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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD
Dr. Swati Vishnoi BHMS

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD
Dr. Swati Vishnoi B.H.M.S.
Homoeo Cure & Research Institute
NH 74, Moradabad Road, Kashipur
(Uttaranchal) INDIA Pin- 244713
Ph. 05947- 260327, 9897618594
E. mail- drrajneeshhom@hotmail.com


Male and Female urethra...........................................................................................3
Blood and nerve supply.............................................................................................3
Functions and Physiology..............................................................................................3
Urinary Bladder Diseases, Signs and Symptoms..........................................................4
Bladder cancer...........................................................................................................4
Bladder stones...........................................................................................................6
Diseases of bladder function.....................................................................................7
Bladder stone...........................................................................................................11
Bladder cancer.........................................................................................................12

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy


400 cc of urine, while empty it is no larger than a tennis ball

Superiorly -end of the both ureter and down in the abdomen
Posteriorly- behind the pubic bone


Both ureters enter the bladder from the sides. They actually go diagonally through
the bladder wall, so they are being squeezed somewhat when the bladder fills; in this
way a valve is formed that provides for a one-way flow, prohibiting reflux of urine
from the bladder to the kidneys. The openings of the ureters are located near the
bladder outlet. A triangle is thus formed between the two ureteral openings and the
bladder outlet, which is the beginning of the urethra.

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

Male and Female urethra

In the male, the anal canal is right behind the bladder and the prostate is located
right under the bladder, around the urethra. In the female the uterus and vagina lie
in between the bladder and the anal canal. The female urethra is, by the way,
relatively short.

Blood and nerve supply

A couple of blood vessels are connected to the bladder from the sides, ensuring a
wealthy blood supply. The nerve supply is also abundant; a virtual network of nervebundles is connected to the bladder, while even quite a few nerve cells are present
to be able to do some on-the-spot regulating of the function of the bladder.

Functions and Physiology

The urine, produced by the kidneys, is transported by the ureters towards the
bladder to be stored there.
A second important feature of the bladder is the voiding of stored urine once a
suitable spot has been found to do that, i.e. a toilet. In order to get this done as
quickly as possible, the bladder wall is equipped with muscle fibers, so that the
bladder can shrink itself into the size of a tennis ball. Straining, i.e. using the muscles
of the abdomen enhances the pressure on the bladder contents and thus causes a
more powerful flow of urine, but will also squeezes the bladder outlet and enhance
the outflow resistance.

The sphincter around the urethra, that normally closes the outlet to prevent leaking,
has to relax during act of urination.

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

This everything is controlled by nerve cells in the spine and around the bladder. The
sensitive spot in the bladder consists of the triangular area between the openings of
the ureter and the bladder outlet, the trigone. Once this area gets stretched at a
certain degree of bladder filling, your brain gets a signal that the bladder is going to
need emptying.
The signals get stronger while the bladder gets fuller or if is kept resisting, the
control center in the spine takes over and starts the voiding procedure so that the
bladder empties itself completely. Babies always pass urine this way.

Urinary Bladder Diseases, Signs and Symptoms

Main diseases of the bladder can be subdivided into following categories-

Bladder cancer
Bladder cancer may be of several types, arising from the epithelial lining, the
urothelium. Rarely the bladder is involved by non-epithelial cancers, such as
lymphoma or sarcoma (Psora/ Sycosis/ Syphilis).
The most common type of bladder cancer recapitulates the normal histology of the
urothelium and is known as transitional cell carcinoma or more properly urothelial
cell carcinoma.

If it is not treated in time, the cancer might start local encroachment, and might also
metastasize to other parts of the body.


Congenital defects (Syphilis)

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy (Causa occasionalis)
Chronic bladder infections and irritations (Psora/ Sycosis/ Syphilis)
Exposure to certain chemicals (Causa occasionalis)
Low fluid consumption (Indisposition)
Personal or family history of bladder cancer (Cancerous)
Some medications - pioglitazone (Actos) and aristolochic acid (Causa
Smoking (Causa occasionalis)

Hematuria is the most common symptom

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

Urinating small amounts frequently
Frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Bacteria can easily slip up into the bladder, especially in the female due to a very
short urethra. Normally, these bacteria are washed out of the bladder during voiding,
but in some cases like low on drinking, a lot of bacteria, aggressive bacteria, low on
resistance after an operation etc. an infection can arise. The bacteria do mostly
come from ones own bowels, but strangers like gonorrhoea can also cause cystitis.
(Psora/ Sycosis)
In male, the cystitis is less common, since the urethra is longer and the bladder
farther away from the opening outside. If a man does get an infection of the bladder,
it often means that there is something else going on too, like bladder stones,
enlargement of the prostate, etc. In the male, a cystitis can easily lead to an
infection of the prostate, prostatitis or an epididymitis.

There are many possible causes of cystitis-

Use of a tampon (a plug of material used to stop a wound or block an opening

in the body and absorb blood or secretions) (Causa occasionalis)
Change of a urinary catheter causing damage to the area (Causa occasionalis)
There is a higher incidence of cystitis among women who use the diaphragm
for contraception. (Causa occasionalis)

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

Partial emptying of bladder creating an environment for bacteria to multiply in

the bladder. This is fairly common during pregnancy, and in men with
prostatomegaly. (Causa occasionalis/ Psora/ Sycosis)
Sexually active women have a higher risk of bacteria entering via the urethra.
Urinary system obstructions. (Causa occasionalis)
Frequent and/or vigorous sex causing physical damage or bruising. (Causa

During the menopause women produce less mucus in the vaginal area. This mucus
stops the bacteria from multiplying. Women on HRT (hormone replacement therapy)
have a lower risk of developing cystitis compared to menopausal women not on HRT.


Strong, persistent urge to urinate

Burning sensation when urinating
Passing frequent, small amounts of urine
Cloudy or strong-smelling urine
Pelvic discomfort
A feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen
Low-grade fever

Bladder stones
Bladder stone are usually not formed by the bladder. They originate as kidney
stones, pass through the ureter and end up in the bladder. Compared to the bladder
outlet and the urethra, these stones are relatively small and normally washed out
quickly, unless, there is some obstruction to the outlet like enlarged prostate, so the
stone gets stuck in the bladder and grows. Bladder stones are found more in men. A
bladder stone can be impregnated with bacteria, causing a persistent infection of the
bladder that will only be cured after removal of the stone.

Bladder stones begin to generate with residual urine that has not been excreted.
(Causa occasionalis/ Psora) Conditions commonly associated with an inability to fully
void the bladder include-

Neurogenic bladder
If the nerves communicating between the bladder and brain are damaged as in a
stroke or spinal injury (Causa occasionalis/ Syphilis).

Prostate enlargement
If the prostate is enlarged, as it can press on the urethra and cause a disruption in
flow. (Psora/ Sycosis)

Medical devices
Foreign objects in the bladder can act as platforms for crystallization to begin like
catheters, contraceptive devices, suture material and stents if they migrate to the
bladder. (Causa occasionalis)

Bladder inflammation
Urinary tract infections or radiation therapy. (Causa occasionalis/ Psora/ Syphilis)

Kidney stones

Kidney stones can migrate down the ureters and eventually grow into bladder
stones. Kidney stones are more common than bladder stones. (Psora)

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

Bladder diverticula
If they grow to a large enough size, they can hold urine and prevent the bladder from
being fully emptied. (Psora/ Sycosis)

In women, the bladder wall can become weak and drop down to the vagina; this can
affect the flow of urine from the bladder. (Psora/ Sycosis)


Frequent urination, especially during the night

Lower abdominal pain
A burning sensation or pain in the urethra when urinating
Bloody or cloudy urine
Incontinence of urine

Diseases of bladder function

The bladder muscle can be too weak, causing incomplete emptying of the bladder
during voiding. On the other hand, the bladder might get too active, causing
frequent urination or incontinence or the bladder sphincter might be too weak, which
can also cause incontinence.


Damage during childbirth (Causa occasionalis)

Increased intraabdominal pressure, as in pregnancy or obesity (Causa
Damage to the bladder or nearby area during surgery (Causa occasionalis)
Neurological conditions such as parkinsons disease or multiple sclerosis (Syphilis)
Certain connective tissue disorders, such as ehlers-danlos syndrome (Syphilis/
Drinking too much alcohol or caffeine (Causa occasionalis)
Poor fluid intake leads to strong, concentrated urine to collect in bladder,
which can irritate the bladder and cause symptoms of overactivity (Causa
Constipation (Psora)
Conditions affecting the lower urinary tract, such as urinary tract infections or
tumors in the bladder (Psora/ Syphilis/ Sycosis)
An enlarged prostate gland (Psora/ Sycosis)
Bladder stones (Psora)
Birth defect of bladder (Syphilis)
Injury to your spinal cord (Causa occasionalis)
A bladder fistula (Psora/ Syphilis)
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (Causa occasionalis)
Diuretics (Causa occasionalis)
Some antidepressants (Causa occasionalis)
Hormone replacement therapy (Causa occasionalis)
Sedatives (Causa occasionalis)

Symptoms of stress incontinence

Involuntary release of urine, especially while cough, sneeze, or laugh. Leaking a

small to moderate amount of urine.

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

Symptoms of urge incontinence

Frequent and sudden uncontrollable urge to urinate

The bladder and its function can be investigated in different ways.
1) Blood test


2) Urine Examination

white blood cells

red blood cells
calcium or urate or another known stone-forming substance

3) X-rays
Bladder stone is often visible.
4) CT-scan
Extent of a kidney tumor.
5) Cystogram
During a cystogram the bladder is filled with a radiopaque dye. Large bladder tumors
will be visible in this way, while, after emptying the bladder, it will show whether the
bladder is really empty.
6) Ultrasound
The size of the bladder and the quality of emptying are measured, while bladder
stones and large tumors are visualized.

7) Cystoscopy

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

This is perhaps the most important examination of the bladder, since even very
small bladder tumors or stones can be found, while the urethra and prostate can be
inspected in one go. One does also get an impression of the quality of the bladder

8) Urodynamic study
A urodynamic examination is necessary to test the function of the bladder. The
bladder is first emptied through a catheter. After another small catheter is inserted
into the bladder, it is filled, very gently, with water, while, at the same time the
amount of water flowing in the bladder pressure is measured. In this way information
is gathered about the bladder capacity, the sensitivity and the way the bladder is
emptied again. The examination is important to get information about the condition
the bladder is in and to find the cause in cases of incontinence.

Treatment depends on the nature, i.e. cause of the cystitis.
- INFLAMMATION - accompanied by - Female genitalia; inflammation of canth.
- INFLAMMATION - accompanied by fever Acon. bell. Canth. gels. hydrang.





Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

- Male genitalia; inflammation of canth.

- Prostate gland; swelling of sabal
swelling calc.
- urination dribbling canth.
- urination involuntary canth.

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - accompanied by - urination painful Acon. bell. Canth. gels.

hydrang. stigm.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - accompanied by - urine bloody Chim. uva
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - accompanied by - urine burning Canth.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - acute - accompanied by - urination - urging to urinate mez.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION acute acon. ant-t. apis ars. aspar. Bell. benz-ac. berb.
camph-ac. Camph. Cann-s. Canth. caps. chim. con. Cop. Cub. dig. Dulc. elat. Equis-h.
erig. Eucal. Eup-pur. fab. ferr-act. Ferr-p. Gels. hell. hydrang. hyos. lach. Merc-c. methyl.
mez. nit-ac. nux-v. Ol-sant. Pareir. petros. pip-m. Pop. prun. Puls. sabal Sabin. sars. Saur.
sep. Stigm. sulph. Ter. tritic. uva vesi.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - cantharis; from abuse of apis camph.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - catheterization; after arn. camph-ac. pop. staph.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - chronic cystitis - accompanied by - Urethra; inflammation of
hydr. med.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - chronic cystitis - accompanied by - urination; dribbling
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - chronic cystitis ars. bals-p. Baros. Benz-ac. berb. Cann-s.
Canth. carb-v. Caust. Chim. coc-c. coll. coloc. Cop. cub. Dulc. Epig. ery-a. eucal. eup-pur.
Fab. grin. Hydr. iod. juni-c. Kali-m. lith-c. lyc. Med. Merc-c. nat-c. nit-ac. otit-m-xyz. Pareir.
pip-m. Pop. prun. Puls. rhus-a. Sabal santin. seneg. Sep. silphu. Stigm. Sulph. Ter. thlas.
thuj. tritic. Tub. Uva vesi.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - coition; after - first intercourse STAPH.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - coition; after - new sexual relationship; since Med.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - coition; after sabad. STAPH.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - cold; after taking a DULC. Sulph.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION gonorrheal bell. benz-ac. Canth. Cop. cub. merc-c. methyl.
puls. sabal
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - headache; during rhus-t.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - hemorrhoids - suppression of; after Nux-v.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - injuries; after Arn. Staph.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION interstitial med.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - menses - before - agg. senec.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - menses - during - agg. senec.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - menses - suppressed menses; from Nux-v.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - Neck of bladder Acon. Apis aspar. camph. Cann-xyz. CANTH.
Caps. cham. Chim. Clem. con. Cop. Dig. elat. guaj. hyos. ign. lyc. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Nux-v.
petr. Petros. plb. Puls. ruta Sars. Senec. staph. sul-ac. sulph.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - operation; after - abdomen; on pop.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - operation; after - ovaries; after removing pop.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - operation; after - uterus; after removing pop.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - operation; after pop.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - pain and almost clear blood; with violent Nit-ac.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - pregnancy agg.; during pop.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - pus-like discharge after lithotomy, with mill.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - scarlatina; after Canth.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - throbbing all over; with sabin.
BLADDER - INFLAMMATION - women; in mit.
BLADDER INFLAMMATION ACON. all-c. alth. am-c. Ant-t. APIS arbin. Arg-n. arist-cl. Arn.
ars-s-f. Ars. aspar. Bar-m. BELL. Berb. bism. bov. cact. Calad. Calc. camph. Cann-i. cann-s.
CANTH. Caps. carb-ac. Caust. Chim. Chinin-s. cinnb. clem. colch. coleus-a. coli. coloc.
Con. Cop. Cub. Dig. Dulc. EQUIS-H. Ery-a. Eup-pur. Fab. ferr-p. ferr. gali. Gels. graph. Hell.
helon. Hydr. Hyos. kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-c. kali-chl. kali-m. LACH. lil-t. linu-u. lith-c. LYC. lyss.
Med. Merc-c. Merc. methyl. mez. murx. musa myrt-c. nat-c. Nit-ac. Nux-v. oci-sa. pareir.
petr. petros. ph-ac. phos. phys. pip-m. plb-xyz. polyg-h. pop. prun. PULS. rhus-a. Rhus-t.
ruta sabal Sabin. SARS. senec. seneg. SEP. solid. squil. staph. stigm. stram. Sulph. tarent.
tax. TER. thuj. tritic. uva vacc-m. verat-v. vesi. xanrhoe.
BLADDER - PAIN - cystitis, in - pressing pain LYC.
BLADDER - PAIN - cystitis, in lyc.

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

BLADDER - PAIN - pressing - cystitis, in LYC.

BLADDER - PAIN - pressing, pressure in - cystitis, in LYC.
FEMALE - ABORTION, miscarriage - cystitis, from acon. cann-s. canth.
FEMALE - ABORTION, miscarriage - cystitis, from acon. cann-s. canth.
GENERALS - HISTORY; personal - cystitis; of recurrent - children; in apis asaf. borx. canth.
caps. lach. lyc. MED. nux-v. sars. Sep. STAPH. tub.
GENERALS - HISTORY; personal - cystitis; of recurrent hep. lyc. med. puls. sep. tub.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Inflammation Acute acon. ant-t. apis ars. aspar. Bell. benzac. berb. camph-ac. Camph. Cann-s. Canth. caps. chim. con. Cop. Cub. dig. Dulc. elat.
Equis-h. erig. Eucal. Eup-pur. fab. ferr-act. Ferr-p. Gels. hell. hydrang. hyos. lach. Merc-c.
methyl. nit-ac. nux-v. Ol-sant. Pareir. petros. pip-m. Pop. prun. Puls. sabal Sabin. sars.
Saur. sep. Stigm. sulph. Ter. tritic. uva vesi.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Inflammation Chronic Ars. bals-p. Baros. Benz-ac. berb.
Cann-s. Canth. carb-v. Caust. Chim. coc-c. coloc. Cop. cub. Dulc. Epig. ery-a. eucal. Euppur. fab. grin. Hydr. iod. juni-c. lith-c. lyc. Merc-c. nit-ac. Pareir. pip-m. Pop. prun. Puls.
rhus-a. Sabal santin. seneg. Sep. silphu. Stigm. Ter. thlas. thuj. tritic. tub. Uva vesi.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Inflammation - from - abuse of Cantharis apis camph.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Inflammation - from gonorrhea bell. benz-ac. Canth. Cop.
cub. merc-c. puls. sabal
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Inflammation - from - operations, and in pregnancy pop.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Inflammation - With fever, strangury Acon. bell. Canth. gels.
hydrang. stigm.

Bladder stone
Bladder - STONE in, sensation of - urethra, as of a coc-c.
BLADDER - STONE in, sensation of med. puls. SEP.
BLADDER - STONES in bladder - operation; after Arn. Calen. cham. chin. cupr. mill.
nux-v. STAPH. verat.
BLADDER - STONES in bladder - sensation of a stone puls. SEP.
BLADDER - STONES in bladder all-s. Ambr. ant-c. ant-t. apoc. arg-n. ars. aspar. bell.
BENZ-AC. BERB. bry. cact. cal-ren. CALC. Cann-s. CANTH. carb-v. card-m. Chin. Coc-c.
Coch. coff-t. colch. coloc. cupr. dig. epig. equis-h. Eup-per. graph. hydrang. kali-c.
Kalm. kreos. Lach. lipp. Lith-c. LYC. Meny. Merc-c. merc. mez. Mill. naja nat-m. nat-s.
Nit-ac. Nux-m. Nux-v. oxyd. pall. Pareir. Petr. Phos. Puls. Raph. rhod. Ruta SARS. SEP.
Sil. sul-ac. sulph. tarent. thuj. zinc.
Bladder - STONES, bladder, calculi - calcium, deposits Cal-ren. m-aust. sars. vario.
Bladder - STONES, bladder, calculi - surgery, for, after Arn. CALEN. cham. chin. cupr.
mill. nux-v. STAPH. verat.
Bladder - STONES, bladder, calculi acon. Ambr. ant-c. ant-t. arg-n. arn. ars. baros.
Bell. BENZ-AC. BERB. cact. CAL-REN. CALC. calen. cann-s. CANTH. card-m. cham.
chim. Chin. chinin-s. Coc-c. colch. coloc. con. cupr. dulc. elem. epig. equis-h. erig.
ery-a. Eup-pur. fab. gal-ac. hedeo. hep. hydrang. Ipom-p. Lach. lipp. Lith-c. LYC. maust. Meny. mez. Mill. morg-g. naja nat-m. nat-s. Nit-ac. Nux-m. Nux-v. oci-sa. oci.
onon. op. oxyd. Pareir. Petr. Phos. pipe. Puls. Raph. Ruta SARS. SEP. Sil. sol-x. solid.
staph. stigm. sulph. Tab. tarent. thlas. thuj. Urt-u. Uva vario. verat. zinc.
Bladder - ULCERATION, bladder - stones, calculi, caused by all-s.
Bladder - URGING, to urinate - painful, dysuria, urination - stones, with kidney,
bladder berb. calc. cann-s. LYC. nux-v. petr. phos. SARS. sep. sil.
Kidneys - COLIC, kidney, pain - cramp-like, towards bladder nit-ac.
Kidneys - COLIC, kidney, pain - right - right ureter to bladder LYC. sars.
URINARY ORGANS - Bladder stone AMBR. Ant-c. ant-t. calc. lyc. MENY. NUX-V. Phos.
RUTA SARS. sil. zinc.
Urinary organs - Stone - in bladder puls. sars.

Bladder cancer

BLADDER - CANCER - painful; tormenting naphthoq.

BLADDER CANCER Anil. arg-n. ars. blatta-o. chim. clem. con. congo-r. crot-h. equish. gamb. hydr. mal-ac. sabal sars. staph. tarax. TER. thuj. tor.
Bladder - CANCER, bladder - bloodly, urine, with Ter. Thuj.
Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

Bladder - CANCER, bladder acet-ac. anil. ars. calc. carb-an. Carc. Con. Crot-h. scir.
sec. stann. tarax. TER. Thuj. visc.
Tumors, general - bladder, tumors - urethra, small lach.
Tumors, general - bladder, tumors vascular cann-s. Eucal.
Tumors, general - bladder, tumors acet-ac. anil. Calc. carb-v. sec. thuj.


BLADDER - PARALYSIS - general - incontinence, with caust. m-aust. puls. rhus-t.

BLADDER - PARALYSIS - incontinence, with caust. puls. rhus-t.
Bladder - PARALYSIS, bladder - incontinence, with caust. puls. rhus-t.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - accompanied by - eczema; history of
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night adolescence caust. kali-c. Lac-c.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - catheterization, after mag-p.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - children; in acon. aesc. Carb-v. carc.
cina lac-c. mag-m. med. nat-p. psor. puls. santin. sil. syph. thuj.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - cough agg.; during colch.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - dreaming of urinating, while equis-h.
Kreos. lac-c. lyc. merc-i-f. Ph-ac. Seneg. SEP. SULPH.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - first sleep benz-ac. Bry. calc. Carb-v.
CAUST. cina Graph. Kreos. mag-c. merc. Ph-ac. phos. puls. SEP. SIL. sulph. zinc.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - four times cob.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - fright; after op. stram.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - habit; when there is no tangible cause
except EQUIS-H.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - injuries of head; after sil.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - menses; during hyos.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - midnight - after - 5 h act.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - midnight after PULS. Ruta
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - midnight before Bry. PULS.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - midnight - morning; until plan.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - moon; full cina psor.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - morning, toward am-c. cact. Calc. Caust.
chlol. cina con. Hep. petr. phos. Sep. Sil. stann. SULPH. zinc.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - old people apoc. benz-ac. kali-p. sec.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - pregnancy agg.; during podo.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - sleep deep Kreos.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - spasmodic enuresis ARG-MET. bell.
canth. caps. castm. cina coloc. Gels. hyos. ign. lach. lyc. Nux-v. op. puls. rhus-t.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - waken the child; difficult to Bell. chlol.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - weakly children, in Chin. kali-p. thyr.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - women; in Sil.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night - worms; from cina Santin. sil. sulph.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary night acon. Aeth. alet. Aloe Am-c. anac. anan.
ant-c. ant-t. APIS Apoc. Arg-met. ARG-N. ARN. ars-s-f. ARS. aur-ar. aur-m. aur-s. Aur.
bac-t. bac. bar-c. bar-m. bar-s. BELL. BENZ-AC. borx. bry. cact. calc-sil. Calc. camph.
cann-s. canth. caps. carb-an. Carb-v. Carbn-s. carc. CAUST. Cham. chin. chinin-ar.
Chlol. cic. cimx. Cina clem. coca cocc. colch. coloc. con. Crot-c. cub. cupr. cycl. dig.
dulc. enterob-v. EQUIS-H. Eup-pur. Ferr-ar. ferr-i. ferr-p. FERR. Fl-ac. gels. glycyr-g.
GRAPH. guaj. Hep. hyos. ign. kali-br. kali-c. kali-m. KALI-N. Kali-p. kali-sil. KREOS. LACC. lac-d. lach. laur. led. lina. lyc. m-aust. mag-c. Mag-m. MAG-P. mag-s. mand. Med.
meny. Merc. mur-ac. Nat-ar. Nat-c. NAT-M. Nat-p. NIT-AC. nux-v. Op. ox-ac. Petr. ph-ac.
Phos. phys. Plan. plb. Podo. Psor. PULS. quas. rheum rhus-a. RHUS-T. Ruta Sabal
Sanic. santin. Sars. sec. sel. Seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. squil. staph. Stram. sul-ac.

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

SULPH. Syc. syph. tab. ter. Thuj. Thyr. tritic. Tub. uran-met. Uran-n. uva verat. Verb.
Viol-t. zinc-p. zinc.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - morning, toward
am-c. cact. carb-v. chlol. cina zinc.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - autumn agg. puls.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - winter agg. puls.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - children, in weak
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - dreaming of
urination, while bell. equis-h. KREOS. lac-c. lyc. merc-f. SENEG. SEP. sulph.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - injury of head,
after SIL.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - masturbation
tendency, in sep.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - moon, at full psor.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - sleep - deep, from
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - sleep - first, in
benz-ac. bry. CAUST. cina KREOS. merc. PH-AC. phos. puls. rhus-t. SEP. SIL. sulph.
tub. zinc.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - sleep - first, in winter agg., summer amel. caust.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - tangible cause
except habit, when there is no EQUIS-H.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - worms, from sil.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - morning, toward
am-c. cact. carb-v. chlol. cina zinc.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - dreaming of
urination, while bell. equis-h. Kreos. lac-c. lyc. merc-f. Seneg. Sep. sulph.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - injury of head,
after Sil.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - first sleep, in benzac. bry. CAUST. cina Kreos. Ph-ac. phos. puls. rhus-t. SEP. tub.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - first sleep, in Winter agg., Summer amel. caust.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - spasmodic enuresis
ARG-MET. bell. canth. caps. castm. cina coloc. Gels. hyos. ign. lach. lyc. Nux-v. op.
puls. rhus-t. verat.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - tangible cause
except habit, when there is no EQUIS-H.
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed - weakly children, in
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed abies-c. ACON.
AETH. agri. alet. alum. am-be. AM-C. anac. anan. APIS APOC. ARG-MET. ARG-N. aristcl. ARN. ars-s-f. ARS. aur-ar. aur-m. AUR-S. AUR. bac. bar-c. bar-m. bar-s. BELL. BENZAC. BRY. cact. calc-o-t. calc-p. calc-sil. CALC. camph-br. CANTH. caps. CARB-V.
CARBN-S. carc. castm. CAUST. CHAM. chin. chinin-ar. CHLOL. cimx. CINA clem. coca
coloc. con. CROT-C. cub. cupr. dig. dulc. dys. ephin-m. EQUIS-H. EUP-PUR. ferr-ar. ferri. FERR-P. FERR. FL-AC. gaert. gels. GRAPH. HEP. hyos. HYPER. ign. iod. ip. iris kali-br.
KALI-C. kali-chl. KALI-N. KALI-P. kali-sil. KREOS. LAC-C. lac-d. lach. LINA. lupin. lyc. MAUST. mag-c. MAG-M. MAG-P. mag-s. mand. MED. merc-f. MERC. mill. morg-g. mur-ac.
NAT-AR. NAT-C. NAT-M. NAT-P. nat-s. nat-sil. NIT-AC. nux-v. OP. ox-ac. PETR. petros. phac. PHOS. physal-al. pix plan-l. PLAN. plumbg-eu. PODO. pop. PSOR. PULS. quas.
QUERC-R. rheum RHUS-A. RHUS-T. RUTA SABAL SANIC. santin. SARS. sec. sel. SENEG.
SEP. SIL. SPIG. squil. STAPH. STRAM. SULPH. SYC. tab. tarax. ter. THUJ. THYR. TUB.
uran-met. URAN-N. UVA valer. verat. VERB. viol-o. VIOL-T. visc. zinc-phic. zinc.

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - night, incontinence in bed abies-c. Acon. Aeth.

alet. alum. am-be. Am-c. anac. anan. APIS Apoc. Arg-met. ARG-N. arist-cl. ARN. ars-sf. ARS. aur-ar. aur-m. Aur-s. Aur. bac. bar-c. bar-m. bar-s. BELL. BENZ-AC. Bry. cact.
calc-o-t. calc-p. calc-sil. Calc. camph-br. canth. caps. Carb-v. Carbn-s. carc. castm.
CAUST. Cham. chin. chinin-ar. Chlol. cimx. Cina coca coloc. con. Crot-c. cub. cupr.
dulc. dys. EQUIS-H. Eup-pur. ferr-ar. ferr-i. Ferr-p. FERR. Fl-ac. gaert. gels. GRAPH.
Hep. hyos. ign. iod. iris kali-br. Kali-c. kali-chl. Kali-p. kali-sil. KREOS. LAC-C. lac-d.
lach. lina. lyc. m-aust. mag-c. Mag-m. MAG-P. mag-s. mand. Med. merc-f. Merc. morgg. mur-ac. Nat-ar. Nat-c. NAT-M. Nat-p. nat-s. nat-sil. NIT-AC. nux-v. Op. ox-ac. Petr.
ph-ac. Phos. physal-al. pix Plan. Podo. Psor. PULS. quas. rheum Rhus-a. RHUS-T. Ruta
Sanic. santin. Sars. sec. sel. Seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. squil. Staph. Stram. SULPH. Syc.
tab. ter. Thuj. Thyr. TUB. Uran-n. uva verat. Verb. viol-o. Viol-t. zinc-phic. zinc.
BLADDER-URINARY ORGANS - URINATION, - involuntary - night (incontinence in bed)
acon. Aeth. Am-c. anac. anan. APIS Apoc. Arg-met. ARG-N. ARN. ARS. aur-m. aur-s.
Aur. bar-c. bar-m. BELL. BENZ-AC. bry. cact. Calc. canth. Carb-v. Carbn-s. CAUST.
Cham. chin. Chlol. cimx. Cina coca con. Crot-c. cub. cupr. dulc. EQUIS-H. Eup-pur.
Ferr-ar. ferr-i. ferr-p. FERR. Fl-ac. GRAPH. Hep. hyos. ign. kali-c. Kali-p. KREOS. LAC-C.
lac-d. lyc. mag-c. Mag-m. MAG-P. mag-s. Med. Merc. mur-ac. Nat-act. Nat-c. NAT-M.
Nat-p. NIT-AC. nux-v. Op. ox-ac. Petr. ph-ac. Phos. Plan. Podo. Psor. PULS. RHUS-T.
Ruta Sanic. Sars. Seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. squil. staph. Stram. SULPH. tab. ter. Thuj. Tub.
Uran-met. verat. Verb. Viol-t. zinc.
BLADDER-URINARY ORGANS - URINATION, - involuntary - night (incontinence in bed) morning, toward am-c. cact. chlol. zinc.
BLADDER-URINARY ORGANS - URINATION, - involuntary - night (incontinence in bed) midnight to morning
BLADDER-URINARY ORGANS - URINATION, - involuntary - night (incontinence in bed) difficult to waken the child Bell. KREOS.
BLADDER-URINARY ORGANS - URINATION, - involuntary - night (incontinence in bed) dreaming of urinating, while Kreos. lac-c. lyc. merc-i-f. Seneg. Sep. sulph.
BLADDER-URINARY ORGANS - URINATION, - involuntary - night (incontinence in bed) first sleep benz-ac. CAUST. cina Kreos. Ph-ac. SEP.
BLADDER-URINARY ORGANS - URINATION, - involuntary - night (incontinence in bed) spasmodic enuresis ARG-MET. bell. canth. caps. castm. cina coloc. Gels. hyos. ign.
lach. lyc. Nux-v. op. puls. rhus-t. verat.
BLADDER-URINARY ORGANS - URINATION, - involuntary - night (incontinence in bed) tangible cause except habit, when there is no EQUIS-H.
BLADDER-URINARY ORGANS - URINATION, - involuntary - night (incontinence in bed) weakly children, in Chin.
Constitutions - ELDERLY, constitutions - flabby, chronic incontinence of urine, from
paralysis of sphincter vesicae Thuj.
CORYZA - Concomitants - urine - incontinence of verat.
DREAMS - STOOL incontinence dulc. haliae-lc.
FEMALE SEXUAL SYSTEM - Lochia - Urinary incontinence arn. bell. caust. hyos. tril-p.
Heart - HEARTBEATS, general - frequent, each beat double, one hard and full, the
other soft and small - incontinence of urine, with Arg-n.
Heart - HEARTBEATS, general - weak - incontinence of urine, with Arg-n.
Incontinence stool, urine, sexual, etc. - fright, from op.
Incontinence stool, urine, sexual, etc. Aloe arg-n. Arn. ars. BELL. CAUST. chin. con.
dios. Gels. Hyos. mur-ac. nat-m. PH-AC. Phos. Podo. Puls. Sel. Sep. staph. Sulph. urann.
MIND - FEAR - coition - during - incontinence of urine, causing long lasting Lyc.
MIND - FEAR - coition, during - incontinence of urine, causing prolonged LYC.
MIND - FEAR - wet his bed; fear he will alum. cob.
plan. BLADDER-URINARY ORGANS - URINATION, - involuntary - night (incontinence in
bed) - midnight to morning - after,5 a.m. cact.
STOMACH - INDIGESTION - incontinence of urine, with vib-od.

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

STOMACH - INDIGESTION - incontinence of urine, with vib-od.

Stomach - INDIGESTION, general - incontinence, of urine, with vib-od.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Enuresis, incontinence - cause - Catheterization, after
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Enuresis, incontinence - cause - Digestive disturbances
benz-ac. Nux-v. puls.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Enuresis, incontinence - cause - During - first sleep;
child aroused with difficulty caust. kreos. Sep.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Enuresis, incontinence - cause - During - full moon;
intractable cases; eczematous history psor.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Enuresis, incontinence - cause - Habit the only
ascertainable cause equis-h.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Enuresis, incontinence - cause - History of sycosis med.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Enuresis, incontinence - cause Hysteria ign. valer.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Enuresis, incontinence - cause - Weak or paretic
sphincter vesicae apoc. Bell. Caust. con. ferr-p. Gels. nux-v. rhus-a. Sabal sec. Stry.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Enuresis, incontinence - cause Worms cina Santin.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Enuresis, incontinence - occurrence - In old people aloe
am-be. Arg-n. Benz-ac. canth. Dam. equis-h. Gels. nit-ac. Rhus-a. sec. seneg.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Enuresis, incontinence - occurrence Diurnal arg-n. bell.
caust. equis-h. Ferr-p. Ferr. sec.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Enuresis, incontinence - occurrence Nocturnal am-c.
arg-n. arn. ars. Bell. benz-ac. calc. Caust. cina coca Equis-h. eup-pur. ferr-i. ferr-p.
gels. hep. ign. kali-br. mag-p. Med. phys. Plan. Puls. quas. Rhus-a. santin. sec. Sil.
Sulph. thuj. Thyr. uran-n. verb.
URINARY SYSTEM - Bladder - Enuresis, incontinence - Remedies in general acon. agar.
apis Arg-n. arn. ars. atro. Bell. Benz-ac. calc. canth. Caust. cic. cimic. Cina con. Dulc.
Equis-h. ery-a. eup-per. Eup-pur. Ferr-p. ferr. Gels. hydrang. hyos. Kali-br. kali-n. kalip. Kreos. lina. Lup. lyc. mag-p. med. Nux-v. op. petr. ph-ac. phys. plan. Puls. Rhus-a.
rhus-t. Sabal sanic. Santin. sec. seneg. Sep. sil. stram. Sulph. ter. thuj. Thyr. tritic.
tub. Uran-n. Verb. zinc.
URINE - Incontinence of ACON. ant-t. ARG-MET. Bell. canth. clem. con. cupr. Dig. dros.
hyos. Led. mag-c. nit-ac. ph-ac. podo. Puls. RHUS-T. SQUIL. stram. TARAX. VERAT.

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of Internal Medicine ... Transitional cell epithelium lines the urinary tract from the
renal pelvis to the ureter...

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Control Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Orthopedics, 5e ... Urinary tract infections
are a common source of sepsis and prolonged illness. An indwelling...

Chapter 16. Pathology of the Kidney and Bladder Pathology: The Big Picture

Chapter 2. Embryology of the Urogenital System & Congenital Anomalies of the

Genital Tract > Male: Urinary Bladder, Urethra, & Penis (Fig. 215) CURRENT

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Diseases of Urinary Bladder and Homoeopathy

Diagnosis & Treatment: Obstetrics & Gynecology, 11e ... of urinary bladder and
urethra. (Explanatory symbols are given in Fig. 21 .) Figure 222...

Chapter 21. Urothelial Carcinoma: Cancers of the Bladder, Ureter, & Renal
Pelvis Smith and Tanagho's General Urology, 18e

Chapter 25. Urinary Diversion & Bladder Substitutions > Continent Urinary
Diversion and Bladder Substitution Smith and Tanagho's General Urology, 18e

Chapter 25. Urinary Diversion & Bladder Substitutions > Urinary Diversion
& Bladder Substitutions: Introduction Smith and Tanagho's General Urology, 18e
... Selected patients with lower urinary tract cancers or severe functional or anatomic

Chapter 28. Neuropathic Bladder Disorders Smith and Tanagho's General

Urology, 18e

Chapter 33. Bladder Cancer The MD Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology, 2e

Chapter 38. Disorders of the Bladder, Prostate, & Seminal Vesicles > Acquired
Diseases of the Bladder Smith and Tanagho's General Urology, 18e

Chapter 38. Disorders of the Bladder, Prostate, & Seminal Vesicles Smith
and Tanagho's General Urology, 18e

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Medicine ... condition is characterized by pain perceived to be from the urinary
bladder, urinary urgency and frequency...
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lies in the pelvis...
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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

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