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Linguistic levels
i. The phonological level:
ii. The morphological level:
iii. The syntactic level is concerned with the description of the units Phrase (P) and Sentence (S) as constructions or groups of
constituents round a head/nucleus and with the internal phrase structure of Noun Phrases (NPs), Verb Phrases (VPs), Prepositional Phrases
(PPs), Adjectival Phrases (APs), Adverbial Phrases (AvPs);
iv. The logico-semantic level deals with logical propositions, logical predicates and arguments, argument structures, thematic roles;
semantic features and semantic fields.
i. syntactic categories are terms referring to groups/clusters such as the phrase and the sentence (S), hence Grammars that take as
primes phrasal constituents are considered to be categorial;
ii. lexical categories coincide with the classes of lexical items (words), such as Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs which are
iii. functional categories refer to the items whose role is mainly grammatical, like Inflection, Determiner and Degree Adverb;
iv. grammatical categories pertain to the word classes/parts-of-speech, e.g. the verbal categories of Mood, Tense, Aspect, the nominal
categories of Person, Number, Gender, the category of Comparison with Adjectives and Adverbs.
Notice that the categories above form a hierarchy, with syntactic categories on top.
3.Syntactic relations regard the inter-relations between the constituents of phrases and sentences, including the relations of predication,
government, modification, determination, quantification.
4.Syntactic functions are discharged by constituents, being determined by their position/distribution in phrases/sentences; they are
marked by inflections or prepositions, or both, depending on the language type.
The main functions are universal: Subject of the S, Predicate, Direct Object, Indirect Object, Prepositional Object, Noun Modifier (the
classical Attribute), Adverbial Modifier.
Notice that functions, like categories, also form a hierarchy.
Deep Structure (DS) is a phrase structure representation of the basic, underlying syntactic configuration which is interpreted semantically
by rules of the semantic component.
Surface Structure (SS) is the linear concatenation of lexical items and grammatical formatives which, after processing by phonological
rules, is ready to be performed (SS is produced by transformations).
Transformations are meaning-preserving structural operations (deletion, movement, insertion, substitution). They are relations holding
between phrase markers, therefore, they are relations between intermediate descriptions of sentences.
Generative Transformational Grammar (GTG) is a model of Competence, of our internalised grammar.
Universal Grammar (UG) as Theoretical Frame: the Principles and Parameter (P&P) Theory, for short the GB Theory.
2. The Organization of Grammar
Argument structure (thematic roles): giggle is a one-argument verb, an intransitive that takes an Agent role in Subject position, while pick
is a two-argument verb, therefore a transitive verb that takes an external Agent as Subject and a Patient as Direct Object. The thematic roles
marking the arguments form the theta-grid of the respective item, its thematic structure.
categorial component: DStructures
In English the Spec is placed to the left of the head, while the Complement occupies the right hand position as to the same head. (e.g. the
Adjectival Phrase quite afraid of snakes is analysable into the head afraid, preceded by the Specifier (Degree Adverb) quite and followed by a
Prepositional Phrase in Complement position)
transformational component
Verbe tranzitive - verbe cu complement obiect direct, construit fr prepoziie (excepie face prepoziia pe cnd preced un
nume de persoan sau un pronume).
Intranzitive - verbele fara un complement direct, dar pot avea un complement indirect (n dativ sau prepoziional)
semantic operators (manner adverbials, quantifiers, negators, modal adverbs). These often produce semantic changes

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