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Primera Edicion / First Edition 1992

Segunda Edicion / Second Edition 1995

Reimpresion/Reprinted 1998
Reimpresion/Reprinted 2001

Editorial Stanley

Written by / Escrito por:

Edward R. Rosset
Member of the Bachelor of Arts Association of
Miembro del Colegio de Licenciados de Filosofia y
Letras de Euskadi
Revised by / Revisado por:
Beryl Aguado Lait
Principal of Apsley School of English.
Portsmouth - England
Published by / Editado por:
Editorial Stanley
Layout / Disefio y Maquetacion:
Angela Gomez Martin
Front page design / Diseno portada:
Editorial Stanley
Apdo. 207 - 20302 IRUN - SPAIN
Telf. (943) 64 04 12 - Fax. (943) 64 38 63
ISBN: 84-7873-281-0
Dep. Leg. SS-159/01
Primera Edicion / First Edition 1992
Segunda Edicion / Second Edition 1995
Reimpresion/Reprinted 1998
Reimpresion/Reprinted 2001
Printers / Imprime:




To be
To have (present)
There is - There are
A/an the
School/the school - Hospital/the hospital
Some - any
Somebody, anybody, something, anything, etc
Was, were
Irregular plurals
Personal pronouns
Possessive case
Adjectives: attribute, predicative
At, in, on
For, during, since, from
The present continuous
Present simple
"Going to" form (futuro de intencion)
The future simple
Adverbs of degree and frequency
Much, many, a lot, how, how + adjective or adverb
The past simple tense , regular verbs
Did, forming questions and negatives in the past tense
Like, would you like, I'd like these people to ...
When, as - clauses
Demonstratives this/these, that/those
Both, all
Tell, say
What a/an, what, how
Can, to be able

246810 12 14 16 18 2022 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 -


BE with age and measures; how big?, how tall?

Comparative and superlative
Good at, look like, what is he like?
Present perfect tense - for, since, how long...?
Verbs with two objects
Question words as subjects
Reported or indirect speech
So am I - so do I
Some and something in offers and requests
Infinitive of purpose
Conditional structures
Structures with get
Never and always in imperative sentences, still, yet
Already, since, ago, for, during
Question tags
The passive voice
Interrogative pronouns
Relative pronouns


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TO BE (present)

1. Este chico es muy alto.

2. Marian es una chica muy guapa.
3. Los ninos estan jugando en el jardm.
4. Ricardo esta jugando con Roberto en el parque.
5. Estoy leyendo un libro muy interesante.
6. Pedro y Juan estan en la cocina.
7. ^,Que esta haciendo tu hermano?
8. No esta haciendo nada.
9. ,-,Que esta haciendo tu hermanita?
10. Alicia esta comiendo un pedazo de pan.
11. ^Que estas haciendo ahora?
12. No estoy haciendo nada.
13. Todos los chicos estan jugando al futbol.
14. <<,Que estan haciendo las chicas?
15. Las chicas estan hablando en el patio de recreo.
16. La casa grande esta en la esquina.
17. El guardia esta de pie cerca de la casa.
18. La ventana esta cerrada.
19. El Sr. Brown no esta en casa hoy.
20. El Sr. Perez esta trabajando en el banco.
21. La nina esta jugando con la muneca en el salon.
22. La Sra. Smith es una mujer muy agradable.
23. Los ninos estan en el colegio en este momento.
24. Los Evans estan viendo una pelicula en la television.
25. Todas las ventanas estan abiertas.
26. '^,D6nde estan los ninos?' 'Estan en el parque.'
27. Este libro es antiguo. Es un libro antiguo.
28. Esta chica es alta. Es una chica muy alta.
29. Estos hombres son fuertes. Son unos hombres muy fuertes.
30.Esos chicos estan sentados en la hierba.
31. Mi hermano esta de pie, esta escribiendo en la pizarra.
32. Estos ninos son muy buenos. Son unos ninos muy buenos.
33. La mesa blanca del jardm esta rota.
34. Paris es la capital de Francia.
35. Madrid esta en el centro de Espana.
36. Washington es la capital de Estados Unidos.
37. Nueva York no esta en el centro de EE.UU.
38. Carmen esta estudiando ingles en Inglaterra.
39. Su hermano esta estudiando en los Estados Unidos.
40. Mi primo es artista y esta en Paris.

TO BE (present)

1. This boy is very tall.

2. Marian is a very pretty girl.
3. The children are playing in the garden.
4. Richard is playing with Robert in the park.
5. I am reading a very interesting book.
6. Peter and John are in the kitchen.
7. What is your brother doing?
8. He is not doing anything.
9. What is your little sister doing?
10. Alice is eating a piece of bread.
11. What are you doing now?
12. I am not doing anything.
13. All the boys are playing football.
14. What are the girls doing?
15. The girls are talking in the playground.
16. The big house is on the corner.
17. The policeman is standing near the house.
18. The window is closed.
19. Mr Brown is not at home today.
20. Mr Perez is working at the bank.
21. The little girl is playing with her doll in the sitting room.
22. Mrs Smith is a very nice woman.
23. The children are at school at this moment.
24. The Evans are watching a film on TV.
25. All the windows are open.
26. 'Where are the children?' 'They are in the park'.
27. This book is old. It is an old book.
28. This girl is tall. She is a very tall girl.
29. These men are strong. They are very strong men.
30. Those boys are sitting on the grass.
31. My brother is standing, he is writing on the blackboard.
32. These children are very good. They are very good children.
33. The white table in the garden is broken.
34. Paris is the capital of France.
35. Madrid is in the centre of Spain.
36. Washington is the capital of the United States.
37. New York it is not in the centre of the U.S.A.
38. Carmen is studying English in England.
39. Her brother is studying in the United States.
40. My cousin is an artist and he is in Paris.

TO HAVE (present)

1. Pedro tiene un perro muy grande.

2. Los Sres. Garcia tienen una casa en el campo.
3. ^Cuantos hermanos tienes?
4. No tengo ningun hermano.
5. ^Desayunas bien por la manana?
6. Generalmente no desayuno por las mananas.
7. ^Teneis muchos problemas?
8. No, no tenemos muchos problemas.
9. ^Que tienes en el frigorifico?
10. ^Tienes tiempo de venir a tomar algo?
11. No tengo nada de whisky.
12. ^Teneis buenos profesores en el colegio?
13. ^Bebes vino en las comidas?
14. ^Se ducha usted todos los dias?
15. Nosotros no bebemos vino en las comidas.
16. Mi padre no se ducha todos los dias.
17. ^Tienes una maquina fotografica?
18. Esta lloviendo y no tengo paraguas.
19. Todos los dia tenemos una discusion.
20. No discutimos todos los dias.
21. Nosotros no organizamos fiestas muy a menudo.
22. Tengo que ir al dentista.
23. ^Donde comes generalmente?
24. Echa un vistazo a este libro, por favor.
25. Tengo que responder todas estas preguntas.
26. No tienes que responder todas las preguntas.
27. ^Tienes una cita/hora?
28. No tengo que trabajar manana.
29. Tengo que levantarme temprano manana.
30. Vamos a pasar un buen dia.
31. Va a tener un nino.
32. Tenemos muchas cosas que hacer.
33. Ellos no tienen muchas cosas que hacer.
34. Vamos a charlar.
35. No charlamos muy a menudo.
36. Tengo suenos agradables todas las noches.
37. Los Evans no tienen un coche muy bueno.
38. ^Teneis muchas cosas en comun?
39. Siempre tomo una cerveza antes de ir a casa.
40. Juanito no se lava todos los dias.

TO HAVE (present)

1. Peter has got a very big dog.

2. Mr and Mrs Garcia have got a house in the country.
3. How many brothers have you got/do you have?
4. / haven't got/don't have any brothers.
5. Do you eat/have a good breakfast in the morning?
6. I don't usually eat/have breakfast in the morning.
7. Do you have/Have you got many problems?
8. No, we don't have/haven't got many problems.
9. What do you have/have you got in the fridge?
10. Do you have/Have you got time to come for a drink?
11. / haven't got/don't have any whisky.
12. Have you got/Do you have good teachers at school?
13. Do you have wine with your meals?
14. Do you have/take a shower every day?
15. We don't have wine with our meals.
16. My father doesn't have/take a shower every day.
17. Have you got/Do you have a camera?
18. It is raining and I haven't got/don't have an umbrella.
19. We have an argument/a fight every day.
20. We don't have an argument/a fight every day.
21. We don't have parties very often.
22. / have/I've got to go to the dentist.
23. Where do you usually have lunch?
24. Have a look at this book, please.
25. / have/I've got to answer.
26. You don't have to answer every question.
27. Do you have/Have you got an appointment/date?
28. / haven't got/don't have to work tomorrow.
29. / have/I've got to get up early tomorrow.
30. We are going to have a nice day.
31. She is going to have a baby.
32. We have/We've got many things to do.
33. They don't have/haven't got many things to do.
34. We are going to have a chat/talk.
35. We don't chat/talk very often.
36. I have pleasant dreams every night.
37. The Evans don't have/haven't got a very good car.
38. Have you got/Do you have many things in common?
39. I always have a beer before going home.
40. Johnny doesn't wash/have a wash every day.


1. t,Hay agua en el vaso?

2. No, no hay agua en el vaso.
3. ^,Hay alguien en la casa?
4. No, no hay nadie.
5. ^Hay mucha gente en el concierto?
6. Si, hay mucha gente.
7. ^Hay muchos arboles en el parque?
8. No, no hay muchos.
9. ^Hay lamparas en la pared?
10. No, no hay lamparas en la pared.
11. ^Hay muchos coches en las carreteras hoy?
12. Si, hay mucho trafico.
13. Hay mucho ruido en este sitio.
14. <?,Hay tiempo para jugar otra partida?
15. No, no hay tiempo para jugar otra partida.
16. Hay un grupo de chicas hablando en el patio de recreo.
17. Hoy no hay mucho trafico en esta calle.
18. No hay muchas sillas en esta sala.
19. Hay muy pocos chicos en este colegio.
20. En esta calle no hay muchas casas.
21. <?,Hay vasos en la cocina?
22. No, no hay vasos en la cocina.
23. <?,Hay flores en este jardin?
24. No, no hay muchas flores.
25. ^Hay una ventana en esta habitacion?
26. Si, hay una ventana grande.
27. ^Hay muchas chicas en tu clase?
28. Si, hay muchas chicas.
29. En mi colegio hay pocos profesores.
30. Hay pocas cosas que hacer en este pueblo.
31. ^Hay alguien en casa?
32. ^,Hay algo en el frigorifico?
33. No hay prisa.
34. ^Hay algun telefono cerca de aqui?
35. No hay mucha hierba en ese jardin.
36. Hay un gato negro en la valla.
37. No hay ninos en esta casa.
38. Hay hielo en el lago.
39. Hay un agujero en mi calcetin.
40. No se cuanta gente hay para comer hoy.


1. Is there water in the glass?

2. No, there is not/isn't water in the glass.
3. Is there anybody in the house?
4. No, there is not/isn't anybody.
5. Are there many people at the concert?
6. Yes, there are a lot of people.
7. Are there many trees in the park?
8. No, there are not/aren't many.
9. Are there lamps on the wall?
10. No, there are not/aren't any lamps on the wall.
11. Are there many cars on the roads today?
12. Yes, there is/there's a lot of traffic.
13. There is/There's a lot of noise in this place.
14. Is there time to play another game?
15. No, there is not/isn't time to play another game.
16. There is/There's a group of girls talking in the playground.
17. There is not/isn't much traffic in this street today.
18. There are not/aren't many chairs in this room.
19. There are very few boys in this school.
20. There are not/aren't many houses in this street.
21. Are there glasses in the kitchen?
22. No, there are not/aren't glasses in the kitchen.
23. Are there any flowers in this garden?
24. No, there are not/aren't many flowers.
25. Is there a window in this room?
26. Yes, there is a big window.
27. Are there many girls in your class?
28. Yes, there are many girls.
29. There are few teachers in my school.
30. There are few things to do in this village.
31. Is there anybody at home?
32. Is there anything in the fridge?
33. There is/There's no hurry.
34. Is there a telephone near here?
35. There is not/isn't a lot of grass in that garden.
36. There is a black cat on the fence.
37. There are no/There aren't any children in this house.
38. There is/There's ice on the lake.
39. There is/There's a hole in my sock.
40. I don't know how many people there are for lunch today.


1. Las mujeres son mas sensibles que los hombres.

2. Ana esta buscando trabajo.
3. ^Tienes coche?
4. Vimos un elefante en el zoo.
5. En esta ciudad hay universidad.
6. El tiene unos tios que le quieren mucho.
7. El soldado llevaba uniforme.
8. Montaba en un caballo bianco.
9. Los ninos son el future del mundo.
10. Habia una vacilacion en su voz.
11. A menudo vemos la television por la noche.
12. Vi las noticias en la television.
13. ^Donde comiste ayer?
14. Of las noticias en la radio.
15. La comida estaba muy buena.
16. El desayuno esta preparado.
17. Yo nunca escucho la radio, prefiero ver la television.
18. Los ninos han ido al colegio.
19. Es un hombre honrado.
20. Estuvimos una hora esperandole.
21. Mi madre tiene miedo de las aranas.
22. El agua esta hecha de oxigeno e hidrogeno.
23. Las zanahorias son mi verdura favorita.
24. Me encanta la musica, la poesia y el arte.
25. Le gustan los coches, las chicas y la bebida.
26. Los coches aparcados aqui pertenecen a las chicas que viven ahi.
27. Los libros son muy caros.
28. Tengo una idea.
29. La mayorfa de los pajaros pueden volar.
30. Esa joven es medico.
31. La fruta es buena para ti.
32. Mira la fruta en ese puesto.
33. Me gusta el queso.
34. Me gusta el queso que comi ayer.
35. La caza es a veces muy cruel.
36. Me gusta pintar cuadros.
37. ^Te gusta la pesca?
38. ^A que hora es la cena?
39. <<,Te gusta esquiar?
40. En este pais el cafe es mejor que el te.


1. Women are more sensitive than men.

2. Ann is looking for a job.
3. Have you got a car?
4. We saw an elephant in the zoo.
5. There is a university in this city.
6. He has an uncle and an aunt that love him very much.
7. The soldier was wearing a uniform.
8. He was riding a white horse.
9. Children are the future of the world.
10. There was a hesitation in his voice.
11. We often watch television in the evening.
12. I watched the news on television.
13. Where did you have lunch yesterday?
14. I heard the news on the radio.
15. Lunch was very good.
16. Breakfast is ready.
17. I never listen to the radio, I prefer to watch television.
18. The children have gone to school.
19. He is an honest man.
20. We were waiting for him for an hour.
21. My mother is afraid of spiders.
22. Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen.
23. Carrots are my favourite vegetable.
24. I love music, poetry and art.
25. He likes cars, girls, and drink.
26. The cars parked here belong to the girls who live there.
27. Books are very expensive.
28. I've got an idea.
29. Most birds can fly.
30. That young woman is a doctor.
31. Fruit is good for you.
32. Look at the fruit on that stand.
33. I like cheese.
34. I like the cheese (that) I ate yesterday.
35. Hunting is sometimes very cruel.
36. I like painting pictures.
37. Do you like fishing?
38. At what time is dinner?
39. Do you like skiing?
40. In this country coffee is better than tea.


1. Juan tuvo un accidente ayer y le llevaron al hospital.

2. En este momento esta en el hospital.
3. Su madre fue al hospital a visitarle.
4. Ella esta en el hospital ahora.
5. Los Sres. Garcia van a la iglesia todos los domingos.
6. Mi madre va a la iglesia a veces a hablar con el cura.
7. Ella lleva a los ninos a la escuela todos los dias.
8. Hoy va a ir a la escuela a hablar con el profesor.
9. Los ninos estan en la escuela en este momento.
10. Me voy a la cama, estoy cansado.
11. El esta en la cama en este momento.
12. Los libros estan en la cama.
13. Los heridos estan en el hospital.
14. Los acusados estan en el juzgado en este momento.
15. Toda la familia estaba en la iglesia.
16. Fui a la iglesia para ver el altar nuevo.
17. Mi hijo esta estudiando en la universidad de Londres.
18. El criminal fue llevado a prision.
19. Fui a la prision a hablar con el criminal.
20. Fuimos al hospital a ver a la pobre Sra. Collins.
21. El nuevo barco pronto se hara a la mar.
22. Han estado una semana en la mar.
23. A menudo vamos a la ciudad a hacer la compra.
24. Los ninos estan en casa.
25. Llegaron a casa tarde.
26. Cuando deje el colegio quiere estudiar empresariales.
27. Algunos ninos odian la escuela.
28. Dejo la universidad sin presentarse a los examenes.
29. Me gusta leer en la cama antes de dormirme.
30. ^A que hora terminan los ninos el colegio?
31. Mi amigo nunca va a la iglesia.
32. Hay mucho trafico por la manana cuando todo el mundo va al trabajo.
33. ^Esta Juan todavia en la cama?
34. Jaime tuvo un accidente y esta todavia en el hospital.
35. El Dr. Brown esta todavia en el hospital.
36. No suele salir por la noche, se queda en casa.
37. Despues del trabajo ella generalmente va a casa.
38. Perdone, ^donde esta la universidad, por favor?
39. Los obreros fueron a la iglesia a reparar el tejado.
40. Ese hombre fue a la carcel por robo.


1. John had an accident yesterday and he was taken to hospital.

2. At this moment he is in hospital.
3. His mother went to the hospital to visit him.
4. She is at the hospital now.
5. Mr and Mrs Garcia go to church every Sunday.
6. My mother sometimes goes to the church to speak to the priest.
7. She takes the children to school every day.
8. She is going to the school to speak to the teacher today.
9. The children are at school at the moment.
10. I'm going to bed, I'm tired.
11. He is in bed at this moment.
12. The books are on the bed.
13. The injured are in hospital.
14. The accused men are in court at the moment.
15. The whole family were at/in church.
16. I went to the church to see the new altar.
17. My son is studying at London University.
18. The criminal was taken to prison.
19. I went to the prison to speak to the criminal.
20. We went to the hospital to see poor Mrs Collins.
21. The new ship will soon go to sea.
22. They have been at sea for a week.
23. We often go to town to do the shopping.
24. The children are at home.
25. They arrived home late.
26. When he leaves school he wants to study economics.
27. Some children hate school.
28. He left university without taking his exams.
29. I like to read in bed before going to sleep.
30. At what time do the children finish school?
31. My friend never goes to church.
32. There's a lot of traffic in the morning when everybody goes to work.
33. Is John still in bed?
34. James had an accident and he is still in hospital.
35. Dr. Brown is still in the hospital.
36. He doesn't usually go out in the evening, he stays at home.
37. After work she usually goes home.
38. Excuse me, where is the university, please?
39. The workmen went to the church to repair the roof.
40. That man went to prison for robbery.


1. No he visto ninguno de sus cuadros.

2. Me gustaria ver algunos.
3. ^Tienes vino?
4. No, no tengo nada de vino.
5. ^Teneis champan?
6. Si, tenemos algo.
7. Mi hermano no tiene amigos.
8. ^Tienes dinero?
9. No, no tengo nada de dinero.
10. ^Hay cerveza en la botella?
11. No, no hay nada de cerveza.
12. ^Tienes sellos? Tengo que echar esta carta.
13. Tengo algunos sellos en el cajon.
14. ^Queda algo de cafe?
15. No, no queda nada de cafe.
16. ^Comiste came ayer?
17. ^Queda azucar?
18. No, no queda nada de azucar.
19. ^Tienes aspirinas?
20. A algunas personas les gusta el mar.
21. ^Quieres algo de vino?
22. ^Me das un poco mas de cafe, por favor?
23. Hay algo de hielo en el frigorifico.
24. ^,Por que no le das unas flores?
25.^Tienes hermanos?
26. No, no tengo hermanos.
27. ^Hay libros en la mesa?
28. Si, hay algunos.
29. Si tienes alguna duda dimelo.
30. ^Tienes cambios?
31. No, no tengo cambios.
32. Salio de casa sin dinero.
33. Si hay alguna carta para mi, mandala a esta direccion.
34. Cualquier diccionario te dara el significado de esto.
35. ^.Puedes hacer algo de arroz para comer?
36. Hay unas ninas jugando en el parque.
37. Algunos de los chicos pueden venir esta tarde.
38. Algunos estuvieron en la reunion ayer.
39. ^Tienes te?
40. Creo que hay algo en el armario.


1. I haven't seen any of his pictures.

2. I would like to see some.
3. Have you got any wine?
4. No, I haven't got any wine.
5. Have you got any champagne?
6. Yes, we have some.
7. My brother hasn't got any friends.
8. Have you got any money?
9. No, I haven't got any money.
10. Is there any beer in the bottle?
11. No, there isn't any beer.
12. Have you got any stamps? I have to post this letter.
13. I've got some stamps in the drawer.
14. Is there any coffee left?
15. No, there isn't any coffee left.
16. Did you eat any meat yesterday?
17. Is there any sugar left?
18. No, there isn't any sugar left.
19. Have you got any aspirins?
20. Some people like the sea.
21. Do you want some wine?
22. Can I have some more coffee, please?
23. There is some ice in the fridge.
24. Why don't you give her some flowers?
25. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
26. No, I haven't got any brothers or sisters.
27. Are there any books on the table?
28. Yes, there are some.
29. If you have any doubts let me know/tell me,
30. Have you got any change?
31. No, I haven't got any change.
32. He left home without any money.
33. If there are any letters for me, send them to this address.
34. Any dictionary will give you the meaning of this.
35. Can you cook some rice for lunch?
36. There are some little girls playing in the park.
37. Some of the boys can come this afternoon.
38. Some (of them) were at the meeting yesterday.
39. Have you got any tea?
40. I think there is some in the cupboard.


1. ^Puede alguien ir contigo a la fiesta?

2. No, no puede venir nadie conmigo.
3. ^Vais a hacer algo esta tarde?
4. No, no vamos a hacer nada.
5. ^.Dijo algo cuando vino?
6. No, no dijo nada cuando llego.
7. i,Te gustaria comer algo?
8. No, gracias, no quiero nada.
9. Le puedes decir cualquier cosa que quieras.
10. Esa chica se va a casar con cualquiera.
11. Te dare cualquier cosa que quieras.
12. Si necesitas alguna cosa, dimelo.
13. La nina no quiere comer nada.
14. ^Ha visto alguien a Roberto?
15. Nadie le ha visto.
16. Si alguien quiere salir temprano, puede hacerlo.
17. He visto a este hombre en algun sitio.
18. Quiza alguien vio el accidente.
19. No quiere decir nada.
20. En cualquier lugar veras estos anuncios.
21. Nadie sabe la respuesta.
22. ^Tienes algo que decirme?
23. No, no tengo nada que decirte.
24. Cualquiera puede tocar el piano asi.
25. Cualquiera podia haber entrado.
26. Voy a ir a cualquier sitio este verano.
27. Cualquiera te puede decir eso.
28. Hay algo en el rio. ^Puedes verlo?
29. Tengo algo que decirte. Es importante.
30. Tengo algo en el ojo.
31. Cualquiera puede ver que eso esta mal.
32. Hay algo escrito en esa pared.
33. El prisionero se niega a decirnos nada.
34. No tengo nada que decirte.
35. Eso lo puedes encontrar en cualquier diccionario.
36. En ningun sitio encontraras algo asi.
37. Cualquier cosa que digas sera anotada.
38. No he visto nada asi en ningun sitio.
39. Cualquiera puede casarse con el.
40. Alguien ha roto el jarron de porcelana.


1. Can anyone I anybody go with you to the party?

2. No, nobody/no one can come with me.
3. Are you going to do anything this afternoon?
4. No, we aren't going to do anything.
5. Did he say anything when he came?
6. No, he didn't say anything when he arrived.
7. Would you like to have something to eat?
8. No, thanks, I don't want anything.
9. You can tell him anything you want.
10. That girl is going to marry anyone/anybody.
11. I will give you anything you want.
12. If you need anything let me know.
13. The little girl doesn't want to eat anything.
14. Has anybody/anyone seen Robert?
15. Nobody/No one has seen him.
16. If anyone/anybody wants to leave early, he can do so.
17. I have seen this man somewhere.
18. Perhaps someone/somebody saw the accident.
19. He doesn't want to say anything.
20. You will see these advertisements anywhere.
21. Nobody/No one knows the answer.
22. Have you got something to tell me?
23. No, I haven't got anything to tell you.
24. Anyone/Anybody can play the piano like that.
25. Anyone/Anybody could have come in.
26. I am going anywhere this summer.
27. Anybody/Anyone can tell you that.
28. There is something in the river. Can you see it?
29. I've got something to tell you. It's important.
30. I've got something in my eye.
31. Anyone/Anybody can see that that is wrong.
32. There is something written on that wall.
33. The prisoner refuses to tell us anything.
34. I haven't got anything to tell you. (I've got nothing)
35. You can find that in any dictionary.
36. Nowhere you will find something like this.
37. Anything you say will be written down.
38. I haven't seen anything like this anywhere.
39. Anyone/Anybody can marry him.
40. Somebody/Someone has broken the porcelain vase.


1. Yo tenia un perro cuando era pequeno.

2. Hace muchos anos teniamos una casa en el campo.
3. ^Tuviste tiempo de hacer esto ayer?
4. Tuve que irme temprano.
5. ^Tuviste muchos problemas con los ninos?
6. No, no tuve muchos problemas.
7. TeniamoslTuvimos que comprar un coche nuevo.
8. Tomaron un vaso de cerveza.
9. Ella tuvo un bebe.
10. Ayer por la manana me ducheltome una ducha.
11. Ayer noche tuve un sueno.
12. Tome una taza de cafe para desayunar.
13. Enrique echo un vistazo al libro.
14. ^Tenia tu padre mucho dinero?
15. Si, tenia mucho dinero.
16. Yo tenia una muneca cuando era nina.
17. Tome una taza de te antes de irme a la cama.
18. Pedro descanso un pocoltomo un pequeno descanso.
19. Tuvieron dos ninos, un chico y una chica.
20. El nino se lavo por la manana.
21. Tuvimos una discusion despues de comer.
22. Tuvieron muchas dificultades para terminarlo a tiempo.
23. Cuando yo era pequeno teniamos un perro muy grande.
24.Nos divertimos mucholLo pasamos muy bien en la fiesta.
25. Mi hermano cogio un dia de vacaciones la semana pasada.
26. Tuvimos una charla ayer noche.
27. Comimos temprano ayer.
28. /.Tenias bicicleta cuando eras un chicolde chaval?
29. No, no tenia bicicleta.
30. El verano pasado tuvimos muy buen tiempo.
31. Ayer desayunaron temprano.
32. Ayer tomelbebi un vaso de vino en la cena.
33. ^Cuantas hijas tenia/tuvo la Sra. Smith?
34. Ayer me afeite por la manana.
35. 'Ayer fui a un concierto.' '^Tenfas bastante dinero?'
36. Mi hija esta todavia en el hospital. Ayer tuvo un bebe.
37. ^Tuvisteis mucha lluvia el ano pasado?
38. Nade un poco antes de comer.
39. Fume un cigarrillo despues de cenar.
40. Ayer lo pasamos muy bienlnos divertimos mucho.


1. I had a dog when I was a child.

2. Many years ago we had a house in the country.
3. Did you have time to do that yesterday?
4. I had to go early.
5. Did you have many problems with the children?
6. No, I didn't have many problems.
7. We had to buy a new car.
8. They had a glass of beer.
9. She had a baby.
10. I had a shower yesterday morning.
11. I had a dream last night.
12. I had a cup of coffee for breakfast.
13. Henry had a look at the book.
14. Did your father have a lot of money?
15. Yes, he had a lot of money.
16. I had a doll when I was a little girl.
17. I had a cup of tea before going to bed.
18. Peter had a little rest.
19. They had two children, a boy and a girl.
20. The little boy had a wash in the morning.
21. We had a quarrel after lunch.
22. They had many difficulties to finish it in time.
23. When I was a child we had a very big dog.
24. We had a very good time at the party.
25. My brother took/had a day off last week.
26. We had a chat last night.
27. We had lunch early yesterday.
28. Did you have a bicycle when you were a boy?
29. No, I hadn't/didn't have a bicycle.
30. Last summer we had very good weather.
31. They had breakfast early yesterday.
32. I had a glass of wine with my dinner yesterday.
33. How many daughters did Mrs Smith have?
34. Yesterday I shaved/had a shave in the morning.
35. 'Yesterday I went to a concert.' 'Did you have enough money?'
36. My daughter is still in hospital. She had a baby yesterday.
37. Did you have much/a lot of rain last year?
38. I had a swim before lunch.
39. I had/smoked a cigarette after dinner/supper.
40. Yesterday we had a very good time.


1. ^Donde estuvieron los nifios ayer?

2. Estuvieron en el cine.
3. ^,Por que estaba ella tan enfadada conmigo?
4. Ella estuvo de compras toda la manana.
5. ^Estuviste en el concierto ayer noche?
6. ^Hizo mucho frio el invierno pasado?
7. Si, hizo mucho frio.
8. Hacia mucho calor en ese cuarto.
9. ^Que estabas leyendo?
10. Estaba leyendo un libro muy interesante.
11. ^Que estaban haciendo esas mujeres?
12. Estaban charlando.
13. ^Que estabais haciendo cuando vino el profesor?
14. Estabamos jugando.
15. Los ninos estaban haciendo los deberes cuando llegamos.
16. El verano pasado estuvimos en Espana.
17. ^Donde estuvisteis vosotros?
18. Nosotros estuvimos en Escocia.
19. Ayer hacia mucho calor. Hoy hace mucho frio.
20. ^Fueron buenos los ninos?
21. Yo no fui muy buen estudiante.
22. La policia estaba rodeando el edificio.
23. Fuiste muy listo al contestar asi.
24.Fueron muy rapidos.
25. Yo estuve trabajando toda la tarde.
26. Estuvimos toda la noche esperandote.
27. Estuvo lloviendo toda la manana.
28. ^Donde estabais cuando os necesitaba?
29. Estaba el te bastante caliente?
30. Estos hombres estuvieron trabajando toda la noche.
31. ^Fuiste bueno en la escuela ayer, Frank?
32. Si, fui muy bueno.
33. Los alumnos estaban callados cuando vino el profesor.
34. Nosotros no estabamos haciendo ruido.
35. Mi madre estuvo cocinando toda la manana.
36. El invierno pasado hizo mucho frio.
37. No era un chico muy alto.
38. Mi madre estaba muy cansada.
39. La musica era muy lenta.
40. Estuvimos haciendo las compras toda la manana de ayer.


1. Where were the children yesterday?

2. They were at the cinema.
3. Why was she so angry with me?
4. She was shopping all morning.
5. Were you at the concert last night?
6. Was it very cold last winter?
7. Yes, it was very cold.
8. It was very hot in that room.
9. What were you reading?
10. I was reading a very interesting book.
11. What were those women doing?
12. They were chatting.
13. What were you doing when the teacher came?
14. We were playing.
15. The children were doing their homework when we arrived.
16. Last summer we were in Spain.
17. Where were you?
18. We were in Scotland.
19. It was very hot yesterday. Today it is very cold.
20. Were the children good?
21. I wasn't a very good student.
22. The police were surrounding the building.
23. You were very clever answering like that.
24. They were very fast.
25. I was working all afternoon.
26. We were waiting for you all night.
27. It was raining all morning.
28. Where were you when I needed you?
29. Was the tea hot enough?
30. These men were working all night.
31. Were you good at school yesterday, Frank?
32. Yes, I was very good.
33. The pupils were quiet when the teacher came.
34. We were not making a noise.
35. My mother was cooking all morning.
36. It was very cold last winter.
37. He wasn't a very tall boy.
38. My mother was very tired.
39. The music was very slow.
40. We were shopping all morning yesterday.



1. Ella te manda muchos besos.

2. Lava los vasos, por favor. Estan sucios.
3. Mi madre compro dos paneslbarras de pan.
4. Habia muchas moscas en aquella cocina.
5. Tengo dos panuelos en el bolsillo.
6. Creo que hay ratones en el atico.
7. Me dio un par de libras por el trabajo.
8. La nina estaba cuidando de los gansos junto al rio.
9. Esta mujer tiene varios kimonos.
10. Tienes que abrir varias cajas.
ll.Estos acantilados son muy famosos.
12. Los dos hombres corrieron por sus vidas.
13. Tened cuidado con esos cuchillos.
14. Hay muchos lobos en las montanas.
15. Tienes que pelar las patatas.
16. Mira a esas senoras.
17. Estos caballeros estan con sus esposas.
18. Nuestra policia es muy eficiente.
19. La policia esta buscando al ladron.
20. Mi mujer tiene miedo de los ratones.
21. Hay muchos peces en el mar.
22. Habia muchos aviones en el hangar.
23. Esa nina tiene dientes muy grandes.
24. Podia ver muchos ciervos a lo lejos.
25. La Sra Martin tiene un nino. La Sra. Setien tiene dos ninos.
26. Aquel animal tenia muchas patas.
27. Habia muchos bueyes en el establo.
28. Esta mesa mide tres pies de largo.
29. Ella vive en el campo.
30. Estos paises son muy pobres.
31. Habia muchas truchas en aquel rio.
32. El perro esta cuidando de las ovejas.
33. Las vacas han tenido muchas terneras este ano.
34. Voy a sacar unas fotos.
35. Limpiate los dientes.
36. Vi varios calamares gigantes.
37. Las tazas estan en las estanterias.
38. Nuestras vidas son muy diferentes.
39. Pasa las hojas del libro.
40. Corta varios tomates para la ensalada.


1. She sends you a lot of/lots of kisses.

2. Wash the glasses, please. They are dirty.
3. My mother bought two loaves of bread.
4. There were many flies in that kitchen.
5. I've got two handkerchiefs in my pocket.
6. I think there are mice in the attic.
7. He gave me a couple of pounds/quid for my work.
8. The little girl was looking after the geese by the river.
9. This woman has several kimonos.
10. You have to open several boxes.
11. These cliffs are very famous.
12. The two men ran for their lives.
13. Be careful with those knives.
14. There are many wolves in the mountains.
15. You have to peel the potatoes.
16. Look at those ladies.
17. These gentlemen are with their wives.
18. Our police are very efficient.
19. The police are looking for the thief.
20. My wife is afraid of mice.
21. There is a lot of fish in the sea.
22. There were many planes/aircraft in the hangar.
23. That little girl has very big teeth.
24. I could see many deer in the distance.
25. Mrs Martin has a child. Mrs Setien has two children.
26. That animal had many feet.
27. There were many oxen in the stable.
28. This table is three feet long.
29. She lives in the country.
30. These countries are very poor.
31. There was a lot of trout in that river.
32. The dog is looking after the sheep.
33. The cows have had a lot of calves this year.
34. I am going to take some photos.
35. Clean your teeth.
36. I saw several giant squid.
37. The cups are on the shelves.
38. Our lives are very different.
39. Turn over leaves/pages of the book.
40. Cut several tomatoes for the salad.


1. '^.Viste la serpiente?' 'Si, la vi, y ella me vio a mi.

2. '^Te asusto?' 'Si, me asusto'.
3. El te conoce.
4. Yo lo veo.
5. '<<,Quien es?' 'Soy yo.'
6. '^Donde esta Pedro?' 'Es aquel de alii.'
7. jCulpa a Bob! Fue el quien eligio este color.
8. Yo la vi y ella me vio.
9. Jaime me encontro un trabajo.
10. Ana le dio un libro.
11. El le dio un regalo a ella.
12. Yo le hice a ella un pastel.
13. Ella me hizo un favor.
14. Yo le hice a Pedro un favor.
15. Lo hice para ella. (un pastel)
16. Se los envie.
17. Compro uno para Mary.
18. Le compro uno a Mary.
19. El dio algo a Frank.
20. Yo le di un libro a Roberto.
21. Le di algun dinero.
22. Le escribi una carta a ella.
23. Le dieron un premio.
24. A Juana le dieron una entrada.
25. Te compre uno.
26. Ella encargo uno para mi.
27. Quitate los zapatos.
28. Entrega los papeles.
29. Cuelga el abrigo.
30. Entregalos.
31. Cuelgalo.
32. Quitatelos.
33. Se quito el sombrero.
34. Se lo quito.
35. '^Donde esta el libro?' 'Lo deje en la mesa.'
36. Mira ese pajaro. Siempre viene a mi ventana.
37. Su bebe es pequeno. Solo pesa 2 kilos.
38. '^Digame? ^Quien es?' 'Soy yo, Pedro.'
39. '^Que hora es?' 'Son las cinco'.
40. ' u e dia es?' 'Es el cinco de enero.'


1. 'Did you see the snake?' 'Yes, I saw it and it saw me.'
2. 'Did it frighten you?' 'Yes, it frightened me.'
3. He knows you.
4. I see it.
5. 'Who is it?' 'It's me.'
6. 'Where is Peter?' 'That's him over there.'
7. Blame Bob! It was he who chose this colour.
8. I saw her and she saw me.
9. James found me a job.
10. Ann gave him a book. / Ann gave a book to him.
11. He gave her a present. / He gave a present to her.
12. I made her a cake. / I made a cake for her.
13. She did me a favour.
14. I did Peter a favour.
15. I made it for her.
16. I sent them to him.
17. He bought one for Mary. / He bought Mary one.
18. He bought Mary one.
19. He gave something to Frank. / He gave Frank something.
20. I gave a book to Robert. /I gave Robert a book.
21. I gave him some money/I gave some money to him.
22. I wrote her a letter/I wrote a letter to her.
23. They gave him a prize/They gave a prize to him.
24. They gave Jane a ticket/They gave a ticket to Jane.
25. I bought one for you/I bought you one.
26. She ordered one for me/She ordered me one.
27. Take off your shoes/Take your shoes off.
28. Hand your papers in/Hand in your papers.
29. Hang your coat up/Hang up your coat.
30. Hand them in.
31. Hang it up.
32. Take them off.
33. He took off his hat/He took his hat off.
34. He took it off.
35. 'Where's the book?' 'I left it on the table.'
36. Look at that bird. It always comes to my window.
37. Her baby is small. It only weighs 2 kilos.
38. 'Hello? Who is it?' 'It's me, Peter.'
39. 'What time is it?' 'It is five.'
40. 'What is the date?' 'It's the fifth of January I January 5th:


1. Esta es la casa de Pedro.

2. Esa es la manzana de Maria.
3. El libro de mi hermano esta en la mesa.
4. La muneca de la nina esta en la cama.
5. El amigo de Juan es muy inteligente.
6. La bicicleta de tu hermano es roja.
7. Aquel es el coche de mi padre.
8. Este es el trabajo de un hombre.
9. Era la voz de un nino.
10. Esta es la habitacion de los ninos.
ll.Estas son las sillas de esas mujeres.
12. Esta es la escuela de mi hijo.
13. Este fue el consejo de mi padre.
14. Las patas del perro son negras.
15. La cabeza del gato es blanca.
16. Esa es la bicicleta de mi hija.
17. El perro del Sr. Carter esta ladrando en el jardin.
18. La madre de Mark esta esperandote.
19. Mi madre esta en la carniceria.
20. Voy a ir a la pescaderia.
21. Este es el colegio de las chicas.
22. Esa es la residencia de los estudiantes.
23. Esas son las bicicletas de los chicos.
24. Las colas de estos dos perros son negras.
25. Los hijos de los Carter son muy inteligentes.
26. Esta es la habitacion de mis hermanas.
27. Voy a ir a la boda de Roberto y Alicia.
28. Estos son los hijos del Rey de Espana.
29. Esta es la madre de Juan, Pedro y Mike.
30. Este es mejor que el de Eduardo.
31. Esta a tres horas a pie de aqui.
32. Tengo unas vacaciones de una semana.
33. Tengo unas vacaciones de dos semanas.
34. Mariana es el cumpleanos de mi padre.
35. Manana es el aniversario de mis padres.
36. El Quijote es la mejor obra de Cervantes.
37. Voy a ir al dentista esta tarde.
38. Las exportaciones de Gran Bretana han caido ultimamente.
39. La reunion de manana ha sido cancelada.
40. La tormenta de la semana pasada causo mucho dano.


1. This is Peter's house.

2. That is Mary's apple.
3. My brother's book is on the table.
4. The girl's doll is on the bed.
5. John's friend is very intelligent.
6. Your brother's bicycle is red.
7. That is my father's car.
8. This is a man's job.
9. It was a child's voice.
10. This is the children's room.
11. These are those women's chairs.
12. This is my son's school.
13. This was my father's advice.
14. The dog's legs are black.
15. The cat's head is white.
16. That is my daughter's bicycle.
17. Mr Carter's dog is barking in the garden.
18. Mark's mother is waiting for you.
19. My mother is at the butcher's (shop).
20. VI'm going to the fishmonger's (shop).
21. This is the girls' school.
22. That is the students' hostel.
23. Those are the boys' bicycles.
24. Those two dogs' tails are black.
25. The Carters' children are very intelligent.
26. This is my sisters' room.
27. I'm going to Robert and Alice's wedding.
28. These are the King of Spain's children.
29. This is John, Peter and Mike's mother.
30. This is better than Edward's.
31. It is three hours' walk from here.
32. I've got a week's holiday I vacation.
33. I've got two weeks' holiday/vacation.
34. Tomorrow is my father's birthday.
35. Tomorrow is my parents' anniversary.
36. Don Quixote is Cervantes' best work.
37. I'm going to the dentist's this afternoon.
38. Great Britain's exports have fallen lately.
39. Tomorrow's meeting has been cancelled.
40. Last week's storm caused a lot of damage.

ADJECTIVES: attributive, predicative

1. Esta sopa esta deliciosa.

2. Tienes que tener cuidado cuando cruzas la carretera.
3. El puede saltar muy alto.
4. No me gusta llegar tarde.
5. Este pobre nino tuvo un accidente el domingo.
6. Cogimos un tren temprano.
7. La serpiente esta todavia viva.
8. El autobus llego temprano.
9. Es un hombre muy pobre. No tiene dinero.
10. A veces mis suenos se hacen realidad.
11. Esta comida sabe horrible.
12. Este es un tren lento. Coge un tren rapido.
13. Es una cantante muy buena. Canta muy bien.
14. Esta mujer esta viva.
15. Ella esta avergonzada de ello.
16. Estos dos hermanos son parecidos.
17. Mi madre esta muy disgustada.
18. El Sr. Smith es nuestro cliente principal.
19. El la hizo feliz.
20. Esta musica suena terrible.
21. Alicia es una chica maravillosa.
22. Esta chica es maravillosa.
23. Esto esta hecho de una forma maravillosa.
24. Ten cuidado, conduce despacio por esta carretera.
25. Se volvio airado hacia la mujer gorda.
26. Se volvio rojo de ira.
27. La gente a menudo se pone palida cuando oye malas noticias.
28. Los pequenos granjeros se reunieron en una asamblea.
29. Estas muy guapa hoy mi pequena.
30. La leche se pone mala en los dias calurosos.
31. El viejo se sentaba inmovil esperando su decision.
32. Algo huele muy bien en la cocina.
33. Este hombre es muy suspicaz.
34. Este ejercicio me parece terrible.
35. Bronson miro con calma a la muchedumbre airada.
36. Creo que todavia hay una persona viva.
37. Ayer me levante muy temprano.
38. Podeis comer gratis en mi hotel si quereis.
39. Puedes hablar libremente en frente de mi esposa.
40. A Pedro le gusta llegar temprano.




1. This soup is delicious.

2. You must be careful when you cross the road.
3. He can jump very high.
4. I don't like to arrive late.
5. This poor child had an accident last Sunday.
6. We took/caught an early train.
7. The snake is still alive.
8. The bus/coach arrived early.
9. He is a very poor man. He hasn't got any money/has no money.
10. Sometimes my dreams come true.
11. This food tastes horrible.
12. This is a slow train. Take a fast train.
13. She is a very good singer. She sings very well.
14. This woman is alive.
15. She is ashamed of it.
16. These two brothers are alike.
17. My mother is very upset.
18. Mr Smith is our main client.
19. He made her happy.
20. This music sounds terrible.
21. Alice is a wonderful girl.
22. This girl is wonderful.
23. This is wonderfully done.
24. Be careful, drive slowly along this road.
25. He turned angrily to the fat woman.
26. He turned red with anger.
27. People often go/turn pale when they hear bad news.
28. The small farmers got together in a meeting.
29. You look/are beautiful today my little girl.
30. Milk goes off/bad on hot days.
31. The old man sat motionless waiting for their decision.
32. Something smells very good/nice in the kitchen.
33. This man is very suspicious.
34. This exercise looks terrible to me.
35. Bronson looked calmly at the angry mob.
36. I think there is still one person alive.
37. I got up very early yesterday.
38. You can eat free in my hotel if you want.
39. You can speak freely in front of my wife.
40. Peter likes to arrive early.


1. Nos encontraremos en la estacion.

2. Estare en el club a las 9.
3. Mi hermano trabaja en Harrod's.
4. Yo vivo en el numero 32.
5. Llegaron tarde a la reunion.
6. '^Donde estan los ninos?' 'En el colegio.'
7. Estuve en la universidad desde el ano 1985 a 1990.
8. Coge el tren de Londres y cambia en Bath.
9. De noche puedes ver las estrellas.
10. ^,Que haces los fines de semana?
11. ^Puedes leer la matricula de un coche a 50 metros?
12. Estaba impaciente con el retraso (de ellos).
13. Tenia todas sus herramientas a mano.
14. Estaban en guerra con sus vecinos.
15. Estaba aburrido al final de sus vacaciones.
16. '^Donde esta toda la familia?' 'Estan en la iglesia.'
17. Ella vive en la Avenida de Londres 27.
18. El Sr. Brown esta trabajando en el jardm.
19. Es muy bueno en matematicas.
20. Esta encantado con el resultado.
21. Es muy listo resolviendo crucigramas.
22. Habia un hombre en la puerta.
23. Ella estaba en la ventana mirando a los transeuntes.
24. '^Donde se hospeda?' 'En el Gran Hotel.'
25. Yo no lo sabia en ese momento.
26. En el momento que me llamaron yo estaba en el jardm.
27. Estuve en el colegio todo el dia ayer.
28. Ella siempre llega tarde a la oficina.
29. Hay hombres trabajando en la carretera.
30. Estoy a tu servicio.
31. Mi hijo es marinero, esta en la mar.
32. Sentaros a la mesa.
33. '^Estaba en el frente?' 'No, estaba en la parte de atras.
34. Estuvimos en la fiesta de Hugo.
35. Me gusta estar siempre en casa por Navidades.
36. Iban a toda velocidad.
37. 'Te vere a medio dia.' 'No, a media noche.'
38. Vi a la Sra. Brent en el supermercado.
39. Estabamos desayunando cuando vino el lechero.
40. El coche iba a unos 80 kilometres por hora.


1. We will meet at the station.

2. I'll be at the club at nine.
3. My brother works at Harrod's.
4. I live at number 32.
5. They arrived late at the meeting.
6. 'Where are the children?' 'At school.'
7. I was at university from 1985 to 1990.
8. Take the London train and change at Bath.
9. At night you can see the stars.
10. What do you do at the weekends?
11. Can you read a car number plate at 50 metres?
12. He was impatient with their delay.
13. He had all his tools at hand.
14. They were at war with their neighbours.
15. He was bored at the end of his holiday.
16. 'Where are all the family?' 'They're at church.'
17. She lives at 27 London Avenue.
18. Mr Brown is working/at work in the garden.
19. He is very good at mathematics.
20. He's delighted by/with the result.
21. He is very clever at solving crosswords.
22. There was a man at the door.
23. She was at the window looking at the passers-by.
24. 'Where is he staying?' 'At the Grand Hotel.'
25. I didn't know it at that time.
26. At the moment they called me I was in the garden.
27. I was at school all day yesterday.
28. She always arrives late at the office.
29. There are men at work on the road.
30. I am at your service.
31. My son is a seaman, he is at sea.
32. Sit down at the table.
33. 'Was it at the front?' 'No, it was at the back.'
34. We were at Hugh's party.
35. I always like to be at home at Christmas.
36. They were going at full speed.
37. 'I'll see you at midday/noon.' 'No, at midnight.'
38. I saw Mrs Brent at the supermarket.
39. We were at breakfast when the milkman came.
40. The car was going at about 80 kilometres an hour.


1. Estabamos en el aula.
2. La mesa estaba en el centre.
3. El pez estaba en el agua, en el rio.
4. Estuvimos paseando bajo la lluvia.
5. Era muy dificil hacer eso en el pasado.
6. Vinimos a vivir aqui en el ano 1990.
7. Solemos ver la television por la tarde, despues del te.
8. Llegaron a tiempo para comprar las entradas.
9. La nina tenia aceite en el pelo.
10. Ella se miro en el espejo.
11. Habia mucha nieve en las montanas.
12. Lo mire cuidadosamente a la luz.
13. Habia muchos aviones en el cielo.
14. Hay algo raro en esa escena.
15. Tienes que pagar al contado.
16. Me lo dijo en voz baja.
17. La vieja mansion estaba en ruinas.
18. Estamos en tiempo de paz.
19. Encontramos el jarron en trozos.
20. Los dos estaban en buena salud.
21. Estaban sentados en un circulo alrededor del viejo.
22. Vestia un traje gris oscuro.
23.Tenemos prisa. Hay alguien en peligro.
24. Estaba de mal humor.
25. La familia vivia en la pobreza.
26. Era un hombre alto de unos cincuenta y tantos anos.
27. Tenia un trozo de pan en la mano derecha.
28. Jugo el partido en lugar de su hermano.
29. En vista del exito ha vuelto este ano.
30. La joven pareja caminaba de la mano.
31. En total habia unas cincuenta personas en la sala.
32. El final esta a la vista.
33. Este coche esta en muy buenas condiciones.
34. Habia muchas ovejas en el prado.
35. Hay rnuy pocos coches en este aparcamiento.
36. Mi padre estaba en la habitacion y mi madre en la cocina.
37. Los libros estaban en su bolsa.
38. En este edificio hay muchos pisos.
39. '^Cuando llegaste a Inglaterra?' 'Llegue a Londres ayer.'
40. Le vi en su coche nuevo. Su esposa estaba en el asiento de atras.


1. We were in the classroom.

2. The table was in the centre.
3. The fish was in the water, in the river.
4. We were walking in the rain.
5. It was very difficult to do that in the past.
6. We came to live here in 1990.
7. We usually watch television in the evening, after tea.
8. They arrived in time to buy the tickets.
9. The little girl had oil in her hair.
10. She looked at herself in the mirror.
11. There was a lot of snow in/on the mountains.
12. I looked at it carefully in the light.
13. There were many planes in the sky.
14. There is something strange in that scene.
15. You have to pay in cash.
16. He told me in a low voice.
17. The old mansion was in ruins.
18. We are in time of peace.
19. We found the jug in pieces.
20. Both were in good health.
21. They were sitting in a circle around the old man.
22. He was dressed in a dark grey suit.
23. We are in a hurry. There is somebody in danger.
24. He was in a bad mood.
25. The family lived in poverty.
26. He was a tall man in his fifties.
27. He had a piece of bread in his right hand.
28. He played the match in place of his brother.
29. In view of his success he has come back this year.
30. The young couple walked hand in hand.
31. There were about fifty people in the room altogether.
32. The end is in sight.
33. This car is in very good condition.
34. There were many sheep in the field.
35. There are very few cars in this car park.
36. My father was in the room and my mother was in the kitchen.
37. The books were in his bag.
38. There are many floors/flats in this building.
39. 'When did you arrive in England?' 'I arrived in London yesterday.'
40. I saw him in his new car. His wife was in the back seat.


1. Hay un vaso en la mesa.

2. Habia un gato en el tejado.
3. Hay un cuadro en la pared.
4. Sucedio el domingo por la manana.
5. Ellos vendran el 20 de julio.
6. Mi nombre no esta en la lista.
7. Habia muchos viajeros en el tren.
8. Mi casa esta a la derecha.
9. Por el contrario, iremos temprano.
10. Por otro lado, esto es mas dificil.
11. Estuvimos esperando mucho tiempo dentro del avion.
12. Mi oficina esta en el primer piso.
13. Hay una mancha en el techo.
14. Bath esta en la carretera de Bristol.
15. Estoy seguro de que lo hizo a proposito/adrede.
16. Todo esta escrito en esta pagina.
17. Fuimos hasta la casa a pie.
18. Las entradas para la funcion estaran a la venta manana.
19. El tren ha llegado a tiempo.
20. Adios, Karin, nos veremos el lunes.
21. El hombre llevaba puesto un sombrero.
22. Ella tiene un anillo en el dedo.
23. Vi esa pelicula en la television.
24. Oimos las noticias en la radio.
25. ^,Que haces los dias de semana?
26. Siempre nos reunimos el dia de Navidad.
27. La casa estaba ardiendo cuando llegamos.
28. Lo que te dije esta en la pagina 56.
29. El soldado estuvo toda la noche de guardia.
30. Habia casas a ambos lados de la carretera.
31. Tu padre esta en el comite.
32. Mi abuelo escribio un libro sobre literatura inglesa.
33. ^Tienes algo de dinero encima?
34. Le llame por telefono el dia de ano nuevo.
35. ^Que echan en el cine esta noche?
36. No te sientes en la hierba. Esta mojada.
37. Pon un sello en el sobre.
38. Siempre te tengo en mi mente.
39. Te vere el dia de tu cumpleanos.
40. En esta ocasion el tren no llego a la hora.


1. There is a glass on the table.

2. There was a cat on the roof.
3. There is a picture on the wall.
4. It happened on Sunday morning.
5. They will come on the 20th of July.
6. My name is not on the list.
7. There were many passengers on the train.
8. My house is on the right.
9. On the contrary, we will go early.
10. On the other hand, this is more difficult.
11. We were waiting for a long time on the plane.
12. My office is on the first floor.
13. There is a stain on the ceiling.
14. Bath is on the road to Bristol.
15. I am sure that he did it on purpose.
16. Everything is written on this page.
17. We went to the house on foot. I We walked to the house.
18. Tickets for the show will go on sale tomorrow.
19. The train has arrived on time.
20. Goodbye, Karin, I'll see you on Monday.
21. The man had/wore a hat on his head.
22. She has a ring on her finger.
23. I saw that film on television.
24. We heard the news on the radio.
25. What do you do on weekdays?
26. We always meet/get together on Christmas day.
27. The house was on fire when we arrived.
28. What I told you is on page 56.
29. The soldier was on duty all night.
30. There were houses on both sides of the road.
31. Your father is on the committee.
32. My grandfather wrote a book on English literature.
33. Have you got any money on you?
34. I telephoned him on New Year's day.
35. What's on at the cinema tonight?
36. Don't sit on the grass. It's wet.
37. Put a stamp on the envelope.
38. I always have you on my mind.
39. I'll see you on your birthday.
40. On this occasion the train didn't arrive on time.


1. Naci el 16 de junio de 1938.

2. Mi abuela murio a los 90 anos.
3. Estuvimos en Inglaterra el ano pasado en abril.
4. La vida era muy dificil en la Edad Media.
5. Estamos trabajando mucho de memento.
6. Puedo correr un kilometre en cuatro minutos.
7. Voy a correr los cien metres dentro de cinco minutos.
8. Iremos el jueves por la manana.
9. Marta era muy feliz el dia de su boda.
10. El libro estara terminado dentro de diez dias.
11. Estaremos alii hacia las 10.
12. Te vere a la hora de comer.
13. En esa epoca la gente era muy pobre.
14. Me gusta relajarme los fines de semana.
15. En este pais los Irenes siempre llegan a la hora.
16. Todos los pasajeros llegaron a tiempo para el ferry.
17. Fuimos a Paris el ano pasado.
18. La vere el domingo que viene.
19. Me case en el ano 1962.
20. En este pais llueve mucho en primavera.
21. El partido empieza a las 5.45.
22. Hay muy poco trabajo en el momento actual.
23. La gasolina va a subir en mayo.
24. Los domingos por la manana generalmente trabajo en el jardin.
25. Siempre hacemos una fiesta el dia de Ano Nuevo.
26. Mi abuelo tiene 62 anos. Seguramente se retirara dentro de unos pocos anos.
27. Si todo el mundo habla al mismo tiempo nadie se entendera.
28. No puedo dormir de noche.
29. La segunda guerra mundial empezo en 1939.
30. Siempre salimos en nuestro aniversario de bodas.
31. Se fue a la cama a media noche y se levanto a las 6.
32. Shakespeare nacio en Stratford en 1564.
33. La vieja murio en 1980, a la edad de 95 anos.
34. El tren va a salir dentro de cinco minutos.
35. Los dos caballos llegaron al mismo tiempo.
36. El pequeno Jorge empezo en el colegio a los 5 anos.
37. America fue descubierta por Colon en 1492.
38. Estare ahi dentro de diez minutos.
39. Vendre a verte el martes por la manana, a las 12.
40. El curso empieza el 4 de octubre y termina el 20 de junio.


1. I was born on June 16th 1938.

2. My grandmother died at the age of ninety.
3. We were in England last year in April.
4. Life was very difficult in the Middle Ages.
5. We are working very hard at present.
6. I can run a kilometre in four minutes.
7. I'm going to run the 100 metres in five minutes' time.
8. We will go on Thursday morning.
9. Martha was very happy on her wedding day.
10. The book will be finished in ten days' time.
11. We will be there at about 10.
12. I'll see you at lunchtime.
13. At that time people were very poor.
14. I like to relax at the weekends.
15. In this country trains always arrive on time.
16. All the passengers arrived in time for the ferry.
17. We went to Paris last year.
18. I'll see her next Sunday.
19. I got married in 1962.
20. In this country it rains a lot in spring.
21. The match begins at 5.45.
22. There is very little work at the moment.
23. Petrol is going up in May.
24. I usually work in the garden on Sunday mornings.
25. We always have a party on New Year's day.
26. My grandfather is 62. He will probably retire in a few years' time.
27. If everyone speaks at the same time nobody will understand each other.
28. I can't sleep at night.
29. The second world war started in 1939.
30. We always go out on our wedding anniversary.
31. He went to bed at midnight and got up at 6.
32. Shakespeare was born at Stratford in 1564.
33. The old woman died in 1980, at the age of 95.
34. The train is leaving in five minutes.
35. Both horses arrived at the same time.
36. Little George began school at 5.
37. America was discovered by Columbus in 1492.
38. I'll be there in ten minutes.
39. I'll come to see you on Tuesday morning at eleven.
40. The course starts on October 4th and ends on June 20th.


1. No nos hemos visto desde Octubre.

2. Mi padre trabaja en una oficina de 9 a 5.
3. Han vivido en varies sitios diferentes desde la muerte de su marido.
4. Ella no se sintio bien durante el examen de conducir.
5. Estuvieron viendo la television durante cuatro horas.
6. No le he visto desde la ultima fiesta.
7. La hora de la cena es de 7 a 10.
8. No hemos cogido unas vacaciones desde el ano 1980.
9. Ha trabajado en esta empresa durante cuatro anos.
10. No he visto a Polly desde las navidades.
ll.Llevamos siglos esperando. ^Donde has estado?
12. Lleva seis meses trabajando aquf.
13. Ella lleva aqui desde el martes.
14. Esperamos desde las siete hasta las ocho, pero no vino.
15. Esta mansion ha estado vacia durante 20 anos (lleva 20 anos vacia).
16. Mi mujer se durmio durante el concierto.
17. Las tiendas abren de 9 a 1 y de 3 a 7.
18. Estuve alii desde las tres.
19. Estuvo muy enferma y no pudo comer nada durante una semana.
20. Mi padre estara de viaje de lunes a viernes.
21. He estado estudiando durante dos horas.
22. Ha estado lloviendo desde las dos.
23. No he visto a Louise desde las navidades.
24. Fuimos a dar una vuelta durante el descanso.
25. Conocimos a mucha gente durante nuestra estancia en Londres.
26. Esta mansion ha estadollleva vacia desde el ano 1900.
27. Hace dos anos desde la ultima vez que vi a Felix.
28. No te habia visto desde que nos encontramos en Roma hace un ano.
29. Ellos vivieron en Australia durante muchos anos.
30. Hemos estadoiLlevamos viendo la television desde las cuatro.
31.Estuvimos viendo la television durante cuatro horas ayer noche.
32. Debe haber llovido durante la noche, el suelo esta mojado.
33. Donald espero a Lisa durante dos horas bajo la lluvia.
34. La mayoria de la gente trabaja de 9 a 1 y de 3 a 7.
35. No he comido nada desde el desayuno.
36. Mi mujer no me ha hablado (lleva sin hablarme) durante una semana.
37. Mi padre ha estado sin trabajo durante siete meses (lleva 7 meses).
38. No me senti bien durante el examen.
39. El curso es de octubre a junio.
40. La produccion de la fabrica se paro durante la huelga.


1. We haven't met/seen each other since October.

2. My father works in an office from 9 to 5.
3. They have lived in different places since her husband's death.
4. She didn't feel well during her driving test.
5. They were watching television for four hours.
6. I haven't seen him since the last party.
7. Dinner time is from 7 to 10.
8. We haven't taken a holiday since 1980.
9. He has worked for this firm for four years.
10. I haven't seen Polly since Christmas.
11. We have been waiting for ages. Where have you been?
12. He has been working here for six months.
13. She has been here since Tuesday.
14. We waited from seven to eight but he didn't come.
15. This mansion has been empty for 20 years.
16. My wife fell asleep during the concert.
17. Shops open from 9 to 1 and from 3 to 7.
18. I was there since three.
19. She was very ill and she couldn't eat anything for a week.
20. My father will be on a trip from Monday to Friday.
21. I have been studying for two hours.
22. It has been raining since two.
23. I haven't seen Louise since Christmas.
24. We went for a walk during the interval!break.
25. We met many people during our stay in London.
26. This mansion has been empty since 1900.
27. It is two years since / last saw Felix/I last saw Felix two years ago.
28. I hadn't seen you since we met in Rome a year ago.
29. They lived in Australia for many years.
30. We have been watching television since four.
31. We were watching television for four hours last night.
32. It must have rained during the night, the ground is wet.
33. Donald waited for Lisa for two hours in the rain.
34. Most people work from 9 to 1 and from 3 to 7.
35. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast.
36. My wife hasn't spoken to me for a week.
37. My father has been out of work for seven months.
38. I didn't feel well during the exam.
39. The course is from October to June.
40. The production of the factory stopped during the strike.


1. Las cosas estan cambiando muy rapidamente en el mundo.

2. '^Que haces esta noche?' 'Nada, me quedo en casa.'
3. '^Vienes manana?' 'No, lo siento, estoy trabajando.'
4. '^Hace bueno?' 'No, esta lloviendo.'
5. Me va a llevar al teatro esta noche.
6. Silvia se casa el mes que viene, ?,no?
7. Estamos perdiendo cantidad de dinero en este negocio.
8. Perdone, estoy buscando la oficina de Correos.
9. Mi hermana esta aprendiendo italiano.
10. El atleta esta tratando de concentrarse.
11. '^A que hora llegais manana?' 'Llegamos a los 10.'
12. ^Donde te vas a encontrar con tu amigo esta noche?
13. Tengo que conducir. No voy a beber nada esta noche.
14. No entiendo una palabra. <?,Que idioma esta hablando?.
15. Ninos, estais haciendo mucho ruido. Jugad en el jardm.
16. El sabado ceno con tu hermana.
17. Estoy leyendo un libro muy interesante.
18. Siempre esta perdiendo las Haves.
19. Voy a encontrarme con Brian en el restaurante.
20. No trabajo esta semana. Estoy de vacaciones.
21. No trabajo esta noche.
22. Enrique va a ir al dentista el martes.
23. ^Jugais al futbol manana?
24. {,A que hora te vas a encontrar con Ana?
25. ^A que hora sale el proximo tren?
26. Manana por la manana trabajo.
27. Se van en tren esta noche.
28. i,Es verdad que te casas la semana que viene?
29. Vamos a la ciudad. ^Vienes con nosotros?
30. Viajo a Escocia el lunes.
31. Voy a invitar a Fred a la fiesta esta noche.
32. Van a examinarse manana.
33. Voy a dejar esta casa esta noche.
34. Vamos a pintar la casa la semana que viene.
35. ^Juegas al tenis manana?
36. Ellos no juegan hoy.
37. El mes que viene viajamos alrededor del mundo.
38. Vamos a hacer una fiesta esta noche.
39. Ellos cogen el tren a las nueve esta noche.
40. Voy a hacer algo de cafe dentro de unos minutos.


1. Things are changing very fast in the world.

2. 'What are you doing tonight?' 'Nothing, I'm staying at home.'
3. 'Are you coming tomorrow?' 'Sorry, I'm working.'
4. 'Is the weather good?' 'No, it's raining.'
5. He's taking me to the theatre tonight.
6. Sylvia is getting married next month, isn't she?
7. We are losing a lot of money in this business.
8. Excuse me, I'm looking for the Post Office.
9. My sister is learning Italian.
10. The athlete is trying to concentrate.
11. 'At what time are you arriving tomorrow?' 'We're arriving at 10.'
12. Where are you meeting your friend tonight?
13. I have to drive. I'm not drinking anything tonight.
14. I don't understand a word. What language is he speaking?.
15. Children, you are making a lot of noise. Play in the garden.
16. I'm having dinner with your sister on Saturday.
17. I'm reading a very interesting book.
18. He is always losing his keys.
19. I'm meeting Brian in the restaurant.
20. I'm not working this week. I'm on holiday.
21. I am not working tonight.
22. Henry is going to the dentist on Tuesday.
23. Are you playing football tomorrow?
24. At what time are you meeting Ann?
25. At what time is the next train leaving?
26. I'm working tomorrow morning.
27. They are going by train tonight.
28. Is it true that you're getting married next week?
29. We're going to town. Are you coming with us?
30. I'm travelling to Scotland on Monday.
31. I'm inviting Fred to the party tonight.
32. They are taking their exam tomorrow.
33. I'm leaving this house tonight.
34. We are painting our house next week.
35. Are you playing tennis tomorrow?
36. They are not playing today.
37. Next month we are travelling around the world.
38. We are having a party tonight.
39. They are taking/catching the train tonight at nine.
40. I'm making some coffee in a few minutes.


1. Generalmente voy a trabajar en coche.

2. La luna da vueltas alrededor de la tierra.
3. Esta gente vive en Liverpool.
4. Nunca sabemos que hacer.
5. Leemos en la escuela una pagina de D. Quijote todos los dias.
6. Comemos temprano todos los dias.
7. Mi madre se levanta temprano todas las mananas.
8. Pedro y David juegan al tenis todos los sabados.
9. Mi amigo te ve muy a menudo por las mananas.
10. Los padres aman mucho a sus hijos.
11. Ella se levanta temprano los lunes por la manana.
12. Mi hijo quiere estudiar en Cambridge el ano que viene.
13. Tiene buena memoria. Se acuerda de todo.
14. Estoy de acuerdo contigo. Tienes razon.
15. Esa familia viene a este sitio todos los domingos.
16. El Sr. Garcia va a Londres dos o tres veces al ano.
17. Este nino nunca obedece a los profesores.
18. La Sra. Brown siempre besa a sus hijos cuando van a la cama.
19. Mis padres a menudo van a cenar los sabados.
20. Marian nunca va tarde a trabajar.
21. En invierno vamos a esquiar los domingos.
22. A menudo hablo con ella por telefono.
23. Los domingos nos quedamos en casa por las manana.
24. Jugamos al futbol todos los dias.
25. Me siento muy bien hoy.
26. Quiero un poco mas, por favor.
27. Su mujer le adora.
28. Juan admira a su mujer.
29. Todas las noches oigo ruidos.
30. Te creo, carino.
31. Yo hablo con ella a menudo por telefono.
32. Todos los dias cogemos el autobus de la escuela a las nueve.
33. Ese soldado nunca obedece las ordenes del sargento.
34. '^,D6nde vivis? 'Vivimos en Londres.'
35. Los cuatro amigos juegan a cartas todas las tardes.
36. Comemos pescado una vez a la semana.
37. Los ninos corren mucho cuando juegan al futbol.
38. No les entiendo. <<,Que idioma hablan?
39. Esa joven habla cuatro idiomas.
40. Mi madre a veces ve la television por las mananas.


1. I usually go to work by car.

2. The moon goes round the earth.
3. These people live in Liverpool.
4. We never know what to do.
5. We read a page of D. Quixote every day at school.
6. We have lunch early every day.
7. My mother gets up early every morning.
8. Peter and David play tennis every Saturday.
9. My friend sees you very often in the mornings.
10. Parents love their children very much.
11. She gets up early on Monday mornings.
12. My son wants to study in Cambridge next year.
13. He has a good memory. He remembers everything.
14. I agree with you. You are right.
15. That family come to this place every Sunday.
16. Mr Garcia goes to London two or three times a year.
17. This child never obeys the teachers.
18. Mrs Brown always kisses her children when they go to bed.
19. My parents often go out to dinner on Saturdays.
20. Marian never goes to work late.
21. In winter we go to ski on Sundays.
22. I often speak to her on the phone.
23. On Sundays we stay at home in the morning.
24. We play football every day.
25. I feel very well today.
26. I want a little more, please.
27. His wife adores him.
28. John admires his wife.
29. I hear noises every night.
30. I believe you, darling.
31. I often speak to her on the phone.
32. We take the school bus every day at nine.
33. That soldier never obeys the sergeant's orders.
34. 'Where do you live?' 'We live in London.'
35. The four friends play cards every evening.
36. We eat fish once a week.
37. Children run a lot when they play football.
38. I don't understand them. What language do they speak?
39. That young girl speaks four languages.
40. My mother sometimes watches television in the mornings.

GOING TO form (futuro de intencion)

1. Creo que va a Hover esta noche.

2. Me va a llevar mucho tiempo el ir alii.
3. '^Has hecho el te?' 'No, voy a hacerlo ahora.'
4. Ese coche va a averiarse en cualquier momento.
5. El medico dice que mi padre va a mejorar.
6. jTen cuidado! Te vas a caer al rio.
7. ^Cuando te vas a casar?
8. Nos vamos a casar muy pronto.
9. Creo que va a Hover esta noche.
10. Me parece que nos vamos a mojar.
11. Es buena idea, pero voy a pensarlo.
12. iA donde vas?
13. Voy a la estacion a esperar a mi novio.
14. ^Cuando vas a comprar un jersey nuevo?
15. Esta tarde voy a comprar unos pantalones vaqueros.
16. ^Donde vas a colgar ese cuadro?
17. Voy a colgarlo en el vestibule.
18. Voy a invitar a Nelly a mi fiesta de cumpleanos.
19. ^Cuando vas a echar esta carta?
20. Voy a freir el pescado.
21. Voy a hacer la plancha esta tarde.
22. Voy a comprar unas bebidas para la fiesta.
23. Los nines van a coger el autobus de la escuela.
24. Voy a pasar a maquina estas cartas.
25. ^Cuando vas a publicar tu nuevo libro?
26. El libro va a salir en primavera.
27. Ese nino se va a quemar con el fuego.
28. Yo creo que vas a pasar todos tus examenes.
29. La semana que viene vamos a pintar esta habitacion.
30. Voy a arreglar el televisor esta noche.
31. De que color vais a pintar la cocina?
32. Vamos a pintar la cocina de verde.
33. ^Cuando vais a venir a vernos?
34. ^Donde vas a poner ese jarron?
35. Vamos a coger un par de semanas de vacaciones.
36. iComo vais a venir?
37. Vamos a ir en tren.
38. Te lo van a decir esta noche.
39. Este ano no vamos de vacaciones.
40. Creo que Jennifer no va a jugar en el equipo.

GOING TO form (future de intencion)

1. I think it's going to rain tonight.

2. It's going to take me a long time to get there.
3. 'Have you made the tea?' 'No I'm going to make it now.'
4. That car is going to break down any moment.
5. The doctor says that my father is going to get better.
6. Be careful! You're going to fall into the river.
7. When are you going to get married?
8. We are going to get married very soon.
9. I think it is going to rain tonight.
10. I think we are going to get wet.
11. It is a good idea, but I'm going to think about it.
12. Where are you going?
13. I'm going to the station to wait for my boyfriend.
14. When are you going to buy a new pullover?
15. This afternoon I am going to buy a pair of jeans.
16. Where are you going to hang that picture?
17. I'm going to hang it in the hall.
18. I'm going to invite Nelly to my birthday party.
19. When are you going to post this letter?
20. I am going to fry the fish.
21. I'm going to do the ironing this afternoon.
22. I'm going to buy some drinks for the party.
23. The children are going to take/catch the school bus.
24. I'm going to type these letters.
25. When are you going to publish your new book?
26. The book is going to come out in spring.
27. That boy is going to get burnt/burn himself with the fire.
28. I think you are going to pass all your exams.
29. Next week we are going to paint this room.
30. I'm going to repair the television set tonight.
31. What colour are you going to paint the kitchen?
32. We are going to paint the kitchen green.
33. When are you going to come to see us?
34. Where are you going to put that jug?
35. We are going to take a couple of weeks' holiday.
36. How are you going to come?
37. We are going by train.
38. They are going to tell you tonight.
39. We are not going on holiday this year.
40. I think (that) Jennifer is not going to play in the team.


1. Creo que iremos el sabado que viene.

2. Iremos si no llueve.
3. Estoy seguro que aprobaras tu examen.
4. Si me das la carta la echare.
5. Supongo que nos esperara en la estacion.
6. '^Que tomaras?' 'Tomare un whisky, por favor.'
7. ^Cierro la ventana?
8. ^Vamos al cine manana?
9. ^Te llevo la maleta, Katty?
10. Seguramente iremos el domingo.
11. Bebere la leche si no esta demasiado caliente.
12. Jerry esta en el hospital. ^Vamos a visitarle?
13. Estoy seguro de que conseguira el trabajo.
14. Tu hijo no pasara el examen si no estudia mas.
15. Si hace calor iremos a la playa.
16. Cuando vuelva vera muchos cambios.
17. Probablemente mi hijo ira a America el ano que viene.
18. Si no llueve iremos a pasear.
19. La inyeccion no te hara dano.
20. Me imagine que vendran en tren.
21. Si no viene el aqui, iremos nosotros alii.
22. '^Que vas a tomar?' 'Tomare una cerveza.'
23. <?,Te ayudo con la caja?
24. ^Vamos de picnic al campo manana?
25. El ano que viene iremos de vacaciones a Grecia.
26. Todas las naciones se juntaran.
27. '^Se pondra bien?' 'Si, pronto estara bien'
28.Hasta mananalTe vere manana.
29. Si haces eso lo lamentaras.
30. Te prometo que te pagare.
31. Siempre estaras en mi corazon.
32. Lo hare en cuanto pueda.
33. 'Ven a la fiesta.' 'Bueno, llevare a mi amigo.'
34. Probablemente nunca sere rico.
35. Veremos que puedo hacer por ti.
36. Esto no llevara demasiado tiempo.
37. ^Vamos a tomar algo?
38. ^Me traes un periodico cuando vuelvas?
39. ^A que hora vengo esta noche?
40. No se cuando estara aqui.


1. I think we'll go next Saturday.

2. We'll go if it doesn't rain.
3. I am sure that you will pass your exam.
4. If you give me the letter I'll post it.
5. I suppose that he will wait for us at the station.
6. 'What will you have?' 'I'll have a whisky, please.'
7. Shall I close the window?
8. Shall we go to the cinema tomorrow?
9. Shall I carry the suitcase for you, Katy?
10. We'll probably go on Sunday.
11. I'll drink the milk if it is not too hot.
12. Jerry is in hospital. Shall we go to visit him?
13. I'm sure that he will get the job.
14. Your son will not pass his exam if he doesn't study more.
15. If it is hot we'll go to the beach.
16. When he comes back he will see many changes.
17. My son will probably go to America next year.
18. If it doesn't rain we'll go for a walk.
19. The injection will not hurt you.
20. I suppose that they will come by train.
21. If he doesn't come here, we'll go there.
22. 'What are you going to have?' 'I'll have a beer.'
23. Shall I help you with the box?
24. Shall we go for a picnic to the country tomorrow?
25. Next year we'll go to Greece on holiday.
26. All nations will get together.
27. 'Will he get well?' 'Yes, he'll be well soon.'
28. I'll see you tomorrow.
29. If you do that you'll regret it.
30. I promise I'll pay you.
31. You will always be in my heart.
32. I will do it as soon as I can.
33. 'Come to the party.' 'Okay, I'll bring my friend.'
34. I'll probably never be rich.
35. We will see what I can do for you.
36. This will not take too long.
37. Shall we go out for a drink?
38. Will you get me a newspaper when you come back?
39. What time shall I come tonight?
40. I don't know when he will be here.


1. Ninos, venid conmigo.

2. Ven tu con tu hija esta tarde.
3. Que juegue ella en la segunda mitad.
4. Dejame ir contigo a Paris.
5. Sientate y come.
6. No dejes nada en el plato.
7. Corned mas verdura, ninos.
8. Demonos prisa. Es tarde.
9. Quedemonos en este hotel.
10. Encontremonos a las 7 en la estacion del Metro.
11. Pasa a maquina esta carta, por favor.
12. Vayamos al cine, chicos.
13. Que vengan esos dos chicos a verme esta tarde.
14. Que lo haga Nora.
15. Que se levante David.
16. Dejadme ir con vosotros al cine esta noche.
17. 'Lucia viene a verte.' 'Que venga.'
18. Vamos juntos al cine.
19. Hablemos con los Sres. Jones sobre esto.
20. Que vengan los hombres a mi despacho.
21. No hagas las camas.
22. No hableis con esos ninos.
23. Que no jueguen contigo.
24. No vayamos demasiado temprano.
25. Que no venga Carlos.
26. No abras la boca cuando estes comiendo.
27. Que no vayan todavia. Es muy temprano.
28. Judy esta en la parada de autobus. No le hables.
29. Que traiga Nelly una cinta de video cuando venga.
30. Que graben la pelicula esta noche.
31. Que hagan algo mas dificil.
32. Hagamos algo facil. Esto es muy dificil.
33. No cambies a tercera todavia.
34. No le digas donde esta. Que lo busque.
35. No nos quedemos en este hotel. No me gusta.
36. No me digas lo que tengo que hacer.
37. Que adivinen donde esta la casa.
38. No cambies el color del bano.
39. No cambiemos el color de las habitaciones.
40. Que no te vea hacer eso otra vez.


1. Children, come with me.

2. Come with your daughter this afternoon.
3. Let her play in the second half.
4. Let me go to Paris with you.
5. Sit down and eat.
6. Don't leave anything on the plate.
7. Eat more vegetables, children.
8. Let's hurry. It's very late.
9. Let's stay at this hotel.
10. Let's meet at seven at the underground station.
11. Type this letter, please.
12. Let's go to the cinema, boys.
13. Let those two boys come to see me this afternoon.
14. Let Nora do it.
15. Let David get up.
16. Let me go with you to the cinema tonight.
17. 'Lucy is coming to see you.' 'Let her come.'
18. Let's go together to the cinema.
19. Let's speak with the Jones about this.
20. Let the men come to my office.
21. Don't make the beds.
22. Don't speak with/to those children.
23. Don't let them play with you.
24. Don't let's/Let's not go too early.
25. Don't let Charles come.
26. Don't open your mouth when you are eating.
27. Don't let them go yet. It's very early.
28. Judy is at the bus stop. Don't speak to her.
29. Let Nelly bring a video tape when she comes.
30. Let them record the film tonight.
31. Let them do something more difficult.
32. Let's do something easy. This is very difficult.
33. Don't change to third gear yet.
34. Don't tell him where it is. Let him look for it.
35. Let's not stay at this hotel. I don't like it.
36. Don't tell me what I have to do.
37. Let them guess where the house is.
38. Don't change the colour of the bathroom.
39. Let's not change the colour of the rooms.
40. Don't let me see you do that again.


1. Mi hermana siempre llega tarde a trabajar.

2. No debemos critical nunca a los demas.
3. Siempre he cumplido con mi deber.
4. Yo siempre llego a tiempo.
5. Los he visto en el parque muy a menudo.
6. He estado una vez en Londres.
7. Siempre estan haciendo lo mismo.
8. Siempre llega a tiempo para las comidas.
9. El no puede entender nunca nada.
10. (i,Has montado alguna vez en camello?
11. Yo generalmente aparco aqui.
12. Nunca hago ejercicio.
13. Ellos no comen carne nunca.
14. Esta caja no es lo bastante grande.
15. Rara vez vamos a ese pueblo.
16. Vamos a Italia muy frecuentemente.
17. Muy a menudo vamos de picnic.
18. Casi me cai al rio.
19. Estamos casi listos.
20. Ella apenas puede hablar.
21. Estaba completamente exhausto.
22. Es extremadamente dificil hacerlo bien.
23. Este coche no es bastante grande para nosotros.
24. Vamos alia muy de vez en cuando.
25. Nuestros primes vienen a vernos muy a menudo.
26. Verdaderamente disfrute de la pelicula.
27. Esa mujer casi se cae.
28. Casi han terminado.
29. Aquella mujer solo tenia seis manzanas.
30. Solamente estaba a unos metres de distancia.
31. Ya estoy casi preparado.
32. Nunca he comido caracoles.
33. El no lo ha hecho nunca.
34. El Sr. Smith raramente viene al club.
35. Apenas conocemos a ese hombre.
36. A menudo jugamos al bridge los domingos.
37. La pobre chica apenas podia hablar.
38. Yo solamente podia entender un poco.
39. Probablemente se han olvidado de la hora.
40. Muy a menudo vamos a verle al hospital.


1. My sister always arrives/is always late for work.

2. We must never criticize other people.
3. I have always done my duty.
4. I always arrive in/on time.
5. I have seen them in the park quite often.
6. I have been to London once.
7. They are always doing the same thing.
8. He is always in/on time for meals.
9. He can never understand anything.
10. Have you ever ridden a camel?
11. I usually park here.
12. I never take exercise.
13. They never eat meat.
14. This box is not big enough.
15. We seldom go to that village.
16. We go to Italy very frequently.
17. We go for a picnic very often.
18. I nearly fell into the river.
19. We are nearly ready.
20. She can hardly speak.
21. He was completely/quite exhausted.
22. It's extremely difficult to do it properly/well.
23. This car is not big enough for us.
24. We go there occasionally.
25. Our cousins come to see us very often.
26. I really enjoyed the film.
27. That woman nearly fell.
28. They have almost finished.
29. That woman only had six apples.
30. He was only a few metres away.
31. I am almost/nearly ready.
32. I have never eaten snails.
33. He has never done it.
34. Mr Smith rarely comes to the club.
35. We hardly know that man.
36. We often play bridge on Sundays.
37. The poor girl could hardly speak.
38. I could only understand a little.
39. They have probably forgotten the time.
40. We go to the hospital to see him very/quite often.


1. '^Cuanto dinero tiene?' 'No tengo mucho.'

2. ^Tuviste muchos problemas con las aduanas?
3. Hay cantidad de pan en la mesa.
4. Sonia habla mucho.
5. Habia cantidad de gente.
6. Esta chica habla demasiado.
7. Has comprado demasiadas patatas.
8. Hay demasiado cafe.
9. Hay mucho te.
10. ^Cuanta azucar quieres?
11. ^Cuantos arboles hay?
12. ^A que distancia esta la estacion?
13. ^Cuanto mide este rio de largo?
14. ^Cuanto mide esta calle de ancho?
15. ^Cuanto tiempo vas a tardar?
16. ^Cada cuanto tiempo vienes aqui?
17. ^Como nadas de bien?
18. ^Cuantos tomates hay en el frigorifico?
19. ^Cuanto mide de ancho la cocina?
20. ^A que distancia esta correos?
21. '^Trabajaste mucho ayer?' 'Si, trabaje mucho.'
22. '^Cuanto cafe tienes?' 'No tengo mucho.'
23. '^Cuanto tiempo tenemos?' 'Tenemos mucho.'
24. Algunas personas hablan demasiado.
25. Hay demasiada agua en el vaso.
26. ^Como era de grande el melon?
27. ^Cuanto mide el Tamesis de largo?
28. ^Cada cuanto tiempo pasa el autobus por aqui?
29. ^A que distancia esta el Ayuntamiento?
30. Hemos comprado demasiados tomates.
31. Se que hablo demasiado.
32. ^Cuantas casas hay en esta calle?
33. ?,A que distancia esta el rio?
34. Habia demasiadas cosas que hacer.
35. ^Hace cuanto tiempo vivid Shakespeare?
36. ^Cuanto tiempo tardas en ir a tu casa?
37. ^Como era de grande tu piso?
38. ^Cuanto mide este pasillo de ancho?
39. ^Cuanto mide este pasillo de largo?
40. Tenemos mucho vino.


1. 'How much money have you got?' 'I haven't got much.'
2. Did you have much trouble with (the) customs?
3. There's a lot of bread on the table.
4. Sonia talks a lot.
5. There were a lot of Hots of people.
6. This girl talks too much.
7. You've bought too many potatoes.
8. There's too much coffee.
9. There's a lot of tea.
10. How much sugar do you want?
11. How many trees are there?
12. How far is the station?
13. How long is this river?
14. How wide is this street?
15. How long are you going to take?
16. How often do you come here?
17. How well can you swim?
18. How many tomatoes are there in the fridge?
19. How wide is the kitchen?
20. How far is the Post Office?
21. 'Did you work much yesterday?' 'Yes, I worked a lot.'
22. 'How much coffee have you got?' 'I haven't got much.'
23. 'How much time have we got?' 'We've got a lot.'
24. Some people talk too much.
25. There's too much water in the glass.
26. How big was the melon?
27. How long is the Thames?
28. <;How often does the bus pass this way?
29. How far is the Town Hall?
30. We have bought too many tomatoes.
31. I know I talk too much.
32. How many houses are there in this street?
33. How far is the river?
34. There were too many things to do.
35. How long ago did Shakespeare live?
36. How long do you take to go to your house?
37. How big was your flat?
38. How wide is this corridor?
39. How long is this corridor?
40. We've got a lot of wine.


1. Ayer cambie cinco libras.

2. El profesor recogio los papeles de los examenes.
3. El bebe estuvo llorando toda la noche.
4. Anadio un poco de agua.
5. Ellos visitaron el Museo del Prado.
6. Los Sres. Martinez aceptaron la invitacion.
7. Mi madre cambio las sabanas de la cama.
8. El coche se paro en el semaforo.
9. Visitamos a la Sra. Blake en el hospital el sabado pasado.
10. El trato de llegar a tiempo.
11. Ellos vivieron aqui durante muchos anos.
12. Los ninos jugaron ayer en el parque.
13. Admitio que estaba equivocado.
14. Terminaron los deberes antes de irse a la cama.
15. El Sr. Robinson trabajo en el jardin toda la manana.
16. Conte los alumnos en el aula.
17. Fuimos andando al colegio.
18. Parecia estar cansada.
19. Ellos viajaron en tren.
20. Los Sres. Martin prefirieron quedarse en casa.
21. Ellos vivian una vida muy tranquila.
22. Ellos jugaban muy a menudo con sus vecinos.
23. Los dos atletas entrenaban mucho para las Olimpiadas.
24. Parecian estar muy cansados.
25. Visitaban los museos de arte muy a menudo.
26. A veces ella anadia un poco de pimienta.
27. Aquellos hombres llevaban unas pesadas cajas al hombro.
28. A veces se paraban para descansar.
29. A menudo viajaban en ferrocarril.
30. Sonreia mientras recogia los papeles.
31. Ella siempre trataba de hacerlo bien.
32. La atleta lloraba de alegria al recibir la medalla.
33. Trabajaban muy poco en aquella fabrica.
34. El nunca contaba el dinero.
35. A menudo paseaban por el campo.
36. Ellos nunca anadian agua a la leche.
37. Era una familia pobre y vivian en un atico.
38. Mi abuelo nunca admitia que estaba equivocado.
39. Aquellos pajaros paraban de cantar cuando alguien entraba en la casa.
40. Mi abuela nunca aceptaba sugerencias.


1. Yesterday I changed 5 (five pounds).

2. The teacher collected the exam papers.
3. The baby was crying all night.
4. He added a little water.
5. They visited the Prado Museum.
6. Mr and Mrs Martinez accepted the invitation.
7. My mother changed the bed sheets.
8. The car stopped at the traffic lights.
9. We visited Mrs Blake in the hospital last Saturday.
10. He tried to arrive on time.
11. They lived here for many years.
12. The children played in the park yesterday.
13. He admitted that he was wrong.
14. They finished their homework before going to bed.
15. Mr Robinson worked in the garden all morning.
16. I counted the pupils in the classroom.
17. We walked to school.
18. She seemed to be tired.
19. They travelled by train.
20. Mr and Mrs Martin preferred to stay at home.
21. They lived a very quiet life.
22. They played very often with their neighbours.
23. The two athletes trained quite a lot for the Olympic Games.
24. They seemed to be very tired.
25. They visited the art museums very often.
26. She sometimes added a little pepper.
27. Those men carried heavy cases on their shoulders.
28. They sometimes stopped to rest.
29. They often travelled by railway/train.
30. He smiled while he collected the papers.
31. She always tried to do it properly I well.
32. The athlete cried with happiness on receiving the medal.
33. They worked very little in that factory.
34. He never counted the money.
35. They often walked/went for a walk in the country.
36. They never added water to the milk.
37. They were a very poor family and lived in an attic.
38. My grandfather never admitted that he was wrong.
39. Those birds stopped singing when someone entered the house.
40. My grandmother never accepted suggestions.


1. ^Fuiste a Londres el domingo pasado?

2. No, no fui a Londres, fui a Oxford.
3. ^Desayunasteis el domingo?
4. No, no desayunamos.
5. ^,Os gusto la pelicula?
6. No, no nos gusto.
7. ^Jugasteis al tenis el sabado?
8. No, no jugamos el sabado, jugamos el domingo.
9. ^Compraron los ninos los libros?
10. No, no los compraron.
11. <?,Abri6 tu madre la ventana ayer noche?
12. No, no la abrio ella. La abri yo.
13. ^,Se paro el coche en el semaforo?
14. No, no se paro.
15. ^Escribio tu padre este libro?
16. No, no lo escribio.
17. ^Rompieron los ninos el jarron?
18. ^Fumabas mucho cuando eras joven?
19. No, no fumaba mucho.
20. ^Llovio mucho el domingo?
21. ^Encontraste a tu amigo en la estacion?
22. No, no le encontre.
23. ^Te espero Lucia para ir al cine juntas?
24. No, no me espero.
25. ^Tuvisteis colegio ayer?
26. No, no tuvimos colegio.
27. lie duchastelTomaste una due ha?
28. No, no me duche. Me bane.
29. ^A que hora cenasteis?
30. Ayer no cenamos.
31. ^Viste la pelicula de ayer noche en la tele?
32. ^Tuvo Ester un bebe?
33. Si, ayer noche tuvo un bebe.
34. ^.Viajaste con ella?
35. No, no viaje con ella. Viaje con Pedro.
36. ^Lloro el bebe durante la noche?
37. ^Salisteis el sabado por la noche?
38. No, no salimos. Nos quedamos en casa.
39. ^Que querias hacer?
40. No queria hacer nada.


1. Did you go to London last Sunday?

2. No, I didn't go to London, I went to Oxford.
3. Did you have breakfast on Sunday?
4. No, we didn't have breakfast.
5. Did you like the film?
6. No, we didn't like it.
7. Did you play tennis on Saturday?
8. No, we didn't play on Saturday, we played on Sunday.
9. Did the children buy the books?
10. No, they didn't buy them.
11. Did your mother open the window last night?
12. No, she didn't open it. I opened it.
13. Did the car stop at the traffic lights?
14. No, it didn't stop.
15. Did your father write this book?
16. No, he didn't write it.
17. Did the children break the jug?
18. Did you smoke much when you were young?
19. No, I didn't smoke much.
20. Did it rain much on Sunday?
21. Did you meet your friend at the station?
22. No, I didn't meet him.
23. Did Lucy wait for you to go to the cinema together?
24. No, she didn't wait for me.
25. Did you have school yesterday?
26. No, we didn't have school.
27. Did you have/take a shower?
28. No, I didn't have a shower. I had a bath.
29. <,At what time did you have dinner?
30. We didn't have dinner yesterday.
31. Did you see last night's film on TV?
32. Did Esther have a baby?
33. Yes, she had a baby last night.
34. Did you travel with her?
35. No, I didn't travel with her. I travelled with Peter.
36. Did the baby cry during the night?
37. Did you go out on Saturday night?
38. No, we didn't go out. We stayed at home.
39. What did you want to do?
40. I didn't want to do anything.


1. ^Te gusta cocinar?

2. Si, me gusta mucho cocinar.
3. Me gusta lavar los platos por la manana.
4. <?,Le gusta a tu padre hacer footing?
5. A mi no me gusta correr.
6. Me gusta hacer las cosas temprano por la manana.
7. <?,Te gustaria venir al cine conmigo?
8. Maria me gusta mucho.
9. No me gusta el pan.
10. A Juana no le gustan los chicos.
11. A todos los chicos les gusta jugar al futbol.
12. A los chicos les gustan las chicas.
13. A mi me gusta levantarme temprano por las mananas.
14. ^Te gusta el whisky?
15. Me gusta mucho escuchar musica pop.
16. ^Te gusto el concierto?
17. No, no me gusto.
18. ,?,Te gustaria quedarte en casa esta noche?
19. Me gusta ir al dentista dos veces al ano.
20. A mi mujer le gustaria ir a Nueva York.
21. Me gustaria ser muy alto.
22. ^Te gustaria ganar el partido?
23. A Mike le gusta dejar el trabajo para el dia siguiente.
24. No me gustaria vivir en el decimo piso.
25. Me encanta andar en el campo.
26. A ella le encanta montar a caballo por la manana.
27. Me habria gustado ir en ese viaje.
28. Nos habria gustado ver la pelicula.
29. Me disgusta la genta perezosa.
30. '^,Te gusta cocinar?' 'Si, me encanta.'
31. '^Te gusto?' No, no me gusto.'
32. A mi madre le gusta hacer las compras por la manana.
33. ^,Te gusta tomar el sol?
34. ^Te gustaria coger unas vacaciones?
35. Si, me gustaria mucho.
36. A mi hermana no le gustan las patatas fritas.
37. Me gustaria que vinieras conmigo.
38. A todo el mundo le gustan las chicas guapas.
39. A los perros no les gustan los gatos.
40. A los gatos les gusta la leche.


1. ^Do you like cooking?

2. Yes, I like cooking very much.
3. I like to do the washing up in the morning.
4. Does your father like jogging?
5. I don't like running.
6. I like to do things early in the morning.
7. Would you like to come to the cinema with me?
8. I like Mary very much.
9. I don't like bread.
10. Jane doesn't like boys.
11. All boys like playing football.
12. Boys like girls.
13. I like getting up early in the mornings.
14. Do you like whisky?
15. I like listening to pop music very much.
16. Did you like the concert?
17. No, I didn't like it.
18. Would you like to stay at home tonight?
19. I like to go to the dentist twice a year.
20. My wife would like to go to New York.
21. I would like to be very tall.
22. Would you like to win the match?
23. Mike likes to leave the work for the next day.
24. I wouldn't like to live on the 10thltenth floor.
25. I love walking in the country.
26. She loves riding a horse in the morning.
27. I would have liked to go on that trip.
28. We would have liked to see the film.
29. I dislike lazy people.
30. 'Do you like cooking?' 'Yes, I love it.'
31. 'Did you like it?' 'No, I didn't like it.'
32. My mother likes to do the shopping in the morning.
33. Do you like sunbathing?
34. Would you like to take a holiday?
35. Yes, I would like it very much.
36. My sister doesn't like chips I fried potatoes.
37. I would like you to come with me.
38. Everybody likes pretty girls.
39. Dogs don't like cats.
40. Cats like milk.

1. Dejo de Hover cuando salimos.

2. Los autobuses van siempre llenos cuando llueve.
3. Al salir de casa me acorde que las ventanas estaban abiertas.
4. Echare la carta cuando tenga sellos.
5. Te lo dire cuando haya leido el libro.
6. Vendre en cuanto haya terminado.
7. Te lo dire en cuanto haya tornado una decision.
8. Preparare el te cuando haya terminado de leer el periodico.
9. Te dare mi direccion cuando haya encontrado un piso.
10. Te ire a ver cuando vaya a Paris el mes que viene.
11. Cuando venga la policia nos hara muchas preguntas.
12. Cuando le veas otra vez le reconoceras.
13. Puedes telefonear a tu amiga cuando hay as terminado de comer.
14. Cantaba mientras se duchaba.
15. Al levantarse el sol las nubes se dispersaron.
16. No necesitare ayuda cuando sea mayor.
17. Te llamare en cuanto llegue a Paris.
18. Jadeaba mientras subia las escaleras.
19. Hablaremos sobre ello cuando vayamos a verle.
20. La niebla se disperse al levantarse el sol.
21. Como medico era muy conocido.
22. Cuando vaya al hipermercado te comprare ese diccionario.
23. Acababa de ganar las quinielas cuando le conoci.
24. La ultima vez que le vi estaba todavia viviendo en Poole.
25. Cuando veas a tu hermana de nuevo no la reconoceras.
26. Cuando haya terminado de leerlo te lo dejare.
27. Cogere el libro cuando vaya a la biblioteca.
28. Cuando este de vacaciones te mandare una postal.
29. Te telefoneare cuando llegue a Paris.
30. Era una persona muy conocida como arquitecto.
31. Antes de irte debes de venir a cenar con nosotros.
32. Nos sentiremos mejor despues de haber bebido algo.
33. El coche paro cuando piso el freno.
34. Te mandare un libro cuando lo haya publicado.
35. Al salir del pueblo note una cosa rara.
36. Te lo mandare en cuanto lo acabe.
37. En cuanto lleguemos a un acuerdo empezaremos a trabajar.
38. Yo siempre canto mientras me afeito/al afeitarme.
39. Siempre me hago la misma pregunta mientras corro el maraton.
40. Era muy conocido como bromista.


1. It stopped raining when we left.

2. Buses are always full when it rains.
3. As I left the house I remembered that the windows were open.
4. I'll post the letter when I have stamps.
5. I'll tell you when I have read the book.
6. I will come as soon as I have finished.
7. I'll tell you as soon as I have taken a decision.
8. I'll prepare the tea when I have finished reading the paper.
9. I'll give you my address when I have found a flat.
10. I'll go to see you when I go to Paris next month.
11. When the police come they'll ask us a lot of questions.
12. When you see him again you will recognize him.
13. You can phone your friend when you have finished lunch.
14. He sang as he had/took a shower.
15. As the sun rose the clouds dispersed.
16. I won't need any help when I grow up.
17. I'll call you as soon as I arrive in Paris.
18. He was panting as he climbed the stairs.
19. We'll speak about it when we go to see him.
20. The fog dispersed as the sun rose.
21. He was well known as a doctor.
22. When I go to the hypermarket I'll buy you that dictionary.
23. He had just won the football pools when I first met him.
24. The last time I saw him he was still living in Poole.
25. When you see your sister again you won't recognize her.
26. When I have finished reading it I will lend it to you.
27. I will take/get the book when I go to the library.
28. When I am on holiday I'll send you a postcard.
29. I'll telephone you when I get to Paris.
30. He was well known as an architect.
31. Before you leave you must come to have dinner with us.
32. We will feel better after we have had something to drink.
33. The car stopped when he stepped on the brake.
34. I'll send you a book when I have published it.
35. As I left the village I noticed something strange.
36. I'll send it to you as soon as I finish it.
37. As soon as we reach an agreement we'll begin to work.
38. I always sing as I shave.
39. I always ask myself the same question as I run the marathon.
40. He was well known as a joker.

DEMONSTRATIVES: this/these - that/those

1. Esta ventana esta sucia. Aquella esta limpia.

2. No estoy hablando acerca de este cuadro.
3. Estoy hablando de eso.
4. Estamos hablando de aquel.
5. Este de aqui es el mejor de la tienda.
6. '<?,Te gusta este abrigo?' 'Prefiero aquel.'
7. Esta mujer es muy alta. Esas mujeres son muy pequenas.
8. ^Puedes ver aquel pajaro en el tejado?
9. i,Ves esas palomas en aquella rama?
10. <?,Quien es aquel hombre de alia?
11. ;Ah, aquel! Es mi tio Tom.
12. Aquellos chicos estan jugando al futbol.
13. Este es mi paraguas. Aquel es el tuyo.
14. Mira, esos son los hombres y las mujeres que nos estan esperando.
15. Aquellos son los heridos que llevaron al hospital.
16. Estos son los ninos que tienes que cuidar.
17. Este es el hombre que quiero que conozcas.
18. Esto es agua y eso es leche.
19. He encontrado esto en tu bolsillo.
20. Yo conozco a ese chico.
21. Estos chicos son muy listos pero esos son muy estupidos.
22. Este es el pan y esa es la mantequilla.
23. Hay un arbol en este jardin, y dos en aquel.
24. Aquella mujer tiene un perrito.
25. Estos vasos tienen cerveza, aquellos tienen agua.
26. Hay algo de leche en aquel vaso de alii.
27. Este nino es muy malo. Aquel es muy bueno.
28. Estas chicas son muy guapas. Aquellas son muy feas.
29. Las fotos que yo queria eran estas, no aquellas.
30. Estas son muy grandes, aquellas muy pequenas.
31. Estos son reclutas, aquellos son veteranos.
32. ^,Que es eso en el arbol?
33. Este es el ordenador que quiero comprar, no aquel.
34. Este es el mejor. Aquel es el peor.
35. Estos son los mejores. Aquellos son los peores.
36. Este libro es el mejor. Ese es el peor.
37. Estos libros son los mejores. Aquellos son los peores.
38. Hay una mesa en aquella habitacion de alii.
39. La foto que te dije es aquella de alii.
40. '<?,Quien es ese?' 'Ese es mi padre.'

DEMONSTRATIVES: this/these -that/those

1. This window is dirty. That one is clean.

2. I'm not talking about this picture.
3. I'm talking about that.
4. We are talking about that one.
5. This one here is the best one in the shop.
6. 'Do you like this coat?' 'I prefer that one.'
7. This woman is very tall. Those women are very short.
8. Can you see that bird on the roof?
9. Do you see those pigeons on that branch?
10. Who is that man over there?
11. Oh, that one! He's my uncle Tom.
12. Those boys are playing football.
13. This is my umbrella. That one is yours.
14. Look, those are the men and the women who are waiting for us.
15. Those are the wounded that were taken to hospital.
16. These are the children that you have to look after.
17. This is the man that I want you to meet.
18. This is water and that is milk.
19. I have found this in your pocket.
20. I know that boy.
21. These boys are very clever but those are very stupid.
22. This is the bread and that is the butter.
23. There is a tree in this garden and two in that one.
24. That woman has a little dog.
25. These glasses have beer, those have water.
26. There is some milk in that glass there.
27. This child is very bad. That one is very good.
28. These girls are very pretty. Those are very ugly.
29. The photos I wanted were these, not those.
30. These are very big, those very little.
31. These are recruits, those are veterans.
32. What is that on the tree?
33. This is the computer I want to buy, not that one.
34. This one is the best. That one is the worst.
35. These are the best. Those are the worst.
36. This book is the best. That book is the worst.
37. These books are the best. Those are the worst.
38. There is a table in that room over there.
39. The photo I told you is that one over there.
40. 'Who's that?' 'That's my father.'


1. Ambos llegaron al mismo tiempo.

2. Los dos sabiamos lo que iba a pasar.
3. Los dos bebieron de la misma botella.
4. Las dos chicas parecian americanas.
5. Comprare los dos, por favor.
6. Los dos sois muy jovenes.
7. Las dos chicas eran muy guapas.
8. Ella habla los dos, ingles y frances.
9. Los doslAmbos gatos estaban sentados al sol.
10. Los dos pianos necesitan afinarlos.
11. Ella hace las dos cosas, cantar y tocar el piano.
12. Tanto Pedro como su hermano llegaron tarde.
13. Las dos mesas estaban hechas de madera.
14. Las dos habitaciones necesitan pintarlas.
15. Los dos planetas son muy parecidos.
16. Ha hecho los dos, telefonear y escribir.
17. Los dos, Mike y su hermano se casaron al mismo tiempo.
18. A los dos nos gusta la cerveza.
19. Los dos ninos han estado en Paris.
20. Tanto la iglesia como la catedral eran maravillosas.
21. Todos estamos muy cansados.
22. Los mandamos todos.
23. Todos vosotros estais equivocados.
24. Todas estan malas.
25. Todo es muy caro.
26. Todos tienen razon.
27. Todas son guapas.
28. Todas estas son para vosotros.
29. Todos estamos contigo.
30. Todos los ninos supieron la leccion.
31. Todos supieron la leccion.
32. Todos bebimos el whisky.
33. Todos disfrutaron de la fiesta.
34. Todos estan aqui.
35. Las compramos todas.
36. Todos estaban sedientos.
37. La bebi toda.
38. Los comimos todos.
39. Todo el pueblo salio a darnos la bienvenida.
40. Todos vinieron tarde a trabajar.


1. Both arrived at the same time.

2. We both knew what was going to happen.
3. Both of them drank from the same bottle.
4. Both girls looked American.
5. I'll buy both of them, please.
6. Both of you are very young.
7. Both (of the) girls were very pretty.
8. She speaks both, English and French.
9. Both (the) cats were sitting in the sun.
10. Both (of the) pianos need tuning.
11. She does both, sing and play the piano.
12. Both Peter and his brother arrived late.
13. Both (of the) tables were made of wood.
14. Both (of the) rooms need painting.
15. Both (of the) planets are very similar.
16. He has done both, telephone and write.
17. Both, Mike and his brother got married at the same time.
18. We both like beer.
19. Both children have been in Paris.
20. Both the church and the cathedral were beautiful.
21. We are all very tired/All of us are very tired.
22. We sent them all/We sent all of them.
23. You are all wrong/All of you are wrong.
24. They are all bad/All of them are bad.
25. It is all very expensive/All of it is very expensive.
26. They are all right/All of them are right.
27. They are all pretty/All of them are pretty.
28. All of these are for you/These are all for you.
29. We are all/All of us are with you.
30. All the children knew the lesson.
31. They all knew the lesson/all of them knew the lesson.
32. We all drank the whisky/All of us drank the whisky.
33. They all enjoyed the party/All of them enjoyed the party.
34. They are all here/All of them are here.
35. We bought them all/We bought all of them.
36. They were all thirsty/All of them were thirsty.
37. I drank it all/I drank all of it.
38. We ate them all/We ate all of them.
39. All the village came out to welcome us.
40. They all came to work late.


1. ^Que dijo tu hermano ayer noche?

2. ^Que te dijo tu hermana?
3. Nunca nos dijeron la verdad.
4. ^Que dijiste? No dije nada.
5. ^.Que le dijiste a ella?
6. Mama, cuentame una historialun cuento.
1. Dinos lo que paso.
8. ^Que dijo tu padre?
9. ^,Que te dijo tu padre?
10. Di lo que quieras. Nadie te escucha.
11. Ella no me dijo nada.
12. El no dijo nada.
13. Mi hermano siempre esta diciendo mentiras.
14. Mi abuelo solia contarnos historias maravillosas.
15. 'Me voy,' dijo Juan.
16. i,Dijo que va a hacer hoy?
17. Dime lo que sepas.
18. ^Cuando dijo que se va a casar?
19. ^Que les dijo a los ninos?
20. Te dire la verdad manana por la manana.
21. Ella nos dijo que vienen esta noche.
22. El dijo la verdad en el juicio.
23. Nos dijo que habia oido las noticias.
24. 'Ven aqui,' le dijo a la nina.
25. No dijiste que la semana que viene es tu cumpleanos.
26. ^,Que te dijeron las chicas?
27. No le dijo nada a su madre.
28. ^Quien dijiste que vino contigo ayer noche?
29. ^Que vais a decirle a vuestro primo?
30. ^.Que os dijo vuestro primo?
31. ^Que vais a decirle a vuestro padre?
32. ^,Que han dicho acerca del tiempo?
33. Han dicho que va a hacer bueno.
34. Ayer dijeron que iba a Hover.
35. Dime lo que vais a hacer esta tarde.
36. No me conteis mentiras.
37. Mi hijo siempre dice la verdad.
38. ^Que dijo tu hermano cuando vino?
39. Dijo que habia estado con los amigos en el pub.
40. Les dije que era muy dificil.


1. What did your brother say last night?

2. What did your sister tell you?
3. They never told us the truth.
4. What did you say? I didn't say anything.
5. What did you tell her?
6. Mum, tell me a story.
7. Tell us what happened.
8. What did your father say?
9. What did your father tell you?
10. Say what you want. Nobody is listening to you.
11. She didn't tell me anything.
12. He didn't say anything.
13. My brother is always telling lies.
14. My grandfather used to tell us wonderful stories.
15. 'I'm going,' said John.
16. Did he say what he is going to do today?
17. Tell me what you know.
18. When did he say he is going to get married?
19. What did he tell the children?
20. I will tell you the truth tomorrow morning.
21. She told us that they are coming tonight.
22. He told the truth at the trial.
23. He told us that he had heard the news.
24. 'Come here,' he told the girl.
25. You didn't say that next week is your birthday.
26. What did the girls tell you?
27. He didn't tell his mother anything
28. Who did you say (that) came with you last night?
29. What are you going to tell your cousin?
30. What did your cousin tell you?
31. What are you going to tell your father?
32. What have they said about the weather?
33. They have said that it's going to be good weather.
34. They said yesterday that it was going to rain.
35. Tell me what you are going to do this afternoon.
36. Don't tell me lies.
37. My son always tells the truth.
38. What did your brother say when he came?
39. He said that he had been with his friends in the pub.
40. I told them that it was very difficult.


1. jQue casa!
2. ;Que casa tan bonita!
3. jQue chicas!
4. jQue chicas tan guapas!
5. jQue libro tan interesante estoy leyendo!
6. jQue cara tan atractiva tiene esa chica!
7. jQue dificil es este crucigrama!
8. jQue alta era aquella mujer!
9. jQue comida tan terrible es esta!
10. jQue estupido eres!
11. jQue historia tan curiosa es esa!
12. jQue cafe tan horrible!
13. jQue hombres tan horribles!
14. jQue ancho es este rio!
15. jQue chicas tan preciosas hay en esta ciudad!
16. jQue listo fuiste al responder la pregunta!
17. jQue suerte tuviste al ganar la loteria!.
18. jQue mansion tan grande es esta!
19. jQue perdida de tiempo!
20. jQue pesadas son estas cajas!
21. jQue dificil es responder a todas estas preguntas!
22. jQue tiempo tan horrible estamos teniendo!
23. jQue casas tan raras hay en este pueblo!
24. ;Que cafe tan estupendo hace usted, Sra. Martin!
25. jQue tonterias estais diciendo!
26. ;Que gente tan lista hay en esta ciudad!
27. jQue colas tan largas hay para coger el autobus!
28. jQue ganga tan fantastica encontre en esa tienda!
29. jQue cerveza tan horrible es esta!
30. jQue desordenada esta la habitacion!
31. jQue idiota es ese hombre!
32. jQue corte de pelo tienes!
33. jQue oscuro estaba el tunel!
34. jQue autopista tan buena es esta!
35. iQue buena es esta autopista!
36. jQue maravillosa es esta mujer!
37. jQue mujer tan maravillosa es esta!
38. jQue ancho es este rio!
39. ;Que rio tan ancho es este!
40. jQue historia tan tonta es esta!


1. What a house!
2. What a nice house!
3. What girls!
4. What pretty girls!
5. What an interesting book I'm reading!
6. What an attractive face that girl has got!
7. How difficult this crossword is!
8. How tall that woman was!
9. What a terrible meal this is!
10. How stupid you are!
11. What a curious story that is!
12. What terrible coffee!
13. What horrible men!
14. How wide this river is!
15. What beautiful girls there are in this town!
16. How clever you were to answer the question!
17. How lucky you were to win the lottery!
18. What a large mansion this is!
19. What a waste of time!
20. How heavy these cases are!
21. How difficult it is to answer all these questions!
22. What awful weather we are having!
23. What strange houses there are in this village!
24. What wonderful coffee you make, Mrs Martin!
25. What nonsense you're saying!
26. What clever people there are in this town!
27. What long queues there are to take/catch the bus!
28. What a fantastic bargain I found in that shop!
29. What horrible beer this is!
30. How untidy the room is!
31. What an idiot that man is!
32. What a haircut you've got!
33. How dark the tunnel was!
34. What a nice motorway this is!
35. How good this motorway is!
36. How wonderful this woman is!
37. What a wonderful woman this is!
38. How wide this river is!
39. What a wide river this is!
40. What a silly story this is!


1. Tu puedes hacerlo solo.

2. No puedo ir esta noche.
3. Ellos no pueden venir a la reunion.
4. No pude hacerlo ayer noche.
5. (-.Podria usted decirme lo que sucedio?
6. Yo no podria hacerlo tan rapido.
7. Podremos hacerlo el lunes, creo.
8. Ellos podran venir contigo.
9. ^Sabias hablar ingles cuando eras nifio?
10. Quiza podriamos ir a Paris este fin de semana.
11. Ella sabia hablar varies idiomas.
12. ^Podrias pasarme a maquina esta carta?
13. Nosotros podriamos ir manana.
14. Iremos en cuanto podamos.
15. ^Podras venir a tiempo?
16. No se si podre.
17. ^Podria usted rellenar este impreso?
18. No pudieron coger el tren.
19. ^Sabes nadar?
20. No, no se nadar muy bien.
21. No he podido hacerlo todavia.
22. Marian no ha podido terminar a tiempo.
23. Yo podria hacerlo por ti.
24. Podriamos ir de compras esta tarde.
25. No hemos podido venir antes.
26. Ella no sabia cocinar muy bien.
27. <?,No sabe andar la nina todavia?
28. ^Sabe usted hablar frances?
29. No he podido dormir ultimamente.
30. Busque el libro pero no pude encontrarlo.
31. Cuando tenia 17 anos podia correr 100 metres en 11 segundos.
32. Apenas podia entender lo que decia.
33. Mi abuelo era marinero pero no sabia nadar.
34. El nino se cayo al rio pero pudimos rescatarle.
35. Mi abuela sabia tocar el piano muy bien.
36. Podriamos ir a Escocia de vacaciones.
37. No he podido hacer los deberes del colegio todavia.
38. ^Por que no solicitas el trabajo? Podrias conseguirlo.
39. No hemos podido ayudarle.
40. Si vienes a Londres podrias quedarte con nosotros unos dias.


1. You can do it alone/by yourself.

2. I can't go tonight.
3. They can't come to the meeting.
4. I couldn't do it last night.
5. Could you tell me what happened?
6. I couldn't do it so fast.
7. We'll be able to do it on Monday, I think.
8. They will be able to come with you.
9. Could you speak English when you were a child?
10. Perhaps we could go to Paris this weekend.
11. She could speak several languages.
12. Could you type this letter?
13. We could go tomorrow.
14. We'll go as soon as we can.
15. Will you be able to come in time?
16. I don't know if I'll be able to.
17. Could you fill in this form?
18. They couldn't catch the train.
19. Can you swim?
20. No, I can't swim very well.
21. I haven't been able to do it yet.
22. Marian hasn't been able to finish in time.
23. I could do it for you.
24. We could go shopping this afternoon.
25. We haven't been able to come before.
26. She couldn't cook very well.
27. Can't the little girl walk yet?
28. Can you speak French?
29. I haven't been able to sleep lately.
30. I looked for the book but I couldn't find it.
31. When I was 17 I could run 100 metres in 11 seconds.
32. I could hardly understand what he was saying.
33. My grandfather was a seaman but he couldn't swim.
34. The child fell into the river but we were able to rescue him.
35. My grandmother could play the piano very well.
36. We could go to Scotland on holiday.
37. I haven't been able to do my homework yet.
38. Why don't you apply for the job? You could get it.
39. We haven't been able to help him.
40. If you come to London you could stay with us for a few days.


1. ^Que anos tienes? Tengo 20 anos.

2. '^Cuantos anos tiene tu madre?' Tiene 40 anos'.
3. ^,Que edad tenia tu abuela cuando murio?
4. Murio a los noventa anos.
5. ^,Que edad cumpliras manana?
6. Manana cumplire 16 anos.
7. Alicia cumplio 10 anos ayer.
8. ^Cuanto mides de alto?
9. ^Cuanto tiene de largo este no?
10. Tiene 350 kilometres de largo.
11. ^Cuanto tiene de ancho esta mesa?
12. Mide dos metros de ancho.
13. Que altura tiene este edificio?
14. Mide 98 metros de altura.
15. ^Como es de pequeno un atomo?
16. ^Como es de grande esta ciudad?
17. Empece en la escuela a la edad de cinco anos.
18. Mi padre cumplira 40 anos la semana que viene.
19. <<,Que profundidad tiene este oceano?
20. Tiene 500 metros de profundidad.
21. ^Cual es la anchura de este pano?
22. ^Cual es la longitud del rio?
23. ^Cual es la profundidad de este no?
24. La pequena Lucia cumplio 9 anos ayer.
25. Yo cumplire 11 el mes que viene.
26. '^,Que edad tenia David?' 'Tenia 21 anos.'
27. ^Cuanto mide este pasillo de largo?
28. Mide 10 metros de largo.
29. ^Cuanto mide de ancho?
30. Mide dos metros de ancho.
31. ^,Que altura tiene el Big Ben?
32. Mide casi 100 metros de alto.
33. Me aliste en el ejercito a los 19 anos.
34. ^Cuanto mide de largo esta calle?
35. Mide mas de tres kilometres.
36. Las dos carreteras tienen unos dos kilometres cada una.
37. El mar tiene unos 100 metros de profundidad aqui.
38. ^Que edad tienen los ninos de esta clase?
39. Tienen unos siete u ocho anos.
40. ^Que tamano tiene eso?


1. How old are you? I'm 20 years old.

2. How old is your mother?' 'She is 40'.
3. How old was your grandmother when she died?
4. She died at the age of ninety.
5. How old will you be tomorrow?
6. I'll be sixteen tomorrow.
7. Alice was 10 yesterday.
8. How tall are you?
9. How long is this river?
10. It is 350 kms. long.
11. How wide is this table?
12. It is two metres wide.
13. How high is this building?
14. It is 98 metres high.
15. How small is an atom?
16. How big is this town?
17. I started at school at the age of five.
18. My father will be forty next week.
19. How deep is this ocean?
20. It is 500 metres deep.
21. What is the width of this cloth? /How wide is this cloth?
22. What is the length of the river? /How long is the river?
23. What is the depth of this river?/How deep is this river?
24. Little Lucy was 9 yesterday.
25. I'll be 11 next month.
26. 'How old was David?' 'He was 21.'
27. How long is this corridor?
28. It's 10 metres long.
29. How wide is it?
30. It is two metres wide.
31. How high is Big Ben?
32. It is nearly 100 metres high.
33. I joined the army at the age of 19.
34. How long is this street?
35. It's more than three kilometres long.
36. Each the two roads is about two kilometres long.
37. The sea is about 100 metres deep here.
38. How old are the children in this class?
39. They are about seven or eight years old.
40. What is the size of that?


1. Este chico es mas alto que aquel.

2. Esa mesa es mas pequena que esta.
3. Esta casa esta mas cerca del rio que la tuya.
4. Esta silla es mas comoda que aquella.
5. Mi casa es mas grande que la vuestra.
6. El verano es mucho mas caluroso que el otono.
7. Este problema es mas dificil que ese.
8. Diana es mucho mas guapa que su hermana.
9. Nuestro coche es mucho mas rapido que el vuestro.
10. Mi libro es mas interesante que el tuyo.
11. Esta montana es mucho mas alta que aquella.
12. Esta habitacion esta mas desordenada que nunca.
13. Este chico es mas inteligente que sus amigos.
14. Este frigorifico es mas ruidoso que el vuestro.
15. Este ejercicio is peor que aquel.
16. Esta redaccion es mucho mejor que aquella.
17. Debes conducir mas despacio.
18. Mi ciudad es mas bonita que la tuya.
19. El libro de matematicas es mas delgado que el libro de historia.
20. Ese hombre es tan rico como mi padre.
21. Esta chica es la mas guapa de su clase.
22. Freddy es el chico mas listo del colegio.
23. El 21 de diciembre es el dia mas corto del ano.
24. Pedro es el mas alto de su familia.
25. Este es el ejercicio mas dificil de todos.
26. Esta silla es la mas comoda.
27. Este libro es el mas barato.
28. Este frigorifico es el mas ruidoso.
29. Londres es una de las ciudades mas grandes del mundo.
30. Florencia es la ciudad mas bonita del mundo.
31. Ese libro es el mas interesante de todos.
32. Esa chica tiene los ojos mas bonitos que he visto jamas.
33. Este es el animal mas raro que he visto jamas.
34. San Sebastian es la ciudad mas bonita de Espana.
35. Mi reloj es tan bueno como el tuyo.
36. Nuestro coche no es tan rapido como el vuestro.
37. Esta es la nina mas pequena de su clase.
38. Mi casa es la que esta mas lejos del rio.
39. Este es el hermano mayor.
40. Esta montana es la mas alta de este pais.


1. This boy is taller than that one.

2. That table is smaller than this one.
3. This house is nearer to the river than yours.
4. This chair is more comfortable than that one.
5. My house is bigger than yours.
6. Summer is much hotter than autumn/fall.
7. This problem is more difficult than that one.
8. Diana is much prettier than her sister.
9. Our car is much faster than yours.
10. My book is more interesting than yours.
11. This mountain is much higher than that one.
12. This room is untidier than ever.
13. This boy is more intelligent than his friends.
14. This fridge is noisier than yours.
15. This exercise is worse than that one.
16. This essay is much better than that one.
17. You must drive more slowly.
18. My hometown is nicer than yours.
19. The maths book is thinner than the history book.
20. That man is as rich as my father.
21. This girl is the prettiest in her class.
22. Freddy is the most intelligent boy in his school.
23. The 21st of December is the shortest day in/of the year.
24. Peter is the tallest in/of his family.
25. This is the most difficult exercise of all.
26. This chair is the most comfortable.
27. This book is the cheapest.
28. This fridge is the noisiest.
29. London is one of the biggest cities in the world.
30. Florence is the nicest town/city in the world.
31. That book is the most interesting of all.
32. That girl has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.
33. This is the rarest animal that I have ever seen.
34. San Sebastian is the nicest town/city in Spain.
35. My watch is as good as yours.
36. Our car is not solas fast as yours.
37. This is the smallest girl in her class.
38. My house is the farthest from the river.
39. This is the eldest brother.
40. This mountain is the highest in this country.


1. Esa chica parece muy cansada.

2. Pareces feliz hoy.
3. Parece que va a hacer bueno hoy.
4. Se parece a su padre.
5. No parece que tiene 80 anos.
6. Parece que va a estar lluvioso todo el dia.
7. Vio a una nina de aspecto triste.
8. Mi hermano es muy bueno en matematicas.
9. Estos dos chicos son muy buenos en tenis.
10. El campo tiene un aspecto maravilloso con este sol.
11. Esa chica parece muy excitada.
12. Hay muchas nubes, parece que va a Hover.
13. ^Como es el nuevo profesor?
14. ^,Que tal es ese chico?
15. A mi me parece queso.
16. Esta preciosa con ese vestido.
17. '^Como esta tu padre?' 'Muy bien, gracias.'
18. '^Como es tu padre?' 'Es muy estricto.'
19. Tu madre parece muy cansada hoy.
20. El profesor parecia muy enfadado esta mafiana.
21. Mi hijo es muy bueno esquiando.
22. Pareces muy cansado, <<,que te pasa?
23. Se parece mucho a su hermano.
24. '^Como es tu novio?' 'Es fantastico.'
25. Ese chico parece muy infeliz.
26. Parece que va a hacer sol/estar soleado hoy.
27. Este cuadro no se parece el.
28. Ese atleta es muy bueno en largas distancias.
29. Esto no parece mantequilla.
30. '^Que es, te o cafe?' 'A mi me parece te.'
31. ^Como son los nuevos reclutas?
32. A mi no me parece que estan muy en forma.
33. ^,Que tal es tu nueva secretaria?
34. Este aparato parece muy complicado.
35. Tu padre parecia cansado ayer noche.
36. Pareces contenta esta manana.
37. Ese chico nuevo parece muy inteligente.
38. Tu nueva secretaria parece muy competente.
39. Eso a mi no me parece whisky.
40. Tu perrito parece muy listo.


1. That girl looks very tired.

2. You look very happy today.
3. It looks like being good weather today.
4. He looks like his father.
5. He doesn't look 80.
6. It looks like being wet all day.
7. He saw a sad-looking little girl.
8. My brother is very good at maths.
9. These two boys are very good at tennis.
10. The country looks beautiful in this sunshine.
11. That girl looks very excited.
12. There are many clouds, it looks like rain.
13. What's the new teacher like?
14. What's that boy like?
15. It looks like cheese to me.
16. She looks beautiful in that dress.
17. 'How is your father?' 'Very well, thank you.'
18. What's your father like?' 'He's very strict.'
19. Your mother looks very tired today.
20. The teacher looked very angry this morning.
21. My son is very good at skiing.
22. You look very tired, what's the matter with you?
23. He looks very much like his brother.
24. 'What's your boyfriend like?' 'He is fantastic.'
25. That boy looks very unhappy.
26. It looks like being sunny today.
27. This picture doesn't look like him.
28. That athlete is very good at long distances.
29. This doesn't look like butter.
30. 'What's it, tea or coffee?' 'It looks like tea to me.'
31. What are the new recruits like?
32. They don't look very fit to me.
33. What is your new secretary like?
34. This gadget looks very complicated.
35. Your father looked very tired last night.
36. You look very happy this morning.
37. That new boy looks very clever.
38. Your new secretary looks very efficient.
39. That doesn't look like whisky to me.
40. Your little dog looks very clever.

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE for, since, How long ...?

1. He trabajado (llevo trabajando) en esta empresa desde 1980.

2. He trabajado 20 afios en esta empresa.
3. Llevo 20 anos trabajando en esta empresa.
4. ^Cuanto tiempo has estado (llevas) viviendo en Londres?
5. Ha estado lloviendo desde las cuatro.
6. Ha estado (lleva) 10 anos haciendo lo mismo.
7. Llevamos/Hemos estado casados 25 anos.
8. He estadolLlevo leyendo desde las cinco.
9. Mi hija ha estadollleva estudiando frances desde octubre.
10. Mi padre no ha cogido unas vacaciones desde hace siglos.
11. He estadolLlevo horas esperandote.
12. No la he visto desde que estaba en la universidad.
13. Los Sres. Brent llevan casados desde 1960.
14. Llevamos/Hemos estado aprendiendo ingles mucho tiempo.
15. Ha tenido este coche durante tres anos.
16. Ella ha estado haciendo las compras desde las 10.
17. Hace varios anos que no he estado en Espana.
18. No he estado en Espana desde 1989.
19. Lleva varios meses sin Hover.
20. Lleva sin Hover desde octubre.
21. ^Cuanto tiempo hace que viniste a vivir aqui?
22. ^Cuanto tiempo hace desde la ultima vez que viste a Juan?
23. Hace muchos anos que vivimos en esta casa.
24. Llevamos viviendo en esta casa desde 1950.
25. Ha estado lloviendo desde el lunes.
26. Siempre me han gustado los americanos.
27. ^Cuanto tiempo llevas trabajando aqui?
28. Llevo muchos anos trabajando aqui.
29. Llevo trabajando aqui desde enero.
30. Hace tiempo que no voy de vacaciones.
31. No nos vemos desde Navidades.
32. Llevamos mucho tiempo en este negocio.
33. Llevamos en este negocio desde 1990.
34. El viejo Rock lleva 30 anos de sargento.
35. No nos hemos visto desde Semana Santa.
36. Siempre me han gustado las chicas inteligentes.
37. Llevo horas leyendo.
38. Llevo leyendo desde las nueve.
39. Los ninos llevan horas en la piscina.
40. Los ninos llevan en la piscina desde las 11.

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE for, since, How long ...?

1. I have worked in this company I firm since 1980.

2. I have worked 20 years in this company.
3. I have been working in this company for 20 years.
4. How long have you been living in London?
5. It has been raining since four.
6. He has been doing the same thing for 10 years.
7. We have been married for 25 years.
8. I have been reading since five.
9. My daughter has been studying French since October.
10. My father hasn't had a holiday for ages.
11. I have been waiting for you for hours.
12. I haven't seen her since she was at university.
13. Mr and Mrs Brent have been married since 1960.
14. We have been learning English for a long time.
15. He has had this car for three years.
16. She has been shopping since 10.
17. I haven't been to/in Spain for several years.
18. I haven't been to/in Spain since 1989.
19. It hasn't rained for several months.
20. It hasn't rained since October.
21. How long ago did you come to live here?
22. How long is it since you last saw John?
23. We have lived in this house for many years.
24. We have lived in this house since 1950.
25. It has been raining since Monday.
26. I have always liked Americans.
27. How long have you been working here (for)?
28. I have been working here for many years.
29. I have been working here since January.
30. I haven't taken a holiday for a long time.
31. We haven't met/seen each other since Christmas.
32. We have been in this business for a long time.
33. We have been in this business since 1990.
34. Old Rock has been a sergeant for 30 years.
35. We haven't met/seen each other since Easter.
36. I have always liked intelligent girls.
37.1 have been reading for hours.
38. I have been reading since 9.
39. The children have been in the swimming pool for hours.
40. The children have been in the swimming pool since 11.


1. Tirame la pelota.
2. Dale la carne al perro.
3. Te traere un whisky.
4. Cuentame toda la historia desde el principio.
5. Ensename lo que tienes en el bolso.
6. Ella me dio el libro.
7. Dale el plato a Richard.
8. Le mande la carta al Sr. Smith.
9. Le ensene la casa (a ella)
10. Nos trajeron la comida.
11. Mi madre te cocinara alguna cosa.
12. Te encontraremos un asiento.
13. Reservaron la habitacion para nosotros.
14. Te hare una tortilla.
15. Me trajeron los cambios.
16. Encontrare el dinero para ti/Te encontrare el dinero.
17. Ella me hizo un vestido.
18. Te preparare algo.
19. Construyeron esta casa para nosotros.
20. Ella le compro a su hija un regalo.
21.Ensenanos las fotos.
22. Mandanos una postal.
23. Dejame el libro.
24. Daselo a tu madre, por favor.
25. Damelo.
26. Ensefia a tu padre los deberes.
27. Ensenale la medalla.
28. El te encontrara un trabajo. / Encontrara un trabajo para ti.
29. Pasame tus papeles.
30. Me ofrecio mas dinero.
31. Pasa la sal a tu padre.
32. Dinos lo que sucedio ayer.
33. Nos reservaron habitaciones.
34. Comprame lo que vimos en el escaparate.
35. Comprame eso.
36. Traeme una silla.
37. Traeme el periodico.
38. Guardame el asiento.
39. Encargo una comida para nosotros.
40. Nos reserve la mejor habitacion del hotel.


1. Throw me the ball/Throw the ball to me.

2. Give the meat to the dog/Give the dog the meat.
3. I'll get a whisky for you/I'll get you a whisky.
4. Tell me the whole story from the beginning.
5. Show me what you've got in your bag.
6. She gave me the book/She gave the book to me.
7. Give Richard the plate/Give the plate to Richard.
8. I sent the letter to Mr Smith/I sent Mr Smith the letter.
9. I showed her the house/I showed the house to her.
10. They brought us the meal/They brought the meal to us.
11. My mother will cook you something/something for you.
12. We'll find you a seat/We'll find a seat for you.
13. They reserved the room for us/us the room.
14. I'll make you an omelette/I'll make an omelette for you.
15. They brought me the change/the change for me.
16. I'll find you the money/I'll find the money for you.
17. She made me a dress/She made a dress for me.
18. I'll prepare something for you/I'll prepare you something.
19. They built this house for us/us this house.
20. She bought her daughter a present/a present for her daughter.
21. Show us the photos. / Show the photos to us.
22. Send us a postcard. / Send a postcard to us.
23. Lend me the book. / Lend the book to me.
24. Please, give it to your mother.
25. Give it to me. / Give me it.
26. Show your father your homework. / your homework to your father.
27. Show him the medal. / Show the medal to him.
28. He'll find you a job. / a job for you.
29. Pass me your papers. / Pass your papers to me.
30. He offered me more money. / more money to me.
31. Pass the salt to your father. / your father the salt.
32. Tell us what happened yesterday.
33. They booked rooms for us. / us some rooms.
34. Buy me what we saw in the shop window.
35. Buy that for me. / buy me that.
36. Bring me a chair. / Bring a chair for me.
37. Get me the newspaper. / Get the newspaper for me.
38. Keep me the seat. / Keep the seat for me.
39. He ordered a meal for us. / He ordered us a meal.
40. He booked us the best room in the hotel.


1. ^Quien vino ayer noche?

2. ^A quien viste el domingo?
3. ^Quien hablo en la reunion?
4. ^A quien hablaste en la reunion?
5. ^Quien ha pagado la cuenta?
6. ^A quien has pagado la cuenta?
7. ^Quien vio eso?
8. ^A quien vio Pedro?
9. ^Que causo el fuego?
10. ^,Que hiciste ayer?
11. ^Que sucedio en el colegio?
12. <,Que hiciste en el colegio?
13. ^Quien rompio el vaso?
14. ^Cuantos caballos corrieron en la carrera?
15. ^Cuantos caballos viste?
16. ^Cuantos coches cayeron al agua?
17. ^Cuantos coches viste caer al agua?
18. ^Cuanta gente fue a Paris?
19. ^Cuanta gente dijeron que iba a Paris?
20. ^Cuantos ninos vinieron?
21. ^El coche de quien se averio?
22. ^El coche de quien cogiste prestado?
23. ^El bote de quien se hundio?
24. ^El paraguas de quien perdiste?
25. <<,Que dedo te hace dano?
26. ^,Que mano usas?
27. ^Que coche gano la carrera?
28. ^Cual de estos coches prefieres?
29. <?,Que caballo se rompio la pata?
30. <-,Que caballo crees que ganara?
31. ^Que causo el incidente?
32. ^,Que crees que causo el incidente?
33. ^Quien se comio el pastel?
34. ^,Que provoco la rebelion?
35. ^.Que produce ese ruido?
36. ^Que dijiste en la reunion?
37. ^Quien fue a la reunion?
38. ^Cuantos hijos tuvieron tus abuelos?
39. ^Cuantos perros corren en cada carrera?
40. ^Cuantas cartas echaste a correos?


1. Who came last night?

2. Who/Whom did you see last Sunday?
3. Who spoke at the meeting?
4. Who/Whom did you speak to at the meeting?
5. Who has paid the bill?
6. Who/Whom have you paid the bill to? / Who did you pay the bill to?
7. Who saw that?
8. Who/Whom did Peter see?
9. What caused the fire?
10. What did you do yesterday?
11. What happened in your school?
12. What did you do at school?
13. Who broke the glass?
14. How many horses ran in the race?
15. How many horses did you see?
16. How many cars fell into the water?
17. How many cars did you see fall into the water?
18. How many people went to Paris?
19. How many people did they say (that) were going to Paris?
20. How many children came?
21. Whose car broke down?
22. Whose car did you borrow?
23. Whose boat sank?
24. Whose umbrella did you lose?
25. Which finger hurts you?
26. Which hand do you use?
27. Which car won the race?
28. Which of these cars do you prefer?
29. Which horse broke its leg?
30. Which horse do you think will win?
31. What caused the incident?
32. What do you think caused the incident?
33. Who ate the cake?
34. What provoked the rebellion?
35. What produces!makes that noise?
36. What did you say at the meeting?
37. Who went to the meeting?
38. How many children did your grandparents have?
39. How many dogs run in each race?
40. How many letters did you post?


1. Dice que lo hara manana.

2. Cree que ira hoy.
3. Dijo que hablaria con su hermana.
4. Dijo que habia encontrado el libro.
5. Cree que vendran la semana que viene.
6. Alicia dijo que lo haria ella.
7. Dijeron que iban a Paris de vacaciones.
8. Ella dijo que iria con el.
9. Rita dijo que lo habia hecho por la manana.
10. Olivia dijo que estaba escribiendo una carta.
11. Penelope dijo que iria a Sevilla.
12. Ella dijo que habia hablado con el el dia anterior.
13. El explico que se quedaria en casa.
14. Dijo que iria a Madrid el lunes.
15. Sandra dijo que habia comido demasiado.
16. Dijeron que habian encontrado un piso.
17. Dijo que le gustaria ir al dia siguiente.
18. Robin dijo que habia comprado el libro la semana anterior.
19. Raquel dijo que habia cerrado la ventana antes de salir.
20. Donald dijo que habia ido el dia anterior.
21. Los ninos dijeron que ya habian hecho los deberes.
22. Dijo que le malaria si no pagaba.
23. En el banco dijeron que le devolverian el dinero.
24. Dijeron que no cogeran vacaciones este ano.
25. Pamela dijo que ya habia hablado con su jefe.
26. Ernesto aseguro que nunca habia estado alia.
27. Dijo que habia visto la pelicula el dia anterior.
28. Prometio que trabajaria mas duro.
29. Me dijo que ya lo habia terminado.
30. Patricia dijo que le gustaria venir con nosotros.
31. Me dijo que ese dia no trabajo.
32. Nos aseguro que el dia anterior habia ido a verla.
33. Dice que vendran manana.
34. Dijo que vendrian al dia siguiente.
35. Dice que vendran dentro de dos dias.
36. Dijo que habian venido hacia una semana.
37. Felix insistio que el no lo tenia.
38. Alan dijo que no queria venir con nosotros.
39. Laura dijo que queria ver la obra teatral.
40. Dicen que no han encontrado un piso todavia.


1. He says (that) he will do it tomorrow.

2. He thinks (that) he will go today.
3. He said (that) he would speak to his sister.
4. He said (that) he had found the book.
5. He thinks (that) they will come next week.
6. Alice said (that) she would do it.
7. They said (that) they were going to Paris on holiday.
8. She said (that) she would go with him.
9. Rita said (that) she had done it in the morning.
10. Olivia said (that) she was writing a letter.
11. Penelope said (that) she would go to Seville.
12. She said (that) she had spoken to him the day before.
13. He explained (that) he would stay at home.
14. He said (that) he would go to Madrid on Monday.
15. Sandra said (that) she had eaten too much.
16. They said (that) they had found a flat.
17. He said (that) he would like to go the next/following day.
18. Robin said (that) he had bought the book the previous week.
19. Rachel said (that) she had closed the window before going out.
20. Donald said (that) he had gone the day before.
21. The children said (that) they had already done their homework.
22. He said (that) he would kill him if he didn't pay.
23. They said in the bank (that) they would give him the money back.
24. They said (that) they will not take a holiday this year.
25. Pamela said (that) she had already spoken to her boss.
26. Ernest assured (that) he had never been there.
27. He said (that) he had seen the film the day before.
28. He promised (that) he would work harder.
29. He told me (that) he had already finished.
30. Patricia said that she would like to come with us.
31. He told me (that) that day he didn't work.
32. He assured us that he had gone to see her the day before.
33. He says (that) they will come tomorrow.
34. He said (that) they would come the next/following day.
35. He says (that) they will come in two days' time.
36. He said (that) they had come a week before.
37. Felix insisted (that) he didn't have it.
38. Allan said (that) he didn't want to come with us.
39. Laura said (that) she wanted to see the play.
40. They say (that) they haven't found a flat yet.


1. 'Yo se hablar frances.' 'Yo tambien.'

2. 'Ellos tienen una casa muy bonita.' 'Nosotros tambien.'
3. 'Yo sabia conducir a los 15 arlos.' 'Yo tambien.'
4. 'Ellos fueron a Benidorm el afio pasado.' 'Nosotros tambien.
5. 'Nosotros tenemos un perro.' 'Nosotros tambien.'
6. 'Ella es muy alta.' 'Yo tambien.'
7. 'Nosotros iremos manana.' 'Nosotros tambien.'
8. 'Me gustaria ir.' 'A mi tambien.'
9. 'Ellos son muy listos.' 'Nosotros tambien.'
10. 'Esa chica es muy guapa.' 'Su hermana tambien.'
11. 'Ella habla frances muy bien.' 'Yo tambien.'
12. 'El tiene un buen sprint.' 'Yo tambien.'
13. 'Podias buscarte otro trabajo.' 'Tu tambien.'
14. 'Ire a Roma la primavera que viene.' 'Yo tambien.'
15. 'Compramos el periodico todos los dias.' 'Nosotros tambien.
16. 'Me gustaria hablar japones.' 'A mi tambien.'
17. 'Me gustaria ir alii.' 'A mi tambien.'
18. 'Comprare el libro manana.' 'Yo tambien.'
19. 'Estabamos muy cansados.' 'Tambien los otros.'
20. 'Ellos han estado aqui esta tarde.' 'Nosotros tambien.'
21. 'Yo no hablo frances.' 'Yo tampoco.'
22. 'No tenemos perro.' 'Nosotros tampoco.'
23. 'No es muy guapa.' 'Tampoco yo.'
24. 'No tenemos un coche grande.' 'Nosotros tampoco.'
25. 'Ellos todavia no han hecho nada.' 'Nosotros tampoco.'
26. 'Tu no viniste a tiempo.' 'Ellos tampoco.'
27. 'No hablaban aleman.' 'Nosotros tampoco.'
28. 'Yo no puedo correr mas rapido.' 'Yo tampoco.'
29. 'No iremos de vacaciones este ano.' 'Nosotros tampoco.'
30. 'Yo no compraria eso.' 'Yo tampoco.'
31. 'Yo no le vi.' 'Yo tampoco.'
32. 'Ellos no se hospedaran en este hotel.' 'Nosotros tampoco.'
33. 'No nos pagaron.' 'A nosotros tampoco.'
34. 'No se hablar italiano.' 'Nosotros tampoco.'
35. 'No podriamos pagar tanto.' 'Nosotros tampoco.'
36. 'El no estaba herido.' 'Ella tampoco.'
37. 'Ella nunca va a los conciertos.' 'Tampoco el.'
38. 'No pense en eso.' 'Yo tampoco.'
39. 'Yo no lo haria.' 'Yo tampoco.'
40. 'Mi hija no ira a Londres.' 'Tampoco la mia.'


1. 'I can speak French.' 'So can I.'

2. 'They have a nice house.' 'So have we.'
3. 'I could drive when I was 15.' 'So could I.'
4. 'They went to Benidorm last year.' 'So did we.'
5. 'We have got a dog.' 'So have we.'
6. 'She is very tall.' 'So am I.'
7. 'We will go tomorrow.' 'So will we.'
8. 'I would like to go.' 'So would I.'
9. 'They are very clever.' 'So are we.'
10. 'That girl is very pretty.' 'So is her sister.'
11. 'She speaks very good French.' 'So do I.'
12. 'He has a good sprint.' 'So have I.'
13. 'You could look for another job.' 'So could you.'
14. 'I will go to Rome next spring.' 'So will I.'
15. 'We buy the paper every day.' 'So do we.'
16. 'I would like to speak Japanese.' 'So would I.'
17. 'I would like to go there.' 'So would I.'
18. 'I will buy the book tomorrow.' 'So will I.'
19. 'We were very tired.' 'So were the others.'
20. 'They have been here this afternoon.' 'So have we.'
21. 'I don't speak French.' 'Neither/Nor do I.'
22. 'We haven't got a dog.' 'Neither/Nor have we.'
23. 'She is not very pretty.' 'Neither/Nor am I.'
24. 'We haven't got a big car.' 'Neither/Nor have we.'
25. 'They haven't done anything yet.' 'Neither/Nor have we.'
26. 'You didn't come in time.' 'Neither/Nor did they.'
27. 'They didn't speak German.' 'Neither/Nor did we.'
28. 'I can't run faster.' 'Neither/Nor can I.'
29. 'We won't go on holiday this year.' 'Neither/Nor will we.'
30. 'I wouldn't buy that.' 'Neither/Nor would I.'
31. 'I didn't see him.' 'Neither/Nor did I.'
32. 'They won't stay at this hotel.' 'Neither/Nor will we.'
33. 'We didn't get paid.' 'Neither/Nor did we.'
34. 'I can't speak Italian.' 'Neither/Nor can we.'
35. 'We couldn't pay so much.' 'Neither could we.'
36. 'He wasn't injured.' 'Neither/Nor was she.'
37. 'She never goes to concerts.' 'Neither/Nor does he.'
38. 'I didn't think of that.' 'Neither/Nor did I.'
39. 'I wouldn't do it.' 'Neither/Nor would I.'
40. 'My daughter will not go to London.' 'Neither/Nor will mine.'


1. Puedes tomar te o cafe.

2. Ella es alemana o suiza.
3. Me gustan las dos, Sandra y Maria.
4. La mujer que hay en la puerta no es ni Linda ni Ruth.
5. Tanto el bano como el dormitorio necesitan que los pinten.
6. Cecil ni bebe ni fuma.
7. La habitacion no era ni grande ni pequena.
8. Todos estaban tanto hambrientos como sedientos.
9. El hotel no era ni bueno ni barato.
10. La pelicula era tanto larga como aburrida.
11. El nombre de ese chico es o Clark o Clyde.
12. No podemos ir ni en tren ni en avion.
13. Dejo el trabajo porque necesitaba tanto un cambio como mas dinero.
14. No tengo ni tiempo ni dinero para ir de vacaciones.
15. Ella no sabe ni leer ni escribir.
16. Iremos el sabado o el domingo.
17. Tanto Monica como Nancy son muy guapas.
18. La chica no era ni guapa ni inteligente.
19. El amaba tanto a Lisa como a Rose.
20. El restaurante no era ni grande ni pequeno.
21. Iremos o bien hoy o maiiana.
22. No vinieron ni el lunes ni el martes.
23. La obra teatral no era ni interesante ni divertida.
24. Podemos tomar o galletas o pasteles.
25. El hombre al telefono no es ni Pedro ni Antonio.
26. Esa mujer no habla ni frances ni espafiol.
27. Iremos tanto a Italia como a Grecia.
28. Tanto este chico como aquel son muy inteligentes.
29. En esta casa ni fumamos ni bebemos.
30. No tenemos nunca ni dinero ni tiempo.
31. Ni mis padres ni los tuyos deben saberlo.
32. La habitacion no era ni larga ni ancha.
33. No estuvimos ni en la playa ni en la piscina.
34. Mi novia es tanto guapa como inteligente.
35. No podemos ir ni en bicicleta ni a pie.
36. Se llama o Jane o Julia.
37. Estabamos las dos cosas enfadados y cansados.
38. Le gustaba tanto la comida como la bebida.
39. Eniigr6 porque necesitaba tanto dinero como un cambio.
40. No iremos ni a Espana ni a Portugal.


1. You can either have tea or coffee.

2. She is either German or Swiss.
3. I like both Sandra and Marian.
4. The woman at the door is neither Linda nor Ruth.
5. Both the bathroom and the bedroom need painting.
6. Cecil neither drinks nor smokes.
7. The room was neither large nor small.
8. They were both hungry and thirsty.
9. The hotel was neither good nor cheap.
10. The film was both long and boring.
11. That boy's name is either Clark or Clyde.
12. We can go neither by train nor by plane.
13. He left his job because he needed both a change and more money.
14. I have neither time nor money to go on holiday.
15. She can neither write nor read.
16. We'll go either on Saturday or on Sunday.
17. Both Monica and Nancy are very pretty.
18. The girl was neither pretty nor intelligent.
19. He loved both Lisa and Rose.
20. The restaurant was neither big nor small.
21. We will either go today or tomorrow.
22. They didn't come either on Monday or on Tuesday.
23. The play was neither interesting nor amusing.
24. We can have either biscuits or cakes.
25. The man on the phone is neither Peter nor Anthony.
26. That woman speaks neither French nor Spanish.
27. IWe'll go both to Italy and to Greece.
28. Both this boy and that one are very intelligent.
29. In this house we neither smoke nor drink.
30. We never have either money or time.
31. Neither my parents nor yours must know about it.
32. The room was neither long nor wide.
33. We were neither on the beach nor in the swimming pool.
34. My girlfriend is both pretty and intelligent.
35. We can neither go by bicycle nor on foot.
36. Her name is either Jane or Julia.
37. We were both angry and tired.
38. He liked both food and drink.
39. He emigrated because he needed both money and a change.
40. We will go neither to Spain nor to Portugal.


1. ^Te gustaria algo de cerveza?

2. ^Por que no nos das algo para comer?
3. lie gustaria un poco mas de cafe?
4. ^No cogio Jane unos libros de la biblioteca?
5. ^Por que no le das unos bombones?
6. ^Tienes unas sillas para dejarme?
7. ^Me das unas de esas galletas?
8. ^Podrias hacer algo por nosotros?
9. ^Podria usted decirnos algo sobre este asunto?
10. ^Por que no pones algo encima de ese agujero?
11. ^Te gustaria comprar unos pasteles?
12. ^Me podrias dar algo mas de informacion?
13. iPor que no le mandas unas muestras?
14. ^Por que no les das algo de beber?
15. ^Te gustaria probar unos de estos bombones?
16. ^Me podrias poner un poco mas de leche en el cafe?
17. ^Por que no le regalas unas flores?
18. ^.Que esta usted buscando? ^Ha perdido algo?
19. ^,Me podria dar algo de beber, por favor?
20. ^,Le importaria prestarme algun dinero?
21. ^Te gustaria probar unos vinos?
22. ^Por que no haces algo por mi?
23. ^Me das unos caramelos de esa caja?
24. ^Tenets unos platos que podais prestarnos?
25. ^Por que no le das a tu hijo unos consejos?
26. {No cogiste unas cervezas del frigorifico?
27. ^Querrias un poco mas de cafe?
28. ^Por que no les das algo en que pensar?
29. ^Podria usted darnos unos cambios?
30. ^Por que no le das unas monedas a ese mendigo?
31. <<,Por que no les mandamos unos impresos para rellenar?
32. ^Te gustaria probarte unos vestidos?
33. ^Habeis perdido algo, ninos?
34. ^Podrias echar unas cartas cuando saigas, por favor?
35. ^Podrias darme unas botellas de cerveza para la fiesta?
36. ^Por que no pones algo de whisky en el pastel?
37. ^,Me podria dar unos cacahuetes, por favor?
38. ^Por que no echas un poco de conac en el cafe?
39. ^Por que no coges unos dias de vacaciones?
40. ^Por que no le das a tu hijo unas vitaminas?


1. Would you like some beer?

2. Why don't you give us something to eat?
3. Would you like some more coffee?
4. Didn't Jane borrow some books from the library?
5. Why don't you give her some chocolates?
6. Have you got some chairs to lend me?
7. Can I have some of those biscuits?.
8. Could you do something for us?
9. Could you tell us something about this business?
10. Why don't you put something on that hole?
11. Would you like to buy some cakes?
12. Could you give me some more information?
13. Why don't you send him some samples?
14. Why don't you give them something to drink?
15. Would you like to try some of these chocolates?
16. Could you put some more milk in my coffee?
17. Why don't you give her some flowers?
18. What are you looking for? Have you lost something?
19. Could you give me/I have something to drink, please?
20. Would you mind lending me some money?
21. Would you like to try some wines?
22. Why don't you do something for me?
23. Can I have some sweets from that box?
24. Have you got some plates you can lend us?
25. Why don't you give your son some advice?
26. Didn't you take some beers from the fridge?
27. Would you like some more coffee?
28. Why don't you give them something to think about?
29. Could you give us some change?
30. Why don't you give some coins to that beggar?
31. Why don't we send them some forms to fill in?
32. Would you like to try on some dresses?
33. Have you lost something, children?
34. Could you post some letters when you go out, please?
35. Could you give me some bottles of beer for the party?
36. Why don't you put some whisky in the cake?
37. Could you give me some peanuts, please?
38. Why don't you put some brandy in your coffee?
39. Why don't you take some days off?
40. Why don't you give your son some vitamins?


1. Mi hija se fue a Francia para aprender franees.

2. Mi secretaria salio para echar las cartas.
3. Nos telefoneo para invitarnos a la fiesta.
4. El hombre grito para avisarnos del peligro.
5. No tenemos bastante dinero para comprar un coche nuevo.
6. Voy a comprar un cuadro para colgarlo en mi habitacion.
7. Vamos a hacer una fiesta para celebrar el fin de curso.
8. No tengo tiempo para leer libros.
9. Necesito un vestido nuevo para ir a la boda.
10. El tenia miedo de encontrar a su enemigo.
11. Tenemos que tratar de resolver el problema.
12. Dame una caja para meter estos libros.
13. Voy a salir a comprar el periodico.
14. Grite para avisarte del peligro.
15. Voy al banco a cambiar dinero.
16. Fui al colegio a hablar con el profesor.
17. Llevo calcetines de lana para mantener los pies calientes.
18. Va al hospital a operarse.
19. Estan ahorrando dinero para irse de vacaciones.
20. Estamos fabricando herramientas para exportar.
21. Este generador es para producir electricidad.
22. Esta valla es para mantener a la gente fuera de mi propiedad.
23. El ministro tiene seis policias para protegerle.
24. Necesitamos algo para abrir esta lata.
25. Esta aprendiento ingles para poder estudiar en EE.UU.
26. Quiere una caja para guardar los libros.
27. Necesito un abridor para abrir esta lata.
28. Lleva gafas para que nadie pueda reconocerle.
29. Dale tu numero de telefono para que pueda telefonearte.
30. Se mudo a Leeds para poder ver a su novio mas a menudo.
31. Se levanto temprano para preparar el desayuno.
32. Camino de puntillas para no despertar a los ninos.
33. Guardo el revolver para no asustarles.
34. Fue al colegio temprano para poder estudiar.
35. Necesito una caja para guardar las herramientas.
36. Este aviso es para mantener a la gente alejada.
37. Me telefoneo para decirme que habia llegado.
38. Abrio la puerta silenciosamente para no despertar al bebe.
39. Tiene varies guardaespaldas para protegerle.
40. Estamos ahorrando para emigrar a Australia.


1. My daughter went to France to learn French.

2. My secretary went out to post the letters.
3. He telephoned us to invite us to the party.
4. The man shouted to warn us of the danger.
5. We haven't got enough money to buy a new car.
6. I'm going to buy a picture to hang it in my room.
7. We are going to have a party to celebrate the end of the course.
8. I have no time to read books.
9. I need a new dress to go to the wedding.
10. He was afraid to find his enemy.
11. We have to try to solve the problem.
12. Give me a box to put all these books in.
13. 'm going out to buy the newspaper.
14. shouted to warn you of the danger.
15. 'm going to the bank to change some money.
16. went to the school to speak to the teacher.
17. wear woollen socks to keep my feet warm.
18. He's going into hospital to have an operation.
19. They are saving money to go on holiday.
20. We are making tools to export.
21. This generator is to produce electricity.
22. This fence is to keep people out of my property.
23. The minister has six policemen to protect him.
24. We need something to open this tin/can.
25. He's learning English so that he can study in the U.S.A.
26. He wants a box to keep his books in.
27. I need a tin opener to open this tin/can.
28. He wears glasses so that nobody can recognize him.
29. Give him your telephone number so that he can telephone you.
30. She moved to Leeds so that she could see her boyfriend more often.
31. He got up early so as/in order to prepare breakfast.
32. He walked on tiptoe in order/so as not to wake the children.
33. He put the gun away so as/in order not to frighten them.
34. He went to school early so that he could study.
35. I need a box to keep my tools in.
36. This warning is to keep people away.
37. He telephoned me to tell me that he had arrived.
38. She opened the door quietly so as/in order not to wake up the baby.
39. He has several bodyguards to protect him.
40. We are saving to emigrate to Australia.


1. Pense que me pagarias hoy.

2. Creia que llegarias a tiempo para la reunion.
3. Ire a Paris si tengo dinero.
4. Iria a Paris si tuviera dinero.
5. Habria ido a Paris si hubiera tenido dinero.
6. Me casare contigo si me amas.
7. Me casaria contigo si me amaras.
8. Me hubiera casado contigo si me hubieras amado.
9. Iremos de vacaciones si compramos un coche.
10. Iriamos de vacaciones si compraramos un coche.
11. Habriamos ido de vacaciones si hubieramos comprado un coche.
12. Si vas a ver esa pelicula no dormiras.
13. Si fueras a ver esa pelicula no dormirias esta noche.
14. Si hubieras ido a ver esa pelicula no habrias dormido.
15. Si invito a Pedro tendre que invitar a Juan.
16. Si invitara a Pedro tendria que invitar a Juan tambien.
17. Si hubiera invitado a Pedro habria tenido que invitar a Juan.
18. Si vamos al hospital le veremos.
19. Si fueramos al hospital le veriamos.
20. Si hubieramos ido al hospital le hubieramos visto.
21. Si sale echara la carta.
22. Si saliera echaria la carta.
23. Si hubiera salido habria echado la carta.
24. Si dejas la puerta abierta te robaran.
25. Si dejaras la puerta abierta te robarian.
26. Si hubieras dejado la puerta abierta te habrian robado.
27. Si voy a Madrid te llevare conmigo.
28. Si fuera a Madrid te llevaria conmigo.
29. Si hubiera ido a Madrid te hubiera llevado conmigo.
30. Si abro la ventana tendras frio.
31. Si abriera la ventana tendrias frio.
32. Si hubiera abierto la ventana habrias tenido frio.
33. Si preguntas lo encontraras.
34. Si preguntaras lo encontrarias.
35. Si hubieras preguntado lo habrias encontrado.
36. Si pierdes el dinero tendras problemas.
37. Si perdieras el dinero tendrias problemas.
38. Si hubieras perdido el dinero habrias tenido problemas.
39. Si pierdo te pagare.
40. Si perdiera te pagaria.


1. I thought you would pay me today.

2. I thought you would arrive in time for the meeting.
3. I'll go to Paris if I have money.
4. I would go to Paris if I had money.
5. I would have gone to Paris if I had had money.
6. I'll marry you if you love me.
7. I would marry you if you loved me.
8. I would have married you if you had loved me.
9. We'll go on holiday if we buy a car.
10. We would go on holiday if we bought a car.
11. We would have gone on holiday if we had bought a car.
12. If you go to see that film you won't sleep.
13. If you went to see that film you wouldn't sleep tonight.
14. If you had gone to see that film you wouldn't have slept.
15. If I invite Peter I will have to invite John.
16. If I invited Peter I would have to invite John too.
17. If I had invited Peter I would have had to invite John.
18. If we go to the hospital we'll see him.
19. If we went to the hospital we would see him.
20. If we had gone to the hospital we would have seen him.
21. If he goes out he will post the letter.
22. If he went out he would post the letter.
23. If he had gone out he would have posted the letter.
24. If you leave the door open they will rob you.
25. If you left the door open they would rob you.
26. If you had left the door open they would have robbed you.
27. If I go to Madrid I'll take you with me.
28. If I went to Madrid I would take you with me.
29. If I had gone to Madrid I would have taken you with me.
30. If I open the window you will be cold.
31. If I opened the window you would be cold.
32. If I had opened the window you would have been cold.
33. If you ask you will find it.
34. If you asked you would find it.
35. If you had asked you would have found it.
36. If you lose the money you will have problems.
37. If you lost the money you would have problems.
38. If you had lost the money you would have had problems.
39. SIf I lose I'll pay you.
40. If I lost I would pay you.


1. ^Recibiste la carta?
2. ^Cogiste las entradas para el concierto?
3. ^Puedes comprar una libra de azucar en el supermercado?
4. Ire a recogerte a la estacion.
5. ^Puedes traerme una manzanas de la tienda?
6. Te traere una cerveza.
7. Te llevare a casa en mi coche.
8. Conseguire informacion sobre esta compafiia.
9. Cuando llegues a Miami mandame una postal.
10. Cuando envejecemos nos olvidamos muchas cosas.
11. Trata de conseguir que se queden a cenar.
12. Esa mujer esta envejeciendo.
13. Este hombre esta empeorando.
14. El tiempo esta mejorando.
15. No puedo conseguir que mi secretaria llegue a tiempo.
16. Ese chico esta alejandose demasiado.
17. Yo diria que estas rejuveneciendo.
18. El tiempo esta enfriando.
19. El tiempo esta calentando.
20. El prisionero esta tratando de librarse las manos.
21. ^Recibiste las noticias?
22. He cogido unas entradas para el teatro.
23. ^Puedes traerme una naranjas del supermercado?
24. Esta chica se esta poniendo muy guapa.
25. Este nino se esta haciendo muy malo.
26. El cielo se esta nublando.
27. Las mercancias se danaron en el camino.
28. Te llevare al aeropuerto.
29. Haz que pare de gritar.
30. No puedo conseguir que mi hijo vuelva temprano.
31. Calientate las manos junto al fuego.
32. Te traere una taza de te.
33. Todavia no hemos recibido ninguna noticia.
34. Cuando llegues a Nueva York telefoneame.
35. Ella quiere calentarse los pies.
36. Nos estamos enfriando.
37. Esa mujer enfermo durante el viaje.
38. Nuestras relaciones estan mejorando.
39. Traeme otro plato. Este esta sucio.
40. Esta gente esta enfadandose.


1. Did you get the letter?

2. Did you get the tickets for the concert?
3. Can you get a pound of sugar in the supermarket?
4. I'll go and get you at the station.
5. Can you get me some apples from the shop?
6. I'll get you a beer.
7. I'll get you home in my car.
8. I'll get some information about this company.
9. When you get to Miami send me a postcard.
10. When we get old we forget many things.
11. Try to get them to stay for dinner.
12. That woman is getting old.
13. This man is getting worse.
14. The weather is getting better.
15. I can't get my secretary to get here in time.
16. That boy is getting too far away.
17. I would say that you are getting younger.
18. The weather is getting cold. I colder.
19. The weather is getting warm. I warmer.
20. The prisoner is trying to get his hands free.
21. Did you get the news?
22. I've got some tickets for the theatre.
23. Can you get me some oranges from the supermarket?
24. This girl is getting very pretty.
25. This boy is getting very naughty.
26. The sky is getting cloudy.
27. The goods got damaged on the way.
28. I'll get you to the airport.
29. Get him to stop shouting.
30. I can't get my son to come back early.
31. Get your hands warm by the fire.
32. I'll get you a cup of tea.
33. We haven't got any news yet.
34. When you get to New York telephone me.
35. She wants to get her feet warm.
36. We are getting cold.
37. That woman got ill during the journey.
38. Our relations are getting better.
39. Get me another plate. This one is dirty.
40. These people are getting angry.


1. No tires nunca piedras a las ventanas.

2. No digas eso nunca en piiblico.
3. Paga siempre tus deudas.
4. No vengas nunca tan tarde.
5. No vayas nunca a pasear sola por el bosque.
6. Di siempre la verdad.
7. No pidas nunca dinero a nadie.
8. Lavate siempre las manos antes de comer.
9. No toques nunca nada sin saber lo que es.
10. Pide siempre consejo.
11. No critiques a nadie nunca.
12. Come siempre lo que consideres necesario.
13. No vayas nunca con desconocidos.
14. Habla siempre con claridad.
15. No te alejes nunca mucho nadando.
16. Cuentame siempre todos tus problemas.
17. No vayas nunca a la cama sin perdonar a tus enemigos.
IS.Bebe siempre agua corriente.
19. No hables nunca asi de tus profesores.
20. Se siempre honrado.
21. Jaime esta todavia en la cama.
22. Ellos todavia no han llegado.
23. Mama no ha terminado de lavar todavia.
24. Tu hijo todavia esta lavando el coche.
25. No ha terminado todavia.
26. La Sra. Smith todavia esta en el hospital.
27. Todavia estamos pensando que hacer.
28. ^Estas todavia en la cama?
29. Todavia no le he escrito.
30. Mis hijos todavia estan estudiando ingles.
31. No me lo han dicho todavia.
32. Todavia lo estamos pensando.
33. No vayas todavia.
34. Todavia podemos llegar a tiempo.
35. No te lo puedo dar todavia.
36. Mi hermana esta todavia en el bano.
37. No hemos cogido unas vacaciones todavia.
38. Federico todavia esta haciendo los deberes.
39. Mi padre todavia trabaja para esa compania.
40. Los ninos todavia no se han ido a la cama.


1. Never throw stones at the windows.

2. Never say that in public.
3. Always pay your debts.
4. Never come so late.
5. Never go for a walk alone in the woods.
6. Always tell the truth.
7. Never ask for money from anybody.
8. Always wash your hands before eating.
9. Never touch anything without knowing what it is.
10. Always ask for advice.
11. Never criticize anybody.
12. Always eat what you consider necessary.
13. Never go with strangers.
14. Always speak clearly.
15. Never go too far swimming. I Never swim too far.
16. Always tell me all your problems.
17. Never go to bed without forgiving your enemies.
18. Always drink running water.
19. Never speak like that about your teachers.
20. Always be honest.
21. James is still in bed.
22. They haven't arrived yet.
23. Mum hasn't finished washing up yet.
24. Your son is still washing the car.
25. He hasn't finished yet.
26. Mrs Smith is still in hospital.
27. We are still thinking about what to do.
28. Are you still in bed?
29. I haven't written to him yet.
30. My children are still studying English.
31. They haven't told me yet.
32. We are still thinking about it.
33. Don't go yet.
34. We can still arrive in time.
35. I can't give it to you yet.
36. My sister is still in the bathroom.
37. We haven't taken a holiday yet.
38. Frederick is still doing his homework.
39. My father still works for that company.
40. The children haven't gone to bed yet.


1. Este coche ya es demasiado viejo.

2. No he visto a Gabriel desde las Navidades.
3. Vine a vivir a este pais hace veinte anos.
4. Hace seis meses que no veo a tu hermano.
5. Hable con tu hermano durante el descanso.
6. Ya he leido el libro que me prestaste.
7. No nos nemos visto desde nuestras ultimas vacaciones.
8. Fui al dentista hace dos meses.
9. Lleva una hora hablando.
10. Hizo mucho frio durante la noche.
11. Ya sabemos lo que paso.
12. No vamos a Lourdes desde 1990.
13. Conoci a mucha gente durante mi estancia alii.
14. El ya sabe la verdad.
15. No he visto a Francis desde el lunes.
16.Estudie griego hace muchos anos.
17. Hace un mes que no lavo el coche.
18. Nos conocimos durante el ensayo.
19. Me temo que ya es demasiado tarde.
20. Estoy trabajando aqui desde el lunes.
21. Se lo dije hace meses.
22. Lleva media hora maquillandose.
23. El telefono sono varias veces durante la comida.
24. Ella ya me dijo lo que sabia.
25. Lleva haciendo el mismo trabajo desde 1980.
26. La ultima vez que le vi fue hace 10 anos.
27. Ella lleva tres meses esperandole.
28. Hubo dos descansos durante la funcion.
29. Ya soy demasiado viejo para eso.
30. La gente esta viniendo desde las cinco de la manana.
31. Empece a trabajar con esta empresa hace 20 anos.
32. Vivieron en esta casa durante cinco o seis anos.
33. Le llevaron al hospital durante la noche.
34. Ya es demasiado tarde para eso.
35. Mucha gente ha emigrado a ese pais desde 1980.
36. Acabo de hablar con el hace unos minutos.
37. No le he visto durante los dos ultimos meses.
38. Aqui hace mucho calor durante el verano.
39. Jaime ya se sabe la leccion.
40. No hemos estado alii desde Semana Santa.


1. This car is already too old.

2. I haven't seen Gabriel since Christmas.
3. I came to live in this country twenty years ago.
4. I haven't seen your brother for six months.
5. I spoke to your brother during the interval.
6. I've already read the book you lent me.
7. We haven't met/seen each other since our last holidays.
8. I went to the dentist two months ago.
9. He has been talking for an hour.
10. It was very cold during the night.
11. We already know what happened.
12. We haven't been to Lourdes since 1990.
13. I met many people during my stay there.
14. He already knows the truth.
15. I haven't seen Francis since Monday.
16. I studied Greek many years ago.
17. I haven't washed the car for a month.
18. We met during the rehearsal.
19. I'm afraid that it's too late already.
20. I've been working here since Monday.
21. I told him months ago.
22. She has been putting her make-up on for half an hour.
23. The telephone rang several times during the meal.
24. She already told me what she knew.
25. He has been doing the same job since 1980.
26. I last saw him ten years ago.
27. She has been waiting for him for three months.
28. There were two intervals during the performance.
29. I'm already too old for that.
30. People have been coming since five o'clock in the morning.
31. I started to work with this company 20 years ago.
32. They lived in this house for five or six years.
33. He was taken to hospital during the night.
34. It's already too late for that.
35. Many people have emigrated to that country since 1980.
36. I've just spoken to him a few minutes ago.
37. I haven't seen him for the last two months.
38. It's very hot in here during the summer.
39. James already knows the lesson.
40. We haven't been there since Easter.


1. Tu eres un hombre muy alto, ^

2. Los Evans tienen una casa muy bonita, ^verdad?
3. Tu hablas italiano, ^,no?
4. Vosotros podeis hacerlo mejor, ^verdad?
5. Ella sabia cocinar muy bien, ^verdad?
6. Ella es una mujer muy guapa, ^verdad?
7. Venfs aqui todos los domingos, ^no?
8. Carolina juega al tenis muy bien, ^verdad?
9. Ella aprendio mucho, ^verdad?
10. Vendras con nosotros, ^
11. Tu lo harias mejor, ^,
12. Hay demasiada agua, ^
13. Hay mucha gente, <^n
14. Ella juega al tenis bien, ^
15. Tu hablas japones, <<,no?
16. Tu amigo corrio en el maraton, ^
IT.Ellos vendran el domingo, ^,
18. Debemos llevarle al hospital, ^
19. El hotel era muy caro, ^,
20. Tu tienes un buen coche, ^
21. No es ingeniero, ^verdad?
22. Esa chica no viene contigo,
23. No tienes un coche aleman,
24. No sabes conducir todavfa, <<,no?
25. Tu no has dado la carne al gato,
26. Tu no hablas italiano, ^,no?
27. El televisor no da una buena imagen, ^
28. No hay muchas cosas aqui, i,no?
29. Ella no pasara su examen, ^
30. Tu no lo harias, ^no?
31. Vosotros no lo habeis hecho, ^,
32. Esta tarde no llovera
33. No vendreis este domingo, ^
34. Ellos no lo harian mejor que vosotros,
35. No hay mucho cafe, ^verdad?
36. Tu no debes hacer esas cosas, ^verdad?
37. No podeis venir a la fiesta todos, ^no?
38. Ellos no fueron a Madrid el domingo, ^
39. No lo comereis todo, <?,no?
40. No tienen una casa muy grande, ^verdad?


1. You are a very tall man, aren't you?

2. The Browns have a very nice house, haven't they?
3. You speak Italian, don't you?
4. You can do it better, can't you?
5. She could cook very well, couldn't she?
6. She is a very pretty woman, isn't she?
7. You come here every Sunday, don't you?
8. Caroline plays tennis very well, doesn't she?
9. She learnt a lot, didn't she?
10. You will come with us, won't you?
11. You would do it better, wouldn't you?
12. There is too much water, isn't there?
13. There are many people, aren't there?
14. She plays tennis very well, doesn't she?
15. You speak Japanese, don't you?
16. Your friend ran in the marathon, didn't he?
17. They will come on Sunday, won't they?
18. We must take him to hospital, mustn't we?
19. The hotel was very expensive, wasn't it?
20. You have a good car, haven't you?
21. He is not an engineer, is he?
22. That girl isn't coming with you, is she?
23. You haven't got a German car, have you?
24. You can't drive yet, can you?
25. You haven't given the meat to the cat, have you?
26. You don't speak Italian, do you?
27. The TV doesn't give a good picture, does it?
28. There are not many things here, are there?
29. She won't pass her exam, will she?
30. You wouldn't do it, would you?
31. You haven't done it, have you?
32. It won't rain this afternoon, will it?
33. You won't come next Sunday, will you?
34. They wouldn't do it better than you, would they?
35. There isn't much coffee, is there?
36. You mustn't do those things, must you?
37. You can't all come to the party, can you?
38. They didn't go to Madrid on Sunday, did they?
39. You won't eat it all, will you?
40. They haven't got a very big house, have they?


1. El gato bebe leche. / La leche es bebida por el gato.

2. El pefro comio la came. / La came fue comida por el perro.
3. Tom leera el libro. / El libro sera leido por Tom.
4. Sue lavara los platos. / Los platos seran lavados por Sue.
5. Yo comeria el pastel. / El pastel seria comido por mi.
6. Nell ha roto el jarron. / El jarron ha sido roto por Nell.
7. Bud marca muchos goles. / Muchos goles son marcados por Bud.
8. El jugador golpeo el balon. / El balon fue golpeado por el jugador.
9. Yo escribire la carta. / La carta sera escrita por mi.
10. Yo compraria el periodico. / El periodico seria comprado por mi.
11. He comprado esa empresa. / Esa empresa ha sido comprada por me.
12. Ese hombre roba mucho dinero. / Mucho dinero es robado por ese hombre.
13. Dios hizo el mundo. / El mundo fue hecho por Dios.
14. Juanito lo rompera. / Sera roto por Juanito.
15. Yo diria muchas cosas. / Muchas cosas serian dichas por me.
16. Los nifios han hecho el trabajo. / El trabajo ha sido hecho por los ninos.
17. El escribe los articulos. / Los articulos son escritos por el.
18. El escribio este libro. / Este libro fue escrito por el.
19. Ella hara el pastel. / El pastel sera hecho por ella.
20. Mis hermanos lo harian. / Seria hecho por mis hermanos.
21. El siempre lleva este traje. / Este traje siempre es llevado por el.
22. Ella decia muchas cosas. / Muchas cosas eran dichas por ella.
23. Veremos esa pelicula. / Esa pelicula sera vista por nosotros.
24. El ganaria la carrera. / La carrera seria ganada por el.
25. Se dicen muchas cosas sobre eso.
26. Se cree que llegaran tarde.
27. Me dijeron que lo harian hoy.
28. Se dice que es una persona muy inteligente.
29. Se piensa que subiran los sueldos.
30. Se teme que hara mal tiempo.
31. Se dijo que ellos lo harian.
32. Se dijeron pocas palabras.
33. Se gasto mucho dinero.
34. Se tiro mucha fruta.
35. Se escribieron muchos libros.
36. Se dicen muchas tonterias.
37. Se cogen muchos catarros.
38. Se lee muy poco en este pais.
39. A los deportistas se les da muchas facilidades para entrenar.
40. Se pintan muchos cuadros en este puerto.


1. The cat drinks the milk. / The milk is drunk by the cat.
2. The dog ate the meat. / The meat was eaten by the dog.
3. Tom will read the book. / The book will be read by Tom.
4. Sue will wash the dishes. / The dishes will be washed by Sue.
5. I would eat the cake. / The cake would be eaten by me.
6. Nell has broken the jug. / The jug has been broken by Nell.
7. Bud scores many goals. / Many goals are scored by Bud.
8. The player hit the ball. / The ball was hit by the player.
9. I'll write the letter. / The letter will be written by me.
10. I'd buy the paper. / The paper would be bought by me.
11. I have bought that company. /That company has been bought by me.
12. That man steals a lot of money. / A lot of money is stolen by that man.
13. God made the world. / The world was made by God.
14. Johnny will break it. / It will be broken by Johnny.
15. I would say many things. / Many things would be said by me.
16. The children have done the job. / The job has been done by the children.
17. He writes the articles. / The articles are written by him.
18. He wrote this book. / This book was written by him.
19. She will make the cake. / The cake will be made by her.
20. My brothers would do it. / It would be done by my brothers.
21. He always wears this suit / This suit is always worn by him.
22. She said many things. / Many things were said by her.
23. We'll see that film. / That film will be seen by us.
24. He would win the race. / The race would be won by him.
25. Many things are said about that.
26. It is thought that they'll arrive late.
27. I was told that they would do it today.
28. It is said that he is a very intelligent person.
29. It is believed that wages will rise.
30. It is feared that the weather will be bad.
31. It was said that they would do it.
32. Few words were said.
33. A lot of money was spent.
34. A lot of fruit was thrown away.
35. Many books were written.
36. Many silly things are said.
37. Many colds are caught.
38. People read very little in this country.
39. A lot of facilities are given to sportsmen for training.
40. Many pictures are painted in this port.


1. ^Quien es ese hombre?

2. ^Quien vino ayer noche?
3. ^A quien viste ayer noche?
4. ^De quien es ese perro?
5. ^Que quieres ahora?
6. ^Quien te dijo eso?
7. ^Cual de estos hoteles es el mejor?
8. ',<Por que viniste tarde?' Torque perdi el tren.'
9. '^Cuando hiciste eso?' 'Ayer por la tarde.'
10. '^.Con quien vas a ir?' 'Con Mike.'
11. '^Que dijiste ayer noche?' 'No dije nada.'
12. 'Aquel de alii es mi hermano.' '^Cual?'
13. '<?,D6nde vives?' 'Vivo en Bristol.'
14. '^Como viniste?' 'Vine en tren.'
15. 'i,Con quien hablaste?' 'Hable con tu hermano'
16. '^De quien estais hablando?' 'Estamos hablando acerca de Jim.
17. ^Que causo el incendio?
18. ^,Que sucedio?
19. ^Cuando vais a hacerlo?
20. ^Quien se ha comido todo el pastel?
21. '^,De quien es ese coche?' 'Es (el) nuestro.'
22. ^De que estabais hablando?
23. ^,Con quien estaba tu hermana?
24. ^,Con que vas a hacer el pastel?
25. ^Quien vino contigo ayer noche?
26. ^Cual te gusta?
27. ^Con quien vas a correr?
28. ^Que sucedio en el club ayer noche?
29. '^Cual te gusta?' 'El de la izquierda.'
30. ^De quien es ese dinero?
31. ^De quien estais hablando?
32. ^De que estais hablando?
33. '^Como vinisteis?' 'Vinimos a pie.'
34. '^Donde estuvisteis?' 'Estuvimos en el pub.'
35. '^,Por que no viniste antes?' 'Porque no pude.'
36. Mira esos restaurantes. ^Cual te gusta mas?
37. ^Quien hablo a los obreros?
38. ^,Con quien comisteis el domingo?
39. ^Con quien te vas a casar?
40. Mira esos chicos. ^Cual te gusta?


1. Who is that man?

2. Who came last night?
3. Whom did you see last night?
4. Whose is that dog?
5. What do you want now?
6. Who told you that?
7. Which of these hotels is the best?
8. 'Why did you come late?' 'Because I missed the train.'
9. 'When did you do that?' 'Yesterday afternoon.'
10. 'Who are you going with?' 'With Mike.'
11. 'What did you say last night?' 'I didn't say anything.'
12. 'That one over there is my brother.' 'Which one?'
13. 'Where do you live?' 'I live in Bristol.'
14. 'How did you come?' 'I came by train.'
15. 'Who/Whom did you speak to?' 'I spoke to your brother.'
16. 'Who/Whom are you talking about?' 'I'm talking about Jim.'
17. What caused the fire?
18. What happened?
19. When are you going to do it?
20. Who has eaten all the cake?
21. 'Whose car is that?/Whose is that car?' 'It is ours.'
22. What were you talking/speaking about?
23. Who/Whom was your sister with?
24. What are you going to make the cake with?
25. Who came with you last night?
26. Which one do you like?
27. Who/Whom are you going to run with?
28. What happened in the club last night?
29. 'Which one do you like?' 'The one on the left.'
30. Whose is that money?/Whose money is that?
31. Who/Whom are you talking/speaking about?
32. What are you talking/speaking about?
33. 'How did you come?' 'We came on foot.'
34. 'Where were you?' 'We were in the pub.'
35. 'Why didn't you come before?' 'Because I couldn't.'
36. Look at those restaurants. Which one do you like best?
37. Who spoke to the workmen?
38. Who/Whom did you have dinner with on Sunday?
39. Who/whom are you going to marry?
40. Look at those boys. Which one do you like?


1. Este es el hombre que vino ayer noche.

2. Todos los que le conocfan le apreciaban.
3. Es un hombre que no le gusta la carne.
4. Este es el hombre que vi ayer noche.
5. Bronson, a quien hable por telefono, esta interesado en ello.
6. Este es el hombre cuyo hijo es tan listo.
7. No le digas a nadie lo que sucedio ayer noche.
8. Eso es lo que dice la gente.
9. Todo lo que dije era verdad.
10. El tren de Londres, que siempre llega a tiempo, llego tarde ayer.
11. Esa mujer, cuyo nombre no recuerdo, es una artista.
12. <?,C6mo se llamaba el chico que gano la carrera?
13. La mujer que cogio el telefono me dijo que no estabas.
14. No estoy de acuerdo con lo que acabas de decir.
15. Este es el Sr. Brown, de quien te estaba hablando.
16. El hombre, a quien compre el coche, es un mentiroso.
17. Todo lo que digas sera anotado.
18. Este es el mejor restaurante que conozco.
19. Esa es la chica que me conto la historia.
20. El coche que compre la semana pasada esta en el garaje.
21. Aquella es la mujer que me lo dijo.
22. Este es el hombre cuya hija es tan guapa.
23. Dime lo que quieres y vere lo que puedo hacer.
24. Mi madre es la linica persona que me entiende.
25. Mi amigb, cuya madre es italiana, habla italiano y frances.
26. El Sr. Brent, que se retira ahora, ha trabajado 30 anos aqui.
27. Ese es el hombre a quien le diste el dinero.
28. Estos son los chicos y las bicis que vimos junto al rio.
29. El hombre que vi me dijo que volviera hoy.
30. El hombre a quien se lo compre me dijo que lo engrasara.
31. El hombre con quien estuve viajando es muy simpatico.
32. La pelicula es acerca de un espia cuya mujer le traiciona.
33. Este es el coche que alquile.
34. Estas son las escaleras que conducen al atico.
35. Vivian en una casa cuyas paredes eran de cristal.
36. Las chicas que atendian en la tienda eran las hijas del dueno.
37. ^,Es esa la mujer que quiere comprar tu coche?
38. Ese es Fred, cuya esposa trabaja para mi hermano.
39. La gente con quien trabajaba le consideraba un poco raro.
40. Esta es la habitacion en la que yo naci.


1. This is the man who came last night.

2. Everybody who/that knew him liked him.
3. He is a man who doesn't like meat.
4. This is the man who/whom/that I saw last night.
5. Bronson, to whom I spoke on the phone, is interested in it.
6. This is the man whose son is so clever.
7. Don't tell anyone what happened last night.
8. That is what people say.
9. All (that) I said was true.
10. The London train, that is always on time, was late yesterday.
11. That woman, whose name I don't remember, is an artist.
12. What was the name of the boy who won the race?
13. The woman who answered the phone told me you weren't in.
14. I don't agree with what you've just said.
15. This is Mr Brown, who I was telling you about.
16. The man, who I bought the car from, is a liar.
17. All that you say will be taken down.
18. This is the best restaurant that I know.
19. That is the girl who told me the story.
20. The car that/which I bought last week is in the garage.
21. That is the woman who told me.
22. This is the man whose daughter is so pretty.
23. Tell me what you want and I'll see what I can do.
24. My mother is the only person who understands me.
25. My friend, whose mother is Italian, speaks Italian and French.
26. Mr Brent, who is retiring now, has worked here for 30 years.
27. That is the man (who/whom/that) you gave the money to.
28. These are the boys and the bikes that we saw by the river.
29. The man (who/whom/that) I saw told me to come back today.
30. The man (who/whom/that)! bought it from told me to oil/grease it.
31. The man (who/whom/that) I was travelling with is very nice.
32. The film is about a spy whose wife betrays him.
33. This is the car (that/which) I hired.
34. These are the stairs that/which lead to the attic.
35. They lived in a house whose walls were made of glass.
36. The girls that served in the shop were the owner's daughters.
37. Is that the woman who wants to buy your car?
38. That is Fred, whose wife works for my brother.
39. The people (who/whom/that) he worked with thought he was a bit strange.
40. This is the room in which I was born. / This is the room I was born in.

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