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1. Do something usefull Just like the motto of Nike "Just do it!

2. Work in timed bursts Make use of the Pomodoro technique.
3. Action your todo list Take your todo list and action the next item on it, no
4. Split tasks into managable chunks Many small things make one big.
5. Plan your day in advance Not knowing what to do is a major cause for procrast
6. Don't watch tv A huge time-waster, but if you have to watch something -> reco
rd it and watch it on another time. This method has the added advantage that you
can skip the commercials.
7. Make up an actionplan A good plan is the first step in completing a project.
8. Follow that plan Making the plan doesn't accomplish any real work, implement
9. Avoid traffic jams I hate sitting behind the wheel and not being able to move
. I prefer traveling by public transportation, because I can read on the train o
r bus.
10. Always ask yourself What can I do next?: Keep the momentum going.
11. Learn time management skills Learn to make good use of your time.
12. Put your goals where you can see them It reminds you of them and keeps you m
13. Keep social chit-chat to a minimum when working Work when working and chit-c
hat if you're on your break, not the other way around.
14. Discover why you procrastinate Why do people procrastinate?
15. Always do something to advance your life Always try to improve some area of
your life. Physical, mental, social, financial...
16. Give someone permission to correct you, if they catch you procrastinating It
helps you to break out of the habit.
17. Remind yourself of your goals Rehearse them daily.
18. Unsubscribe from facebook Or don't, but know why you use it and be aware of
the time it absorbs.
19. Believe in yourself You can do it!
20. Never drink coffee or other energy drinks They'll give an initial boost, but
after a while you'll get really down. It's also unhealthy, prefer water.
21. Use post-it's on the appropriate places to resist your primal impulses Ex: O
n the chocolate jar you can post: "Don't touch till noon!"
22. Change your procrastination habits If you normally watch tv, try to spend so
me times chatting with friends or vice versa and notice how little you miss by n
ot doing it.
23. Start small Ex: with only 5 minutes of continuous work.
24. Read self-improvement books and try out the methods No point in reading them
and then forgetting them.
25. Do more of what works Why?, because it works!
26. Think of all the positive things that will happen when you do the task The m
ost positive is that it'll be done.
27. Don't read gossip magazines Nothing of use in these, avoid them.
28. Don't wait until you feel your best to start working You won't get much done
if you only work when you feel your best.
29. Work in your most productive time of the day For me, it's in the early morni
30. Get rid of temptations in your work area If you're easily tempted by cookies
, then remove the cookie jar from the area and place it behind locks.
31. Work in calm environments Less distractions.
32. Put a poster of an eye in your workspace People work better when they have t
he feeling someone is watching them.
33. Take active breaks Very important when you work behind a desk.
34. Hire a life coach Someone to motivate you.
35. Don't watch the news The news is negative and it demotivates you.
36. Don't multitask, do one thing at a time You lose 20minutes each time you swi
tch tasks.
37. Change locations Break the ritme once in a while and stimulate your brain.

38. Prevent interruptions Whenever possible, prevent people from interrupting yo

39. Don't work to much Avoid a burn-out.</br>
40. Drink plenty of water To keep your energy levels high!
41. Put reminders in your cellphone Your cell forgets less than your brain.
42. Use an alarm-clock to wake up Avoid oversleeping every day
43. Define your long term goals Avoid running in circles
44. Start working on your long term goal every day It will be done before you re
alize it.
45. Get assistance You can't save the world on your own.
46. Reward yourself for the work you've done Reward good behavior and it will oc
cur more often.
47. Love yourself You have no reason not to, because you're wonderfull.
48. Cut out all distractions No cell, no email, no facebook...
49. Break the routine once in a while Stimulate your brain or it will get bored
50. Resist short term gains in favor of long term profits Mind over body.

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