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Online Social Networking Questionnaire

Online social networks are websites that function like an online
community of Internet users
who share common interests in hobbies, religion, or politics. An
example of online social
networks is Facebook. This survey is designed to get feedback on
the impact of online social
networking on female teenagers in United Arab Emirates.
*1. Select your gender:

*2. Type your date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy):

*3. Select your status:


*4. Select your occupation:


*5. What is your degree:

Middle School

Higher Education

*6. Are you a member of a Social Networking Site?


*7. If your answer to the above question is No, then choose the reason why?
(You can choose more than one)
I dont know what a social network is
I am not interested in joining social networking.
I joined once, but I didnt enjoy it
Its against my culture
No Privacy

List any other reasons:

*8. How many social networking sites communities/ groups are you a member
Above 50

*9. Please select all social networks for which you have created a personal
profile(You can choose more than one)

Windows Live
Google Buzz

List any other websites:

*10. How do you access your social network account? (You can choose more
than one)
iPod \ iPad


*11. How long have you been using social networking sites?
Less than a month
1 - 6 months
7 months to a year
More than a year

*12. On average, how much time do you spend daily on a social networking
Less than 1 hour
1 - 12 hrs per day
13 - 24 hrs per day

*13. How many contacts/friends do you have on the social networking sites?
Fewer than 10
10 - 50
51- 100
More than 100

*14. Do you accept strangers who try to friend you in social networking sites?

*15. What information you include on your social network profile?

Real name
Date of Birth



*16. Why do you use an online social network? (you can choose more than
one choice)
To find information
To play games
To make professional and business contacts
To keep in touch with family and friends
To make new friends
To get opinions
To share videos/ pictures/ music
To share your experience

List any other reasons:

*17. How does online networking affect your social life?

Does not have an effect on face to face communication
Somewhat has an effect on face to face communication
Replaces most face to face communication

*18. Have You Ever Been A Victim Of On-Line Bullying (offensive comments or

*19. Are your parents aware of your social networking activities?


*20. Do you think social networks are important?

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

*21. Are you with using social networking technology for learning in
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

*22. Do you think privacy policies are effective in social networking sites?
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree


Social Media Surveys

Encourage Community Engagement with Social
Media Surveys
Social media platforms enable you to create and engage communities online. Growing by
attraction, these communities connect ever greater numbers of like-minded people who share
opinions, ideas, and information of interest with one another.
The networks that evolve on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest,
Foursquare, Google Plus might include the very audiences your business serves. And at some
point, you may want to ask for their feedback. For example, lets say your company is planning
to introduce a new mobile app and wants to do a little more market research. You might
consider posting a short survey on Facebook and offering a 50 percent discount to the first 50
customers who complete it for you.
You can use a host of SurveyMonkey social media survey templates to find out which platforms
your target audiences and communities prefer. Once you know which networks are most
effective for reaching the people you want to hear from, you can then choose from an
exhaustive collection of SurveyMonkey templates to create questionnaires for any purpose
imaginable. Your surveys can be embedded directly on Facebook, or shared as a link on Twitter,
LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Plus and in an email.

How to Use Social Media Surveys

To understand which social media channels are most effective for reaching your market
segment, first explore how they use social media. Already know where to find your target
audiences? Share your market research, lead generation, customer loyalty, and customer
feedback surveys there.

Social media channels assessments. Do your clients and customers use the
Internet and social networks? If so, which ones? Are they on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
Pinterest, Foursquare, Google Plusor all of the above? How often do they participate in these
communities, and for what purposes? What devices do they use to connect, and how likely are
they to engage as a consumer? A mobile user will engage with your products very differently
than someone who primarily accesses the Internet from Mac or Windows desktop. Use this
information to build your digital marketing strategy, including which types of content to deliver

(video, blogposts, images, infographics, how to, or other), how long to run promotions, and
which key influencers to target

Influencer strategies. Identify the key influencers in your business or social

networks, and design strategies to engage them to amplify your messages. Invite them to write
a guest product review, or ask them to participate in a podcast panel discussion. Develop
content and social media marketing that includes their third-party perspective on your company,
product, or service to foster authentic conversations.

Amplification. Improve survey response rates by asking members of your online

networks to complete and encourage others to complete your questionnaires on Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest. Extend the reach of your survey by asking your contacts to like,
post, tweet, pin, plus or otherwise share it with their social or professional networks.

Near real-time feedback. Invite your networks to provide honest and immediate
feedback. For example, ask members to try out a new smartphone and online app youre
developing and share their thoughts about the user interface and experience. Include
an incentive to encourage them to complete your survey.

Customer satisfaction and loyalty. As your number of fans or followers

increases and you build your relationships with customers and clients on social networks, poll
these communities to find out what they think of their experience with your business. Thank
them for this valuable feedback with incentives and loyalty rewards.

Community engagement. Use polling and surveys to add an element of fun to the
conversation. People love to take fun surveys that give them insight about themselves; use
things like dating or love surveys to build community engagement and interest and leave
members more receptive to your next idea, promotion, or request.

Sample Online Social Media Survey Templates

Use one of our sample questionnaires as is, or customize it for your purposes. Or build your
own surveys using our many different survey question types.

General Internet Usage

Are your customers, clients, or other audiences on the Internet? How often? What devices do
they use to connect and where? What purposes do they typically use the Internet forpersonal
or business? If they were to use the web for one purpose only, what would it be?

Mobile or Cell Phone and App Use

Learn more about your target audiences mobile phone and app use. If they use the Internet or

Web applications, do your audiences use them on mobile or cell phones? Are they big smart
phone users, and frequent consumers of new applications? Do they own an iPhone, Android,
Blackberry, or Windows phone? How often do they use their phones to access their online
social networks? Are they inclined to buy apps often, and if so, what kind of apps? Use this
feedback to decide if your business should develop and offer a mobile app too.

Media Usage
How often does your audience watch movies or TV shows streamed online? Would it make
sense to integrate more video advertising and promotions into your online communications or
marketing plans?

Online Storage Sites

Which sites do your customers use? How often? How often do they download and upload to
them? Are they hesitant about storing particular data online? Consider consumers and B2B
customers responses to these questions as you develop online and mobile applications.

Online Social Networking

Which sites do your audiences frequent? And how often? What are their primary purposes for
using these sites? Which site are they MOST likely to use, if they were to use only one?
Evaluate which channels to use in your social media marketing campaigns.

Corporate Social Media

Find out which social media buttons a company includes on their website and which drive the
most online traffic for them. Use this information to baseline and measure traffic as a result of
specific social media activities.

Professional Networking Sites

How often do your B2B customers frequent professional networking sites? Learn which of these
sites might be good for introducing interactive thought leadership campaigns to build awareness
about your company or the business solutions you offer.

Find out how your customers, clients, or other audiences use Facebook. Are they actively
engaged, frequent visitors? Or occasional drop-ins? Do they use Facebook mainly to connect
with friends and family, or are they members of other interest groups too? Customize this survey
for any social network application.

How often do your customers and clients tweet or check their feeds? Is Twitter a good place for
your brief news flashes or short promotions? Find out about your respondents usage to decide
if Twitter is a good channel for your purposes.

Ask respondents if theyre regular Pinterest users, and if many of their friends are also on
Pinterest. Do they use it often? Have many pins? How many pins currently have prices
attached? How did they sign up for Pinterest? Use this information for planning survey-driven
product promotions.

Find out what blogs your target audience posts to and reads regularly. Identify respondents who
might be potential amplifiers of your messages, as part of your community engagement

Online Interest Sharing

Learn about the interest-sharing sites your audiences are using, and how frequently, and decide
whether it makes sense to engage there to promote your product or service.

Online Video Viewing

Which video viewing sites does your audience visit most frequently? You might be surprised to
learn that Youtube is not the only video site your audience uses. What channels and programs
are they most likely to watch? If youre planning online advertising or marketing, use this
feedback to decide which of these channels might be most effective for your target audiences.

3 Quick Tips to Improve Survey Response Rates

Here are some ideas for ensuring that respondents will answer your surveys.

Be quick. If your survey is short and sweet, theres a greater chance that more
respondents will complete it.


Offer incentives. Little incentives like a small discount or an entry into a drawing can
help ensure that respondents complete your survey.


Buy a Targeted Audience. With SurveyMonkey Audience, you can purchase

access to an audience who meets specific demographic criteria for your survey. Its a great way
to get targeted responses from a specific group.
4. Q5.Please indicate what information you include on your social networking sites
5. You may select more than one option.
Email address
Home town/city
Instant messenger address

Mobile number
Photos of others
Photos of yourself
Political views
Real name
Relationship status
Sexual orientation
Other, please specify:
6. Q6.Roughly how many friends in total do you have in all of your social networking
7. Q7.Please indicate who you speak to most using social networking sites
8. *For the Respondent - The different possible answer choices are presented in random order.


Fairly often

Nearly Always

Close friends
People that live far away
Strangers / people you do not already know

Privacy within Social Networking Sites

Q8.In general, how concerned are you about the privacy of the following information you
submit on social networking sites?
*For the Respondent - The different possible answer choices are presented in random order.

Not at

Somewhat Highly

Dating history
Financial information (eg. info on things you buy, where you buy
from, etc)
Gossip between friends
Intimate secrets
Lifestyle related (eg. photos, blogs, history etc)
Professional / work related information
Religious / political beliefs
Q9.In general, how active are you in safeguarding (protecting) the following information
submitted by you on social networking sites?
*For the Respondent - The different possible answer choices are presented in random order.
Not at

A little


Dating history
Financial information (eg. info on things you buy, where you buy from,
Gossip between friends
Intimate secrets
Lifestyle related (eg. photos, blogs, history etc)
Professional / work related information
Religious / political beliefs
*Next step for the respondent : Next Page

5. Page 5
Back to summary
Q10.Please answer the following in regards to the social networking site you use the
*For the Respondent - The different possible answer choices are presented in random order.
Not at
I feel that the privacy of my personal information is protected



Not at



I trust it will not use my personal information for any other purpose
I worry that I will be embarrassed by information others post about me on it
I would continue to use it regardless of its privacy policy if it helps me meet
new people
I would continue to use it regardless of its privacy policy if it helps me stay
in touch with friends
I would continue to use it regardless of its privacy policy if it is popular
Q11.What feature that is currently not available on social networking sites would you
most like to see?

Q12.What feature of social networking sites do you most dislike?

6) Reasons behind the attraction of these sites? *

Looks & Layout

Business Networking






User Friendly




7) Are these social networking sites provides enough opportunities to

students to promote themselves and their activities? *


8) If no would you like to have it?



9) What all job portals do you use?






10) Do these job portals provides enough learning opportunities along with
the relevant job vacancies?


Dont Know

11) If no then would you like to have it?



12) What are the add on features you expect from new social networking
site? *


Consortium(assisting placement managers to place students)

Social Forums

Classifieds(2nd hand product adds)

Job Portals

Student club(enhancing student learning and job opportunities) /

leadership forum

2. Social networking sites like My Space, Facebook and Twitter can

be great resources for staying in touch with friends, but they
should never become a substitute for physical interaction with
3. Unfortunately for many people, checking in on social networking
sites takes up a lot of their spare time and sometimes can even
become a bit of an addiction.
4. To help you determine if you use social networking sites
appropriately we have put together the questionnaire below.
Answer "yes" or "no" to each question and then total your
answers to determine if you are addicted to social networking
5. Questionnaire
6. 1. Are you a member of multiple social networking sites?
2. Do you visit your social networking sites with no goal or
specific purpose in mind?
3. Are you usually surprised by how much time you spend on a
social networking site?
4. Have you ever said no to an activity with your family or friends
because of social networking sites?

5. Have you ever ignored a responsibility like homework or

chores because of social networking sites?
6. Do you ever stay up late or get up early to spend more time on
social networking sites?
7. Have you ever hidden your time on social networking sites
from family or friends?
8. Have you ever used social networking sites when a parent or
teacher has told you not to?
9. Do you prefer to interact with people on social networking
sites rather than face to face?
10. Has anyone ever commented on how much time you spend
on social networking sites?
11. Do you have more friends on your social networking sites
than you do in your real life?
12. Do you become frustrated or angry when a social networking
site goes down or is unavailable?

Are You Addicted to Social Networking Sites?

If you answered "yes" to between one and four questions then you are
most likely not addicted to social networking sites. You probably use
social networking sites to extend your relationships with family and
friends but recognise that keeping up with these sites are less
important than strengthening the relationships that exist outside of the
Internet. You're likely very choosy about who you are friends with on
social networking sites and realise the dangers of allowing strangers
to view your personal information. If you continue these patterns you
should have no problems with becoming addicted to social networking

If you answered "yes" to between five and eight questions then you
may be addicted to social networking sites. For the next week try to
write down every time you visit a social networking site and how long
you spend on it. If you want to, also include information on what you

did while you used the site. You might want to take note of any time
someone else mentions your use of social networking sites as well. At
the end of the week total your notes to determine how much of your
life you really spend on social networking sites. You might be
surprised by the results.
If you answered "yes" to nine or more questions then you are likely to
be addicted to social networking sites. Your use of these sites is most
likely getting in the way of your real life and you may even be using
them as a substitute for getting out and making friends, or nurturing
the friendships that you already have. Try to wean yourself off of social
networking sites by spending less time on them each day, and more
time on activities away from the computer. Join a club at school, take
up a new hobby, study somewhere without Internet access or organise
an activity for your family or friends. With so much going on in your life
your enthusiasm for social networking sites will be no doubt soon fade
on its own.

Stress Relief for Teens

From school work to spots, dating to drugs, bullying to body issues,
sometimes it seems like today's teens have more to feel stressed about than
ever before.
But this stress doesn't have to pile up until it feels out of control. Instead,
teens can acknowledge the stress in their lives for what it is and proactively
decide to seek methods of relief.
Very often teens find stress relief after thinking a situation through, talking
about their feelings and options, learning the ways in which they feel most
comfortable and able to cope, and getting enough rest to be able to deal most
efficiently with stress in the future.

Thinking It Through
One of the worst things about stress is that it makes every situation feel
immediate. You have to decide right now if you want to engage in underage
drinking. You must be able to put together an outfit for tomorrow night's date
while making dinner and studying for exams.
You can't possibly put off planning your birthday party until next month - when
your birthday actually occurs. It can be hard to stop and take a breath, but
recognising that you can't do everything at once is often the first step to
finding stress relief.
Allow yourself time to go somewhere private and think through what is
bothering you. Make a list of what you need to address, and even schedule
specific tasks into a diary. It can seem surprising that you may well have time
for everything, or that you can prioritise activities and no longer worry about
those that don't truly matter. The more adept you become at taking this time
out the less surprising these results will be.

Talking It Out
When you've thought through a stressful situation you often come to realise
that you have a few options in how to proceed. If you feel comfortable, find a
friend, relative or trusted adult with which to share your views of what you can
do. Very often bringing someone else into the mix means seeing the situation
through a fresh pair of eyes, so you may end up discovering even more
options or discovering unexpected strengths or flaws in your plan.
Also, when you are asked to explain your thoughts and feelings you may be
surprised by what you actually say. This can be a fantastic opportunity for
learning more about your own true preferences and comfort levels.

Learning to Cope
Coping with stress is an on-going process, but the more you address stress
the more you learn your preferred methods of coping. Some teens turn to
destructive behaviours to deal with stress, such as smoking, drinking, doing
drugs and engaging in disordered eating.

Other teens turn to productive behaviours such as taking light exercise,

improving their diet, consulting with adults and allowing their creativity to shine
through in writing, painting, drawing, music and more. Recognising the
productive behaviours that can help you work through stress, while at the
same time avoiding destructive behaviours, should allow you to become more
efficient at stress relief in the future.

Sleeping Through It All

It's true that situations seem intensely stressful when you are tired, so
regardless of the situation it's always smart to remember that things may well
look different in the morning. Set aside your worries for the next day and try to
get some rest. Once you've slept you may well find that you can look more
objectively at a situation, find new options for reconciling the situation, and
feel more confident in your chosen path. Getting regular rest will also help you
deal with stress as it arises so it is less likely that it will spiral out of control
Stress is often a constant in teen's lives, but there are ways for teens to deal
with it and move past it. Thinking a situation through, talking about the
situation and perceived options, learning the most comfortable ways to cope
and getting enough rest are all methods by which teens can relieve their

Keeping Up With Current Affairs

Sometimes current affairs feel as if they are worlds away from our daily lives.
What does it matter about how many jobs are opening in The City if you can't
find something part time to save your life? What does it matter if there is a war
on another continent if you're engaged in a war at home every evening? What
does it matter if women in other countries can't vote when neither can you? It
matters a lot, as it so happens! In our globalised world current affairs
everywhere have a huge impact on our lives, most of the time without us even
realising it. To see this effect in action, make sure you pick up the paper now

and again and connect it with events in your local community. When patterns
emerge, you'll be glad you did.

The Butterfly Effect

You may have heard that when a butterfly flaps its wings somewhere, a
storm is created somewhere else. This idea is an example of how
interconnected the world really is - an action in one part will almost
certainly cause a reaction in another. If you don't believe it, have a look
at these examples: Draught makes wheat scarce and the price of bread
Oil runs dry and the price of your holiday flights soar.
Civil war increases the number of refugees and a hostel opens in your
Armed conflicts need peacekeepers and your military answers the call.
A change in national government causes your local school to change its

Tracking the News

In order to understand the relationships between events occurring everywhere
in the world, you need to know about the events occurring everywhere in the
world. Keep up with current affairs by:
Purchasing newspapers.
Reading the news online.
Watching daily news bulletins.
Exploring news and current affairs magazines

Getting Involved
It is obvious that current affairs anywhere in the world could potentially affect
your life, no matter where or how you live it. The only way to take back some

control is to get involved. You don't have to plan to be the next Prime Minister,
but if you are concerned about something, do something about it. Consider:
Voting with your money and purchasing only products you believe in.
Adding your name to a petition.
Organising or attending a local rally.
Volunteering for a cause you support.
Getting involved in a political campaign you hope will be successful.
Studying the subject further and considering a career in the area.
Keeping up with current affairs is not something to do if you have time; it is
something for which you make time. Every day we have the chance to witness
history in the making, but many of us let television, games, gossip and other
frivolity get in the way. Pledge to give at least a half hour of each day towards
reading the news, exploring current affairs and finding ways to make your
thoughts and feelings known.
1. Age Group
A. 13-20
B. 21-25
C. 26-30
D. 31-35
E. Over 35
2. Gender
A. Male
B. Female

3. Where do you live?

A. Urban
B. Rural
4. In which educational sector do you belong?
A. Secondary
B. Tertiary
5. How familiar are you with computers and Internet?
A. Expert
B. Comfortable
C. Novice
D. Not familiar at all
6. For what purpose do you use Internet?
A. Educational purposes
B. Entertainment purposes (gamming, downloading music)
C. Web surfing
D. Social networking
Others, please specify

7. Are you familiar with the term Social Networking?

A. Yes

B. No
8. If yes, do you have much interest in social networking?
A. Yes
B. No
9. If you don't use social networking sites, could you explain why?
A. Don't know about these sites
B. Not interested
C. No Internet access
D. Have concerns about these sites
Others, please specify
10. If you do use social networking, which sites do you prefer?
A. Facebook
B. Hi5
C. YouTube
D. MySpace
Others, please specify
11. Have you created your own profile online in any social networking
A. Yes
B. No

12. If yes, on which social networking website (s)?

13. What is the main reason you joined a social networking site?
A. It is an active and interesting community
B. In order to follow the trend
C. To voice out your opinions
D. To keep in touch with other people
Others, please specify
14. Does your profile have restricted access or is it open for anyone
to view?

15. How often do you visit social networking websites?

A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Monthly
D. Very rarely
16. What are the different ways you use social networking sites?
A. Stay in touch with friends
B. Educational discussions

C. Make new friends

D. For Flirting
Others, please specify
17. How do you communicate with friends on social networking sites?
A. Post message to friends page
B. Post comments to friends blog
C. Send group messages to all friends
D. Send private messages to friend within the social networking site
18. Do you feel that there can be potential danger in using social
networking websites?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Never thought about it
19. If yes, what are your fears?



who use



contribution this has made to your life?





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