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Loving memory of Yggdrisil

Description of Business
(loving of memory Yggdrisil) was developed out of Rose of
Peace. Rose of Peace is an Earth based org that was started with
the mission to serve like pagans and like minds in the military.
For a while it was under the direction and the nonprofit umbrella
of the Temple of Diana in Salem, MA. Since then it was
dismantled and the FEIN was cancelled in early 2012 and I have
left the military.
I have become involved with sustainment adopting many aspects
of permaculture (a system of agriculture that uses a mix of trees,
bushes, other perennial plants, and livestock to create a selfsustaining ecosystem that yields crops and other products) and
have decided to use the greater project of the rose to foster the
concept of greater Earth to the community Flint MI.
Loving memory of Yggdrisil will provide the following: Consulting
in urban agriculture headed up by running our own inner-city
farm, sell produce at other famer market locations. We will get to
a point in the future where we will donate food to local food
kitchens, as well as provide herbs for tea, food, and for medical
use. I would also like to open an area for a tea and coffee room
/book store that sells new and used books. The kinds of books I
want to focus on are extremely rare books that are out of print
and new age occult books including pagan works. I mention the
latter because I would like to have a pagan gathering spot within
the building people dont have to buy product to come buy it is
more meant for social interaction. Wi-Fi will be available as well.
I will intend to hold events that cater to gardening, horticulture
and new aged such as sabits, events as well have heavy online
interactions that will include a heavy investment in climate wealth
to help keep up sells.

Loving memory of Yggdrisil

Food security is a real major concern that must be seen to as
well as the need of a sustainable farming model. In meeting this
real demand we understand that the type if challenges we face as
a planet. The thing we dont want to be is the average
corporation. We operate in the belief that if a mega corporation
can rape and steal from the earth and destroy ecosystems one
can certainly be made to do the inverse and be profitable. The
mission is sustainment under permaculture. In five years we want
to produce our own power own a Canadian industrial hemp farm
as according to the law. Owning a hemp farm as a company will
help us supply products that are more renewable than products
from trees, cotton, and fossil fuels. Climate wealth is the concept
that while we are phasing out of using oil we are growing things
like renewable energy, we want to be a part of this evolution.
Owning our own wells and catching rain water will also help up be
more productive and protect the company and our customers
against a failure by the city to provide this needed asset and the
unwanted use of additives in the water. Our morals and our ethics
must reach beyond the want and need of money, in the modern
world and if money is the supreme reality we must change the
way we quest for it or one day there will be nothing left for any
Creating a space for pagan fellowship is important to me and
reinforcing that we live in a free society

Loving memory of Yggdrisil

Supplies and Suppliers

Produce: With the inner city Farm project we mean to provide
most of the produce for the company. (Potatoes, artichoke,
collards, tomato, broccoli, eggplant, etc)
Herbs: The inner city farming project will provide most of the
herbs that will be inside the tea room ( basil, Lemon basil,
oregano, rosemary, lavender, sage, steva, thyme, saffron, Lemon
grass, garlic, mint, hyssop, dandelion, burdock, chives, dill, fennel,
catnip, borage, etc)
Books: While acquiring as many used books as possible
partnering with a major book supplier would be ideal to both keep
stock of newer books and the ability to have a back sell to the
Poultry/fish: aqua phonics will be put to uses granting a diverse
growing environment and providing fish(at a small scale).
Misc: organic healthy items will be my only consideration for
Although there may be other items sold, from time to time the top
four are what the Garden of Life is built upon.
Teaching permaculture is a mission that we want to meet.
As a party what we want to accomplish we wish to engage the
youth of the city at some level, Engaging kids I believe would curb
a lot of the violence that has taken hold of Flint, MI it is about
providing an alternative.

Loving memory of Yggdrisil

There is no one location for this project because I want it to
take hold as a concept. We are searching for a place in Flint MI.
There will not be only one place considered as we are working
with the community to accomplish the mission. There is a
building also being considered for use as a WiFi, IP seller, and
book store.
I want to know when I step in here do I feel safe and relaxed.
Currently this is up in the air. We desire a location we can grow
food and conduct the main house seamlessly so we can conserve
The place that would be desired must accommodate the store a
hoop house and space for grow.

Loving memory of Yggdrisil

The business will be ran as cooperation and a democratic
owner model. under this model a core group will lead the future
progress of the company
As The Greater Project (Gardens of life) I am placing myself as the
General Director.
As membership grows the equality in the organization will spread
out naturally. Because of the original mission I feel responsible in
leading the spiritual mission of Rose of Peace. I am a Marine
Corps and Army National Guard Veteran and I have a background
in horticulture, permaculture concepts, master gardening and
master herbalism. It is in my style to place knowledgeable and
well trained people in areas that need work in which leave little
instruction, unless we are focusing on something specific where
instruction may be warranted. It does not in my nature to micro
manage but to let my experts do their work.

Loving memory of Yggdrisil

We will focus on a continued training program, through that of

events and seminars which will be held to provide training in the
more difficult aspects. We will also focus on the shop and
businesses with suggested educational materials and on the job
training would be best for what we want to accomplish.
I plan to hire directors of departments and hold meetings on
Mondays to get status up dates per week. Once a year we will
have a session in which we will produce a paper reviewing the
year on a financial and project level to take suggestions, and
show the workers and ourselves we are moving in the direction
we promised to do
I believe in training as opposed to being fired because we are all
here to learn of course if a person make a mistake that causes the
company to lose a massive amount of money in that case we
have to recover and retrain
But if a criminal action was to happen such as fighting or
vandalism for a finical crime then the company will take action
such as

Products and Services:

The concept that we as Memory of Yggdrisil, is Permaculture
(Permanente farming) for many reasons (reduce waste, fresh
organic food close to home, jobs) but that isnt just the only thing.

Loving memory of Yggdrisil

We are a Pagan/Earth based organization that will serve and

educate the public.
Also I believe that the internet is a wonderful tool in educating the
public. With the closing of Borders book store many areas not just
flint lost a social outlet. In providing this social space for
knowledge and spiritual and religious diversity fulfills this need in
our commitment.
We will also be selling locally grown organic produce.
Getting in to the culture of herbs is popular and has an open
market in the area.
Books are always needed to grow minds
And from time to time we will sell other products and provide
other services.
The adaptation of aqua phonics will help us meet our goals of
sustainable marketing my allowing us to diversify even more.



Organic produce
Pagan education
Horticulture consulting
Space for religious practice
and new age
Hemp products (non medical)
WI FI (free)
Chicken/Rabbits (law pending)
Coffee/ tea
Financial management

Loving memory of Yggdrisil

The money to start the projects will first come from managing
other projects that will help accomplish the goals of the
organization i.e gardening and herb gardening and possibility of
being grant funded in some way is a possibility. With the money
made from low living farming projects it is my intention to buy in
to hemp as a commodity and securities.
The breakdown of first years budget is as follows:

in to commodities
into conglomerates
into infrastructure

The purpose of this is to gain security through our investments

The hub most of the books held will be purchased through an
online resale point.
The full start up cost will be 50 thousand dollars. This will be for
labor equipment and it will also pay for two houses, two grow
houses, aqua phonic systems, a truck two wells materials for
building, rocket mass thermal heaters x two, animals, fish, seeds,
solar kits (to fit two houses)
We plan to pay workers on a bi-monthly basses.

Market analysis
Currently in flint there is talk of using aquaponics, but not many
people have a working mode. Also that way I want to set up this
place is to invite people with like minds to come and stay and find
everything they need. There are a few pagan shops but they are

Loving memory of Yggdrisil

designed to rush people through not teach or hold events. There

are florists in flint but they do not grow food on the grounds that
will be for sell. The working model of having books coffee tea
seems to work well in flint, there doesnt appear to be a company
like it in flint. I want to focus on pagan and rare books that are out
of print or reprinted.
I believe if I focus on students and the religious pagans, I will
receive support enough for this to be a success.

Plan of action
Primary we want to reach out to our pagan community for
support, we will plan events for children to learn and be more

Loving memory of Yggdrisil

involved in what we do. Also we want to reach students of

educational institutes
The money earned from the sells days at the farmers market and
our own store will go toward the paying of bills. At this point we
do not have a clear estimate on how much product we will need
to sell to cover these expenses.
Herbs produced on sites will by large be sold as dry stock, a
percentage of those proceeds will be made into other products
such as oil and teas for the tea-room.
The tea/coffee room \ book store will be run as a coffee shop with
the menu providing other natural drink selections on the menu.
Also the tea room will serve as an outlet for hemp products i.e.
clothes food, etc. through our suppliers. (non medical)
At the end of the day I think the soft target should be one
thousand dollars a week in sells, I believe the real power will
come from our projects that will eliminate a great deal of bills paid
out remember that this a permaculture business.
During full moons and new moons the store will have events just
like the major sabots for the wheel of the year
Through constant review we will take stapes to eliminate the need
to use things like city ran power or water. I can for see producing
so much of our own power that we are selling it back to the
company (Power Company).
Set a goal for how much money need to be invested in to stocks
and bonds as the company and open options for employees

Loving memory of Yggdrisil

Flint urban agriculture legal frame work (FUALF)

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