m pot bucura de o privelite
12. Este de dorit ca ei s vin mai devreme la petrecere ca s ne ajute s pregtim mncarea pentru
restul invitailor.
13. Dac a fi n locul tu, nu a da importan tuturor acestor zvonuri ciudate.
14. A prefera s vii mai devreme la lucru mine. Am ceva de discutat cu tine.
15. Dac te-ai fi purtat mai responsabil, acum nu am mai fi fost nevoii s te scoatem pe cauiune din

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