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January 6, 2015

MMAE 350 - Computational Mechanics

Course Description from 2012-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin: Explores the use of
numerical methods to solve engineering problems in solid
mechanics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Topics include
matrix algebra, nonlinear equations of one variable, systems
of linear algebraic equations, nonlinear equations of several
variables, classification of partial differential equations in
engineering, the finite difference method, and the finite
element method. Same a MATH 350. Prerequisites: CS 104201, MATH 251, MATH 252*, and MMAE 202* (An asterisk (*)
designates a course which may be taken concurrently.) (3-0-3)
Textbook: A. Gilat and V. Subramaniam. Numerical Methods for Engineers and
Scientists: An Introduction with Applications Using MATLAB, 3rd Edition,
Wiley, 2014. ISBN 978-1-118-55493-7 (cloth)
Other required material: MATLAB This software package is available on all of the computers
in the Computer Classrooms (http://www.iit.edu/ots/computer_labs.shtml)
Alternatively, the Student Version of MATLAB can be purchased from MathWorks for
approximately $100 (http://www.mathworks.com/).
1. Students should gain an appreciation for the role of computers in mathematics,
science and engineering as a complement to analytical and experimental
2. Students should have a basic knowledge of numerical approximation techniques,
know how, why, and when these techniques can be expected to work, and have
ability to program simple numerical algorithms in MATLAB.
3. Students should learn what computational mechanics is about: designing
algorithms to solve engineering problems that cannot be solved exactly;
investigating the robustness and the accuracy of the algorithms and/or how fast
the numerical results from the algorithms converge to the true solutions. This
includes a basic understanding of computer arithmetic and round-off errors and
how to avoid loss of significance in numerical computations.
4. Students should be able to use and evaluate alternative numerical methods for the
solution of linear and nonlinear systems, basic data fitting problems, and ordinary
differential equations.
5. Students should be able to make appropriate assumptions to come up with a
mathematical model that accurately reflects an appropriate scientific theory, and
that is amenable to solution with a computer.
6. Students should appreciate the importance of written and graphical

January 6, 2015
Grading Components: Homework (15%), two In-class Exams (25% + 25% = 50%),
Comprehensive Final Exam (35%)
Course Topics:
1. Introduction
mathematical modeling
review of Taylor series
numerical error (floating-point representation, computer arithmetic, round-off
errors, and loss of significance in numerical computations)
introduction to MATLAB
2. Locating Roots of Equations
bisection method
Newton's method
secant method
Newton's method for systems of nonlinear equations
3. Solving Systems of Linear Equations
direct methods (LU factorization)
basic iterative methods (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and SOR)
eigenvalue-eigenvector problem
4. Interpolation
polynomial interpolation
piecewise polynomial and spline interpolation
5. Numerical Integration
Newton-Cotes methods
adaptive quadrature
6. Numerical differentiation and solution of ordinary differential equations
finite differences
Runge-Kutta methods
multistep methods and stiff equations (comparison of various MATLAB stiff
7. Introduction to partial differential equations and the finite element method

January 6, 2015

Academic Honesty:
Illinois Institute of Technology expects students to maintain high standards of academic
integrity. Any suspected or verifiable instances of academic honesty violations should be
sent to academichonesty@iit.edu. Please consult the student handbook for details
at: http://www.iit.edu/student_affairs/handbook/information_and_regulations/code_of_ac
Reasonable Accommodations:
Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with documented disabilities. In order
to receive accommodations, students must obtain a letter of accommodation from the Center
for Disability Resources. The Center for Disability Resources (CDR) is located in Life
Sciences Room 218, telephone: (312) 567-5744 or e-mail: disabilities@iit.edu. Information
concerning the CDR is also available at: http://www.iit.edu/cdr/ . The CDR provides
reasonable accommodations and support services to qualified students, faculty, staff, and
guests with disabilities on an individualized case-by-case basis and in accordance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
Relationship of Course to ABET Outcomes:

Program Outcome
Apply knowledge of math, engineering, science
Design and conduct experiments
Analyze and interpret data
Design system, component, or process to meet needs
Function on multi-disciplinary teams
Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Understand professional and ethical responsibility
Communicate effectively
Broad education
Recognize need for life-long learning
Knowledge of contemporary issues
Use techniques, skills, and tools in engineering practice


*You can check the times of your final exams by going to:

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