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Should the Catholic Church allow the use of contraceptives?

Catholic church has vetoed the contraceptives, because they avoid the conception of
the miracle of life. The catholic see it as a murder to innocent child that conceived yet.
However, contraceptives not only prevent unwanted pregnancies also prevent many STDs.
Everyday people, who is not psychologically prepare, get pregnant or HIV/AIDS. So, why
give life to someone who going to suffer? From my point of view, the Catholic church
should allow the use of contraceptives.
First of all, in the last years, two in ten teenage girl around 15 years old get pregnant
for not use contraceptives, in this age the teenagers are not ready to be parents, they only
think about themselves, go to party and travel around the word, a teen parent is
unemployed, so it can not be economically responsible to keep a child. Actually, a couple of
teenagers have a hard time raising a child, they do not always put the baby on your
priorities, and many think of them as a fashion accessory to look good no idea of the
responsibility that comes. For example, the other day can read in social networks, a girl of
17, who had been tanned with chemicals in order to receive visits from friends when it
came time to breastfeed, she left the baby with a brand chemicals in the face that you could
not remove. Another case, when the parents when the baby's parents do not want to take
over the responsibility of the baby, they have to do grandparents, because the parents only
want to party this can make the child grow unhappy. A video posted on YouTube, shows
clearly how young drug addicts, who in their psychological condition were not using birth
control precautions, gave birth to babies with drug dependence created in the womb of the
mother. Having to undergo treatments to be cleansed from the first day of birth, one died. If
you can not be responsible for your actions do not bring a child to life.
Secondly, it is important to use birth control to prevent STDs, you can be infected
with HIV ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus ) that causes AIDS , an infectious disease that
attacks the immune system, HIV ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus ), chlamydia,
gonorrhea, hepatitis B, herpes, Molluscum Contagiosum, Ladilla, scabies, syphilis,
trichomoniasis, HPV ( Human Papilloma Virus ). Although many are treatable and can be
cured, HIV has no cure.besides the embarrassment of having to attend a hospital having no
contraceptive precautions in time. Many people might swear not having sex realiciones

above, however it is not always true, there are also children born with HIV inherited by
parents and those who are ashamed to tell , so avoid the subject and do not use condoms. At
least ten thousand people are infected with HIV each year in the world. In Ecuador, the total
of people infected with the AIDS virus, seventy- three percent is concentrated in the
province of Guayas.
In addition, contraceptives not only prevent pregnancy, but also help women with
premenstrual symptoms. this helps prevent cramps in the belly .
Last but not least, the economic factor plays an important roll when thinking of
allowing the use of contraceptives, a baby can cause great expense of money, from diapers,
formula and clothes. Adults who maintain a sane world to bring new life to know this, but
accounts with sources working to overcome it. However, we can say the same for a 16 or
17 who could not avoid the temptation of hormones? At least maintain a good economic
situation, they do not have enough money to feed a mouth, so often the parents who must
solve this expense. Everyone has the right to say how many and at what age they wish to
have children, so that today there are many kinds of help on family planning and even the
Catholic Church promotes an idea of abstinence, being honest , because of the movies and
series TV broadcast recent decades , abstinence is not very usual in the 21st century.
In conclusion , contraceptives help prevent people who are not qualified parents
are emotionally , and in the case of emotional stability these people should have the
desicion on business plan , the number of children they want to future. Contraceptives also
prevents sexual transmitted diseases and HIV mainly helps women with menstrual pain
which is not a crime. In my opinion the church should allow the use of contraceptives and
stop demonizing as cardinal sin. Avoid bringing a baby into the world is not the same as
killing a person , but rather prevents people feel frustrated and transmitted to the unborn
child the feelings you have, so that from small , feel miserable.

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