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Hello Ms. Claire! I'm glad to have you in my class for the first time.

Well, you have

really had a good speaking skill. You might have had misunderstand few of my
questions but still for you that's just normal and I can't consider it as your
weakness. Also, you were very conversant and you have had plenty of vocabulary to
use to clearly describe the opinions that you wanted to convey. Now, I just wanted
you to continue your speaking exposure because this way is the most effective
method to enhance more your speaking skill and all other skills that you have when
it comes to English. Lastly, please just be more cautious with your grammatical
mistakes and try to be more careful with how you use words which almost have the
same formation. You have done well. Thank you and I hope to have you in my class
again next time.
word 1. tragic ADJECTIVE /trdk/ very sad because connected with death and
Two men lost their lives in a tragic accident.
In the theater, tragic means having to do with a tragedy (= type of play having a
sad ending):
a tragic actor
Pronunciation Corrections
1. meant /ment/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: I love seeing a comedy cinema.
correct: I love seeing a comedy IN THE cinema.
2. incorrect: Before I see the comedy, I have to buy a ticket.
correct: Before I see the comedy, I have to buy a ticket FIRST.
3. incorrect: When I was a FRENCH, I saw this movie in OUR advance English class.
correct: When I was a FRESHMAN, I saw this movie in OUR advance English class.
4. incorrect: Most movies ARE HAVE the same plot.
correct: Most movies HAVE the same plot.
5. incorrect: It's BENEFIT to us.
correct: It's BENEFICIAL to us.
Hello Nancy! I'm so glad to have you in my class for the first time. In our class, you
have been very spontaneous in expressing yourself in our lass and you have indeed
provided excellent answers for each speaking question. As for the PART 1 and PART
3 you have done well and for the PART 2, I want you to be more fluent in your
delivery and maximize using transition words and expressions to have a smoother
delivery of your response. Lastly, please try to be very conscious with your
grammar and ensure always that you are very consistent with your pronouns.
You've done great so I hope you continue your practice and continue to provide
excellent answers and good delivery. Thank you and I hope to have you in the class
next time.
NOTE: The student has plenty of words to use in expressing herself.
Pronunciation Correction

1. learn /lrn/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: The students in my ARE easy to find a job.
correct: The students, WHO HAVE the same major like I have can easily to find a
2. incorrect: I will GOT angry.
correct: I will GET angry.
3. incorrect: We can BROAD our horizon ____________.
correct: We can BROADEN our horizon ____________.
4. incorrect I don't have the skill to DISCUSSION with someone.
correct: I don't have the skill to DISCUSS with someone.
Hello Ms. Ely! I'm glad to have you in my class for the first time. Well in our class,
you have sounded very clear and you have pronounced well the words that you say
just except for the new words that we've encountered during our class. Now, I really
like to encourage you more to continue your language exposure because this will
help you to improve more your skill in expressing your thoughts in English with
ease. Moreover, please keep expanding your vocabulary also. I know you can
improve more your English and I hope I can still have you in my class next time.
word 1. selfless ADJECTIVE /selfls/ caring more about other peoples needs and
interests than about your own:
Shes a selfless person who is deeply concerned about social justice.
word 2. piety NOUN /pti/ a strong belief in God or a religion, shown by your
worship and behavior
word 3. filial ADJECTIVE /fl.i.l/ of a son or daughter:
filial duty/respect/affection
Pronunciation Correction
1. piety /pti/
Grammatical Corrections
1. Parents' love is selfless.()
2. incorrect When I was child, ITS always GIVE me food and RAISE me well.
correct: When I was A child, THEY always GIVE me food and RAISE me well.
3. In a family, if there's no love, we can't call it a home.(,,)
Hello Ms. Kaja! It was a wonderful and worthwhile conversation with you again. You
are indeed very expressive and you have shared a lot of your ideas about our topic.
You are always humorous and you really have talked fondly and confidently. Now,
you just need to continue your language exposure so that you can learn more new
things which would let you become more proficient with the language. Also, please
don't forget to get yourself become familiar with the words you have first
encountered and the grammatical mistakes that you have committed when you
were expressing yourself. Thank you and I hope to have you again next time.
word 1. dowry NOUN /dri/ in some societies, an amount of money or property
that a womans parents give to the man she marries
word 2. venue NOUN /venju/ the place where a public event or meeting happens:

They changed the venue at the last minute because they realized the meeting room
would have been much too small.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. university /junvrsti/
2. quilt /kwlt/
3. relatives /reltvz/
grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: If I married, ____________.
correct: If I get married, ____________.
2. incorrect There are many people care about me.
correct: There are many people WHO care about me.
I'm glad to have had you in my class for the first time Ms. Serene! You were just so
cool in our class and you have confidently talked and shared your thoughts about
our topic. You have been so humorous and you let me enjoyed my class with you so
much. Now, you were very much consistent with your grammar but please try to
improve more and try to make up complex statements to have a more vivid
description of your ideas. You have a very clear pronunciation too and you have
indeed ensured that you've pronounced well all the words that you said. Now, I just
want you to continue more your exposure to learn more new words and for you to
become more expressive. Thank you and I hope to have in my class again next
word 1. poetic ADJECTIVE /poetk/ literature of or suggesting poets or poems:
poetic language
word 2. priest NOUN /prist/ (female priestess) a person, usually a man, who has
been trained to perform religious duties in some Christian churches, esp. the Roman
Catholic Church, or a person with particular duties in some other religions:
a Catholic priest
word 3. monk NOUN /mk/ a man who is a member of a group of religious men
who live a simple life apart from general society, usually in a monastery
Pronunciation Correction
1. prefer /prfr/
Grammatical Corrections
NOTE: The student has been very consistent in her grammar.

Hello Ms. Huan! It's nice to have you back in my class. So far, you have been very
attentive in our class and you really have paid a lot attention to all the things that
we've had as our lesson. Now, all the words that you've learned, please try t use
them so that you won't end up forgetting them. You only have to continue more
exposure to English and keep speaking so that you can practice expressing more
yourself and so that you can improve more your comprehension skill. Thank you and
I'll have you again next time.

word 1. combine VERB /kmbn/ to unite or to join together to make a single thing
or group:
[T] None of us has much money so lets combine what weve got.
[+ to infinitive] When hydrogen and oxygen molecules combine to form water, heat
and electricity are produced.
If you combine two activities, you do both at the same time:
[T] She manages to successfully combine motherhood and a career.
word 2. personal ADJECTIVE /prsnl/ relating or belonging to a single or
particular person:
I think you have a personal responsibility to know when to stop.
Thats my personal opinion.
He was given one hour to pack his personal belongings and leave.
Personal is also used to refer to your body:
Students are taught about personal hygiene.
A personal action is one that is done by someone directly rather than by someone
The governor made a personal appearance at the hospital.
Personal also means private or relating to someones private life:
Simons songs are intensely personal.
Hes got problems in his personal life.
Personal also refers to an intentionally offensive or critical remark about
someones character or appearance:
Theres no need to get personal.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. social /sol/
2. security /skjrti/
3. Mrs. /msz, -s/ /mz, ms/
4. Mexico /mek.s.-ko/
Grammatical Corrections
NOTE: We focused on our activity on the book.

word 1. survive VERB /srvv/ to continue to live or to exist, esp. after a

dangerous event:
[I] The baby was born with a defective heart and survived for only a few hours.
[T] The building survived the earthquake with little damage.
If someone is survived by family members, those family members are still alive
when that person dies:
[T] He is survived by his wife and two children.
word 2. trap VERB
word 3. stuck ADJECTIVE /stk/ unable to move from a particular position or place,
or unable to change a situation:
This door seems to be stuck.
I hate being stuck at a desk all day.
Ty got stuck with doing the laundry.
word 4. composer NOUN /kmpozr/ a person who writes music
word 5. hoax NOUN /hoks/ a plan to deceive a large group of people; a trick:
It is a cruel hoax, she said, to encourage people to think they have a real chance to
win the lottery.
Pronunciation Correction
1. politicians /pltns/
grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: In most PLACE in China _______________.
correct: In most PLACES in China _______________.
2. incorrect: There are two famous UNIVERSITY in China.
correct: There are two famous UNIVERSITIES in China.
3. incorrect Some of our TEACHER ______________________.
correct: Some of our TEACHERS ______________________.
4. incorrect: We should have PATIENT.
correct: We should have PATIENCE. / We should be PATIENT.
5. incorrect: If you TRAVELING by plane, ____________.
correct: If you TRAVEL by plane, ____________.
If you ARE TRAVELING by plane, ____________.

Hello Ms. Luna! It's another great class with you. So far, your performance in this
class was been almost perfect. You have done well and you have delivered well very
excellent responses. Now, you have to more careful with your tense especially PAST
TENSE. Everything was perfect except with this. So now, just continue your practice
and keep yourself more familiar with other possible topics for the IELTS exam. Thank
you and see you again.
NOTE: The student has used words correctly and I don't need to introduce new
Pronunciation Correction

1. memorize /memrz/
Grammatical Correction
1. incorrect_____________ until I HEAR the ringing of of school's bell.
correct: _____________ until I HEARD the ringing of of school's bell.

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