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Andrew Salinas

How height can affect pulse rate

Hypothesis- the higher up you are you higher your pulse will be.
Materials used:
climbing equipment
pulse counter wand
place to climb
Procedure: I got myself and 4 people to climb up high, some beginners and some who have climbed
before. I told them to measure their pulse before they climbed to use as a comparison, they used a pulse
counter. After I recored their pulse they climbed up the wall and measurer it again (the pulse counter
was attached to their harness. They all climbed a difficulty that was hard for them so that the people
who've had experience didn't climb something that was too easy for them and vise versa. Once they
recored it they climbed down and measured it again to see if it went down at all.
Improvement and conclusion:After I did the experiment I noticed that there were many errors in my
deign, things like how its tiring to climb so that would affect your pulse because your body would need
to pump more O2 for cellular respiration. Another error is that some people like my self have
experience climbing so their pulse wont go up as much because they're used to being high up. The way
I fixed one error is by making everyone climb a difficult climb for them so they would all tire out the
same. I made them measure their pulse once they got down to ground so that you could compare it to
the one when they were high and if their pulse went down it was from hight and not from working hard
because this is after they climbed. Then I took those 2 readings compared it to there resting pulse. It
usually went from around 65-145-120 for those who were beginners and those experience 65-127-122.
The beginner gap is grater for the last two because their pulse didn't go up from being tired it went up
from height. They was I know this is because the first number equals the last number + the amount
their pulse raised from climbing. The middle number should equal the last number how much their
pulse went up due to climbing this explains why there is a bigger gap between the pulse rates of the
beginners than the experienced. (65+55(amount their pulse raised due to climbing)=120 and 14525(amount their pulse raised due to height)=120) so the beginners pulse raised 25 b/p due to height and
the experienced pulse raised 5 b/m due to climbing.
Suggestions for further research: to make this experiment easier you should have the subjects measure
their pulse then climb up stairs that goo up high (such as ones going up to a water park ride) then
measure their pulse there ( you wouldn't have to work out the really complicated numbers for working
out the pulse raised to do climbing it would just be height.)

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