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Prehistoric times.

1. Divided into four levels or times

a. Paleolithic
b. Neolithic
c. Mesolithic Age
d. Metal Age
2. Assessment of prehistoric times and cultures studied by archaeologists
a. Archaeology is the study of
i. Artifacts - leftover items are created by human like pots, dishes, pottery, knives
ii. Ekofak - leftover food scraps, bones and plants
iii. Feature - the remains of structures like buildings, and waste pits that can not
be changed.
3. Settlement of the Paleolithic era in Malaysia are in:
a. Tingkayu
b. Handsome city
c. Niah Caves
d. Lenggong
4. Characteristics of the Paleolithic and Mesolithic period
a. Namely nomadic and nomadic
b. Living on the edge of a lake, river or cave.
c. Live in family groups in groups.
d. Earn a living by hunting, forestry, and fishing.
e. The equipment used is to use functional. Not to the aesthetic and art
5. Human neolithic period more civilized than the Paleolithic and mesolitik.Buktinya:
a. His life began to be permanently in a large group - community exists.
b. Support themselves by farming such as growing rice in China, Non Nok Tha and Ban
Kao in Thai, Retrospect Cave in Sarawak.
c. Raise animals such as sheep rearing in Iraq.
d. The creation of a multi-functional tool.
e. Creating pottery by turning techniques like in Cave Weasel.
f. Specialized form of work - a lot of time to generate artifacts.
g. Managed to figure out how to melt metal.
h. System of exchange of goods because there is a surplus of food began.
i. Barter system ii. Cowrie shells or crushed snails formed a chain.
6. Community Neolithic in the Near East
a. Agriculture existed since 8000SM
b. Sheep rearing in Iraq
c. China - rice cultivated since 8000 years ago
d. The rice grown in Southeast Asia Non Nok Tha and Ban Kao in Thailand 3500SM.
e. Caves in Malaysia rice in Sarawak Retrospect - 4500SM

7. Metal Age is divided into Bronze Age and the Iron Age.
a. In Malaysia exists around 500SM
b. Produced bronze - a mixture of copper and tin.
c. Europe - bronze began to be used around 2300SM - 700SM.
d. Mainland Southeast Asia - Metal Age approximately 1000SM - 1500SM - Evidence of
bronze drums of Dong Son, Vietnam.
8. Human metals days ahead of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolitik.Buktinya based
on the following criteria:
a. The use of iron and success creates home and boat.
b. Exploring the oceans and increase the activities of maritime trade.
c. The development started in the coastal trade and then farther to the mainland.
d. Exist large settlements to the city's defense.
e. Transforming the big cities like. Jericho (8000SM), Catal Come in Turkey (6500SM).
f. Knowing how to bury the bodies with such supplies of food, pottery and iron.
The concept of Civilization
Civilization can be referred to as:
1. Madain or decreasing.
2. Madana means high courtesy and opening city.
3. Civilisation comes from the Greek community means bookie
4. Human civilization.
5. The meaning of civilization from the West:
a. Associated with the development of SPT whose outward cultural aspects - legal
writing, the arts and the municipality.
b. Physical achievement is the yardstick of progress in a society.
c. Physical development is the process of the development of civilization.
6. The purpose of the civilization of Islam angle:
a. Include physical and spiritual development.
b. Ibn Khaldun viewed from the aspect of city life.
c. Syed Naquib al-Attas asserts achieving high level of ethics and culture of a great
7. Ibn Khaldun - the real name of Mohammed Ibn Abd Al Rahman.
a. Birth - in Tunisia
b. Original thinker and a broad Islamic sociology.
c. The city is considered kehidudpan civilized life. Terbentu when born or assabiah spirit
of togetherness - it was the spirit of mutual help and cooperation.
d. Looks - based on experience.
e. The inaugural work of a remark - use terms
i. Umran means permanently inhabited land, grow and prosper.
ii. Hadarah - live in the city which is full of decency, civility, ethical, and
moral is high.
iii. His reference into western scholars, sociology and history.
8. There are 6 characteristics of civilization:
a. Permanent settlements
i. More systematically, not nomadic.
ii. Trying to breed, farming, and create tools to increase production.

b. System of government
i. A systematic government with the King as head supposed to represent the god.
ii. Their legal system governing the behavior of the people, safeguard peace and
c. Religion and Belief
i. People began to believe there are supernatural powers that control their
ii. Exist animism and then politisme and worship God.
d. Organizational life
i. Significant segments of society whose role is like a king, princes of the people.
ii. Can arrange a stable and prosperous life.
e. Work Pengkhsusan
i. Resulting in increased production.
ii. The exchange of goods and trade development.
iii. Significant science and technology creation.

f. Language and writing system.

i. The existence of Greek and Sanskrit.
ii. Hieroglyphics, cuniefom, pictographs and ideograms.
iii. Spread knowledge and relationships.
iv. Used in the administration of such record-keeping, writing legal and religious matters.
Formation Process of Civilization
1. Establishment of an early civilization located in river valleys such as:
a. Mesopotamian civilization in the Euphrates and Tigris River.
b. Ancient Egyptian civilization in the Nile.
c. Indus civilization in the Indus River valley.
d. Hwang Ho civilization in the valley of the river Hwang Ho.
2. For the selection of river basins as the focus of early civilization:
a. Soil fertility for agriculture.
b. Water supply for daily necessities and agriculture.
c. Facilitate the transport of goods and related marketing.
d. Food sources of fish.
e. As a means of communication.
Mesopotamian civilization
1. Intends land between two rivers. Located between the River Euphrates and the Tigris
2. Divided into seven days of which are:
a. Sumerian empire - 3500 - 2340 BC
i. Referring southern Iraq - Summary Executions.
ii. Initially occupied two factions - The Sumerians and people do not know their
origins and small numbers.
b. Akkad government - 2371 - 2006 BC
c. Ur government - 2113 - 2006 BC

d. First and Old Babylonian empire - 2000 - 1530 BC

e. Kassites government - 1530 - 1100 BC
f. Assyrian empire - 1100 - 626 BC
g. Chaldean empire - 626-539 BC
3. The Persians were dominated Mesopotamia region, causing the collapse of the
4. The process of formation of civilization in Mesopotamia through the following
a. Divided into two parts - north and south of Baghdad.
b. Covers the area north of Baghdad Tigris River north of Sg. Zab known Assyrian.
c. Sg covers an area south of Baghdad. Tigris and Euphrates called Babylon.
d. Starting in the south of Sumer - Sumerian people built settlements - agricultural
activities and building irrigation systems.
e. Awalberkembang village into the city and formed the city-state like Kish, Lagash,
Uruk, Ur, Eridu, Assur, and Mari.
f. The city-state located along the river and systematically arranged.
i. Area is about 1000 square miles. Eg town Lagash - vastness 1800 square miles,
population 30,000 to 35,000 people.
ii. Each city-state is a sovereign government - there is a political unit itself.
iii. Only united against the enemy.
5. Characteristics of the Mesopotamian civilization.
a. Each city-state is its own and is divided into several main areas of the center of town,
the walls of the city, outside the city and harbor.
b. There is a stronghold with a gate - the symbol of the nation's wealth.
c. In the city center there are palaces, houses, houses of worship, houses, shops and
d. Wide and straight roads.
e. Synagogue became the focus of the community and the city center.
f. There is a separate political and religious unit.
g. Rivers and lowlands facilitate transportation by ship, carts and donkeys.
h. Sea route linking the city with the surrounding area countries.
i. Among the main street is a circuit Sumerian city of Mari and traders used outside of
6. The social organization is divided into two groups of people, namely Mesopotamia
a. the ruling elite
i. Consisting of King, chief minister, the head of the Army and the aristocracy.
b. people.
i. composed of independent people - farmers, artisans, and merchants.
ii. Slaves - prisoners of war.
7. King in Mesopotamia serve as a system of government:
a. Heads of state / government and considered a god or gods representatives and owners
of the country, known theocracy.
b. Army chief

c. Chief priests / religious

d. Authority to appoint officials especially family members in office at Zigurat.
e. Authorities in the field of economics - the collection of land tax, agriculture and
f. Head of government and aided the nobility who have family ties.
g. People do not worship the king as a god but in the time of King naramsin in Akkad the title of King of the Four Corner Natural themselves.
8. In the area of specialization of work can be seen through aspects:
a. Exists when there is a surplus of agricultural products. As a result - there are farmers
who change jobs as farmers, artisans, and merchants
b. Significant international trade to get a lot of raw materials such as metal, wood timber, gold, and silver. Redeemable for agricultural products. Commerce with the Indus
c. Exist entrepreneur pottery, textiles, and equipment needs.
d. Handyman house to house community needs.
e. People who serve as soldiers.
9. Aspects of religious and public confidence in Mesopotamia can be seen by the
following characteristics:
a. Of belief in many gods - politiesme.
b. King as God's representative. King era naramsin in Akkad - the title King of the Four
Corner Alam.Paksa themselves the people said.
c. Pastor led a religious ceremony in Zigurat.
d. Do not believe in life after death but only to fall into that cave full of dust.
e. Rule by God or representative of God on faith and divine law - a theocracy.
10. System posts
a. based image and evolved into a symbol and written on clay. Use the pen bamboo grass
- known cuneifom spike form.
b. Form scribe
c. Literary tradition - The Epic of Gilgamesh
i. Philosophy of mind and way of life of the people of Mesopotamia. Gilgamesh
epic - there are attributes two-thirds god, one-third of mankind. Handsome face, there is
strength and courage. Has ruled and provide protection to the city of Uruk.
ii. Tell us everlasting life and magic.
Mesopotamian civilization donations
1. In the legislation - Contribution King Hammurabi 1792 - 1750SM.
a. Hammurabi - Descendants Amorites, many countries have built the city, the seat of
government in Babylon. Akkad conquered - a Mesopotamian king.
b. Legal aspects of this can be characterized by:
i. Introduce Law Code of Hammurabi
ii. Based on the right of citizens to justice.
iii. The penalty is commensurate with the offense, but follow different
stratification. Examples:

1. If the noble people of fractures - bones will be broken.

2. If the royalty injury or break the bones of the people - the punishment is a fine of one
iv. This code contains 282 laws carved on a wall.
v. The legal basis of civilization in Mesopotamia.
vi. Managed to avoid the existence of problems in various communities
and stratification.
vii. Create unity and strengthen the organization.
c. Create empire Akkad kingdom - the world's first empire.
i. King Sargon Sumerian empire managed to unite in Southern Mesopotamia.
ii. Pilot the establishment of empire - so join Pharaoh Tutmose III.
d. Has helped the Mesopotamian civilization and the formation of communities of
3000SM to 539SM.
2. Contribute to the writing aspect provides advantages in the following aspects:
a. Childbirth education system and creating a scribe.
i. Create a library - a royal library.
1. 22000 tablets - contain various inventions.
2. Among the medical sciences. Letters and business documents.
3. In order to follow the sequence of events in the history of warfare.
b. Administration and business can be recorded.
c. With transactions recorded in receipts, notes, and letters of credit.
d. Childbirth classes of literature and literary epics like Gilgamesh - the world's oldest
explain the philosophy and way of life of Mesopotamia.
i. Philosophy of mind and way of life of the people of Mesopotamia. Gilgamesh
epic - there are attributes two-thirds god, one-third of mankind. Handsome face, there is
strength and courage. Has ruled and provide protection to the city of Uruk
ii. Tell us everlasting life and magic.
3. Science and technology:
a. The development of the science of astronomy.
b. Developments observations moon, the moon and the sun was development of
mathematics - decimal system of counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
square root and geometry.
c. Astronomy - for sea trade and exploration.
d. The creation of a 12-month calendar.
e. The development of medical science - Assyrian empire.
f. Creation and wagon wheel - war or everyday use.
g. Watermill - irrigate arid areas, flood control and increase agricultural yields.
h. Yachts and wheeled transport control sea and land.
i. Introduce bricks from clay.
j. In architecture successfully:
i. Creating sculptures and stone pillars - Ex Zigurat and the statue of King Gudea
ii. The construction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon - Chaldean King built the
time of King Nebuchadnezzar.
iii. There are many varieties of trees and flowers - are grown on terraced building
on a hill terraced.

Ancient Egyptian civilization

1. Emerging from the early Neolithic settlements 10000- 5000SM. 3500SM around in
kaw delta and middle bloom so early civilizations of Egypt.
2. Divided 4 days
2.1. Early - 3100 - 2200SM
2.2. Mid - 2040 - 1785Sm
2.3. Empire - 1570 - 1085SM
2.4. Waleed - 1085 - 322SM
- Powered:
2.4.1. Libya 1110 - 947SM,
2.4.2. Kush 730 - 670SM
2.4.3. 663 Assyrian - 609SM
2.4.4. Persian 525SM
2.4.5. Greece 332 - 30SM
2.4.6. Rome 30SM
3. Located on the banks of the Nile - there are fertile plains.
4. Central administration - Memphis, Thinis, and Thebs.
5. Power off ever occupied - Libya, Ethiopia, Assyria, Persia, Greece and Rome.
6. The process of building the civilization of Ancient Egypt
6.1. Starting in the days since 5000SM with metal building drainage and irrigation
systems for agriculture.
6.2. Then construct water control equipment and overalls - increase agricultural fertility.
6.3. Establish and develop into village settlements.
6.4. The village grew into town and join the area @ nome.
6.5. Nome or consolidated into regional administrative centers such as Thebes,
Memphis.Salah only be Thinis and administrative center.
7. Features permanent settlement:
7.1. Settlements consolidated basis by the Pharaoh Menes 3200SM. All nome
consolidated into a kingdom.
7.2. Administrative center moved to Memphis from Thinis - close to the Nile.
7.3. Then moved to Thebes at its peak.
7.4. Is home to the Pharaoh.
7.5. The city serves as the seat of government and administration. Port made a religious
center and meeting place for locals.
8. The form and structure of the organization:
8.1. Pharaoh is the reigning monarch and considered sacred mutlaq
8.2. Position pharaoh inherited from generation to generation.
8.3. Pharaoh was considered a god Horus during the third and fourth dynasty, the pharaoh
known as the Sun King, iaituAmon-Re.
8.4. Pharaoh was also the chief minister, chief justice, land owners, and the chief hero.
8.5. Class hero running pentadiran, security, management and distribution of food and

become officers, advisers and the governor of the conquered territories.

8.6. The monks entrusted by the pharaoh's administrator religious matters.
8.7. Clerk assigned to write government records.
8.8. Free people consists of farmers, traders and artisans.
8.9. Slave is stratification bottom.
9. The system of government and its role:
9.1. Raja - General and the Egyptian government Purba.Bergelar .Perkataan Pharaoh
Pharaoh Pharaoh of Greece - mean that house general. Referring to the palace and the
ruler. Role:
- The king had absolute power
- Regarded as sacred and is considered the incarnation of the god Horus.
- Inherit the government for generations.
- In the third and fourth dynasty Pharaoh called Amon Re - the Sun King.
- Chairman of the clergy, landowners, the chief judge, and warrior.
- Assisted the aristocracy in net government, peacekeeping, manage and distribute
- Appoint the monks governing religious matters.
- To elect members of the public as a scribe government records.
- Pharaoh Hatshepsut was a woman - a canal and convert the desert into fertile
agricultural land
9.2. Authorities, Duke, Monk, Clerk, Landlord
- Assisting the king as an officer, counselor and governor of the province.
- Monk governing religious matters.
- Clerk to record government records.
9.3. Independent people - farmers, traders, Artisan
9.4. Slave

10. Major work of Egyptian society.

- Engaging in crafts such as weaving and making pottery and tools.
- Revenue for the export of textiles and paper.
- Mining gold in Nubia.
- Nile - down and allow the vessel to dock at the port of SPT Thebes, Memphis,
Fayoun, and Heliopolis for trading activities.
- Administration planned - to attract traders of the Mediterranean Sea and the Red
Sea to stop at the Port of Ancient Egypt.
11. Public confidence in Egypt.
11.1. The concept of polytheism.
11.2. Each year the ancient Egypt has always been associated with natural elements such
as Re (the Sun God), Ra-Atum (Lord of Heaven) and Amun (Wind God).
11.3. Believe in life after death and the corpse should be kept and cared for carefully.
11.4. Tomb of the bodies provided with daily complimentary goods and life after death

12. The characteristics of the writing system of Ancient Egypt:

12.1. Hieroglyphic writing system - pictorial writing. Grown to hieratic - demotic script
later 700SM cluster.
12.2. This writing system based on a combination of image and sound symbols.
12.3. Writing system seeks record agricultural activities and tax collection.
12.4. Also plays a role in religious beliefs and ritual practices.
Contributions of Ancient Egyptian Civilization
1. The contribution of science and technology.
a. Donations architecture-built pyramid Imhotep
i. Imhotep services - Build a pyramid of Sakkara.
ii. Built for Pharaoh Djoser - the third dynasty pharaoh second.
b. Introducing the use of brick construction techniques.
c. Create paper from papyrus tree.
d. Facilitates the creation of paper storage treasure of the nation.
e. Remains of Ancient Egyptian civilization to the world is in the form of written records
and etched in the system of hieroglyphic writing.
f. Advances in medical science practitioners have expressed a high status in the
community and serve the pharaoh and society.
i. Ancient Egyptian medical document found in food of Pharaoh Khufu. 1600bc.
ii. The oldest medical records.
g. Advances in medicine in the body memumiakan.
h. The level of knowledge and skills in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine and
surgery provide a major contribution to the development of science to this day.
i. The use of mathematics used to control flooding.
j. Successfully created an irrigation system - fertilize agricultural areas.
k. Pharaonic era Senuustret III - successfully reclaiming land - 123km and build irrigation
canals 10000hektar.
l. Introducing the calendar of 365 days, 12 months a year.
m. The remains of buildings, writings, documents, and books - proof exists of Ancient
Egyptian civilization.
n. Water control pulse Egyptian civilization.
2. Contribute to and emphasis on education.
a. Created for children from primary age - elite.
b. Held in the synagogue, and controlled the government.
c. The purpose - reveal those government officials such as scribe.
d. Create a scientist, geometry, mathematics - to manage the affairs of agriculture,
regulation of water, construction of buildings and pyramids.

Indus civilization
1. In the Indus river Indus valley drained stemming from the Himalayas and surrounding.
2. Also known as the Harappan Civilization.
3. Start up the sekityar year decline 2500SM and 1800SM.

4. The devastation caused by the invasion of the Aryans and natural disasters such as
floods, droughts, and earthquakes.
5. Two state of the Indus Civilization.
a. Mohenjo-Daro
b. Harappa
6. The process of formation of Indus civilization like the following:
a. Nomadic population in northwest India formed pentempatan remained along the river
b. Remain as the Indus river - providing a source of water and fertile land.
c. Has increased agricultural output and increase the population because of versatility to
adapt to the environment.
d. Due to the existence of a major city and that Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa - an
important port city.
7. Features and benefits Mohenjo-Daro Harappa as permanent settlements
a. Forming an organized and divided into 2 parts and surrounded by walls.
i. The main parts - the administrative and religious center which houses
administrative buildings, public baths were used for rituals and cleaning.
ii. The second part - the housing and arranged on a rectangular block.
b. Each block is separated from the road network and straight. Connected to each other.
i. A square-based block and separated by a road that is straight and connected.
c. Urban planning aided by advances in science, applied geometry and construction of the
civilization of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.
d. Using bricks from clay with a high temperature combustion.
e. There is a sewage and drainage system planning.
i. House bathroom and toilet.
ii. Sewage water drained out through a pipe to drain.
iii. Ditutp not continue to drain cleaning.
iv. Waste shipped out of town.
f. The city can be reached by river. Serves as a communication tool.
8. Characteristics of social organization Indus Civilization.
a. Divided into two groups:
i. Subordinate
I. Made up of farmers, laborers and slaves.
II. Farmers carry out agricultural activities and distributed some revenue to the
III. Labor groups perform labor such as cleaning the town, built in the fortress walls and
build the canal.
ii. Top
I. Made up of clergy and merchants.
II. Pastor has a great influence and power in controlling the activities of the society when
it involves religion.
III. Religious influence - the lower classes get loyalty.

9. Aspects of job specialization Indus society can be characterized by:

a. Undertake various economic activities such as trade, agriculture, trade and
b. Aspects of foreign trade involving trade with Mesopotamia. Evidenced by the
discovery of the seal in Mespotamia
i. Seal made of smooth stones, carved, and heated.
ii. Rectangular oval.
iii. Identification symbol or group of traders.
c. The results of such trade gold, ivory, beads, and agricultural products.
d. Farmers producing such barley, beans and so on.
e. Artisan groups involved in the development and production of metal goods and pottery.
10. The practice of religious and belief communities Indus.
a. Have a religious practice is evidenced by the discovery of statues and sculptures that
have religious elements of Proto-Shiva statue.
b. The sculpture shows a man sitting cross-legged on yoga styles and there are three
horns symbolizing kepelanya Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.
c. Proto Siva became very important in terms of its relationship with the Hindu religion.
d. People in this civilization also believed in God Mother
i. Evidenced by the discovery of a statue of a woman.
ii. Worshiped as a symbol of fertility.
iii. Applies also in society Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Syria, and Palestine
11. The resulting article is a system of pictographic writing.
Donations Indus Civilization
1. City planning - the main reason being:
a. There is a combination of expertise in terms of placement and content.
b. Understanding the science of geometry.
c. Understanding the science of art.
d. Understanding in mathematics.
e. Skilled in construction.
f. Clash of civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt produce urban planning rectangular
with straight roads.
g. Improve the quality of construction with bricks made through high temperature
2. Nature of openness. Essential to human progress because:
a. Indus civilization shows that the society will not be able to excel without making
contact and exchange views with other parties.
b. Relations with Mesopotamian civilization and the civilization of Ancient Egypt allows
both parties to obtain benefits in the form of technology transfer.
c. Relations with Mesopotamian civilization allows all outside influences adapted to local

i. Judging by the name of the town to eat and Meluhha.

ii. Eat - Makran
iii. Meluhha - Mohenjodaro.
d. Indus civilization was revealed to the public disclosure of the nature of the modern
world in the process of building a civilization, including security.
e. Indus civilization teaches us that peace and security is the cornerstone of a nation's
progress and excellence.
3. Maturity of human civilization - because:
a. Outstanding achievements in urban planning.
b. Conducting international trade activities.
c. Milestones in spiritual balance and confidence.
d. Creative society.
e. Producing great technology.
Hwang Ho civilization
1. Set the Valley of the river Hwang Ho or Yellow River north China.
2. Dynasty early in the Hwang Ho civilization is
a. Hsia dynasty that began in the years around 2205-1766 BC
b. Shang Dynasty circa 1766-1050 B.C.
c. Chou dynasty from 1050-256 B.C.
3. The process of formation through the following aspects:
a. Hwang Ho fertile valley attracted the nomadic population to settle down and build
b. Banpo site near the modern city of Siam early settlement population Hwang Ho.
c. Population run agriculture and animal husbandry, hunting and collecting forest
d. Development of early settlements create several towns, among which is the central
government Anyang Shang Dynasty.
e. During the Chou Dynasty, this civilization spread to the southern part of the Yangtze
4. The process of forming the state of Hwang Ho civilization is
a. Hwang Ho nourish area - pull settlements.
b. Banpo site is the initial settlement.
c. Founded agriculture, livestock, forest products quotation, hunting.
d. Expand - existing cities and into the country's Anyang city of the Shang Dynasty.
i. Anyang is equipped with a wall to prevent the invasion of the enemy and
surrounded villages inhabited by the farmers.
ii. Head of government - the king, the lords and religious groups living in
the city.
iii. There is that urban palaces, temples and administrative center of the Shang
e. Shang Dynasty culture spread and expand the territory.
f. Chou dynasty spread to the Yangtze River.

Features Hwang Ho Civilisation

1. Aspects of social organization is the Shang Dynasty
a. King occupies the top layer followed by those officials.
b. The peasants who make up most of the population, live in countries outside of the city.
c. Artisan groups have the skills to master the technology used for producing bronze
weapons, armor and ornaments on horse-drawn carriages used by the military as well as
equipment for religious events.
d. Groups that could have military chiefs and bronze weapons used to subdue the bottom
e. The lowest class in society Shang is the slave.

2. The system of governance is the Shang Dynasty

a. The system of government is a monarchy.
b. King often substitute be appointed from amongst the younger brother or the son of the
c. Kings ruling on the administrative and political authority, economic, social and
d. According to public confidence in the power of the king is a mandate from God.
i. If the king just - the government and the people prosper because of the blessing of
the Lord - if not the opposite.
ii. Believe Shang Dynasty collapsed because of wrong.
e. Shang kings do not need to get a political endorsement because they are descendants of
the religious government.
f. King helped by the nobility of responsibility for administering the territory.
g. Aristocracy entitled to establish such a system in the task of collecting tax, defense and
h. Tyranny of King Shang showed the king lost the mandate of causing the slaves to get
rid of the Shang Dynasty replaced by Chou dynasty. Chou was the reign of King
i. dividing the ownership of their land to the provinces and appointing local officials
in each region.
ii. local officials through binding pledge of allegiance to the government and give
gifts like chariots, bronze weapons, slaves and animals.
iii. asked the king to protect and provide military assistance in time of war.
iv. give local authorities the right to convey to act as chairman of the religion to carry
out the sacrifice.
v. Assisted by the chief minister and six self-governance bodies
i. Agriculture
ii. Military
iii. Public works
iv. Ritual

v. Affairs of the monarchy

vi. All rights reserved.
vi. Feudal chiefs operated the regional level.
3. Characteristics of employment specialization and role in society.
a. Magnifying groups have their own army consisted of cavalry and foot soldiers.
b. The peasantry as a milestone in the economic and administrative role meets the needs
of employers,
c. Artisan group has created a variety of copper products such as beverage and food
containers, weapons and pottery.
d. Berfugsi slaves;
i. as a military force
ii. assist the work of labor
iii. for the purposes of the victims during worship services.
4. Religion and faith.
a. Half the people practice their faith and politisme anismisme.
b. Shang people believed gods of polytheism like heaven, god, earth, rivers, hills and
c. They practice the worship of ancestral spirits.
d. They also worship the god of heaven (Shang Ti) and Sound of God (Tu). Sembha the
hills, rivers, and mountains.
i. Shang Ti - the highest god in the heaven and the ancestors of the Shang.
ii. Believe in the great power - Tien. - A superior being or supreme power of the
universe or heaven.
iii. The concept of Yin and Yang effect.
i. And the creation of the universe consists of two elements.
ii. Yin - passive power
iii. A - Active Power
e. Worship rituals involve games, music and dance led by a shaman ritual sacrifice.
f. Oracle bones used for divination situation.
i. Shaman involved in overseeing the ceremony oracle bones lay on the campfire
causing cracks to be predicted to interpret an event.
ii. This practice brought the emergence of the writing system.
5. The system of public posts Hwang Ho-shaped civilization
a. Oracle bone fractures affect the idea of the creation of writing.
b. The early stages of writing shaped by symbols ideograms.
c. Original writings have pictures such as children, the moon, the sun and the river.
Hwang Ho Civilisation contributions
1. Political Aspects
a. Monarchy form of government system to Ching Dynasty.
b. King turned into a showdown emperor.
c. King said children have the mandate of heaven and paradise.
d. Dynasty continued until the 20th century.

2. Economic Aspects
a. Irrigation systems updated.
b. Build canals for agriculture and avoid flooding.
c. Piracy technology and the creation of a hoe and sickle to agriculture.
d. Using limits.
e. Use of agricultural equipment from wood to steel.
3. Social Aspects
a. Writing systems used until today.
b. The writing used in the field of writing and printing.
c. Writing is taught in schools in China.
d. Developed and used by Korea and Japan.
4. Religion and belief
a. Confidence still remained until today the worship of ancestral spirits.
b. Elements of worship carried out since the time of the Shang, as appropriate continued
in accordance with the elements of human sacrifice time substituted food items, paper
money and jewelery.
c. The concept of Yin and Yang and Feng Sui are two of beliefs that still exist in Chinese
society today.
i. Feng Hsui = The philosophy of Taoism is based on the universe
ii. Refer relationship between humans and nature.
d. The Chinese believe that the universe and the creation of two complementary elements
Yin and Yang passive power active power.
e. Feng Hsui refers to the philosophy of Taoism is based on how humans in harmony with
the universe.
f. Shang rule, the calendar system was introduced, there were 30 days in a month and 360
days a year.
g. King used the calendar to determine planting and harvest seasons.
h. The continued practice of using a calendar to carry out daily activities such as
weddings or funerals cemetery.
i. Sun Tzu war philosophy, -, The Art of War and discuss the ins and outs of how to
handle war the enemy was reprinted in many languages.
j. The philosophy applied to business.

Question 1:
(A) Give the meaning of civilization above? (3 points)
i) decreasing - courtesy high
ii) Madain - City
iii) Civitas - civilization

(B) State three important features of civilization? (3 points)

i) Religion
ii) Posts
iii) Government
Question 2:
a) Give four practices of the faith that is worshiped by the people of shang (4 points)
b) How is society worshiping ceremony conducted Hwang Ho (2 marks)
c) What is the function of oracle bones (1 Mark)
d) How do rite predict? (3 marks)
Question 3:
i) Describe the Hwang-Ho community contribution in the field of agriculture? (6
ii) State government run by the people shang? (8 marks)
iii) Describe the feudal system practiced by the Chou dynasty? (6 points)

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