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Modal auxiliary Verbs Foljet Modale Ndihmese

Introdution to Modal Verbs Hyrje tek foljet modale

Foljet modale ndihmese jane: Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Shall, Should, Must dhe Ought to. Foljet modale Used to,
Need dhe Dare jane folje dytesore te kesaj liste, sepse ne disa raste ato mund te funksionojne edhe si folje modale edhe si folje
kryesore pa ndryshuar ne kuptim. Tradicionalisht foljet Have to dhe Be able to gjithashtu i shtohen kesaj liste pasi qe japin
pershtypjen se jane afer ne kuptim me foljet tjera modale.
Modal Auxiliary verbs quhen folje modale ndihmese sepse nuk mund te qendrojne te vetme ne fjali por i ndihmojne nje foljeje
tjeter kryesore. Modal Auxiliary verbs sikurse Auxiliary verbs jane folje ndihmese ne fjali, pra nuk mund te qendrojne te vetme ne
fjali, por per dallim nga foljet ndihmese, foljet modale ndihmese kane kuptim te caktuar ne fjali.
Foljet modale ndihmese perdoren mjaft shpesh edhe me nje varg te gjere kuptimesh. Ato shprehin idete si:
willingness gatishmeri; ability aftesi; permission lejim; refusal refuzim; obligation detyrim; prohibition ndalim;
suggestion sygjerim; necessity nevoje ose domosdoshmeri; promise premtim; intention qellim ose synim, etj. Te gjitha
foljet modale ndihmese mund te shprehin: shkallet e sigurise certainty; gjases ose mundesise probability or possibility.
Edhe pse foljet modale ndihmese klasifikohen si folje, ato kurre nuk funksionojne te vetme si folje kryesore ( te plota ) perveq ne
pergjigje te nje pyetjeje, psh: Can you do it tomorrow? Yes, I can. Foljet modale ndihmese kane disa karakteristika te
1. Ne veten e trete numer njejes folja nuk merr mbaresen -s / -es. Pra folja eshte e njejte ne te gjitha vetat si ne numrin njejes ashtu
edhe ne numrin shumes, psh: She can swim.
He must go.
It might rain.
2. Folja ndihmese do/does nuk perdoret ne trajten pyetese. Trajta pyetese e foljeve modale formohet me inverzion ku folja modale
del para kryefjales dhe folja kryesore ne infinitiv pas kryefjales, psh:
Shall we go for a walk?
Can I help you?
What should I do?
3. Trajta negative nuk formohet duke ia shtuar foljes ndihmese do/does pjesezen mohuese not, por ajo formohet duke ia shtuar
foljes modale pjesezen mohuese not dhe foljes kryesore ne infinitiv, psh:
You shouldnt tell lies.
You wont believe this.
4. Foljet modale ndjeken me nje folje ne infinitiv pa parafjalen to, perjashtim bejne foljet modale: have to, ought to, used to, be
able to, be allowed to, psh: She can ski.
He must be tired.
I have to go now.
You ought to see a doctor.
5. Foljet modale nuk kane paskajore dhe forma -ing. Ne vend te tyre perdoren shprehje te tjera, psh:
Id love to be able to drive.
I hate having to get up on cold, winter mornings.
6. Foljet modale ndihmese zakonisht nuk kane forma te kryera te thjeshta. Ne vend te tyre perdoren shprehje te tjera, psh: I had to
work hard at school. Ne disa raste folja modale Could perdoret me kuptim te se shkuares, psh: I could swim when I was six. ( =
general ability ).
7. Per te folur rreth aftesise ability; lejimit permission; dhe nevojes ose domosdoshmerise necessity, ne te kaluaren ose ne te
ardhmen perdoren foljet modale: be able to, be allowed to, dhe have (got) to, psh:
Its a holiday tomorrow. Youll be able to have a rest.
When the manager was away, Mr Fisher was allowed to use his office.
Ill have to take these library books back tomorrow.
8. Ne Ligjeraten e zhdrejte ( Indirect ose Reported speech ) foljet modale: Can, Will, May dhe Shall ndryshojne ne Could, Would,
Might dhe Should, psh: I cant play the guitar. But you said yesterday you could.
Alan wont be at the meeting tonight.
But he told me he would be there.
9. Por, foljet modale: Could, Would, Might, dhe Should gjithashtu kane kuptimet e tyre. Keto folje gjithashtu perdoren per te
biseduar rreth te tashmes dhe te ardhmes, psh:
It isnt far. We could walk, couldnt we?
The rain might stop soon. On the other hand it might not.
Why dont we get a taxi? Yes, I think we should get one.
10. Secila folje modale ka me se paku dy kuptime. Njeri perdorim i te gjitha ketyre foljeve eshte per te shprehur mundesi ose
gjase possibility or probability, psh:
I must post this letter! (= obligation).
You must be tired! (= deduction - perfundim, probability).

11.Foljet modale perdoren me paskajoret e kohes se kryer, per tiu referuar te kaluares, psh:
You should have told me that you cant swim.
She must have been crazy to marry him.
12. Foljet modale ndihmese te cilat ndajne karakteristika te ngjashme gramatikore tregohen ne tabelen vijuese. Format e rralla
ipen ne kllapa:
Will. ll
Would, d
Ought to
Used to

could not
may not
might not
shall not
should not
will not
would not
must not
ought not to
used not to
need not
dare not

Negative / Short form

oughtnt to
usednt to ( didnt use to )

Shenim: Maynt dhe Shant pothuajse nuk ekzistojne ne dialektin Ameriakano-Anglez, derisa ne ate Britanezo-Anglez Shant po
perdoret rralle kurse Maynt edhe me rralle.
Ought rregullisht ka parafjalen to ne infinitiv, por ne dialektin Amerikano-Anglez folja modale Ought to eshte vetem ne
infinitiv ne fjalite pyetese dhe negative ( ndonese Should eshte me e zakonshme ne te dyja rastet ), psh: You ought to clean your
teeth before you go to bed.
You oughtnt smoke so much.
Ought you smoke so much?
You should pay for the broken window.
Shumica e foljeve modale iu referohen te tashmes dhe te ardhmes. Vetem folja modale Can ka formen e kohes se kryer te thjeshte,
psh: I could ride a bike when I was five.
Form: Can + verb infinitive without to
1. I can swim.
2. You can swim.
3. He can swim.
She can swim.
It can swim.
1. We can swim.
2. You can swim.
3. They can swim.
1. Can I swim?
2. Can you swim?
3. Can he swim?
Can she swim?
Can it swim?
1. Can we swim?
2. Can you swim?
3. Can they swim?

1. I cannot swim.
2. You cannot swim.
3. He cannot swim.
She cannot swim.
It cannot swim.
1. We cannot swim.
2. You cannot swim.
3. They cannot swim.
Short Answers
1. Yes, I can. / No, I cant.
2. Yes, I can. / No, I cant.
3. Yes, he can. / No, he cant.
Yes, she can. / No, she cant.
Yes, it can. / No, it cant.
1. Yes, we can. / No, we cant.
2. Yes, we can. / No, we cant.
3. Yes, they can. / No, they cant.

The use of Can Perdorimi i foljes modal Can

Folja modale Can perdoret per te shprehur:
1. Ability aftesi ( be able to; be capable of jam ne gjendje te; jam i afte te, jam ne gjendje te ), psh:
a) She can learn a language in six months.
b) Can you swim 200 meters in one minute?
c) Our team can easily beat your team.
Kur i referohet nje aftesie te mesuar Can eshte pak a shume e barazvlershme me shprehjen know how to di te, psh: a) Can
you drive a car?
b) Can you play chess?
c) She can speak French quite well, but she cant write it.
2. Permission - lejim ( = be allowed to; be permitted to; may - lejohet, pranohet; lejohet; leje, mundesi, mund), psh: a) Can / May
I smoke in here? ( Am I allowed to smoke in here? )
b) I can / may take a day off whenever I want.
c) People can / may drive a car in England when they are seventeen.
Folja modale Can eshte me pak formale sesa ajo May ne kete kuptim.
3. Possibility mundesi ( = it is possible that / to Ka mundesi qe / qe te ), psh:
a) Even professors can make mistakes sometimes. ( It is possible to make mistakes )
b) He cant be working at this hour. ( it is impossible )
c) The road can be blocked. ( It is possible to block the road )
Form: Should + infinitive without to
1. I should do that.
2. You should do that.
3. He should do that.
She should do that.
It should do that.
1. We should do that.
2. You should do that.
3. They should do that.

1. I should not do that.
2. You should not do that.
3. He should not do that.
She should not do that.
It should not do that.
1. We should not do that.
2. You should not do that.
3. They should not do that.

1. Should I do that?
2. Should you do that?
3. Should he do that?
Should she do that?
Should it do that?
1. Should we do that?
2. Should you do that?
3. Should they do that?

Short Answers
1. Yes, I should. / No, I shouldnt.
2. Yes, I should. / No, I shouldnt.
3. Yes, he should. / No, he shouldnt.
Yes, she should. / No, she shouldnt.
Yes, it should. / No, it shouldnt.
1. Yes, we should. / No, we shouldnt.
2. Yes, we should. / No, we shouldnt.
3. Yes, they should. / No, they shouldnt.
The use of Should Perdorimi i foljes modale Should

Folja modale Should perdore per te shprehur:

1. Obligation or Duty Obligim ose Detyre, psh:
1) You should do as he says.
2) You shouldnt drive too fast.
3) You should pay for the broken window.
4) You should phone his parents tonight, but probably they wont have time.

2. Logical Necessity Nevoje ose Domosdoshmeri logjike, psh:

1) Our guests should ( ought to ) be home by now. ( Im certain ).
2) Tina lived in Greece four years ago, so she should speak Greek quite well.
3) French business terms shouldnt be unfamiliar to them.
3. Advice or Desirability Keshille ose Deshirueshmeri, psh:
1) You should see a doctor. ( thats my advice, but ignore if you want to ).
2) The government should do something about the economy.
3) Should we invite Sara to the party? Yes, I think we should.
4) People shouldnt tell lies.
4. Se qfare mund te ndodhe diqka e arsyeshme nga pritja. Pritja do thote te besuarit ne gjerat qe jane ose do te jene ashtu siq
ne deshirojme te jene. Ky perdorim i foljes modale Should ka idene qe nese gjithqka po shkon sipas planit, psh:
1) Our guests should be here soon. ( if they havent got lost ).
2) This homework shouldnt take you too long. ( if youve understood what you have to do ).
3) We should be moving into our new house soon. ( as long as nothing goes wrong ).
5. Nje mendim te folesit, te prezantuar shpesh me shprehjet: I think ose I dont think , psh:
1) I think politicians should listen more.
2) I dont think people should get married until theyre 21.
6) Should nganjehere perdoret ne kushtoret hipotetike ose kushtezuese vetem ne veten e pare dhe e kufizuar ne dialektin britanez,
1) We should love to go abroad if we had the chance.
2) If you should change your mind, please let us know.
7) Should not ( shouldnt ) e paraprire nga paskajorja e se kryeres tregon qe nje veprim i kryer konsiderohet i padeshirueshem,
1) I shouldnt have told her the truth. ( but I told her ).
2) He shouldnt have left last night. ( but he went ).
Shenim: Folja modale Should eshte afersisht sinonime me ate Ought to, pasi qe kuptimet e tyre koincidojne ne mes veti.
Form: Must + infinitive without to
1. I must work.
2. You must work.
3. He must work.
She must work.
It must work.
1. We must work.
2. You must work.
3. They must work.
1. Must I work?
2. Must you work?
3. Must he work?
Must she work?
Must it work?
1. Must we work?
2. Must you work?
3. Must they work?

1. I must not work.
2. You must not work.
3. He must not work.
She must not work.
It must not work.
1. We must not work.
2. You must not work.
3. They must not work.
Short Answers
1. Yes, I must. / No, I mustnt.
2. Yes, I must. / No, I mustnt.
3. Yes, He must. / No, he mustnt.
Yes, she must. / No, she mustnt.
Yes, it must. / No, it mustnt.
1. Yes, we must. / No, we mustnt.
2. Yes, we must. / No, we mustnt.
3. Yes, they must. / No, they mustnt.

The use of Must Perdorimi i foljes modale Must

1. Must shpreh nje detyrim te fuqishem e cila perfshin mendimin e folesit. Ajo eshte personale. Must perdoret kur i shprehim
ndjenjat tona personale, dhe themi ate qe ne mendojme se eshte e rendesishme ose e domosdoshme, psh: 1) I must get my hair
cut. ( I think this is necessary ).
2) You must do this homework carefully. ( a teacher talking to students ).
3) You must work harder. ( I am telling you what to do ).
Must gjthashtu shoqerohet me nje stil zyrtare te shkruar, psh:
1) Candidates must write in ink and answer four questions. ( instructions on an exam paper ).
2) Books must be returned on or before the due date. ( instructions in a library ).
2. Per shkak qe Must shpreh autoritetin e folesit, ju duhet te jeni te kujdesshem kur perdoret You must ... . Tingellon shume
urdheruese, psh: You must help me. ( I am giving you an order ).
Could you help me? Eshte me mire te thuhet.
3. You must mund te shpreh nje sygjerim te fuqishem, psh: 1) You must see this exhibition. Its wonderful.
give me a ring when youre next in town.

2) You must

4. Must perdoret per te shprehur: Necessity or Probability ( nevoje, domosdoshmeri ose mundesi, gjase ). Ne kete kuptim Must do
te thote qe eshte e domosdoshme situata apo rrethana, ose ndihem i sigurte qe kjo eshte e vertete , psh: 1) There must be a
2) His name is Alban. He must be Albanian.
Ky kuptim ne gjuhen shqipe perkthehet si: ka te ngjare, mundet, dhe duhet , psh:
You must have seen them.
Ju mund ( duhet ) ti keni pare ata.
5. Kujdes! Trajta negative mustnt shpreh detyrim negativ dhe do te thote qe eshte shume e rendesishme te mos behet diqka, psh:
1) You mustnt steal other peoples things. Its wrong.
2) You mustnt drive if youve been drinking. You could kill someone!
Shenim: Mustnt ne gjuhen shqipe perkthehet si: sguxoj, skam leje, eshte e ndaluar, psh:
I mustnt get out.
Skam leje ( me eshte e ndaluar ) te dale jashte.
Must I ? eshte e mundur, por format pyetese me have to jane me te zakonshme, psh:
Do I have to do what you say, or can I do what I want?
Have to
Form: Have / has + to + infinitive
1. I have to work.
2. You have to work.
3. He has to work.
She has to work.
It has to work.
1. we have to work.
2. You have to work.
3. They have to work.
1. Do I have to work?
2. Do you have to work?
3. Does he have to work?
Does she have to work?
Does it have to work/
1. Do we have to work?
2. do you have to work?
3. Do they have to work?

1. I do not have to work.
2. You do not have to work.
3. He does not have to work.
She does not have to work.
It does not have to work.
1. We do not have to work.
2. You do not have to work.
3. They do not have to work.
Short answers
1. Yes, I do. / No, I dont.
2. Yes, I do. / No, I dont.
3. Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.
Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.
Yes, it does. / No, it doesnt.
1. Yes, we do. / No, we dont.
2. Yes, we do. / No, we dont.
3. Yes, they do. / No, they dont.

Have got to
Form: Have / has got + to + infinitive
1. I have got to work.
2. You have got to work.
3. He has got to work.
She has got to work.
It has got to work.
1. We have got to work.
2. You have got to work.
3. They have got to work.
1. have I got to work?
2. Have you got to work?
3. Has he got to work?
Has she got to work?
Has it got to work?
1. Have we got to work?
2. have you got to work?
3. have they got to work?

1. I have not got to work.
2. You have not got to work.
3. He has not got to work.
She has not got to work.
It has not got to work.
1. We have not got to work.
2. You have not got to work.
3. They have not got to work.
Short Answers
1. Yes, I have. / No, I havent.
2. Yes, I have. / No, I havent.
3. Yes, he has. / No, he hasnt.
Yes, she has. / No, she hasnt.
Yes, it has. / No, it hasnt.
1. Yes, we have. / No, we havent.
2. Yes, we have. / No, we havent.
3. Yes, they have. / No, they havent.
The use of Have ( got ) to Perdorimi i foljes modale Have ( got ) to

1. Have to shpreh nje detyrim te pergjithshem i bazuar ne ligj ose rregull, ose i bazuar ne ate se qfare personi tjeter na tregon se
qduhet te bejme. Pra Have to eshte me objektive ose jo personale, psh:
1) Pupils have to wear a uniform. ( Its a school rule ).
2) Children have to go to school until they are sixteen. ( a law ).
3) I have to take this medicine three times a day. ( the doctor said )
2. Nganjehere Have to dhe Must jane te ngjashme, psh: 1) I must be home by midnight.
2) I have to be home by midnight. Por Have to perdoret me shpesh sesa Must. Nese jeni i pasigurte se cilen folje modale ta
perdorni, ndoshta me e sigurte eshte te perdoret Have to.
3. Have to perdoret per te formuar trajten pyetese, kohen e kryer te thjeshte dhe kohen e ardhme, psh:
1) Do you have to work full time?
2) I had to get up very early when I was at school.
3) Youll have to work hard if you want to pass the exam.
4. Kujdes! Trajtat negative dont have to dhe doesnt have to shprehin mungesen e detyrimit dhe do te thote qe ju mund te beni
diqka nese deshironi por nuk eshte e domosdoshme, psh:
1) Some people iron their socks, but you dont have to. I think its a waste of time.
2) When you go into a shop, you dont have to buy something. You can just look.
5. Have got to eshte gjithashtu e zakonshme ne dialektin Britanezo Anglez por eshte me joformale se have to. Pra me shume
perdoret ne gjuhen bisedimore, psh: 1) Ive got to go now. See you!
2) Dont go to bed late. Weve got to get up early tomorrow.

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