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Working with R commander

Load the R Commander



Load the Data set

Hsb data set
Get from https://sites.google.com/site/biostatinfocore/introduction-to-r/hsb2.csv
The High School and Beyond Project was a longitudinal study of students in the U.S. carried out
in 1980 by the National Center for Education Statistics. Data were collected from 58,270 high
school students (28,240 seniors and 30,030 sophomores) and 1,015 secondary schools. The HSB
data frame is sample of 600 observations, of unknown characteristics, originally taken from
Tatsuoka (1988).
Tatsuoka, M. M. (1988). Multivariate Analysis: Techniques for Educational and Psychological
Research (2nd ed.). New York: Macmillan, Appendix F, 430-442.

female :
0: male
1: female
race :
1: hispanic
2: asian
3: african-amer
4: white
ses :
1: low
2: middle

3: high
schtyp : type of school
1: public
2: private
prog : type of program
1: general
2: academic
3: vocation
read : reading score
write : writing score
math : math score
science : science score
socst : social studies score

Command Line:

Menu in Rcmdr

Statistical Graphs and Plotting


T test

Input Data Directly to Rcmdr

Obstetrics Data
A clinical trial is conducted at the gynecology unit of a major hospital to determine the
effectiveness of drug A in preventing premature birth. In the trial, 30 pregnant women are to be
studied, 15 in a treatment group to receive drug A and 15 in a control group to receive a placebo.
The patients are to take a fixed dose of each drug on a one-time-only basis between the 24th and
28th weeks of pregnancy. The patients are assigned to groups based on computer-generated
random numbers, where for every two patients eligible for the study, one is assigned randomly to
the treatment group and the other to the control group. The weights of the babies are those given

One sample T test

Two Independent Sample T test


Two Dependent Sample T test

Case: Renal Disease
Ten patients with advanced diabetic nephropathy (kidney complications of diabetes) were treated
with captopril over an 8-week period [10]. Urinary protein was measured before and after drug
therapy, with results listed in the table below in both the raw and ln scale.


You can first recode the variables (optional)

95% family-wise confidence level

vocational - academic

vocational - general

general - academic






Linear Function

Linear Regression

Dataset: muscle1.dat
Source: M. Greenwood (1918). "On the Efficiency of Muscular Work,"
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Containing Papers
of a Biological Character, Vol.90, #627, pp.199-214
(Originally from Glazebrook and Dye, vol.87, p.96 (1914))
Description: Measurements of Heat Production (calories) at various
Body Masses (kgs) and Work levels (Calories/hour) on a stationary bike.

Load the data

Regression Analysis

Heat = a +b * worklevel

Heat = a + b1*worklevel + b2*bodymass

You can also use MS Excel to perform Linear Regression:


Save your workspace:

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