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Annotated Bibliography

1. McNall, Laurel A., Masuda, Aline D., Nicklin, Jessica M. (2010). Flexible
Work Arrangements, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role
of Work-to-Family Enrichment, The Journal of Psychology 144(1), 61-81.
The research paper examines the relationship between the types of flexible work arrangements
(flextime and compressed workweek) with job satisfaction and turnover intentions and is
therefore very relevant to our project. The paper will help us gain conceptual knowledge of the
subject area and act as a key resource to enable us to better understand hypothesis formulation,
data collection methodology, analysis and interpretation of data results etc.
2. Van der Voordt, Theo J.M. (2004). Productivity and employee satisfaction in flexible
workplaces. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 6(2), 133 - 148.
The research paper contrasts the expected and actual effects of flexible working. "Productivity"
and "Job Satisfaction" are the parameters that we will be examining in our project as well. The
paper provides us with a unique insight into the psychological effects of flexible workplaces. We
will also learn about how we can measure the relevant variables through this paper.
3. Origo, F., Pagani, L. (2008). Workplace flexibility and job satisfaction: Some evidence
from Europe. International Journal of Manpower, 29(6), 539 - 566.
The research paper is relevant to our project as it considers different types of flexibility and
estimates their effect on different facets of job satisfaction. After going through the research
paper, we have a better understanding of the concepts which we will be measuring in our project.
4. Hayman, J R. (2010). Flexible Work Schedules and Employee Well-Being. New Zealand
Journal of Employment Relations, 35(2), 76-87.
We intend to use this research paper to study the relationship between flexible work schedule and
job satisfaction. The research will help us in formulation of hypothesis, data collection
methodology, analysis and interpretation of data results.
5. Kopelman, R. E. (1986). Alternative work schedules and Productivity: A review of the
evidence. National Productivity Review, 5(2), 150-165.
We intend to use this research paper to understand the various advantages and disadvantages of
flexible work arrangements like Compressed Work Week and Flexible Working Hours. A very
interesting conclusion of this research was that while flexibility is linked to improvement in work
life but does not have any relationship to productivity.

6. Rose, K. (1998). Work/life flexibility: A key to maximizing productivity. Compensation

& Benefits Management, 14(4), 27-32.
The article is useful in understanding the attitudinal changes resulting from a demographic shift
in the workforce. The positive outcomes of flexible work initiatives are brought out which
would help us in our hypothesis formulation as well as selection of relevant variables which we
can test in our project.
7. Solanki, K. (2013). Association of job satisfaction, productivity, motivation, stress levels
with flextime. Journal of Organization and Human Behavior, 2(2), 1-10
The article provides a very detailed analysis of correlation and regression techniques used to
establish the relationship between different variables. We plan to use this research paper mainly
to learn the data interpretation techniques. The research methodology employed in this paper
will serve as a guide for our project.
8. Kelliher, C., & Anderson, D. (2009). Doing more with less? Flexible working practices
and the intensification of work. Human relations, 63(1), 83-106.
The paper introduces us to the concept of social exchange theory to explain the apparent paradox
of high job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The article paper proposes that
employees respond to flexibility by exerting additional effort. We intend to use this aspect in our
9. Dalton, D R., Mesch, D J. (1990). The Impact of Flexible Scheduling on Employee
Attendance and Turnover. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(2), 370-387.
The field experiment which forms the basis of this research paper establishes a link between
flexible scheduling and employee attendance as well as turnover. The results are relevant to our
project as we will also be studying the relationship between these variables in our project.
10. Fondas, N. M. (2015, May 07). Say they will relocate for work-life flexibility. Harvard
Business Review
The article highlights the preference of millennials for flexible work arrangements. It also talks
about "flexibility enigma"-the likelihood of employees being labelled as less committed to work
if they opt for flexible work arrangements like flextime or paternity leave and as a result suffer
negative job consequences.
11. Behson, S. (2014, March 24). Increase Workplace Flexibility and Boost
Performance. Harvard Business Review.
The article raises the issue of managerial concerns when it comes to flexibility measures at
workplace and how organizations can address them. The key take away from the article is how
we can maximize the potential benefits of flexible work conditions while minimizing the
downside risks.

12. Bloom, N. (2014, Feb 07). To Raise Productivity, Let more Employees work from home.
Harvard Business Review
The article discusses a study where some employees were allowed to telecommute while the rest
remained in office as a control group. The performance data and survey responses of the
employees throw up some interesting results which will be useful for us from our project's point
of view.
13. Student, P. R. P. (2010). The role of work-life balance practices in order to improve
organizational performance. European Research Studies, 13 (1), 201-212.
This paper provides a detailed account of the changing workplace scenario and subtly provides a
perspective for what work life fit actually means. It also explores the possibility of using Flexi
time, Telecommuting, Compressed work weeks, Part time work and Job Sharing as Strategic
Human Resource Management decisions. This paper also explores the self-perception of
productivity of an employee with regards to his work life balance. Although the paper does not
give sound mathematical arguments to reach its conclusions, this paper provides a very good
theoretical base to get started.
14. Kossek, E. E., & Ozeki, C. (1999). Bridging the work-family policy and productivity
gap: A literature review. Community, Work & Family, 2(1), 7-32.
This paper gives both the qualitative and the quantitative measures of examining the impact of
work family policies on employee performance, absenteeism, turnover, organizational
commitment, job involvement and burn out. The mathematical correlations mentioned in the
paper would help us in structuring our hypothesis.
15. Cairns, T. D. (2013). What Will Tip the Scales for Flexible Work Arrangements
Motivation or Collaboration? Employment Relations Today, 40(2), 29-33.
This article provides a very interesting take by exploring the twin sides of the same coin. It
explores the possibility of whether eliminating the flexible work arrangements could have a
motivating impact on the employees by increasing the level of employee belongingness. This
paper derives its context from the decision of Marissa Mayer, chief executive officer of Yahoo,
on the elimination of flexible work arrangements (FWAs) in the company.
16. Anitha, J. (2014). Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee
performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,
63(3), 308-323.
Although this paper explores flexibility only as a subset of its study, it presents a very detailed
account of how to establish mathematical relationships between different sets of factors, which
we could use to model our study.

17. Editors, B. (1999, Jun 09). Surveys reveal how flexibility enhances job performance.
Business Wire.
This paper lists the results of a survey on how women react to flexible work options and how
they themselves and their managers perceive their productivity on the job. Although this paper
does not present data samples and arguments, we could refer to the results that it states while
compiling our results.
18. Scandura, T. A., & Lankau, M. J. (1997). Relationships of gender, family responsibility
and exible work hours to organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Journal of
organizational Behavior, 18(4), 377-391.
This paper relates the gender aspect with the response to flexible work policies and how the
policies impact them. The interesting part of this research paper is how it explores the
relationship of success of flexible work policies, with the nature of workforce in the company.
19. Elbing, A. O. (1975). Flexible working hours: The missing link. California Management
Review, 17(3), 50-57.
In this paper authors provide the observations about the behavior of the people when they are
given flexible working hours we can correlate our observations post completion of the survey
and check how the behavioral aspects had changed from time to time.
20. Schein, V. E., Maurer, E. H., & Novak, J. F. (1977). Impact of flexible working hours on
productivity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 62(4), 463-465.
This paper helps us in analyzing the productivity of the people with the implementation of
flexible working hours.The author had mentioned that the results of the neither positive nor
negative so we would like to explore from that perspective why people were neutral in this
21. Pierce, J. L., & Newstrom, J. W. (1983). The design of flexible work schedules and
employee responses: Relationships and process. Journal of Occupational Behaviour,4(4),
This paper describes about the different variables like efficiency, attitude of the employees
towards the change implemented in the working hours. We are going to use the particular
parameters for our study from this paper and use the theory to analyze our research in the next
22. Schein, V. E., Maurer, E. H., & Novak, J. F. (1978). Supervisors' reactions to flexible
working hours. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 51(4), 333-337.
This paper discusses about the reactions of the supervisors to the flexible working hours that
were implemented in the organization. We can use this to analyze the behavior of the people to
the newly implemented change and how adaptable are the changes in the flexible working hours.

23. Martens, M. F. J., Nijhuis, F. J. N., Van Boxtel, M. P. J., & Knottnerus, J. A. (1999).
Flexible work schedules and mental and physical health. A study of a working
population with non-traditional working hours. Journal of Organizational
Behavior, 20(1), 35-46.
This paper discusses about the effect on the mental and physical health of the individual. We will
concentrate on the mental health of the individual as one of the parameter is stress on the
employee due to flexible working hours.
24. Clarke, E. (2012, October). A Flexible Approach. Chemistry & Industry, 43(10/12).
A flexible approach is an article authored by Emma Clark and focuses on the legislation passed
in UK wherein an employ can opt out of the 48 hrs. work week. The article suggests remote
working as an alternative to the legislation and explores its advantages.
25. Dockery, A. M., & Bawa, S. (2014). Is working from home good work or bad work?
Evidence from Australian employees. Australian Journal of Labor Economics, 17(2),
The above reference discusses remote working option used by many of the top business heads
(Women). From the article, we intend to pick and analyze the data relating to the strata of
employees who are able to exercise the flexibility option and the changing trends. It also contains
an analysis of a survey.
26. Patterson, L. J. (2002). Stress in home-based working mothers: The role of boundary
management and psychological type. University of Cincinnati, ProQuest, UMI
Dissertations Publishing.
The dissertation focuses on home based working mothers, having jobs requiring higher level of
concentration and measure the stress levels. We intend to understand the stress tests used (hbi,
pti, hst) and the parameter suggested to reduce stress levels (bme).
27. Dalton, D. R., & Mesch, D. J. (1990). The impact of flexible scheduling on employee
attendance and turnover. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(2), 370-387.
This journal is a study based on an experiment which was conducted by an organization wherein
they initiated flexible scheduling for a year. The study compares the effect of the new
arrangement on the experimented group and the control group. We intend to study and include
from the above reading the relationship between flexible scheduling and turnover as well as

28. Tietze, S., & Musson, G. (2010). Identity, identity work and the experience of working
from home. The Journal of Management Development, 29(2), 148-156.
This study focuses on a different aspect of work from home as well as different strata of
employees. It explores the area of role conflict and identity conflict arising out of work from
home arrangements. We intend to explore the negative aspects of flexibility and how different
identities of working man and family man conflict and are a cause of stress, especially for
29. Baruch, Y. (2000). Teleworking: Benefits and pitfalls as perceived by professionals and
managers. New Technology, Work, and Employment, 15(1), 34-49.
This survey was conducted on a group of 62 teleworkers. It measures five effects of teleworking:
identity, skills, context, role demands and role outcomes. We would like to include the
methodology used in the above study for the analysis and also like to study the parameters and
how they are used.
30. Baltes, B. B., Briggs, T. E., Huff, J. W., Wright, J. A., & Neuman, G. A. (1999). Flexible
and compressed workweek schedules: A meta-analysis of their effects on work-related
criteria. Journal of Applied Psychology, 84(4), 496-500.
From this paper effect of flexible work-related timings on productivity/performance can be
analyzed. In general the effect on productivity is possible. However, having a highly flexible
work timings can be less effective when compared to having a less flexible timing. The impact
on stress has also been analyzed.
31. Moen, P., Kelly, E. L., Tranby, E., & Huang, Q. (2011). Changing Work, Changing
Health.Can Real Work-Time Flexibility Promote Health Behaviors and WellBeing? Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 52(4), 404-429.
An interesting enquiry how changes in work time can effect employees wellbeing by taking
medical attention when unwell, improving sleep time by over an hour and in the long run
improving health-related outcome. Also the effect on work-family conflict is studied in this
32. Hill, E. J., Hawkins, A. J., Ferris, M., & Weitzman, M. (2001). Finding an Extra Day a
week: The Positive Influence of Perceived Job Flexibility on Work and Family Life
Balance*. Family relations, 50(1), 49-58.
This paper analyzes the relation between work-life balance and perceived job flexibility. Also the
effect on individuals and business by the job flexibility is analyzed in the paper. Overall it can be
concluded that job flexibility affects the individuals and their health related issues positively.

33. Scandura, T. A., & Lankau, M. J. (1997). Relationships of gender, family responsibility
and exible work hours to organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Journal of
organizational Behavior, 18(4), 377-391.
In this paper the interdependencies between gender, family-life and flexible work hours are
studied extensively. Overall the results as indicated in the paper indicate that women who
perceive that organizations they work for provide flexible work hours then they display better
organizational commitment.
34. Noonan, M. C., Estes, S. B., & Glass, J. L. (2007). Do workplace flexibility policies
influence time spent in domestic labor? Journal of Family Issues, 28(2), 263-288.
This paper analyzes the changes in flexible work time on the way it affects the way the
household labor is distributed amongst mothers and fathers in a family. Overall it could be
observed from the paper that the policy has little or no effect on total domestic labor within dualearner families.
35. Allen, T. D. (2001). Family-supportive work environments: The role of organizational
perceptions. Journal of vocational behavior, 58(3), 414-435.
The study examines global employee perceptions regarding the extent their work organization is
family-supportive (FSOP).This has questionnaire for assessing responses of employees across
five areas namely Work family conflict ,supervisor support, Benefit availability and use ( which
includes exible work arrangements (FWA) (extime, compressed work week, telecommuting,
and part-time work) ) , job satisfaction , organizational commitment and intent to turnover.
36. Dunham, R. B., & Pierce, J. L. (1986). Attitudes toward work schedules: construct
definition, instrument development, and validation. Academy of Management
Journal, 29(1), 170-182.
This paper studies the response of employees towards different work schedules (five-day/40-hour
week (5/40), four-day/40-hour week, the 4 /40-hour week, staggered hours, and flexi time).
Several factors such as job satisfaction, stress, internal work motivation, job involvement, and
organizational commitment are considered as part of this.
37. Golden, L. (2001). Flexible work schedules: What are we trading off to get
them? Monthly Lab. Rev., 124(50), 50-67.
This study is about the sacrifices of employees in terms of their leisure time and personal life
when they adopt different work schedules. When they are on flexible work schedule, employers
expect more involvement from the employees resulting in more stress on employees. This study
also analyses employees inclination towards different work schedules.

38. Golden, T. D., & Veiga, J. F. (2005). The impact of extent of telecommuting on job
satisfaction: Resolving inconsistent findings. Journal of Management, 31(2), 301-318.

In this article, the author studies the positive and negative effects of telecommuting by recording
the responses from different categories of employees. He found correlation between different
responses and tries to analyze the effects of flexible work schedule on both sides.

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