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Have the Last Days begun?

God Himself gives us the answer

A selection of Revelations from God

received through the ‘Inner Word’
by Bertha Dudde
Have the Last Days begun?

This booklet contains a selection of

Divine Revelations, received through the Inner Word
by Bertha Dudde as promised by John 14.21:
‘Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me.
He who loves Me will be loved by My Father,
and I too will love him and show Myself to him.’


The revelations are non-denominational, they do not intend

to attract members of any Christian religious affiliation nor
to recruit members into any Christian religious affiliation.
The only purpose of these revelations is to make God’s Word accessible to all people,
as it is God’s Will.


Only complete and unaltered messages may be copied.


We invite everyone wishing to express their gratitude

for the receipt of the Word of God to pray,
particularly for the most needy souls.

Ingo Schneuing, Flörekeweg 9, 21339 Lüneburg


Published by friends of the New Revelation

Table of contents


4 Who was Bertha Dudde?

5 6023 God’s end-time revelation....

6 4861 God’s voice can be heard everywhere.... The gravity of the time….

7 6936 Statements by seers and prophets....

8 7421 Revelation 16, 18…. Star….

9 3776 Announcement of the catastrophe....

10 7405 Announcement of a star….

11 6324 Approach of a star.…

12 7423 Only God is Lord of Creation.... Star….

13 5798 Disbelief regarding the announcements....

Who was Bertha Dudde?

Bertha Dudde was born on 1. April 1891, as the second oldest daughter of a painter, in Liegnitz, Silesia. She became a
dressmaker and began to receive pronouncements from God through the ‘Inner Word’ on 15. June 1937.

“In a clear dream I was moved to write down my thoughts after devout prayer. Understandably this often gave way to
doubt and inner conflicts until I was convinced that I was, myself, by no means the initiator of these exquisitely
gracious words; but instead it was the spirit within me, in other words, the love of the Heavenly Father was obviously
responsible for them and introduced me to the truth”.

“I was given knowledge of the spiritual world which far exceeded my elementary school education. I received and
receive this knowledge as a dictation in a state of complete consciousness; I write down everything I am told in
shorthand, in order to then transfer it word for word to clean copy. The procedure does not take place in a state of
compulsion, for example in a state of trance or ecstasy, but in an absolutely level-headed frame of mind. However, I
have to want it to happen and then I can receive these dictations voluntarily; they are neither bound by time nor place.”

“Now I only have one wish, which is to be able to make these gifts of grace accessible to many more people and in
accordance with the will of God Himself to be allowed to do much more work in His vineyard.”

(Quotations from an autobiography from 1959).

Bertha Dudde died on 18. September 1965 in Leverkusen, Germany.

B.D. 6023

God’s end-time revelation....

You are approaching the end.... And therefore I reveal Myself to you so as not to leave you in ignorance of what this
end will mean for you. I reveal Myself so that you will prepare yourselves, so that you will live in the right way and
need not fear an end. You humans don’t believe in an end and reject all admonitions and warnings which you receive on
account of My revelations…. You ridicule and laugh at those who proclaim the near end to you, you deem yourselves
knowledgeable and feel superior to the knowledge which is imparted to a person in an unusual way. You are spiritually
blind and unable to see anything, and yet you don’t believe those who have vision and therefore tell you in which hour
you live…. And it will be as in the time of Noah when I also announced the near judgment to people and found no
belief, when the proclaimers of the judgment only reaped scorn and ridicule until the day arrived when My
proclamations came to pass, until the day arrived when the scorners fell prey to the judgment…. And once again it will
be like this, again the Judgment has been announced a long time in advance, and it will be proclaimed time and time
again, yet the last day for this earth and all its inhabitants will come suddenly and unexpectedly, for My Word is truth
and it will come true when the time is right. But who believes that people live in the midst of this time, that they will
only have a short time left until the end…. Who believes that they are facing a change for the worse, something which
no-one on this earth has ever experienced?.... Who allows himself to be impressed by divine revelations, by predictions
concerning the near end? Which one of you humans is consciously expecting the end and preparing himself for it?

There are only a few who believe that which was proclaimed by seers and prophets, and these few only reap scorn and
ridicule if they profess their belief in it and also try to inform their fellow human beings…. few people listen to My
voice and live their life such that they are not afraid of the end but rather feel pleased in view of the blissful time which
will follow the end of this earth. However, I want to increase their number, I would like many more to realise that the
time has been fulfilled…. I also would like to reveal Myself to those who are without knowledge…. Yet their will is
defying Me and I will not compel anyone…. Therefore I content Myself with those who believe My Words and stand
up for them, and I will grant them great power of speech.... I will let them speak in My place and although they, too,
will have little success, although their words, too, will not be taken seriously, the world will nevertheless take notice of
the proclamations of the near end…. There will be no shortage of indications and all over the world an end will be
spoken of, but it will only ever affect a few such that they will believe and prepare themselves for it. And I will support
those who have accepted the task of spreading enlightenment. I will bless all efforts which aim to distribute that which
is conveyed to you humans in the form of revelations…. And the information of the forthcoming end will reach far and
wide…. However, My revelations will prove themselves to be true faster than you suspect. For people will experience
days of terror and thereby the truth of My Word will be pointed out to them…. And then they will still have sufficient
time to prepare themselves for the end which irrevocably will follow these days of terror within a very short time….
And regardless of whether you, who spread My revelations, find credence or not…. don’t stop proclaiming the
forthcoming event; warn and admonish your fellow human beings and convey My revelations to them…. Proclaim to
them the imminent Judgment which will affect everyone, even if they don’t believe your words….

B.D. 4861

God’s voice can be heard everywhere.... The gravity of the time….

You live in an extremely difficult time and are constantly made aware of it because it not only concerns the earthly
development in the history of the world but humanity’s spiritual development, which you should recognise as being at
risk in view of the near end. You have to admit to yourselves that extraordinary events direct your thoughts to spiritual
problems; you also have to admit that the references to the last days match old prophesies regarding the end, and thus
you must pay attention to them and be full of gratitude when thinking of the One Who is admonishing and warning you.
You ought to take every reference seriously and look at all earthly happenings in relation with people’s process of
development.... you ought to know that every occurrence is merely a means to induce the human being to work at
improving his soul, so that he will voluntarily strive towards God…. This time is so grave because the consequence of a
person’s life on earth is of utmost importance, since missed or wrongly used time on earth cannot be repeated and yet
no-one can be spared the responsibility for it. But all admonitions and warnings are only possible such that they will not
result in compulsory faith. They certainly point to the end, to the Creator and Preserver of all things, but they don’t
prove anything, and therefore there are just a few people who recognise the approaching end by the signs and who,
aware of the spiritual hardship, hand themselves over to God. Then they shall speak on behalf of God and His kingdom,
they shall try to convey their assured faith to their fellow human beings, they shall at all times be in contact with their
Father of eternity and accept the warnings and admonitions imparted to them in order to pass them on to those who are
still distant from God.

He that hath eyes to see, let him see. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear…. God’s voice can be heard everywhere,
His activity can be seen far and wide, and in all places people are mentally influenced from above…. Yet their will is
free, and God will not forcibly influence anyone even if an extraordinary experience clearly reveals God’s activity. The
time until the end gets ever shorter, the signs will increase, thereby facilitating everyone’s realisation and belief; and if a
person is of good will he will not resist and close himself to these indications. For God’s grace takes effect in all places,
the rays of the tiny lights which flare up everywhere can be persuasive if a person does not obscure them by not
allowing himself to be affected by the rays…. And blessed is he who follows such a ray of light and need
not spend the last days in darkness.... He will take the right path which will safely lead him to the
goal, to God, his Father of eternity…. Amen

B.D. 6936

Statements by seers and prophets....

Listen to what the spirit of God proclaims to you: the seers and prophets are chosen by Me Myself because they have to
fulfil a great and important task…. informing people of the forthcoming Judgment of the world and admonishing them
to prepare themselves for it. These seers and prophets don’t use their own words but merely pass on what My spirit tells
them. Thus, in a manner of speaking, you receive a direct proclamation from Me Myself, I merely have to use a
mediator in order not to compel your thoughts and actions. You therefore can believe it but are not forced to do so. You
will believe it if you acknowledge the gift of vision and prophesy in these mediators; you will reject it if you doubt their
mission. But I want to make it easy for you to believe them, I will visibly emphasise their mission by allowing the
announced events to happen which precede the Judgment…. I will make sure that these announcements will be spread,
that many people can be informed of them and that they then will experience the evidence of it, because everything will
happen as I predicted through seers and prophets. Although I warned people.... when I lived on earth.... to beware of
false Christs and false prophets and pointed out that My adversary’s emissaries will also wreak havoc, I now caution
people once again not to get caught in his nets of lies and to believe his intrigues, for he is active and through
remarkable accomplishments, through physical works of wonder, is trying to awaken in people the belief that the
‘powers of heaven’ are expressing themselves….

But precisely his remarkable activity during the last days also gives rise to My countermeasure which consists of using
methods that revive a weak faith again or let a lost faith arise anew. And this cannot happen in any other way than
through pure truth, which comes forth from the source of truth but must reach you humans through mediators because
you are unable to receive it directly yourselves.

And thus I present to people what lies ahead of them. And the people I have chosen to mediate between Myself and you
humans can be acknowledged by you as genuine prophets whose words you should believe. I Am also prepared to
demonstrate that they speak on My instruction and inform you of what is to come by very soon making the first
announcements come true. For the most important task of these seers and prophets is the announcement of the end,
which is of utmost importance for you humans and which you thus should await being prepared. And for this you are
still granted a period of time which can suffice to save your souls from ruin.

And so I will not hesitate much longer, I will confirm My seers’ and prophets’ mission, I will let their proclamations be
followed by action.... Prior to this…. before the end…. I will shake the earth and show Myself to all people through a
natural event which time and again has been announced according to My will. For I gave them the instruction Myself,
they only spoke as My instruments, as My representatives on earth who should admonish and warn people on My
behalf. You must not deem yourselves safe from events which testify to a higher Power, you should dread them and
believe that My Word is truth, that I Myself speak and have spoken to you through them and that you are therefore
definitely approaching an extremely difficult time, if My grace will not call you back beforehand. You are facing the
end of an era, and in this certainty you should live your life accordingly…. always in view of a sudden end which,
however, need not be feared by anyone who consciously improves himself, who pays more attention to his soul than to
his earthly body, for he will not lose anything but only gain…. Amen

B.D. 7421

Revelation 16, 18…. Star….

A violent quake will shake the earth…. spiritually as well as physically the earth will be faced by a tremor the likes of
which will never before have been experienced by people since the start of this epoch…. But this is predicted because it
is the beginning of the end that will follow not long afterwards. There is not much time left and your attention will ever
more urgently be drawn to it, because you should still make use of every day by helping your soul to mature, for time
flies and you are approaching the very end with giant strides. And then a long night for all those who did not take
advantage of the day in order to work for the salvation of the soul will follow. For only a few will survive this last end
and be allowed to occupy the new earth, only a few will stand firm in the last battle on this earth. The signs of the end
will be presented to you humans time and again, and the last powerful sign will be the great quake. … You have already
been told how it will come about: a star will leave its orbit and with gigantic speed head for the earth…. And the fact
that you are still uninformed of it is due to the great distance this star will still have to cover before it comes into the
field of view of those who will detect it. But then the anxiety will be great, for everyone will realise the danger in which
the planet ‘earth’ is in but no-one will be able to do anything in order to ward off the danger…. And now that you know
of it you should make especially good use of this last brief period of time, for none of you know whether you will
survive the event, none of you know which part of the earth will be particularly affected and no-one should count on
being spared, for it is God’s last great wake-up call before the end which He will resound in order to find belief in this
very end and still convert a few who are not yet entirely enslaved by the adversary.

Do not consider these predictions lightly, do not let yourselves be misled by the apparent work of progress which you
can observe in the world, but understand that the shadows of destruction are already emerging, that not much time will
elapse until you receive knowledge of the approaching disaster in the form of a star which will be hurled from its orbit,
because it is God’s will that the earth shall be stricken by a tremor which shall and will be able to save people who are
of good will. There will really not be a lack of signs of the near end, but this last sign will have enormous consequences
and many people will lose their lives in the process…. And no-one will be able to turn a deaf ear, for it will be too
powerful as not to affect all people. Only the results will differ, for people will either partly revive their weak faith and
hand themselves over to God again, but partly even lose their weak faith as well and completely turn to the adversary,
which will be expressed by an increased pursuit of material possessions, mostly by dishonest means. And there will be
great hardship amongst people.... And that is when the right strength of faith will prove itself, which will signify help
for every person who faithfully entrusts himself to God. For He will help all those who want to be His Own, who even
in their greatest affliction remember the One Who alone will be able to help them. And this will be the start of the time
when real vineyard work must still be carried out in order to help all those who are still weak in spirit and who shall
experience a strengthening of their faith. For it will be followed by the time of the last battle of faith which will still
require a final decision by the believers, yet anyone who perseveres until the end will become blessed…. Amen

B.D. 3776

Announcement of the catastrophe....

I convey a proclamation to you which is extremely important. You must prepare yourselves for the forthcoming turn of
events, for soon I will visibly appear. The time given to you is coming to an end and My Word will fulfil itself, to the
joy of a few and the horror of many people who have recognised and shall again recognise Me when I express Myself
and demonstrate My will and My power. You are at the final stage in order to then take a path full of deprivations and
tribulation, for this is needed for people who shall experience My power in order to reach out and grasp My helping
hand. My last teaching method seems to be relentless and cruel to people and yet it is only based on My love, for
countless souls will go astray without this final means and I still want to gain a few by using it. Recognise My love in
the fact that I have announced and persistently continue to announce the forthcoming event to you in order to make you
believe, if you don’t want to believe it beforehand….

You will all have to experience fearful hours and the survivors must endure most difficult conditions which seem
insufferable to them. Yet I promise My strength and help to all who call upon Me in spirit and in truth. I will not take
notice of lip prayers but only of the call that rises up to Me from the bottom of your heart…. This will be granted, and
every adversity will be lessened and thus become tolerable for people who believe in Me…. News will reach you about
worldly plans and measures yet they shall be shattered by My will, you will hear about new danger but should know
that a different danger is approaching and that you need not fear the former and should only direct your attention to Me
and My kingdom and that you must join Me ever more closely in order to receive more strength for the hours of greatest
need…. I say this to you because My love wants to prepare you for that which is inevitable and will happen according
to My eternal plan, because you still require much strength and have to receive it through a sincere will, heartfelt prayer
and activity of love. Only take care of your souls and let go of all earthly worries, come to Me in every adversity and
difficulty so that you will never distance yourselves from Me, so that you will constantly stay in contact with Me and
then also feel My presence when I speak to you humans from above with a voice of thunder…. so that you will not be
afraid of Me but appeal to Me as your Father of eternity for His protection, which He will surely grant you…. Amen

B.D. 7405

Announcement of a star….

What you are given through the spirit can be unreservedly accepted by you…. And thus you shall know that earth’s
approaching end is already becoming apparent in the universe, that cosmic changes are taking place, because it is God’s
will that at the conclusion of an earthly period all kinds of signs shall become obvious which cannot be explained by the
human being as natural phenomena, which shall prove a Creator’s power to him and which thus most clearly point to
such a Creator. And these cosmic changes mostly concern the deviations of stars from their normal course, which
assume different orbits, and such processes are and will remain inexplicable to people and yet cannot be denied. The
closer the end is approaching the more frequently will people detect such phenomena, at first barely perceptible but with
rising prominence, so that people can truly say ‘the powers of the heavens are being shaken….’ It won’t be related to
human will, it shall be entirely an expression of God’s will, and therefore all people could believe in God if only they
would attentively observe such unusual phenomena. But anyone unwilling to believe cannot be more plainly convinced
either that a God and Creator exists Whom all elements in nature have to obey…. However, anyone who pays attention
to Him will also know what hour has struck….

And thus a star will leave its usual orbit and move towards earth. This star takes its course independent of people’s will
and poses a grave threat to them, yet its path will not be restrained, because earth must endure a tremor for the sake of
humanity’s detriment as well as its benefit…. For many people will thereby lose their lives, as it was proclaimed long in
advance.... And the earth will suffer an impact…. The danger to the entire planet will be inconceivable, yet this natural
catastrophe will not result in total destruction but nevertheless be on such an unimaginable scale that it will already be
the end for untold people. Yet those who survive will approach the final end soon afterwards.... an act of destruction
brought about by human will, which certainly will be permitted by God but is not His will…. whereas the former
cosmic catastrophe will still have had a redemptive purpose by even now giving unbelievers a final indication of a
Power Which controls everything and that nothing happens by chance.

They shall still be given a means of rescue, a final means of attaining faith so as not to go astray. Through this event
God Himself speaks to people who disregard His gentle voice, but His loud voice often resounds painfully and thus will
claim many victims, that is, many will find their death, but they nevertheless will still have the opportunity in the
kingdom of the beyond to catch up with what they had neglected to do on earth. Yet many will also have the grace of
surviving the final short period until the end, and then their will to believe is once again decisive, for the unbelievers
will not derive any benefit from their experience…. And in the end they will only reap the fate of a new banishment,
from which God in His love would like to protect people. And this is why he admonishes and warns people in advance
and draws their attention to all phenomena in the last days…. and blessed is he who believes and lives his life
accordingly on earth…. He will be led through all difficulties, and whatever happens to him will be beneficial for his
soul and his maturing on this earth…. Amen

B.D. 6324

Approach of a star.…

Open your hearts wide, be ready to receive My light of love from above and listen to Me: A sure sign of the
approaching end is the visible appearance of a star which will move into the direction of your earth and yet takes a
peculiar course.… it will often withdraw from your sight and then suddenly appear again, because it will be
accompanied by impenetrable nebulae which every now and then will disperse only to condense anew.…

You humans will experience something previously unknown to you as the effect of this star upon your earth is such that
you will become alarmed because you fear that the earth could fall victim to this unknown star which will cause
perceptible disturbances on earth which are, however, inexplicable to you. Some people on earth won’t allow
themselves to be shocked by anything that happens to them.… but who will now lose their composure because they can
see themselves as well as the whole earth at the mercy of natural forces which they fear because they are unable to defy

And for the sake of these people ‘are the powers of heaven moving.…’ I particularly want to address these people in
order to achieve that they will entrust themselves to a God and Creator as soon as they realise that they are completely
helpless.… What human will initiates.… no matter how dreadful its effect.… does not upset such people, yet they will
become small and weak when they see themselves at the mercy of natural forces. And then it is possible that they will
take refuge to Him, Who is Lord of all creation.… then it is possible that in their greatest need they will find Me.…
This natural spectacle will cause enormous turmoil amongst people and the fear will not be unjustified either because,
regardless of the strange phenomena accompanying the star, it will steadily move closer to earth and a collision will
appear inevitable according to the calculations of those who discovered and followed its course. But I predicted long
ago that ‘I will send you an enemy from the sky.…’, that a natural disaster of immense proportions lies ahead of you
which will precede the final end.… i.e. the complete transformation of the earth’s surface.… and which will result in
countless victims.… Time after time I draw your attention to it, and My Word is truth and will come to pass.... Yet you
are informed of it beforehand so that you humans may become aware of My will and My power.… because you should
know that nothing can take place without My will and that nothing happens without meaning and purpose.… that My
thoughts are with those who are entirely without faith but whom I nevertheless don’t want to lose to My adversary.…

And for that reason you humans should know what lies ahead of you so that you may find faith easier when in your
great need you think of Him, Who is Lord of heaven and earth.… of all stars and worlds and to Whose will everything
is subordinate.… You receive knowledge of this in advance because it can help you find faith if you are of good will.…
A disaster will come over you .… but for every one of you it can also be a blessing if he gains life for his soul in that
way, even if he should meet with earthly death.… if he calls upon Me in his need.… Amen

B.D. 7423

Only God is Lord of Creation.... Star….

Since eternity celestial bodies have circled the universe on paths specified by the divine Creator and which will also be
upheld in the plan of creation according to His will. And it is an impossible beginning wanting to alter the specified
course of a celestial body, to divert a star from its course trying to guide it onto a different one than was destined by the
divine Creator. And it is equally impossible to stop the course of a star, to limit the duration of its course, thus to
prevent it in some form or other from travelling its path…. This has to be said to all those who believe that they, with
their own inventions, will be able to establish a different order in God’s work of creation…. who believe that they will
be able to fit human products into the divine work of creation, who assume that such experiments can be sent into the
universe without harmful consequences….

I Am still the Lord of the cosmos…. and I will also reply appropriately to every intention of infiltrating My work.
Another attempt will be made, and more will follow as long as people are not stopped…. And I will allow it to happen,
but I will answer when the time is right. For not much damage can be done anymore by people’s advance into space….
because time has run out which humanity may still reckon with. And all the experiences they still want to gain will no
longer be of any use for I will put a stop to it Myself….

But I will respond in the same way, for this reply will also come from space which they try to enter, and all their
inventions will be unable to repel or redirect the star which will put them into extreme danger themselves. And thus it is
up to Me as to how long I will tolerate humanity’s activity, but I will only tolerate it up to a point, I cannot profess to
approve of experiments which have no spiritual purpose and only boost people’s belief even more to be or to become
master of the universe.

But the end is nigh, and during these last days people will still try many things which only demonstrate their
godlessness, their spiritual arrogance and their spiritual poverty. Various experiments will still be conducted which will
contribute considerably towards the disintegration of the earth, the final work of destruction and thus the end of one
period of salvation which has to make way for a new one, if My living creations are not to be completely lost.

But you humans, who voluntarily belong to Me, don’t allow yourselves to be impressed by it all no matter what
happens…. Always remember that the Creator of heaven and earth will not let Himself be displaced and that He will
clearly show His might without people being able to prevent Him from doing so…. I watch and wait.... until the day has
come which has been predetermined since eternity…. For the time is limited in which My adversary uses people
such…. because they belong to him…. that they will do everything he wants…. but which they will nevertheless not
succeed in achieving…. Amen

B.D. 5798

Disbelief regarding the announcements....

You humans give no credence to references regarding the end.... you live in the world and don’t want to accept that
which is readying itself outside of the material world and which will, with certainty, come to pass in the time designated
by Me. I cannot plant the belief into you, it has to emerge in you yourselves; I can only ever help you by directing your
eyes to the events of the time which should truly make you attentive. For I announced the signs of the last days through
seers and prophets, who only proclaimed in My will what they saw happening in the last days. And even now I can
only ever draw your attention to it, I can only ever admonish you again to take notice of what happens around you....
And then you will certainly recognise the hour you live in. For I will not let you experience the end without warning, it
will not come upon you without being announced; yet as soon as you don’t give credence to these proclamations it will
take you by surprise, because My Word fulfils itself because it is the only truth. Even if progress is promised to you on
the part of humans…. it will not prevent the end either, and it will only become clearly apparent where no faith exists
anymore, where only the world in which My adversary has gained the upper hand will be taken notice of. And that, too,
is a sign of the approaching end….

For it will be as in the time of Noah.... People will live in sin, they will only indulge themselves and try to get what they
can out of the world …. but they will pay no more attention to Me. And if only you observe people’s attitude towards
Me, towards your God and Creator of eternity, then you will also be able to discover therein a sign of the last days….
The reason why people no longer have faith is due to their lack of love.... Love has grown cold amongst people…. and,
therefore, faith has died away as well, for even those who call themselves religious, who don’t entirely deny a God and
Creator, have no living faith, otherwise they would prepare themselves for the end, otherwise they would unhesitatingly
believe the indications of the end… All admonitions and warning are in vain for those to whom they are addressed....
And even if I knock very loudly and clearly at the door of their heart, even if I scare them through unexpected events in
their lives or their surroundings, they will only look at them in a worldly sense and won’t recognise My voice, even if it
clearly speaks to them…. And the more the end approaches the more determinedly they reject the references, the fact
that a higher power will intervene seems ever more improbable to them …. but the more ready people will be for their
downfall…. And everything will come to pass as I proclaimed…. Amen


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