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When i first heard of that word, the first thing that went trhough my mind was:
And there was my answer. The very ability to ask ourselves this question, i what makes us
diferent in all animal world. We are the only ones that have it. But what would be de definition of
this ability intelligence? (This is one more proof that we are intelligent we have to make
order of things, like definitions are).
There are a lot of definitions of intelligence. Two main approaches if we could say. One cosists
of single sentence, as follows:
-Intelligence is ones ability to learn, adopt information, and store it as knowledge in order to
overcome new problems and sitations in best and most efficient way possible.
Of course this definition is not completely accurate, since there are many aspects of living in
todays sociaty, and more adeqate definitions have risen. Ones in which there is certain part of
our brain that deals better or worse with each aspect of life. This way, someones special
abilities are more adquately explained so all of us are unique in our own way.
By this there are a many diferent intelligences:
-Logical Mathematical
-bodily kinaesthetic
-Visual spatial
Linguistic intelligence takes into consideration persons ability to use language, written and
spoken, to achieve goals in life, or overcome new stuations. As measure of level of linguistic
inteligence test ofthen ommit use of written communication, and focus mainly on verbal skill.
This is reffered to as verbal fluency and is used as measure of persons overall verbal
Interpersonal intelligence is persons ability to interact with others. Here, not only linguistic
intelligence plays the roll, but also in oreder to effectively interact with other human beings, we
have to be able to read body language. Along with these two, one more thing is imprtant, and
that is to be able to understand body language and spokn language in order to catch on other
peoples feelings so that we can completely understand them.
People who have as most expressed musical intelligence, tend to have good sensory feeling of
sound. This type of intelligence gives humans ability to feel rythm and melody. Of course this
can be weell observe in singers, composers, solists and dancers.
Logical mathematical is connected to being able to deduce conclusions from observing and
recongnising patterns, as well as relationships between different things. This makes people with
greater logical intelligence good in sciense investigations. They also tend to have better
understanding of abstract ideas and concepts.
Bodily-Kinesthetic enables people to have certain advantages in manipulation with objects and
body movement in unison with mind. Craftsmen, surgeons, dancers need this in order to
Visual spatial intelligence enables us to think in three dimensions. This is characteristic
specific for certain jobs, like architects. Younger people with this kind of intelligence developed
like to spend time drawing or daydreaming.

In my personal opinion, one of the most important part of overall intelligence is linguistic
intelligence. Without it we would not be able to express ourselves, or to communicate with each
other. Also, I think that it is very useful in professional life. For example if I would want to be
lawyer, of politician, well developed linguistic intelligence would come in very handy. This type
of intelligence would also be of use if I would want to be a teacher, for example, or writer.
But, knowing all this about intelligence must lead to one conclusion, and that is that human
being cant function without each and every one of these types of intelligence. We need all of
them. Logical to know how to connect things in life, spatial to know how to move around,
linguistic to speak. But it is the one which is most developed, or on which we worked most
practiced, that makes us unique in our abilities, and which defines what we could do best in our

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