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Meaning of 6

Spiritual Symbols
that You Were
not Aware of

Symbols are one of the wonderful spiritual things

that can have a strong psychological impact on
anyone. We can see many people wearing
Khanda gold bracelets or yin yang pendants.
However, these spiritual symbols contain some
messages with them.

e are sure you have no clue why

people wear Khanda gold bracelets
or why lotus is considered so holy.
The list of spiritual symbols is endless, but here
are 6 commonly used symbols in your regular

Khanda: This symbol depicts the Sikh

doctrine. It consists two kirpal, a
chakram and a two edged sword at the
center. The chakram represents the
perfection of the god. In addition, the
left side of the sword delineates divine
justice and right edge of the sword
symbolizes freedom and moral values.
The two edged sword defined the
demolishment of inequalities. You can
see many people wearing Khanda gold
bracelets or Khanda pendant in order
to represent their culture.
Hamsa: The word was originated from
the word hamesh that means five.
There are different about this symbol, it
is said that this symbol depicts the hand
of Fatima, one of the daughters of
Prophet Mohammad. In addition, it is
also believed that if you are carrying
this symbol with you and anyone looks
at you with bad intention then the harm
will be reversed. It is also called the
universal protector.
The tree of life: This symbol represents
different religions and cultures around
the world. Many say that it symbolizes
the tree from which Adam and Eve ate
the forbidden fruit in the Garden of
Eden. Moreover, this tree connects to
all elements of the earth, i.e. earth,
water, air and fire.
Ying Yang: You may have seen many
people wearing the pendants or
bracelets of this symbol. It usually
represents the unity of energy.

Moreover, the most holistic approach

towards life and its meaning can be
added to its depiction. Black and white
colors signify the balance in life.
The Ankh: Ancient Egyptian symbol that
epitomize life. Nevertheless, the
meaning of this symbol is quite
debatable, but many consider it to be
symbol of regeneration and eternity of
The Lotus: Universally accepted by
many Buddhist followers that usually
represents enlightenment. This flower
delineates the beauty of light coming
out of darkness from the muddy water,
where the mud is showed as the dark
world and the lotus flower as a symbol
of light.

About Aumkaara
Aumkaara is one of its kind online jewelry
store that has conceived with an aim to
promote spiritual and religious forms of
jewelry. All jewelry available here are made
with pure quality gold, silver and diamonds.
More information here: www.aumkaara.com

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