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Prana IV: Use of prasna arudha

There are many methods of prognosticating the nature of the query and the future from the
Prasna Chart. I am narrating here one of the methods from the our tradition. This method
involves use of a number between 1 to 108 to find the nature of the query, hidden aspects
of the query and the answer too.
There are two ways of using this method which are as follows:
Method 1:
Divide the number by 9 and find the rasi and navamsa from the quotient and remainder
respectively. Add 1 to the quotient to get the rasi in the following order, 1- Aries to 12Pisces. In this case, 13 would be treated as Aries again (for number 108). Similarly the
navamsa gained in the sign can be seen from the remainder. In this case if the remainder
is 0, then it is taken as 9 (the last navamsa) and for such cases the quotient will not be
added with 1.
For example, lets see what should be the rasi and navamsa for number 45. In this case
quotient will be 5 and remainder 0. Thus the rasi would be Leo (quotient 5 and the
Navamsa would be the last navamsa of Leo which is Sagittarius.
This principle is based on Navamsa since there are 108 navamsas in the zodiac, each
number will correspond to a particular rasi and navamsa. Thus the duration of each
number can be equated with 3d 20', which is the duration of 1 navamsa or a nakshatra
Method 2:
Step 1. Find the Number Planet:
When the number is divided by 12, the quotient added with 1 will show the number planet.
Since the number can vary from 1 to 108, the quotient can vary from 0 to 9. Here 0 and 9
signify the Sun (since 0+1 = 1 and 9 + 1 = 10, which is same as 1), 1 signifies the Moon (
1 + 1). Thus in similar fashion, the number planet can found from the quotient in the week
day order which is Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
In our example of 45, number planet will be quotient 3 + 1 = 4 i.e, Mercury.
Step 2: Find the placement of the number planet:
When the number is divided by 9, the remainder when added with 1 will show the rasi

where the number planet is supposed to be placed. Since the number is divided by 9, the
remainder can vary between 0 to 8, showing that the rasi would be one of Aries to
Sagittarius. Place the number planet in this sign.
In our example of 45, the sign where the number planet Mercury to be placed is Aries (0
remainder after division by 9).
Step 3: Find the number rasi and navamsa as given in method 1.
In our example number rasi is Leo and number navamsa is Sagittarius.
Step 4: Find the prasna arudha.
Bring the number navamsa to the rasi chart and count it from the number planet. Find the
planet in the prasna chart and count as many houses from it to arrive at the prasna
In our example we have placed Mercury in Aries. Counting from Aries to Sagittarius
(number navamsa) we arrive at 9 signs. Now we find Mercury in the prasna chart, which is
in Sagittarius. Counting 9 signs from Sagittarius, we arrive at Leo. Thus Leo becomes the
prasna arudha.
Principles of Use:
I am giving here the explanation on the use of the 2nd method using a real life prasna.
Due to confidentiality, details of the prasna (who asked etc.) are witheld. This prasna was
regarding theft of money.
To allow the reader to cast the prasna chart, the details are given below.
: December 29, 2007
: 11:26:51 am
Time Zone: 8:00:00 (East of GMT)
: 103 E 51' 00", 1 N 17' 00"
Singapore City, Singapore
Prasna Number = 45.
1. The root cause: The Arudha Lagna (AL) in the prasna chart becomes very important. It
shows the root of the problem. Since the arudha lagna cannot fall in 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 &12
houses, the root cannot be in these houses. Thus the root of a problem can only be traced
to 3rd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses.
The exact problem / query can be seen from the lord of the Arudha Lagna (AL). It happens
many times that the query asked is different from the root cause troubling the native. Thus

even though a query can be of any thing, it can be traced to a root in the mentioned
houses(3 to 5 and 9 to 11th).
In an illustration which I will give below, the native asked about a theft. The Arudha Lagna
is placed in the 10th house while its lord Mars is placed in the 5th house and co-lord Ketu
is in the 7th house with 6th lord Moon and the Karaka Saturn. Showing theft of money and
also some 7th house problems. The theft was most likely done by servants as shown by
the lord of the arudha lagna. The placement of Arudha Lagna in the 10th shows root cause
of the problem is with authority and Venusine matters. In addition, Venus is the 9th lord
showing her inability in explaining the situation to her father.
2. Queriest Mind: What's there in the mind of the querist can be seen from the Prasna
Rasi, which our illustration is in Leo, in the 7th house from the Lagna with afflicted Moon,
showing concerns of the native and inappropriate advances by male servants towards the
3. Hidden Answers: The hidden answers can be seen from the Prasna Arudha, which in
our case also comes to the 7th house, Leo, which shows the the 6th lord coming to the 7th
house with karaka Saturn and Ketu. This shows that problem of inappropriate advances
from the servants towards the native. There could be serious trouble due to involvement of
Ketu as well. The native was asked to fire the servant immediately.

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