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Pre-AP US History
Stephanie Walden
Website: www.waldenus10@weebly.com email: swalden@enterpriseschools.net
Room: A232
Remind101: @waldenus10

The course is designed to cover important events that have

shaped the United States from pre-European settlement to a
post-Civil War America. You will be viewing and interpreting
periods in United States history from various perspectives,
including historical, geographical, political, economic, and
cultural. Together, these perspectives can help you to
understand how the past has led to our present and to
appreciate your role in shaping our future.

Most book work

assigned will be
done at HOME so
leave your textbook
at your house
unless otherwise
Online access is also

The instructor reserves the right to deal with specific late work
and make-up work issues on a case by case basis. The general
rules that will apply are as follows:
If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to get with me
about missed assignments.
You have 3 days to make up the work or else it will be
considered late.
Late assignments will be deducted 50% and are subject for
Anything assigned prior to an absence is due upon return.

5 Subject spiral
10 pack colored
4 glue sticks
4 pack
1 pack standard
size sticky notes
(Post-it) style
Internet access will be
necessary for certain
assignments. A
charged smartphone
&/or tablet is also
strong recommended
to bring to class.
Passes for Flex to use
computers upon

We will watch multiple historically based videos & clips. The

video ratings range from G-PG 13 and may contain reenactments of wars or war like images. If you dont not feel
comfortable having your child view these types of images please
let me know.

Remind 101 updates- Make sure you are signed up to get

text alerts. Parents and students are encouraged to sign up
I will update my teacher webpage weekly, here students
can find all the assignments and PowerPoints.
Email/Google Classroom are also vital for contact.

If you have a smartphone please

download these free apps

History Notebook





Students are required to maintain a World History

notebook. Notebook is to be a 5-subject spiral
notebook. The notebook will contain warm ups,
notes, essential questions, RLHs, maps, graphic
organizers, vocabulary, etc.

Classwork &


Google Apps

QR Reader

Tests, quizzes, projects, written

assignments, notes, & discussions.

*Please sign:
I understand the procedures and expectations of Pre-AP World History

Student signature

Parent/guardian signature

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