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Dance 261
14 December 2015
Personal Dance Treatise
An overwhelming sense of emotion, sentiment, or existence can drive one to
initiate muscle movement that articulates feeling. This basic ability to express
emotion through movement is the simple meaning of dance. The incomparable
experience of dancing through emotion is an innate desire for every human being.
The perfect beauty of the human body and soul enables anybody, those with formal
training and those without, to be a dancer.
Is dance an event defined by the intentional movement performed by a
dancer? Or can dance be an event defined by an observer who witnesses beautiful
movement, whether or not dance is the intention? I have seen trees sway in the
wind, dogs jump with excitement, leaves float to the ground, and fish glide across
waters all of which I consider to be dance. Dance is any beautiful movement that
leaves possible observers in thought and with a sense of empathy, understanding,
and intrigue. Inanimate objects and animals, whose minds cannot be understood by
humans, are capable of moving with strength and beauty, leaving observers in
thought whether the movement is intentional or not. It is in the power of the
audience to determine whether the beauty they have witnessed is considered
expression through movement. Human beings bring the beautiful movement of
dance to a deeper level, because humans can utilize their brains to make distinct
choices. While humans bring sophistication, thought process, and creative

strategies to dance, movement of any form can be labeled as dance. While the tree
swaying in the wind may simply be a response to physical laws- the aesthetic is
posed on that by human constructs of dance.
Just as a garden requires specific elements to successfully grow, a technical
dancer requires consistent practice and preparation. Preparations for a garden such
as, water, soil, fertilizer, and good seasonal timing, are all key components to
effective preparation. However, the same preparations will produce different
results because the seeds, the original essence of the plants, are different. Seeds of
different breeds bloom into different plants, and even seeds of the same kind vary.
Diverse seeds with the same components of preparation will grow into different
creations. Like unto the seed, it does not matter how uniform dance technique
classes are, dancers will grow into individual performers. The same training will
produce different dancers, because it is the essence of the human soul that develops
into a dancer and every humans soul is unique. No matter the unison of the
preparations, individuality shines when a dancer is performing with passion.
Just as some dancers receive no formal preparations or trainings, some
plants require no preparation at allgardeners consider these plants wildflowers.
No one needs to work on helping the seed of a wildflower to grow, because it does
not require formal preparations to develop its beauty. Human beings also do not
need formal training to dance with beauty. Dance enables any human being who
desires to express through movement to do so beautifully. Sharing emotions of
gladness, sorrow, and excitement through dance is delightful no matter the training.

While writing this paper, I considered whether there is such a thing as a

bad dancer. Yes, someone who cannot beautiful execute the various aesthetics of
dance to successfully impress observers, may be considered a bad dancer, but
those inabilities should not prohibit anyone for enjoying the art of dance. Dance is
for everyone, whether one has formal technical training or not. No matter
circumstance, all human beings deserve the ability to express through movement
without judgment. Any passionate being who allows movement to be expressed
from every inch of their body should not be labeled with the question of good or
bad dancer.
With competitions, conventions, and auditions, dancers are specifically
asking for a critique on whether or not their dance abilities qualify them as a good
dancer. This competitive form of dance is valid, and emphasizes a different power
of dance. Impressive technique, flawless form, flexible legs, and impeccable balance
have brought a different element to dance, one of performance, perfection, and
practice. Pristine technique is a feat and should be applauded; however along the
journey to top-level technique many dancers loose the beauty in the folk art.
Competition and audition place such great emphasis on pointed toes and straight
legs that young dancers studying technique often forget to search for the movement
that comes from their souls. Using dance to explore emotion and discover
expression has become lost in the commercialized, entertainment purposes of
dance. Take consideration into dance as a personal expression through movement
versus the aesthetic qualities of visual art and composition we use to critique as a
good dancer.

Along with a tool for expression, dance is also means of escape from personal
expectations and limitations. I teach core integrated dance lessons to a 6th grade
class in Lehi, Utah. Looking back to the first week of class and remembering their
timid motions and unsure expressions, I am amazed at how they have progressed.
Many students in the class spend their typical school day in special resources,
meaning that they have learning deficiencies and deficits. When those students are
participating in dance class, one would never realize those disabilities. They move
with strength, grace, and expression. The students are pushing past their personal
limitations and exceeding all expectations. Dance is a tool for them to push passed
the fact their minds might think differently than their other classmates. No matter
the circumstance, when a child is given the opportunity to express through dance
their mind is loosed from personal limitations, expectations, and inhibitions.
For my young dancers and any other human being, it is clear that dance has
the power to soothe the mind. The power of human expression through movement
is capable because of the gift from our divine Creator. In this Earth life, God has
blessed each of his children with a body and spirit; both of which are encompassed
in the expression of dance. The human body is miraculous, with a perfect system
that is capable of showing strength and grace. Movement is possible because of the
perfect design of the human body, thoughtfully created by our Heavenly Father.
Ultimately the joy of moving our own physical body around according to our own
will simply because we can, is a gift from our Creator.
The body enables humans to express through movement, but the desire to
express through movement comes from the soul. Our God has blessed his children

with precious spirits, that when combined with the body, become the soul. The soul
is ones identitythe very essence of who someone is. Everyones bodies are near
the same, but a soul is ones unique identity. That matchless identity comes out
through the power of dance. Through involvement of the body, the soul pushes the
mind and spirit to discover personal emotions and expressions. The soul enables
passion in dance that is individual for each human being.
To dance is to be consumed by the power of a moment when the only option
is to move. One dances when there is no other means to understand the personal
emotions inside. Dance can be defined by movement that is initiated from internal
feelings and emotions, but it can also be defined by what an observer identifies as
beautiful movement. I have admired the beautiful movement of the world around
me, which inspires dance from within me. Dance, the aspect of technical training
aside, is a divine gift that enables everyone to express emotion through movement.

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